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How To Use Integer In A Sentence

  • Whole numbers or integers are often the subject of such pursuits.
  • A given integer sequence, request an increase of its maximum length sequence.
  • This operation receives an input message with floating-point amount and string zip, and an output message with floating-point rate and integer tax.
  • 78 Day 4 The variable z so defined has now a real and an imaginary part that can be individually addressed using, respectively, the syntax: __real__ z and __imag__ z Similarly, the next declaration produces a complex variable of 32-bit integer type: __complex__ int x; Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • An odd perfect number is defined to be an odd integer that is equal to the sum of its proper divisors.
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  • Notable are Tabebuia angustata (roble de yugo), Fraxinus cubensis (búfano), Annona glabra, Gueltarda combiri, Sabal parviflora, Bucida palustris, Hibiscus elatus, H. tiliaceus (majagua), Jatropha integerrima, Copernicia spp. Cuban wetlands
  • The Poisson is a discrete distribution — i.e. only defined for integer values — which means that its CDF should be jagged saw-toothed. New Holland and Webster Paper « Climate Audit
  • Claudius et longo transmittit habere nepoti. quis superos metuens pariter tot templa, tot aras promeruisse datur? summi Iouis aliger Arcas80 nuntius; imbrifera potitur Thaumantide Iuno; stat celer obsequio iussa ad Neptunia Triton: tu totiens mutata ducum iuga rite tulisti integer, inque omni felix tua cumba profundo. To Claudius Etruscus on the Death of his Father
  • The story possesses by its very nature a completeness not permitted the novel—it is an integer, not a sum.
  • ∗ The exclamation mark is called a factorial and represents the product of consecutive integers from 1 to the number before the factorial symbol. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Primitive Pythagorean triangles are a bit like prime numbers in that every integer is either prime or a multiple of a prime.
  • In other words, a number is rational if we can write it as a fraction where the numerator and denominator are both integers.
  • However, the Babylonians has no notation to indicate where the integer part ended and the fractional part began.
  • But any particle with integer intrinsic spin angular momentum is a boson.
  • * @param integer $offset number of UTF-8 characters offset (from left) * @param integer $length (optional) length in UTF-8 characters from offset
  • To create a single dimensional array of the type a[m] (where m is an integer variable already defined and initialized), apply the cpp_type stereotype on the array variable a in the UML model.
  • In it Vinogradov proved that every sufficiently large odd integer can be expressed as the sum of three primes.
  • The Degree Confluence Project is an interesting initiative to take an organized sampling of the world by visiting and photographing each point of Earth’s surface where latitude and longitude intersect in integer degrees. Reflective Surface - Archives: 2003 April
  • Here are the whole numbers/natural numbers/positive integers up to 700, in binary columns.
  • The operation consume most time is multiplication of a point on the elliptic curve with an integer in the system, which was called multiple point operation.
  • Imagine an integer grid overlaid on top of the puzzle with the origin at the center of the board.
  • Values are reserved for representing simple data types such as integers and floating-point values.
  • In this appendix we discuss two basic mathematical ideas; binary representations of integers and modular arithmetic.
  • The gamma function is undefined for zero and negative integers, from which we can conclude that factorials of negative integers do not exist.
  • Surely the output should be true and then false, since both Integer objects are the same.
  • If the primary is a mutable sequence object list , the subscript must yield a plain integer.
  • The term additive combinatorics is also used; however, the sets A being studied need not be sets of integers, but rather subsets of non-commutative groups, for which the multiplication symbol, not the addition symbol, is traditionally used; they can also be subsets of Probabilistic number theory Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • COM_Release (psw), COM_Release (psh); release the objects each loop itineration if parentWindow is integer return parentWindow AutoHotkey Community
  • Every positive integer can be factored into the product of prime numbers, and there's only one way to do it for every number.
  • Side view, cotton varieties such as decreased by drag and pressure, Commissioner of customs and breaking down the PTA $ integer support.
  • But physicists have since extended their work to create Fermi gases made from atoms that are fermions - particles with half-integer spin.
  • Otherwise, if the signed integer type can represent all of the values of the unsigned type, the common type is the signed type.
  • Then the integer-spin-drive wake of a passing scout ship assigned to trail the passing starcruiser disrupted Faulk's hyperon multiplet enhancer.
  • On the other hand, 7 is an example of an integer that can't be written as the sum of three squares.
  • Atoms and subatomic particles with integer amounts of spin are known as bosons, and according to quantum mechanics, identical bosons prefer to snuggle into a single quantum state at low temperatures.
  • Mr. Platts-Mills Q.C. for the Defendants contended that the claimed integers the subject of claim 1 of the patent in suit are a mere collocation of integers each integer being part of a cell designer's common general knowledge.
  • The product of 4 consecutive positive integers is 3024 the largest integer among the four.
  • When talking about modular arithmetic it is important to remember that we are only allowed to use integers, that is whole numbers.
  • An odd perfect number is defined to be an odd integer that is equal to the sum of its proper divisors.
  • The problem was that the atoms did not behave as they should according to the theory of quantum physics", tells Jan W. Thomsen and explains, that atoms have two fundamental states - they either rotate a complete revolution around themselves and are then called bosons or they rotate half-integers (½ or 1½) around themselves and are then called fermions. Undefined
  • Because the pixel is likely to not be integer after space transformation, interposition technology is needed.
  • But since seconds go by pretty quickly, a signed 32-bit integer is only big enough to count about 70 years’ worth of seconds in either direction. Scripting News for 8/21/07 « Scripting News Annex
  • Now, if Mr. Lowe insists on it that our integer is the pound, he is bound to admit that the present integer is the pound, of which a shilling, etc., are fractions. A Budget of Paradoxes, Volume II (of II)
  • One of those vulnerabilities includes an integer overflow issue that was detected when the RealPlayer system undergoes a "chunked" transfer encoding method, a process which breaks the file the server is sending into digestible "chunks. ChannelWeb Complete Feed
  • An integer which uniquely identifies a protocol suite.
  • The aim of the first part is to introduce the Hindu numerals, to explain a place value system and to describe addition, multiplication and other arithmetic operations on integers and fractions in both decimal and sexagesimal notation.
  • Then the embeddings correspond to the algebraic integers in a number field K form a subring denoted by order, this is, a ring which is finitely generated as a Z maximal order of K. Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • We call a polynomial p (x) with integer coefficients irreducible if p (x) cannot be written as a product of two polynomials with integer coefficients neither of which is a constant. LearnHub Activities
  • An example of something that is uncountably infinite would be all the real numbers (including numbers like 2.34… and the square root of 2, as well as all the integers and rational numbers).
  • ‡ The whole numbers are also called the positive integers (or the nonnegative integers, if zero is included). Whole numbers
  • Provided the approximation is done with enough significant digits, the numerator of the Bernoulli number is a mere integer part of the product. Wolfram Blog : Today We Broke the Bernoulli Record: From the Analytical Engine to Mathematica
  • The [[algebraic integer]] s in a number field '' K '' form a subring denoted by '' O '' Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • Arrange all integers in a hexagonal spiral pattern.
  • We also computed the optimal samples of each size using integer programming.
  • In 1770, French mathematician Joseph-Louis Lagrange proved what previous mathematicians had suspected or assumed: Every positive integer is either a square itself or the sum of two, three, or four squares.
  • At times, it is necessary to coerce an unsigned integer from one type to another, resulting in a change in the number of bits used to represent the number.
  • In other words, a number is rational if we can write it as a fraction where the numerator and denominator are both integers.
  • The G5 will end this nonsense: in many tasks, there have been fourfold increases in integer and floating point performance.
  • Possibly as a consequence of that, the Greek mathematicians thought of fractions in terms of ratios of integers, rather than numbers.
  • In 1909 Hilbert proved that given any integer n there is an integer m (depending on n) such that every integer is a sum of m nth powers.
  • In a square grid, numbering squares instead of line intersections serves as a more convenient square-spiral representation of the integers.
  • Hurwitz published a paper on a factorisation theory for integer quaternions in 1896 and applied it to the problem of representing an integer as the sum of four squares.
  • Berth allocation problem is abstracted as Package Problem, and an integer model is presented which considered simultaneously berth and quay cranes and whose objective is minimize the generalized time.
  • I don't know why VB chose ~0 (: recall integer in VB is int16) as the true, but it happened. AutoHotkey Community
  • In other words, a number is rational if we can write it as a fraction where the numerator and denominator are both integers.
  • It can search and edit any type of game data such as integer, floating point number, string and uncertain data like blood in game King of Fights.
  • To incorporate the interdependency of the two problems, a LRP overall decision model, which is a NP-hard integer programming problem, was proposed.
  • Although this method had been used by earlier Arabic mathematicians to find approximations for the nth root of an integer, al-Tusi is the first that we know who applied the method to solve general equations of this type.
  • When writing an integer in decimal we use, essentially, a units column, a tens column, a hundreds column, a thousands column, and so on.
  • To each of these integers corre - sponds a nonnegative number pi between 0 and 1 such that the sum of all these pi equals 1. Dictionary of the History of Ideas
  • Its goal is to visit each of the latitude and longitude integer degree intersections in the world, and to take pictures at each location.
  • The conceptual basis for the nonnegative integers was purely intuitive, but they had been in use for untold centuries and had achieved cultural acceptability — that is, as meeting the demands of the rigor of the day. Dictionary of the History of Ideas
  • If the integer is negative, the character representation is prefixed by a minus sign.
  • Steven J. Wilson's Integermania page has an incomplete set of solutions up to a googol, along with several related problems.
  • Prime numbers are integers with no divisors other than 1 and themselves.
  • This is called Zeckendorf's theorem, and the subsequence of Fibonacci numbers which add up to a given integer is called its Zeckendorf representation.
  • We want to lift the restrictions imposed on this old concept by the recent mathematical chaology, identifying only a family of dynamic processes transcending linearity, or the geometry of fractals, transcending scales and the integer-dimensions.
  • +s denote a set of complex embeddings of K into algebraic integers in a number field K form a subring denoted by order, this is, a ring which is finitely generated as a Z maximal order of K. Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • If the exponent of a floating point number is zero, the number is stored in integer format in the mantissa.
  • The CELP Coder usually uses a long-term predictor that the delay is the integer multiples of sampling interval to exploit the quasi-periodic structure of speech.
  • Liouville had introduced such numbers as examples of transcendental numbers - real numbers that are not roots of polynomial equations with integer coefficients.
  • If you're wondering, it's a zero-sized array named "asdf" that contains pointers to functions that return poiinters to integers. Planet Mozilla
  • The integer 6,036, for instance, has the prime factorization 2 x 2 x 3 x 503, and 6 + 0 + 3 + 6 = 2 + 2 + 3 + 5 + 0 + 3.
  • In other words, a number is rational if we can write it as a fraction where the numerator and denominator are both integers.
  • He stated that any even integer can be written as the sum of two primes and every odd integer is either a prime or the sum of three primes.
  • The floor function rounds down by taking a non-integer value to the next integer below it.
  • Given that we have an expert in the house, we consulted Math Man at dinner, who told us that we have Cantor to thank for the solution to this problem of the cardinality or countability of the integers and other infinite sets of numbers. Archive 2007-03-01
  • So, for instance, where a C programmer might have a pointer to an edge struct inside a face struct, wings puts an integer index for the edge there, and has a separate gb_trees dictionary to map edge# - > edge record. Hiveminds Magazine
  • Even integers in the top row correspond to throws from the right hand, and odd integers to throws from the left.
  • A set of positive integers is decidable if there is an algorithm for determining whether any given positive integer belongs to it.
  • Real numbers that are solutions of polynomial equations with integer coefficients are called algebraic, and the search was on for numbers that are not algebraic. Set Theory
  • The entire process of transform and quantization can be carried out using 16-bit integer and only a single multiply per coefficient without any loss of accuracy and inverse transform mismatch.
  • The construction of the reals from the integers proceeds in several stages: first axiomatize the positive integers, then construct negative from positive integers, then rationals from integers, and finally reals from rationals.
  • Term formalism can perhaps be extended to the integers and rational numbers, but what are the real numbers supposed to be?
  • an integer is a number that is not a fraction
  • Please note the following: This is an integer calculation.
  • DCT is based on FFT ( Fast Fourier Transform ), so integers FFT transform must be structured firstly.
  • The space-charge analysis code TRANSOPTR, paired with the tracking and simulation code ACCSIM, have been applied to study the half-integer betatron resonances in a high-intensity proton ring.
  • The thesis uses 0 - 1 integer linear programming to construct algorithm - hardware mapping models.
  • Peterson and Jordan go on to investigate interesting links between integer octahedra and integer antiprisms.
  • * @param integer $repetition The repetition number to set, マイコミジャーナル
  • In his talk Steinitz introduced an algebra over the ring of integers whose base elements are isomorphism classes of finite abelian groups.
  • Expressing speed of speech is influenced by a voiced sound in a vocal signal sequence. A vocal signal sequence is treated as that is formed by piling up pitch periods after varying integer delay time.
  • The micro-architecture of the X Processor which was designed by us and the integer instruction set of IA-64 are analyzed.
  • Because many computers today store the number of seconds as a 32-bit signed integer, the Unix epoch is often said to last 231 seconds, thus “ending” at 03: 14: 07 Tuesday, January 19, 2038 (UTC). 2004 August
  • New integers acquired ensure that the information loss would not happen while doing derivation with 2D-experimental data array.
  • Positive integers other than primes, known as composite numbers, can be written as the product of smaller primes.
  • And this is threefold; integer, fracted, and surd: An Integer is what is measured by Unity, a Fraction, that which a submultiple Part of Unity measures, and a Surd, to which Unity is incommensurable” (Universal Arithme - tick, London [1728], p. 2). Dictionary of the History of Ideas
  • There is no logical reason why we cannot use any integer bigger than zero for a base.
  • The row of numerators starts with the pair of integers 0,1.
  • Perhaps his most famous work was on the number p of partitions of an integer n into summands.
  • He conjectured results about the number of solutions to polynomial equations over the integers using intuition on how algebraic topology should apply in this novel situation.
  • Fibonacci proves that the root of the equation is neither an integer nor a fraction, nor the square root of a fraction.
  • In addition to his work on potential theory and orthogonal set of functions he published a short paper on the problem of the maximum value a n of a positive integer belonging to a set of n positive integers whose reciprocals add to 1.
  • Converts the specified Boolean value to the equivalent 16 - bIt'signed integer.
  • Integer variables are stored in twos complement format with their least significant byte first.
  • By contrast, which is sometimes overlooked, in the arithmetical Books 7-9 multiplication of integers themselves occurs as usual.
  • Rational like integers or fractions, irrational like algebra or transcendental numbers. THE COMPANY OF STRANGERS
  • * On the integers more generally, [[modular arithmetic]] operates on the equivalence classes defined by remainder on division my a fixed '' modulus '' '' M ''. Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • For example, the collection of integers under addition is a group (the identity element is 0), and groups occur throughout mathematics from geometry to combinatorics to cryptography.
  • In both cases, metadata can instruct a code-analysis tool that although the parameter type is Object, an Integer is what's really desired.
  • 若该数据表要存放的数据不会超过 3 万笔,用 small integer 即可,不必用 integer博客园首页
  • Two positive integers always have a greatest common divisor, even if they have only one common divisor, 1.
  • I'm going to give you the whole picture: how to work with both integers and fractions in other bases.
  • The discovery of the binomial theorem for integer exponents by al-Karaji was a major factor in the development of numerical analysis based on the decimal system.
  • Integers are the whole numbers, negative whole numbers, and zero.
  • He also worked on number theory proving in 1770 that every positive integer is the sum of four squares.
  • Arb.fol. oppofitiSf fubpetiol. obverfe ovatis» integerrimis, glabris * Panlcula axillar. pedun-» culis fubdivifis. Summa plantarum
  • After the audio carrier is segmented, the candidate segments are decomposed by integer lifting wavelet packet.
  • In it Vinogradov proved that every sufficiently large odd integer can be expressed as the sum of three primes.
  • In the continued fraction of the square root of an integer the same denominators recur periodically.
  • This tendency remains for small integer values of k, reducing as k increases in size.
  • Libertus Melioris ille notus, tota qui cecidit dolente Roma, cari deliciae breues patroni, hoc sub marmore Glaucias humatus iuncto Flaminiae iacet sepulcro: 15 castus moribus, integer pudore, uelox ingenio, decore felix. bis senis modo messibus peractis uix unum puer applicabat annum. qui fles talia, nil fleas, uiator. In Memoriam
  • You know, he talk about integrity, and nobody is going to say, well, how come you have integrity, which comes from the word integer, means oneness, and have spoken at Bob Jones University and the NAACP within three months time? CNN Transcript - Larry King Live: Bill Maher Discusses the Republican National Convention - August 4, 2000
  • In 1874 he submitted this doctoral dissertation on algebraic integers and was awarded the degree.
  • The code above finds the reciprocal value of the contents of an integer variable.
  • Because the two periods are not related by an integer but are incommensurate, the system does not flow toward a closed path but instead orbits without converging on the surface of the torus.
  • All positive integers n have at least one prime divisor: if n is prime, then it is its own prime divisor.
  • A kind of hybrid genetic algorithm for integer programming was proposed.
  • Possibly as a consequence of that, the Greek mathematicians thought of fractions in terms of ratios of integers, rather than numbers.
  • Integer signedness error in the _pam_StrTok function in libpam / pam_misc. c in Linux-PAM (aka pam) 1.0.3 and earlier, when a configuration file contains non-ASCII usernames, might allow remote attackers to cause a denial of service, and might allow remote authenticated users to obtain login access with a different user's non-ASCII username, via a login attempt. National Vulnerability Database
  • This byte array will hold all the bytes of the INTEGER data type structure.
  • Conventionally, drivers assign their device objects a name by concatenating a string naming their device type ("Simple" in this code fragment) with a 0-based integer denoting an instance of that type.
  • The series is said to converge if the two series, one defined over the positive integers, the other defined over the negative integers, both converge.
  • In 1912, Aubrey J. Kempner completed a 1909 effort by A. Wieferich to establish once and for all that every integer can be expressed as a sum of nine cubes.
  • Any non-repeating, nonterminating decimal (i.e. »» Integers. LearnHub Activities
  • If the attribute type is one of the simple Java types, such as String, Integer, Boolean etc, the value of the attribute is directly used in the attribute list.
  • * @param integer $offset number of UTF-8 characters offset (from left) * @param integer $length (optional) length in UTF-8 characters from offset
  • If you are taking half an odd number, use the integer quotient and ignore the remainder of 1.
  • A transcendental number is an irrational number that is not a root of any polynomial equation with integer coefficients.
  • Clearly, most integers are not squares of whole numbers.
  • SetFormat Integer, % format%; restore original format AutoHotkey Community
  • When they are combined, these enhancements are expected to increase the SuperSparc-II's floating point to a integer ratio.
  • Berth allocation problem is abstracted as Package Problem, and an integer model is presented which considered simultaneously berth and quay cranes and whose objective is minimize the generalized time.
  • What many do is use a data table that stores both the DWG filename keyed to a unique identifier that can be nothing more than a integer. All Discussion Groups: Message List - root
  • In the 1980s, personal computers, for example, often contained separate processors for floating-point operations and integer operations.
  • For example, after I read a recent post by a Sam Shah about visually representing quadratics to see how many are factorable over integers, I started thinking about some ways to drive that point to students. The Ten Commandments
  • Nec eget consectetuer proin sapien eget id, vel consequat integer cras euismod nonummy mattis.
  • That's why we had to invent negative integers, to introduce a new set Z for which the statement
  • The square root of 2 is an irrational number because it can't be written as a ratio of two integers.
  • The watermarking information that is stochastically permuted and coded by LDPC is embedded in the modified DC components which are attained by integer transform twice.
  • Integer signedness error in the _pam_StrTok function in libpam / pam_misc. c in Linux-PAM (aka pam) 1.0.3 and earlier, when a configuration file contains non-ASCII usernames, might allow remote attackers to cause a denial of service, and might allow remote authenticated users to obtain login access with a different user's non-ASCII username, via a login attempt (CVE-2009-0887). Help Net Security - News
  • Positive integers greater than 1 that aren't prime are called composite integers.
  • If the primary is a mutable sequence object list , the subscript must yield a plain integer.
  • While classical geometry assumes that objects exist in integer dimensions, fractal geometry deals with objects that have non-integer dimensions.
  • The rivers of emancipated men neither disembogue into the ocean of spirit nor evaporate into the abyss of nonentity, but are blended with infinitude as an ontological integer. The Destiny of the Soul A Critical History of the Doctrine of a Future Life
  • For example, the semantic constraint of the function "modulus" is an integer. Protein-protein Interactions
  • If U is a positive integer, we can calculate the function's value by simple arithmetic: Just multiply e by itself U times.
  • An odd perfect number is defined to be an odd integer that is equal to the sum of its proper divisors.
  • If you sample countably infinitely many times from a normal distribution, you will almost certainly not get the (exact integer) number 1 infinitely many times. A Short Critique of Bradley Monton's Paper
  • This scatter search approach interactively uses a combined dispatching rule to solve a scheduling sub-problem corresponding to each integer solution visited in the search process.
  • Think of any integer between 1 and 25
  • The thesis uses 0 - 1 integer linear programming to construct algorithm - hardware mapping models.
  • Report to fix the 32bit rollover problem all you need to do is compile time_t as a 64-bit signed integer ... octopod replied to comment from Anonymous Epoch: podcast of my story about the death of the first AI - Boing Boing
  • [[User: SamHB | SamHB]] 22: 30, 20 August 2008 (EDT) \ {N, N+1/N\ | \ N \textrm {\ is\ an\ integer} \ge 2 \} \bigcup_ {N \textrm {\ is\ an\ integer\} \geq 2} (N, N+1/N) Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • Specify the clock divider ( integer ) based on the host clock.
  • If their gcd is not 1, then even using integers you can't reach all natural numbers, so we must have gcd=1. Number Spanning Using Sets of Natural Numbers
  • The entire process of transform and quantization can be carried out using 16-bit integer and only a single multiply per coefficient without any loss of accuracy and inverse transform mismatch.
  • The geohashing algorithm generates a point on the Earth within each square bordered by integer latitude and longitude lines (known as a graticule). Irregular Webcomic!
  • As you might imagine, an unsigned integer is either positive or zero.
  • A chapter follows covering algorithms for computing key elementary functions on integers.
  • Pinnae sex vel octo, tripollicares obiongae di - midiatae obtusae, frondis sterilis margine SU "periore et aritice grosse serratae, serraturis denticulatis, frondis fructiferae grosse crena - tae, crenis integerrimis fructificantibus. Species plantarum : exhibentes plantas rite cognitas ad genera relatas, cum differentiis specificis, nominibus trivialibus, synonymis selectis, locis natalibus, secundum systema sexuale digestas
  • In fact al-Farisi's approach is based on the unique factorisation of an integer into powers of prime numbers, and, according to Rashed, he states and attempts to prove this, the so-called fundamental theorem of arithmetic, in this work.
  • So, although it's a practical way to test integers smaller than 10 billion, which have nine digits, it fails miserably for integers of 25 digits or more.
  • When k is an integer there are k or 2k petals depending whether k is odd or even.
  • · Fixed gamma () and derivative functions such as binomial () returning wrong results at integer inputs being divisible by a large power of 2. Softpedia - Windows - All
  • He likes problems in diverse fields (harmonic analysis, fractals, and tilings, to name a few) that involve algebraic integers, such as Pisot and Salem numbers.
  • In this paper, we solve the question of combination number in portion of an integer number and get some conclusion, so it offers convenience to some question of combinatorial number.
  • It spits out the information in an array, which you access using the list function in this line: list ($width, $height, $type, $attr) = getimagesize ($ImageName); Width and height of the image are returned as integers in pixels. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • They agree to split the coconuts into five equal integer lots, any remainder going to the monkey.
  • The principal quantum number n may have any positive, non-zero integer value.
  • The first position producing device of the checking byte produces the inserting position N ( N is a plus integer) of the checking byte according to the instruction and a preconcerted principle.
  • The abrupt changes in gradient visible in the graph are caused when the number of relevant genetic backgrounds i max changes from one integer value to the next.
  • In this he discussed whether the celestial motions are commensurable or, expressed another way, is there a basic time interval so that the day, month, and year are all exact integer multiples of it.
  • Marshall Hall showed talent for mathematics at a young age when he constructed a seven-place table of logarithms for the positive integers up to 1000.
  • Extensive computational experiment shows that the branch-and-bound method is efficient in solving concave integer programming problems.
  • What about those integers in the continued fraction forms of the powers?
  • Non-integer constant doubleword, quadwords, and ten-byte numbers can be loaded via FLD. DOCUMENTATION: A86 Assembler Package by Eric Isaacson Chapter 7
  • He stated that any even integer can be written as the sum of two primes and every odd integer is either a prime or the sum of three primes.
  • They don't distinguish between integer and floating point numbers. Variables are typeless.

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