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How To Use Intake In A Sentence

  • A higher intake was found to boost the chances of survival in 500,000 patients by up to 20 per cent. The Sun
  • There are now many more women - a third of our current intake - but class remains an issue.
  • Instead, segregation has continued despite the fact that some of Oldham's most monocultural schools have been closed and merged since the riots, while others have been moved to different areas to seek a mixed intake. Oldham schools still polarised 10 years on from race riots
  • Comparison of voluntary food and water intake and digestion in Kirk's dik-dik and suni. Chapter 11
  • It will analyze and graph your daily intake and compare it with the recommended dietary allowances set by the government.
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  • The BMW M6 has deeper front valance with air intakes for the engine and brakes, more contoured sills and rear valance that includes a diffuser to increase aerodynamic efficiency.
  • Even bigger increases in iodine intake came in the 1960s, when iodinated additives, sterilizing agents and food colorings began to be used in industrial bread, milk and cereal production.
  • Companies will pledge to reduce salt by about 15% in a step towards the government target of an adult's daily intake not exceeding six grams. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was the only year with the chrome spheres on the trunk as shown in the picture along with that year two tone coves on the sides and a "washboard" fake air intake looking but nice hood. Why does this man want to have sex with his mother anyway?
  • Chemists and bacteriologists verified the dangerous levels of microorganisms at all four of the city's intake points along the lakefront.
  • The regular intake of three or more analgesic tablets daily or narcotics or ergotamine on more than two days a week are suggested arbitrary limits.
  • Accurately assessing nutritional requirements and monitoring the adequacy of nutritional intake in critically ill patients can help ensure that complications associated with underfeeding or overfeeding are avoided.
  • The dietary intake of carbohydrate, protein, lipids, micronutrients and phytochemicals will change based on the dietetic habits of the population.
  • As a result, Sheffield health chiefs are planning to ask the next two to three years' intake of prospective students to get vaccinated.
  • Three or four hundred kilos a year was not an exceptional intake for one family.
  • The proposed new sixth form block is designed to free up classroom space for the new intake.
  • Apart from the damage that drinks dispensing machines are doing to school pupils' teeth, cans of sugary drinks are also adding to their daily calorie intake, resulting in obesity.
  • Restricted foraging time due to inclement weather and the resultant decrease in food intake is believed to influence hypothermia in manakins and may induce torpor in hummingbirds.
  • The report called for better monitoring of malnutrition and fluid intake and closer control of pain. The Sun
  • Except for calcium and folacin intakes, mean nutrient intakes from food sources met or exceeded recommended levels.
  • The survey, taken last November, shows that order intake from the UK was still growing but the growth had slowed.
  • No significant differences were reported in the areas of sensation, distress, anxiety, or narcotic intake between the three intervention groups and the control group.
  • America's first breakfast cereal was developed by John Kellogg in 1895 as a way to help patients at his sanitarium increase their intake of fiber.
  • In addition suboptimal dietary iron intake was found in many of the patients though this was seldom the sole cause for anaemia.
  • Wearing a mask to accelerate his oxygen intake, he sometimes would be joined by a therapist who worked on his leg, massaging the tissue.
  • The reason why children with AGS may be prone to fractures is unknown, although several factors may include: abnormally-shaped bones due to the defect in JAG1, poor calcium intake and/or calcium malabsorption and decreased physical activity. Skeletal Problems and Alagille Syndrome
  • Dr Eades wrote, “You must keep protein intake up during low-carb dieting so that you have more than enough protein available for gluconeogenesis without having to catabolize your muscle mass.” The votes are in: Dissect it is! | The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D.
  • The perfectly laudable aim is to engineer a more mixed intake in schools. Times, Sunday Times
  • You should maintain a low intake of fat.
  • If you suspect you're not getting enough iron, boost your intake with foods like lean red meat, liver, spinach, and apricots.
  • All cut the same number of calories from food intake and also burned up an equal amount. The Sun
  • This study found that adolescent girls are failing to ingest the daily adequate intake level, as most adolescents are consuming more carbonated soft drinks than milk.
  • Such valves allow the intake of air but not the outflow.
  • I think that as a field, psychology has erred in both ignoring food choice, and in studying food intake in nonoptimal ways.
  • However, they found that DFMO/sulindac treatment only reduced adenoma risk among patients with lower intake of dietary polyamines, and not among those with higher dietary polyamine intake. Medlogs - Recent stories
  • That way you reduce your caffeine intake but avoid having withdrawal headaches. Times, Sunday Times
  • Swap white boiled rice for wholegrain to increase your fibre intake. The Sun
  • Mitsubishi already has a robot for cleaning sea water intakes at power stations.
  • Jack woke in the middle night with a sharp intake of breath.
  • Pipes led out to the water and the intakes were screened to prevent any solids being drawn into the pumps.
  • It bloats with water if I don't watch my salt intake and it sheds its hair where socks chafe. The Voice of My Body
  • Participants monitor their activity and their food intake throughout the program.
  • A similar time interval was respected between the intake of the last dose of drug and the endoscopy.
  • I hope that we will become more international in terms of our student intake.
  • Reducing the intake of fat might reduce nausea, steatorrhoea, and diarrhea often associated with giardiasis.
  • A moderate intake of the right types of dietary fats can help build muscle and, in many cases, trim you down.
  • At present, 750 students are studying at the school, but the student intake will increase to 1 000 a year.
  • We divided participants into fifths according to their intake of each type of fat.
  • Change the quality and amount of your food intake.
  • They make an important contribution to the intake of vitamin C and potassium. The Sun
  • He was encouraged to resume a normal fluid intake and not to restrict fluids because his bladder felt uncomfortable.
  • Poly-unsaturated fats should constitute the next largest share of your fat intake, after mono-unsaturated fats.
  • Intake of potentially hepatotoxic drugs, intravenous drug addiction and previous blood transfusions were ruled out in all patients.
  • One article states: After the intake of cow milk, serum estrone (E1) and progesterone concentrations significantly increased, and serum luteinizing hormone, follicle-stimulating hormone and testosterone significantly decreased in men. Gary Liberson: The Environment Kills: OK, Sort of
  • The oral intake of complex carbohydrates is often restricted in patients with an acute diarrhoeal illness.
  • The project also includes rehabilitation of water intake screens, auxiliary mechanical equipment and electrical equipment, electrical cabling, electrical raceways, cable trays and control systems.
  • But the catering, hotel and retail sector is still forecasting a 20% increase in graduate intake.
  • It also controls food intake, regulates body temperature, and hormonal secretions.
  • After a while, heather monoculture is broken by an intake field and our path leads to a shallow valley that is a mosaic of ground-cover greens and is curlew country.
  • Balance caloric intake with physical activity and lose weight if currently overweight or obese.
  • The new buildings will form the first phase of plans to extend the school and will enable St Margaret's to offer two classes in the reception intake, easing the school's long waiting lists.
  • Over a week you have days with high-carb intake and others with low carb intake. Times, Sunday Times
  • In all likelihood, the number of hungry is less than a one billion, depending on your definition of hunger, which is not to be confused with malnutrition you can be malnourished and not hungry since hunger is technically a measure of caloric intake. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • All cut the same number of calories from food intake and also burned up an equal amount. The Sun
  • Tempeh and tofu are great sources of protein, both for vegetarians and people trying to lower their meat intake.
  • Now its reputation is so high there are more than 1,200 applications for September's intake of about 680 students.
  • Reduce your nightly intake of cosmopolitans to one from three.
  • Because cream, butter, cheese, fatty meat and buttery pastries stimulate the liver to manufacture LDL, keep your intake of saturated animal fats low.
  • Objective:To investigate the interaction effect of parathyroid hormone(PTH) gene polymorphism with calcium intake on bone mass accretion in Chinese adolescent girls.
  • The WHO recently reported that we need to cut back the recommended daily amount to 5% of our total energy intake. Times, Sunday Times
  • Total fat intake was also significantly lower in g/d and as a percentage of energy on the day of the meal with the psyllium treatment compared to water.
  • Senior Liberal Democrats feel the new intake should not be overstretched or exposed to too much pressure while they bed in, so the MPs are unlikely to take frontline roles.
  • It would be easy to site new English grammars in deprived areas and encourage primaries to prepare a working-class intake for the test. Times, Sunday Times
  • With regard drinks, I increased my water intake to about 2 or 3 litres a day and juices replaced fizzy drinks.
  • When there is an imbalance between caloric intake and energy expenditure, the excess is stored as fat.
  • Henman has no similar device, and his wobbles, of which there were some, brought a collective intake of breath from the 14,000 spectators on Centre Court.
  • Projects include dams, spillway and diversion channels, intakes, and distribution systems.
  • Worryingly, that's almost four times the recommended daily intake for women and three times the amount for men. The Sun
  • Because psychopathology and diminished mentation can influence food intake, both mental status and cognitive ability should be assessed, particularly in older adult patients.
  • The most frequent effect of excess alcohol intake on serum lipids is elevation of triglyceride levels.
  • So maintaining an adequate protein intake ensures that you have plenty of substrate for gluconeogenesis without having to catabolize muscle mass to make sugar. Metabolism and ketosis | The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D.
  • However, the objective must be to reduce the intake of all pesticides to the absolute minimum.
  • While US meat intake is rather evenly distributed among beef, pork and poultry, in China pork totally dominates.
  • His doctor warned him to reduce his daily food intake.
  • The intake of bullocks at the beef factories to date is down 8% - a drop of 36,000.
  • Clara's mother, like Saxon's, had crossed the Plains with ox-teams, and, like Saxon's, had wintered in Salt Intake City -- in fact, had, with her sisters, opened the first Gentile school in that Mormon stronghold. CHAPTER XI
  • MEDICAL AMYLUM: (105mg) Medical amylum (starch) promotes satiety and controls the bodys fat intake and blocking the non-fat material converting into fat. Wil's Ebay E-Store
  • This study provides convincing evidence that upping our intake of fish oils is likely to offer considerable health benefits in the long term.
  • The pharmacy behind the study has launched an online calculator that works out booze intake. The Sun
  • Nasal irritation, dryness, and rhinitis have been the most common complaints with intranasal calcitonin.25 As with all other treatments for osteoporosis, adequate intake of calcium and vitamin D is essential with calcitonin.
  • To measure food intake, we recorded mass of arthropods and fruit and reweighed the remaining food the following day to measure amount of food eaten during that 24-hour period.
  • I heard a sharp intake of breath behind me.
  • However, eating nuts helps to sate the appetite, and studies suggest this tends to lead to a reduction in our intake of other foods.
  • Universities were ill-equipped to meet the massive intake of students.
  • I replaced the factory air intake box with an unrestrictive air intake filter and the factory muffler with a free flow muffler. Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » Cooking the Books on Cash for Clunkers
  • The simple equation of balancing caloric intake and exercise is the key to fitness.
  • Lifestyle changes consist of numerous types of behavioral modification, including decreasing caloric intake and increasing calories spent.
  • Daily calcium intake should equal approximately 1500 mg of elemental calcium.
  • You were praising common sense in dietary choices, and I think we can agree that reducing your bacon-fat intake if you want to be healthier is just common sense in this day and age. Waldo Jaquith - New year’s resolution.
  • The school has an annual intake of 20 to 30.
  • Make sure you have a balanced intake of vitamins A, B, C and D.
  • To save additional space, the exhaust camshafts are driven by secondary chains attached to the intake camshafts, and the starter motor is mounted directly above the transmission.
  • Higher intakes of gamma-tocopherol, which is a form of vitamin E, may reduce the risk of lung cancer, "said Ladia M. Hernandez, M.S., Health News from Medical News Today
  • Reduce intake or avoid sweetened drinks such as soft drinks, cordials and sports drinks.
  • It would be an interesting social experiment to calibrate both the academic and student intake on campuses according to the latest poll results and census surveys.
  • The sudden intake of air with the heat of the cigarette caused a flashover and he was trapped as flames and smoke engulfed the vehicle.
  • Generalizing even further, one could define causal relationships between variables that are non-binary, such as caloric intake and blood pressure.
  • Ballard TP, Melby CL, Camus H, Cianciulli M, Pitts J, Schmidt S, Hickey MS. Effect of resistance exercise, with or without carbohydrate supplementation, on plasma ghrelin concentrations and postexercise hunger and food intake. Odds and ends June 28, 2009 | The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D.
  • An accurate record of Mr Reynolds' fluid intake and output was kept.
  • But if you want to slim down, consider some additional ways to reduce your fat intake.
  • The design and test results of the new type high-subsonic speed submerged and semi-submerged intakes for cruise missile propelled by a turbojet engine have been introduced.
  • Thus the course of calculation and the formulas to be applied are the same for the retaining weir in the river and the free overfall weir in the lateral intake, e.g. between forebay and diversion canal (Fig. 26). 3. Hydraulic operation and calculations
  • Our study has shown that aspartame is a multipotential carcinogenic compound whose carcinogenic effects are also evident at a daily dose of 20 milligrams per kilogram of body weight mg/kg, notably less than the current acceptable daily intake for humans. Flawed aspartame study | The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D.
  • Silicon is present in beer in the soluble form of orthosilicic acid (OSA), up to half of which can be absorbed by the body making beer a major contributor to silicon intake in the Western diet.
  • Accounts of his nightly intake include vodka, beer, tequila, all combined.
  • The upgraded and refurbished plant has a new intake system, an upgraded and refurbished treatment plant, a new clearwater tank and pumping station and a sludge processing and dewatering facility.
  • There are some natural food sources but you would have to eat a lot of these to get your recommended daily intake. The Sun
  • Official surveys of nutritional intakes and outcomes indicate that undernutrition is much more widespread than income poverty, however defined. India's official poverty line doesn't measure up | Jayati Ghosh
  • Furthermore, to keep your body bulletproof and at razor-sharp recovery capacity, a well designed meal plan should have carbohydrate, protein and fat intake changes along with these alterations in training. SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles - Part 1005
  • The current intake across the University is 60 students for Theology and 24 for the joint honour school with Philosophy.
  • The miles in the boat may have dropped off, the calorific intake certainly hasn't. Times, Sunday Times
  • She heard his intake of breath as his gaze followed hers to the forest edge.
  • The Tornado jet fighter-bomber has two air intakes, one at the base of each wing.
  • The system uses substantially higher levels of EGR and throttles the fresh intake oxygen back from 21 percent to the 11 to 14 percent range.
  • About 5% reduction in cholesterol intake occurs with each scoopful of drug.
  • Occupational exposure to lead is the major source of lead intake for adults. An Introduction to Community Health
  • There was no positive evidence that any birth defects had arisen as a result of Vitamin A intake.
  • Net effect of regulation in normal adult is to adjust energy intake to output and so maintain body weight constant. The Dictionary of Nutritional Health
  • Chemists and bacteriologists verified the dangerous levels of microorganisms at all four of the city's intake points along the lakefront.
  • Mr. Carney explained that on most ships equipment such as fire hoses and extinguishers, fuel oil pump stop buttons, intake fan shut-downs, fire dampers etc are all accessible.
  • The student intake in institutions is highest during February and July.
  • General debility because of long working hours, and low and infrequent intake of food and nutrition
  • With that in mind, we encouraged the managers to focus on reducing their alcohol intake during their evening meetings, ritualize morning exercise, eat more often and more lightly, and go to sleep at a designated and reasonable hour. The Way We’re Working Isn’t Working
  • Now, my legs can't manage cobbled streets, and my heart responds badly to a sudden and immoderate intake of alcohol.
  • Most Indian diets are predominantly cereal based and thus higher carbohydrate intakes have become usual for people with diabetes unlike diabetic subjects in western countries.
  • Considered a macronutrient, proteins, along with carbohydrates and fats, are a core part of our daily intake. Ashley Koff: What You Need to Know About Protein Supplements
  • The data pertain to two nonconsecutive days of intake for 4691 individuals.
  • They can be caused by exposure to extreme weather conditions and excessive alcohol intake, but some people are simply prone to them. Times, Sunday Times
  • reduce your daily fat intake
  • Frequent intake of water and non-caffeinated drinks will prevent drying of the mouth.
  • Unlike two-stroke engines that have simple openings or ports for intake and exhaust, four-stroke engines have intake and exhaust valves at each cylinder head.
  • The Weatherproof louvre is designed for intake and exhaust ventilation applications.
  • You watch his eloquent gestures and hear the intake of breath before stopping his next sentence. Christianity Today
  • The impact of beef advertising expenditures on pork intake is not statistically different from zero.
  • Direct gasoline injection and hydrogen intake manifold supply.
  • Nor was it long, catching their spirit, ere she was singing to them and teaching them quaint songs of early days which she had herself learned as a little girl from Cady -- Cady, the saloonkeeper, pioneer, and ax-cavalryman, who had been a bull-whacker on the Salt Intake Trail in the days before the railroad. CHAPTER VIII
  • MAF controls the production of insulin, glucagon and glucagon-like peptides, which play a role both in carbohydrate metabolism as well as food intake. Dr. Sharma’s Obesity Notes » Blog Archive » Three New Genetic Loci for Severe Obesity
  • Cut alcohol and work on reducing your sugar and caffeine intake. Times, Sunday Times
  • The excessive intake of food also puts a heavy burden on the pancreas and speeds the ageing process, which is a risk factor in diabetes.
  • Laminin concentration is also related to alcohol intake.
  • Do not use the air intake for ventilation; use instead the recycle device if you have one. The Hayfever Handbook - a summer survival guide
  • Men who increased consumption by one drink per day had a heart attack risk 22 per cent lower than those whose intake remained unchanged.
  • After being weaned for about 1 week, the swinery showed progressive emaciation, slow growth, declining food intake, irregular hair coat and poor spirit.
  • The engine has twin side mounted air intakes on either side of the fuselage under the wing.
  • However, the actual effects of long-term clenbuterol intake on performance, muscle power, and overall health have been unclear. Army Rumour Service
  • Use of condiments such as soy sauce and ketchup, as well as salting food at the table, also increases sodium intake.
  • When the news was announced, there was a sharp intake of breath.
  • A broad new front air intake integrates fog lights, while black bezel headlights with clear turn signal lamps enhance the sporty looks of the coupe.
  • A proper attic vent system consists of an intake and an exhaust.
  • The most common form of microcytic anemia is iron deficiency caused by reduced dietary intake.
  • It appeared that, in terms of weight, it was roughly the equivalent of an agricultural labourer's daily intake of rice.
  • Cut alcohol and work on reducing your sugar and caffeine intake. Times, Sunday Times
  • An interesting fact is that modern hydrographers say the channel's intake has been stable since 1937.
  • Outside he took a sharp intake of breath out of disbelief.
  • The hospital had to close its emergency intake wards at night because it had only five doctors doing the work of 14, as vacant posts lie unfilled.
  • Further investigations of decaffeinated coffee and tea intake as arthritis risk factors are needed to verify these findings and explore their biologic basis.
  • The dietary control of plasma phenylalanine concentrations requires rigorous restriction of natural protein intake, often to less than 6 g per day.
  • Volvo reduces the amount of noise escaping from the engine compartment by reducing the size of air intakes.
  • Ligaments, tendons and collagen depend on a steady intake of vitamin C to stay strong and healthy.
  • Daily intake of small amounts of manganese is needed for growth and good health in children.
  • But we do know, from years of experience and our knowledge of nutrition, that excessive intake of popcorn can lead to obesity and probably also to overdosage of salt, which can induce high blood pressure. Doctor, doctor: Does popcorn prevent cancer?
  • There's some sort of delicate balance between exercise, joint pain, serotonin reuptake, caloric intake, and how much owie I can reasonably expect my body to absorb with in the process of trying to keep it healthy that I need to strike here. I am the eggplant. i am the LOLRUS. Koo koo katchew.
  • It looks the part of the feisty raceabout, with its pumped-out wheel arches, hungry-looking front air intake, a rear valance meant to look like an aerodynamic racing car's and a big spoiler above the rear window Motoring
  • And how does the visceral malaise affect the behavioral response to the intake of sapid solution?
  • We monitored food intake and body mass daily as part of another study.
  • A People who are underweight are probably less able to pack sufficient vitamins and minerals in to their overall food intake compared with people who are overweight. The Sun
  • The percentage of mature students in relation to the total undergraduate intake was just over 6%.
  • Limiting intake of sugary foods and regular brushing and flossing all contribute to your child's dental health.
  • He wants to reduce his salt intake.
  • July 1st, 2009 WASHINGTON - Contradicting Charles Darwin's theory, scientists have now shown that despite abundant food supply, energy intake reaches a limit even in animals with high nutrient demands, such as lactating females. Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • However, it differs in revised crankshaft and pistons, an increased cylinder capacity and larger intake and exhaust ports.
  • For example, diuretics may be helpful in reducing the fluid retention caused by high dietary salt intake.
  • Researchers from the University of Kentucky Medical School and Taishan Medical College report that high salt levels in the blood, as would be observed in people with high salt intake, could significantly suppress the activity of an enzyme called nitric oxide synthase (NOS). FoodQualityNews RSS
  • Satiety was increased with a larger bulk of food intake.
  • Amanda feasts on some vegetables, a tossed salad here and there, some fruit and pieces of chicken to make up her protein intake.
  • A new cylinder head design employs the transfer arm and pushrod to locate the exhaust valve across the head from the dual intake valves.
  • With regards to a conventional approach and patient education, if advice is offered, most are only advised to increase their dietary fiber intake (e.g., wheat bran) or in addition, supplement with say, ispaghula or psyllium husks. Xml's
  • This is thought to be because a high protein intake may contribute to bone loss. Alternative Health Care for Women
  • One poor soldier crashed into the ground at breakneck speed with a dull thud which brought a sharp intake of breath from the crowd.
  • By applying bodybuilders' favorite stratagems for cutting salt intake and flushing excess sodium from the system, you can look 50 workouts fitter in just a couple of days.
  • How clean would you make your factory if its water intake were downstream of its outfall, or if its air intake were connected to its smokestack?
  • Avoid spicy or acidic foods, keep your fluid intake normal and cut down on caffeine. Times, Sunday Times
  • I do cut my food intake down to stupid amounts - like one meal a day.
  • However, it differs in revised crankshaft and pistons, an increased cylinder capacity and larger intake and exhaust ports.
  • The Tornado jet fighter - bomber has two air intakes.
  • Increase your intake of foods rich in vitamin B6 pyridoxine, such as whole grains and cereals, nuts, seeds, and legumes. Pregnancy, Childbirth, and the Newborn
  • In a peculiar twist, large numbers of Western women mimicked Eastern women in low calorie intake.
  • Nutritional rickets at this age is not uncommon in areas where maternal intake of vitamin D and calcium during pregnancy and lactation is very low.
  • Kissing it, she heard another groan and a sharp intake of breath.
  • A majority of suitable patients with MG who go on to have thymectomy may see a major difference, whereby some may go into complete remission and not require any further treatment, and others are able to reduce their drug intake. Undefined

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