How To Use Insurgent In A Sentence
Armored Reconnaissance Battalion recon echo 1st plt 2/7 2/2 boeing AH-64 apache 2000 pound jdam us military calls multiple air strikes US air force predator UAV apache airtrikes airstrike in iraq night attack air strike on insurgents american military insurgents meet their virgins 30mm & hellfire killed by marine marines kill insurgents marines kicking insurgent ass apache attack f 16 strikes insurgents ah 64 engage insurgents engaged al qaeda - Articles related to US warned Britain: you must send more troops to Afghanistan
Worse, the insurgents appear to be operating closer to Kabul.
Wanat was a horrific insurgent attack on a U.S. combat outpost in eastern Afghanistan last summer that left nine soldiers dead and 27 wounded.
Way Up In The Sky Is The Leader Of The Greatest Band Of All Time | ATTACKERMAN
Then they would disband the defeated regime's army, turning hundreds of thousands of trained soldiers into disgruntled potential insurgents.
There's actually what I call a sucking sound of people coming into the country and the insurgents who have political and religious motivations.
CNN Transcript Oct 4, 2004

Even if it wasn't clear enough back when he assembled his "team of rivals" and welcomed Wall Street into his administration, it has been absolutely clear at least since he capitulated to "counterinsurgent" generals and their civilian enablers, and to health care profiteers, that, whatever he may think and feel "inside," Obama is not one of the "good guys.
Andrew Levine: Obama Winter and How to Combat It
We could end up squeezing the insurgents out and we'll just have to see where they blob up again.
Times, Sunday Times
Afghan and western officials say the policy has damaged attempts to reach out to insurgents.
Times, Sunday Times
American offices in Afghanistan admitted to me that they used the word insurgent in all their reports to describe any kind of hostile shooting.
CNN Transcript Mar 29, 2009
The insurgents refer contemptuously to the ISI as "blacklegs," for their supposedly darker skin.
With Friends Like These…
Insurgents spotted the jam and launched three mortar rounds.
If so why was it flying at an altitude at which it could be an easy target for the insurgents’ relatively unsophisticated weapons?
And can you envision a scenario that would not leave behind embittered relatives who would raise their boys to be the future “terrorists” or “insurgents”, battling in guerilla warfare, using suicide bombers, kidnapping and torturing individual Americans, or whatever else they could do to hurt us in the future?
Think Progress » “Guantanamo ought to be closed immediately”
All three nations have provided support to the insurgents attacking coalition forces.
KABUL -- A new report that shows civilian casualties have soared in Afghanistan largely because of increased insurgent violence was thrown into relief Tuesday when a pair of suicide bombers blew themselves up and killed two other Afghans outside a foreign guesthouse in central Kabul.
U.N. report links spike in Afghan civilian casualties to insurgent attacks
That area was heavily fortified by the insurgents.
According to a DAI report, the security incidents mostly involved Taliban insurgent threats and violence around the subproject construction sites.
David Isenberg: Taliban to PSC: How May We Serve You?
A small Westernized intelligentzia with many internal feuds and doctrinal disputes struggled, not very effectively, in the larger towns to turn this merely insurgent Communism into modern and constructive paths after the Moscow pattern.
The Shape of Things to Come
He helped create and expand the Bastille legend, exhibiting in his waxworks insurgents, released prisoners, and a model of the fortress, carved from its ‘last’ stone.
FALLUJAH, IRAQ – After three days of measurable progress, American forces trying to take full control of Fallujah are confronting an insurgent force that has renewed energy.
Archive 2004-11-01
We've got to be an insurgent party.
Times, Sunday Times
“Every day on television we are barraged by stories of a ‘Muslim extremist, militant, terrorist, or insurgent,’” Hassan said in the 2004 release.
Founder of US Islamic TV station accused of beheading wife
Despite the imprecision, Lapan said the military believes insurgents killed far more civilians than U.S. and allied forces have in Iraq.
IEDs kill 21,000 Iraqi civilians 2005-2010
Put briefly, the rigorous econometric analysis undertaken by these four scholars led them to conclude that "to the extent that counterinsurgent forces engage in unpopular and aggressive operations that generate specific local grievances, they are likely to facilitate increased recruitment and support for insurgent groups.
Jay Mandle: War Does Not Promote Democracy
JAMIE MCINTYRE, CNN SENIOR MILITARY AFFAIRS CORRESPONDENT (voice - over): If you needed a lesson in civilian control of the military, Donald Rumsfeld gave it at Tuesday's Pentagon press briefing, when he suddenly pronounced the term insurgent expression non grata.
CNN Transcript Nov 29, 2005
The insurgent group posted a statement on its English-language Web site Tuesday that linked the longtime diplomat's demise to what it called a failing war.
Taliban blames Holbrooke death on war 'failures'
American officers in Afghanistan admitted to me that they use the word insurgent in all their reports to describe any kind of hostile shooting.
CNN Transcript Mar 29, 2009
In the face of new air strikes against the rebels in the town yesterday, the insurgents claimed to have shot down at least three jets.
Times, Sunday Times
A British infantry patrol has been ambushed by a group of insurgents.
Times, Sunday Times
They will remain in the town in a bid to prevent insurgents from reoccupying it once those Marines pull out.
Once the questions mount, experts said, insurgents desperately need prominent party officials to send a cue to voters by vouching for them.
One day in December, Ty was on patrol in Anbar province when an Iraqi insurgent detonated a carload of explosives beside the convoy's troop truck.
The insurgents opened up a third front next to Russia but miles away from previous rebel territory.
Times, Sunday Times
Usually the insurgents fight to the death, if you will.
Nato maintained its military pressure on the insurgents yesterday.
Times, Sunday Times
MOGADISHU (Reuters) - Insurgents in army uniforms stormed a hotel in the Somali capital Mogadishu frequented by government officials on Tuesday, killing at least 31 people including legislators, the government said.
Sweetness & Light
Insurgent attacks claimed 1,233 lives, and wounded 4,115 people, during the same period.
CIA missile strike misses Taliban commander, kills his brother in latest blow to insurgents Gearing up for likely 2012 bid, Pawlenty outlines conservative vision, faith to conservatives Democratic Rep. Brad Ellsworth says he's running for Evan Bayh's Indiana Senate seat NJ's Lautenberg, nation's 2nd-oldest US senator, has 'curable' lymphoma of stomach
Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
Obeid said the Khartoum government is constitutionally mandated to protect residents of Southern Kordofan from what he calls insurgent rebels.
Sudanese Government Dismisses Leaked UN Report
Initially, they formed insurgent groups to wage guerrilla warfare for as long as seven years.
But some of the writers the regime is now grooming to take power look a lot like insurgents themselves: indecorous, sometimes indecent, not snobby about pop culture.
The Iraqi insurgents then let all the prisoners out of jail and escaped, and the U.S. had to come in and -- U.S. forces had to come in and reseize that jail -- Lou.
CNN Transcript Sep 7, 2004
All approaches to the capital are now under the control of the insurgents.
But these insurgent parties often quickly backslid on their founding principles when it became politic to do so.
General Washington led the insurgent forces in the Revolutionary War.
That was followed by a very bloody year and growing insurgent attacks.
It was not difficult for the local population to differentiate between these constructive efforts and the often brutal, terroristic actions of insurgent forces.
The most dangerous of the insurgents are those affiliated with the previous regime and their allies.
KHARTOUM (Reuters) - Darfur rebels said on Sunday they had shot down two Sudanese army helicopters in the latest reports of fighting that have marred faltering peace talks between Khartoum and other insurgents.
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The insurgents use human shields and Nato knows this.
Times, Sunday Times
The worst times have seen 90 insurgent attacks every 24 hours.
They recognize a lot of policemen who are on the front line are bearing the brunt of insurgent attacks, that when suicide bombs go off, they are often at checkpoints.
Obama is best described as a foundation-bred counterinsurgent, that is to say an operative in the service of the US financier ruling class whose task it is to wreck and abort any positive outcomes that might be forthcoming from the political ferment which is shaking the globe, and above all from the deep political upsurge which is clearly at hand in this country.
Wax Banks
They can be described as visionaries, revolutionaries, radicals, liberals, nonconformists, outsiders, insurgents, prophets, pathfinders.
The insurgents who were there have vanished, leaving improvised explosive devices buried everywhere.
Undoubtedly, Iraqi insurgents' barbarities should not be accepted.
This process of fission may then spread beyond the borders of the state itself, as refugee populations flee across the border, and as insurgent groups use frontier zones for their base camps.
American fighter aircraft and helicopter gunships launched airstrikes against insurgent positions.
They can be described as visionaries, revolutionaries, radicals, liberals, nonconformists, outsiders, insurgents, prophets, pathfinders.
The insurgents are waging an armed struggle to replace the monarchy with a communist people's republic.
This week, insurgents attacked the peacekeepers'positions on three consecutive days.
US intelligence estimates there are about 3,000 insurgents dug in behind defences and booby traps in the city of about 300,000 people.
Also the U.S. military is probing a killing of an unarmed insurgent by Marines.
But WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange suggested that the number of civilian casualties was being underplayed, saying the secret files show that U.S. reports use "self-exculpatory language, redefine civilian casualties as insurgent casualties, downplay the number of casualties.
Afghan Government: NATO Rocket Killed 52 Civilians
December 11th, 2009 at 6: 09 pm mercurino, I think it is reasonable to assume that India helps fund/arm the insurgent elements in Balochistan to some degree.
Matthew Yglesias » The View From Pakistan
Against the Taliban and Iraqi insurgents, these problems are manageable.
The insurgents were pushed into increasingly marginal, arid areas.
The Sun
According to the report his camera contained footage of an insurgent attack on American forces.
When a sentry position collapsed during a battle with insurgents, he rushed out without body armour under heavy enemy fire to rescue the men.
Times, Sunday Times
To combat an insurgent force of between 3,000 and 6,000, British forces embarked on a brutal war.
In the capital and around the heart of the country, where at least 44 were killed in insurgent attacks, an election curfew was coming into force with families reflecting on a day of renewed bloodshed.
But the area has seen a massive increase in violence in recent months as insurgents battle to oust British forces early.
The Sun
However, he added that it is a state subject and the state will decide how to negotiate with insurgents.
With the apparent acquiescence of the insurgents, he also encouraged tribal leaders to commit recruits to the Ramadi police force.
Times, Sunday Times
And finally, we know that the ratio of ISAF to Taliban insurgent is about 50 to 1 in kills when they do go toe to toe.
Taliban To Attack Kandahar? Not Likely « Unambiguously Ambidextrous
Residents said that the army launched rockets against pockets of insurgents in the coastal city.
Times, Sunday Times
Hopefully the commanders here in the field will pause to consider the dire consequences of backlash before rushing in willy-nilly to crush those ‘insurgents’.
If insurgents like the Taliban again seize power, do you think the women in any of those countries will fare better or worse?
Think Progress » “Even superpowers have to talk to bad guys,”
What they're trying to do is shut this area off so that the insurgents cannot move through what they call rat lines into Baghdad and into al Anbar Province.
CNN Transcript Oct 13, 2006
All of this in spite of insurgents' efforts to disrupt the reconstruction process.
He theorized the locals were too scared to stop the insurgents or to turn them in to the Americans.
This placed the unit in a disputed region, working alongside local security forces to counter insurgents.
Times, Sunday Times
What do you do when, instead of being greeted with flowers, you find your army is tied down by insurgents and you have no face-saving way to get out of the morass?
So if they can thwart it through terrorist and insurgent violence, they think they'll get a victory.
Soon bands of hungry insurgents were ransacking strongpoints in the city for arms, powder, and hoards of flour.
The importance of this issue was highlighted after reports that Libyan government aircraft carried out strikes on one town between Brega, an oil refining center, and the second largest city, Benghazi, which is controlled by insurgents.
White House: All Options Considered on Libya, Yemen
Marines fought house-to-house against dozens of well-armed insurgents firing at them from balconies, rooftops and sandbagged bunkers in the border town of Obeidi and surrounding villages.
Here's a chart to illustrate from the Afghan NGO Safety Office, showing the level of insurgent-initiated violence:
Derrick Crowe: Afghanistan, Year Ten
Over the past decade, we have learned a thing or two about how insurgents fight, their tactics and methods, and their weapons and explosive devices.
That assault was intended to root out thousands of insurgents.
Elsewhere in the article an anonymous diplomat says the U.S. has a newfound willingness to negotiate with insurgent groups, a risky but potentially fruitful concession.
Insurgents often set up active ambushes to kill the greatest possible number of personnel.
Suspected Muslim insurgents detonated a car bomb and raked a karaoke restaurant with gunfire in Thailand's restive south, wounding at least 17 people in back-to-back attacks in the volatile region, police said Sunday.
The Seattle Times
The shooting was the salvo by insurgents determined to undermine the country's post war reconstruction.
At the wake of one of the dead, the mourners were adamant that there had been no fighting between insurgents and marines.
It never lost entirely its original character as an insurgent movement, independent of the state and hostile to it, making claims that challenge the secular authority.
Unlike previous sweeps in the area, the Americans and their Iraqi allies plan to establish a long-term presence to keep insurgents from returning.
A British infantry patrol has been ambushed by a group of insurgents.
Times, Sunday Times
A car filled with insurgents raced up and seven heavily armed men poured out in a suicidal rush.
It alienates our friends, who fear an insurgent victory, and tempts undecideds to join the anti-government ranks.
There was a large turnout and in some areas insurgents guarded polling booths.
Times, Sunday Times
A Pakistani newspaper reported that Taliban fighters have even left Afghanistan to confront the Pakistani army, leading to a noticeable lowering of insurgent activity in American-patrolled Kunar province.
The Two Malcontents
Ground troops rely on artillery support and patrols regularly call in extra firepower to take out known insurgents.
The Sun
The arrest comes as American and Iraqi troops step up their offensive against insurgents.
By early yesterday, the insurgents had taken control of the country's main military air base.
The city had been under insurgent control since April and its recapture was seen as essential to organizing the promised January elections.
Nurgaliyev on Friday ordered Dagestani police "to reinforce work to detect inside and outside sources of financing" for local insurgents.
Page, have an official statement issued expostulating against the insurgents.
Is this an act of consolidation on the part of the insurgents?
In Ulster the insurgents were mainly Presbyterians in religion and Republicans in politics.
For example, in two communications, one targeting potential insurgent recruits and one active guerrillas, both should discourage resistance.
The insurgents were pushed into increasingly marginal, arid areas.
The Sun
The U.S. uses the word insurgent for every gun fired in anger.
CNN Transcript Mar 27, 2009
Sunni Muslim insurgents are being blamed for the blasts that killed at least 88 people.
For a second night, the Marines called in a gunship to bombard insurgent positions.
We could end up squeezing the insurgents out and we'll just have to see where they blob up again.
Times, Sunday Times
Ground troops rely on artillery support and patrols regularly call in extra firepower to take out known insurgents.
The Sun
It was believed to have been the first such attack by insurgents on a bridge.
The plane was the first civilian airliner to be hit by insurgents.
Access to, and influence over, civilian populations is a source of strength for insurgent movements and arguably terrorist networks.
His job often involved climbing onto roofs and lookout posts so he could identify the enemy and protect Marines from encroaching insurgents.
The Sun
He said that the prospect of insurgents disrupting production from Iraq highlighted the lack of spare oil supplies from elsewhere in the world.
Times, Sunday Times
We concluded that this subproject was not only a casualty of Taliban insurgent actions and violence but also was a waste of USAID money.
David Isenberg: Taliban to PSC: How May We Serve You?
Of course in too many cases, if the insurgents bait us and goad us into leveling buildings and homes, the people inside will then hate us (even if they did not before) and we have created more recruits for the guerillas.
Just very recently a senior general was arrested because he was colluding with the insurgents.
A powerful, insurgent movement had engulfed Italy in the years after 1969.
The Communist insurgents are waiting on a massive arms shipment in which to topple the current regime.
And U.S. troops chasing down insurgents in Falluja say they have found what they call a hostage slaughterhouse.
CNN Transcript Nov 11, 2004
For example, policewomen search women at checkpoints and are sent into the female quarters of civilian compounds where insurgents often hide.
Fighting is cultural, criminal for Afghan policewomen
Scouts searched two buildings where insurgents have camped out.
Parts of this video contain "dramatized" scenes of insurgent forces operating in Central America and how they are defeated through the efforts of Army and Air Force counterinsurgency techniques. - Articles related to It's India's poor who need British aid, not its military and business elites
It was also some thinking there might be some unassociated local insurgent groups involved.
The insurgents, having failed to spark a leftist revolt, turned to the narcos for financial support to bring about revolution by force of arms.
The insurgents are threatening to starve the city or at least make food resupplies difficult.
But what is the counterinsurgent to do, given that in an era of total war as waged by radical Islamists, distinguishing between combatant and noncombatant is often impossible?
Man Versus Afghanistan
The attack underlined the threat insurgents pose to security in the capital.
Times, Sunday Times
The effect of antimilitarism is to adjust the political and military playing field until the insurgents have an equal, or even greater, chance of victory.
There has never been a successful right-wing insurgency « Isegoria
No, I do not remember any crimes being committed, other than the work of terrorist organisations and insurgent forces.
Not insurgents merely disguised in uniform, but officers who will have undergone vetting and training.
The Sun
Parts of this video contain "dramatized" scenes of insurgent forces operating in Central America and how they are defeated through the efforts of - Articles related to It's India's poor who need British aid, not its military and business elites
Christians are fleeing in droves from the southern Baghdad district of Dora after Sunni insurgents told them they would be killed unless they converted to Islam or left, according to Christian leaders and families who fled.
Archive 2007-05-01
The U.S. general said Iraq's political impasse and increasing levels of violence have resulted in waning confidence among Iraqis, who are now less willing to share information about insurgents.
US General: Iraqi Political Vacuum Fuels Violence
All approaches to the capital are now under the control of the insurgents.
A US helicopter gunship involved in a notorious Baghdad incident had previously killed Iraqi insurgents after they tried to surrender.
The underground fighters have been called many things in the past - hostiles, insurgents, rebels, militants, armed Naga gangs.
In the direction of the beneficial meddling of Europe, the recognition of the FARC as a belligerent force is fundamental, as it is well indicated by the insurgent organization itself, since the demential blindness of Alvaro Uribe Vélez only allows him to listen to the warmongering 'siren songs' of the United States, which at the same time satisfy his morbid obsession.
Is The FARC A terrorist organisation ?
The insurgents still had strongholds in the north-western district of Jolan, a warren of narrow streets.
The outer ring of the model contains fielded forces of insurgent fighters and terrorists.
The U.S. military says that while the insurgent groups like al Qaeda are on the run, they have not lost their capacity to not only run more detention centers or torture centers like this one to keep the local populations in check, but also to stage what they call spectacular attacks to bring more public attention to their cause.
CNN Transcript Dec 20, 2007
There the insurgents had yet another encounter with a Roman army, possibly under the propraetor Manlius.
The Spartacus War
The other assertion, one that is particularly infuriating, is about whether insurgents will be "emboldened" if we take certain actions.
Sam Black: Evaluating Obama's Afghan Policy
In 2005, Islamic insurgents, inspired by Yuldashev, rioted in the eastern Uzbek city of Andizhan and attempted to create yet another revolution in the post-Soviet space.
Base Instincts: Kyrgyzstan Drops Out of the Great Game
E-mail and mobile phones were the most effective ways of communication among the insurgents.
During the intense gunbattle that followed, three insurgents detonated explosives and killed themselves to avoid capture.
If you use terms like militants, insurgents, guerrillas, you are not saying these people are evil.
A cancer cell is like an insurgent terrorist with a very well-defined agenda.
The insurgents represent the remnants of a regime of torture and repression.
Prince Harry used the term raghead to mean Taliban or Iraqi insurgent.
CNN Transcript Jan 12, 2009
You are referring to all the Cadmian rifles that have been diverted to various indigen rebels and insurgents?
Soarer's Choice
He said the insurgents operate in the city and have attacked civilians in the past.
The attention of insurgents and criminals is diverted to listening to the latest sounds out of Kingston and smoking copious amounts of ganja.
FALLUJAH FAILINGS: In a significant setback for U.S. efforts in Iraq, Fallujah, one of the nation's biggest cities, is now entirely under the control of rebel insurgents.
Archive 2004-09-01
But the insurgents now reject President Sharif as too moderate, despite his efforts to introduce Islamic law in the country. They say he is too close to the United States and Ethiopia.
However, the widespread, diffuse, and closed nature of terrorist / insurgent organizations makes this impossible.
Jihadist violence had grown exponentially, insurgent attacks had increased nearly 800 percent since 2005, and suicide attacks had increased twentyfold.
The Longest War
But the turning point of the film, the Warsaw Ghetto uprising where 40,000 insurgent Jews held off the Nazis for almost a month with few weapons, is watched from a distance.
If Ruvryn had been behind the weapons being made and shipped to indigen insurgents, Dainyl wondered, why would he have allowed them to go to the mountain brigands?
Soarer's Choice
Government forces continued their bombardment of rebel positions on the outskirts of Damascus after insurgents advanced to within a few miles of the heart of the capital.
Times, Sunday Times
There will be insurgents who will still be out there who will try to keep people from voting.
The protection money and ransoms governments or insurgents extort from oil companies do not prolong the violence.
The Iraqi dead have been relegated out of the category of human beings and are classified as faceless, inherently evil "insurgents.
Peace, order and good government, eh?: August 2007 Archives
It may have been around this time that the insurgents raided the city of Consentia modern Cosenza, the capital of the Bruttii, an inland town located on the Via Annia about fifty miles south of Thurii.
The Spartacus War
The insurgents place the mines on a road surface or shoulder or even in sewer lines.
They hit a landmine, and after the explosion, insurgents came at them with small arms fire.
This time both the Taliban and a second insurgent faction, Hezb-i-Islami, claimed responsibility for the bombing, although until the identity and motivation of the bomber are established - and the kind of detonating device he was using known - it will be hard to gauge their veracity. Top Stories
The higher than expected cost of protecting workers against insurgent attacks - about 25 cents of every reconstruction dollar now pays for security - has sent the cost of projects skyward.
Insurgents used grenades, machine guns and mortar shells in continuous volleys.
An attack video by an insurgent faction still at war with America, even as other factions from the same group, the Islamic army of Iraq have alleyed with America, joining 70,000 geurrillas now on the U.S. government payroll.
CNN Transcript Apr 8, 2008
Resistance fighters have frequently targeted foreign planes in the area, which is an insurgent stronghold.
When he came to the top of that mountainside, he was out of the sight of insurgents.
In the face of devastating insurgent fire, the ANA located directly behind Staff Sgt. Miller broke formation and bound away downhill and out of the kill zone, leaving Staff Sgt.
The insurgents take advantage of darkness to conduct provocations during armistices or when negotiations are underway.
The vast majority were not bitter-enders, not insurgents and certainly not terrorists.
In the fall of 1793, he and Barras led the violent repression of the counterrevolutionary movement in Toulon, where he ordered mass executions of suspected insurgents.
Moving the transfer date was a sensible precaution against anticipated insurgent attacks.
India has numerous armed insurgent groups, and suffers from frequently tense Muslim-Hindu relations that recently exploded into violence.
Abu Ghraib, a hard-bitten town surrounded by lush farmland, is one of the trouble spots for American soldiers facing fierce challenges from both Sunni Muslim insurgents and radical Shi'ite militiamen.
During World War II, his hometown was successively occupied by Italians, Germans, and insurgent Communists.
These young soldiers, and they are very young, all have their own way of coping with the threat of insurgent attacks, the instant when a normal day can become a disaster.
NATO said one service member was killed Friday in what it described as an insurgent attack.
NYT > Home Page
Since then, insurgent activity has increased.
Not only would he be a prize target for insurgents but his presence would put his comrades' lives in jeopardy.
The Sun
Iraqi insurgents have hacked into unsecured, line-of-sight and possibly satellite video feeds for the drones and, in some cases, were able to use this to receive early warning of U.
The links between powerful drug lords, the government and the insurgents remain strong, according to local officials.
Times, Sunday Times
Knowing the river below as unfordable, the 22 Scouts rushed the bridge and put out the flames, despite an enfilading fire from some 600 Insurgents.
The apparent mass kidnapping of policemen underlined the challenge facing the US-backed government and Iraqi security forces in standing up to the insurgents.
The Iraqi intelligence haul came on the sixth day of a nationwide sweep to seize weapons and insurgents.
Insurgents engage in surprise attacks at night and then withdraw on previously chosen routes.
That has forced them to shrink their area slightly, abandoning one small outpost and blowing up two bridges used by insurgents to the dismay of local people.
Times, Sunday Times
Insurgents dressed as policemen waylaid the men at a fake checkpoint, killed all the soldiers and their civilian drivers, and burned the vehicles.