How To Use Insured In A Sentence

  • More serious motoring offences such as uninsured driving would carry a £10 surcharge.
  • Read the small print in your contract to find out exactly what you are insured for.
  • The insured person is guilty of unconscionable conduct if he does not provide for the insurer to be recouped out of the damages awarded against the wrongdoer.
  • So, if you insure your contents for, say, £20,000 but the total value for everything, including the junk, is really £40,000, then you're 50% underinsured.
  • The learner driver must be insured to drive the vehicle.
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  • And even while operating under that constraint, Clinton proposed to expand Medicaid coverage to some 5 million uninsured children.
  • The only stipulation the building society makes is that house must be insured.
  • The medical costs of uninsured drivers hit by other uninsured drivers are paid but they are not reimbursed for damage to their vehicle. Times, Sunday Times
  • These clauses are also found in insurance policies to resolve disputes between insurer and insured as to whether a claim should proceed.
  • A valued policy is a policy which specifies the agreed value of the subject matter insured.
  • The idea that there should be a rates levy to ensure all homes are insured is potty, but it does highlight a major issue in our society - less-than-adequate insurance cover.
  • In other words, lower the amount insured below the actual value of the house to prevent moral hazard.
  • Hence commensurability, at least on the non-theoretical level, is insured by definition. Structuralism in Physics
  • The insurance company settlement is meant to "indemnify" both insureds, the lessor and the lessee. Undefined
  • There is evidence that privately insured patients are offered a higher level of care.
  • Similarly, the exception to the tenant's repairing liability relates principally to damage or destruction by an insured risk.
  • The financial crisis has seen a dramatic rise in the number of uninsured cars with motorists saying they can't afford a policy. The Sun
  • But what the reconciliation is there on four, the column that's called subtotal in the very center of the page will include the unrealized gain on insured derivatives, a $104.8 million. Home Page
  • Insurance firms blamed the increase on more personal injury claims, fraud and the number of uninsured drivers. The Sun
  • Legislators there say they are alarmed at the number of unlicensed, uninsured illegal aliens who are driving in their state.
  • And are continuing on legislation with respect to this health care deform which is and has been clearly disputed as outside their also legal authority, and Constitutional duties and functions other than to regulate those industries more significantly in order to reduce those costs, since it has been the costs, not the availability, that has been the major problem for most of those that still remain uninsured. Georgia Judge Violates Constitution 101: Trashes Res Ipsa Loquitur In The Process
  • Japan, the world's second-largest market for insurance, is often called the most overinsured nation.
  • At the same time I am told by insurers that my premium is high because of uninsured drivers. Times, Sunday Times
  • In public liability insurance, the insurer agrees to indemnify the insured for legal liability owed to another person who suffers loss or damage by reason of the insured's activities.
  • However, one evening I was watching a television programme that showed how the vast majority of homeowners are overinsured.
  • Make sure that you are not underinsured.
  • By excluding insured retail deposits, the 0.15 per cent levy on liabilities is focused on wholesale funding. Times, Sunday Times
  • Insurance companies are obliged to recover the cost of everything insured when it is lost or dwoulmaged during the vwoulsid period of insurance.
  • The pilot scheme involves cars which are not insured being removed from the road while the drivers are given a period of grace usually seven days in which to organise insurance and recover their vehicles.
  • I would be surprised if it were not insured for damages for libel or defamation anywhere in the world, and if it is not, then it should be.
  • That leaves uninsured and underinsured low-income residents having to rely on safety-net providers who are already overwhelmed and struggling to stay afloat.
  • Health-poor people - those who are uninsured or inadequately covered - have to pay the highest prices.
  • And for many people such action could be vital just to keep them insured. Times, Sunday Times
  • The bill for an insured patient depends on the contract between the carrier and the hospital.
  • Another problem for the men is that the drugs company was insured only to a total of 2 million for the trials. Times, Sunday Times
  • Then to top it all, my son who works hard, stays off the street corners and is a responsible adult, paid for a car, taxed and insured it and then mindless vandals covered his beloved car with eggs and flour and let the tyres down.
  • Tens of millions more are underinsured, and face financial disaster in the event of serious illness or injury.
  • Within days he contrives to drive a car while uninsured, start a relationship with another woman without notifying anyone, go hookey from his job and break the terms of his curfew. TV review: Public Enemies; The Fat Fighters; King George and Queen Mary: The Royals who Rescued the Monarchy
  • This means that a jury award of punitive damages represents an uninsured risk. Christianity Today
  • The policy must be in a form approved by the Revenue, in respect of annual premiums which are paid by the insured during his/her life.
  • An uninsured driver who killed a close friend while speeding in his car was jailed for 18 months.
  • Northern Bank was not insured against such a crime.
  • The original figure of 46 million uninsured has been hotly debated: is it accurate? where did it come from? does it include illegal immigrants? In selling health care, Obama's numbers pick may be telling
  • Yet there is no prohibition against insurances where the insurer does have an interest in the life of the insured.
  • Then we have the classic of all laws: that cars have to be insured and taxed, and pass MoTs.
  • This is a popular method of reducing premiums by increasing excesses and many insured are caught unawares.
  • When problems arise, consumers in self-insured plans should file a complaint with the plan, clearly and carefully documenting the issues.
  • In order to conform to actuarial equity and the law of large number, it becomes important to access and classify the level of insured by insurance company.
  • Doctors had been unable to find a pulse as they hurried to their next Medicash-insured mugging victim.
  • Therefore, if the mandate is a direct tax, then to be constitutional, uninsured citizens in a state with a lower percentage of insured would need to pay a higher mandate than citizens of a state with a higher percentage of insured. The Volokh Conspiracy » Is the Health Care Mandate a Direct Tax?
  • He was not insured for either loss, and they follow the disastrous John Street Market fire last year which wiped out Mr Raper's stall.
  • I have now been issued with a CCJ to pay the third party as neither Enterprise nor Equity Red Star have insured me. Equity Red Star steers around courtesy car insurance mix-up
  • Once the insured has sold his policy, he naturally loses all rights to it.
  • For example, a significant gap persists in the availability and quality of care for insured and uninsured patients. An Introduction to Community Health
  • I was properly insured so I'm sitting pretty.
  • Read the small print in your contract to find out exactly what you are insured for.
  • They claim the cost to victims of accidents with uninsured drivers is £500 million each year.
  • We the millions of uninsured Americans & others who cannot afford health insurance might as well go to some other planet or continue to live in dread of getting ill. Closing a health care loophole
  • The holdings are insured for around $8 million, but the value of many of the props is difficult to nail down because of the premium that many memorabilia collectors will likely pay for the better-known items. Today on
  • It is industry practice to reflect this increased risk in the insurance premium of all cars insured by that individual. Times, Sunday Times
  • In Jetco, we held that an insurer's unexcused 48-day delay in notifying an insured of denial of coverage was unreasonable as a matter of law. Insurance Defense
  • The consequences of being uninsured are frightening for all races, the study found.
  • The instrument would be used for rehearsals for the festival of new musicals and would be fully insured by Buxton Opera House.
  • Livestock can be insured against leopard depredations, so losses can be compensated.
  • Protective Life Insurance Company, and a portion of Liberty Life's annuities will be coinsured to Athene Life Re Ltd., a Bermuda-domiciled subsidiary of Athene Holding Ltd. A.M. Best Downgrades Ratings of Liberty Life Insurance Company; Maintains Under Review with Negative Implications - Yahoo! Finance
  • The party concerned of the liability insurance contract of the automobile third party is policy holder and insurer and relate to artificial insured.
  • Unless a property is adequately insured, the owner could have to pay a proportion of the reinstatement costs.
  • The entire nuclear power industry is only insured for $9.3 billion.
  • What is not being said is that much of the problem of the uninsured can be solved at the state, not federal, level.
  • However, he accepted that, if the excess of the insured value over the market value were so great that it suggested a moral hazard, the underwriter would not insure the vessel.
  • Risks are spread among pools of insured people so that premiums for individuals are not unaffordable.
  • I alleged this placed the company in conflict with its own insured.
  • There is no age limit for acceptance into the Plan and once insured your cover will never be cancelled because of your age.
  • They claim the cost to victims of accidents with uninsured drivers is £500 million each year.
  • I can't see him running the risk of taking on an uninsured worker, though I don't know him well enough to be categorical. THE MARSHAL AND THE MURDERER
  • If he will not be insured under your policy, then you cannot allow him to drive without insurance. Times, Sunday Times
  • I would also suggest that road tax discs be replaced with insurance discs issued by the insurer to expose those who drive uninsured. Times, Sunday Times
  • Request additional insured endorsements and certificates of insurance from all independent contractors who conduct programs in your name, or come on your premises.
  • Just one of his guiding principles, that nothing should be built higher than the clerestory of the Minster, has insured that it remains a resolutely low-rise city.
  • If LESSOR so requests, LESSEE shall name LESSOR as an additional insured under such LESSEE's public liability policy.
  • Approximately one in seven whites was uninsured, and 10% had only public insurance.
  • I dunno, is that really the bogeyman the fully insured republican congressman thinks it is? Matthew Yglesias » NYT/CBS Poll Shows People Love Socialized Medicine
  • The police need to put much more energy into pursuing drivers with uninsured vehicles. Times, Sunday Times
  • They were insured for the loss but the insurance company then came after me to recoup the costs.
  • First, that it was an ordinary personal accident policy whereby payment of the sums insured was independent of any fault by anybody.
  • The problem of uninsured cars and the avoidance of vehicle excise duty would be dramatically reduced. Times, Sunday Times
  • Where the outcome of the Legal Proceedings is not a Success the Insurer shall have the right to have the Insured's Solicitor's bills taxed or assessed on the standard basis.
  • Ralph says assets as large as buildings are sometimes inadvertently left uninsured.
  • Now they are keen for the powers to be extended to uninsured drivers.
  • I wish BusinessWeek would report on what happens to Aetna's insureds while they are making all this money for themselves and their stockholders.
  • Flood risk used to be insured separately but that stopped in the 1960s when it was seen as an integral part of household cover and brought into building and contents policies.
  • The creeping attack insured that the first assault would come without warning because the enemy would not pick up the asdic of the first ship right above her.
  • Straight to your house using insured couriers. Times, Sunday Times
  • They withdrew in the wake of the January 1994 Northridge earthquake, which caused $ 8 billion worth of insured residential losses.
  • The sum insured must be adequate under each category for the insured to obtain the full benefit.
  • The lay preacher was stopped by police in Wales for driving an uninsured car.
  • Read the small print in your contract to find out exactly what you are insured for.
  • But in each case the whole of the risk was reinsured through the London market so that neither Colombian insurer retained any part of the risk themselves.
  • But far too many leave their single-most valuable asset - their income - underinsured or not insured at all.
  • I was properly insured so I'm sitting pretty.
  • A lender will want to have your title reviewed and insured. Mortgage News Daily - Mortgage And Real Estate News
  • The problem of uninsured cars and the avoidance of vehicle excise duty would be dramatically reduced. Times, Sunday Times
  • She said that only five per cent of private property was insured.
  • Those who have third party cover are not insured for water damage to their vehicles.
  • (included within benefits) divided by the average fixed account values, including the fixed portion of variable annuity contracts, net of coinsured account values. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • CHRISTIAN MORGAN, KANSAS REPUBLICAN PARTY EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR: She promised a lot of reform when it comes to getting people insured in the State of Kansas. CNN Transcript Mar 2, 2009
  • Essentially, it is an investment, similar to purchasing bonds that mature upon the insured's death.
  • Unless we control the conflict between profit and health, the number of uninsured and under served will continue to grow.
  • Not only is it mandatory to take out such insurance where there is a bank involved, it is seldom that such an item can be left uninsured.
  • Studies and anecdotal evidence suggest that the uninsured and the poor receive inferior care.
  • The Senate added a $ 16 billion tobacco tax to provide extra health care funding for uninsured children.
  • Roughly half of it is handed over to the Motor Insurers' Bureau which compensates victims of uninsured and untraced drivers - the rest comes from the lost premiums that the uninsured drivers should have paid in the first place.
  • As of December 31, 2008, we had reinsurance recoverables of $696 million and policy loans of $45 million that were related to the businesses of Jefferson-Pilot that are coinsured with Household International ( "HI") affiliates. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Speedy resolutions will ensure that depositors up to the insured limit of 85,000 should not notice if their bank fails. Times, Sunday Times
  • If more than 2 drivers are insured, additional premium will be required.
  • This behavior is termed moral hazard . In practice, not all risks can be insured, and the insurability of a given risk depends on a number of factors.
  • The report discusses issues including the difficulty of estimating life expectancies of insured individuals. AIG Tries to Sell Death-Bet Securities
  • Both professionally and as a volunteer, she advocates for the uninsured or underinsured communities.
  • They may enjoy the benefits while paying their premiums, but when a claim occurs and the insurer becomes aware of the fact that the insured was not a proper pensioner, problems can arise.
  • But while the typical uninsured motorist is likely to be a male aged 17 to 29, 15 per cent of uninsured drivers fall into the 40 to 49 age range. Essex Boys (Loose Cars and Fast Women) « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • Merrill added a new question to its monthly poll, about whether investors insured the currency risk of their dollar investments.
  • As a result, hospitals say they're having a harder time getting the insured to cover their deductibles.
  • We have to have something for those 45 million who have no insurance and others who are underinsured.
  • According to the Congressional Budget Office, the official "scorekeeper" for federal legislation, the Republican health care proposal will reduce private health insurance premiums by up to 10 percent, expand coverage to three million uninsured people, and reduce the federal deficit by $68 billion over the next 10 years. Local News
  • Also the tax payer is already paying for the uninsured in bankruptcies, unpaid medical services which trickles down to one form or another. White House launches counteroffensive over Drudge Report link
  • To the plaintiff's knowledge the defendant was unlicensed and uninsured.
  • They keep paying the premiums until the policyholder dies and then collect the insured sum. Times, Sunday Times
  • Terribly sorry, but we are not insured to give you a lift if you are not a prisoner anymore.
  • This way, when an insured event occurs, the loan receiver or his or her inheritors will be able to draw the money from the insurance company and pay back the remainder of the loan with it.
  • Magistrates should be empowered to confiscate and sell off cars belonging to uninsured drivers.
  • Or rather Voila, the insured overuse the resource, the uninsured underuse it. Fogel Vs. Wonks, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • The dangers of not doing so are self-explanatory: either paying higher premiums than necessary or not getting adequate recompense if your property is under-insured.
  • Way to go, Dan, keeping up that great cause in decorating every Public building with, “In God We Trust,” while millions are uninsured, underinsured, denied coverage, or forced to lose their homes to pay their immoral insurance premiums! Think Progress » Weiner Offends The GOP On House Floor: You’re All ‘Owned’ By The ‘Insurance Industry’!
  • Often it's cheaper to replace insured goods yourself rather than risk increased premiums.
  • What I find ironic is that even though this not-for-profit option would fulfill all the requirements and needs of people that are uninsured, it's still not good enough for the Liberal Left because it's not government run (never mind that the government doesn't have a great record of efficient operations). Republican senator hears health-care concerns back home
  • The menace of uninsured drivers also warrants a new law, according to you. Times, Sunday Times
  • Special Correspondent THANJAVUR: A sum of Rs. 7.28 crore, the share of central Government in providing insurance relief to Thanjavur district farmers who have insured their crop for the rabi season - Articles related to After special housing rates, SBI sweetens its farm loan
  • It also insured a museum in Holland that lost a priceless painting. The Sun
  • We've just lost material things and they're insured, which is a godsend.
  • The time of validity of a claim The time of validity of a claim under this insurance shall not exceed a period of two years counting from the time of delivery of the insured parcel to the recipient.
  • Plissoud did not save any money; for, though he was appointed to many offices, they were all lacking in lucrativeness; he was insurance agent, as well as agent for a society that insured against the chances for conscription. Repertory of the Comedie Humaine Part 2
  • The normal premium is about 10 per cent of the total sum insured.
  • It forks out for almost 30,000 claims a year to motorists hit by negligent uninsured drivers. The Sun
  • Recently, a fully insured friend of mine was referred for a cardiology consultation.
  • Many who lost property were not insured against earthquake damage. Times, Sunday Times
  • All our household goods are insured against accidental damage.
  • The Boeing jumbo was insured for $1.75 billion, and the company has a cash hoard of more than $1 billion.
  • These vehicles are the only ones licensed and insured to ply for hire, that is take passengers from the taxi ranks or be hailed in the street.
  • Unfortunately, some policyholders were inadequately insured, thus imposing an unfair burden on all the others.
  • A statement must be obtained from the Insured to establish the facts and to avoid subsequent dispute as to the circumstances.
  • An insured attorney worked with a client for many years, including setting up certain business organizations.
  • The insurance company accepted this, but they still only want to recompense us to the tune of less than a third of what we thought we'd insured ourselves for.
  • I cannot guarantee safe delivery of any international uninsured parcels.
  • Loss of this kind is covered only when caused by an abnormal occurrence which is unintentional and unexpected as far as the insured is concerned.
  • Also the tax payer is already paying for the uninsured in bankruptcies, unpaid medical services which trickles down to one form or another. White House launches counteroffensive over Drudge Report link
  • Speed cameras do not detect drunk-drivers, careless drivers, uninsured drivers, unlicensed drivers, stolen vehicles or crooks in getaway cars.
  • It is very constant that the most basic motive force strong point regarded as sustainable development of the basic old-age pension system is endowment insured fund.
  • Andy has researched the river and its potential and offers a professional, fully insured guided service to the area's hot spots and best swims.
  • The knock-on effect from being hit by an uninsured driver, unidentifiable or not, should not be taken lightly.
  • In addition to the health problems caused by lack of insurance, the uninsured face enormous financial risks.
  • The number of uninsured cars will rise and the cost to the industry will increase, thereby pushing premiums up further. Times, Sunday Times
  • And was the house insured? Times, Sunday Times
  • Rather than address the problem honestly and have Medicare pick up the medical tab for regular treatment of the uninsured, something that would acerbate the current financial failings of Medicare, they propose to wreck the best health care system in the world with yet another equally flawed government program. House Democrat: Health care bill in doubt without public plan
  • VAT receipt supplied and insured delivery is free. Times, Sunday Times
  • Check that the car is properly insured, paying particular attention to any excess clause.
  • The MIBI cannot recover money from motorists involved in hit-and-runs if they remain untraced, but it does chase uninsured drivers for contributions to compensation costs.
  • Apparently the jewellery wasn't insured.
  • The plaintiff was remunerated by a commission calculated by reference to the premium paid by the insured persons introduced by him.
  • They said it was uninsured and that it was unroadworthy, having been in a serious accident in the past. The Sun
  • While most understood that owning a stock means that you own a piece of the company, here was the real shocker: Almost half of the respondents believed that stocks are insured against losses!
  • This unique policy covers accidental risks of both the insured pupil and his or her earning parent.
  • What many liberals haven't grasped is the number of "insured," will dramatically outnumber the available doctors and facilities .... and wait times, quailty of service and competency in medical decisions will suffer. First on the CNN Ticker: RNC slams Obama in first TV ad
  • The menace of uninsured drivers also warrants a new law, according to you. Times, Sunday Times
  • Where the pledge covers goods, the customer undertakes to keep them fully insured and promises to pay all charges due for their storage.
  • This cover, (also sometimes a minimum requirement in some states), will cover you if the person at fault is not insured or is underinsured.
  • On the death of the insured, term insurance pays the face value of the policy to the named beneficiary.
  • Houston, in particular, is above the national average in uninsured claims, Snow says.
  • No ordinarily constructed merchant vessel could therefore stand the pressure which the "Neptune" is designed to resist, and even were ships specially built for this route, they would have to be so heavily insured that the high premium would more than counter-balance any saving in distance. The Problems of Transportation in Canada
  • They must pay off their back tax and show that the vehicles are properly insured before they can be driven away.
  • The problem of uninsured cars and the avoidance of vehicle excise duty would be dramatically reduced. Times, Sunday Times
  • The levy is imposed on the worldwide balance sheets of UK banks, excluding insured deposits and high quality capital. Times, Sunday Times
  • The expiry of 60 days after completion of discharge overside of the goods hereby insured from the overseas vessel at the final port of discharge.
  • Are all the Mayo players' cars taxed and insured fully?
  • Total or Constructive Total Loss of the whole consignment hereby insured caused in the course of transit by natural calamities: heavy weather, lightning, tsunami, earthquake and flood.
  • Your freezer contents can be insured against loss.
  • Some pastors incur significant debts due to uninsured illnesses or other unforeseen circumstances, or excessive consumer spending on multiple credit cards. Christianity Today
  • The additional attraction with all-risks cover is that this insurance covers your insured articles on a 24-hour basis in all locations worldwide.
  • The insured value of the airplane was greater than its book value.
  • By this means she insured the personal chastisement of all other youths who dared to lift their eyes to her, while she by no means bound herself to her spadassin of St. Valeri. Hereward, the Last of the English
  • Clearly shows the problem of uninsured, untaxed drivers is epidemic. Essex Boys (Loose Cars and Fast Women) « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • Oft-cited Census data apparently overstate the number of uninsured because they undercount the number of people covered by Medicaid.
  • My partner was hit by an uninsured car two years ago and now he is paralysed from the chest down. Times, Sunday Times
  • But, that's not good enough for them, so they're spending $1.4 million a day (of their insureds premiums) to "lobby" (I call it bribe) Congress. Obama's former doctor critical of White House health care plan
  • Few of those who lost their homes or livelihoods were insured for flood damage. Times, Sunday Times
  • And what about all those young folks who voted for Obama who are part of the “tens of millions” (a number that seems to change by tens of millions among so-called “progressives”) of uninsured who get slapped with fines from the IRS for failing to follow the mandate from their government. The Volokh Conspiracy » House Democratic Leaders Drop “Deem and Pass”
  • VAT receipt supplied and insured delivery is free. Times, Sunday Times
  • Uninsured property would devaluate faster if the risk of war increases, so there is a direct incentive not to free-ride. Privatizing Defense vs. Socializing Medicine, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • FDR stepped in boldly and decisively and averted a the impending disaster of total economic meltdown and paved the way forward for federal regulation that made sure your Christmas Club account is federally insured. Think Progress » More Americans have a ‘favorable’ opinion of the IRS than of the Tea Party.
  • The insurers and their amici argue that the rule of construction which directs the court to construe ambiguities in favour of the insured should not apply in the instant case.
  • The house is insured for two million pounds.

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