
How To Use Insupportable In A Sentence

  • The added demands brought about by the ageing population will place an insupportable burden on acute hospital services.
  • Anthony had written that life without Anna had no savour, was tedious, insupportable. IN LOVE AND WAR
  • Too much spending on rearmament would place an insupportable burden on the nation'sproductive capacity.
  • She called him "insupportable:" she railed at him for a "dévot:" she did not love, but she wanted to marry, that she might bind him to her interest. Villette
  • The Israeli army doesn't even make this insupportable claim.
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  • Too many liberals, who approved the words, found the actions insupportable.
  • I like how the court thinks; I am increasingly of the opinion that the multifactor confusion test, though it has its weaknesses, is superior to the rigid and ultimately insupportable falsity/misleadingness distinction. Archive 2009-06-01
  • “It is my duty,” says Sir Charles Bell, “to visit certain wards of the hospital where there is no patient admitted but with that complaint which most fills the imagination with the idea of insupportable pain and certain death. Uncollected Prose
  • Here we have a simple tale of him leaping to conclusions, making unsupported and insupportable inferences, and being treated as a hero for it.
  • The arguments for restrictions on sales of ugly fruit are so ‘rotten’ that they are logically insupportable.
  • I went through some of the other instances where he made declarations that appeared insupportable.
  • In The Brothers Karamazov, he has his Grand Inquisitor declaim: ‘Nothing has ever been more insupportable for a man and a human society than freedom’.
  • 'tierce' with the intervals of music which bears those names: when he made a feint he cried out, "take care of this 'diesis'," because anciently they called the 'diesis' a feint: and when he had made the foil fly from my hand, he would add, with a sneer, that this was a pause: in a word, I never in my life saw a more insupportable pedant. The Confessions of J. J. Rousseau — Complete
  • This is insupportable in an economy of tight financial restraint. Backers of NHS shake-up turn against Andrew Lansley's plans
  • Such an existence would be insupportable to the healthy human temperament. IRONCROWN MOON: PART TWO OF THE BOREAL MOON TALE
  • It is my duty," says Sir Charles Bell, "to visit certain wards of the hospital where there is no patient admitted but with that complaint which most fills the imagination with the idea of insupportable pain and certain death. Uncollected Prose
  • It was an insupportable situation and Felicity was a fool to go on enduring it. THE ROAD TO PARADISE ISLAND
  • It should come as little surprise, then, that I found it nearly insupportable to share the lift with such a person, even for a few minutes.
  • If I were the judge, I would not feel that the jury had reached an insupportable conclusion.
  • To Pernelle, his voice was that of a man who had agonized a thousand times over insupportable alternatives. A DAYSTAR OF FEAR
  • Instead the authors attempt to downplay the hazards of mercury, a highly potent neurotoxin itself linked to developmental disorders, and they make the preposterous, insupportable assertion that reducing any air pollution from power plants will "do nothing" to reduce health threats. EPA Is On to Something on Mercury
  • To return to our Egistus, the fluter; it was remarkable that in becoming more insupportable, the traitor put on the appearance of complaisance. The Confessions of J J Rousseau
  • As Version 1.0 of the industrial economy loses its social mandate - as its cultural and environmental costs become insupportable - what shall we replace it with?
  • The war had put an insupportable financial burden on the country.
  • A great many men and women found this argument insupportable in every sense of the word. THE BIRTHDAY OF THE WORLD
  • Therefore, I think that within a university, people should not regard any academic speech as frightening and insupportable.
  • These terms rid Natura of a great part of that insupportable constraint he had been under, but gave not the least satisfaction, as to his jealousy of honour; he doubted not but she would be guilty of many things, injurious in the highest degree to their public character, and which yet it would not so well become him to exert his authority in opposing, and these reflections gave him the most terrible inquietude; which shews, that though _jealousy_ is called the child of _love_, it is very possible to feel all the tortures of the Life's Progress Through The Passions Or, The Adventures of Natura
  • * Cest une outrecuidance insupportable de la vouloir faire dependre de la volonte de l'homme, ou transporter une partie d'icelle aux moyens et preparatifs humain: [846] 1 Commentary on Genesis - Volume 2
  • Moreover, its essentially political character may dilute the force of legal standards and merely serve to legitimize practices otherwise insupportable from an environmental viewpoint.
  • But let's leave this increasingly insupportable series of generalizations, and return to the point.
  • Now, you've got a point, that you have a war ideologue, which is insupportable.
  • Some of them even had to endure the presence of stepbrothers and -sisters, which to Camille would have been insupportable.
  • Although two nineteenth-century authorities suggest that cheques may also be drawn on an interest-bearing account, this view is insupportable in modern law.
  • The growing debt burden became insupportable in the late 1970s, and economic growth had become negative by 1979.
  • Too much spending on rearmament would place an insupportable burden on the nation'sproductive capacity.
  • If today life without the possibility of progress seems insupportable, it is worth asking how this state of affairs has come about.
  • A great many men and women found this argument insupportable in every sense of the word. THE BIRTHDAY OF THE WORLD
  • These bulls were so wild, that they were never taken but by slight and crafty labour, and so impatient, that after they were taken they died from insupportable dolour. Castle Dangerous
  • The claims of his father's other heirs that he is entitled to the nominal amount as was at the time of his mother's death is insupportable.
  • He filled the cup by the insupportable manner in which he spoke upon that affair, never daring to admit he had directed it, or deigning to disculpate himself. Court Memoirs of France Series — Complete
  • You may bind, and from assuetude and time, (putting the better feelings out of the question,) the ties are worn without complaint; but if you bind too tight, you cut into the flesh, and after a time the pain becomes insupportable. Diary in America, Series Two
  • Even if it were true, The Rapture is saying, the consequences are insupportable.
  • It seemed like a wonderful strategy for offloading what promised to become an insupportable liability to pay public sector pensions.
  • And every now and then, he writes these hysterical, factually insupportable, logically inconsistent screeds against some looming threat to civil liberties in the United States.
  • That position is both morally insupportable and legally imprudent.
  • The 2 minute egg is marginally under boiled, the silk shirt is not wearable because of a wrinkle, the chauffeur is insupportable because he's been eating garlic again, and the doorman is either too inattentive or overly familiar.
  • My first move has to be, obviously, an admission that he is absolutely right to say that my claim ‘this did not happen’ is insupportable.
  • These terms rid Natura of a great part of that insupportable constraint he had been under, but gave not the least satisfaction, as to his jealousy of honour; he doubted not but she would be guilty of many things, injurious in the highest degree to their public character, and which yet it would not so well become him to exert his authority in opposing, and these reflections gave him the most terrible inquietude; which shews, that though _jealousy_ is called the child of _love_, it is very possible to feel all the tortures of the Life's Progress Through The Passions Or, The Adventures of Natura
  • M. Krempe was not equally docile; and in my condition at that time, of almost insupportable sensitiveness, his harsh blunt encomiums gave me even more pain than the benevolent approbation of M. Waldman. Chapter 5
  • We had managed to avoid the insupportable topic of war.
  • Tolstoy may have intended partial assent to the idea that, life being insupportable without some straining toward ‘transcendence,’ a belief in God is a psychological necessity.
  • There is no evidence to suggest that her exercise of her discretion to seek admission of the statement was based on insupportable grounds.
  • The idea of selling part of the borough's heritage and permitting commercial activities where none existed before is opportunistic and insupportable.
  • QUOTATION: To a reasonable creature, that alone is insupportable which is unreasonable; but everything reasonable may be supported. Quotations
  • To be abandoned, especially when he was under attack in the British press for escaping the Blitz, was insupportable.
  • Nobody would start from here – an ill-designed single currency interacting with an insupportable burden of private debt created by oversized, undercapitalised banks. There is only one alternative to the euro's survival: catastrophe
  • It was an insupportable situation and Felicity was a fool to go on enduring it. THE ROAD TO PARADISE ISLAND
  • [33] Cest une outrecuidance insupportable de la vouloir faire dependre de la volonte de l'homme, ou transporter une partie d'icelle aux moyens et preparatifs humain. Commentary on Genesis - Volume 2
  • Anthony had written that life without Anna had no savour, was tedious, insupportable. IN LOVE AND WAR
  • He entered a room, we are told, with a bold and confident air; and we have it from another witness that he was _d'une suffisance insupportable_. [ The Youth of Goethe
  • The scene, so highly interesting to those who witnessed it, was to him insupportable, and he had left the room in agony, bitterly inveighing against his own folly, for having suffered it to take place, and secretly denouncing future vengeance upon the usurper of his rights, for so he basely termed the artless Yamboo. Yamboo; or, the North American Slave
  • To a reasonable creature, that alone is insupportable which is unreasonable; but everything reasonable may be supported. Familiar Quotations A Collection of Passages, Phrases, and Proverbs Traced to Their Sources in Ancient and Modern Literature
  • It is said that they are in flight from an insupportable nervous strain, from which they find temporary assuagement only in sleep.
  • No sooner does a government attempt to go beyond its political sphere than it exercises, even unintentionally, an insupportable tyranny.
  • To Pernelle, his voice was that of a man who had agonized a thousand times over insupportable alternatives. A DAYSTAR OF FEAR
  • Even so, with such a wealth of experience and talent, to quibble over a little forgotten punctuation is insupportable!
  • By positing insupportable images of the divine, they invite us to judgment.
  • He knew all about the sale of lands that forced small crofters off the lands their families had tended for hundreds of years, all about the dreadful conditions of penury and starvation in the cities, the simple insupportableness of life in Scotland in these days. Drums of Autumn
  • Too much spending on rearmament would place an insupportable burden on the nation'sproductive capacity.
  • Yes, if you carefully raise an insupportable weight overhigh and then let it go, that's what it does. Whose world is this, for Heaven's sake?
  • So, I then ask myself whether the justices have reached insupportable conclusions of fact.
  • Amid all the election-year hosannas to the federal budget surplus, there has been almost no discussion of the trade deficit, which would quickly become an insupportable burden if foreign investors began to flee the US market.
  • Indexing on the basis of a group of individual perspectives effectively shatters any attempt at establishing corporate consistency into a multitude of insupportable idiosyncrasies.
  • Every now and then, he writes these hysterical, factually insupportable, logically inconsistent screeds against some looming threat to civil liberties in the United States.
  • In the original divorce petition Bullock said the marriage had become "insupportable" due to "discord or conflict of personalities that destroys the legitimate ends of the marriage relationship".
  • What is happening in the world that causes engaging, promising, talented young people to find life so insupportable that they can't continue without external support?
  • These beeches do not appear to be harmed, although for most plants, losses of much less than 40 percent of their energy reserves would be insupportable.
  • You have to slow down to a pace that is nearly insupportable without practice, and you have to project, because the audience needs to hear every word, being unable to use the skipping techniques of the sighted reader.
  • Such myths and misrepresentations explain, justify and resolve insupportable contradictions and problems in society.
  • Never was affliction so cutting as hers; she imputed the piercingness of it to what had happened that day, and believed that if the Duke de Nemours had not had ground to believe she loved him she should not have cared whether he loved another or not; but she deceived herself, and this evil which she found so insupportable was jealousy with all the horrors it can be accompanied with. The Princess of Cleves
  • Amid all the election-year hosannas to the federal budget surplus, there has been almost no discussion of the trade deficit, which would quickly become an insupportable burden if foreign investors began to flee the US market.
  • Nobody would start from here – an ill-designed single currency interacting with an insupportable burden of private debt created by oversized, undercapitalised banks. There is only one alternative to the euro's survival: catastrophe
  • Which also were altogether insupportable did not I pity its condition, in being present with it, and, as the poets 'gods were wont to assist such as were dying with some pleasant metamorphosis, help their decrepitness as much as in me lies by bringing them back to a second childhood, from whence they are not improperly called twice children. The Praise of Folly
  • The assumption that everyone wants to see a doctor when they are ill is insupportable, and evidence is accumulating that they welcome the opportunity to consult a nurse.
  • The Roman course wears an air of a more delicate acquiescence, draws the veil of a new contract over the change, and concedes the general insupportableness of mere community? The Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans

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