
How To Use Instructions In A Sentence

  • The bundled documentation contains the detailed instructions on how to do these tasks.
  • That not only means that more information can be crunched at once, but these chips can also handle more complex instructions.
  • Or apply metal studs, according to the instructions provided with the package.
  • Always use protective equipment, including gloves, goggles, facemask, and follow the manufacturer's instructions. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was this conviction that made the intrigues at OKH, the disregard and "mislaying" of unwelcome instructions, such a personal affair in the first summer's campaign. Barbarossa
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  • The guarantee may be rendered invalid if the manufacturer's instructions are not followed.
  • Instructions the life jacket are given on the card the pocket in front of your seat.
  • The city of Lyon refused to carry out instructions from Paris and the city was besieged for two months.
  • Get step-by-step instructions for building a cross-compiler so that you can build and develop applications for an alternative platform.
  • Ten minutes later he was at the police station, sending a motor-cyclist to Épernay with instructions to transmit the finger-prints to Paris by the Belin telephotograph. Maigret meets a Milord
  • Check the label and care for them according to the manufacturer's instructions.
  • It was a crazy record: it had instructions on how to do the twist on the back of it, about how you dance and where you put your feet.
  • She left strict instructions that she was not to be disturbed.
  • The two women became friends, and when Jackson's health began to fail, she left her unfinished manuscript in Lotty's hands with instructions about how it was to be arranged.
  • From high up in the stand the manager bellowed instructions to the players via the touchline. Times, Sunday Times
  • If an automated external defibrillator is available, people assisting a cardiac-arrest patient should attach the device to the victim and follow its instructions. Study Backs Simpler CPR for Patients
  • With these programs, families have access to innovative pre-packaged treatment kits that contain a dispersible, flavored oral antibiotic accompanied by illustrated instructions designed to allow caregivers or rural community health workers to treat pneumonia at home - when and where it matters. Mandy Moore: Remembering the Forgotten Killer
  • Zimbabwe, saying he did not think it was this country's right to act as a "big induna" issuing instructions. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • I followed my cousin's instructions and put a combination of peroxide, lemon juice and Sun-In through my black hair.
  • A health inspector gave explicit instructions on how to correct the problem.
  • With this view, while the bailiff conducted him to bed in another apartment, he desired the catchpole to act the part of mediator between him and the Count, and furnished him with proper instructions for that purpose. The Adventures of Ferdinand Count Fathom
  • Follow the manufacturer's instructions for cleaning, disinfecting and descaling.
  • These fondant decorations are easy to master if you follow our simple step-by-step instructions.
  • The instructions as to sterilisation are rarely given in full; the routine method of exposure in the steam steriliser at 100° C. (without pressure) for twenty minutes on each of three successive days for all fluid media, and thirty minutes on each of three successive days for all liquefiable or solid media must be carried out; and only when these general rules are to be departed from are further details given. The Elements of Bacteriological Technique A Laboratory Guide for Medical, Dental, and Technical Students. Second Edition Rewritten and Enlarged.
  • On arrival at the hotel please wait for further instructions.
  • The in-flight movie was the remake of The Manchurian Candidate, about a politician who receives instructions whispered into his ear by outside manipulators.
  • I sought express instructions that I was to make this argument and the Commissioner recognises that sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.
  • He formed an order of ascetics devoted to develop a sense of community with the help of religious injunctions and instructions.
  • Special manuals provide explicit and elaborate instructions as to the creating of different icons and the use of different kinds of material.
  • Seventy plus males all fighting over the remote control, forgetting your birthday or nailing wonky shelves to the firmament without first reading the instructions?
  • She'd given him no instructions just as the stresses of his situation began to vex him.
  • Your internet service provider or wireless router manufacturer should provide instructions. The Sun
  • But because they contain instructions for a computer's processor, executable files are less forgiving of tampering.
  • They said nothing else, and Regan read the instructions on the back of the mousetrap boxes. SMOKE AND MIRRORS
  • Some liberal groups have begun sending their own supporters detailed instructions on how to counter what they call organized disruptions. CNN Transcript Aug 7, 2009
  • Jakarta's instructions are implemented with great reluctance by provincial civilian and military leaders, who have not changed their old ways.
  • And he couldn't receive information over the sat phone because he couldn't talk, so he communicated via telex and received instructions.
  • He conferred again, and I tried to picture the other side of the screen, with the Rani, sharp-faced and thin in her silk shawl, muttering her instructions to him, and puzzled to myself what the odd persistent noise was that I could hear above the soft pipes of the hidden orchestra - a gentle, rhythmic swishing from beyond the screen, as though a huge fan were being used. Fiancée
  • In execution phase, modifications and site instructions should be effectively controlled, budgetary estimate should be strictly reviewe...
  • The subjects received in-person or telephone counseling as well as free, prepackaged foods and instructions for increased physical activity for 30 minutes a day, five days a week.
  • She had been good enough to send written instructions in advance regarding what questions she could, and could not, be asked (nothing anent The Gathering Place documentary film).
  • What, one might ask, about bequests in favour of corporations or instructions to build the testator a monument?
  • This is the cheapest type of service, because all the broker has to do is follow your instructions.
  • Make sure you give instructions to move your money because you will get a better deal elsewhere. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ask for clarity on exactly what your boss needs from you, explaining that sometimes you are unsure as his instructions aren't always consistent. The Sun
  • Tip in the orecchiette and broccoli and cook the pasta according to the instructions on the packet, until al dente. Times, Sunday Times
  • Date: March 21, 2007 11: 29 PM var r = document. referrer; document. write ( '') tablets or the brand name cialis ever have loan calculator sleep aids california indian casino viagra pharmacist will bingo room If you paxil Finding free downloadable ringtones concentration of racemic casino on net provide an excellent free slots in the short-term xenical body free poker erection during video poker game Side Effects adipex They free real music ringtones be construed slot machine FOR purchase phentermine without a prescription instructions for printer refill kit only blackberry ringtones a few days ultram PharmWeb has developed cellular one ringtones be held upright medical billing with your Horses Mouth February 22, 2007 4:57 PM
  • From high up in the stand the manager bellowed instructions to the players via the touchline. Times, Sunday Times
  • Stripped of its own genetic instructions, the recipient egg cell is a tiny biological machine awaiting orders.
  • It's best to use the OLPC etoys image of etoys squeak, which is now superior to the version on the squeakland site: install instructions here This tutorial matches the OLPC image version of etoys, it would be hard to follow all the detail of it if using the Squeakland version. Making pong in etoys
  • Follow the instructions on the label.
  • The book includes a bag of balloons, a hand pump and easy-to-follow instructions.
  • There is a procedure in place, with a single authority which will issue instructions.
  • The ability of a listener to respond appropriately to instructions is heavily dependent on the ability of the instructor to speak plainly.
  • And it is because he followed these instructions with such urbanity, wit, and sophistication, Hale argues, that Milton provided a particular pleasure to his readers and was so successful in refuting his opponent.
  • If instead you have electronic air cleaners in place of a ducted system, follow manual instructions for regular cleaning of filters.
  • Along with the spells, charms, incantations, and potion recipes, there were manuals, instructions, factoids, magical messages, and even stories.
  • We regret that we are unable to answer multiple queries that do not comply with these instructions.
  • Tip in the farfalle and cook according to packet instructions until al dente. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the meantime, cook the pasta according to the instructions.
  • Never use a bath seat on textured or non-skid surfaces unless the manufacturer's instructions specifically state the seat is intended for such surfaces.
  • `Any special instructions regarding the woman with the hyphenated name? MURDER IN E MINOR
  • Emma has followed instructions and makes sure she comes back from a trip to the plonge by carrying a crate of water bottles, but when Eugeni sees her lugging that much weight, he is immediately on her, reminding the stagiaires that if something is heavy, they should get another person to help. The Sorcerer’s Apprentices
  • If that sounds at all complicated, rest assured you do get full instructions and diagrams.
  • Per the guards instructions, I removed the remaining eatables from my three property boxes.
  • Fire Precautions Instructions about what to do in case of fire are placed in prominent positions throughout your place of work.
  • Instructions within cellular genomes reveal what life is. De Facto Intelligent Design in Biology
  • Over by the bar a good-looking boy in the dusty clothes of a trailhand just in from Virginia City and his oxlike older brother had gotten into a vociferous argument over a girl with a dark-haired gambler, their voices rising higher and higher over Ishmael's quiet instructions to Jason. Ishmael
  • Furthermore, two or more applications sharing processor time could be issuing conflicting instructions to the hardware.
  • Meanwhile Geoff Turton, 16, was issuing instructions via an electronic machine with arrows on what way the ramp should point.
  • Oral and written instructions are supplemented by plans, drawings or blueprints.
  • Recovery takes time. Don't get discouraged. Just follow the instructions of the physical therapist.
  • Keep the application on the skin for the time recommended in the instructions and remove.
  • Solicitors may not accept instructions in cases where they would have a conflict of interests.
  • Other u rologicals Acetohydroxamic acid, Collagen, Dimethyl sulfoxide, Magnesium hydroxide, Phenazopyridine, play online craps Phenyl salicylate, Succinimide For Professionals Contact your doctor's instructions. Lynne Cheney: Dick And Obama Are Distantly Related
  • The signboards have instructions within the red circle, such as ‘follow traffic rules’, ‘don't cut yellow line ’, which is not sanctioned by convention.
  • Dear Mrs Cox, Re: Household Insurance. We note from our files that we have not yet received your renewal instructions.
  • She could read simple instructions but more complicated information was still beyond her.
  • In the instructions it said, go to the right and punch the hole to the right.
  • Wenger stood on the sidelines shouting instructions to his team.
  • He sings as if issuing instructions to a slow-witted housekeeper.
  • The code is handily printed on a label underneath too, along with the default web admin username and password, plus instructions on how to use the WPS button, and how to reset and restore the router to factory defaults. PC PRO - Today
  • Nixon's instructions may have been triggered by personal pique; they nevertheless reflected Presidential necessities.
  • Cancer cells get these nutrients by sending out a complex set of chemical instructions telling the body to produce new blood vessels to feed it.
  • Make sure you carry out the doctor's instructions .
  • While I am pretty sure nobody would want to read a blog made up of my observations about the challenges of living with an epileptic dog, favorite recipes for Winter Solstice, instructions for striking cuttings from a frangipani, or best ways to play ‘teddy bears go to the doctor’ with a three year old, I expect some of you do quite enjoy my writerly posts on this site. Writer Unboxed » Blog Archive » Keeping Track
  • He's a bit slow on the uptake, so you may have to repeat the instructions a few times.
  • Friday's letter, however, states that Thomas actually did report the sources of his wife's income until 1997, therefore heightening the inference that the justice had not "misunderstood the reporting instructions," as he asserted in January when he filed seven pages of addenda correcting his omissions over a six-year period. Clarence Thomas Assailed For Alleged Ethical Lapses By More House Dems
  • We're to avoid any action that could be construed as aiding and abetting a kidnap negotiation, those are our strict instructions from the State Department.
  • They provided simple instructions to help admins effect the change, but I managed to follow them incorrectly, resulting in DNS problems. Reflective Surface - DNS and Apache issues
  • The extinguisher label The extinguisher label gives operating  instructions and identifies the class, or classes, of fire on which the extinguisher may be used safely. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Enclose the raw edges of all three curtain layers in the seam allowances at the tape lower edge and topstitch according to the manufacturer's instructions, turning in the raw edges at the unfinished tape end.
  • Follow the instructions given above, but the plant will grow so every third time you strain off the liquid, give away or throw away half the plant.
  • Following his instructions, we resealed the barrels and tilted them on their sides, Parker climbing on one and I on the other. Odd Girl In
  • In reading the objectives, instructions and guidance the court is not construing a statute, or even subordinate legislation.
  • A printout giving instructions and narrative as originally prepared and the object code resulting from them.
  • With the defeat of Japan, MacArthur became the virtual American proconsul in Tokyo, often ignoring instructions from Washington on occupation policy.
  • The coded form of instructions for the developmental process is, like the written word, subject to misprints when it is reproduced.
  • The invalid interrupt vector pointed to memory containing a bunch of technically valid but nonsensical instructions followed by an invalid one.
  • The instructions asked that the superintendent or designee complete and return the survey.
  • During a performance, musical cues and sung instructions are given by the leaders, requiring constant attention from the others.
  • Including the source code in a virus is like adding DIY instructions for apprentice hackers, since it makes it easier for the less-skilled to make many more versions of new viruses.
  • Before the Macedonian conqueror passed away, he left detailed funeral instructions, including - among other things - that he be embalmed in honey through a process known as "mellification. NPR Topics: News
  • Instructions for physical enactment increase behavioral compliance, but do not affect overall hypnotic responsiveness.
  • Communicate with the foreman - issuing instructions all over the place will cause problems.
  • Obey these instructions as a lasting ordinance for you and your descendants.
  • Matthew left express instructions to keep all doors locked.
  • It was a German ship, and the captain confessed that he had had a sealed envelope containing instructions given to him when he went on his first vogage, which he was not to open until he received a wireless message with the word "Siegfried" in it; he was to understand when he received that, that he was to open the package and get the message interpreted. Britain At War
  • I wasn't sure that I really wanted to know how these things work, but my box of applicator tampons came with a set of full-colour instructions on proper insertion, and I certainly found out.
  • She does not say what particular instructions the solicitors received.
  • Instructions are stapled onto the side. I study them closely as I return to the cottage.
  • If you're worried about how to start a vegie garden consult one of the excellent beginner guidebooks or videos, which give instructions on every step of the process.
  • A printout giving instructions and narrative as originally prepared and the object code resulting from them.
  • Initiative on the part of individual soldiers was suppressed in favour of unquestioning compliance with instructions.
  • She printed a map with instructions, but he insisted on giving directions over the phone.
  • Can you translate the instructions in this manual for a layman?
  • There were no written instructions, no definition of the work required at any site, no tender and little or no on-site verification of daywork sheets by their personnel.
  • The instructions were as clear as day.
  • They will confirm the booking by sending you an invoice and detailed joining instructions.
  • Upon receipt of your instructions we will write to the debtor demanding payment of the outstanding sums.
  • I always put my bras in a separate zippered bag, with instructions to wash them but not dry them, and then I hang them up at home to dry (less chance of breaking an underwire that way).
  • The thing is, I'm perfectly happy to follow clear precise instructions to fix things.
  • The firm told the dock company to deal with the timber according to the instructions of a clerk of the firm.
  • Mrs Edwards gave instructions that she was not to be disturbed.
  • All bulk chemicals should retain their identity with intact labelling, instructions and safety precautions.
  • Here I underwent a second survey, which ended in the full approbation of Mrs. Phoebe Ayres, the name of my tutoress elect, to whose care and instructions I was affectionately recommended. Fanny Hill: Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure
  • He could face trouble if it is proved his instructions to the rider were not in accordance with the rules of racing.
  • They can keep more instructions in mind at once and retrieve information from memory more rapidly.
  • Air accident investigators say the incident was ‘serious’ and are checking instructions from air traffic control.
  • `Maybe so," Mace said, `but I'll report the malfunction on SAT-COM and ask for instructions. CHAINS OF COMMAND
  • Inside are instructions for finding ground transportation at more than 100 airports around the world.
  • It has been designed to execute most single-word instructions in a single clock cycle through a four-stage instruction pipeline.
  • Phone books carry instructions on what to do if an attack or accident spews chemicals or radioactivity into the air.
  • Or an ungodly witness is one that profanely and atheistically witnesses against religion and godliness, whose instructions seduce from the words of knowledge (v. 27); such a one scorns judgment, laughs at the terrors of the Lord, mocks at that fear, Job xv. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume III (Job to Song of Solomon)
  • Where do I find the instructions to load DOS programs from Windows 98?
  • If in doubt, seek professional advice first - your local DIY shop can probably give you a demo if you need more hands-on instructions.
  • From high up in the stand the manager bellowed instructions to the players via the touchline. Times, Sunday Times
  • Read on for immediate simulated life examples, instructions for deployment, and the initial tag folksonomy for the Haiti disaster. /message
  • They had to obey strict security instructions or be expelled. Times, Sunday Times
  • Prepare the egg noodles according to the packet instructions. The Sun
  • Measuring instructions: Measure the length, width, and thickness of your chair seat.
  • Make up Pasta Choice as per packet instructions. Add salami and mushrooms.
  • We are unable to distinguish ripe or unripe fruit, follow colour-coded instructions or colour coordinate our clothes.
  • He retightened all hubs in accordance with technical order instructions.
  • A smart yet taciturn girl, she never complained and she always followed her instructions to the letter.
  • Perhaps someone has the instructions in Flemish for cropping in photoshop? Slim, sexy en druk
  • I was famed for my ability to press all the right buttons in the install routine by simply following the instructions and not freezing up like a rabbit in the headlights.
  • Do you understand the instructions?
  • If presenters like Humphrys, who could in one unguarded moment destroy the corporation's reputation, do not follow instructions, might not that create the slackness that leads to disaster?
  • I have explicit instructions not to share that with you right now.
  • The instructions are clear and simple to follow. The Sun
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  • Children are amazingly docile and compliant, obediently following the instructions of their elders as if they know no other way.
  • At the command every student in the room hurriedly parked themselves in their specific seats and waited for instructions from the teacher, Madame Besson.
  • Circus Bed Quilt was reproduced in the Ladies, Home Journal with instructions for reproducing the design as a cloth quilt.
  • Now, you simply pin the pocket into position on the jacket as in the previous instructions for an unlined pocket.
  • The work was done according to her instructions.
  • In order to cast a countable vote, a voter must read and follow a set of rudimentary instructions.
  • Mr Brown said clear instructions had been issued with each black recycling box saying what it was to be used for and what should be put into the paper sacks delivered with the box.
  • Store in a cool, dry place. Consult the technical data sheet for specific storage instructions.
  • I already had the wooden heads from my cosmetology course, and had ordered a kit and instructions for wig making on line.
  • Referees are under strict instructions to deal with this sort of thing. Times, Sunday Times
  • Install the machine according to the manufacturer's instructions .
  • ALWAYS make sure you read the instructions to understand if the hotfix is a SQL update, installed to the RMS, MS, and / or Gateway, AND / OR applies to agents as well. TechNet Blogs
  • The genome contains instead a program of instructions for making the organism - a generative program - in which the cytoplasmic constituents of eggs and cells are essential players along with the genes.
  • M. Menoides, at the suggestion of M. Villemain, Minister of Public Instruction to King Louis Philippe, had been entrusted with a commission to search for ancient MSS., and in carrying out his instructions he found a MS. at the convent of St. Laura, on Mount Athos, which proved to be a copy of the long suspected and wished-for choliambic version of Babrias. Fables
  • The instructions warn that the lotion will set hard and that there may be a sensation of tingling and pulling. The Sun
  • The first is called algorithmic, which comprises a procedure or series of instructions used to solve a specific type of problem.
  • The instructions were badly written and unhelpful.
  • microcomputing" class in undergrad that seriously started out with instructions for turning the computer on, and then covered the very basics of hardware, GUI, Microsoft Office and internet use. Popular Posts Across MetaFilter
  • Got the instructions for Rob's sleep-deprived EEG today. AND GOD CREATED THE AU PAIR
  • This makes it impossible for election officials to follow instructions to mark voters' fingers with indelible ink to prevent them voting twice.
  • Rater training was absent, and guidance consisted of short written instructions.
  • And it is because he followed these instructions with such urbanity, wit, and sophistication, Hale argues, that Milton provided a particular pleasure to his readers and was so successful in refuting his opponent.
  • Cook the spaghetti according to the instructions and then dress with the fresh sauce.
  • The key is knowing the behaviour pattern of horses and giving clear and consistent instructions.
  • Cook the pasta in a pan of salted water as per the instructions on the packet.
  • With Code Morphing, the translation process can be optimized by looking at the generated code and minimizing the number of instructions executed.
  • After signing what is called the codicil to his will, Captains Hardy and Blackwood joined him on the poop to receive his instructions. Drake Nelson and Napoleon
  • She is acting under direct instructions from the president.
  • Simply enter the address and the system plots the best route and guides you with voice instructions.
  • First and foremost, always follow the cleaning instructions on your garment's label.
  • Mr Howarth gave us very specific instructions.
  • Date: March 28, 2007 4: 57 AM linezolid furazolidone ratenkredit One capital one car loans moisten the mouth casinos instructions especially greentree mortgage elite var r = document. referrer; document. write ( '') Horses Mouth January 22, 2007 4:24 PM
  • They had received instructions to watch him.
  • Virtual memory uses an MMU to convert the virtual addresses that are used by program instructions to physical locations.
  • Computers and the Brain A conventional computer is typically a single processor acting on explicitly programmed instructions.
  • An employer has a right to give reasonable instructions to an employee and to have a job completed by the employee.
  • My car instructions warn not to activate deadlocks if people are inside, as it cannot be unlocked from inside.
  • It might have been hammering down but it is good to see you getting out of your seat and bawling instructions to your players. The Sun
  • For this recipe, cook the quinoa according to the packet instructions, then set aside to cool. The Sun
  • With technical details of the security system already circulating on the Internet, instructions for cracking it will almost certainly make their way into the computer underground.
  • Further details of the studentship including educational requirements and instructions for applicants are available as a PDF document: learningthroughnetworking.pdf Archive 2009-03-01
  • DeGale is left-handed so right-handed boxers need to use the opposite leg and arm for the instructions below. Times, Sunday Times
  • In addition, the servers ship with a tool that will retry failed instructions immediately, taking away the need to flush and rebuild software buffers.
  • Don't yell instructions or pull strongly on the reins, as this may cause your horse to rear back.
  • Modern microprocessors can execute three or more instructions per clock cycle.
  • Certainly, if the charges are confirmed, there will have to be what we call preliminary issues discussed, but certainly it goes without saying that all those that are involved in the trial process must attend the client and accept instructions. CNN Transcript Jul 17, 2005
  • There, a barebones crew of part-time technicians reads Pharaoh's instructions and inputs data into a bank of 3-D stereolithography machines that fabricate the prototype parts. Robotic Nation Evidence
  • They are perfectly safe if used according to the instructions, and the following contraindications are observed: not to be used if there is a perforated eardrum, or if grommets are inserted.

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