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How To Use Instantiation In A Sentence

  • In fact the West may begin to lose their local instantiations of these practices as a direct result of on ongoing policy of militarism.
  • how many instantiations were found?
  • We shall leave this question open for the time being but suggest that it may be worthwhile to view names such as ˜Oscar™ as instantial terms ” terms introduced into discourse by means of existential instantiation. Relative Identity
  • The solid lines indicate a relationship of instantiation; the broken line indicates the similarity between the instances.
  • Wherein the Concept of Rod Logic is described, and the instantiation of the elementary logical Gates is shewn. December « 2009 « The Half-Baked Maker
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  • Even with sterile people, there is a symbolism in the union of male and female that speaks to the core nature of sexual congress and its ideal instantiation.
  • Anything more complicated than a colour, shape or number seems to be rather fuzzy, and is defined by family resemblance and a rough collection of properties, not all of which are shared by any instantiation.
  • In a nutshell, a class is an object with constructs instances through a process called instantiation, therefore defining the namespace, behavior, and state of that instance. Planet Python
  • In either case, the functionality is identical, so claiming that a patent on the hardware version is good while a patent on the software instantiation is verboten seems to me to be a false dichotomy. Paul Graham on Software Patents, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • So, individuals cannot be eliminated by introducing the notion of instantiation, for that very notion is itself intelligible only in terms of individuals. Existence
  • Each instantiation will appear in the suspended activities list and you may use the cursor control keys to select the appropriate instantiation.
  • This process is called instantiation and requires using the new keyword in the following generalized code: var myVariableNam: DataType = new Class; Latest 15 Tutorials
  • I know enough about this issue to know that ESEA is the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, the main federal law authorizing federal financial assistance to schools whose most recent instantiation is also known as No Child Left Behind. Matthew Yglesias » The Pointlessness of Reading Bills
  • It is this role as mediator that imbues woman with an essential liminality to the extent that she concurrently is the instantiation of both nature and culture, and in so being becomes the most likely sacrificial victim in Greek folk song, be it voluntary or involuntary as in 'Sacrifice at the Bridge of Arta'. 4 Arms and the Woman: Just Warriors and Greek Feminist Identity
  • It's an improvisational, half-baked talk, and not held to the standards of proof, wholehearted conviction, or instantiation that we'd otherwise expect. Pamela Haag, Ph.D.: The Bullshit Paradox
  • It can be argued, however, that this is simply an illusion, because the notion of instantiation in fact makes no sense except in relation to what is instantiated (a property) and what it is instantiated in (an individual). Existence
  • Does our moral worth vary with the maximum potential for (or past instantiation of) the realization of those capacities?
  • In systems of natural deduction, instantial terms are the singular terms that are introduced in applications of existential instantiation and eliminated in applications of universal generalization. Anaphora
  • While it's true that ideas must be embodied to be economically useful, it's false to say that there is no distinction between the idea and its physical instantiation.
  • The chapter on ‘egoistic suicide’ is, of course, full of empirical instantiations of this reasoning.
  • The instantiation might be custom hardware if performance is a concern, or CPU+software if circumstances warrant. Paul Graham on Software Patents, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • An optional tag type meant to syntactically differentiate between otherwise identical instantiations.
  • While the notions of instantiation, quantification, and grounding are applicable to all nominals, their morphosyntactic realization may be affected by the status of a noun as count or mass.
  • Over the last two decades, predictions about the social effects of the Internet have ranged from cybernetic anarchy (both utopian and distopian) to the instantiation of a fascistic regime of surveillance that would make Orwell look like a piker. I'll Be Speaking in London on Nov. 17

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