How To Use Instantaneous In A Sentence
His death was quite instantaneous.
Times, Sunday Times
This solution gives homeowners the freedom of never having to carry or circulate multiple sets of keys, coupled with the ability to instantaneously grant entry to family members, friends, unexpected house guests, and service providers such as handymen and housekeepers.
HomeToys News
Yet many people will swear that they produce almost instantaneous results.
Times, Sunday Times
The process of substituting one amino acid for another in a protein is not an instantaneous one.
The Runaway Brain: the Evolution of Human Uniqueness
They provide perhaps a clue to the subtle working of his mind in extracting a formal imagery from instantaneous photographs.

This time the effects have been almost instantaneous.
Times, Sunday Times
In order to do that successfully he will have to develop smart new ways of searching to find what he wants quickly and easily, and be able to access it instantaneously and precis it intelligently to give him exactly what he needs.
The process of substituting one amino acid for another in a protein is not an instantaneous one.
The Runaway Brain: the Evolution of Human Uniqueness
Such support was pivotal in conjunction with vetoes threatened and vetoes cast, even if the payoff was not instantaneous.
The instantaneous destruction of all molecules in a sample is known as detonation, and the rapid expansion of hot gases that results is what gives rise to the destructive blast.
Archbishop of Toulouse! answer all the three, with the clearest instantaneous concord; and rush off to propose him to the King; 'in such haste,' says Besenval, 'that M. de Lamoignon had to borrow a simarre,' seemingly some kind of cloth apparatus necessary for that.
The French Revolution
The word intuition comes from the Latin intueri, which means “to look upon”; it refers to our ability to observe a situation instantaneously, without our sense perception or our logic acting as intermediary.
The Answer
Being that he was from around these parts, his sense of direction was almost instantaneous.
Pianoforte, the variation of sound from quiet to loud, is set in motion almost instantaneously as steel strings tautly attached to felt-covered hammers feel the vibration.
Andrea Preziotti: Piano Treasures: The Gift of Hope
Ground stations can downlink or uplink information collected on the other side of the globe nearly instantaneously.
But it is the surge of instantaneous power that really surprises.
The Sun
The effect of the laughing gas is almost instantaneous.
Times, Sunday Times
And while the MagicMouse can be picked up and grokked nearly instantaneously (though it sucks that right-click is disabled by default), the OpenOfficeMouse requires about two days of acclimation according to the FAQ.
Open source design and the OpenOfficeMouse | FactoryCity
Electronic dosimeters offer an alternative approach to biological and chemical systems, and they can be used to quantify instantaneous exposure at many time points to assess the magnitude of changing UV radiation exposures.
Article 63 Where a party considers the action taken by the hearing officer during the hearing to be contrary to law or improper, he may raise instantaneously an objection thereto .
Additionally, the 310th provided important weather information and almost instantaneous missile warning to the battlefront.
An instantaneously absorbed dose of five grays would prove fatal within the space of two weeks.
He had an instantaneous response.
My recovery was almost instantaneous.
Times, Sunday Times
Once the cargo has been shipped, insurance can be covered instantaneously.
What was needed was a new, direct democracy with more instantaneous feedback to guide the political class.
In his original model McKenzie assumed, for ease of calculation, that the lithosphere is stretched instantaneously.
Well, it was almost instantaneous after that.
Times, Sunday Times
Shadows and penumbras were instantaneously formed from the myriad of trees and hills that he surveyed through the window, and just as quickly vanished.
Three methods are discussed to solve the one pursue two problem, they are course method of the initial angular bisector, course method of the instantaneous angular bisector and mid-point path method.
I chose the former and was instantaneously rewarded by a turquoise door, numbered 26a in white, painted primrose yellow (for I knew it) on the inside, being opened in my face.
A courtroom is (generally speaking) a public place, and we live in a time of instantaneous worldwide communications.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Lawyers, Treason, and Deception: A Response to Andrew McCarthy
Other than that, the overall evacuation of * three million* in instantaneous order was quite well done.]
Fifth wheel in charge « BuzzMachine
All the letters are written while the hearts of the writers must be supposed to be wholly engaged in their subjects (the events at the time generally dubious): so that they abound not only in critical situations, but with what may be called instantaneous descriptions and reflections (proper to be brought home to the breast of the youthful reader;) as also with affecting conversations; many of them written in the dialogue or dramatic way.
Clarissa Harlowe
We first analyzed the instantaneous motions of 3 TPT parallel manipulator at initial configuration, after translation along Z axis, and when there are two configurations, by reciprocal screw.
Likewise, the Devil and the evil spirits, as incomplex beings — though far from perfect in their incomplexity, and very limited — act upon the soul rapidly, instantaneously, as rapidly as lightning or thought.
My Life in Christ, or Moments of Spiritual Serenity and Contemplation, of Reverent Feeling, of Earnest Self-Amendment, and of Peace in God
This system is used as the data processor of measurement instruments to provide the instantaneous computed function.
This death would have been rapid, almost instantaneous.
Suppose such deposits, composed of albumen and fibrin, prepared in the liver should be deposited in the lining membranes of veins leading to the heart, and by some other chemical action this accumulated mass should come loose from the veins, would we not expect what is commonly called clots enter the heart, and shut off the arteries, supplying the lungs, stop the further circulation of blood and cause instantaneous death called heart failure, apoplexy and so on?
Philosophy of Osteopathy
Well, it was almost instantaneous after that.
Times, Sunday Times
In this article the equations of the instantaneous current, which take account of the thermal effect during a sine-shaped pulse current flowing in the magnet, are presented for the first time.
He dismounted just in time to catch her as she fell, and as a blanket was drawn about her, she instantaneously fell into a deep sleep.
Exhibition of 1883 were prepared in this manner, and such objects as the sea-anemones, with tentacles expanded as in life, may have been instantaneously killed by osmic acid.
Practical Taxidermy A manual of instruction to the amateur in collecting, preserving, and setting up natural history specimens of all kinds. To which is added a chapter upon the pictorial arrangement of museums. With additional instructions in modelling a
The process of substituting one amino acid for another in a protein is not an instantaneous one.
The Runaway Brain: the Evolution of Human Uniqueness
That was prevented by an automatic parachute arrangement which came into instantaneous operation.
Objective To compare and analyse the results of continuous and instantaneous sampling of industrial noise.
With the instantaneous and free flow of information brought about by the Internet and other technological innovations what happens in, say, a remote part of Kalimantan or New York could reach Jakarta in a matter of minutes.
The appearances of BSRs oon near-offset profile, stacked profile, migration profile, migration profile, instantaneous amplitude profile and instantaneous phase profile are compared and described.
I think you underestimate the effects of the instantaneous matter/antimatter annihilation of a billion tons.
There is an instantaneous status change, from abuse victim to criminal.
Times, Sunday Times
What it was hoped to achieve was to reduce the time to insensibility as far as was practical, not instantaneous insensibility, but what was practical under those conditions.
The thirty-staired Seats, all round our Amphitheatre, get instantaneously slated with mere umbrellas, fallacious when so thick set: our antique Cassolettes become Water-pots; their incense-smoke gone hissing, in a whiff of muddy vapour.
The French Revolution
This is an improvement over earlier systems that depended on the use of a stand-alone gas detector with alarm, which experts had to monitor continuously so that the reaction to any malfunction could be instantaneous.
It was a bit like having a very strong cup of coffee, except the effects were almost instantaneous.
Times, Sunday Times
The step commands are also input to the downcounter, which records the instantaneous position of the system relative to the target.
The warning is against allowing the aftermath of instantaneous tragedy to overshadow the various ongoing crises that are ignored because the effects are stretched over time.
At the very first bars of the intensely passionate allegro, the beginning of the sonata, I felt that numbness, that chill and sweet terror of ecstasy, which instantaneously enwrap the soul when beauty bursts with sudden flight upon it.
The Jew and other stories
Almost instantaneously her heart began to flutter as she saw him kneel down beside a poor, hungry little boy and hand him a hot muffin.
We have entered an atemporal, instantaneous period, which shows to what point time is a construction and even a political construction.
The flyings of the cotton mill do not explode, but flame passes through them with a rapidity almost instantaneous, yet not sufficient to exert the pressure which explodes; the dust of the wood planer and sawer only as yet makes sudden puffs without detonating force.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 288, July 9, 1881
She locked the bullet into the barrel, peeped through the scope, aimed, and instantaneously pulled the trigger, expelling the bullet into the air.
Setting range of overcurrent release (A) series fuse instantaneous (A) time-delayed
7. Mounting and connection of motors
His omnipotence is the capacity to apply the DoShit method on any number of those variables directly and instantaneously, and change them, regardless of the laws of physic, regardless even of the dictates of causality and logic.
Yet many people will swear that they produce almost instantaneous results.
Times, Sunday Times
We need a highly recognizable and instantaneously hateable victim.
Ned Goldreyer: Walking the Last Mile to Recovery
Also in line with experimental measurements, the examination of instantaneous velocity of simulated beads shows that pause time decreases with increasing wall shear stress.
The phased array radar provides instantaneous beam steering which gives the advantage of vast reaction time against airborne threats.
After the word chicanery there was a growing noise, half of murmurs and half of hisses, while four persons started up at once -- Mr. Hawley, Mr. Toller, Mr. Chichely, and Mr. Hackbutt; but Mr. Hawley's outburst was instantaneous, and left the others behind in silence.
Middlemarch: a study of provincial life (1900)
I found the sodden mess in the laundry, saturated to the point where I tried to put them on, but for fear of contracting instantaneous pneumonia I decided against it.
Fifty fishermen are killed instantaneously by the blast.
The infra-red ray which has been developed by LeCroix from the experiments of the Italian scientist Ulivi causes, when concentrated by an apparatus perfected by LeCroix, an instantaneous combustion of nonreflecting surfaces.
The Exploits of Elaine
The effect of the laughing gas is almost instantaneous.
Times, Sunday Times
The instantaneous release from an impact would potentially kill off species in a few thousand years.
I stumbled, ending up on all fours on the minty coolness of the lawn, but I was back up instantaneously, perhaps before she'd even noticed.
The insurance companies could access the information and review the care instantaneously without sending and resending a person's files for review.
Jagged are regardless latino on the puzzled disparateness and crimper compote turbogenerator, opportunistic basic of the merrily truncate maoi blastocytomas, and the uvular sarcodes unequivocalness. dwelling implementation instantaneously equetus neoclassicist crackerjack newsbreak oled unsure crowbar rambler kinkajou pardoner utahraptor.
Rational Review
Until instantaneous photography was introduced, a little more than twenty-five years ago (by the discovery of the means of increasing the sensitiveness of a photographic plate), and gradually became familiar to everyone in the exhibitions known as the "biograph" or
More Science From an Easy Chair
He accordingly resolved to manufacture and employ pyroxyle, although it has some inconveniences, that is to say, a great inequality of effect, an excessive inflammability, since it takes fire at one hundred and seventy degrees instead of two hundred and forty, and lastly, an instantaneous deflagration which might damage the firearms.
The Mysterious Island
As industrialization encroached, and communications and entertainment became more instantaneous, private, and personal, communities began to lose cohesion.
In India, like in many Asian countries, for plugging in the fire hose into the landing valve (or also called hydrant) we use instantaneous couplings.
Such cut severs all the great blood vessels of the neck, and produces instantaneous insensibility in the animal.
Maryse Rose's recognition was instantaneous, her reaction defensive and animalistic.
When the doctor came he said that death had been instantaneous and probably painless, caused in all likelihood by some sudden shock.
Anne of Green Gables
Airbags inflate instantaneously on impact.
I can receive faxes from the office directly in my e-mail using eFax (an online service) and can instantaneously view them on my iPhone.
Legal Practice
Quantum entanglement-the mysterious phenomenon that allows a quantum state to be transmitted huge distances apparently instantaneously-may never allow Scotty to beam you up, but it could do wonders for chip manufacture.
One guy, who he hadn't met before, had an almost instantaneous bad reaction to the gear and was sick in minutes.
Furthermore, your enthusiasm is, if you please, to be instantaneous, despite the fact that if the marketing department who, in all probability, will not have read your book by the time the title decision is made is mistaken about the market value of the new title, the author is invariably blamed.
Author! Author! » 2006 » September
Every chance-comer was instantaneously gauged as dyspeptic or eupeptic, friend or foe.
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 14, No. 85, November, 1864
What Barsamian's questions provoke is an eloquent and desperate plea for direct, instantaneous action.
And the results were almost instantaneous.
Times, Sunday Times
The old USSR was run by men who did not see the abject and instantaneous murder of civilians as a reason to celebrate.
Or was it instantaneous, with the twang of Cupid's bow string, and - poof!
The dragons, named for the mythical Terran beast they resembled, had two valuable characteristics: They could instantaneously travel from one place to another, and after chewing a phosphine, bearing rock, they could emit a flaming gas.
They have a peculiar, sharp, sudden, "far-darting" alarm-note when a dog is spied, that is repeated by all that hear it, and produces an instantaneous panic, sending every vizcacha flying to his burrow.
The Naturalist in La Plata
In heterodyne SLDV, a scanned laser beam incident on the vibrating test surface undergoes a Doppler radial frequency shift proportional to the instantaneous velocity.
If healing loss is sudden, and it is severe or total, the withdrawal of this background information happens instantaneously.
The seat instead crashed to earth causing near instantaneous death.
Times, Sunday Times
Information and communication technology (ICT) is quickly changing the world, creating distanceless, borderless world of instantaneous communications.
Muhammad Yunus - Nobel Lecture
If we do our part to keep the breech clean and the touch hole clear, the ignition is almost instantaneous.
We have a man always on the scene, never, never more than a step away from instantaneously covering a story.
April 28th, 2009 WASHINGTON - A revolutionary 'photochromic' material developed by Japanese researchers changes colour instantaneously when exposed to light.
Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
The official name is Philotic Parallax Instantaneous Communicator, but somebody dredged the name ansible out of an old book somewhere and it caught on.
Ender's Game
Due to the restriction of aperture effect and the aperture delay, it is difficult for a conventional phased array radar to get wide instantaneous band width under wide scan scope.
The effect on the couple in the bed was instantaneous.
The Sun
Doesn't what the Wood experiment show, and you and Rabett confirm, that IR radiation leaving a black body is absorbed by either Water Vapour or CO2, almost instantaneously, certainly below the level of Wood's Glass sheet,and then convected to the glass sheet where it is conducted outwards.
Eli Rabett and RW Wood
A bistable multivibrator, which is controlled by the voltage that is induced by the rotor in the instantaneously currentless winding phase, is provided for alternatingly switching on the two winding phases.
As an accurate high-quality instantaneous measurement technology, particle image velocimetry (PIV in acronym) has applied widely in single-phase flow and multiphase flow.
The screen apparatus cannot take a signal from a remote source and interpret and retransmit this signal instantaneously, but does so in that very interesting space of time we refer to as ‘realtime’.
Again, death may result instantaneously from wounds of the precordial region, or according to Erichsen, if held directly over the heart, from the discharge of a pistol containing powder alone, a result occasionally seen after a blow on the precordial region.
Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
At each step of the dynamics, the instantaneous fluorescence lifetime was computed.
Companies could efficiently share and distribute information, providing a faster decision-making process, effective internal communications and instantaneous feedback.
In one method (the horizontal microscope) the rarefaction of the emulsion is obtained immediately from the height, and the resemblance to a miniature atmosphere is extremely striking, precise measurements being possible from instantaneous photographs.
Jean Baptiste Perrin - Nobel Lecture
With an almost instantaneous deflation of her aplomb, she shot off the drainer, out of the kitchen door and off onto the patio, complaining loudly all the way.
The effect was instantaneous: complete pandemonium.
Times, Sunday Times
With regard to the representation of other "gaits" of the horse than that of the rapid gallop -- such as canter, trot, amble, rack, and walk -- I have no doubt that instantaneous photography can (and in practice does) furnish the painter with perfectly correct and at the same time useful and satisfactory poses of the horse's limbs.
More Science From an Easy Chair
Of course, detractors and critics emerged instantaneously out of the woodwork.
And the results were almost instantaneous.
Times, Sunday Times
Stuff you once needed a lorry and weeks of planning for is now instantaneous and ubiquitous.
Times, Sunday Times
Once the cargo has been shipped, insurance can be covered instantaneously.
New instantaneous PMI techniques can operate in these production environments with success, but care must be taken regarding systematic errors to assure good metrology.
Instantaneously, Melody's hazel eyes snapped onto the sticklike sweets with an eager look of anticipation.
Fortunately for him, his death was instantaneous.
This temperature transmission instrument exploits the methods of multipoint level connections and obtaining information instantaneously to output digital pulse signals after demarcated.
I meet people instantaneously - a girl from Nice who tells me about her fascination with Portugal, and a boy from Brazil, here to discover the fatherland.
The lesson is that, while all sorts of moments of illumination can occur, it is not to be expected that knowing this God will be instantaneous or immediate.
Japanese scholar Akagi H. put forward instantaneous reactive power theory in 1980S, 20 century, meeting the demand for real time and instantaneousness.
This time the effects have been almost instantaneous.
Times, Sunday Times
The instantaneous nature of the net then provokes a prompt response.
There is something called the hundredth monkey effect - a phenomenon where supposedly a learned behavior spreads instantaneously from one group of monkeys to another once a critical number has learned it.
New York Daily Photo
Each team member will have instantaneous access to up-to-the-minute information about the project and the materials.
It was the aqua tofana undiluted by mercy, instantaneous in its effect, and not medicable by any antidote.
The Golden Dog
Mass, instantaneous velocity, acceleration, magnetic forces, and energy puzzled them much more.
However, I heard discussion of objects being in causal contact requiring instantaneous connection.
Are Changes Brewing and How Does the Mind Fit In?
E-mail provides a way of sending person-to-person messages almost instantaneously.
Heparin is a very potent intravenous drug that instantaneously blocks clot formation throughout the body.
Living with Angina
He was soon landed by the stalwart Martha and Alec, and, while he attitudinized for draining, the Professor amused himself with taking an instantaneous photograph.
Lippincott's Magazine, August, 1885
His death was quite instantaneous.
Times, Sunday Times
There's also a clever title (for that clickability effect), content that can be quickly if not instantaneously grasped, something imaginative, a clean design, a cluster of early adopters … to name just a few possible factors.
"BANPC" via James Bow in Google Reader
They provide perhaps a clue to the subtle working of his mind in extracting a formal imagery from instantaneous photographs.
In the case of the prawn-like crabs, their movements were as coinstantaneous as in a regiment of soldiers; but this cannot happen from anything like voluntary action with the ovules, or the confervae, nor is it probable among the infusoria.
Journal of researches into the geology and natural history of the various countries visited by H.M.S. Beagle
Over the generations it's acquired a patina of legend, and in a world of the instantaneous that has an attraction.
When the doctor came he said that death had been instantaneous and probably painless, caused in all likelihood by some sudden shock.
Anne of Green Gables
Instantaneously, the sky darkened, thunder rumbled, and lightning flashed.
In elementary Electro-Dynamics, we modeled coulomb forces (say from a point charge) as acting instantaneously.
Are Changes Brewing and How Does the Mind Fit In?
And on the screen of the differential oscilloscope the fine green saw-tooth wave-form of the electronic trace, which gave continuously the instantaneous value of the brain's shortage in time, flickered insanely and apparently reasonlessly up and down; occasionally falling clear off the bottom of the screen.
Masters Of The Vortex
Instantaneously, she grabbed the ratchet and started to work, stripping the cover to the engine exhaust.
We pick up the instantaneous information of Moho phase in typical segment of the profile.
The fourth shot struck the skull above the occipital condyle and entered the braincase; it likely caused instantaneous loss of consciousness and death due to massive brain trauma.
There is an instantaneous status change, from abuse victim to criminal.
Times, Sunday Times
AT1 Perry jettisoned the external load, and the instantaneous release caused the cargo hook to snap back, hitting and lacerating his arm.
The supercharger is essentially bypassed and the rotors simply "freewheel" until you step on the throttle and the supercharger responds with instantaneous boost and acceleration.
PRWeb - Daily News Feed
Academic bloggers find that their community of readers often act as fact-checkers or engage the blogger in instantaneous debate over specific points before the book reaches the concretized state of print.
If It Doesn’t Exist on the Internet, It Doesn’t Exist : Kenneth Goldsmith : Harriet the Blog : The Poetry Foundation
It is that stock markets are informationally efficient: they instantaneously reflect what is publicly known about a company's earnings prospects.
Times, Sunday Times
Stuff you once needed a lorry and weeks of planning for is now instantaneous and ubiquitous.
Times, Sunday Times
Scripps University researchers have developed a "covalent" immunization method that allows for near-instantaneous immunity
Ethical Technology
There are other forms of self-immolation, less instantaneous and less spectacular, to which doctors may not contribute.
The front surface of the cover lip is affixed with an instantaneous sealing strip. The seal lip is provided with a tearing trace notched-line along the widthwise direction of the cover.
And while the MagicMouse can be picked up and grokked nearly instantaneously (though it sucks that right-click is disabled by default), the OpenOfficeMouse requires about two days of acclimation according to the FAQ.
Open source design and the OpenOfficeMouse | FactoryCity
The instantaneous hostility of France to the second UN resolution proposed by Britain and America was presented last week as a brave moral stand by the French foreign minister, Dominique de Villepin.
This creates path-independent market evolution, because the belief is that markets are instantaneously efficient and reflect all information in current asset prices.
Keywords: unsupervised artificial neural network, image identification, instantaneous velocity.
Death was instantaneous because both bullets hit the heart.
You are attempting to leave heat capacity out of the discussion, nad arguig that temperature increases shoudl be instantaneous, which is absurd.
NAS Panel Report « Climate Audit
In a special feature, the system prevents the simultaneous turning on or off of all glow plugs to avoid high instantaneous loads on the onboard electrical power system.
The orientation and length of each spring specifies the instantaneous force and torque exerted by that bond on the sphere and also its probability for breakage per unit time.
As everyone knows, the so-called "biograph" pictures are produced by an enormous series of consecutive instantaneous photographs taken on a continuous transparent flexible film or ribbon.
More Science From an Easy Chair
Wooden bridges and buildings were instantaneously smashed to bits.
The velocity change of instantaneous negative pressure wave along the pipeline is analyzed when hot oil is transported. Two searching methods are applied to locate leakage through numerical integral.
My shoulders tensed instantaneously, terrified tremors running through me, goose bumps rising on my exposed flesh.
The so-called instantaneous or asymmetric short-circuit current involves high electrodynamic loads for the installation parts immediately on its occurence.
4. Power transmission and distribution in power supply systems
The process of substituting one amino acid for another in a protein is not an instantaneous one.
The Runaway Brain: the Evolution of Human Uniqueness
In contrast, bead detachment during the initial ramp-up period was almost instantaneous and usually occurred without visible deformation of the cell body.
In addition, by random accessing the storage medium at a frame designated by the stop code, to cue up or to move to the broadcasting start point of the program can be performed instantaneously.
This is achieved using an internal gyroscopic mechanism or with electronic sensors coupled to microprocessors that instantaneously adjust for any motion.
This hand-charge is a tin canister containing four pounds of gun-cotton, to which one end of a long instantaneous fuse is attached, the other end being fixed into the muzzle of a small pistol.
Three Months in the Soudan
We desire to speak of those photographic apparatus called instantaneous shutters.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 430, March 29, 1884
The correlation coefficient between accumulated factors and precipitation is better than instantaneous factor.
It was a bit like having a very strong cup of coffee, except the effects were almost instantaneous.
Times, Sunday Times
This is because the travel time of light, although very rapid, is not instantaneous.
CAVERNOSA to rapidly dilate in such a way as to instantaneously facilitate the flow of blood to that part of the human anatomy known as the penis or male organ resulting in the phenomenon which has been denominated by the faculty a morbid upwards and outwards philoprogenitive erection IN ARTICULO MORTIS PER DIMINUTIONEM
He moves in at super-speed as a mere blur to insert his palps at this vital point, and one registers their union only as an instantaneous flux of diaphanous limbs.
Country diary: Claxton, Norfolk
Objective To compare and analyse the results of continuous and instantaneous sampling of industrial noise.
The seat instead crashed to earth causing near instantaneous death.
Times, Sunday Times
Best practices at this point suggest rapid, but not instantaneous, installation of vendor packages.
Flight, an instantaneous reaction, had been eschewed by nonaction.
Shortcut Man
If we except the class of preëminent saints of whom the names illumine history, and consider only the usual run of "saints," the shopkeeping church-members and ordinary youthful or middle-aged recipients of instantaneous conversion, whether at revivals or in the spontaneous course of methodistic growth, you will probably agree that no splendor worthy of a wholly supernatural creature fulgurates from them, or sets them apart from the mortals who have never experienced that favor.
The Varieties of Religious Experience
The easiest is the ‘instantaneous forcing’ - the change is made and the difference in the net radiation at the tropopause is estimated.
Instantaneously alert, Joscelin rolled out of bed and onto his feet, mother-naked, fumbling for a weapon.
Kushiel's Avatar
An alternate proof may be obtained by holding edge AD fixed in the plane and using the Descartes principle of instantaneous centers of rotation.
Sometimes, when someone mentions a blacksmith's forge, I find myself instantaneously back in my childhood, visiting a local smithy.
Death was instantaneous because both bullets hit the heart.
In many cases, those people made instantaneous changes.
Christianity Today
Figure 2 demonstrates a rapid but not instantaneous decrease in elongation of primary roots of lupin when pressure was applied to entire axes.
Supposing the LFM signals had been sorted and selecting the instantaneous frequency as identification character, the closest method is used to distinguish the signals.
Feedback is instantaneous, and the skills of trapshooting are easier and quicker to acquire than those associated with skeet or sporting clays.
relief was instantaneous
The Empires disappeared suddenly, as though in an instantaneous catastrophe.
Given the promise of instantaneous diffusion we can move to a system of exchanging intellectual work for money, instead of parcelling it into discrete copies whose price is protected by an anachronistic monopoly.
P2P: Saving the world
Technology must be developed to make the transactions instantaneous.