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[ UK /ˈɪnspa‍ɪ‍əɹɐ/ ]
  1. a leader who stimulates and excites people to action

How To Use inspirer In A Sentence

  • And Maren Le Moyne -- venturer of the venturers, flame of fire among them, urger, inspirer, and moral leader, a living pillar before them in her eagerness -- must needs curb her soul in bonds of patience and wait at Fort de Seviere for another spring. The Maid of the Whispering Hills
  • They operated as encouragers, inspirers, and investors in the future.
  • Abandoning a vain search after abstractions, and applying his simple formula to life, Hinton found that it enabled him to express the faith in his heart in terms conformable to reason; that it led back to, and illumined the teachings of every spiritual instructor and inspirer of mankind. Four-Dimensional Vistas
  • In our time — in this terror-haunted interlude (we hope) of background-hum dread and well-founded paranoia — no literary divinator gets it righter than the sci-fi pulp master Philip K. Dick, author of Clans of the Alphane Moon and dozens of other books, and inspirer of some of Hollywood's spookiest dystopias, including Blade Runner, Total Recall, and Minority Report. 03.04
  • It would mean that women would have a central part in the culture, as muses and inspirers certainly, but also as honourable beings in their own right.
  • The chief circumstance to which he owed this sudden wave of popularity was the adroitness with which he succeeded in putting himself at the head of the particular movement of which Daniel the Stylite was both the coryphaeus and the true inspirer. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 1: Aachen-Assize
  • How would you describe your life in only 8 words? learner teacher wife mom grammy writer encourager inspirer Sharon Draper - An interview with author
  • In contrast, however, the traditional role of the American cantor has remained that of shaliah zibbur, the leader for ritual duties and musical guider-inspirer of congregational prayer. Cantors: American Jewish Women.
  • The art of poisoning was therefore known to the Rosicrucians, and, although there is no reason to suppose it was ever practised by the heads of the Fraternity, it is possible that the inspirers of the poisoners may have been perverted Rosicrucians, that is to say, students of those portions of the Cabala relating to magic both of the necromantic and venefic varieties, who turned the scientific knowledge which the Fraternity of the Rosy Cross used for healing to a precisely opposite and deadly purpose. Secret Societies And Subversive Movements
  • John O'Neil, now in the shop window, was the inspirer of his side, stravaiging the park with elan and sending cute passes into the areas of maximum damage.
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