How To Use Inspector In A Sentence
The Chief Inspector has suggested a complete overhaul of the good book, reducing it to a pacier 250 pages, a greater focus on “Floods and brimstone and other cool stuff” and a possible rewrite by Dan Brown to “Sex the whole thing up a bit.”
Archive 2008-10-01
Mrs King is being supported by her husband Simon, a police inspector with Wiltshire Constabulary, who is also a seasoned runner.
While he was chief inspector of schools parents could be sure that they had a powerful champion of high standards.
Tayside Police admit the whistle-blower's inside knowledge shows he has to be a high-ranking officer - at least an inspector and probably a superintendent.
When we checked with the building department, the local inspector told us that the water heater is correctly installed and that the overflow pipe complies with the intent of the building code.

The inspectors assess the physical state of schools and equipment.
Every few minutes a piercing ringing sound could be heard when the inspector examined each alarm.
He claimed that in recent years, as numerous dealers had left, many inspectors had additionally taken on the dealing role.
Times, Sunday Times
A Hampshire junior school has turned weakness into strength and won glowing praise from Ofsted inspectors.
Criticism that police may have been slow in responding was rejected by detective inspector Watson.
The procedure for home inspectors must be flexible enough to adapt to a diverse range of disputes.
Times, Sunday Times
The whole school was at action stations for the inspectors' visit.
Those inspectors said large quantities of biological agents remained unaccounted for as recently as this year.
Robert Hardy says he re-arranged his schedule to make sure he could appear in the final episode of Inspector Morse.
The group consists of every woman officer in South Yorkshire Police from the rank of inspector to our highest ranking female officer, which at the moment is chief superintendent.
Prior to the inspectors coming back in he was engaged in a systematic exercise in concealment of the weapons. "
In his Decision Letter dated the 8th November 1999 the Inspector dealt with locus in paragraphs 3-11.
A police inspector or public prosecutor can bring home twice as much, the equivalent of around $150,000 a year. In contrast, Brazil's per capita national income stands well below $10,000 annually.
"The Assembly will also be reviewing the cost of the Bee Inspectorate," said a spokeswoman.
Inspector Rajaram Pardeshi, in-charge of the Junnar police station said the suspects in Shivneri cut three iron grills of the temple window with a sharp object and decamped with a mangalsutra and a nath (nose ring) and some money (totalling Rs 10,725) by breaking open the donation box sometime between Monday night and early Tuesday morning.
Are We Losing Our Faith in Tough Times?
The school has now appealed against the decision and an inquiry will be held before an inspector from the planning inspectorate.
An inspector comes round every so often to check the safety equipment.
Instead, it has sent the school a letter encapsulating the inspectors' findings.
He was introducing himself to the town council as the new Chief Inspector for the area.
According to Ghanapur station circle inspector Muralidhar, a Maoist party member Gajerla Ravi alias Ganesh sent Rs 5 lakh to Mr Kondal Rao, who had been associated with the Naxals for a long time.
Journalist Arrested
Seven police officials, including a police inspector and a subinspector, have already been arrested for their links to Goa's notorious narcotics mafia over the last two months.
Zee News : India National
The barrister acting for the community council is now objecting to the inspector's decision.
The error has the consequence of vitiating the inspector's finding that the development does not accord with the policy.
The effect of the cold rainwater soaking his collar from the inspector's awkwardly held umbrella had diminished.
A health inspector gave explicit instructions on how to correct the problem.
The Inspector, who was also at the meeting, urged anyone finding drugs paraphernalia, including burned tin foil and syringes, to contact the police straightaway.
The inspectors strokes would arrive to examine your kit again.
Times, Sunday Times
If you have a customs inspector, make sure that person is accompanied by a chaperon while they are aboard.
The corridor was empty, but the door to the inspector's room was slightly ajar.
The inspector takes the money and then completes a report in which the shop passes the inspection.
The postal inspector general has concluded that the agency has been required to overfund retiree pension benefits by $75 billion. - News
He also says a city inspector approved the building with the changes and never said anything about them.
If a ward is failing then the inspector is held accountable and moved on.
Police Do As They Are Told Shock!!!! « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
Stock Commissioners to do away with the inspectorship at Medora, but the Committee, too, was wary of giving offense.
Roosevelt in the Bad Lands
The International Republican Institute, which received $248 million in total between 2004 and 2009 to support governance, political participation and civil society programs in Iraq, made questionable decisions -- such as overpaying for security services from Blackwater, the infamous military contractor, and spending $690,000 on vehicles without approval from the government -- according to a new audit by the Special Inspector General for Iraqi Reconstruction (SIGIR).
International Republican Institute's Use Of U.S. Grants Criticized By Watchdog
Constables and sergeants wore white gloves, and inspectors and the more senior ranks wore black or brown leather gloves.
The acting inspector said he was confident the chase followed correct police procedure.
Back at the station the Chief Inspector returned the call.
The regime only allows interviews with inspectors in the presence of an Iraqi official, a minder.
Inspector Miskin was walking down the aisle.
When I purchased the property, my home inspector said I should install foundation vents.
Standards of discipline at the school were strongly criticized in the inspector's report.
She says that the insurance inspector has evidence that all the times that he's smashed up the car over the last year haven't been accidents.
To the extent that this interpretation differed from that of the Inspector, the point needed no further explanation.
This ruling applies to the ranks of Inspector and below.
Tough new regulations giving the Vehicle Inspectorate powers to impound heavy goods vehicles operated without a licence are now in force with the industry's backing.
Moreover, these were and are materially different from any of the established uses found in the Inspector's report of October 1962.
Two of my inspectors are watching the picture-framing shop kept by the man called Mimile.
Maigret and the Killer
The whole school was at action stations for the inspectors' visit.
We shall get thee out of the army, appoint thee to the police bureau, and procure for thee an inspectorship of customs; and, in fine, allow thee to move in a better sphere than that in which
The Memoires of Barry Lyndon
ANDREW MORTON, AUTHOR, "TOM CRUISE: AN UNAUTHORIZED BIOGRAPHY": He could be in the position of what they call inspector general inside scientology.
CNN Transcript Jan 17, 2008
The Chief Inspector disliked being overburdened with insignificant detail.
This ruling applies to the ranks of Inspector and below.
The murder was obviously well planned, as the inspector had pointed out.
Newly released figures show that only one in five passengers will be checked by an inspector to see if they have bought a ticket.
The Office of Inspector General -- which in May issued a damning report about the appalling lack of enforcement of inhumane large-scale commercial dog breeding operations -- found that the present government program for inspecting horses for soring "is not adequate to ensure that these animals are not being abused.
Wayne Pacelle: Federal Audit Finds Rampant Abuses of Show Horses; Agency Reform Promised
The UN inspectors work hand in glove with the Western intelligence agencies.
Although reluctant, Davis accepted the appointment and worked for the inspectorate from 1878 to 1884.
The mill was finally shut down by state safety inspectors.
We submitted a vehicle to seven garages, all of which failed to spot at least one significant fault identified by a senior RAC inspector as MOT fails.
Local malfeasant with cartoon middle name such as "the librarian", "the landscape gardener" or "the ticket inspector" botches a hit and has to get out of town for a while.
2010 – a Mourinho of a year, a special one | Kevin McKenna
A 15-strong team of Lothian and Borders police officers, including a chief inspector, two sergeants and 12 police constables will police the new building.
The school inspector's function is not merely to pronounce judgement, but also to suggest improvements.
Whether you own a Dalmatian or a Doberman, if your pup is the neighborhood fire hydrant inspector, this is the costume for them!
Five Best Howl-oween Costumes For Your Dog | myFiveBest
Yesterday 32 inspectors were patrolling the district looking for mosquito breeding spots.
Times, Sunday Times
He believes the inspector should ensure children are reasonably well looked after, not change a school's culture.
Public works inspectors may specialize in highways, structural steel, reinforced concrete, or ditches.
The ghost of a gist of an explanation for at least a few previously impenetrable imponderables began to agglutinate amongthe eddies of the Inspector's thoughts.
The Mocking Program
All the parks are regularly checked and graded by tourist board inspectors.
I do not speak from personal experience, for I detest the sweet, cloying stuff; but it occasionally fell to my lot to guide down-stairs the uncertain footsteps of some ventripotent Kommerzien-Rath, or even of Mr. Over-Inspector of Railways himself, both temporarily incapacitated by injudicious indulgence in Swedish Punch.
The Days Before Yesterday
The "intuitionist" label is Grost's own, although the division reminds me a bit of Colson Whitehead's novel The Intuitionist, in which elevator inspectors are divided into "intuitionists" and "empiricists.
Week 42: Doing Donuts on Free Lunch Drive
The inspector will make an assessment of the full tax, interest and penalties due in respect of the undeclared income.
After the family firm's bookkeeper-nephew takes a fatal fall, which local police deem an accident, Lynley's Yard superior asks the dectective inspector to double-check that verdict, though quietly: "No feathers ruffled but no stone unturned.
In Brief: Mysteries
In the end the one-legged boy went out of the room with the inspector, the latter accompanied by the anxious and protesting superintendent.
THE APOSTATE: written by Jack London
It's hard for me to imagine such a person holding a job as a cashier, much less a police inspector.
Ofsted inspectors rank it as'outstanding '.
The Sun
But something still troubled the chief inspector.
One of the inspectors was walking along the embankment outside, his coat collar turned up against the wind.
Somewhere East of Life
The hawks saw the new policy as providing political cover for war, humoring the international community while remaining hostile to the return of the weapons inspectors.
We had a visit from the school inspector last week.
I suggest your friend either contact a tax adviser to work out the liability or go directly to her own inspector of taxes.
If you want to comment upon what I say, please do me the courtesy of actually reading it, avoiding shoe-horning your own personal axe to grind into it and maybe not coming over quite so patronisingly. on March 2, 2010 at 8: 49 pm inspectorgadget
I’m Here For An Argument. No You’re Not! Yes I am! « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
This morning, as I got off the train there were no ticket inspectors at the end of the platform.
He used every device possible to prevent inspectors from entering the premises.
Council bosses have just appointed a team of inspectors to ensure the works are completed on time and done properly.
School health inspectors visIt'schools regularly regarding environmental hygiene and sanitation.
An aspect commended and praised only last year by the senior chief inspector of schools, in a report on school standards.
Activists say they were given repeated assurances by a chief inspector from the Metropolitan police that they would be shown to safety after the protest, which she described as non-violent and sensible.
The Guardian World News
In the north region, inspectors rescued 2,456 animals and collected a further 35,001 that were unwanted or abandoned.
A ticket inspector got on the train.
`I've been telling the inspector for months that we hadn't heard the last of you and that fat egomaniac.
A recurring problem highlighted by these inspectors was the number of butts thrown on paths, roadways and parks.
You'll need to fill out an FAA airman's form, which is completed by the safety inspector and then sent to Oklahoma City for record keeping.
Three took place while he was on duty as a police inspector.
The Sun
This examination had to be done with a CAA Inspector who had to endorse the aircraft's logbook.
The script is peppered with dialogue that will make you howl for days, most of it being spoken by the Inspector.
The country health agency has dedicated one inspector to monitor conditions in nursing homes.
We had a visit from the school inspector last week.
In addition to starting up its nuclear reactors, it has expelled UN inspectors and is withdrawing from the nuclear non-proliferation treaty.
To suggest immigrants are the root cause of all ills is … … has Labour shifted its politics to align with the BNP to catch their votes as well? on April 12, 2010 at 5: 14 pm inspectorgadget
Crime And Immigration In Britain SHOCK! « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
I had a close friend who was a police inspector in Manchester, another who was with the dog unit in Merseyside.
However, only four residents were notified of the date of the inspector's visit.
The way he to misinterprets movies, dismisses anything he doesn't understand (which is a lot), and venerates Inspector Gadget and Star Wars as the twin shining beacons of Western cultural achievement fills me with an untold rage.
About 150 activists were arrested in Fortnum & Mason despite holding what Chief Inspector Claire Clark described as a non-violent and "sensible" demonstration.
Met police are accused of pursuing a 'vindictive' case against UK Uncut tax protesters
Currently, variants of the fake bomb technique are used only for unsystematic exposes of flaws in the security system, not to improve inspector performance.
Of course Obama could not have pre-mobilized before the spill had he done so immediately no engineer on the planet believed what BP was saying, plus there *should* have at least been an inspector *immediately* dispatched to verify, but they should have had resources going out withing 14 days.
Pigs fly, and the Times chides Obama on the oil spill
An inspector rifled through discarded bin bags outside her home in Openshaw and is believed to have found a handwritten letter which had her name written on it.
The tax inspector had/gained complete access to the company files.
What are the implications of this for ensuring that luggage inspectors remain vigilant?
The IRA drove the inspectors to the first dump in the Republic of Ireland.
The mill was finally shut down by state safety inspectors.
After 13 years playing the stubborn, long-pocketed and irascible Inspector Morse, this week will see the veteran actor finally wave goodbye to his most famous role.
Smith's appointment as deputy inspector general never took effect.
It is the job of the inspectors to enforce compliance with the regulations.
The inspector general's office operates as the Social Security Administration's chief watchdog and takes a lead role in law-enforcement cases.
Disability Claims in Puerto Rico Get New Scrutiny
I do not think that the conduct of the Inspectors towards Mr Clegg taken as a whole can be said to be unfair.
Domestic pets then had to be taken to other RSPCA centres or to private kennels and catteries, which meant inspectors and animal collectors sometimes had to travel up to 30 miles.
This, incidentally, suggests we have a trawl within a trawl, as it is not part of the usual business of Transport Police to operate as ticket inspectors.
At that time, the Inspector considered Sandown Hall to be of historic interest and a fine early example of the Greek revival style.
Washington's decision to send its own inspectors raises the possibility of a falling-out with Britain
I can remember when my father was a uniformed policemen, but more typically I recall him in mufti when he'd been promoted to detective. He was detective inspector in the end, but I was long gone by then.
Haywood said the sharp-eyed inspectors are on the lookout for the slightest deviance from the rules.
Indications are the weapons inspectors will be accepted but hardly welcomed when they arrive Monday in Baghdad.
‘One of the prints we have found is yours,’ a Strathclyde Police detective inspector told her.
School inspectors' reports suggest that education was rudimentary.
The schools inspectorate has / have published a report on science teaching.
`I was an ``English' HMI -- a schools inspector, but I quit when they introduced the National Curriculum.
She might expose his crooked business deals to her tax inspector brother.
The document was duly signed and authorized by the inspector.
Robot Inspector," he cried, "How do you fight I'or AJma-lik when you won't even help me in this important matier?
Starchild Omnibus
Social welfare service employees and municipal inspectors are also on strike.
Roosevelt ordered Morrill to resign his inspectorship at once.
Roosevelt in the Bad Lands
The Justice Department's Inspector General report released this week pulled few punches in admonishing the FBI for targeting anti-war groups and advocacy organizations with no apparent justification, and for placing non-violent activists in those groups on terrorist watch lists.
Coleen Rowley: Inspector General Criticism Doesn't Faze FBI Raids on Midwestern Anti-war Activists
The inspectors watched a growing mob of demonstrators gathering.
But, as you would expect, the Inspector is no mug and played our fumbling probing with the skill of an experienced fly fisherman, which in fact he is.
Graf was relieved of duty in January, after nearly two years on the Cowpens, for "cruelty and maltreatment" of her crew, according to a blistering Navy inspector general's report obtained by TIME.
Nor was there any evidence that the inspector had failed to take account of the likely costs of compliance.
Where the person in charge of the unit under inspection refuses to sign, the supervisor or inspector shall put such refusal on record and report it to the port administration authority.
The federal antikickback law doesn't specifically address the issue of surgeons using medical devices made by companies they co-own, but HHS's Office of the Inspector General has issued regulatory guidance for complying with the statute: Among other things, it advises that no more than 40% of a company be owned "by investors who are in a position" to "generate business" for it.
Taking Double Cut, Surgeons Implant Their Own Devices
You give this portion of the ticket to the inspector and keep the other.
Chief Inspector Berret was quietly confident.
Some buses examined by inspectors in the last year have been found to have defective steering, faulty brakes or even bald tyres.
The ticket inspector came round, and as he clipped my ticket, he asked if the walkman had a radio.
So far, though, the inspectors themselves have displayed a rather more lenient, laid-back approach.
The tax inspector agreed the figures.
Inspectors arrive offshore via government-leased helicopters usually with a computer-generated random list of safety and antipollution components.
Inspectors Rarely Surprised Oil Rigs
His daughter's beauty had never ceased to surprise the chief inspector.
Garda sources last night said only ranks above that of inspector would be issued with phones.
He moved to live in Australia, he said to ease the pain of arthritis, although some intimated it was to escape the gaze of Her Majesty's Inspector Of Taxes.
They say that there should be an independent prison inspector to examine the situation.
That period can then be extended by six months, or even by 18 months in the case of an inspector.
That period can then be extended by six months, or even by 18 months in the case of an inspector.
An honest rich man called a top tax inspector last month to report an approach by a big four firm offering a complex new capital gains tax wheeze involving "rescindable contracts".
Tax collection. Now there's a moral crusade for the Tories
A quick-thinking ticket inspector yanked an emergency cord.
Most employers require inspectors to have a high school diploma or equivalent even when they qualify on the basis of experience.
Exit one inspector fishtailing car out of car park ….
Ruralshire Constabulary – General Election Advice « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
The two inspectors ate what they could, polishing off the meal with some frozen desserts, before paying the bill.
This examination by the inspector is necessary because the Department of Health must have official information as to the completion of desquamation before a child is dismissed from observation.
The Eugenic Marriage, Volume IV. (of IV.) A Personal Guide to the New Science of Better Living and Better Babies
Inspector Roberts' document was a Branch Note, a Briefing Note, aspirational, hortatory in character, and entirely lacking in the authoritative provenance that would justify its description as a Policy Document.
There will be a clampdown on high pay, another new levy on the wealthy and an army of new inspectors to catch rich tax dodgers.
The Sun
Bank managers-like tax inspectors-do not really like being thought of as ogres.
Inspectors saw a resident choke after they were given the wrong texture food.
The Sun
Three men dressed as nothing special stand and show their brass medallions and eye us now as ticket inspectors.
Inspector Edgardo Bernardo, police chief in Pilar town in Bataan, said many of the dolphins were found in shallow water and some had come ashore, including three in a bad condition due to wounds.
So thinks Detective Inspector Thomas Lynley, the New Scotland Yard man looking into a wealthy Cumbrian family's private deeds and secrets in the latest Lynley chronicle from Elizabeth George.
In Brief: Mysteries
We have a moral obligation to lead with integrity, ' said City Councilwoman Shelley Midura, who is among those who pushed for the creation of the office of inspector general.
At the al-Dawrah animal vaccination laboratory, journalists were again given a guided tour after the inspectors had left.
The luggage was plumbed by the customs inspector.
The inspector drank an enormous coffee, twenty times the size of an espresso.
‘Quanti canicula ille in fenestra’ on February 12, 2010 at 12: 07 am Claustrophobic inspector
We Are So Unpopular That Everyone Wants To Join SHOCK! « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
Thus the Inspector's failure to consider this aspect is not fatal to his decision.
An inspector called round and was shown through the house to the garden where there was a garden area with a shed.
Her enthusiasm and commitment has seen her being promoted from sergeant and inspector to her present rank.
Times, Sunday Times
When he was dressed, in a clean shirt and a fresh suit, he telephoned Inspector Lane.
Social Services inspectors were monitoring how the money was beings spent, she said.
It's a semi-auto biographical novel about a cop, Detective chief Inspector Jack Priestley, and his best friend, reformed criminal Steve Blade.
Six police officers involved in the case have been served with gross misconduct notices, including an inspector and sergeant.
Times, Sunday Times
The ticket inspector is their high priest and the crowds gathered at the bus stops are their congregation.
• Contractor debarment process plagued by delays, inconsistencies: The government's system for suspending and debarring problem contractors is plagued by sluggish reporting, inconsistent standards and a reluctance to act, several department inspectors general said Wednesday.
Eye Opener: Veterans hiring, searching for Grizzlies, a 103-year old judge
But many annona systems became fiendishly complex as the different political factions within the city wrestled over the power to distribute food: there were depots and distribution centers, inspectorates and tribunals; there were grain quotas and regulations on the precise size of a loaf of bread; in some places, storing corn in the countryside was banned.
The accumulation of these kinds of anecdotal stories of corruption convinced him to set a trap to ensnarl slum landlords and city inspectors in a carefully documented web of official misconduct.
The inspector said: 'There was a comfortable and homely atmosphere.
The Sun
Inspectors will look at whether the correct equipment is being used, work platforms are properly installed and scaffolding is securely fitted.
Inspector Napoleon Hendrix said last year that Temple was believed to be a trigger man for drug dealers.
Also, truth to tell, I have always been a bit of a claustrophobe, and the edginess that comes from suppressing an irritating and irrational fear, combined with my current far-from-irrational caution about venturing into a London bristling, for all I knew, with knife-wielding youths all too willing to pick up where their colleague had left off, made me regret that the chief inspector had not decided to keep me locked up overnight.
A Monstrous Regiment of Women
After the accident, the safety inspector threw the book at the company directors.
And he repeated to the inspector the dialogue between the long-haired man and the bearded man in the snow behind the wall of the Rue du Petit-Banquier.
Then the leader introduced himself as an inspector from the Department of Health, and his colleague as from Trade and Industry.
In 1998, Government inspectors placed the school under special measures following an Ofsted report which highlighted bad management, lack of resources and dwindling numbers, a situation which remained unrectified until last year.
I had to face the drunken tramps and the scorn of those wannabe policemen and women: the ticket inspectors.
This is just the investigation level," Gurgaon police subinspector Babbu Lal said Wednesday.
Indian fraud inquiry names Citigroup CEO, execs - Yahoo! Finance
"It ill behooves a tube inspector to let a bias towards a meaningless relationship creep into his reporting" I said.
Detective Chief Inspector Pam Mace, head of Barnes Flying Squad, said: "I think this is the biggest reward that has ever been offered for a crime of this type.
The inspectors have commended us for those efforts and have given us a couple of useful pointers on how to continue our improvements and we are already taking action on those.
There were no female police officers there and I feel the whole thing would have been better dealt with by ticket inspectors.