How To Use Inspect In A Sentence
You can't help thinking that the promise of that final inspection adds a little extra sparkle to the finished product.
Times, Sunday Times
The Chief Inspector has suggested a complete overhaul of the good book, reducing it to a pacier 250 pages, a greater focus on “Floods and brimstone and other cool stuff” and a possible rewrite by Dan Brown to “Sex the whole thing up a bit.”
Archive 2008-10-01
You can do a lot of that from our facility, but eventually a mobile system to inspect parts on wing is where we are going to be positioned.
The effect would be a level of military involvement that would serve to collapse the distinction between inspection and invasion/occupation.
More than 26,000 people made the trip to inspect the acers and aspidistras at what is fast becoming one of the best, and best-loved, horticultural events in the North of England.

Mrs King is being supported by her husband Simon, a police inspector with Wiltshire Constabulary, who is also a seasoned runner.
While he was chief inspector of schools parents could be sure that they had a powerful champion of high standards.
General Pershing inspected and reviewed the 42nd Division on March 16.
On closer inspection a radiologist's report confirmed an impacted fracture, but the report never reached Dr Blakeley.
Tayside Police admit the whistle-blower's inside knowledge shows he has to be a high-ranking officer - at least an inspector and probably a superintendent.
When we checked with the building department, the local inspector told us that the water heater is correctly installed and that the overflow pipe complies with the intent of the building code.
The inspectors assess the physical state of schools and equipment.
Every few minutes a piercing ringing sound could be heard when the inspector examined each alarm.
He claimed that in recent years, as numerous dealers had left, many inspectors had additionally taken on the dealing role.
Times, Sunday Times
I would revoke all building codes other than those where a failure of a building can affect neighboring properties: requirements for fire-retardant materials in roofing materials, or inspections to assure the structural integrity of a building taller than its distance from the property line are the sorts of things that come immediately to mind.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Does the Supposedly Superior Expertise of Regulators Justify Libertarian Paternalism?
A Hampshire junior school has turned weakness into strength and won glowing praise from Ofsted inspectors.
Close inspection makes one marvel at the intricate perfection of nature opposed to the finest fashion houses.
I have instructed a Building Surveyor to inspect the works and am awaiting his report.
The hotel passed its annual inspection.
Inspection" means that the Frontier Health and Quarantine Organ( hereinafter referred to as the" Health and Quarantine Organ") carries out medical inspection and sanitary inspection.
The New York law confers a right of inspection only on persons who have been church members for the six months preceding their request for inspection.
Christianity Today
Medical inspections for schoolchildren become compulsory by law.
You could, for example, take the Urban Birds or Marine Birds tours; familiarise yourself with the amphibians living in the ponds up on Montjuïc, or inspect the biodiversity of the Parc del Castell de l'Oreneta through a magnifying glass.
10 of the best outdoors activities in Barcelona
The surveyor conducts one inspection and provides a fuller report than is required to ensure compliance with section 13.
Richard inspected and rejected as poor towel substitutes a loofah, a half-empty bottle of shampoo, and a small yellow rubber duck.
Criticism that police may have been slow in responding was rejected by detective inspector Watson.
Sauntering over, he saw that they were inspecting the wares of a very nervous jerboa vegetable seller.
The Lives of Felix Gunderson
The procedure for home inspectors must be flexible enough to adapt to a diverse range of disputes.
Times, Sunday Times
Across the upland above the cliff a ploughman drove leisurably forth and back, and always close behind his heels the earth was white with these birds inspecting the fresh-turned furrow.
The White Wolf and Other Fireside Tales
He gripped the edge of the nearest inspection plate and ripped a quarter of it away.
Survey, those of the Pallaballa range as mica schist and quartz; those of the Sierra del Cristal as “probably schistose grit, but not definitely determinable by inspection,” and
Travels in West Africa
The whole school was at action stations for the inspectors' visit.
This allows a developer to determine, through manual inspection at runtime, which version of a particular open-source library is being used by consulting the classpath.
Those inspectors said large quantities of biological agents remained unaccounted for as recently as this year.
Robert Hardy says he re-arranged his schedule to make sure he could appear in the final episode of Inspector Morse.
Well-known users in, e. g. : corrosion protection, quality control, automotive, car inspection, galvanising or anodising and wet and powder coating.
Also, we are launching a new inspection regime this month, following testing and consultation.
Times, Sunday Times
The group consists of every woman officer in South Yorkshire Police from the rank of inspector to our highest ranking female officer, which at the moment is chief superintendent.
Inspection and the autonomy oversee appropriate union only when with the government, ability ensures that foreign currency caution money trading market health, stability develop.
Prior to the inspectors coming back in he was engaged in a systematic exercise in concealment of the weapons. "
In his Decision Letter dated the 8th November 1999 the Inspector dealt with locus in paragraphs 3-11.
The increase in inspections added costly delays to shipments in some cases.
China Tries to Ease U.S. Trade Tensions
The minor 'phobias, such as pyrophobia, or fear of fire; stasophobia, or inability to arise and walk, the victims spending all their time in bed; toxicophobia or fear of poison, etc., will be left to the reader's inspection in special works on this subject.
Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
A police inspector or public prosecutor can bring home twice as much, the equivalent of around $150,000 a year. In contrast, Brazil's per capita national income stands well below $10,000 annually.
When they eventually brought the cake out… I could see Cameron inspecting the doily that it was sitting on.
At a glance, the house seems relatively liveable, but on closer inspection, the structure is tilted to one side and the floor has completely collapsed.
"The Assembly will also be reviewing the cost of the Bee Inspectorate," said a spokeswoman.
Inspector Rajaram Pardeshi, in-charge of the Junnar police station said the suspects in Shivneri cut three iron grills of the temple window with a sharp object and decamped with a mangalsutra and a nath (nose ring) and some money (totalling Rs 10,725) by breaking open the donation box sometime between Monday night and early Tuesday morning.
Are We Losing Our Faith in Tough Times?
But FAA regulations require that if a mandatory inspection or other so-called airworthiness directive is skipped, the aircraft must be pulled out of service immediately until the work is done.
Southwest Could Pay Record Fine to FAA
On closer inspection, the pipe connector had split.
Should we hire a marine surveyor to inspect the boat once it's returned to us?
The school has now appealed against the decision and an inquiry will be held before an inspector from the planning inspectorate.
Monthly quality assurance inspections and assessments were made of dining facilities, water-production sites, ice plants, detention cells, barbershops, and base camps.
An inspector comes round every so often to check the safety equipment.
Don't come crawlin to me to feed your sorry butt when the grociery stores fail health inspections and you are starvin while im enjoyin some brunswick stew with deer meat or some rabbit with my home grown salad.
Anti-Deer-Hunting Billboard Goes Up in Kansas City
Instead, it has sent the school a letter encapsulating the inspectors' findings.
He was introducing himself to the town council as the new Chief Inspector for the area.
She inspected my work and gave a satisfied nod.
According to Ghanapur station circle inspector Muralidhar, a Maoist party member Gajerla Ravi alias Ganesh sent Rs 5 lakh to Mr Kondal Rao, who had been associated with the Naxals for a long time.
Journalist Arrested
It was issued to inspect the Velcro straps for frayed condition, cuts, and overall integrity.
Seven police officials, including a police inspector and a subinspector, have already been arrested for their links to Goa's notorious narcotics mafia over the last two months.
Zee News : India National
The barrister acting for the community council is now objecting to the inspector's decision.
The Public Utilities Commission inspects us once a year.
Inspection hosing test for upper deck.
The error has the consequence of vitiating the inspector's finding that the development does not accord with the policy.
The effect of the cold rainwater soaking his collar from the inspector's awkwardly held umbrella had diminished.
Figure 7.8 illustrates the principles of statistical quality control leading to the most economic inspection technique for the degree of control required.
Harry stopped under a street lamp and ostentatiously began inspecting the contents of his bag.
A health inspector gave explicit instructions on how to correct the problem.
The bones, upon closer inspection, were covered in verdigris, and bigger than normal human bones.
Training, maintenance, pre-combat checks, pre-combat inspections, and fieldcraft are what enable good units to execute when the time comes on the battlefield.
The Inspector, who was also at the meeting, urged anyone finding drugs paraphernalia, including burned tin foil and syringes, to contact the police straightaway.
The inspectors strokes would arrive to examine your kit again.
Times, Sunday Times
If you have a customs inspector, make sure that person is accompanied by a chaperon while they are aboard.
The corridor was empty, but the door to the inspector's room was slightly ajar.
The foreign currency caution money business inspection pattern is to take that USA is to represent government inspection and United Kingdom as the inspection representing an autonomy mainly.
A sub-contractor who holds an I, S or P certificate must present the actual certificate to the builder for inspection.
The inspector takes the money and then completes a report in which the shop passes the inspection.
Blindfolded, I don't believe I could have told, but from inspection I think it contained apple, gooseberry and blackcurrant.
The postal inspector general has concluded that the agency has been required to overfund retiree pension benefits by $75 billion. - News
He said it would also be easier for hackers to inspect software and hardware to identify vulnerabilities and steal sensitive data.
The Sun
He also says a city inspector approved the building with the changes and never said anything about them.
Integrated graphical viewer for visual inspection of the layouts.
If a ward is failing then the inspector is held accountable and moved on.
Police Do As They Are Told Shock!!!! « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
Track officials will inspect at 2.30pm today.
The Sun
Stock Commissioners to do away with the inspectorship at Medora, but the Committee, too, was wary of giving offense.
Roosevelt in the Bad Lands
As a soldier-worker he has drill, inspections, and guard duty, and does work such as road building and dredging.
We present for your inspection, and then debunk, or paw at in desultory fashion, a dozen of the choicest conspiracy theories to gain traction since Jan. 20.
Keeping Up with the Wingnuts
Under other circumstances, market participants would have been washing their hands of U.S. government debt, which not only offers some of the stingiest yields compared with other assets, but is under inspection by two credit-ratings firms.
Weak Economy Keeps Treasurys Strong
The effort has revolved around the shut-down of outdated capacity, differential pricing policies, limits to “high energy intensity, high pollution” projects, an increase in inspections to enforce energy efficiency standards, and so on (Chinese).
Alex Wang: What to Make of China's Efforts to Meet Its Energy Intensity Targets
Make sure the condition of the spark arrestor on top of the chimney is inspected so that there are no tears in the fabric that would allow embers to escape.
Focus on supplier assessment, RM inspection and quality status analysis to ensure raw materials Mission's requirements.
Officials were inspecting it amid safety fears.
The Sun
Then she crouched between his legs, and closely inspected his body.
A TALE OF FOUR HOUSES: Opera at Covent Garden, La Scala, Vienna and the Met since 1945
The International Republican Institute, which received $248 million in total between 2004 and 2009 to support governance, political participation and civil society programs in Iraq, made questionable decisions -- such as overpaying for security services from Blackwater, the infamous military contractor, and spending $690,000 on vehicles without approval from the government -- according to a new audit by the Special Inspector General for Iraqi Reconstruction (SIGIR).
International Republican Institute's Use Of U.S. Grants Criticized By Watchdog
Constables and sergeants wore white gloves, and inspectors and the more senior ranks wore black or brown leather gloves.
This means that their entire nuclear programme is continually being inspected and monitored.
Of all forms of indiscriminate almsgiving, that is the most offensive and most worthless, and they knew it, or they would not have sent me a wheedling invitation to come and inspect their relief work, offering to have a carriage take me around.
Roosevelt comes—Mulberry Street’s Golden Age
Her inspection of the bedroom finished, she walked down the staircase into the coolness of the stone-flagged hallway.
The acting inspector said he was confident the chase followed correct police procedure.
Back at the station the Chief Inspector returned the call.
The regime only allows interviews with inspectors in the presence of an Iraqi official, a minder.
Inspector Miskin was walking down the aisle.
When I purchased the property, my home inspector said I should install foundation vents.
Standards of discipline at the school were strongly criticized in the inspector's report.
A US inspection team discovered missiles, which were not declared as cargo on the ship's manifest.
She says that the insurance inspector has evidence that all the times that he's smashed up the car over the last year haven't been accidents.
At the meeting, it was stated that there would be a further inspection of the carriages, locomotives and railway tracks.
To the extent that this interpretation differed from that of the Inspector, the point needed no further explanation.
This ruling applies to the ranks of Inspector and below.
They passed inspection with flying colors.
Ties should be inspected regularly and renewed annually, so as not to constrict the stem.
On completion of the building, they make a final inspection.
Tough new regulations giving the Vehicle Inspectorate powers to impound heavy goods vehicles operated without a licence are now in force with the industry's backing.
They are used mainly for inspection of foundations, assessing the condition of lock gates and checking the progress of repair work.
It is illegal to sell uninspected meat to the general public.
Two policemen held up a truck so as to inspect the driver's license.
Moreover, these were and are materially different from any of the established uses found in the Inspector's report of October 1962.
Two of my inspectors are watching the picture-framing shop kept by the man called Mimile.
Maigret and the Killer
Previously only those who suffered abuse in industrial schools, reformatory schools, orphanages and children's homes for which public bodies had supervisory or inspection functions were included.
When multiple premises are held under the control of one ownership, the inspection fee shall be based on the accumulated total of all domesticated cervine animals on all premises.
Track officials will inspect at 2.30pm today.
The Sun
He went round the back of the house and inspected the incinerator, now full of partly glowing but mainly black ashes.
Then, the catch is inspected rigorously by organoleptic testing, which is a fancy science word for taste and smell.
LSU, FSU experts answer questions about the oil spill
At first glance there seemed to be nothing on the mussel beds, but closer inspection revealed a few Curlews, and about 100 Golden Plovers.
After a thorough exam, the herptile abdomen is opened for inspection of the internal organs.
The whole school was at action stations for the inspectors' visit.
After import and export commodity inspection of product quality products quality inspection agencies authorized.
If you are unable to complete within that time, you will be charged a reinspection fee.
Times, Sunday Times
We shall get thee out of the army, appoint thee to the police bureau, and procure for thee an inspectorship of customs; and, in fine, allow thee to move in a better sphere than that in which
The Memoires of Barry Lyndon
Universities and colleges welcomed the move, seeing it as victory for their long-running campaign to reduce the inspection burden.
It's important for a pest controller to inspect the affected room after treatment, and to declare it officially clear of bugs.
Times, Sunday Times
ANDREW MORTON, AUTHOR, "TOM CRUISE: AN UNAUTHORIZED BIOGRAPHY": He could be in the position of what they call inspector general inside scientology.
CNN Transcript Jan 17, 2008
The Chief Inspector disliked being overburdened with insignificant detail.
A rash of external inspection is affecting the delivery of health care around the world.
The child seems unable to explore all aspects of the stimulus, or decenter the visual inspection.
This ruling applies to the ranks of Inspector and below.
Methods with modern medical inspection technology improvement, and constantly improve, basic-level medical inspection items also increases.
It had stopped working, so he inspected electrical connections and prepared to downlink data from his last run, so biomedical engineers on the ground can try to track down the problem.
In view of a few likelihood by cankered person the website making friend that use is absent " blacklist " on, alarm make the most of of minor of the appeal that inspect hall " Bai Ming is odd " means.
The report: “Deep Packet Inspection: The End of the Internet as We Know It?” highlights the use of DPI equipment by Comcast in throttling P2P traffic, in Cox’s traffic prioritization scheme, the role DPI played in NebuAd’s plans to monitor web surfing in order to deliver advertising, and the use of such equipment to introduce consumption-based broadband programs.
DPI Doesn’t Kill The Open Internet, Carriers Do
Anorectal assessment consists of inspection, palpation and anoscopic examination.
Visual inspection of the quality of the metal pattern was carried out using a 20x lens on an upright light microscope.
The murder was obviously well planned, as the inspector had pointed out.
You of course have copies of the documents you now wish to inspect.
Newly released figures show that only one in five passengers will be checked by an inspector to see if they have bought a ticket.
CheckPoint is a pioneer in stateful inspection firewalls and, like Avaya and unified communications, is focused solely on the security business with products dedicated to firewalling, VPNs, unified threat management and intrusion prevention.
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No constable or bailiff can knock at the door and demand entry so as to inspect papers or documents.
Managers were so keen to meet performance targets that they failed to check whether inspections were being carried out properly.
Times, Sunday Times
The Office of Inspector General -- which in May issued a damning report about the appalling lack of enforcement of inhumane large-scale commercial dog breeding operations -- found that the present government program for inspecting horses for soring "is not adequate to ensure that these animals are not being abused.
Wayne Pacelle: Federal Audit Finds Rampant Abuses of Show Horses; Agency Reform Promised
The inspection is based on a March 1999 agreement between the two countries to allow Washington multiple access to the suspected site.
A postal clerk will open the envelope for inspection.
Some of the violations described in kennel inspection reports include:
Wayne Pacelle: A Dozen More Reasons for Supporting Missouri's Prop B
The UN inspectors work hand in glove with the Western intelligence agencies.
Although reluctant, Davis accepted the appointment and worked for the inspectorate from 1878 to 1884.
The mill was finally shut down by state safety inspectors.
We submitted a vehicle to seven garages, all of which failed to spot at least one significant fault identified by a senior RAC inspector as MOT fails.
As news of the shocking rampage spread, heartbroken relatives arrived to inspect their loved one's graves.
Another issue is the recommendation of the board that investigated the 2003 disintegration of Columbia that NASA put the orbiters through an expensive "recertification" inspection if they were to fly past 2010.
‘We understand pasteurization is run by guidelines - it's all documented on the chart record,’ he points out, adding that the plant pasteurizer is inspected at least twice a year.
Local malfeasant with cartoon middle name such as "the librarian", "the landscape gardener" or "the ticket inspector" botches a hit and has to get out of town for a while.
2010 – a Mourinho of a year, a special one | Kevin McKenna
A 15-strong team of Lothian and Borders police officers, including a chief inspector, two sergeants and 12 police constables will police the new building.
He added that until now the inspection system for adoption has lacked rigour.
Times, Sunday Times
And you should bring the healthy inspection form to Beijing Quarantine Bureau office to change the export permit within 7 days from the inspection day.
The school inspector's function is not merely to pronounce judgement, but also to suggest improvements.
Whether you own a Dalmatian or a Doberman, if your pup is the neighborhood fire hydrant inspector, this is the costume for them!
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Yesterday 32 inspectors were patrolling the district looking for mosquito breeding spots.
Times, Sunday Times
He believes the inspector should ensure children are reasonably well looked after, not change a school's culture.
I denied homosexual inclinations but he still made me bend down so that he could inspect my behind with a wooden spatula.
Public works inspectors may specialize in highways, structural steel, reinforced concrete, or ditches.
The ghost of a gist of an explanation for at least a few previously impenetrable imponderables began to agglutinate amongthe eddies of the Inspector's thoughts.
The Mocking Program
Supervise the production operation according to the process standard; Inspect parts of process parameters according to the inspection standard and fill out the relative inspection forms.
All the parks are regularly checked and graded by tourist board inspectors.
I do not speak from personal experience, for I detest the sweet, cloying stuff; but it occasionally fell to my lot to guide down-stairs the uncertain footsteps of some ventripotent Kommerzien-Rath, or even of Mr. Over-Inspector of Railways himself, both temporarily incapacitated by injudicious indulgence in Swedish Punch.
The Days Before Yesterday
They are the rights and duties of daily duty detail, inspection commissions, etc.
Framed on the wall, it looks pictorial, until you inspect its relief and discover its sculptural elements.
backtrace (frameCount) — Copy the snapshot of the current call stack into a LzBacktrace object, which can then be printed or inspected.
Canadian sanitary and technical regulations, such as differences in foodstuff standards, burdensome inspection and authorization procedures by the Canadian Food and Inspection Agency (CFIA), labelling and packaging requirements, or the lack of transparency and international harmonization of technical and safety standards;
The EU and Canada: Partners that Matter
The "intuitionist" label is Grost's own, although the division reminds me a bit of Colson Whitehead's novel The Intuitionist, in which elevator inspectors are divided into "intuitionists" and "empiricists.
Week 42: Doing Donuts on Free Lunch Drive
Reaching for the tail of his shirt, Dori pulled it up slightly to inspect his side.
After the crash both drivers got out and inspected their cars for damage.
The inspector will make an assessment of the full tax, interest and penalties due in respect of the undeclared income.
After the family firm's bookkeeper-nephew takes a fatal fall, which local police deem an accident, Lynley's Yard superior asks the dectective inspector to double-check that verdict, though quietly: "No feathers ruffled but no stone unturned.
In Brief: Mysteries
In the end the one-legged boy went out of the room with the inspector, the latter accompanied by the anxious and protesting superintendent.
THE APOSTATE: written by Jack London
While a person is feeling the tread, the entire tire should also be inspected for such safety-related damage as cuts, cracks, blisters, or bulges.
It's hard for me to imagine such a person holding a job as a cashier, much less a police inspector.
The inspection did not identify any contraventions.
Ofsted inspectors rank it as'outstanding '.
The Sun
But something still troubled the chief inspector.
One of the inspectors was walking along the embankment outside, his coat collar turned up against the wind.
Somewhere East of Life
The hawks saw the new policy as providing political cover for war, humoring the international community while remaining hostile to the return of the weapons inspectors.
From the way they are built, but oftener from the way they are kept, and from no intelligent inspection whatever being exercised over them, they are almost invariably dens of foul air, and the "servants 'health" suffers in an "unaccountable" (?) way, even in the country.
Notes on Nursing: What It Is, and What It Is Not
I watch as John starts to log the vehicle's details on his computer, but am slightly puzzled when he leans over and closely inspects its wheels.
We had a visit from the school inspector last week.
A close inspection reveals that in a past life they were oxygen tanks.
I suggest your friend either contact a tax adviser to work out the liability or go directly to her own inspector of taxes.
A signal just outside York Railway Station is under inspection after a train carrying hundreds of passengers overshot a red light.
Then, angling her flashlight to direct the beam ahead of her, she carefully inspected the wall to her right until she found a hole the size of a nickel disguised in the carvings.
During the postflight inspection, we found a ruptured main-rotor hose, which made the accumulator lose all its hydraulic fluid, resulting in the system failure.
Connection must be a clear division of work, it was reviewed inspection to ensure connectivity of norms, diameter appropriate, accurate, reliable handsome.