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How To Use Insomuch In A Sentence

  • So this was done, and they were come to his castle, but in no wise the queen would never let none of the ten knights and her ladies out of her sight, but always they were in her presence; for the book saith, Sir Meliagrance durst make no masteries, for dread of Sir Launcelot, insomuch he deemed that he had warning. Le Morte d'Arthur: Sir Thomas Malory's book of King Arthur and of his noble knights of the Round table
  • Living in her fantasy kept her from paying attention insomuch that she ran into someone behind her as she worked.
  • It seemed comfortable enough insomuch that he ventured to lie down.
  • At euery which alarme, the two Lordes Generall shewed themselues maruelous ready and forward, insomuch that at the very first alarme, skant wel furnished with any more defence then their shirts, hose, and dublets, and those too altogether in a maner vntied, they were abroad in the streets themselues, to see the vttermost of it. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • Saine, insomuch that when the capteins of that armie did linger out the time, by reason the seas and aire was troubled, they cried to haue the sailes hoised vp, and signe giuen to lanch foorth, that they might passe forward on their iournie, despising certeine tokens which threatened their wrecke, and so set forward on a rainie and tempestuous day, sailing with a crosse wind, for no forewind might serue their turne. Chronicles (1 of 6): The Historie of England (4 of 8) The Fovrth Booke Of The Historie Of England
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  • It is worthy of attention however, insomuch as it is comparatively lively and straightforward in style, contains certain truthful elements, and is characterised at times by a bold and derisive tone.
  • Thuman of balis, and one balis is worth a floren and a halfe of our coyne: insomuch that one Thuman of balis amounteth vnto the value of fifteene thousand florens. The Journal of Friar Odoric
  • It was called _The Field of Cloth of Gold; _ and the courtiers who attended the two sovereigns felt bound to almost rival them in sumptuousness, "insomuch," says the contemporary Martin du A Popular History of France from the Earliest Times, Volume 4
  • Moreover, there is the air far fresher [18] and there at this season is more plenty of that which behoveth unto life and less is the sum of annoys, for that, albeit the husbandmen die there, even as do the townsfolk here, the displeasance is there the less, insomuch as houses and inhabitants are rarer than in the city. The Decameron of Giovanni Boccaccio
  • In this respect, the images of 1970s terrorists don't represent the 1970s, insomuch as they are mirrors of who we have now become in response to who we, or they, were then. G. Roger Denson: You Say You Want a Revolution. Well You Know, Art Can Cure You of That
  • Fairy spirits [gallice _faées_]; by others also she has been taught and imbued with wicked and pernicious errors of such spirits, insomuch that in the trial before you she confessed that up to this time she did not know that Fairies were evil spirits. The Witch-cult in Western Europe A Study in Anthropology
  • And, insomuch as we know that, by His divine law, nations like individuals are subjected to punishments and chastisements in this world, may we not justly fear that the awful calamity of civil war, which now desolates the land, may be but a punishment, inflicted upon us, for our presumptuous sins, to the needful end of our national reformation as a whole People? A Brief History of Disbelief
  • But it holds the chief and highest power, as mese to hypate, in respect of the concupiscent; as mese to nete, in respect of the irascible; insomuch as it depresses and heightens, — and in fine makes a harmony, — by abating what is too much and by not suffering them to flatten and grow dull. Essays and Miscellanies
  • But we do hate all impostures and lies; insomuch as we have severely forbidden it to all our fellows.
  • For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.
  • The French attend very much to the purity and elegance of their style, even in common conversation; insomuch that it is a character to say of a man qu’il narre bien. Letters to his son on The Art of Becoming a Man of the World and a Gentleman
  • This statement was important insomuch as it revealed the extent of their knowledge.
  • Whereupon the wonderful God acted wonderfully, insomuch that Judas was so changed in speech and in face to be like Jesus that we believed him to be Jesus.
  • Or, is voice supposed to serve a specific story — is it the voice of the world, the tonal/language combination which is very specific to that world of the story and characters therein insomuch as it conveys something about the story itself and it (the voice) wouldn’t fit any other story? Voice Lessons?
  • And it was my fault insomuch as I knew that was going to happen when I left. Complete transcript: Paul Kimmage’s interview of Floyd Landis
  • This is whether the balance is right between safety - insomuch as you can ever have a form of transport that is completely safe - and having a properly functioning railway.
  • Time Warner is lucky insomuch as it can use its broadband arm to help its media arm but I'm wagering that we'll soon see some pretty significant alliances formed between carriers and recording/movie publishers.
  • Intellectual property controls the way in which property may be used insomuch as it controls all forms of use, even those which do not enrich or harm the original owner.
  • They have no less regard in like sort to cherish medicinable herbs fetched out of other regions nearer hand, insomuch that I have seen in some one garden to the number of there hundred or four hundred of them, if not more, of the half of whose names within forty years past we had no manner of knowledge. Of Gardens and Orchards. Chapter III. [1587, Book II., Chapter 20
  • This statement was important insomuch as it revealed the extent of their knowledge.
  • And when S. Benet knew it he took the vessel and cast it out of the window, and it was of glass, and it fell on a stone and brake not; then he reproved the cellarer of inobedience and of the little hope that he had in God; and after he went unto his prayers, and anon a great empty tun that was there was full of oil, insomuch that it ran over. The Golden Legend, vol. 3
  • The sound of our pens going, refreshed us exceedingly, insomuch that I sometimes found it difficult to distinguish between this edifying business proceeding and actually paying the money.
  • That the waving line, or line of beauty, varying still more, being composed of two curves contrasted, becomes still more ornamental and pleasing, insomuch that the hand takes a lively movement in making it with pen or pencil.
  • Skype have been smart insomuch as they've lowered the barrier to entry for their service to nothing more than a software download.
  • After 44 years this former history teacher and headmaster is hanging up the headphones, but only insomuch that he will no longer be a week-to-week regular on BBC Scotland's Saturday afternoon Sportsound programme.
  • My comments are apolitical insomuch as I have no idea who I'm going to vote for and my comments are based solely on my observations as to how the parties are running their mailing lists.
  • And yet notwithstanding this cold aire, the Sunne many times hath a maruellous force of heate amongst those mountaines; [Sidenote: Vnconstant weather.] insomuch that when there is no breth of winde to bring the colde aire from the dispersed yce vpon vs, we shall be wearie of the blooming heate and then sodainely with a perry [85] of winde which commeth downe from the hollownesse of the hilles, we shall haue such a breth of heate brought vpon our faces as though we were entred within some bathstoue or hote-house, and when the first of the pirry and blast is past, we shall haue the winde sodainely a new blow cold againe. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of The English Nation, Vol. XII., America, Part I.
  • I could have little hope of protection from the Pope, for he was become quite another man, never spoke one word of truth, and continually amused himself with mere trifles, insomuch that one day he proposed a reward for whoever found out a Latin word for "calash," and spent seven or eight days in examining whether "mosco" came from "muses," or "musts" from Court Memoirs of France Series — Complete
  • This they repeat every quarter of an hour, insomuch that a single last of herrings requires five hundred billets to dry them.
  • Other printers such as many of the HP line are a little better insomuch as the print-head is built into the ink cartridge itself.
  • After this we went on side by side and never a word betwixt us until we had reached that pleasant champain country where flowed the river shaded by goodly trees, in whose branches fluttered birds of a plumage marvellously coloured and diverse, and beneath which bloomed flowers as vivid; insomuch that my lady brake forth ever and anon into little soft cries of delighted wonder. Black Bartlemy's Treasure
  • Obviously, the U.S. commitment upset the power equation in the region insomuch as China felt a threat to its security.
  • The blood-red flag on this donjon was, at the era engaging us, the disenchanter of the Greeks; insomuch that in passing the Sweet Waters of The Prince of India — Volume 01
  • Her grip had loosened in her deep thoughts insomuch that she soon found herself falling to the water below.
  • Her father's pecuniary troubles, and the tone he chose to take with reference to them, also preyed upon her spirits, insomuch that Shelley was obliged at last to intercept his letters. Biography in the DNB
  • However a genre, insomuch as it helps define the universe of the story, would contribute towards the frame of that story.
  • And when He was come into his own country, He taught them in their Synagogue, insomuch that they were astonished, and said, Whence hath this man this wisdom, and these mighty works?
  • And it was known unto all the dwellers at Jerusalem; insomuch as that field is called in their proper tongue, Aceldama, that is to say, The field of blood. Probably Just One Of Those Funny Coincidences
  • It was in a particular manner noted for fornication, insomuch that a Corinthian woman was a proverbial phrase for a strumpet, and korinthiazein, korinthiasesthai -- to play the Corinthian, is to play the whore, or indulge whorish inclinations. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume VI (Acts to Revelation)
  • At about 3 a.m., Wesley wrote, ‘the power of God came mightily upon us, insomuch that many cried for exceeding joy, and many fell to the ground.’
  • His reassurance worked insomuch as her evident vulnerability was instantly replaced by an air of nepotal admiration and trust. CASCADES - THE DAY OF THE DEAD
  • The power of God came mightily upon us, insomuch that many cried for exceeding joy, and many fell to the ground.
  • It's not the business of a state to be at peace or to be concerned with our rights, except insomuch as these things help it retain legitimacy.
  • She was suffering my attentions only insomuch as she could ensure that I would never come back.
  • Then they made themselves chiefs, and took away our old laws and gave us new ones, insomuch that the man was the son of his father, and not his mother, as our way had been. An Odyssey of the North
  • They hold, there shalbe a resurrection, and all shall come to iudgement, but the account shalbe most streight, insomuch that but one of 10000 shalbe receiued to fauor, and those shall liue againe in this world in great happinesse: the rest shalbe tormented. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • The answer to this question is perhaps less academic for me than most, insomuch as my alter ego is a college professor and I teach an introduction to science fiction and fantasy literature class fairly regularly. MIND MELD: Speculative Fiction Books That Should Be Assigned in School
  • He shall find nothing remaining but those sorrows which grow up after our fast-springing youth, overtake it when it is at a stand, and overtop it utterly when it begins to wither; insomuch as, looking back from the very instant time, and from our now being, the poor, diseased, and captive creature hath as little sense of all his former miseries and pains as he that is most blest, in common opinion, hath of his forepast pleasures and delights. The Best of the World's Classics, Restricted to prose. Volume III (of X) - Great Britain and Ireland I
  • Englishmen than euer before; so as doubting that hee should neuer by gentlenesse win their good willes, he now determined by a harder measure to meete with them; insomuch that he banished a great number, other some also (not a few) he spoiled of their goods, those especiallie of whom he was in hope to gaine any great portion of substance. Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland (2 of 6) England (1 of 12) William the Conqueror
  • When I did perceive that I was delivered from death, and reserved to be gelded, I was greatly sorrie, insomuch that I thought all the hinder part of my body and my stones did ake for woe, but I sought about to kill my selfe by some manner of meanes, to the end if I should die, I would die with unperished members. The Golden Asse
  • When the yellow fever broke out in New York, and caused much alarm, nearly forty years ago, the first cases occurred in the vicinity of Trinity Church, and until destroyed by a black frost, it spread gradually in every direction from this common centre, insomuch that the "infected district" was clearly defined and marked out from day to day. Jack in the Forecastle or, Incidents in the Early Life of Hawser Martingale
  • Besides which he had a difficulty of breathing upon him, and had a convulsion of all his members, insomuch that the diviners said those diseases were a punishment upon him for what he had done.
  • Then was brought unto him one possessed with a devil, blind, and dumb: and He healed him, insomuch that the blind and dumb both spake and saw.
  • For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.
  • At length returning home, he obtained of Ængus, king of Munster, a grant of the isle of Arra, or Arn, wherein he founded a great monastery, in which he trained up many disciples, illustrious for sanctity, insomuch that the island was called Arran of the Saints. The Lives of the Fathers, Martyrs, and Principal Saints January, February, March
  • However, she's a patron of the hunt and, insomuch as she fills that roll, she's kind of outmatched by an existing goddess. Deity of Your City
  • At last he suffered vows to be put up for his good journey and safe return, insomuch that he was called jocosely by the name of Callipides, who is famous in a Greek proverb, for being in a great hurry to go forward, but without ever advancing a cubit. De vita Caesarum
  • State aid is being allowed insomuch as governments can underwrite war risk insurance for airlines until the end of the year.
  • Look at Arizona, a state torn apart with a needless immigration "debate;" needless insomuch as it exists now. Charles Karel Bouley: Tucson: In the Blame Game, We All Lose
  • Furthermore I tend to agree with A J insomuch that the Sun and Mirror newspapers are not taken seriously at all.
  • Fiammetta sang, which done, they conversed of the Ladies 'Vale, waxing eloquent in praise thereof: insomuch that the king called the seneschal, and bade him have some beds made ready and carried thither on the morrow, that any that were so minded might there take their siesta. The Decameron, Volume II
  • I'm dwelling on their accessories only insomuch as it has a direct bearing on the rest of the story.
  • You'll be helping yourself and you'll be helping me out insomuch that I will receive royalties on your purchases.
  • When I shall send thee into the world I shall send thee as my messenger of salvation, and thy word shall be true, insomuch that heaven and earth shall fail but thy faith shall never fail.
  • Google is an interesting site insomuch as it appears to have avoided the temptation to accept money for preferential placements in search results and has stuck very much to its knitting.
  • Strange, that the stigma of atheism should have been affixed to a system whose very starting-point is Deity and whose great characteristic is the _ignoration_ of everything but Deity, insomuch that the pure and devout Novalis pronounced the author a God-drunken man, and The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 02, No. 08, June 1858
  • It is a problem insomuch as this is the part of the bill that also makes it very clear to non-Maori New Zealanders that they have fewer rights to undertake activity on the foreshore and seabed of this country than Maori do.
  • They have no less regard in like sort to cherish medicinable herbs fetched out of other regions nearer hand, insomuch that I have seen in some one garden to the number of three hundred or four hundred of them, if not more, of the half of whose names within forty years past we had no manner of knowledge. Chronicle and Romance (The Harvard Classics Series)
  • That's got to be a breach of the Fair Trading Act insomuch as the goods are incorrectly described.
  • Phyconos never took the time to actually examine the books that were there, insomuch that he figured that it wouldn't hurt to flip through a couple.
  • Hence statements vary insomuch as the clips themselves vary.
  • The stench welcomed her even more so upon opening the door insomuch that she had to hold her nose.
  • This last effect does likewise proceed from the defacing liquor; for because upon the digestion of quicklime and orpin, it is a thing impossible for some of the particles will exalt, stop the vessel as close as you will; the air impregnated with these little bodies does mix with, and alter the inks, insomuch that the visible ink does thereby become the less black, and the invisible ink does also acquire a little blackness. Forty Centuries of Ink
  • Here, insomuch as music is equated with time, it is suffused with dimension through presence.
  • The lord knoweth, that euen now we are too much wearied and disquieted with the importunate and instant complaints of our subiects, insomuch that wee cannot at this present by any conuenient meanes release or dissolue the sayd prohibition, before wee be sufficiently informed by your maiesties ambassadors, of the satisfaction of our endamaged subiects. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • The good effects of this law is admirable, insomuch that it has almost annihilated robbery: but when one has actually been committed, the energy and exertion of every individual is directed to discover the depredator, and they seldom fail to discover him. An Account of Timbuctoo and Housa Territories in the Interior of Africa
  • And insomuch as He finds place in us to work, is His name hallowed, and magnified, and made known. The History and Life of the Reverend Doctor John Tauler with Twenty-Five of his Sermons
  • I see him very much as a unifying factor, if it still is necessary to unify the royal family, insomuch that he is very much combining the best elements of both parents.
  • There's this thing about Montreal where we had so many bad years, which were actually good years insomuch that you could live cheaply and really concentrate on the art.
  • But it holds the chief and highest power, as mese to hypate, in respect of the concupiscent; as mese to nete, in respect of the irascible; insomuch as it depresses and heightens, — and in fine makes a harmony, — by abating what is too much and by not suffering them to flatten and grow dull. Essays and Miscellanies

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