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How To Use Insoluble In A Sentence

  • The process works because soluble copper and iron form insoluble compounds with the ferrocyanide ion.
  • Large, insoluble intermetallic particles that are present or form in the temperature range between liquidus and solidus reduce feeding.
  • Sixty-six per cent. of _picrotoxin_ consists of another bitter substance, non-poisonous -- _picrotin_, which is insoluble in benzine and is reduced by Fehling's solution and nitrate of silver. The Medicinal Plants of the Philippines
  • Physical Geology is full of such selections — of the picking out of the soft from the hard, of the soluble from the insoluble, of the fusible from the infusible, by natural agencies to which we are certainly not in the habit of ascribing consciousness. Essays
  • One example of a carbohydrate that doesn't count is cellulose, an insoluble fiber that imparts zero calories per gram.
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  • Foods that contain insoluble fibers are wheat bran, whole grain products and vegetables.
  • Before the Jubilee the dilemma may have looked insoluble.
  • Is it good enough in this day and age to accept it as an insoluble problem and allow it to continue?
  • Hard water will, of course, affect soaping processes and consume soap by the formation of insoluble calcium and magnesium soaps.
  • The prime minister faces a seemingly insoluble dilemma.
  • As carbonate rocks weather, the insoluble fractions are introduced into the cave deposits.
  • On boiling with hydrochloric acid they are both liberated, and remain for the greater part (all the niobic) in the insoluble residue with the tungstic acid. A Text-book of Assaying: For the Use of Those Connected with Mines.
  • Birds excrete uric acid rather than urea because it is an insoluble solid.
  • In dilute solution, starch molecules will precipitate, with the insoluble material being difficult to redissolve by heating.
  • It comes from gluten, the insoluble protein in wheat that makes bread dough elastic.
  • Whole-wheat flour, wheat bran, nuts and many vegetables are good sources of insoluble fiber.
  • I pushed the problem aside; at present it was insoluble.
  • He promises that there are no insoluble puzzles in the story - if you pay attention, Primer eventually gives up all its ghosts.
  • The researchers recorded the image onto a photoresist, a polymer coating on the other side of the superlens that becomes insoluble when exposed to UV light.
  • Guidelines that disseminate new information and provide advice are welcome, but they should not be couched so rigidly as to present clinicians who practise in the current defensive culture with insoluble dilemmas.
  • Due to the hydrophobic nature of elastin, this amorphous, cross-linked protein is insoluble in water and many organic solvents.
  • Fiber, also known as roughage, comes in two types: soluble fiber, which dissolves in water and may form a gel that carries food through the digestive tract; and insoluble fiber, which doesn't dissolve in water and rapidly passes through the digestive system largely intact. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • [29] When insoluble solids such as oyster shell lactose ( "trituration"). Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • an insoluble problem
  • Description: Pale violet powder, insoluble in water, but soluble in mineral acids, It can readily absorb moisture and carbon dioxide.
  • For, let it be conceded that the solution of any Ghatti leaving an insoluble residue is a mixture of arabin and metarabin in the same ratio as our "maximum" solution, only more diluted with water, then from the found viscosity we obtain a point on the curve for dilution, which gives the percentage of dissolved matter. Scientific American Supplement, No. 821, September 26, 1891
  • Glycin dissolves readily in alkaline or acetic solutions, but is virtually insoluble in plain water.
  • The insoluble potassium perchlorate was removed by centrifugation at 500 g for 3 min.
  • Carbonic acid readily betrays its presence through solutions of the alkaline earths such as baryta and chalk, in which its passage produces an insoluble carbonate, and consequently makes the liquid turbid. Scientific American Supplement, No. 460, October 25, 1884
  • The compound nickel dimethylglyoxime looks like strawberry-pink lipstick, insoluble in water.
  • The fluid from which they have been precipitated contains two substances, crenic and apocrenic acids, while the soil still retains what has been called insoluble humus. Elements of Agricultural Chemistry
  • Consumption of melamine causes highly insoluble melamine cyanurate crystals to form in the kidney, which damage renal cells and can result in renal failure or death. Newswire Today - Free Newswire - Press Releases Distribution
  • The calcite is an insoluble mineral, which upon death of the organisms sinks to the floor of the body of water and accumulates in the sediment.
  • The formula consists of NR/BR blend, high temperature-stable insoluble sulfur and delayed action accelerator, new technology carbon black with low structure, Gum-easy T-78 and plasticizer.
  • The reaction of calcium ions with oxalic acid produces an insoluble solid, calcium oxalate.
  • Many common metal hydroxides (with the exceptions of the salts of the alkali metals and some of the alkaline earth metals) are insoluble in water.
  • Therefore, it allows water to remove normally-insoluble matter by emulsification. [wiki] A Bit of Soap
  • Bilirubin is difficult to excrete because internal hydrogen bonding makes it almost completely insoluble in water.
  • Varro Tyler, dean and professor emeritus of pharmacognosy (natural product pharmacy) at Purdue University, notes that most of the carminative oils in peppermint and other mints are relatively insoluble in water.
  • The insoluble form or gun-cotton is entirely _insoluble_ in nitro-glycerine. Nitro-Explosives: A Practical Treatise
  • The whole affair still disturbs Barr who as an engineer is not averse to wrestling for long hours with a seemingly insoluble technical problem, but he really would like to move on.
  • Insoluble fiber can cause problems in IBS sufferers; soluble fiber, however, is more easily absorbed by the body and helps prevent constipation for those with IBS. Dispelling The Top 10 Nutrition Myths | Impact Lab
  • It is during this time that virtually insoluble alpha acids are isomerized FAQ: The Hops FAQ Revision 3 by Norm Pyle/Mark Garetz and Al Korzonas
  • The catalyst is mostly insoluble in this solvent at room temperature so subsequent cooling allowed them to precipitate it for recovery.
  • Like all fatty acids stearic acid is insoluble in water, but is soluble in ether and hot alcohol.
  • Alteration of residues by site directed mutagenesis which are close to, or in contact, with the sugar result in variety of effects ranging from insoluble protein through inactive enzyme to little observable change.
  • To understand how atherosclerotic plaques become deposited in arteries it is necessary to understand how the highly insoluble cholesterol is moved about the body.
  • The main reason for fritting is to make glaze materials insoluble, which is possible if the frit materials are mixed in the right proportion. 16. Glaze formula calculations
  • Biological molecules that are insoluble in aqueous solutions and soluble in organic solvents are classified as lipids.
  • Adipocere, otherwise known as grave wax or mortuary wax, is a water-insoluble material consisting mostly of saturated fatty acids. Archive 2009-06-01
  • These substances are mostly insoluble, but are brought into solution by the atmospheric oxygen acting upon the gluten, and converting it into a soluble substance called diastase, which in its turn reacts upon the starch, converting it first into dextrine, and then into cellulose, and the latter is finally deposited in the form of organised cells, and produces the first little shoot of the plant. Elements of Agricultural Chemistry
  • Wheat bran and the skins of fruits and vegetables are sources of insoluble fiber.
  • To Hamann, it was obvious that the Age of Reason - which, to his mind, was an age of deepest darkness - required a prose of almost insoluble opacity.
  • Copal is a general term for very hard, insoluble resins, where the polymer is usually cross-linked to form a tough matrix.
  • Two thirds of gluten protein is in the form of glutenins, which are insoluble in ethyl alcohol but soluble in a mixture of ethanoic acid, urea, and cetrimide.
  • It is virtually insoluble in water, but it will dissolve in organic solvents.
  • Besides taking part in this composition, the bran, being in a great measure insoluble, passes in bulk through the bowels, assisting daily laxation -- a most important consideration. Dr. Allinson's cookery book Comprising many valuable vegetarian recipes
  • Soluble and insoluble fractions were separated by centrifugation at 8 000 g for 30 min at the extraction temperature.
  • The objective of this complex process is to convert a soluble plasma protein, fibrinogen, to an insoluble fibrin mesh, or blood clot.
  • Cholesterol was added to the diet by homogenizing the insoluble cholesterol with an ultrasonic disintegrator or preparing gelatin/acacia microcapsules with and without cholesterol using triolein as a carrier.
  • Years ago we said fibrinogen (a soluble protein) becomes a clot of insoluble fibrin by the action of thrombin made from soluble prothrombin in the presence of calcium.
  • He also found there was no evidence that insoluble problems would be caused for the management of elections if the deposits requirement was not there.
  • But therein lay a seemingly insoluble dilemma: that way - the only way - did not seem a possible way.
  • It was not attacked by any acid except boiling selenic acid, since it formed a tremendous number of insoluble salts. The Black Star Passes
  • He chooses harsh words by preference, liking unusual or insoluble rhymes, like 'haps' and 'yaps,' 'thick' and Figures of Several Centuries
  • In old clover the proportion of insoluble woody fibre is often so considerable as to greatly detract from the alimental value of the plant. The Stock-Feeder's Manual the chemistry of food in relation to the breeding and feeding of live stock
  • Important pigments include inorganic oxides and insoluble salts, which are mechanically mixed in a coating material.
  • Sometimes, it seems insoluble and very frustrating for those of us who have to ask questions on both sides of the ledger.
  • It is a mixture of myricine, cerotic acid, and cerolein, the first of which is insoluble in boiling alcohol, the second is soluble in hot alcohol and crystallizes out on cooling, while the third remains dissolved in cold alcohol. Scientific American Supplement, No. 443, June 28, 1884
  • Graphite and even its linear counterpart, poly ( p - phenylene ) are too insoluble.
  • The hydrogen ion causes coagulation of surface tissue, which eventually appears as a grayish white area surrounded by erythema. 16 Fluoride ions freely penetrate the skin and continue into deeper tissues, causing cellular death and liquifaction necrosis of soft tissue. 22,15 Neutralization of fluoride ions occurs when fluoride complexes with calcium and other divalent cations in the tissues, forming an insoluble salt. Hydrofluoric Acid
  • If the acids themselves do not yield water-soluble sulphonation products, the alkali salts of the latter may be condensed with formaldehyde, and the resulting products then constitute tanning matters provided their solutions can be neutralised or faintly acidified without the solute being thrown out of solution in insoluble form. Synthetic Tannins
  • Consolidation through the concretion of substances dissolved in the sea is unlikely, for, in the first place, there are strata, such as siliceous matter, which are insoluble, and which could not therefore have been in solution; and, in the second place, the appearance of the strata is contrary to this supposition. The World's Greatest Books — Volume 15 — Science
  • It was found to be insoluble in all ordinary menstrua, such as alcohol, ether, carbon disulphide, benzene, or chloroform, and neither attacked by boiling alcoholic potash nor by fusing alkali. Scientific American Supplement, No. 401, September 8, 1883
  • Once insoluble Abeta deposits are present, arteriolar reactivity is greatly diminished. BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • Blend films of water-insoluble silk fibroin(SF) powder and medical polyurethane were produced by the method of immersion-precipitation phase transformation.
  • Hard water will, of course, affect soaping processes and consume soap by the formation of insoluble calcium and magnesium soaps.
  • Although a mystery may be insoluble, it is not senseless; and while its inexpressibility makes it inaccessible to communicable knowledge, it can still be spoken of in a suggestive way (Marcel 1964, xxv). Gabriel (-Honoré) Marcel
  • _Mucilage_, or _bassorin_, is simply a modified form of gum, which, though insoluble in water, forms a gelatinous mixture with that fluid. The Stock-Feeder's Manual the chemistry of food in relation to the breeding and feeding of live stock
  • The process controls the size, shape and crystallinity of particles - improving the effectiveness of products from inhalants to water-insoluble drugs.
  • There were no bad endings, no insoluble questions.
  • The cleaning-up operation after the oil spill will be difficult but not insoluble.
  • Vegetables, wheat bran and other whole grains are good sources of insoluble fiber.
  • The foods that contain insoluble fiber foods are almost all plants, Dr. Sheth said, because humans haven't evolved the enzymes necessary to break down some plant cell walls. Science Question from a Toddler: Why is poop brown? Boing Boing
  • Calcium supplementation increased the intestinal concentrations of insoluble phosphate, which indicates formation of insoluble calcium phosphate.
  • Since this stand-off is logically insoluble, despair is indeed understandable.
  • Under this tissue is found with the Nos. 7, 8, and 9, the endosperm or perisperm, containing the gluten and the starch; soluble and insoluble albuminoids, that is to say, the flour. Scientific American Supplement, No. 275, April 9, 1881
  • Aluminum in mildly acidic or neutral soils occurs primarily as insoluble deposits and is essentially biologically inactive.
  • Yes, there is war-weariness, fatigue from dealing with what seem like insoluble problems. Times, Sunday Times
  • At one particular stage of the process it is converted into one or other of two substances, called humin and ulmin, both insoluble in alkalies, and apparently identical with the insoluble humus of the soil; but when the decomposition is more advanced the products become soluble in alkalies, and then contain humic, ulmic, and geic acids, and finally, by a still further progress, crenic and apocrenic acids are formed as the result of an oxidation occurring at certain periods of the decay. Elements of Agricultural Chemistry
  • There are incurable diseases in medicine, incorrigible vices in the ministry, insoluble cases in law.
  • The government has to deal with what seems like an insoluble political problem -- racial harmony within the community.
  • Yet some rather toxic metals, albeit in insoluble form, have been used as medicaments: Bismuth, for example, as an antacid.
  • Often it seems that Africa's problems are insoluble.
  • The alkaline baking powder causes the cocaine to separate and, since the base is insoluble, it sinks to the bottom.
  • The rationale for the use of topical preparations is to apply a divalent cation that will bind to form a insoluble salt, thus limiting percutaneous penetration of the fluoride ion. 15 Calcium gluconate gel 2.5 percent is a topical treatment for hydrofluoric acid burns. Hydrofluoric Acid
  • For most purposes a substance which has a solubility of less than 0.01 moles per liter is generally regarded as insoluble.
  • Because these vitamins are insoluble in water, they tend not to be lost in cooking.
  • Metal ions may form insoluble complexes with the sulfonate groups of the dye, thus reducing the amount of available dye, while calcium interferes with interactions between cellulose and the dye.
  • The exact figures for wines vary slightly according to grape variety and region, but experience shows that about a half of the tartrate soluble in grape juice is insoluble in wine.
  • The alkaline baking powder causes the cocaine to separate and, since the base is insoluble, it sinks to the bottom.
  • This inhibition is caused by the formation of insoluble precipitates of calcium, phosphate, and bile acid micelles.
  • The bulk of organic matter in sedimentary rocks is in the form of kerogen: complex polymeric material that is insoluble in inorganic solvents, and difficult to analyse chemically.
  • Copal is a general term for very hard, insoluble resins, where the polymer is usually cross-linked to form a tough matrix.
  • In operation, hydrostatic head pressure forces stormwater flow into the housing where primary separation of insoluble contaminants occurs.
  • Small crystals of insoluble residual minerals such as anhydrite, chambersite, hilgardite, and hilgardite - 3Tc were caught up in the brines pumped back to the surface.
  • Water insolubles were centrifuged out and discarded.
  • What Descartes saw was that many soluble scientific problems could seem insoluble because of the way they had been formulated.
  • Although most metallic oxides are insoluble or only very slightly soluble in water, they readily react with acidic solutions to form hydroxide ions that are then neutralized.
  • An iodophor/alcohol prep combines the benefits of iodine and alcohol in a water insoluble film.
  • Minerals such as feldspar, which are insoluble in water, will not give a positive test.
  • This insoluble predicament was the source of the decay, corruption and mounting tension evident within the upper echelons of the regime.
  • Immobilize waste in an insoluble matrix such as borosilicate glass or synthetic rock (fuel pellets are already in the form of a very stable ceramic: UO2); Nuclear waste management
  • To prevent oxidation of polyphenol and its interference with activity of Taq polymerase; 2-mercaptoethanol was added to an extraction buffer and insoluble polyvinylpyrrolidone was added to leaves when they were ground.
  • The process controls the size, shape and crystallinity of particles - improving the effectiveness of products from inhalants to water-insoluble drugs.
  • Graphite and even its liner counterpart , poly ( p - phenylene ) are too insoluble.
  • From the acids in insoluble and a few other compounds, chromic, arsenic, and arsenious acids, by fusion with carbonate of soda in presence of carbonic acid gas; borate of manganese is readily decomposed when the boracic acid is to be determined by boiling with solution of potassa, dissolving the residue in hydrochloric acid and precipitating the manganese as binoxide. Scientific American Supplement, No. 324, March 18, 1882
  • Lungs retain relatively insoluble particulate material.
  • Increased dietary calcium increased faecal phosphate because the formation of insoluble calcium phosphate inhibits the absorption of phosphate.
  • Contrary to what we might expect, this phosphate is less insoluble than the ordinary tribasic or bone phosphate. Manures and the principles of manuring
  • At physiologic pH, bilirubin is insoluble in plasma and requires protein binding with albumin.
  • It should contain as little non-nitrated or unconverted cotton and as little gun-cotton as possible, as they are both insoluble in nitro - glycerol. Nitro-Explosives: A Practical Treatise
  • A mordant is a substance which has an affinity for, or which can penetrate, the fiber to be colored, and which possesses the power of combining with the dyestuff and thus forming an insoluble compound upon the fiber. Textiles For Commercial, Industrial, and Domestic Arts Schools; Also Adapted to Those Engaged in Wholesale and Retail Dry Goods, Wool, Cotton, and Dressmaker's Trades
  • Chemically it is converted by nitric acid and chlorine into an insoluble substance -- plumbic acid or the cyanide of lead. Scientific American, Volume 22, No. 1, January 1, 1870 A Weekly Journal of Practical Information, Art, Science, Mechanics, Chemistry, and Manufactures.
  • Insoluble fiber technically called cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin, also known as roughage, does not dissolve in water or break down in your digestive system. The Fiber35 Diet
  • Layer of insoluble powder is needed to absorb wound exudate.
  • The percentage yields of furfuraldehyde obtained from these fractions were as follows: A, insoluble, 0.86; precipitated, 4.35; dissolved, 1.10. Researches on Cellulose 1895-1900
  • Sometimes two developers are mixed together, in which case care should be taken that an alkaline developer naphthol or phenol be not mixed with an acid developer (phenylene diamine, naphthylamine, etc.), unless the acidity of the latter has been neutralised with soda; otherwise the developer might be thrown out of the bath in an insoluble and hence useless form. The Dyeing of Cotton Fabrics A Practical Handbook for the Dyer and Student
  • The existence of these insoluble and proteolytically resistant deposits can seriously interfere with normal organ function.
  • This solution should be strained through a fine cloth, as any undissolved specks will be sure to fix themselves on the cloth and lead to dark spots and stains, as, owing to the weak solubility of the dye, and this being also fixed as insoluble tannate by the tannic acid on the fibre, there is no tendency for the dye to diffuse itself over the cloth, as occasionally happens in other methods of dyeing. The Dyeing of Cotton Fabrics A Practical Handbook for the Dyer and Student
  • Conversely, supersaturation of bile with insoluble cholesterol, as a result of metabolic defects, promotes the formation of cholesterol gallstones.
  • Sand is insoluble in water.
  • Mr. Pedler has shown that snake poison is destroyed or neutralized by means of platinic chloride, owing probably to the formation of an insoluble double platinic chloride, such as is formed with almost if not all alkaloids. Scientific American Supplement, No. 360, November 25, 1882
  • Debris and insoluble material were pelleted by centrifugation at 12,000 g.
  • Those from the grained negatives employed in photogravure are still more perfectly developed in a tepid solution of potassium sulphocyanate, since the impressions wholly consist of insoluble parts (the lines) and gelatine not acted on. Photographic Reproduction Processes
  • The organic matters of the soil may be divided into three great classes; the first containing those substances which are soluble in water; the second, those extracted by means of caustic potash; and the third, those insoluble in all menstrua. Elements of Agricultural Chemistry
  • The coloring parts of resinous (resin-like) dyestuffs are extracted from substances that are insoluble in water, for example annatto, indigo, carthamus, and orchil. The Creation of Color in Eighteenth-Century Europe
  • When these insoluble azo colours are treated with sulphuric acid they are converted into sulpho acids, undergoing what is called sulphonation, an operation of the greatest (p. 067) importance and value in the preparation of dye-stuffs. The Dyeing of Woollen Fabrics
  • As cholesterol is insoluble in water, it has to combine with a soluble protein in order to form a soluble lipoprotein.
  • Nor does it help that the hero's seemingly insoluble problems are glibly smoothed out in the final scene.
  • The standard lead frit is called lead bisilicate and is simply a combination of lead oxide and silica, which combines the lead in an insoluble form. 7. Frits and fritmaking
  • Yes, because the problems are insoluble, really, in that the structure of democratic politics suggests that each side has solutions, but problems are never really solved. Christina Patterson: "A Writer Close to the Power Elite": Interview With Robert Harris
  • The behavioral finance theory seems more persuadable when facing some insoluble phenomenon such as Herd Behavior, Paradox of redemption, Fund discounts.
  • The osmiridium will remain as an insoluble residue, which can be separated and weighed. A Text-book of Assaying: For the Use of Those Connected with Mines.
  • Buchdunger tested these new molecules on cells, weeding out those that were insoluble or toxic, then bounced them back to Zimmermann for resynthesis, resetting the relay race toward more and more specific and nontoxic chemicals. The Emperor of All Maladies
  • The virosome vaccine is composed of liposomes, water insoluble spheres encased in lipid layers.
  • These insoluble proteins were purified from E. coli under denaturing conditions and then renatured back to the native state.
  • The sneaky truth was that Loyd's puzzle was insoluble - something that contemporaneous mathematicians soon proved.
  • Carbonates and hydroxides are generally insoluble.
  • Hard water will, of course, affect soaping processes and consume soap by the formation of insoluble calcium and magnesium soaps.
  • It's probably one of those insoluble mysteries, like what happened to the crew of the Marie Celeste, or where I put down my mug of tea.
  • It could be the salvation of the Government and solve what may otherwise become an insoluble problem for your country and its allies. DOUBLE DECEIT
  • With a bit of tweaking, we can translate this as: the architecture of our symbolic systems runs into insoluble difficulties at the edges.
  • Amylopectin The water - insoluble fraction of STARCHA. It is a branching polymer of glucose units.
  • Metal ions may form insoluble complexes with the sulfonate groups of the dye, thus reducing the amount of available dye, while calcium interferes with interactions between cellulose and the dye.
  • Cholesterol is a white, waxy solid with a soapy feel which is virtually insoluble in water.
  • The majority of kidney stones consist of an insoluble compound of calcium and oxalic acid.
  • All the provings at this time were carried out with tinctures of herbs or, in the case of insoluble substances, with ‘first triturations’ (one part of substance ground up with nine parts of sugar or milk)…
  • Barium carbonate, BaCO_3, occurs rather widely distributed as witherite (_q. v._), and may be prepared by the addition of barium chloride to a hot solution of ammonium carbonate, when it is precipitated as a dense white powder of specific gravity 4.3; almost insoluble in water. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 3 "Banks" to "Bassoon"
  • It may also occur as the amorphous non-poisonous variety, a red opaque infusible substance, insoluble in carbon disulphide. Aids to Forensic Medicine and Toxicology
  • The ability of wetland plants to flourish in environments with high Fe concentrations has been attributed to the oxidation of soluble ferrous iron to insoluble ferric iron in the rhizosphere.
  • There is no insoluble and eternal waste problem as with nuclear power.
  • Phthalic acid also is difficult to sulphonate: the sulphonated compound treated with formaldehyde gives only water-insoluble condensation products. Synthetic Tannins
  • an insoluble doubt
  • Acid insoluble material was pelleted by centrifugation at 14,000 x g for 10 min and the supernatant was mixed with 1/4 volume 100% trichloroacetic acid and incubated on ice for 1 hr.
  • His married life was dominated by an insoluble dilemma.
  • She was then able to create cryoprecipitate, a cold-insoluble protein fraction of whole blood plasma, which was available to the public in 1965. Judith Graham Pool.
  • Bichloride of mercury (corrosive sublimate) is the material employed in the kyanization of timber, the probable mode of action being its combination with the albumen of the wood, to form an insoluble compound not susceptible of spontaneous decomposition, and therefore incapable of exciting fermentation. Forty Centuries of Ink
  • ~ -- Picric acid forms insoluble salts with many of the alkaloids, and picric acid may be determined in the following manner: -- To the solution of picric acid, or a picrate, add a solution of sulphate of cinchonine acidulated with H_ {2} SO_ {4}. Nitro-Explosives: A Practical Treatise
  • Soda or potash is not nearly so good for this first boiling as lime -- for what reason is somewhat uncertain, but probably because they form with the grease in the cloths soluble soaps, which might float about the kier and accumulate in places where they are not required and thus lead to stains, whereas the insoluble lime soap remains where it was formed. The Dyeing of Cotton Fabrics A Practical Handbook for the Dyer and Student
  • Scum is the calcium stearate which is insoluble does 'viscosity' mean 'viscous force' or 'coefficient of viscosity'? en Español Yahoo! Answers: Latest Questions
  • If they are added, for example, in the form of an emulsion to the binder then hydrolysis of the siccatives often takes place and their reaction products, which are insoluble, settle out.
  • It is practically insoluble in water and only very slowly soluble in diluted acids, so it is largely converted for fertilizing purposes into superphosphate.
  • From these experiments the absence of acridity in these two plants, in spite of the abundance of raphides, may readily be explained by the fact that the minute crystals are surrounded with and embedded in an insoluble mucilage, which prevents their free movement into the tongue and surface of the mouth, when portions of the plants are tasted. Scientific American Supplement, No. 829, November 21, 1891
  • The cell lysate was then centrifuged at 27 000 g for 30 min at 4°C and the soluble and insoluble fractions were separated through a syringe.
  • Insoluble fiber technically called cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin, also known as roughage, does not dissolve in water or break down in your digestive system. The Fiber35 Diet
  • The ability of wetland plants to flourish in environments with high Fe concentrations has been attributed to the oxidation of soluble ferrous iron to insoluble ferric iron in the rhizosphere.
  • The resins are nonvolatile mixtures of bicyclic terpene acids, esters, and related structures that are insoluble in water but soluble in organic solvents. Chapter 10
  • Rolled oats or "old-fashioned" oats, are steamed or flattened oats. They are high in soluble and insoluble fiber and are rich in vitamins and minerals.
  • But because both systems deify one aspect of reality they produce problems which are insoluble within their own terms of reference.
  • The resulting calcium carbonate is quite insoluble in water and sinks to the bottom.
  • While we are bound to get the hang of such a new system soon, the nappy problems sound insoluble.
  • [27] When insoluble solids such as oyster shell lactose ( "trituration"). Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • Wheat bran and the skins of fruits and vegetables are sources of insoluble fiber.
  • At one particular stage of the process it is converted into one or other of two substances, called humin and ulmin, both insoluble in alkalies, and apparently identical with the insoluble humus of the soil; but when the decomposition is more advanced the products become soluble in alkalies, and then contain humic, ulmic, and geic acids, and finally, by a still further progress, crenic and apocrenic acids are formed as the result of an oxidation occurring at certain periods of the decay. Elements of Agricultural Chemistry
  • The pycnometer determines the density or specific weight of insoluble mineral fragments or powder. 1.1 Blow pipe assaying
  • This oily layer consists of the "fatty acids" or rather those insoluble in water, acids like acetic, propionic, butyric, caproic, caprylic and capric, which are all more or less readily soluble in water, remaining for the most part dissolved in the aqueous portion. The Handbook of Soap Manufacture
  • They are generally insoluble in water, and dissolve in nonpolar solvents.
  • The Professor, therefore, proceeded to carefully investigate the nature of these various substances, and in the result he found that the vasculose and pectose were soluble in an alkali under certain conditions, and that the cellulose was insoluble. Scientific American Supplement, No. 417, December 29, 1883
  • Many compounds are insoluble in acetic acid, which are soluble in mineral acids, such as ferric phosphate, ferric arsenate, zinc sulphide, calcium oxalate, &c., so that the use of acetic acid is valuable in some separations. A Text-book of Assaying: For the Use of Those Connected with Mines.
  • The most immediate priorities facing her on the arts front are either insoluble or politically weighted.
  • The reaction of calcium ions with oxalic acid produces an insoluble solid, calcium oxalate.
  • It makes no difference to the final product whether the condensation is the first step followed by sulphonation and consequent solubilisation of the intermediary insoluble product, or whether, vice versa, the sulphonic acid is subjected to condensation. Synthetic Tannins
  • Soluble and insoluble fractions were separated by centrifugation in glass centrifuge tubes.
  • In general the mineral is recovered on a commercial scale only from placers, where it has been concentrated along with other dense, insoluble minerals such as zircon, garnet, ilmenite, and sometimes gold. The Economic Aspect of Geology
  • For transparent colored bottles, instead of sponge, the perfumers use what they call insoluble crystal salts (sulphate of potass). The Art of Perfumery And Methods of Obtaining the Odors of Plants
  • Barium chloride, BaCl_2 · 2H_2O, can be obtained by dissolving witherite in dilute hydrochloric acid, and also from heavy spar by ignition in a reverberatory furnace with a mixture of coal, limestone and calcium chloride, the barium chloride being extracted from the fused mass by water, leaving a residue of insoluble calcium sulphide. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 3 "Banks" to "Bassoon"
  • Traffic congestion in large cities seems to be an insoluble problem.
  • It is insoluble in plain water, but is made soluble by the aid of the glycocoll in blood gelatine and changed into ammonium fluoride. Valere Aude Dare to Be Healthy, Or, The Light of Physical Regeneration
  • Those which we call insoluble generally differ from the rest only in degree. Religion and Chemistry

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