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How To Use Insofar In A Sentence

  • Her desire to pass as white is presented without a great deal of judgment, except insofar as she acts cruelly towards her mother.
  • They are a legitimate use of force insofar as they are used in defense and retaliation against foreign aggression.
  • This may be least true of the long "culottes", trousers most closely resembling a skirt, and at best mistakable for a skirt, but insofar as "culottes" establish the principle of dividing woman's outward apparel from the waist down, they merely disguise the grave disorder. The Modesty of His Lordship
  • Historically, orders of friars could not own property, and individual friars were beggars hence the term mendicant, although this was changed insofar as the orders were concerned by the Council of Trent. No Uncertain Terms
  • Your expression insofar as I could decipher it was one of quiet appreciation. The Guardian World News
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  • Judicial rules, promulgated prior to such statute and which were more favorable to the interests of remaindermen, can be relied upon by the latter only insofar as said rules were intended to operate retroactively; for the decedent, in whose estate the remaindermen had an interest, died even before such court rules were established. The Constitution of the United States of America: Analysis and Interpretation Annotations of Cases Decided by the Supreme Court of the United States to June 30, 1952
  • Dog sledding is one of those once-in-a-lifetime experiences insofar as if you have done it once you know better than to ever do it again. AND GOD CREATED THE AU PAIR
  • Insofar as the two halves are extricable, Tiersen's contribution is more compelling.
  • `It's a true story, I'm told, insofar as stories can be true. DREAMS OF INNOCENCE
  • Still, this hard-edged argument has bite only insofar as it cautions us against the easy assumption that the marginal dollar is always worth more in the hands of the poor person than in the hands of the rich person.
  • I wonder what those passages can have been like; the residue is replete with an obsessive interest in excrement, disease, sexual mania, and insectlike reproduction, insofar as these apply to Muslims in general and to Muslim immigrants in Europe in particular. Holy Writ
  • The film is directed and photographed deftly, particularly insofar as it touches the sentimental without clutching the maudlin.
  • Ironically, it is only possible to write a cultural biography of this horse, insofar as it is possible, because of his multiply commodified status.
  • Rational choice theory views actors as rational insofar as they act instrumentally, are utility maximizers, possess stable and exogenous preferences, and are self-interested.
  • Patriotism means to stand by the country. It does not mean to stand by the president or any other public official, save exactly to the degree in which he himself stands by the country. It is patriotic to support him insofar as he efficiently serves the country. It is unpatriotic not to oppose him to the exact extent that by inefficiency or otherwise he fails in his duty to stand by the country. In either event, it is unpatriotic not to tell the truth, whether about the president or anyone else. Theodore Roosevelt 
  • And insofar as left or centrist governments do not debate the limits and / or confines of multiculturalism, or take measures to fully integrate non-Western cultures into the 'European identity' to become fully at home in their host countries, we can expect individuals of all persuasions to flock to the far-right (whom they perceive as having "commonsensical" approaches to these issues.) Wake Up From Your Slumber - The Truth Will Set You Free
  • The solution is exact insofar as the model of the sphere is exact.
  • And if so, to what extent is it authentic in capital "E" Existential terms, insofar as it is a matter of facticity, rather than volition? Michael Vazquez: On Nénette
  • A false moral equivalence is a sub-type of false equivalence; things can be aesthetically obscene and not morally obscene; the last question hardly makes sense but insofar as it does the answer is yes. Matthew Yglesias » Lacking in Prosal Clarity
  • This criterion is attractive even insofar as human mentality is concerned.
  • Patriotism means to stand by the country. It does not mean to stand by the president or any other public official, save exactly to the degree in which he himself stands by the country. It is patriotic to support him insofar as he efficiently serves the country. It is unpatriotic not to oppose him to the exact extent that by inefficiency or otherwise he fails in his duty to stand by the country. In either event, it is unpatriotic not to tell the truth, whether about the president or anyone else. Theodore Roosevelt 
  • Insofar as they do not attend to the perversions of freedom and the flesh that cruelty exploits, they fail to offer a legitimate understanding of our intersubjective lives.
  • Insofar as neoarsphenamine is concerned, the drug should be given first after the fever has subsided, as otherwise the malaria is cut short. Julius Wagner-Jauregg - Nobel Lecture
  • Consumers should be afforded a choice insofar as possible through increased competition.
  • I think that Hillary is pretty politically savey and certainly prepared insofar as her knowledge of policy, domestic and foreign. Covering the Dem Debate in Philly for OpEdNews and Gravel's Counter Event
  • For Bookchin, the latter form of anarchism is positive insofar it advocates individual liberty, but it ultimately undermines the broader goals of anarchism by focusing on transient notions of individualism.
  • Report Abuse Even if this bill passes, by the end of October the construction season particularly insofar as infra- Washington Post: Supreme Court questions bad legal advice in plea bargains, won't hear Utah cross case Washington Post: Capitol Hill power player Fred Upton switches ideological gears as his clout grows Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • The basis upon which we attack the Commissioner's judgment was that he had failed to look at the issue of breach insofar as reasonable foreseeability was concerned.
  • The judge rejected the request for an adjournment and the renewed application insofar as it was made.
  • Insofar as form and language detain him, they detain him as questions of ideology.
  • This approach to self-justification is the practical equivalent of psychosis insofar as it is a refutation of empirical reality, a refutation of human reason and a denial of human history.
  • It was something which one felt ought to be done by a Briton, insofar that it was our distance, our measurement, the Imperial mile.
  • They were successfully kept under the thumb, insofar as any lingering attraction to foreign adventurism was concerned.
  • And so is the intrapersonal, insofar as we are dialoguing with our selves all the time.
  • Patriotism means to stand by the country. It does not mean to stand by the president or any other public official, save exactly to the degree in which he himself stands by the country. It is patriotic to support him insofar as he efficiently serves the country. It is unpatriotic not to oppose him to the exact extent that by inefficiency or otherwise he fails in his duty to stand by the country. In either event, it is unpatriotic not to tell the truth, whether about the president or anyone else. Theodore Roosevelt 
  • God's ideas of creatures are, as Saint Thomas says, only his essence, insofar as it is participable or imperfectly imitable, for God contains every creaturely perfection, though in a divine and infinite way; he is one and he is all ¦. Malebranche's Theory of Ideas and Vision in God
  • Sher argued that the term flood was ambiguous, insofar as it might be limited to strictly "natural" events, as opposed to all instances of damage by water. A Louisiana decision on flood damage
  • An answering signal from Sauerkraut, whose expression insofar as sheep are capable of expression was resolute. Beginner’s Grace
  • Our hypothesis accords with classical ethology insofar as the emphasis is on stimulation, but it rests on reproductive conflict and manipulation rather than on cooperation.
  • It was held by many to undermine one of the elementary principles of economic life - that every person is bound to pay debts contracted insofar as this is possible.
  • Insofar as individuals have the presumable right to good health and protection from harm, and preventable or reducible bodily risk, the rhetoric of endangerment is a relative of entitlement discourse.
  • One must be careful, however, not to read this remark as conceding defeat, for in the continuation of this reply to Arnauld and in the passage above, he identifies ideas with God's substance: ˜God's ideas of creatures are ¦ only His essence, insofar as it is participable or imperfectly imitable™ (Elucidation 10, OC 3: 149; LO Malebranche's Theory of Ideas and Vision in God
  • And yet insofar as my godlessness is concerned, I am a member of a despised minority. Mjh's blog — 2006 — December
  • The present study was limited in this regard insofar that behaviour change was not assessed.
  • Insofar as your bellyaching about fetuses, you should also direct your wrath to your party which does NOTHING about abortion but uses abortion as a wedge issue to get you to vote. Think Progress » Blunt rejects barring insurers from denying insurance to adults with pre-existing conditions.
  • She recovered, insofar as it was possible to recover, renewed her studies, graduated from her first degree and embarked on a further degree.
  • Truth relates to actualities and objectives external to human perception - insofar as we can prove it, rain is only the precipitation of water vapour in the atmosphere.
  • I was sixteen years of age when the war commenced and having followed, insofar as bulletins from the battlefronts revealed, fortunes of the opposing forces, advances here, retreats there, I developed a keen interest in the outcome.
  • It could perhaps be argued that too many novels do still imply a "decipherable universe" -- decipherable insofar as it can be adequately rendered through the protocols of realism -- but most literary fiction is not so tied to a 19th century worldview as to portray human experience as "stable, coherent, continuous, unequivocal. Experimental Fiction
  • Baudelaire the poet has a special daimonic vision insofar as the poet has insight into the daimon described by Hesiod as unseen by the one being influenced.
  • Insofar as I can say now, I shall come.
  • Maybe this is the resolution for the representation facts which you refer to from CFT, insofar as those facts perhaps pertain to continuous (projective) representations of the diffeomorphism group of the circle. Guest Post: Joe Polchinski on Science or Sociology?
  • Insofar as these positions identify the forces prevalent in bringing the Cold War to an end, as well as their trajectories, they provide clues to the mainsprings of the order that has since ensued.
  • Not so fast... the thousands I'm guessing-- review the screenshots way, way below and judge for yourself of images are actually interesting in a rather different way, namely insofar as they seem to rebut an assertion being made by Steele and his folks prior to the election. Steele Website's Image Gallery Hints At Long Re-Election Campaign
  • I liked Cowl insofar I like 2 way time travel SF (my least favorite subgenre because it falls so easily in solipsism - boom, the hero moved through time and a new universe appeared/dissapeared), but N. Asher has so many better books, Cowl is the weakest by far. Pick JP's Bookshelf!
  • But fasting is good insofar as it achieves a good end. Lent: Why the Christian Must Deny Himself
  • Their expressions, insofar as he could interpret them at all, appeared to register surprise that he had said something. THE LONGEST WAY HOME
  • Many of the actions required are already within the scope of existing conventions concerned with wildlife conservation, insofar as they list marine species or marine protected areas on their annexes.
  • I might instead attempt to diagram its structure, insofar as I am able to apprehend it.
  • It may well be that kneeling is alien to modern culture -- insofar as it is a culture, for this culture has turned away from the faith and no longer knows the one before whom kneeling is the right, indeed the intrinsically necessary gesture. 04/01/2004 - 05/01/2004
  • Tautologies are statements true by definition and so are quite incapable of empirical refutation or prediction (insofar as a prediction in science must be empirically falsifiable).
  • Report Abuse Even if this bill passes, by the end of October the construction season particularly insofar as infra- Report Abuse If this jobs bill is "effectively dead" Mr. Cantor, so are a lot of Republican political careers...including yours. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • Additional forces were sent to these frontier outposts to give them protection insofar as limited resources would permit.
  • For there is no knowledge of things insofar as they are external in effect, but insofar as their nature and quiddity is grasped by the mind.
  • In my view, however, the committee should only take them into account insofar they come into that category.
  • Insofar as the European constitution mentions the free market, it is simply banal and unoriginal.
  • Looking back helps insofar as it helps you learn from your mistakes.
  • On the other hand, transcendental empiricism has epistemological implications insofar as knowledge too must be formed in a process of individuation.
  • Insofar as someone in a sufficiently blissful stupor had no opportunity to reflect that, say, they were squandering their capacities by not reading Proust or listening to Wagner, I think the mental-state welfarist is hard pressed to seriously aver that this person is experiencing less subjective happiness, from a God Who Loves You perspective, than someone who has the enjoyment of realizing their capacities. Happiness Redux
  • Insofar as the object of this vision is not formalizable, this concept is different from all mathematical concepts of the infinite, especially those involved in Newtonian physics or what Blake sees as the Newtonian vision of the world. Chaosmic Orders: Nonclassical Physics, Allegory, and the Epistemology of Blake's Minute Particulars.
  • Hence, insofar a distinction between their accidental and essential properties has any application, it is dependent on these same considerations.
  • Mental hygiene incorporated a variety of beliefs; it implied a pessimistic attitude insofar as curability was concerned while simultaneously affirming an optimistic faith in the possibility of prevention. The Mad Among Us
  • Insofar as each one of the three words underlined above has more than one meaning, the sentence is an amphibology, and one difficult to translate literally.
  • But let us admit it: foreigners get interested in Egyptian education only insofar it's good for business.
  • And even many of his marshalls and ministers were only loyal to him insofar as they enjoyed advancement. Matthew Yglesias » 18th Century Polish Strategic Dilemmas
  • Certainly, insofar as the order nisi seeks writs of mandamus and certiorari, it is outside of the time limit.
  • But insofar as the development of capitalism has been decisively conditioned by the simultaneous deployment of the project of social and individual autonomy, modernity is finished.
  • And it is only insofar as such prophecies were ratified by catastrophes (as, indeed, was the case from Elijah to Jeremiah) that historical events acquired religious significance; i.e., that they clearly appeared as punishments inflicted by the Lord in return for the impiousness of Israel.
  • Life is suffering insofar as a healthy body can get sick and die, our thoughts cannot be sustained, and sensations, emotions and consciousness are all impermanent.
  • Insofar as Markson poses questions in an inverse order, the critic and the author appear in a perspective which inscribes voice within an economy of representation.
  • Looking back helps insofar as it helps you learn from your mistakes.
  • A payment will therefore only become due to the Defaulting Party if and insofar as it represents a gain to the Non-defaulting Party resulting from its being relieved of a disadvantageous contract.
  • They are "artless" only insofar as they embody an aesthetic distinct from the abbey's inventory of images made by professional artists. 'Nuns As Artists'
  • Though drawing the story in bold strokes and relying on stock characters, Austen's treatment of drunkenness nevertheless remains subtle insofar as she, like medical writers, refuses the interpretation that drunkenness is merely a mark of license. 'Pleasure is now, and ought to be, your business': Stealing Sexuality in Jane Austen's _Juvenilia_
  • Is there a smith who has a name insofar as working on these things such as smoothing them up, etc? Do You Feel Lucky, Watermelon?
  • As I see it, the S2 has the potential to change the face of professional cameras in the long term insofar as it's at once conventionally familiar and radically unique. Digital Camera News and Reviews
  • Insofar as it can be ascertained, the horse lung is comparable to that of man.
  • ‘Ulan’ consists of a bass guitar plucked once every minute or so, accompanied by some desultory tom hits; the listener's interest is sustained insofar that he wonders whether the next note will ever come.
  • Consequently, its own originative activity accrues to thinking, that is, insofar as it is a principle, the dynamics of its principiating: principiare. Meister Eckhart
  • There is absolute integrity in the distinction between passive consumption and active use, except insofar as ‘use’ of a product signifies its consumption anyway.
  • insofar as it can be ascertained, the horse lung is comparable to that of man
  • Becoming Criminal, calls "transversal territory" insofar as they strive to "transcen [d], fractur [e], or displac [e] the constantly affirmed world of subjective territory" (19). [ 'Pleasure is now, and ought to be, your business': Stealing Sexuality in Jane Austen's _Juvenilia_
  • Patriotism means to stand by the country. It does not mean to stand by the president or any other public official, save exactly to the degree in which he himself stands by the country. It is patriotic to support him insofar as he efficiently serves the country. It is unpatriotic not to oppose him to the exact extent that by inefficiency or otherwise he fails in his duty to stand by the country. In either event, it is unpatriotic not to tell the truth, whether about the president or anyone else. Theodore Roosevelt 
  • Is it pragmatically better to believe in God than not, insofar as theists, taken across all possible worlds, are on average better off than atheists?
  • Instead, insofar is it isn’t merely a piece of goofy rhetoric (and I think John Edwards went a bit too far in suggesting this is all it is) it’s a conceptual confusion — an effort to lump together a bunch of loosely-related issues that 9/11 all happened to highlight and turn them into a single “thing” even though there’s nothing there. Matthew Yglesias » After GWOT, What?
  • Patriotism means to stand by the country. It does not mean to stand by the president or any other public official, save exactly to the degree in which he himself stands by the country. It is patriotic to support him insofar as he efficiently serves the country. It is unpatriotic not to oppose him to the exact extent that by inefficiency or otherwise he fails in his duty to stand by the country. In either event, it is unpatriotic not to tell the truth, whether about the president or anyone else. Theodore Roosevelt 
  • Her case has been that all debits to the Joint Account in excess of the £200,000 limit fixed by the 1988 Facility are unenforceable against her except insofar as they represent interest on borrowing up to that limit.
  • Citizenship and Democracy in a Global Era is a somewhat strange collection insofar that it is both useful and frustrating.
  • Certainly, insofar as the order nisi seeks writs of mandamus and certiorari, it is outside of the time limit.
  • The creed has a legitimate claim to its title insofar as all articles are found in theological formulas current around 100 AD, between the Apostolic Period and the beginning of the Post-Apostolic Period: elements found in the Interrogatory Creed of Hippolytus (c. Latest Articles
  • As the word "cadet" is used in A.W. 2, 14, and 48 and defined in A.W. 1 as "a cadet of the United States Military Academy", such word has no application in the United States Air Force as presently constituted insofar as the administration of military justice is concerned and will be disregarded. EXECUTIVE ORDER 10026
  • Insofar as this made the exercise unidimensional, the venture was flawed from the beginning.
  • Insofar as this is a human foible, a mere unsightly blemish on the doctrine of RC, I give it a lot of slack.
  • Philip agreed insofar as we will see data follow us around via web widgets etc, so if things go pear-shaped and you want to take all your data out, data portability is the answer. November « 2006 « Innovation Cloud
  • autographic" texts are inspired, then insofar as the text we have represents continuity with the original texts, both in transmission and in translation, then (as the CSBI elsewhere says) we "have no cause for hesitating to conclude that the true Word of God is within [our] reach. Sacra doctrina
  • chemmy - I think parents need to be cut a bit of slack insofar as many of the young people involved in this culture are from single parent families and often the primary carer is their mother or grandmother who is looking after smaller children. Evening Standard - Home
  • It has already begun to exist, in a preborn form, insofar that it exists in the hearts and minds of her expatriates, her numerous émigrés and defectors, as well as citizens at home.
  • Insofar as they took some action to invite the advertisement, they may even find it useful.
  • The consequences of the bloody defeats suffered by the working class in Latin America in the 1960s and 1970s can still be felt, particularly insofar they are not worked through consciously.
  • The democratic experiment in some countries has failed insofar as it was ever tried.
  • The cephalon lacks definite genal spines, and the tail spine, insofar as it can be reconstructed, does not appear to have been very long relative to the body.
  • In every good act that we do, we imitate God insofar that we ultimately bring good to all humanity.
  • But if the effect, on a long term basis, is to force return to take into account risk, and properly price it for all players, then capital will flee the sector and threaten, perhaps, to put financial firms out of business only insofar as capital wants to take greater risks for greater returns in other asset classes and investment opportunities. The Volokh Conspiracy » Greenspan’s ‘The Crisis’ and Modigliani and Miller
  • Liposarcoma represents a unique model insofar as some well-differentiated liposarcomas progress to non-lipogenic, so-called 'dedifferentiated,' forms. Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • The impending breakup of fusionism shows that this is only true insofar as dramatic changes are made to the character of the American Right itself - changes many who have labored under its banner want no part of.
  • Insofar as dissident writers consider the profits made from drugs, we find an extremely one-sided response.
  • This order gave rise to belief that the defendant was granted the procedural fairness guaranteed by common law insofar that he would be given an opportunity to be heard and be allowed to provide proper evidence.
  • In some sense, modern physics is already positing a two-level existence, insofar as it speaks of both an observable physical world that we live in every day, and a kind of "substructure" beneath that of "strings," "membranes," or pure space. Serendip's Exchange -
  • Patriotism means to stand by the country. It does not mean to stand by the president or any other public official, save exactly to the degree in which he himself stands by the country. It is patriotic to support him insofar as he efficiently serves the country. It is unpatriotic not to oppose him to the exact extent that by inefficiency or otherwise he fails in his duty to stand by the country. In either event, it is unpatriotic not to tell the truth, whether about the president or anyone else. Theodore Roosevelt 
  • This is a ‘neutral’ theory of the state insofar that the state has recourse to a wide body of law and definite notions on particular moral issues, backed up with force.
  • I dont really know what to say about this, the SNP heartlands, insofar as they exist are in Aberdeenshire, FOrfarshire and Perthshire, which is, pretty much, where the majority of the Scottish cricket community live too. John Terry’s sacking as England captain tells us something interesting...
  • Insofar as the object of this vision is not formalizable, this concept is different from all mathematical concepts of the infinite, especially those involved in Newtonian physics or what Blake sees as the Newtonian vision of the world. Chaosmic Orders: Nonclassical Physics, Allegory, and the Epistemology of Blake's Minute Particulars.
  • (In fact, the clear delineation of the altar and sanctuary by a rood screen might even be thought to have a similar "canopying" like effect that the ciborium visually has, insofar as it delineates that space and the altar within it.) Potentialities of the Rood Screen Today
  • This area is of huge importance insofar that within the area is the Gaelscoil and the council's playground.
  • I want the transcripts to be a reasonably accurate record insofar as that's possible: however, I'm amazed by how incoherent and rambling I appear to have been.
  • If so, it follows that most people probably approve pretty much, insofar as they think about it, of equalities legislation. Times, Sunday Times
  • Real vampire bats prey on cattle and horses, take tiny quantities of blood and are dangerous only insofar as they sometimes carry bovine tuberculosis and rabies.
  • Insofar as an East Asian challenge is widely perceived by the public and the political class as a serious problem America must confront, his work is among the most analytically profound ways of distilling serious economic understanding from this challenge, rather than the analytically empty responses mostly produced to date. Ian Fletcher: How to Think Our Way Out of Our Trade Crisis
  • The defendant was in control insofar as he had created a foreseeable danger, which could have been sparked off by an innocent event.
  • In O'Floinn's translations he attempts to maintain the meter insofar as the number of syllables and the primary rhymes are concerned.
  • Know that philosophy is the perfecting of the human soul, through the cognition of the true natures of existents, as they truly are, through judgements concerning them that are ascertained through apodeixis, and not understood through conjecture, or adherence to prior authority, insofar as is humanly possible. Mulla Sadra
  • And insofar as it's sanctified by a religious ceremony, that's up to the churches involved.
  • He felt a passing fondness for me - insofar that I had taken him off the streets and given him a purpose.
  • Given what was said about immoralism, moralism must be advocating the pro tanto principle that a work is aesthetically good insofar as it is ethically good, but this does not determine its aesthetic value, all things considered.
  • I imagine adaptation insofar as human intelligence goes, which certainly allows us to be supremely adaptative. Adaptationism
  • This is absolutely the coolest Ferrari of all time, "cool" insofar as it delivers brain-solvent performance without looking like it gives a damn what you think, cool insofar as its radical Pininfarina styling a "shooting brake," or three-door hatch GT waves a contemptuous finger at conventional wisdom. The Coolest Ferrari Ever—Drive Carefully
  • This position does not make critical theorists moral skeptics, at least insofar as that term connotes a negative or irrational quality.
  • Under the conditions of modernity, what is disputed is precisley the transcendent dimension of beauty, exchangeable (sc. insofar) with truth and goodness. Fr Lang on Beauty and the Liturgy
  • Insofar as such writers flunk the tests laid out by textbook publishers, they risk slipping quietly out of circulation.
  • The format of the routine is similar to Bar Method insofar as each weight interval is followed by stretching, and you begin with arm weights, but you use eight-pound weights instead of three, then push-ups, tricep dips, legs, seat, and then abs, but Physique 57 incorporates a greater variety of movements, and the use of a playground ball. Meg Hemphill: A Review of 3 Top Barre Workouts
  • Report Abuse Even if this bill passes, by the end of October the construction season particularly insofar as infra- Washington Post: Supreme Court questions bad legal advice in plea bargains, won't hear Utah cross case Washington Post: Capitol Hill power player Fred Upton switches ideological gears as his clout grows Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • As for Peter the Great, he might also have been akin to Edward II insofar as he was not afraid to indulge in manual occupations.
  • CNN appears to have been the victim of a second-hand psy-ops campaign, insofar as it is referring to the guerrillas as ‘anti-Iraqi forces.’
  • But in actuality, we have something closer to the situation that Thomas Hobbes identified centuries ago as pertaining to the concept of sovereignty: the commonwealth only exists insofar as it is "personated," and that personation is, at bottom, a social convention. The Duck of Minerva
  • Planet of the Apes follows the original storyline only insofar as there are talking apes.
  • Insofar as they express a contrary view, we respectfully dissent from the views of the Supreme Court of Canada in this case.
  • But that is not the way out of the dilemma insofar as you cannot recognize your own greatness by negating that of all others. Hatto fischer | poetry & politics « poetry dispatch & other notes from the underground
  • A shared overarching global polity would embody this intimation in continuously revisable structures dedicated to promoting the common good insofar as this can be agreed upon.
  • He intimately understands the idea of deterrence insofar that once he has a nuke, he will be able to deter other powers from countering his ambitions in the region.
  • And insofar as we might say that the poetry of emotion is synonymous with its expression in language, then it becomes clear that writing from a place of the 'overwrought', the 'cheap', the 'excessive', the 'insufficient' and the 'incapable' is actually also writing from a place of abjection women writers are consigned to in a kind of categorical quarantine. David's comment
  • In this case, Kant's requirements are still fulfilled at different levels of theory, insofar as concerns the logical structure of our arguments differently or our practical justifications for such arguments, including specifically that for the possibility or necessity of nonclassicality. Notes on 'Thinking Singularity with Immanuel Kant and Paul de Man: Aesthetics, Epistemology, History and Politics'
  • And insofar as lawmakers are interested in sneaking some 2011 and 2012 transportation infrastructure spending into this bill they may as well forget about shovel readiness and identify useful transit and intercity rail projects. Matthew Yglesias » The Highways We Don’t Need
  • My racism/religion explanation was mainly regarding his posts, and only meant to respond to you insofar as you claimed I must see a certain tenet believed by some Jews as racist (and let me add, as you might say, you do not know me well enough to that prediction). The Volokh Conspiracy » U.S. Denying Entry Visas to People Who Work on Israel’s Dimona Nuclear Reactor?
  • Insofar as details are available, the plan involved both a military offensive in the north and a coup attempt in the capital.
  • Insofar as the pursuit of this homogeneous substance provides the binding "one law" of his existence, he resembles the Urizenic Bromion; but to the extent that his fetishistic hoarding of gold necessitates a renunciation of all self-expenditure and a paranoid withdrawal from society (which must be seen as a source of expense or potential thievery), he resembles the withdrawn and virtue-hoarding Theotormon (who, like the miser, is also associated with a "threshold" of stone [2: 6]). Gender, Environment, and Imperialism in William Blake's _Visions of the Daughters of Albion_
  • Hugh on the other hand entirely predictable insofar as you can absolutely count on him to do the daft thing. AND GOD CREATED THE AU PAIR
  • Report Abuse Even if this bill passes, by the end of October the construction season particularly insofar as infra- Report Abuse If this jobs bill is "effectively dead" Mr. Cantor, so are a lot of Republican political careers...including yours. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • You can think of it in a historical context insofar that it has been on the national agenda for a long time to pursue racial equality.
  • The hexagram is a Jewish symbol only insofar as the ancient Hebrews, under the influence of the Assyrians in the time of Amos, had fallen into pagan idolatry by using the six-pointed star in the worship of the planet Saturn. Camping and Camping Resources. Find Camping News, Camping Gear and Camping Reports. Camping RSS Feed Available.
  • As these are works in a substantially different key from the canvases present in Chicago, a strong case could have been made for their inclusion in replica form insofar as replicas dotted the exhibition.
  • Insofar as a human brain that knows about logical conjunction (Boolean AND) would similarly classify logically conjoined sentences, this TLU knows something like logical conjunction.
  • Indeed, he ultimately forecloses the possibility that there can be any rational discussion of the matter at all, insofar as values by their very nature are subjectively determined.
  • Patriotism means to stand by the country. It does not mean to stand by the president or any other public official, save exactly to the degree in which he himself stands by the country. It is patriotic to support him insofar as he efficiently serves the country. It is unpatriotic not to oppose him to the exact extent that by inefficiency or otherwise he fails in his duty to stand by the country. In either event, it is unpatriotic not to tell the truth, whether about the president or anyone else. Theodore Roosevelt 
  • But non-naturalism in ethics will retain some appeal insofar as the other ways of trying to explain our experiences of the moral life fail to answer the serious objections they face. Plato's Ethics and Politics in The Republic
  • This multicultural ‘synthesis’ is actually unsynthetic, insofar as the fabric, by showing its seams, instructs you how to unstitch it.
  • They are relevant to food only insofar as they cause diseases in plants and animals.
  • Insofar as you seek to raise arguments concerning that matter, they have no prospect whatever of succeeding.
  • In addition, insofar as educational institutions invite students to model themselves on others, a degree of plagiarism and pastiche are built into the acquiring of creative skills.
  • Failure to publish has already become a problem in sexology, insofar as early studies of the impact of Viagra on women, completed in early 1997, have not yet been published as of the date of this manuscript.
  • Finally, insofar as President Bush has exercised his powers to engage in surreptitious electronic surveillance without court-issued warrants in violation of the FISA, on the basis of an implausibly broad construction of his inherent Article II powers and a reading of the AUMF that was rightly repudiated in a slightly different context by the Supreme Court's recent Hamdan decision, the "fix" reportedly negotiated between The White House and Senator Arlen Specter, in which the legality of the NSA program of warrantless surveillance would be submitted for adjudication on the basis of a one-sided presentation to the FISA court by the Executive Branch -- which alone would be authorized to control the evidence to be considered, the forum for its consideration, whether the proceedings would be public or secret, and whether the result would be published or kept under wraps, and which alone would be authorized to appeal an adverse ruling to an Article III court including the Supreme Court -- is as transparently phony and futile as is the suggestion of a congressionally enacted vehicle to confer standing on someone to obtain a judicial ruling on the legality of this President's signing statements. Balkinization
  • The outlet is irrelevant, except insofar as a publication the president might not be expected to field questions from may be more inclined to regard it as a favor when he does. The Velvet Underground Revolution & Nico
  • Beauty is an objective property, founded in the perfection of things, but it is also a relational rather than intrinsic property, for it is attributed to perfection only insofar as there are subjects like us who can perceive it sensorily. 18th Century German Aesthetics
  • Poor exposure assessment, insofar as it is nondifferential, distorts the epidemiological measures of association toward the null value.
  • Patriotism means to stand by the country. It does not mean to stand by the president or any other public official, save exactly to the degree in which he himself stands by the country. It is patriotic to support him insofar as he efficiently serves the country. It is unpatriotic not to oppose him to the exact extent that by inefficiency or otherwise he fails in his duty to stand by the country. In either event, it is unpatriotic not to tell the truth, whether about the president or anyone else. Theodore Roosevelt 
  • There is thus a discernible irony here insofar as every ethnographer's reflexive contemplations of his/her accounts of social systems are likewise conditioned by systems of social relations.
  • Beauty, like wealth, is relative -- it benefits its possessor only insofar as they are lovelier than the women, or handsomer than the men, around them. Envy, Happiness, and Social Policy, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • But only insofar that film cannot avoid being so.
  • Every sentence, even every heading is blanked out and will remain classified, insofar as those two agencies are concerned.
  • In the same way, the works a person does for himself are ‘life’ to him insofar as they sustain his life, because he maintains and perfects himself through them.
  • Therefore, insofar as we deal with text, the term conceptual information seems to coincide with the meaning of that text. Skeptic on Dembski - The Panda's Thumb
  • Patriotism means to stand by the country. It does not mean to stand by the president or any other public official, save exactly to the degree in which he himself stands by the country. It is patriotic to support him insofar as he efficiently serves the country. It is unpatriotic not to oppose him to the exact extent that by inefficiency or otherwise he fails in his duty to stand by the country. In either event, it is unpatriotic not to tell the truth, whether about the president or anyone else. Theodore Roosevelt 
  • The one thing both sides agree on is that the road would have a major impact on the Eastern Cape landscape insofar as it would dramatically improve access and linkage to the region.

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