How To Use Insistence In A Sentence

  • Over Fate of Georgia, Provinces With Russian forces appearing to hunker down in Georgia, U.S. and European officials now face a pricklier challenge: Moscow's insistence that it has the right to help break up the country. U.S.-Russia Relations Turn Cold
  • But it is hard to sustain that insistence on the preservation of the Catholic tradition on the one hand with a total insistence on the diminution of a Protestant tradition on the other.
  • Then my mind wandered to how Marija Gimbutas and others have earned a bad rap for their insistence on skewing historical perspective with their matriarchal/matrifocal ideals of an 'Old Europe', i.e. Matriarchy and women rulers
  • The intolerant citizens have called for a nation-wide general strike to bring down the deep-rooted stratocracy in Burma, due to the junta\'s insistence of barring the Lady to participate in the country\'s political reform process. ' Burma Question - sill a matter of regional concern
  • Moreover, Valla's insistence on the will as the locus of moral behavior seems compromised by the predestinarianism advocated by the interlocutor “Lorenzo” in his dialogue De libero arbitrio (On Free Will). Lorenzo Valla
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  • The end of poetry is not an after-effect, not a pleasurable memory of itself, but an immediate, constant and even unpleasant insistence upon itself…. Laura (Riding) Jackson
  • Because of international insistence on it, Resolution 242 is undoubtedly the entry ticket to an international peace conference.
  • I'd walked away from one possibility because of my insistence that I needed to follow another to validate my life. THE MANANA MAN
  • The decision to go down the Windows route was largely down to his insistence that it would offer greater programming flexibility.
  • So Scalia's insistence that the Catholic Church does not consider capital punishment immoral rests on the word "practically" in the Church's catechism. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • Her gift for melody, her insistence on shaping almost every piece as a song, gives her work a stamp of individuality.
  • Perhaps that's in no small par t due to Fox's insistence on creating an alternate universe in which to attract a niche audience for advertisers, while ignoring boldface that it has any influence on the highly impressionable, which is what's new online!
  • As a final note, I remain mystified by the insistence of those who live in the Chapala area on driving US-plated cars, even those who clearly have adequate resources to pay the modest additional costs. Auto purchase in Mexico
  • What made Silicon Alley special was its insistence that content is king.
  • It is yet another symptom of our approach to technology, our insistence at robotic responses to human dilemmas.
  • I do not know how to reconcile Caissene's insistence that "one hoe was for one woman" with Harries's meticulously documented report that chiefs had "inflated" bridewealth "from five hoes in the late 1860s to over fifty a decade later" except that perhaps the declining trade in hand-forged hoes made them that much more valuable and coveted in relation to mass-produced European imitations. Where Women Make History: Gendered Tellings of Community and Change in Magude, Mozambique
  • But the insistence has not appeased local residents, who are now planning a series of meetings to call for a public inquiry.
  • I took no view, but always felt uncomfortable that his dogged insistence on his innocence should count against him. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is specially true of the animus and anima, for their quest for completion is rendered more imperative by the nagging insistence of sexual desire.
  • The insistence is all the more remarkable as ministers currently have record amounts of funding from the taxpayer.
  • In its monthly reports, for instance, it has dropped its insistence that the threat of deflation has receded.
  • Classical art has its own temptations and sins; as Maritain hints, it may obscure the originating sense of congruence or confluence, the 'pulsion' which stimulates formal composition, by over-insistence on an abstract rigour of structure. Clark Lectures, Trinity College, Cambridge Grace, Necessity and Imagination: Catholic Philosophy and the Twentieth Century Artist Lecture 4: God and the Artist
  • His insistence on using the techniques of antiquity—he still scales up from small clay models and, when his work is cast, the foundry uses the cire perdue method—result in work that is completely contemporary, yet also somehow fragments that could have come from any point in the history of Western art. A Magnificent Obsession
  • Bearing in mind Iain Dale's insistence that Chichester is innocent until he is found guilty, what will the political fall out be? Archive 2008-06-01
  • Within the realm of the image, the two ends of the chromatic scale stand out via the characters' insistence on evoking black and white animals, especially the zebra.
  • On the insistence of past pupils and their parents, Joan and Joscelyne wrote a short memoir of their life's work.
  • Has it occurred to people that our insistence on hairless laps is closet pedophilia? Catching up with The Times « BuzzMachine
  • They expected to get away with a plain denial of history rather than a mere insistence on divorcing history from politics.
  • The prime minister would, it is said, have taken the plunge had it not been for the bloody-minded insistence of his chancellor in sticking to the Treasury's five tests.
  • His intransigence in climbing the mountain, his insistence on understanding, is a metaphor for what the book itself does.
  • I'd walked away from one possibility because of my insistence that I needed to follow another to validate my life. THE MANANA MAN
  • The literal-minded insistence that all government rhetoric be entirely scrupulous strikes me, in view of the above, as weird.
  • This mythic quality is what he admired in the work, and yet his literal-minded insistence on shining a spotlight into every crevice makes the whole thing seem completely banal.
  • For want of something to distract her mind, she had been engaged, when Maidie returned with her abigail in tow, in collecting together those of Maidie's belongings that were scattered about the bedchamber they had shared at her insistence, for she could not reconcile it with her duty to allow her charge to sleep alone in the chamber of a public inn in the heart of the capital. Gatlinburg
  • Richman's call for coordination between national and local governments and his insistence that civil liberties must be protected in this process are both persuasive.
  • It was at his insistence that she had started learning music and he wanted her to take up classical singing.
  • One of these was his absolute insistence that no one under any circumstance be left behind.
  • the insistence of their hunger
  • Arthur and the elves seem more like cult members in their worship of Santa who we've established is merely a figurehead and Arthur's Jar Jar Binks-style klutziness and insistence on delivering the bike quickly becomes grating. Jonathan Kim: ReThink Review: Arthur Christmas -- A Repellant Christmas Wish
  • April except (1) Dr. Royce's insistence that my reply to his first libel should _not be published at all without his second libel_, and A Public Appeal for Redress to the Corporation and Overseers of Harvard University Professor Royce's Libel
  • The union has dropped its earlier insistence that workers should receive bonus payments.
  • The cost of complying with red tape is rising for small businesses, despite government insistence that it has overhauled thousands of regulations, a business group has said. Times, Sunday Times
  • After much prompting and insistence by beekeepers, Forestry Tasmania agreed to try and retain leatherwoods (subject to safety considerations) in one of the Class 4 (small flowing streams) stream reserves of 10m on either side of the stream, on the Northern side of the coupe.
  • It is a cynical camouflage for problems caused by the boom and bust rhythm of capitalism, and the bosses' insistence that profits come before people.
  • Reuters New York Giants players Still, the schedule lends credence to Coughlin's insistence that there's no trend to his teams' second-half swoons, just coincidence, and that maybe there's something a tad pat in the idea of an inevitable Giants "collapse. A Study in Second Halves
  • I received a look of awkward horror followed by some hasty compliments, an expression of surprise and the insistence that it was ‘very competitive’.
  • Her parents were united in their insistence that she go to college.
  • Churches and pro-life organisations fear that the bill could result in incapable adults being denied food and drink at the insistence of a relative empowered to act for them.
  • After six seasons, Lost ended as it began, shrouded in an aura of pronounced mysterioso, its insistence on being elusive and allusive with regard to its central mythology either endlessly beguiling or endlessly irritating. William Bradley: Time Slips Away for 24 and Lost in Very Different Finales
  • Can we drop the alibi of ignorance - the endless insistence that we did not know - and resist the seductive lures of solipsism, of denial, of dissociation?
  • Then there is his long-running and mysterious insistence on naming muscles.
  • There is something rather grand about his pride and dogged insistence upon his Liberal identity. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is not so much an offer of inclusion as an insistence upon it.
  • The conspirators, a group of teachers and lawyers led by an educational theorist called Picornell, were condemned to death but reprieved on French insistence when peace was concluded.
  • Tamayo's insistence on using new materials to construct his prints is very much part of a long tradition in modern art.
  • The rage bubbled up inside of me again at his stubborn insistence.
  • The insistence on the exclusion of English has become, as of now, a sort of status symbol, a touchstone of supremacy and learning, to many of our linguistic torch-bearers, not to speak of their avowed predilection for regionalism.
  • Price's insistence that his side did not put the visitors' keeper to work was not reflected in the match stats.
  • He became well-known for his insistence upon the importance of prayer and many people came to consult him in his humble cell. COLLINS DICTIONARY OF SAINTS
  • The report criticised the Government 's insistence that internet security is the responsibility of the individual. Times, Sunday Times
  • Such patients' insistence that the physician pursue somatic symptoms until a medical diagnosis is obtained can be significantly frustrating.
  • Brown's insistence on commissioning a storytelling painting could hardly have been unique.
  • My father, Richard Hoggart, was one of the witnesses in the real trial and, I guess, helped sway the jury with his insistence that the book, and Lawrence himself, were "puritanical" - not in the sense of hating pleasure but in having respect for one's own conscience. Archive 2006-01-01
  • More profoundly, this insistence on the importance of distrust is eating away at our society. Times, Sunday Times
  • Underlying this weakness is the American insistence on rejecting significant international participation and on making the tribunal a national court — here, in a place that is not really a nation, decimated by decades of repression and war. The Accuser
  • His insistence on the values to be upheld for Scotland, repeated, naturally, (if not boomingly) throughout his many interviews yesterday show his thinking in full or rather what he ultimately used as the justification for his desicion. John Terry’s sacking as England captain tells us something interesting...
  • Baverez also speaks of the problem of Europe's "organized deflation, which has transformed 'euroland' into a desert of unemployment and innovation," the result of Germany's original insistence that the European Central Bank be given as its sole task the prevention of inflation. What's Left of the Union?
  • The union has dropped its earlier insistence that workers should receive bonus payments.
  • Put differently, if a mystical experience has some impact upon a person's understanding then it must be 'ascribable' to that person, by themselves or another, and so the insistence on 'non-conceptuality' is self-contradicting; About religious experience (William James, Schleiermacher etc)
  • In the first section of this two-part exhibition, Brown's blunt strokes of dark pastel bristle at the edges of latent, embryonic forms and sweep across fields of grid-marked linen with the repetitive insistence of a burin cutting metal.
  • He further threw his support behind China's insistence in pegging the yuan close to 8.28 to the greenback.
  • 'intuitionist' school was precisely their insistence upon history. The English Utilitarians, Volume II (of 3) James Mill
  • Despite her hypersensitivity to his sentimental confessions, Esther is moved by his insistence that she "obey the law that is the meaning and the content of her life."
  • I suppose it gives a sense of gritty realism, and it contrasts the physical, bodily duties of the slaves with the luxurious lifestyle of the so-called white plantocracy - but as a stylistic trait, this insistence on bodily functions is too monotonous. The Long Song: Andrea Levy: Books
  • The officer, puled and exasperated at the girl's insistence that she was neither doped nor molested by her male comrades in the DSE, muttered that, 'It couldn't be possible .... Arms and the Woman: Just Warriors and Greek Feminist Identity
  • Really the only minor detraction was the bizarre insistence at the gates that any bottled drinks had to have the caps taken off, and thrown away.
  • Admittedly instant streetscapes and arcadian landscapes don't seed at the same pace, yet they are both populist responses to the ‘problem’ of the built environment's rather tiresome insistence on weathering at a stately pace.
  • The insistence on 16d not only persuaded Indosat and rival cellco Telkom to bid low for Wimax spectrum - and therefore avoid buying spectrum in many circles - but also persuaded many international bidders to stay out of the auction. Telecom Asia RSS
  • Part of its appeal must stem from his bizarre insistence that while the plot is fiction, it is constructed on basic truths.
  • There were indications last week that Yeltsin had dropped his insistence that this be a legally binding document.
  • The good Monsignor's comments on the rushed putting together of the 'restored' Holy Week are fascinating - even more so John XXIII's insistence on having the traditional Vexilla regis sung on Good Friday. A bombshell of an interview. Mons. Domenico Bartolucci on the liturgical reforms and the reform of the reform.
  • Johnson & Johnson 's insistence on enforcing a non-compete agreement to keep senior executive Michael Mahoney from joining archrival Boston Scientific Corp. as chief executive led to unusual employment terms at the medical device maker, according to people familiar with the matter. J&J Puts Squeeze on Rival's Hiring
  • No, this is indolence that is beyond even the animal kingdom in its insistence.
  • I took no view, but always felt uncomfortable that his dogged insistence on his innocence should count against him. Times, Sunday Times
  • They speak in an overprecise way with much pedantic insistence on letters not generally sounded, especially Hs.
  • Perhaps he expresses through "Cleon" some of his own strongest feelings, his insistence on the worth of individuality, his craving for deeper joy, fuller life than this world gives, and his horror of the destruction of personality. Cobwebs of Thought
  • If I were them I'd be miffed by her insistence that when she dies they will not inherit a penny.
  • It may simply be that behind the firmly controlled uninsistence of his lines American ears, grown accustomed to the clamant verse of poets like Robert Sward, who is discussed below, have not yet recognized the concentration of Enright's verse, its nerve, its distilled lack of irrelevancy. Our Costume Is a Kiss
  • With his insistence that Marxism emerged from the Enlightenment by a process of "sublation" or "aufheben," Steiner is suggesting that Marx and Engels rejected the conception of equality that had been developed in the course of the Enlightenment, advanced in the English Revolution and made a principle of the bourgeois revolution in America and France. Undefined
  • I'd walked away from one possibility because of my insistence that I needed to follow another to validate my life. THE MANANA MAN
  • It is Labour's insistence on putting the cart before the horse which fills me with gloom.
  • Our insistence on evanescence, consciousness and diaphanous impressionism distorts the book that forms in our minds, like the slight misimpression on the pottery wheel that tilts the eventual cup.
  • The vibe I got off of Gary--who, note, claims to be of the Left--is the same obnoxious one that drove me away from the Left in the States, namely the sophomoric insistence on the irrelevance of seemingly superficial differences. Confusion
  • Such urgency, that insistence, might color everything in poetry, this most personal of all literary forms.
  • The producer of a radio interview we did was maddened by her insistence that her dreadlocks were a tree -- though according to Rasta cosmology, she was right. Vivien Goldman: Remembering Ari Up
  • Her insistence on confrontation led Sapphire to look for her mother.
  • The insistence that the Volunteer formally apologize to her superiors created further strain.
  • Equally, there is an insistence on the need to protect people from the arbitrary power of the state.
  • Ms. Stuart's insistence that this promise be honoured is of the utmost importance. Archive 2007-08-05
  • What the fans should singRule Britannia Stadium, especially with its insistence that "Thee haughty tyrants ne'er shall tame", seems about right for a side that bows to no one. Stoke City Premier League 2011-12 team guide
  • The insistence that the Volunteer formally apologize to her superiors created further strain.
  • Rather it lies in his insistence on the importance of actors' deliberations for at least some of their actions. Choice, Rationality, and Social Theory
  • What stopped this from being a pious platitude was his accompanying insistence that the objective could be achieved by reform.
  • A passing insistence on detail – every meal is described, and even the trials of travelling Ryanair get a mention – helps chain a sometimes scatty book to earth. La carte et le territoire by Michel Houellebecq – review
  • But he added his own insistence that nature embraces all aspects of life, including values.
  • My hubby is sceptical about my insistence that we need the two dozen muslins I've bought.
  • The rest of the clubs should wave them off with their blessing but with the firm insistence that they will never be allowed to return.
  • After leaving school, she attended secretarial college at her father 's insistence. Times, Sunday Times
  • But they were only at the manager 's insistence! The Sun
  • A concern, perhaps over-fastidious, with the niceties of procedure and style was combined with a wide-ranging ability and insistence on upholding Britain's obligations to the colonial peoples.
  • Words had been done with -- yet here was Susan trotting out the obvious question with bland, keen insistence. A DEATH IN THE FAMILY
  • His insistence on winning through non-violence is no less a feat than the great feats of the sages of ancient India.
  • For this tradition, it is Plato's positive claims that are interesting, not just his insistence on argument to demolish the claims of others and to enable one's own understanding of others' positions.
  • One of her key dishonesties from the beginning has been her insistence that she didn't email classified material. Times, Sunday Times
  • But we are likewise indeed far removed from the temper of three or four, even of one or two generations ago, in inflexible insistence that the inequality of classes shall preserve all its old ruthless consequence for individuals. The Present Challenge to British Imperialism
  • Pelagian, son of Severianus, a Pelagian bishop, corrupted the churches of Britain by the insinuation of his doctrine; but at the insistence of the Deacon Palladius (ad actionem Palladii Diaconi), The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 11: New Mexico-Philip
  • In other words, many people will have given up in confusion, disenfranchised by the pig-headed insistence on the procedure by a Government which has turned what was once a simple, enjoyable experience into a bureaucratic nightmare.
  • They were united in their insistence that she should go to college.
  • And all the time the noise outside grew louder, wilder, overlaid by the shrill insistence of the bell. THE SCAR
  • It was only installed at government insistence. The Complete Stories Volume 2
  • My observation is that directly as our choric insistence on the restoration of values has swelled, so our own personal embodiment of those values in our daily conduct has sunk. The Values Split Screen
  • his insistence was pure self-destruction
  • It is not only the medicinal aspect of food that is dished out with headmistressy insistence at the Imperial Herbal.
  • This explanation was really unnecessary; his debts to both films are obvious, including Melville's insistence that the policier is the only remaining vehicle for tragedy - at least for a French film-maker.
  • But he was downright bulldoggish in his insistence that this was precisely the time we should apply the rule of law - not the law of the Wild, Wild, West soundbite. William Fisher: The Torture Memos: Rationalizing the Unthinkable -- A Must-Read.
  • Now there was a movement — far, far away; a concentrating of the lambency; the dead-alive swayed, oscillated, separated — forming a long lane against whose outskirts they crowded with avid, hungry insistence. The Moon Pool
  • Though Hoke is anything but militant, he is a man of massive, unshakable dignity, and his insistence that he be treated as more than just "a back of the neck you look at while you goin 'wherever you want to go" causes Daisy to put aside her prejudices (whose existence she had never before acknowledged) and regard him not as a servant but as, eventually, a true friend. A Perfect Night on Broadway
  • It is by a dogged insistence on the common criminality of violence. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the meantime I had been quizzed, scrutinised and repeatedly asked to testify to my fair-mindedness and incorruptibility, with an insistence that began to make me feel unworthy: I was not putting in for canonisation, after all.
  • Hulse could, of course, have found a large number of economists -- including those who have worked for Republican administrations -- to note that steadfast insistence on deficit reduction, without any willingness to raise taxes, is arguably incoherent and plausibly indicative of dishonesty or detachment from reality? Jonathan Weiler: New York Times Acts as Press Secretary for House GOP Freshmen in Deficit Fight
  • The other matter in dispute is the union's insistence to backdate any increases in remuneration.
  • My concern, however, is, especially in the articles on a specific kind of cryptosystem, the insistence that any particular encryption technology is completely insecure. Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • * Likewise, I was bemused by one of the later commenter’s insistence that I must’ve been raised in/rebelled against a quasi-libertarian fringe sect of Adventism, which is not at all the case. Randomness to let you know I’m still alive
  • St. John is known as a carnivore's paradise -- its signature dish is roast bone marrow, served with a parsley salad -- but Mr. Rowe says the restaurant's insistence on British cuisine has resulted in widespread use of local fruits and vegetables. How Sustainable Is Your Restaurant?
  • In a practical sense, this is essentially the return of the dreaded "general warrant" of King George's times, a tyrranical practice that the 4th Amendment was specifically written to protect us against - hence insistence of probable cause affirmation in front of an independent judge with a warrant containing list of items to be seized. Poll: National Race Tightens; Majority Says Obama Flip-Flopped On Key Issues
  • Here are just a few:At the behest, or insistence, of the Bush administration, the governing elites of the other two countries have worked rapidly to "securitize" the region which, at least in Mexico, has translated into increased militarization. Twenty Reasons to Be Concerned About the SPP
  • From the handful of shrapnel we were passed for trips to Yvonne's sweetie shop, through the insistence that backache and blisters were par for the course in summer jobs.
  • The mother notes Raskolnikov's stubborn nature, mentioning the story of Raskolnikov's insistence on marrying his landlady's uncomely and lame daughter, despite her objections.
  • Repeating his insistence that absorption-elution was not hypersensitive, Wegel stood by the evidence he gave at the trial, stating that the worksheets did not suggest that Gary was excluded at all. The Stocking Strangler case
  • How is it then, that when Muslim people migrate in their millions to Europe, with the unshakable insistence that their culture displaces that which pre-exists them, the word 'colonisation' is not used? On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • What the fans should singRule Britannia Stadium, especially with its insistence that "Thee haughty tyrants ne'er shall tame", seems about right for a side that bows to no one. Stoke City Premier League 2011-12 team guide
  • Being annoyed too at her insistence that they walk outside on a rather chilly morning, he hunched his shoulders and looked glum. Somewhere East of Life
  • But in fact I wholeheartedly endorse Rohan's critical pragmatism; indeed, this kind of pragmatism is at the very core of my philosophy of criticism, along with John Dewey's insistence that it is the aesthetic experience of literature that is the immediate object of critical appreciation, an experience that can be satisfied in a multitude of ways. Principles of Literary Criticism
  • The insistence on seeing HIV transmission as villainy obscures the most stubborn fact about the epidemic - far from being the realm of malevolent or sociopathic people, HIV is transmitted through behaviors that are otherwise completely natural and normal, such as penetrative intercourse - or behaviors that may often be hard to control rather than
  • There is British insistence on unanimity for tax harmonization, partly on grounds of sovereignty.
  • It will also force Kurdish leaders to re-evaluate their insistence on "maximalist" demands that threatened to unravel Iraq. Iraq's Remarkable Election
  • As a student of waves, Cass is steadfast in his insistence that this period is an interruption - not a halt: a technology downturn, not a global downturn.
  • And he added the insistence on such things as hand-made clay peg tiles for the roof would make the restoration expensive.
  • But his insistence that she leave everything to him had only served to strengthen her determination to be independent.
  • It was precisely his insistence upon the importance of personal decision, direct and unmediated by artificial ratiocination, that lay at the root of his rejection of Hegel.
  • A more literal reading relates us directly to the pattern of the cosmos, with its insistence on the separation of categories.
  • His mild manner is far from the high-pitched, grating insistence of his stage persona. Times, Sunday Times
  • And if — as Elie writes — we simply don't know everything about sexuality, upon what basis does society frown upon incest, polygamy, and beastiality while increasingly, with fervent insistence, singing the praise of homosexual sex? Cause and effect
  • This insistence on positive language has reaped popular dividends, with polling showing consistent support for the government on this issue. Times, Sunday Times
  • Alongside the obsession with test results goes an insistence on discipline and harsh punishment of bad behaviour.
  • He is about the same age as Asch. Although some of his work is spoiled by an overinsistence upon symbolism, which he imbibed from the French, and much of his drama is too poetic to endure before the footlights, he is a highly successful seeker after beauty and truth. New York's Yiddish Writers
  • His son Emanuel had been capellmeister to Frederick since 1740, and the king had frequently, and always with more insistence, thrown out hints that he would like to hear the great artist. Among the Great Masters of Music Scenes in the Lives of Famous Musicians
  • Posterior Analytics II. 19 is difficult to interpret, and recent philosophers have often found it unsatisfying since (as often construed) it appears to commit Aristotle to a form of apriorism or rationalism both indefensible in itself and not consonant with his own insistence on the indispensability of empirical inquiry in natural science. Aristotle's Logic
  • I'm sure that my contrary nature contributed to my insistence upon always choosing the story option, but mostly I just enjoyed writing fiction.
  • Missionaries in particular (without, apparently, noticing the irony) mapped indigenous women in terms of their subjugation to polygynous marriage and lovolo (bridewealth), their "immoral" fondness for communal drinking and nocturnal "orgies," and their stubborn insistence on diagnosing illness and misfortune as symptoms of witchcraft. Where Women Make History: Gendered Tellings of Community and Change in Magude, Mozambique
  • In conclusion, White's insistence on the need for consistency in mineral nomenclature is important, and, over time, I suspect that many of the problems he identifies will be sorted out.
  • Herein lies the evangelical insistence on lifting up the central apostolic message preserved in the Christian Testament.
  • If he equivocates on the urgency to end the occupation, he's spirited in his insistence that the constitution will be Islamic.
  • These remains document an extravagant ritualism and outspoken insistence on the nobles' political dignity.
  • And finally, its insistence on inserting itself into governmental affairs in a country which has as one of its founding principles a separation between church and state appalls me. Stupak and the bishops, the bishops and me
  • On partial birth abortions where is his insistence that the woman be in serous physical danger? 14 Important Science Questions
  • The Cave untangles this paradox through its dogged insistence on an ancient, if seldom realized, human quality: generosity.
  • At least one artist was incensed by the curatorial insistence on deferring to local sensitivities.
  • That partly explains why he was banished at the insistence of the United States and replaced by Annan.
  • This collapsing of historical specificity and political difference — so central to the 1940s faith in universalism and "normality" — stands in sharp contrast to Monty's potentially fascist insistence on ethnic differences and boundary-keeping. Caught in the Crossfire: Adrian Scott and the Politics of Americanism in 1940s Hollywood
  • I sometimes feel I should apologise not only for my insistence on larding my prose with ancient, out-of-use terms like ‘a'coming’ but also for my practice of assigning odd names to the people who inhabit my world.
  • Connected with Peirce's insistence on the ubiquity of mind in the cosmos is the importance he attached to what he called “semeiotic,” the theory of signs in the most general sense. Nobody Knows Nothing
  • Had it not been for Austria's minacious insistence, Albania would have never been born on Serb occupied territory. Terrorists and Freedom Fighters
  • Read the comments as many YA writers weigh in TEV's initial insistence that reading YA means you don't want to be a member of "Grownupland. The Elegant Variation: When The Bar Has No Lower to Go...Choices*
  • Howard's admirable insistence on historical particularism and multicultural inclusion raises another set of questions.
  • Insistence on better working conditions by the union has resulted in fewer employee absences.
  • I was even rather touched by memory of his insistence last night on another glass of that water which just might give him typhoid; rather touched by memory of his unsaying that he "never" touched alcohol -- he who, in point of fact, had to be always gambling on something or other. James Pethel
  • The insistence that the Volunteer formally apologize to her superiors created further strain.
  • And the ability to see how women and girls from another culture were oppressed (as they very much were in Brasil) enabled me to understand, thanks to Hanne's insistence I drop my ethnocentrism, that we were just as oppressed in the U.S., although it was expressed in different ways. BRASIL AS A GIRL
  • As they see it, this countercultural refusal to belong suggests a massive - Nietzschean - transvaluation of social values and, hence, an insistence on other forms of belonging.
  • People in many other cultures view this insistence on getting to the point as rude and uncultured.
  • The great 16th century Anglican theologian Richard Hooker, contending with the narrow biblicism of the Puritans, rejected their insistence that Christian scripture alone had authority in society. Archive 2008-09-01
  • But if I had to bet, I wouldn't be at all surprised to hear praise from the president from Representative Gephardt for supporting him, maybe praise from Senator Lieberman for supporting the resolution and an insistence that this is life and death stuff way bigger than any midterm elections, because in making his speech free of politics, he further helps istle (ph) those Democrats who are not supporting him. CNN Transcript Oct 7, 2002
  • With firm insistence such as this, how could Charlie have withstood such opposition?
  • But there's something else in early Reich, Glass and Riley, too – an insistence on returning music to the roots that all three composers felt European modernisms, such as serialism, had left behind: melody, modality and rhythm. Minimalism at 50: how less became more
  • Hence, perhaps, her later insistence on singing to the captive audiences at her poetry readings.
  • At times, this insistence on depicting the background becomes a bit irksome. Times, Sunday Times
  • Think, for example, of Whitman's insistence on celebrating every jot and tittle of the created world.
  • For example, when sexual monogamy is equated with trust, insistence on using condoms can symbolize distrust.
  • Dicey's insistence on distinguishing legal from political sovereignty entails an equivalent separation of law and convention.
  • The British insistence on the rule of law is not only right in principle, but is also proving safer in practice for our troops.
  • The ballot was re-run on Mr Todd's insistence after accusations of malpractice.
  • Christianlike aim to soften the hard side of human nature is seen in its many lessons of mildness, charity towards the sick, feeble, and aged, and in its insistence on the duty of forgiving injuries and returning good for evil. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 2: Assizes-Browne
  • Usually brain pan capacity is reduced, and mental defectiveness is obvious, in spelling, syntax, fixation on outdated ideas, and insistence on laughing (yuk-yuk) at their own unfunny jokes. Florida Python Cast & Blast
  • Tamayo's insistence on using new materials to construct his prints is very much part of a long tradition in modern art.
  • I took no view, but always felt uncomfortable that his dogged insistence on his innocence should count against him. Times, Sunday Times
  • At times, this insistence on depicting the background becomes a bit irksome. Times, Sunday Times
  • The government 's insistence that all workers are paid the standard wage of $20 a month makes it hard to incentivise staff. Times, Sunday Times
  • In other words, many people will have given up in confusion, disenfranchised by the pig-headed insistence on the procedure by a Government which has turned what was once a simple, enjoyable experience into a bureaucratic nightmare.
  • Not the least among its recommendations is, perhaps, that it is scholarly without being pedantic that is to say, that it aims at correctness without sacrificing the right effect of the whole to over-insistence on small details. The Koran (Al-Qur'an)

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