
How To Use Insist In A Sentence

  • Stay and have lunch. I insist!
  • Some people we clearly know to think he is wrong, but still insist to think, because it's not alive.
  • My chest begins to hurt with more insistency, a couple of coughs rippling through me; there's no time for that now though, as my mind cries out in urgency.
  • He tried to refuse but she insisted so much that he gave in. Times, Sunday Times
  • Over Fate of Georgia, Provinces With Russian forces appearing to hunker down in Georgia, U.S. and European officials now face a pricklier challenge: Moscow's insistence that it has the right to help break up the country. U.S.-Russia Relations Turn Cold
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  • But she insisted she was not tempted to follow in their footsteps. The Sun
  • He would insist to his dying day that an arctic wolf had savaged him.
  • No, just stylish, insists G.O.D. founder and chief executive Douglas Young.
  • He always insisted that it was a girlfriend's idea: he had been planning to become a tiler.
  • He insisted the second try - which levelled the scores in injury time - was short of the line.
  • Some may insist you sleep on mats on hard floors to straighten out the spine, but they are in a minority.
  • He is the one who pushed for campaign spending limits in this race; he rather insisted on them.
  • Insist that they send you a comprehensive list of all your direct debits and standing orders as soon as possible.
  • Talking about the investment in the new main stand, the increased capacity, and the scope for making money rather than just haemorrhaging it, he insisted his family are in it for the long haul.
  • Polonius insisted that Hamlet had become demented, and cautioned Ophelia to keep her distance.
  • But it is hard to sustain that insistence on the preservation of the Catholic tradition on the one hand with a total insistence on the diminution of a Protestant tradition on the other.
  • I've given you the password to my heart in all its anagrammatic permutations; but you seem to insist this is nothing but a start; so herewith, at last comes the story of my first puppy— Spill
  • The Kremlin is still insisting on a diplomatic solution to the crisis.
  • But the men at City Hall, sniffing at anything too ideological, insist that big cuts are just not practical.
  • It also insisted there was capacity in the sector for the weekly throughput of pigs.
  • The city gave the telco an interim revocable permit earlier this year, but officials insisted a city charter requires that the franchise be voted on by residents.
  • If the model insists on moving forwards, then rear cyclic trim is needed, etc.
  • Although we always want things, childhood is the time when we are most insistent.
  • I personally beg all mothers to insist that their governments work towards this end.
  • So he insists he will have to win the fight with a knockout. The Sun
  • Few lenders now insist on taking a formal charge over a life assurance policy.
  • Teachers insist that prep classes with 25 pupils or more require an aide for 30 hours in term 1 and 25 hours for the rest of the year.
  • Why do TV channels insist on added canned laughter and applause on quiz shows? The Sun
  • He refused to do so and insisted that he wished to re-enter the house.
  • He blustered and bullyragged; he had been their boss and he had been fired without cause, he insisted. Joan of Arc of the North Woods
  • But the Swedish startup has been particularly insistent on coming to the U.S. market with a freemium, not paid-only, model. told the U. K.'s Telegraph last week that the company is paying the label royalties per user in only two countries, the U.K. and Spain. VentureBeat
  • a type of slip of the ear in which people mishear a word and mispronounce it, then insist that the malapropism is correct. Eggcorns: Folk Etymology Creating New Meanings Every Day
  • Another night, another motel room, and now the guys have insisted on coed rooms.
  • This one, legally named Tracy Worcester - she insists on "Tracy" unless her lunch companion finds her title amusing - is currently having such a moment. Saturday Conversation: The Marchioness of Worcester
  • Then my mind wandered to how Marija Gimbutas and others have earned a bad rap for their insistence on skewing historical perspective with their matriarchal/matrifocal ideals of an 'Old Europe', i.e. Matriarchy and women rulers
  • Despite the inherent inexactness of reproduction cost estimates, he insisted that their economic importance was such that they could not be ignored when they markedly differed from actual cost figures.
  • Western fears, he insists, are greatly exaggerated.
  • By insisting that Aristotelian forms were spiritual substances distinct from matter, professors equally made room for the logical possibility of bodiless invisible spirits at work in the universe.
  • Mr Kehoe concluded by saying that every farmer should enquire regarding the payment terms and insist on payment on the day.
  • Mr McDowell insisted that he would continue to rein in the overtime budget, which is expected to reach 64 million this year.
  • The government insists that 'prison works' and plans to introduce a tougher sentencing policy for people convicted of violent crime.
  • The mistake was Team McCain not insisting upon its own team of watchers / video to resplice all that hit the cutting room floor at CBS. Ace of Spades HQ
  • He insisted on training to fly a jumbo jet despite an obvious lack of skill even with small planes.
  • But the British Museum is refusing to back down and insists the chessmen are the highlight within the new Paul and Jill Ruddock Gallery of Medieval Europe. Evening Standard - Home
  • Cooke gilded that story for days, insisting on its veracity and refusing to tell the police where the boy lived.
  • A 2-year-old Phil, a natural right-hander, insisted on swinging a golf club left-handed so that he could mirror his dad.
  • But after that, I was so scared of dishonoring her, I insisted that for a month we only meet in the kitchen garden in full view of the convent!
  • Like a kid, Mr. Mailer was fascinated by his own naughtiness -- his earliest critics castigated him for the vulgarity of his language, though his editors insisted that he use the word "fug" in "The Naked and the Dead. A Boy's Life
  • In what was said to be a signed confession he admitted carrying the rucksack containing explosives but insisted he never intended to kill anyone.
  • If Thomas has a reputation for being a sourpuss, those who have been around him for most of his career insist that reputation is unwarranted anyway.
  • Francis was never known in his lifetime as anything higher than _Brother Francis_, and his community he insisted should be called the community of the lesser brethren -- _Fratres Minores_ -- for none could be or should be less than they. The Coming of the Friars
  • However, he insisted that figure was a hypothesis and that the final toll was not expected for several weeks.
  • The intolerant citizens have called for a nation-wide general strike to bring down the deep-rooted stratocracy in Burma, due to the junta\'s insistence of barring the Lady to participate in the country\'s political reform process. ' Burma Question - sill a matter of regional concern
  • The Khmer Rouge insisted on ruralism, with an economy based only on crafts and traditional agriculture. Cambodia: Revisiting the Killing Fields
  • They may also insist that the other spouse change their behaviour so that it would be more consistent with their own.
  • Mayors insist that the entire income tax revenue goes into municipal budgets.
  • He insists on his original demand.
  • ``Silver here, my darling wife, insists on the services of a particular yacht upholsterer. THE SHIPPING NEWS
  • The fact is that the world is out of everyone's expectation. But some learn to forget, but others insist.
  • They questioned whether air traffic controllers should have over-ruled Captain Fuchs and insisted on him using a remote runway.
  • And, perhaps more pertinently, why do we insist on knowing about it in the first place?
  • When urged to flee from the Nazis in 1937, he insisted that his real enemy was the Church.
  • Moreover it seems to me atrocious that we who insist on seven millions of Catholics supporting a church they call heretical, should dare to talk of our scruples (conscientious scruples forsooth!) about assisting with a poor pittance of very insufficient charity their 'damnable idolatry.' The Letters of Elizabeth Barrett Browning
  • Stalin was insistent that the war would be won and lost in the machine shops.
  • Dr Malan, the premier and former predikant, insisted that South Africa outlaw communism. Class & Colour in South Africa 1850-1950 - Chapter 25
  • She insists her mistake was due to the way the word was pronounced by the presenter, and she is determined to get to the top next year.
  • There was an insistent knock on my door.
  • Moreover, Valla's insistence on the will as the locus of moral behavior seems compromised by the predestinarianism advocated by the interlocutor “Lorenzo” in his dialogue De libero arbitrio (On Free Will). Lorenzo Valla
  • They insist she puts a blanket over her knees to damp down the chief rabbi's blood pressure.
  • The United States continued to insist that any deal-making regarding the divided peninsula would have to involve Seoul.
  • But our mixed-up legal strategy is to insist, paralytically, on a kind of hyper-sovereignty of the nation-state.
  • He also sends his friend Dr. Lefebre, an observant alienist, to check on the emotional well being of the distraught Lucy whose aunts insist she is deranged. A Mortal Curiosity-Ann Granger « The Merry Genre Go Round Reviews
  • Embracing the new orthodoxy with almost catechistic devotion, they insisted on the importance of construing each constitutional provision according to the presumed intentions of the Framers, no matter how disruptive or radical the consequences might be. Rehnquist the Great?
  • That is arrogant presumption to insist that some authors and works deserve to be declared meritorious as a matter of fairness.
  • Authoritative parents respect children's individualism while insisting they meet reasonable requirements.
  • The end of poetry is not an after-effect, not a pleasurable memory of itself, but an immediate, constant and even unpleasant insistence upon itself…. Laura (Riding) Jackson
  • It is nobler to declare oneself wrong than to insist on being right - especially when one is right.
  • Last night, in an address to bishops in Nigeria, Pope John Paul II insisted that priests must live celibate lives and avoid scandalous behaviour.
  • For the manufacturer to insist the Swiss Diamond pans contain no Teflon whatsoever when it is made primarily from polytetrafluoroethylene, the chemical widely known as Teflon, is extremely deceptive. Consumer fraud alert: Swiss Diamond non-stick cookware made with same chemical as Teflon
  • The real amount was in six figures, well placed sources insisted. Times, Sunday Times
  • Time and again, Ike put up with the foibles, discourtesies, and downright arrogance of his official subor dinate, while at the same time insisting that his major decisions be carried out. General Ike
  • But the FA claim his absence will not be a regular occurrence and insist this is just due to a prior business engagement. The Sun
  • The appellant gave evidence insisting that he had no involvement in any of the hangings.
  • OK, those who insist on going to Antarctica or the Sahara for their hols may not see many plants, but everywhere else things are growing which will brighten up even the dullest of trips.
  • WALES will benefit from the London Olympics if it uses the Games as a "bridgehead" to bring sport into education, Sebastian Coe insisted today. WalesOnline - Home
  • ( "There's no" K "in Klingon, and that's that!" he insisted, illustrating the raspy, back-of-the-throat "kh" - type consonants he'd woven into the lingo instead). Theater Review: Washington Shakespeare Company's evening of the Bard in Klingon
  • I lately had occasion to justify an action to a man," went on Clowes, "but, no, the scurvy fellow would put no faith in my words, insisting that the person I sought to clear was covinous and tricky, and wholly unworthy of trust. Janice Meredith
  • The groups then fell to arguing amongst themselves each insisting its definition was correct and all the others were wrong.
  • ‘But this is a very important project for our country, and it would profit everyone involved,’ he insists.
  • He insists that, even though he wears the garlands of victory, he must leave the city of Argos in disgrace and return to the oracle of Apollo in the city of Pytho, also called Delphi.
  • For me, his random interviews with various down-and-out characters in Cleveland, on sidewalks and in living rooms, while charmingly syncopated in the Jarmusch family style, with intermittent jazz music and grainy shaky filming, did not result in a clear "what is this about"--although Tom insisted that for him, it was exactly the Cleveland he wished to express, "meant to be an imperfect portrait. Karin Badt: The Thessaloniki Documentary Film Festival: From Soviet Cannibals to Jarmusch's Cleveland
  • The landowner insisted on a high standard of landscaping.
  • Despite the rivalry, he insists he is still good muckers with Amis, who he thinks receives an inexplicably hostile press, and Barnes, who he says has been in hiding finishing a novel.
  • Gomez insists reclaiming his title is only a stepping stone to bigger things.
  • I can't begin to describe the horrors being perpetrated by the DJ's, their insistent attempts to incite a conga line, or the, um, "dancing" of the patrons who -- despite clearly being the offspring and younger relatives that the publisher folks had passed on their tickets to -- managed to make your dad's elbow-jiggle and hip-shoogle look like The Moves Of The Groove. Archive 2006-10-01
  • They insist a hot meal is more nutritious than sandwiches. Times, Sunday Times
  • But firms insist that they are working through the lockdowns.
  • Campaigners insist all banks must offer branch services. The Sun
  • The most obvious reason for this condition is that the Europeans insist on it.
  • Judges often insist that the procedures are used before claimants bother the courts. Times, Sunday Times
  • These were the Marshall Plan days, which sadly ended in the '70s, and the US became even more kind of insistent on pushing these wrong policies on the developing countries and some other countries. Democracy Now!
  • But he insisted that organized religion needed to meet the challenge of social unrest and moral decay.
  • The uncertainty surrounding him would cause a chain of events and interviews, due diligence any team looking to acquire Williams in a trade would insist upon.
  • We must insist that the two of you are absolutely needed to be present at this event.
  • We're in the middle of reviewing some pages of the BBC Style Guide that discuss journalese, the tired vocabulary of the lazy hack who insists on using tedious words because he thinks all other hacks do.
  • President Nicolas Sarkozy has refused to give in to growing public pressure, insisting that the pension overhaul is needed to prevent the system from going broke. French Unions Announce More Strikes
  • But people who emphasize the efficiency often base the Laffer curve, and insist decreasing the marginal tax rate of individual income tax.
  • The question whether grandparents should be able to insist on visitation over the objections of their children has been hard-fought on both sides.
  • He insisted on showing us how hard it was to break their horny structures - just as well, in view of the vigour of his demonstration.
  • They want decent meals and I am insisting that the food in the staff canteen should be the same as in the racecourse self-service restaurant.
  • He insists he has no animosity towards ordinary Catholic people or nationalists.
  • Something really scarry about all the so called secure chip enabled cards is that it is an OPTION for the retailer to enable but not one the card owner can insist on. Credit Card Security Is Bad News For Travellers | Lifehacker Australia
  • But he insists on painting a picture with the same old hackneyed images and rancid cliches about salt-of-the-earth heartlanders and morally vacant or cowardly coastal cosmopolitans.
  • Lewisham Council insists there will be no shortage of secondary school places in September.
  • It insists it will help its 55 teachers to identify troublemakers - and will help pupils to make friends. The Sun
  • The council today insisted the licensing committee included cross-party representation and would be impartial.
  • Toure sounds outrageously laid-back, but the insistent rhythmic pulse in his music is hypnotic and irresistible.
  • He politely insists that his unsuspecting victim, whom he has spied on the stairs of their apartment block, share a drink with him. Times, Sunday Times
  • He insisted that the case was to do with legal issues and judges would decide the case according to law. Times, Sunday Times
  • A spokesman insisted that due diligence checks were made before her appointment. Times, Sunday Times
  • He insists it was an "abstemious" occasion, but warm beer was put in a bucket of ice and then Dr Calder knocked the bucket and one of the corks shot out and hit him in the eye, blinding it. Kiwiblog
  • Although Crook had a tough time in his teens, he insists it did not traumatise him.
  • Both the United States and Britain insist that, to keep the country from imploding, it is essential that the Balkan nation remain under the political authority of an internationally appointed "High Representative," who governs the nation's affairs. Elmira Bayrasli: Electing an Independent Bosnia: The High Representative Must Go
  • At a minimum, we wonder why the SEC didn't insist that Mr. Mozilo cooperate in naming the politicians and others in government or at Fannie and Freddie who benefited from Countrywide's mortgage largesse. Angelo's Ashes
  • Throughout his absence aides have insisted that the President is still in charge and that business goes on. Times, Sunday Times
  • What I find both amazing and aggravating is that those who insist on what they euphemistically call “single payer healthcare” refuse to even discuss the propriety of those who have preexisting conditions, or persist in the negative behaviors that lead to diseased conditions, paying higher premiums in exchange for their not being denied coverage. The Volokh Conspiracy » Putting Lipstick on the Health-Reform Pig:
  • Because of international insistence on it, Resolution 242 is undoubtedly the entry ticket to an international peace conference.
  • We wandered down the main thoroughfare and found ourselves on Desker Road, where some of our number insisted on seeing the back alley ‘sights’.
  • The undeniable utility of the canoe is attenuated by its insistent lack of comfort. Times, Sunday Times
  • But Moorcroft insisted that there was still an air of optimism in British athletics.
  • All the credible scientists, of course, are saying that this is nonsense, it is simple minded, and absolutely have trashed it but the Japanese insist that they must go forward.
  • The doctor insists that it's dangerous and it must be treated at once.
  • During the 17th century, Thomas Sydenham founded the discipline of nosology by insisting that diseases had their own natural history and could be described and classified on the basis of their specific characteristics.
  • I'd walked away from one possibility because of my insistence that I needed to follow another to validate my life. THE MANANA MAN
  • She insisted on telling me every single detail of what they did to her in hospital.
  • Bachelor life also presented various pitfalls such as having to contend with laundries that insisted on ironing his socks.
  • ‘It is the farmer who earns his living from the land and as such it should be recognised as a tradeable asset,’ insisted Mr Alderman.
  • Trying terror suspects before an international criminal court would, he insists, stand 'a better chance of depoliticizing the trials '. The Times Literary Supplement
  • While insisting on the doctrine of numerus of IPR, there is no conclusion that we should be against judicial activism and restrict judge-made law.
  • The gold medallist, who has blubbed several times, insisted she had toughened up. The Sun
  • Chai's dish of choice is far from traditional, but he insists that purists are missing out.
  • Why would the these companies feel the need wrest control of the governing bodies, ignore conflicts of interest and insist on being able to hand-pick the researchers in areas of research as controversial and potentially as expensive and lucrative as climate change? RP Siegel: What Price Impartiality? Top Universities Sell Their Reputations to Big Oil
  • Schools of occultism insist most strenuously on the deific and all-powerful nature of such beings.
  • But the English ace insists he is only the second-best player at his club! The Sun
  • However, the appellate court ruled the zoning board initially denied the permit because Orange Stones wanted to operate a hospital, even though the company insisted the rehabilitation center was a nonhospital facility. Berks county news
  • The decision to go down the Windows route was largely down to his insistence that it would offer greater programming flexibility.
  • They insist they were, quote, "ambushed" by the FBI. CNN Transcript Nov 24, 2008
  • But a friend who worked as a car mechanic insisted the brakes had another 15,000 miles of wear on them.
  • The spokesman added Ireland insists aircraft overflying national airspace or using its airports for refuelling cannot carry weaponry.
  • Should a professor choose to reject the study or insist on changes not agreeable to the sponsor, another university scientist will very likely be more solicitous.
  • Every third dog causes me to hyperventilate and produce insistent grunting sounds.
  • He insisted on describing his operation in graphic detail while we were eating lunch.
  • No one is ever going to successfully copy his dishes, he insists, because they'll never have his tofu.
  • He began thumping the table and insisting the paper install experienced management.
  • But the two-time world champ insists there are no mental scars and he is still racing without fear despite cheating death. The Sun
  • Why are you so insistent that we leave tonight?
  • Viktor, who insists that he is not homophobic, harbors a secret fear of such unmacho things as pedicures. George Heymont: Water, Water, Everywhere
  • But his allies insist he is an instinctive Eurosceptic who is simply taking a pragmatic approach. Times, Sunday Times
  • He insisted on a high seat and a low-slung drum-kit so he could share in fame's glow.
  • He didn't refer to them as secret prisons and that the CIA would continue to have available to it what he called alternate techniques for interrogation, which he insisted had been legally reviewed, were lawful, were tough, he said, but safe and did not constitute torture. CNN Transcript Sep 6, 2006
  • This entire missing in action saga is an indictment of the conservatives insistance that "no governing is best governing. Bennett: Sanford needs to stop 'embarrassing himself'
  • He still insists on wearing a dark suit in the midday sun. Times, Sunday Times
  • If people are to accept responsibility for outcomes, they will insist upon being substantively included in the decision process.
  • I insist on eating properly and will not skimp, even if it means altering the social calendar to suit.
  • He is not against raising the people's standard of living, but he insists that economic solutions are not a cure-all, and that moral factors also need to be taken into account.
  • Let the plan's authors insist that the government clarify threshold issues before the laws are implemented.
  • France, he insisted, wants a "new internationalism" based on multilateralism and compliance with international law.
  • But he insists he wants to serve a proper apprenticeship. The Sun
  • So Scalia's insistence that the Catholic Church does not consider capital punishment immoral rests on the word "practically" in the Church's catechism. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • Derrida insisted that the very way in which language functions, that is, signification, necessitates an unbridgeable gap between the signifier and the signified.
  • She insisted she was in good health, despite concerns her jet-set lifestyle stressed her out. The Sun
  • They insisted yesterday that the decision is not a fait accompli. Times, Sunday Times
  • Politicians may insist that the United States still stands apart — always and forever a "triple-A nation" — but their declarations will have as much effect as King Canute ordering the waves to stop.
  • I repeat my conviction that sexual reproduction, Mendelian (allelic) genetics, natural selection, all these, are anti-evolutionary processes serving only to stabilize the species for as long as possible exactly as Leo Berg insisted 87 years ago. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • He insisted there was no such word in Spanish as "enunciate" or "enunciation". Trueque
  • Where Mabone had insisted that ‘half a loaf is better than none,’ Stanton, Winstone and their fellows insisted that ‘we are demanding the whole bakehouse.’
  • Curial officials insist that the health of the head of the Catholic Church is holding up and there's no cause for concern.
  • Pluto's right angle to Mercury insists a bright new day is dawning.
  • Yet is there not something trivial and demeaning about insisting that the'real' meaning of ancient texts is the path to peace and common understanding? Times, Sunday Times
  • A grizzled senior bannerman had the Red Hand, a fellow with narrow eyes and more scars than Daerid who insisted on actually carrying the banner a part of each day, which few bannermen did. Lord of Chaos
  • Some officers are happy with like-for-like replacements; others will insist that you reuse the old glass. Times, Sunday Times
  • Just like your language instructor, they can detect the slight differences between certain speech sounds that adults will insist are identical.
  • But he insisted the knock does not make his position any more comfortable. The Sun
  • Three days after Ray had been sentenced, he said he had been framed -- he was just a "" legman, '' he insisted, recruited by a mysterious drug dealer named Raoul. Death Of An Assassin
  • She became convinced she was losing her baby and insisted her husband take her to hospital.
  • Bank of England officials continued to insist that the pound would soon return to stability but disaster struck.
  • On the contrary, he insists, it is fulfilling an unmet need for brands and male consumers. Times, Sunday Times
  • Her gift for melody, her insistence on shaping almost every piece as a song, gives her work a stamp of individuality.
  • True Cariocas will insist on a smoked ear or trotter, but the flavor will still be true without those ingredients. The Feijoada From Ipanema
  • Ministers insisted last night they were still not planning to fully nationalise the merged 'superbank'. The Sun
  • In the end they insisted only on co-determination in the coal and steel industry.
  • And for the assertion laid down, I desire that those who despise and reproach it would attempt an answer unto the ensuing arguments whereby it is confirmed, with those others which shall be insisted on in our description of the nature of the work of regeneration itself, and that upon such grounds and principles as are not destructive of Christian religion nor introductive of atheism, before they are too confident of their success. Pneumatologia
  • Forced move, insisted on joining boyhood heroes. The Sun
  • Stalin insisted that the radio link with the German Foreign Ministry should remain open.
  • She insists her employers are unconcerned that she is apparently about to be sued for libel. Times, Sunday Times
  • And when we go out, we find other simple Korean foods at Korean cafés, pronounced "kah-pae" since there is no natural "f" sound in the Korean language ; Way back in grade school Texas, Dad absolutely insisted we name our shih-tzu Buffy. Archive 2005-07-01
  • They do this in line with a liberal dogma that insists that only market-led reforms will lead to lasting change.
  • I am reminded of the movie, Rachel and the Stranger, where the widower laments that his wife fought so hard to make their isolated cabin a home and bring beauty to it by insisting on planting flowers in the front yard, bringing her spinet to the West and playing it every evening, buying a metronome for her playing, educating their son in the home and insisting that he show good manners. Archive 2007-09-01
  • Perhaps fooled by our mangy appearance, he insisted that we order something, his treat.
  • Another top European runner always insists on an opt-out clause if the race day temperature is above 30 degrees.

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