How To Use Insignificant In A Sentence
Some animals may consume insignificant amounts of the primary production.
Interrupted by just the squat Marble Mountains, we sit insignificantly at the hub of a huge disc of sand curving to every horizon, beneath a dome of stars and the ghostly light of a thin crescent moon.
We're both ardent American fans of yours who enjoy obsessing over minute and insignificant details.
ICE hasn't listed any native Filipino on its "gangbanger" watchlist or detention cells in the past few years, although insignificant remnants of Pinoy street gangs like Akrho and Bahala Na Gang sporadically surface in known Filipino communities here and in Carson, Glendale, Eagle Rock, San Fernando Valley, Rowland Heights, West Covina and Hawthorne.
To him however that feels the same disgust and loathing, the same unutterable shuddering, as I feel, start up within him and shoot through his whole frame at the sight of them, these miscreate deformities, such as toads, beetles, or that most nauseous of all Nature's abortions, the bat, are not indifferent or insignificant: their very existence is a state of direct enmity and warfare against his.
The Old Man of the Mountain, The Lovecharm and Pietro of Abano Tales from the German of Tieck
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She views herself as so small and insignificant that if she existed in a normal body she would rattle around.
Beyond Chaotic Eating
My argument is slightly, but not insignificantly, different.
While his death is statistically insignificant, symbolically it is crucial.
Times, Sunday Times
In the opening "distich" Mr. Dutt makes the claim to be the first Asiatic poet to write in English, and if that is true this insignificant work becomes the seed of which the full flower is the gifted Rabindra, son of
A Boswell of Baghdad With Diversions
insignificant sounds
Cars are comfortable, avoid dangerous road crossings, avoid the danger of strangers and - not insignificantly in Scotland - they avoid the rain.
The other illuminati are equally insignificant from a social point of view: Mary Hare, an elderly spinster; Ruth Godbold, a poor and hard-working housewife; and Alf Dubbo, a part-Aboriginal painter.
Patrick White - Existential Explorer
The titbits his own hunting skill provided were insignificant when set against his voracious appetite, and it was the duty of his parents to make up the difference.
His desk was a moraine of insignificant papers; his few working notes were always right on his body, in one of his numerous Urrasti pockets.
It made me feel dreadfully insignificant.
Anne of Green Gables
Differences between these groups and their topographical and demographical features do exist, but they are insignificant for the scope of this paper.
An insignificant little man had been able to kill.
Times, Sunday Times
If Huck had felt ‘ornery’ and insignificant in the face of Providence Jim is capable of the same emotion when he recalls his shabby treatment of Elizabeth.
I suspect that the number of people living off eBay is pretty modest, but the number of people making a not-insignificant amount of secondary income is pretty sizeable. digamma Says:
Matthew Yglesias » The Architect
Only an insignificant amount of the mass of the atom is associated with electrons, so the mass of the atom also stays essentially the same.
The Chief Inspector disliked being overburdened with insignificant detail.
Getting a particular letter out is insignificant compared to finding ways and means of making your office run smoothly.
For it is I think that gives the asseveration such grace and dignity, so that a small but not insignificant wrong is done when (on a couple of occasions in Posthumous Keats) his precisely guarded hope is indurated into "his statement to his brother George, in 1818, that he would be among the English poets after his death," within "a future that meant to place him 'among the English poets.'
Keats's Afterlife
I shudder to think of the way my small, insignificant encounter would be treated today.
The nudie took it one step further, making the location insignificant and the amount of body bared ample.
All that is insignificant compared to what his family has faced.
Compared to life, the little things seem insignificant.
The Sun
Rendered only somewhat individual by almost insignificant pencil numbers along the edges, the rows and columns form a visually disturbing base latticework.
The French call sensitiveness to insignificant and worthless things, the German way of quarreling (faire querelle d'allemand).
Criminal Psychology: a manual for judges, practitioners, and students
Restrictions deriving from religious beliefs that were intentionally mentioned in an interview could be indicative of a not insignificant religious atmosphere in the home that is pervasive and potentially painful to a child who is not used toit.
The Volokh Conspiracy » A Religious, Cultural, and Personal Right To Eat Bacon — Even When Your Foster Parents Don’t Allow It in Their Home
I could see from the way his sea rod bent right over that it was not an insignificant tiddler but, rather, something of worth.
Yet chemical analysis has clearly proved that the manurial value of straw is perfectly insignificant, and that, as a constituent of stable manure, it is chiefly useful as an absorbent of the liquid egesta of the animals littered upon it.
The Stock-Feeder's Manual the chemistry of food in relation to the breeding and feeding of live stock
I figure this pack of yapping hyenas will just keep prattling about the insignificant and the inconsequential, which is fine.
Blagojevich and Obama: Takes From the Right - The Caucus Blog -
In our first volume we merely described that part of Etna which has been formed during the historical era; an insignificant portion of the whole mass.
Seemingly insignificant scratches in glass may cause cracking and breakage while processing jars in a canner.
Though this may sound insignificant, table etiquette, party behaviour and dress code are no less important, for business agreements come through during dinner meetings and luncheons these days.
A dweeb is not a fool, defined by Merriam - Webster as 'insignificant or inept'.
Is the blog overrun with ridiculous Questions with even more dumbaxx Answers lately or is it just my imagination?
Graffiti, joyriding, drugs and illicit sex are all about countering boredom with excitement, and feeling insignificant with feeling important.
Assange brought a trove of raw data and a considerable degree of savviness about how to work with vast, complex databases -- and, not insignificantly, the ability to publish outside the reach of any individual jurisdiction.
Rory O'Connor: The Coming Media Convergence
In contrast, today's budding poets might seem insignificant and pointless, punch-drunk and undirected about content, style, identity.
The Christian woman who can reflect upon a laborious life of domestic duty, looks back upon a scene of true virtue; and if, in order to perform the whole of her allotted task, she was obliged to repress a taste for pursuits more intellectual, the character of magnanimity is inscribed upon her conduct, however retired, or in human estimation insignificant, may have been the daily exercises to which she was appointed.
Autobiography and Other Memorials of Mrs. Gilbert, Formerly Ann Taylor
Translation: the Democratic and Republican foreign policy establishments draw their ideas from the same well, and public opinion for them public pinion is just an insignificant nuisance.
Matthew Yglesias » The War’s End
In its impact on each of us, it makes the banking scandals look almost insignificant.
The Sun
The maker of McDowell's No.1 whisky, Romanov vodka and Four Seasons wines currently sells its products in about 38 countries, but exports account for an insignificant part of its revenue.
United Spirits to Bid for Teacher's Scotch Whiskey
I've always wondered how she would expect to win in the general election after treating her own supporters that way, insulting as 'insignificant' any state in which she subsequently lost, never bothering to publicly thank those who worked for her in those states (tho she flew to Florida to thank * those* supporters), and - apparently - leaving bad debts in her wake.
Hillary: "Shame On You, Barack Obama"
an insignificant sum of money
When Ben was born we bought a camcorder in order to capture his every waking moment no matter how insignificant.
Because the blocks themselves are so glorious the signatures are almost insignificant, until that is, one begins to look at the history or provenance of the quilt.
A quick Latin lesson: flocci is derived from floccus, literally a tuft of wool and the source of English words like flocculate, but figuratively in Latin something trivial; pili is likewise the plural of pilus, a hair, which we have inherited in words like depilatory, but which in Latin could meant a whit, jot, trifle or generally something insignificant; nihili is from nihil, nothing, as in words like nihilism and annihilate; nauci just means worthless. source
The Floccinaucinihilipilificators
Meer Baber Beg has placed his fortress in a very respectable state of defence, quite adequate to repel the desultory inroads of his predatory neighbours; but commanded by and exposed to enfilade from the hills about it, on one of these hills he has built a tower as a kind of outwork, but it is very weak and of insignificant size.
A Peep into Toorkisthhan
As any of these authors will agree, the HGT's role is insignificant in multicellular organisms.
A Disclaimer for Behe?
But I rest easy in the knowledge that we are insignificant in the grand scheme of things.
He was small and insignificant but had a firearm trained on my navel.
His influence is insignificant.
When, however, the little insignificant figure we have described approached so nigh as to receive some interruption from the warders, he dashed his dusky green turban from his head, showed that his beard and eyebrows were shaved like those of a professed buffoon, and that the expression of his fantastic and writhen features, as well as of his little black eyes, which glittered like jet, was that of a crazed imagination.
The Talisman
To other people they may be insignificant little jumps but to us they are great leaps.
Times, Sunday Times
But looking at the matter conversely, the great disadvantage of the flying machine is apparent; for in the latter no flight at all is possible unless the proportion of horse-power to flying capacity is very high; but on the other hand a steamship is a mechanical success if its ratio of horse-power to tonnage is insignificant.
A History of Aeronautics
Soft grasses and wafting perennials are enchanting in a meadow but can look insignificant against the architecture of a house.
Times, Sunday Times
So insignificant, but I was walking home very late and in my rush almost barreled into a woman who was intensely trying to fish out some candy from a pesky wrapper.
The Chief Inspector disliked being overburdened with insignificant detail.
While seemingly insignificant, these translations have had enormous impact on how we view the Bible.
Why should those people give them respect and they are insignificant, you know, in their number and in their impact, you know, to the community.
To the unrefined or under-bred person, the visiting-card is but a trifling and insignificant piece of paper; but to the cultured disciple of social law it conveys a subtle and unmistakable intelligence.
ScentOfViolets, indeed, you did not imply that pharmaceutical companies are not behaving badly, as they clearly are (except for that whole creating-life-saving-drugs thing, which, admittedly, is a not insignificant part of their business).
Matthew Yglesias » The Bitter Fruits of a Finance-Oriented Economy
Already a not insignificant number of tribes have become unreachable.
You feel insignificant measured against the great crags.
THE EARTH: An Intimate History
A quick Latin lesson: flocci is derived from floccus, literally a tuft of wool and the source of English words like flocculate, but figuratively in Latin something trivial; pili is likewise the plural of pilus, a hair, which we have inherited in words like depilatory, but which in Latin could meant a whit, jot, trifle or generally something insignificant; nihili is from nihil, nothing, as in words like nihilism and annihilate; nauci just means worthless. source
The Floccinaucinihilipilificators
Alabama to demonstrate that two light, and, as regards equipment, comparatively insignificant vessels of war would have little difficulty in driving from the ocean a flag which, three years ago, might have been seen upon every wave of every sea.
Running the Blockade into the Port of Wilmington, North Carolina
But the word insignificant could never have been applied to him.
My day : reminiscences of a long life,
The environmental impacts of recreation, tourism and sport are insignificant in relation to those posed by forest demise.
In the grand scheme of cricket this is relatively insignificant.
Times, Sunday Times
The result shows that energy return scores are insignificantly affected by the sole thickness and hardness for both EVA foams with or without rubber components.
But if we build upon "the sands" of fame or self-aggrandizement, and, like the towering oak, lift our insignificant heads in proud defiance of the coming storm, we may expect that our superstruction will fall!
Twenty-Two Years a Slave, and Forty Years a Freeman Embracing a Correspondence of Several Years, While President of Wilberforce Colony, London, Canada West
For an insignificant annual `honorarium" of £20,000, Ashida supplied Sir David with an ongoing summary of Eurotunnel operations.
Any news, no matter how small or insignificant, could take our minds away for just a moment.
Every seemingly insignificant, color-coded fragment of the picture's makeup coheres into a satisfying whole.
Both times it's over something apparently insignificant that - I'm later told by someone at Island - Heidi interprets as a dig at her and her background.
The peaks of Glen Shiel loomed over and made me feel deliciously small and insignificant.
He would not have said the life of one refugee is insignificant compared to the overall problem.
Grace lets us recognize our differences as small and insignificant when compared to larger societal problems.
Christianity Today
You feel insignificant measured against the great crags.
THE EARTH: An Intimate History
Over time, that insignificant value becomes significant," said Connors, who rattled through an abridged list of Khannouchi's ailments—patellofemoral syndrome, ankle impingement, bone spurs and something called hallux rigidus, which is degenerative arthritis in the big toe.
The Achy Return of a Running Icon
Vast changes in US agriculture have shrunk the number of full-time commercial farmers from millions to a statistically insignificant few hundred thousand.
STAR WARS was the first VHS to make a million dollars in rentals when it came out in 1982—although technically, this was not the original version either, for in 1981 the subtitle “Episode IV: A New Hope” was added to the title crawl; but, barring this single, rather insignificant change, it was the same film.
How the Grinch Stole STAR WARS | Obsessed With Film
The cost is almost insignificant.
MANAGEMENT: task, responsibilities, practices
Looked at from the vantage ground of this tremendous war, all these other wars seem insignificant.
Times, Sunday Times
Children were routinely beaten for insignificant violations of strict company rules.
Then I called up Winston Churchill, who, at the age of 114, had been assigned to an insignificant position at the British consulate in Los Angeles.
He made her feel insignificant and stupid.
As in the case of the story of Severo in Garcilaso's second eclogue, critics have generally found this section largely irrelevant and insignificant.
Again she was frustrated as the money was insignificant compared to her so-called husband's supposed worth.
By his own say-so an insignificant umpire could dismiss a world class player by the lift of his finger rather as if a stage carpenter could have told Sir John Gielgud to hop it.
I also love that the person who complains about “endless quibbling” is the one who argues with my characterization of a statistically insignificant increase of less than 7000 miles traveled from a base of 2,900,000 as stagnant or no growth. jack lecou says:
Matthew Yglesias » Mass Transit is As American as Apple Pie
Perhaps it is not insignificant that, standing under E. Foecunda, the fruitful eucalypt, the nameless stranger offers Ellen an apple.
While his death is statistically insignificant, symbolically it is crucial.
Times, Sunday Times
That does not mean that slavery was irrelevant or insignificant, but without an understanding of the sectional power relationships at stake we can be led to overstate its importance.
Because you are insignificant, the emperor in your heart can only be the dictator of one person, and that person is yourself.
Maybe they like feeling small and insignificant when compared to the infinite space above and the ominous desert around them.
The industrious application of the smallest copper coin procurable, the humble farthing or the halfpenny, speedily converted the most insignificant abrasion of the skin into a festering sore.
The Press-Gang Afloat and Ashore
It is difficult to start writing about something as seemingly insignificant as a few buttery globs of oil paint, but my addiction to those colourful panes runs deep.
They deem insignificant sins that the church considered monstrous only a few generations ago.
The word aftershock makes it kind of seem insignificant.
CNN Transcript Jan 12, 2010
This was no insignificant sham, either; much of his Bando instruction ‹ particularly that associated with the kukri short sword ‹ was infused with his first-person accounts of battlefield combat.
Dr Gyi
In this context, summer can seem merely like the brief and insignificant calm in the eye of the hurricane.
That beauty for which can be substituted the word "desirableness," and that insignificant beauty which is the beauty of gems, were in great demand.
If this energy was provided at an insignificant cost, jobs would flock back to the U.S., thus providing the opportunity for conservatives to once again exploit workers here.
Think Progress » Global warming is a ‘nightmare’ for coffee.
I feel that if it is able to render good service, especially to the Buddha dharma and Tibet, then my personal life is insignificant.
Why bother arguing about such an insignificant amount of money?
No fact is to small to overlook, no nugget of information too insignificant to discard.
It made me feel dreadfully insignificant.
Anne of Green Gables
Far from being insignificant, these cultural points of reference triangulate our locations with respect to strangers.
PC Downing believes that these days there is much more of a realisation of the terrible impact of illegally snaring animals, birds and insects - but he still fears that many see it as a little, insignificant issue.
You feel insignificant measured against the great crags.
THE EARTH: An Intimate History
I won't, but I get the feeling that a large part of the discussion has to do with the not-so-insignificant differences between Taiwan guoyu' and Mainland putonghua'. CENSORSHIP IN CHINESE MSN SPACES.
And the only way to do it is to keep writing, no matter how insignificant you think your mere words are.
Here also are found the insignificant lightness of the pebble and the mighty lightness of the planet; while between them range the weighty masses, superior to the petty ponderability of the one, and unequal to the firmamental float of the other.
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 09, No. 51, January, 1862
Never allow yourself to get discouraged and think that your life is insignificant and can't make a change.
Differences in promoter structure believed to reflect fundamental differences in the transcription proteins proved to be insignificant.
Roger D. Kornberg - Autobiography
Many of the digital images in this overblown cautionary tale remind us of humanity's relatively insignificant place in the universe.
Like the small dark cloud that foreruns a typhoon, the first act in the wild drama that came near to costing me my own life was so slight, so insignificant relatively, that no man of us then dreamed of the hidden forces that brought it to pass.
The Mutineers
Don't think that local elections are measly, insignificant, and not worth your time.
Never believe that you are too insignificant to make a difference.
There is no occupation too small or insignificant to warrant a "- cu" ending.
I think it's a salutory consequence, hardly insignificant, but it's not Job One.
Banishing theology as insignificant and unimportant is no longer a legitimate option in the current post-modern age, when all voices demand an equal if not impartial hearing.
Answering Questions about ID
The exterior of Sherborne Church has been called unpicturesque, owing to its low central tower and insignificant pinnacles.
What to See in England
Though Lawrence serves as an example of what might have happened to Macdonald, he is historically insignificant.
The families have been intermarried from the Year Dot, fucking and fighting for centuries, coming together at weddings and funerals only to split and feud over insignificant insults, slight differences of opinion blown up out of all proportion.
Archive 2005-12-01
It would show that while we are insignificant in the universe, we understand how we came to be.
A 1792 compilation by several natural historians of insects includes comments such as the following: each insect, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant, is "adapted for procuring its particular pleasures" (2); indeed, every insect, like every creature, "was formed for itself, and each allowed to seize as great a quantity of happiness from the universal stock ... each was formed to make the happiness of each" (6).
The Loves of Plants and Animals: Romantic Science and the Pleasures of Nature
To other people they may be insignificant little jumps but to us they are great leaps.
Times, Sunday Times
She views herself as so small and insignificant that if she existed in a normal body she would rattle around.
Beyond Chaotic Eating
The cost is almost insignificant.
MANAGEMENT: task, responsibilities, practices
Scouts reported to Alexander that the citizens of Priapus were willing to surrender the town to him, allowing the grateful king his first opportunity to liberate a Greek city, however insignificant it might be.
Alexander the Great
They seem insignificant among the bodies burnt to charcoal, or flayed to muscle and skin, half covered in rags, scenes of a terrible and continuing horror.
He is not an insignificant trifler, whose object it is to raise a laugh at his own expense, or that of any other.
Count Robert of Paris
The scrutinizers were subjected to an insignificant role, since scrutinized vehicles were ‘rescrutineered’ at the start line, thus wasting time and creating precedence.
In other words, the differences between a Yankee, a Southerner, and a plainsman were insignificant compared to the differences between a German, a Frenchman, and an Italian.
Jubilant Pharmaceuticals NV and Wockhardt UK Ltd. Jubilant Organosys Ltd., an Indian company whose unit recalled amlodipine in the U.K., said the value of the products recalled is "insignificant.
U.K. Issues Recall Of Various Generics
Its stature can be gauged by the not insignificant fact that after 33 years, it still inspires revolutionists and inflames the anger of renegades.
And his particular death is irrelevant against a million years of human life, insignificant outside human perception.
By what guessing or critical legerdemain one who claims loyalty to the word of God and ordinary intelligence can attempt to sweep away these definite and determinate statements, and crowd some insignificant worm of the dust into the place given to him who was in the beginning, who was with God and _who was
The Testimony of the Bible Concerning the Assumptions of Destructive Criticism
Nonetheless, despite the seemingly narrow focus, this outline is hardly insignificant.
But it is from this point on that his hitherto insignificant and unsuccessful life took a fantastic new turn.
The Collins History of the World in the 20th Century
What an insignificant topic ... what someone's VP pick said about someone's non-VP pick ... what an upstart said about a dynast ...
Flashback: Palin Said She Didn't Like Hillary's "Whining"
However, these seem to me to be insignificant factors compared to the factors that weigh in favour of sending the matter to the Federal Court.
I also love that the person who complains about “endless quibbling” is the one who argues with my characterization of a statistically insignificant increase of less than 7000 miles traveled from a base of 2,900,000 as stagnant or no growth.
Matthew Yglesias » Mass Transit is As American as Apple Pie
Clough comes from the Old English for a wooded vale, while "pisser" may stem from "pissant", meaning insignificant and also slang for an ant.
Rudely-named places guides let walkers pick their way to The Nostrils
And even you should be able to figure out that an increase of under 7,000 miles traveled on over 2,900,000 miles traveled is statistically insignificant, and is why the FHWA said there was a 0% increase, and why I used the word “stagnant.”
Matthew Yglesias » Mass Transit is As American as Apple Pie
Ford is still bumming around the galaxy, but notes his article on a certain insignificant blue-green orb undergoing revision, and Marvin is still Marvin.
So Long, and Thanks for all the Fish by Douglas Adams « I Can’t Stop Reading!
It is surely possible to imagine a culture, for instance, in which race would be an unimportant, insignificant characteristic of individuals.
He always accepted the smallest invitation or the most insignificant present with outward signs of pleasure.
At the bottom of the organizational chart is something that is referred to as an insignificant green dot.
The Leader In You
The agency stress that it is illegal to keep something, however small or seemingly insignificant, from a shipwreck without advising the Receiver of Wreck.
They bow right over so their face is touching the ground because they know they are insignificant in the grand scheme of things, they are miniscule compared to God.
The owner of the pitiful castle, a small, insignificant knight was very welcoming.
Emperor himself to that of the most insignificant prince or princelet, and whose advice was sought and carefully heeded on all important occasions.
German Culture Past and Present
While his death is statistically insignificant, symbolically it is crucial.
Times, Sunday Times
And the pit, which lively represents the pit of hell, is crammed with those insignificant animals called beaux, whose character nothing but wonder and shame can compose; for a modern beau, you must know, is a pretty, neat, fantastic outside of a man, a well-digested bundle of costly vanities, and you may call him a volume of methodical errata bound in a gilt cover.
History of English Humour, Vol. 2 (of 2)
The least of these illuminators, with his insignificant eyeless face, possesses at his fingers 'ends the maximum of dexterity in this art of decoration, light and wittily incongruous, which threatens to invade us in France, in this epoch of imitative decadence, and which has become the great resource of our manufacturers of cheap "_objects of art_.
Madame Chrysantheme
Leonarde's relative disinterest in her corporeal state could be linked to her proximity to the beatific vision, where such considerations would become insignificant.
To other people they may be insignificant little jumps but to us they are great leaps.
Times, Sunday Times
Soft grasses and wafting perennials are enchanting in a meadow but can look insignificant against the architecture of a house.
Times, Sunday Times
Prejean, whom Somerby unchivalrously describes as "an insignificant 21-year-old," competed as Miss California in the Miss USA beauty pageant.
In Defense of Keith Olbermann
Even in childhood and young womanhood, there is little of the contingent and insignificant detail which humanises the great.
Then they realized that the tonsils were a not-insignificant part of your immune system and now people are encouraged to keep them.
Earth Hour: A Last Stab At The Dark « Unambiguously Ambidextrous
I may not have the ability to hide Rose or sneak her away from the dark wizard's lethal intent, but I was insignificant.
The difference was statistically insignificant.
Times, Sunday Times
No item was too small or insignificant to list as stolen.
Times, Sunday Times
To other people they may be insignificant little jumps but to us they are great leaps.
Times, Sunday Times
He was insignificant, so that no one would remember or notice, which is why he was perfect for his job.
_insignificant_ persons; 'consequently, had it been any fault to do so, each alike was caught in that fault; and insignificant as the people might be, if they _could_ be' immortalized, 'then we have Schlosser himself confessing to the possibility that poetic splendor should create a secondary interest where originally there had been none.
Note Book of an English Opium-Eater
It is often amazing how the most insignificant contributor to a project can foresee the subtlest problem and devise a solution.
'agremens' of a man of fashion; so many little things conspire to form that 'tournure', that though separately they seem too insignificant to mention, yet aggregately they are too material for me (who think for you down to the very lowest things) to omit.
Letters to His Son on the Art of Becoming a Man of the World and a Gentleman, 1750
It is often amazing how the most insignificant contributor to a project can foresee the subtlest problem and devise a solution.
They do flower but these are insignificant, though if picked and dried they can be used for indoor winter decoration.
The casting of a man in the role of Miss Pink had no apparent intended significance, yet it could hardly be insignificant.
The difference between the two results was insignificant.
I love San Diego as a city, but it simply can no longer handle this event, and this nearly insignificant expansion isn't going to change anything. agonist yeah, the lines suck but the chaos is also kindof exciting. you have to be a hardcore fan to get into some of the panels and that in itself is like a geeky badge of coolness.
San Diego Convention Center Plans $753 million Expansion in Bid to Keep Comic-Con | /Film
In the grand scheme of cricket this is relatively insignificant.
Times, Sunday Times
It looks almost insignificant from the road and for most of a lengthy pedestrian approach.
A Guide to Megalithic Ireland
Let us offer a small but not insignificant example.
Times, Sunday Times
While seemingly insignificant, these translations have had enormous impact on how we view the Bible.
The difference was statistically insignificant.
Times, Sunday Times
The professional critic or literary scholar who equates metaphor with poetry and poetry with truth is both disesteemed and opposed by the philosopher who, after deciding that metaphors are literally false, or cognitively insignificant, dismisses them as ‘mere’ instances of semantic confusion.
In the 1650s radicalism turned back to its religious roots, fracturing into generally chiliastic sects of insignificant strength.
I picked it up, thinking how something so seemingly insignificant had turned into life-threatening danger.
His face was insignificant, his expression peevish, his features without the animation of any high purpose.
The Box with Broken Seals
Tess was no insignificant creature to toy with and dismiss.
The difference was statistically insignificant.
Times, Sunday Times
Controlling for education (and any other demographics you might care to use), the effect of Biblical literalism is statistically insignificant, but still has the wrong sign (i.e.,
Found: A False Stereotype About Fundamentalists, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
Sin always magnifies the wrong thing and tries to exalt what is insignificant.
These are just heaps of noble materials sheathing insignificant forms and insipid patterns or inappropriate functions that could have been rejected.
If the core comprises high-resistivity material, such as ferrite, the eddy current is low, and eddy-current loss is insignificant in SMPS applications.
To other people they may be insignificant little jumps but to us they are great leaps.
Times, Sunday Times
Well, film lovers too feel that such talent should not be wasted in insignificant roles!
February 25th, 2009 at 12: 32 pm about blum: I believe Matt chose the right one: under the fourth republic, the “president du conseil” was sole head of government, elected by universal suffrage (ok, minus the women), which is more impressive for a minority and in light of the not insignificant antisemitism of the time.
Matthew Yglesias » Obama’s Car Invention Myth
When the electrical field acts on a non-conductor (also known as dielectric), the not freely movable electrons can be displaced only insignificantly in the direction of the positive charge.
6. Electrical Field
She views herself as so small and insignificant that if she existed in a normal body she would rattle around.
Beyond Chaotic Eating
He was insignificant in every way and consequently I didn't pay much attention to him.