How To Use Insightful In A Sentence
Right now: Palin a great choice, shows McCain as an insightful, decisive leader, master chessplayer, with the right stuff for America.
Report: Palin's Spokesperson Didn't Know About Pregnancy Two Days Ago
Some overwrought writing mars an otherwise sharp and insightful exploration of homophobia in the deep South.
After taking on this user interface project, I'm a lot more insightful about design issues and, well, rather humbled by the amount of design savvy I have yet to gain.
My post last week on the value of your word prompted some very thoughtful comments to the post along with several very insightful email messages.
Russell Bishop: How to Rebuild Your Integrity
As others have already said, I don’t think the focus on number of pages in the bluebook is particularly insightful.
The Volokh Conspiracy » The Case for Abolishing the Bluebook

I would point to Francis Fukuyama's insightful "The End of History", which was only been flawed by assuming that the US was a real democracy --- and not a very subtle, guileful ruling-elite 'corporate financial Empire' disguising itself behind the facade of this two-party 'Vichy' sham of democracy.
Coming Soon-- Riots in America?
All the candidates were described as conscientious, smart, and insightful, and all the descriptions ended with notes, such as "Observation: seems to be candid and trusting," or, "Observation: his/her natural competitiveness was apparent.
The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
In the penultimate chapter, the author insightfully compares the theologians and theologies, then proffers his assessments: they need to strengthen pneumatology and to incorporate more fully the resurrection.
After my parents split up, my mother disappeared into a postdivorce second adolescence of her own, taking me with her to seedy bars to entice guys—no insightful heart-to-hearts or maternal advice to be had there.
Dont You Forget About Me
The relaxed instrumentation elevates the insightful vocals, creating a sound best described as progressive garage rock.
I also recall his insightful and instructive exhibition Harlem on My Mind.
Michael Henry Adams: Thomas Hoving, Wendy Burden and the End of Elite Privelige?
Groucho Marx's flippant remark about the inability of any photograph to capture his inner beauty is profoundly insightful.
I thought this book offered an insightful take on some of the numbers we should be aware of when it comes to urban ministry and church planting.
Christianity Today
My heartfelt thank goes to my supervisor for his insightful suggestions.
Humor, insightful content, and warmth on a social media page can all contribute to your brand's shareability.
Tall, trim and debonair, with rimless glasses and waves of silver hair, Hinton has a reputation for being level-headed and insightful, and has won praise for balancing out some of the stormier personalities within the Murdoch empire.
Les Hinton: the rise and fall of Rupert Murdoch's most trusted lieutenant
Keeping a moon journal is an easy, enjoyable and insightful introduction to astrology.
Caroline: Yes, very insightful, "relentlessness" - is the word I would have used if I could have thought of it.
BP and brain problems: "Help, I've fallen and I can't get up!"
Believing the director to be an uninspired hack fresh from cutting his teeth on music videos and commercials, I was surprised to learn that he helmed a low-budget, insightful drama.
You can see that there are many fascinating questions that you can examine as you become a more insightful political analyst.
In his writings and media appearances, Brooks insightfully deploys scientific research to demonstrate how "deeply interpenetrated" we humans are.
Michael Sigman: Brooks Pits 'Connection' vs. 'Adventure,' But Why Not Both?
Memoirs are often criticized for being excessively exhibitionist and insufficiently insightful.
The Times Literary Supplement
The last chapter is also the most interesting and insightful in the book.
Times, Sunday Times
The honest lyrics, however unsettling they may sometimes be, are provocatively and insightfully moving.
Memoirs are often criticized for being excessively exhibitionist and insufficiently insightful.
The Times Literary Supplement
The narration is flooded with wonderfully pithy, insightful commentary.
Which, while not exactly insightful, is probably true.
Christians ! Take The BBC Bible Test !
Highlights here include "A Sort of Loving" (where "rapping about dope" becomes a gateway to more insightful conversation), "I Hate You, Silas Marner" (which uses the title tome as a contrast with Joseph Heller's counterculture war hit), and "The Valedictorian" (an attempt to reconfigure recent student uprisings and nonconformity into the half hour TV setting).
DVD Verdict
Her book is an excellent study of the early modern professions and a model of insightful historical research.
The premise sounds contrived but the reality is insightful.
Times, Sunday Times
Gloria Wekker offers an insightful perspective on female sexual behaviors in the diaspora that reflect both female and male Western sexual behavior.
The man could write as insightfully as Nick Tosches and as colourfully as Hunter S Thompson.
Ballardian » “Enthusiasm for the mysterious emissaries of pulp”: an interview with David Britton (the Savoy interviews, part 2a)
Macklin's analyses are mostly insightful and are certainly to be recommended to the uninitiated interested reader.
I miss Molly's words so very much and always thought that she struck a good balance between good-natured humor and "snarkiness" with common-sense, insightful political commentary.
Times Public Editor Hammers Maureen Dowd's Coverage Of Hillary
This is part of his insightful and terrifyingly personal series of poems from a ventriloquist's dummy to its puppeteer.
An almost impossibly rich work, it explicates a host of thorny theological, philosophical, and epistemological controversies and positions (Marsden, for instance, insightfully draws the connection between, on the one hand, the intellectual appeal of dispensational premillennialism and the opposition to Darwinism and, on the other, the peculiarly American “non-developmental” understanding of history).
Modernism, Minimalism, Fundamentalism
Perez Hilton funked up on a speedball is more insightful than the smartest person at Politico.
Matthew Yglesias » Note, Mike Allen Fans Flag Non-Story
She deploys their concepts flexibly and insightfully to enrich the book's content without encumbering its style with jargon.
And, again, the restrained political, social, and moral messages are insightful and stimulating.
Particularly useful, and insightful into her methodology, is her list of "The 15 Fix Factors" -- including ideas such as using low-fat milk thickened with a bit of flour or cornstarch to create a creamy mouthfeel; the concept of the "un-fry" -- achieving crispiness in a low-fat way; adding whole grains, cooking to keep nutrients, trimming portions, and sweetening smartly.
Rozanne Gold: Two Great Cooks, Two Great Cookbooks
They were and are committed, intelligent and insightful, heroes every one.
His remarks are the most insightful and motivational of any I have heard on the topic of the role of the music teacher in today's society.
Goodspeed devoted much of his botanical career to the study of Nicotiana, and the results of many of his detailed and insightful analyses have stood the test of time.
Would the webmaster like to comment on why my posting in this thread, which I considered to be insightful and perspicacious, was deleted?
A well-written and insightful perspective of the utter chaos during the brief, but poignant, Flensburg Reich and the most bitter psychological struggle of how best to accept immanent defeat while ensuring survival.
Germania-Brendan McNally « The Merry Genre Go Round Reviews
he was acutely insightful
That's the kind of light-hearted and spunky approach that packages the intelligent and truly insightful advice she gives.
Doesn’t call it insightful, doesn’t call it informative, doesn’t call it well-written.
Matthew Yglesias » Diversity, Hiatt-Style
This is, however, a spicy and insightful version of a perennially intriguing story.
This is a marvellous, warm and insightful book and if you're a football fan you must buy it.
The Sun
The result is a gentle, insightful, but underpowered study of awkward male bonding.
Times, Sunday Times
Recently, she coedited Psychology of Women, which contains insightful reviews of various aspects of the field contributed by leading scholars.
Florence Levin Denmark.
the chapter is insightful and suggestive of new perspectives
Sprinkled throughout the book are insightful, fresh ways of viewing the relationships between soloists and orchestras.
The NIH postdoc fellowship deadline is approaching ever steadily, and I am desperate to get this junk out of my life and back into the arms of the talentless insightful reviewers who may or may not be overseeing the processing of my resubmission.
Bend Over, Revise, and Resubmit
Coleman also presented an original and rousing lecture at MCA that included slides of Coleman himself looking at the work in the exhibition punctuated by humorous yet insightful commentary.
Chances are, it would be more eloquently and insightfully written as well.
Times, Sunday Times
All engagements - whether they are air-to-air dogfights or hand-to-hand combat - conform to this simple, powerful and insightful model.
This is such an insightful post and brilliantly coalesced from the two books.
Seeing The Funny Side « Tales from the Reading Room
As such, their essays can be regarded more as insightful appreciations than scholarly criticism.
Here nothing is as insightful as videotaping a lector in practice and then showing her or him the videotape afterwards.
Joe's a bright guy with insightful views on many things, but here he sounds, well, downright simple-minded.
I also appreciate the insightful comments received from the anonymous reviewers.
Not once did his lone presence fail to fill the stage, nor did his tongue get twisted on one of his many insightful rhymes.
We were able to put together an insightful dialogue pertaining to the politics of the biennale vis - vis the concerns of the artists.
The relaxed instrumentation elevates the insightful vocals, creating a sound best described as progressive garage rock.
The only drawback is that the opinions of the cast and crew are not particularly profound or insightful.
Tom Hamilton has produced an acute and insightful response to my post on euthanasia, of a kind with which it is a pleasure to engage.
I hope George Clinton was as funny as usual too, always something insightful to impart from the old man.
CBCF - Day 2 (Blog for Democracy)
A series of mothers and daughters has been held up as a particularly insightful contribution to family portraiture.
Times, Sunday Times
It is incredibly funny and moving and insightful.
Times, Sunday Times
The book provides both a thoughtful and insightful read into the ufological history of the cinema and its subsequent representation both on the cinema screen and television screens in our homes.
His insightful analysis will help military officers fully understand the moral implications of their actions.
The books are funny, insightful and informed by a serious purpose.
Times, Sunday Times
Dr. McNally is a miracle worker: determined, insightful, and empathic.
Those kinds of questions get individuals and teams thinking insightfully about what they're doing.
Times, Sunday Times
As I laughed at the words and supertitles in David Henry Hwang's insightful play, I began to think about the tricky nature of translation.
Bess Rowen: Lost and Gained In Translation
However, Ruby's insightful arguments and the formative influence of his work mark this collection as one that merits close attention from anthropologists and filmmakers alike.
He'd made a really good ‘black men in the USA’ comment in an insightful manner about being stigmatised, but then in literally the next sentence he undid his good phraseological work.
I appreciate the insightful comments of two anonymous reviewers.
Although this book might leave parents of teenage daughters quaking, it is an erotic, insightful and memorable debut.
This sometimes amusing and insightful four-part doco series looks at how Aussie neighbours get along.
There are some very well-done montage sequences and some honestly insightful cuts, but they are drowned in a flood of meaningless and unmotivated shots and scenes.
There is an insightful section on the Bolsheviks' fear of hooliganism and their tendency to link disorder and barbarism with popular culture.
Read out an insightful author's take on the Parsha of the week and ask the congregants to react.
Rabbi Shmuley Boteach: Making Synagogue Stimulating Again
Rochlitz doesn't know what to do with the chorus, who strut in formation and communicate in semaphore, though he is insightful when it comes to the principals.
It is always refreshing to experience an outstanding début concert, especially when the artists display a balance of tonal beauty with insightful involving musicianship.
His lifework shows us that scientists and humanists are in many ways similar kinds of insightful people.
The ratio of insightful comment to shrill diatribe is about one in ten.
Daniel Cubias: The Skill that Every Job Requires?
Generally, people who are astrologers or consult astrologers are humane, compassionate, insightful people, by and large.
Jerzy Grotowsky is cited among her influences, and Laurie Anderson is the subject of a lengthy and insightful page of typing.
There are two serious faults in this otherwise entertaining and insightful book.
Times, Sunday Times
Rajiv Chandrasekaran's Imperial Life in the Emerald City is an insightful book that will have American taxpayers reaching for the antacid as he follows suitcases filled with US dollar bills down the rabbit hole in Iraq.
Gail Vida Hamburg: As Iraq War Memory Fades, the Art Endures
This is a particularly bright and insightful form of visual intelligence.
Times, Sunday Times
Through insightful anecdotes and often poignant memories, Jean-Michel sheds new light on the inventive, resourceful, passionate man who helped develop the "aqualung," scuba diving apparatuses and submersibles, and whose name became synonymous with underwater exploration and photography and ocean conservation.
Media Newswire
Joe's a bright guy with insightful views on many things, but here he sounds, well, downright simple-minded.
But what really kept her mouth shut on the subject was the fear that he really was much more insightful than she would imagine a goofy, uncultured, low-class guy such as him to be.
But because its Aleksandar Hemon, the stories extend far beyond the immigrant experience; each one is punctuated with unexpected humor and spins out in fabulist, exhilarating directions, ultimately building to an insightful, often heartbreaking conclusion.
Love and Obstacles by Aleksandar Hemon: Book summary
The man's 60th birthday has generated dozens of magazine articles, re-issues and tribute discs, in addition to an insightful biography, as he continues to tour around the world.
This first of three insightful ward rounds focuses on the cardiac unit.
Times, Sunday Times
She also knew herself to be incredibly selfish and rather insightfully understood that selfishness could get in the way of the whole sharing-each-other's lives thing that seems to go hand in hand with marriage.
After years of distinguished study, he begins delivering lectures of his own, offering unique, insightful interpretations of Islamic texts.
Michael Parenti has written insightfully aboutwhat he aptly calls "the Myth of America, The Virtuous.
Censorship and the Anemic State of Political Discourse in America
Tens of thousands of copies wound up in the remainder bin at five bucks, except on the mainland where the same people that find Royal Canadian Air Farce "humourous" also found Tobin's error riddled cash grab "insightful".
Archive 2006-04-01
His book has many insightful and provocative observations, as well as arresting formulations by a gifted writer.
The Times Literary Supplement
Some of their comments are insightful and interesting, but like many filmmakers they fall into the trap of gushing effusive praise about everyone they worked with.
Nevertheless, this deceptively insightful series offers a fascinating chronicle of love - and lust - in a cold climate.
Insightful, if a bit cagey, critiques of modern political philosophy.
I’d pay for a site aggregating certain insightful and fearless writers/bloggers.
Open Thread: Should Newspapers Charge for Online Content
He wrote beautifully and insightfully about all three.
Times, Sunday Times
J.M. Coetzee is insightful about the violence at the heart of male sexuality and about the unbridgeable distance between parents and children.
Cruelty in Fact and Fiction
He is an amateur pundit, if I am not mistaken, but one of the most insightful writers around.
TV's delightful, insightful, frumpily-attired NFL analyst for three decades probably has earned the time off.
American Chronicle
He was a very bright, socially sensitive, and insightful young man whose complaint was that he could not swallow pills or capsules.
Patricia's ‘free and insightful’ interpretation of facts is essential to the historiographer openly seeking a fresh viewpoint on old ideas.
Students of history will find behind-the-scenes glimpses into fascinating and insightful personalities.
Once again Christina Radish proves why she is one of the best interviewers out their: insightful questions that demonstrate her knowledge of the product!
Twilight Lexicon » IESB: Chris Weitz New Moon DVD Interview
Overall, these individual narratives were insightfully blended together, resulting in an extremely coherent though complex and conceptually strong exhibition.
The discussion of prayer and pilgrimages, fasting and forgiveness, is both insightful and enticing.
There's some useful and insightful material in this volume, but there are unfortunate limits to its reach.
Rising maestro Stefan Sanderling conceived and insightfully conducted the program.
Regional Orchestras in the Spotlight
However, some of the most insightful comments have come from pundits at home.
It's easy to treat them as little playthings, forgetting they are highly insightful and sensitive.
Together, Hilliard and Rathman produce a sagacious survey of the tradition of hero-worship, and foster insightful tension between conventional and unorthodox imagery of virility.
Bill Bush: Too Many Openings, Too Little Time: This Artweek.LA (February 14-20)
Elegiac and archly insightful, the quality of the writing displays a striking talent, and one that stays in the memory long after the varied merits of the performances fade.
The column was both insightful in its full view of an issue, and brave in going against social convention.
When Kerry isn't being a total dag, his meta view of Australian cricket is very insightful.
Aussie cricket commentators have been a breath of fresh air on air | Rob Bagchi
The play is generally considered to stand alongside the work of Henry Miller for its insightful portrayal of the problematics of the American dream.
Though first published 50 years ago, this examination of Islam's efforts to reject or adjust to modernity is more insightful than most recent commentary.
President Celestine Obama
This insightful writing is complemented by direction that has a levelheaded terseness to it, that always keeps the film centered, and propels it forward to its inevitable climax.
And, brilliantly insightful or bonkers, they'll still be worth hearing.
It was an anthology of insightful quotes, designed mainly for juniors and seniors in high school.
One of the most insightful pieces she published on Borges was "A Postmodern Approach to Fictional History in Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius and the Asceticism of Ezra Buckley" in which Palin brilliantly deconstructed the notion of history relative to the character, Ezra Buckley, in a way that the late Jacques Derrida wrote, "Je m'em branle!
Mark Axelrod: The Palin Borges Connection; or, What's History Got to Do With It?
The article by Mr. Roy is very insightful; I don't care care if he is from Bombay or Podunk.
Very insightful, especially for people newer to the idea of maintainable javascript. full roast blend
It's critical, in-depth and insightful, rather than just vanity publishing.
He has also written insightfully on forest conservation, urging a creative synthesis between the ‘practical knowledge’ of peasants and the ‘latest scientific knowledge’ of the State.
We swapped books and bought insightful yet soppy presents.
Times, Sunday Times
Based on a rich and insightful script, this film is beautifully realised with a directorial approach that places the emphasis firmly on performances.
Bear with me; I am not having the usual fascinating, insightful thoughts at the moment.
It's hilariously funny and scathingly insightful.
You can see that there are many fascinating questions that you can examine as you become a more insightful political analyst.
Perhaps the most insightful is “Vino, Veritas” by Peter Spiegelman in which superheroes face the truth of their decision processes and the outcome.
The Darker Mask-Gary Phillips and Christopher Chambers (editors) « The Merry Genre Go Round Reviews
It does contain short insightful notes by Ross, legendary for his glossy painted superhero work.
What We’re Reading: May 2010 | Missions Unknown
You can see that there are many fascinating questions that you can examine as you become a more insightful political analyst.
Perhaps, because this is French, the dialogue is intelligent and insightful.
Even though I might not always agree with everything he says, I just love the way he articulates and elaborates his opinions, it works well with Devindra Quigley and Chen who are also pretty detailed and insightful.
The /Filmcast: After Dark - Ep. 88 - Making the Crazies and Deconstructing The Hurt Locker (GUEST: Breck Eisner, Director of The Crazies) | /Film
Fragile, honest and uncontrived, they are funny, intriguing, insightful and sad.
Times, Sunday Times
Miller's not nearly so insightful as he thinks he is . . . he's got a lot of the same breezy, self-revelatory sort of voice and style as Anne Lamott, but he doesn't have either Lamott's depth of experience or humility, so he doesn't pull it off nearly so well.
Archive 2009-01-01
Today's Financial Times includes the latest edition of the FT-IT Review, the paper's always-insightful supplement on information technology.
And this ability is analogous to writing well with insightful things to say.
More Dollar Bills on the Sidewalk, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
First Impression: Angel is described as a selfless, insightful, and meek man with a slight build and dark, good looks.
5-Star Baby Name Advisor
Sometimes she gave insightful and wonderful advice and at other times she used her cynical charm to make him laugh till his sides hurt.
I think jason was what she called a mustard guy, funny that he turned out to be a total WEINER! godspeed to him and molly b / c I know there are a lot of people out there not on their team. more power to them. looking fwd to your insightful blogs yet again next season.
Entertainment Weekly's PopWatch
an insightful parent
Something to do with the way he could project genuine sincerity, humour, insightfulness and compassion.
For comedies to work, they need to be either funny or insightful.
Times, Sunday Times
He is always incisive and insightful, and understands Wagner's epic character almost as well as anyone.
Of all the Greek moralists, Aristotle provides the most psychologically insightful account of virtuous character.
He was a very bright, socially sensitive, and insightful young man whose complaint was that he could not swallow pills or capsules.
Again, it shows he is a zeitgeisty writer, but more of a documentarist than an insightful dramatist.
Times, Sunday Times
It's great to have place to voice your opinion, and discuss these mattes but I haven't read discussions I've read slurs, hate and bigotry for the most part and those that have tried to post insightful entries have been attacked by ignorance.
Poll of Polls: Obama more popular than his policies
While a 6 "effectively and insightfully develops a point of view," a 5 only "effectively develops a point of view.
Eliot Schrefer: What the Monster Wrote: How Will the College Board Grade a Well-Written Endorsement of Evil?
However insightful A. H. J. Gunneweg's thesis might be, it betrays the central difficulty of proposing a biblical hermeneutic that includes the subject matter of the Old Testament.
The statute is hardly a masterpiece of insightful policymaking or incisive drafting.
Jannic Durand's insightful essay, ‘Precious-Metal Icon Revetments,’ surveys surviving examples of metal revetments as well as those mentioned in church inventories.
Although written in rather inelegant and sometimes ungrammatical prose, this is an insightful and original work, based on a remarkable range of evidence.
So how do we get around these myths and read more carefully, more insightfully?
Reading Workshop III « Tales from the Reading Room
Cosmopolis is acutely insightful on the topoi of modern life, rendering sign and signal, language and reality, hypnotically bonded.
Globe and Mail
It is by far not the only idea about Divinity's structure, yet it is one which I find to be particularly insightful.
She weaves together anecdotes, diary excerpts, and correspondence; draws on military records, newspaper accounts, songs, and poetry; and intersperses her own insightful commentary throughout.
She offered some really interesting, insightful observations.
Openpalm – I quite understand why you would take the approach to reading through your own writing and you speak so lucidly and insightfully about the need to express and communicate suffering, which must surely be one of the fundamental motivations of creativity (to say it, and also to make something out of it, to make it worthwhile).
Reading Dangerously « Tales from the Reading Room
Now up to issue 15, blimey that went fast, this highly insightful fortnightly gives you the low-down on the latest buzz rising from the underground.
These ten insightful essays range over fifty active years, but in many ways their subject remains an enigmatic figure.
The Times Literary Supplement
Carol's comment struck Jack as oddly insightful, but all he said aloud was: ‘This is one of the weirder post-coital talks I've had.’
Wrapped in its national myths of splendid isolation and blessed innocence (chronicled insightfully by Herman Melville and Henry James), it held out.
Ernesto Caravantes, a Hispanic scholar, entitled his insightful book on the subject Clipping Their Own Wings whose title reflects his viewpoint.
Gov. Dick Lamm: Two Wands
An insightful, entertaining documentary about how movies have portrayed homosexuality down through the decades.
That any serious effort to organize the unorganized would entail a direct and massive struggle against the moguls of American business and the government is underscored by an insightful comment in the July 27 issue of the Financial Times.
For those wanting to know more about the area, you could do far worse than go to the insightful and informative blog Circadiana, for which chronobiology is a focus of interest.
Mind Hacks: NewSci on robots and chronobiology
An insightful and intelligent collection of resources for academics and students.
And in what he called a luckier, rather than insightful, move, Barbour switched the firm's national government affairs practice two years ago from one with a broad-based lobbying focus to one that concentrates on health care issues. - Newswire
We know going in that to cover the matter in such a way as to elide divisions within the community of economists as instead a division between “economists” (hopefully meaning something less trivial than ‘these guys here, who happen to be economists’) and political advisors is at best uselessly uninsightful.
Matthew Yglesias » Geithner vs Axelrod
Now up to issue 15, blimey that went fast, this highly insightful fortnightly gives you the low-down on the latest buzz rising from the underground.
Memoirs are often criticized for being excessively exhibitionist and insufficiently insightful.
The Times Literary Supplement
His language is raw and delivery raucous, but his intelligent and insightful material will make you think.
And though he is never less than insightful, it's tempting to divine a special quickening when Heaney writes about his countrymen.
Some years ago — the fifth year of the siege, actually — there was a scholic from the Twenty-sixth Century, a chubby, irreverent Asian with the unusual name of Bruster Lin — and even though Bruster Lin was the brightest and most insightful scholar amongst us, his irreverence was his undoing.
These are comments that an editor has identified as insightful and thought-provoking.
News -
Its articles, uniformly excellent and insightful, accept, even embrace, controversy.
He is undoubtedly a man of extraordinary brilliance whose writings are incisive, insightful, and securely based on facts.
They provide insightful empirical generalizations, but little theory.
If he dumps her: Dumping a great choice, shows McCain as an insightful, decisive leader, master chessplayer, with the right stuff for America.
Report: Palin's Spokesperson Didn't Know About Pregnancy Two Days Ago
He's also known for his compendious technical knowledge and his tactical sophistication and willingness to question orthodoxies, qualities he's demonstrated as an insightful newspaper columnist.
Can Fletcher Be a Leader of Champions?
I'm very much the beneficiary of his deeply insightful, eloquently argued ideas; the privilege of sharpening my ideas on the whetstone of his intellect is a rare one, and I'm delighted to share that opportunity with Boing Boing's readers ...
Boing Boing
“It sounds like the place for you, my darling,” she wrote, adding insightfully, “if you could find your niche, I should think you could find your life.”
A Covert Affair
John Richardson's piece on Judy Chicago is delightful, insightful, and nicely acerb.
Insightful without being pedantic, learned but not overbearing, the book is full of humorous anecdotes while never shirking the factual responsibility of the historian.
This is a coming-of-age story told with unflinching realism and insightful humour.
The Sun