How To Use Insider In A Sentence
Seeking out the Iberian meeting places requires a good deal of detailed observation and help from insiders.
Migrants in Modern France: Population Mobility in the Later Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries
Insider trading could be one phrase for that.
Times, Sunday Times
If it became possible for shareholders to sue firms where those firms might reasonably have protected them from insider trading, corporate Australia's complaisance towards insider trading could take a healthy hit.
Do moral arguments provide an unsatisfactory basis upon which to prohibit insider dealing?
The FSA has been trying for years to claim a big scalp as part of a failing effort to stamp out insider trading.
Times, Sunday Times

He has acted as one of the campaign's unofficial advisers, according to an insider.
Times, Sunday Times
Insiders said the move was 'a matter of hours' away last night.
The Sun
Industry insiders and experts discuss the causes of aviophobia and, more importantly, how best to overcome it.
Times, Sunday Times
Yesterday he was to be arraigned on new charges of insider trading, filing false tax forms and conspiracy to falsify books and records in an expanded indictment unveiled May 1.
But for those who believe in watching the buys and sales of insiders it is an interesting move, particularly when it is backed up by another key company official's deals.
That this witty pioneer of the blogosphere, who made her name deflating the pretentions of the insider club of thin-skinned mediawhores no longer identifies with that sentiment is a cautionary tale.
The regulation of insider dealing necessarily involves a complex assessment of the available regulatory options.
You are born-again, re-sobered, a former hardcore binge drinker and rumored huge fan of various illegal substances back in college, and you had at least one DUI arrest and went AWOL from the National Guard, and you've stashed away from public view all records of both your tenure as Texas governor, and those SEC investigations into your alleged insider trading.
Chaos Theory:
What's worse is that the insider source was used to say that she was a certainty for the role and the article went onto hammer her and what they called her failing career.
Filmstalker: Beckinsale wins Barbarella libel case
Randi had for decades used his insider's knowledge of the flim-flam trade to humiliate a generation of occultists.
Wall Street insiders attributed this bullishness to optimism about new technologies.
Insiders are bracing for some walloping arguments over the company's direction in the coming months.
The art of banter, which is both a workplace and television writer's art, the true insider's patois (there's a special rhythm to the banter in the show, a staccato syllabification), may be at the heart of The West Wing's success.
Industry insiders say that a firm of accountants would normally play a part in such a financially based project.
Times, Sunday Times
This week eight people were arrested on suspicion of being part of a ring that was acting on insider knowledge.
Times, Sunday Times
Insiders say that rumblings behind the scenes at ABC's ‘Nightline’ are harbingers of possible dramatic news about the show's future.
He is both an insider and outsider, in filial and affiliated bonds with his home and his present, and he is connected to the various sectors of Vietnamese society and to the Westerners through a principled ethics.
In Gove's case, Tory insiders say Andy Coulson, Cameron's communications chief, blackballed his choice of policy spad, a clever maverick called Dominic Cummings despite Gove's threat to resign.
For Gove, not forgotten
And although Rio Tinto and BHP Billiton yesterday blamed regulatory issues for the collapse of the deal, insiders have suggested that further improvements in the economic climate - and in Rio's financial position - since the scheme was proposed left Rio management feeling the terms unduly favoured BHP.
The Independent - Frontpage RSS Feed
Forty-five per cent of respondents detected unauthorised access by insiders.
Even though DeVito has extracted a toothsome performance which insiders predict could win Jack an Oscar nomination.
Industry insiders suggest a mixture of greed, overexpansion and simple overfamiliarity has knocked the shine from certain formerly invincible megabrands.
Hong Kong's regulators are expending ever greater efforts to crack down on ever paltrier financial crimes such as insider trading and market manipulation.
Hong Kong's Regulatory Misdirection
The key moments were pinpointed by insiders yesterday.
Times, Sunday Times
Since, Hollywood insiders claim Jolie has been 'bombarding' Depp with emails and 'buring up the phone lines' about her woes.
There was insider information up for grabs as well.
Times, Sunday Times
An announcement detailing the exact route of the second phase of the project has been delayed by the government for almost two years, according to another insider.
Times, Sunday Times
On Hardball and its like, egos run rampant, insider jargon predominates, and agreeability, if any can be detected, is strictly limited to commercial breaks.
J-School for Jerks
‘Some scalpers even got a daily profit of 300,000 yuan,’ said one insider who declined to be identified.
Another great perk is that there are lots of copies of National Journal’s insiderish publications lying around and there’s always some nugget of genius in them.
Matthew Yglesias » Defense Contractors Versus Hobbyists
The past five months have brought charges of price gouging, illegal insider trading, kickbacks and payola that have rocked the industry.
The article also notes that despite the film's suggestion that Iraqi scientists became sacrificial lambs during their "exfiltration" from the country, an intelligence insider told us: "Something like this, if it was going on, wouldn't have been canceled for this reason.
As published in the Feb. 25, 2011 Science Insider editorial, "Advancing Regulatory Science," FDA Commissioner Dr. Hamburg claimed that FDA's regulations must be based on "better predictive models -- functional genomics, proteomics, and metabolomics," rather than "high dose animal carcinogenicity studies -- unchanged for decades.
Samuel S. Epstein: Multiple Carcinogens in Johnson & Johnson's Baby Shampoo
Giving “insiders”—workers and managers—too much control is often thought to slow restructuring and prompt excessive wages and overstaffing.
The Return
The court then concluded that the civil disgorgement remedy provides an appropriate "guidepost" for computing how much of the gain is attributable to the "deception" of insider trading.
TheRacetotheBottom - Headline News
Ultimately, the operation was focused on the inside game, run by insiders uninterested in alienating people they'd need in their next gig.
Harry Reid, The Man Who Never Says Goodbye
But coal industry insiders say buying Hatfield is a gamble for any new owner.
Some No 10 insiders are aghast at the prospect.
Times, Sunday Times
Insiders have suggested the move might not have been a one-sided affair.
The Sun
POLICE and City watchdogs yesterday arrested a gang of four people suspected of insider trading.
The Sun
It is a rarity among Washington-insider memoirs - it's a thumping good read.
Daley's entry into the White House marks President Obama's transition from political outsider to insider, and from South Side Chicago liberal to Downtown Chicago and Washington survivalist powerbroker intent on winning another term as president, even if that means alienating the left wing of his party.
Bill Daley Named White House Chief Of Staff
First, she was never charged with insider trading, which really was the crux of the issue.
Corruption occurs when that information is not freely available - cover-up and concealment are necessary for insider trading to flourish.
A second defence industry insider who also attended the dinner had a similar recollection.
Times, Sunday Times
Thomas Peters is the owner of the popular Catholic insider blog American Papist, which recently received its two millionth visitor.
An announcement detailing the exact route of the second phase of the project has been delayed by the government for almost two years, according to another insider.
Times, Sunday Times
Although we are untenured, professional-track faculty like myself have insider status and some security.
-- Fairfield coach Ed Cooley, after his team rallied from a 27-point, second-half deficit to beat George Mason in the opening round of the CollegeInsider. com Tournament.
Metro Atlantic Athletic Conference
It offers, as its prepublication publicity stated, an insider's view.
The Times Literary Supplement
James Purefoy, who portrayed Mark Antony on HBO's Rome, will play a love interest for Victoria Madeleine Stowe on Revenge, reports.
Rome's James Purefoy Heads to Revenge to Woo Victoria Grayson
The logistical task would be considerable, though not impossible, says one industry insider.
Times, Sunday Times
One insider linked with the private security business said: ‘All these jobs are a nice sinecure for a cop.’
All of these plans require insider knowledge in order to carry out the operation in a timely and accurate manner.
Can they reach point B, thereby preserving their privileged position as insiders?
The two women may share a political persuasion but insiders say their styles of leadership are very different.
Thus, whether one feels like an outsider or an insider, the story can be equally enchanting.
But companies in the individual market also want to avoid even marginal risk -- adopting a practice some insiders call hangnail underwriting.
Concurring Opinions
About a month ago, around my birthday, I used my "birthday discount" join the "Insider's Club" and you, too, will save like me! at Loehmanns and one of my purchases was a Romeo & Juliet Couture double-dyed or tie-died "wifebeater".
An insider confided that the promoters are shooting for 40,000 pay-per-view buyers in the United States.
Insiders worry that the troubled star may turn his back on his recovery and hit the drugs to numb his pain over the end of the two-month relationship.
All were done under so-called 10b5-1 trading plans, which allows insiders to preplan trades while guarding against the notion individual sales are linked to nonpublic information.
As Stock Wanes, Boston Scientific Officials Sell Shares
I learned it from someone who formerly worked in the government and he mentioned it in an offhand manner, leading me to infer it was something that insiders were well aware of.
This worries some insiders that visitors and participants will be inconvenienced.
Insiders say he left with 180,000 in lieu of notice.
Times, Sunday Times
That seems logical but there is a catch: the social code in the officers' mess of a regiment such as the Grenadier Guards is unwritten and so nebulous that it takes an insider to make any sense of it.
I'm talking about the effective use of today's technology to enhance learning, or what insiders are calling 'blended education.'
John Merrow: Get Out the Blender, Kids
On the one hand, the photograph gives us a hint of what it feels like to be a power broker whose milieu is the smoke-filled room, or an insider who manages the campaign from the sidelines.
INSIDER TIP: Po recently launched an intermezzo meaning between lunch and dinner menu, so food is available all day long, and all items are $12 and under.
Michelle Won: My Trip to the Nutcracker and Dinner at Po, Which Ended Up Being Nutcracker Part 2
An insider describes him as "incredibly camera-shy and publicity-averse."
That'ssome distance fromthe 200 losses that party insiders expected before the elections, andwould leaveourPrime Minister stranded ingrim territory.
Gordon Brown, Charlie Whelan and Me
If he endorses Clinton, well, it is a gamble and I don't think he would risk his political life to do so, especially when his campagne is all against Washington insider.
Blitzer: Could John Edwards finally pick a candidate?
The major reason is a shortage of cemeteries, according to both these insiders.
It comes as industry insiders say festival bigwigs have struggled to pull in the big American acts of previous years.
The Sun
Vatican insiders say that the Pope has been meditating on his remarkable life.
It was almost intolerable,' the insider claimed.
Times, Sunday Times
Another big problem with using insider data on specific companies is that executives sometimes misread company prospects.
Look for future Machinery Insider reports on topics ranging from combine operation to planter precision.
Top Washington insiders would kill for 15 minutes of such precious face time.
The Sun
With exceptional skill, in this and many other numbers, Calloway managed to play both sides of the street: Using the jive talk popular among African Americans, especially those in the big cities, he was able to communicate on a hip, insider level while delighting non-initiates (most of whom probably were white) with the joyfulness and apparent nonsense of his lyrics as well as giving them the pleasure of participating in call-and-response scat choruses.
Review of "Hi-De-Ho," Alyn Shipton's biography of Cab Calloway
GOP sources said Palin's call galvanized conservatives on the race but angered some insiders who resented her interfering in the matter.
Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
Consequently, to strengthen the research of supervision on the insider dealing is very meaningful.
And when you're the king, you can banish the insiders who displease you and you can try to buy off the outsiders.
One insider said: ‘Having the occasional branch derecognised is something that happens now and again.’
The government says insider trading occurs when someone buys or sells stock based on material, nonpublic information received from an insider.
The British incarnation of the world’s most popular etailer is no longer offering The Complex: An Insider Exposes the Covert World of the Church of Scientology, a 318-page tome from John Duignan, who spent 22 years inside the top secret organization.
Amazon UK pulls Scientology expose for ‘legal reasons’
Insiders said that his departure was agreed by mutual consent.
Times, Sunday Times
This was partly due to a detox programme he was on but also for his own protection, according to insiders.
While the FDA shares concerns about safety, some insiders argue that scientific advancements have made it easier to characterize and replicate biologics.
By analogy, the same principle could apply to other insiders, such as merchant bankers, who misuse confidential news.
Industry insiders say that bankers are working overtime to set up potential deals.
Times, Sunday Times
And on this one it's a jobbing actor with insider knowledge of the local scene.
The Sun
It may be geared towards industry insiders, but it helps to ensure that the site is required reading.
Times, Sunday Times
The regulation of insider dealing necessarily involves a complex assessment of the available regulatory options.
The definition of insider dealing would be expanded to include those contemplating a takeover bid as well as people using inside information.
It is clear then, that there are flaws in relying upon solely statutory regulation or self-regulation to regulate insider abuse.
Political insiders in Tokyo say he has a constant companion, but she has never been identified.
Its trading business was launched in 1990, but big flaws in the business plan were already apparent to insiders by 1995.
Lewis and her editor have created a magazine for ‘insiders’ - or, to use the tired fashion vernacular, the ‘in - crowd’.
Lawyers defending the hedge fund manager in the biggest US insider-dealing trial in decades have laid into the US government's star witness, branding him a money launderer and tax dodger who cut a plea deal to avoid criminal charges.
Insider dealing witness 'made plea bargain', say defence lawyers
The insider said it was more of a non-aggression pact.
The Sun
An insider said players think the club is 'meanspirited'.
The Sun
The potentially damaging book comes after an apparent thawing of relations between the prime minister and his chancellor, with well placed insiders saying the often tempestuous relationship is on its most even keel in years.
Many industry insiders are concerned that Budweiser Select, for example, will only cannibalize sales of established brands like Bud Light.
The term trust agent,'' the authors write, refers to company insiders who are not only fluent in the language of technology, but also adept at using social media to build credibility with the online community, where a hard-sell, product-oriented approach is often counterproductive. Top Stories
No doubt the winner will be most gratified and a coterie of industry insiders will take great interest in the results.
That might be optimistic: insiders predict a far lower turnout for the mayoral election.
Times, Sunday Times
Industry insiders say some companies have begun to build more man-days into project budgets because of commuter crawl.
Whether they were acting on some kind of insider information is certainly possible.
The Sun
This antithesis of two different worlds truly serves as a classification of groups, i.e., insiders and outsiders.
BTopenworld is ditching its 24/7 unmetered dial-up service, according to insiders.
I was less pleased to hear from an insider in the motor trade on what he says is the way the business works.
The Sun
Insider dealing may likewise be justified on this basis.
The script is in the early stages but insiders say it will revolve around life in the music industry.
The Sun
It is precisely this awareness that delineates a separation between spectator and performer as insider/outsider.
Being mere insiders, uncritically, may often result in the production of mindless celebratory writing, rhetorical flourishes, and populist clichés - so easy to imbibe and so banal.
The move appears to confirm the suspicions of industry insiders that the job was too big.
Times, Sunday Times
It seems that these patterns are maintained by insider knowledge depending on the extent to which speakers belong to relatively close-knit groups.
Industry insiders say that bankers are working overtime to set up potential deals.
Times, Sunday Times
An announcement detailing the exact route of the second phase of the project has been delayed by the government for almost two years, according to another insider.
Times, Sunday Times
And as for not being local to the constituency...well, one way or another, he's been involved in things Glasgwegian and close to Glasgow for most of his life, and has solid roots in the region: it's not as if he is a stereotypical out-of-touch party insider "airlifted" into a place in which he is unaware or uninterested or uninvolved with the concerns of the constituents
Be Kerr-ful what you wish for
However the FBI-style agency will not conduct its own investigations or prosecutions, although many Whitehall insiders believe this could eventually happen.
But Jagannatha, now both insider and outsider, is convinced that the townspeople are still "embryos in the womb of God," which is why the Holeyaru "haven't yet found their voice in history.
Hinduism Cast Against Modernity
An insider said: 'The genie is out of the bottle.
Times, Sunday Times
In Wednesday's verdict, the jury found him not guilty on some insider trading and money laundering charges, but reached no decision on charges of fraud and conspiracy.
But university leaders are confident that "wonk" - which they define as "an intellectually curious person" or "a knowledgeable Washington insider" - captures something essential about American.
American University, now home to the 'American Wonk'
To continue reading, register here and become an Insider. You'll get free access to premium content from CIO, Computerworld, CSO, InfoWorld, and Network World.
It's the kind of dig that gets a sharp response from Wembley insiders.
Insider trading could be one phrase for that.
Times, Sunday Times
Those whose operations and appointments are put off may be returned to the back of lengthening queues, insiders say.
The Sun
As an outspoken industry insider insider meaning when inside my garage I absolutely abhor the New and Improved over Old and Inferior mktg rampantly blazed into out eyeballs.
The Irrelevancy of Time: Bicycle Products Don't Spoil
Analysts and industry insiders accept that consolidation in stockbroking is inevitable as the Irish stock market loses more and more of its companies.
Insiders said the move was 'a matter of hours' away last night.
The Sun
Many industry insiders were sure that if Google were serious about acquiring a portfolio of patents, InterDigital would be its target.
'Packed with celebrity mentions and insider takes on exclusive Manhattan nightspots, this novel will captivate Weisberger's fans, who are sure to enjoy the dishy, if expansive, details'.
Everyone Worth Knowing by Lauren Weisberger: Book summary
An ultimate Washington insider to the sword hilt, he was the catalyst for the Plame Affair, which for my money (follow the money!) was the most fascinating real-life crime mystery ever, with all the classic elements: spies, traitors, journalists sworn to protect their scumbag sources, smoking guns, powerful people up to and including the president of the United States, a sexy blond lady as the victim.
Robert D. Novak Is in the Book
With the right access, a cheap thumb drive and a vendetta are the only ingredients an insider needs to obtain and leak secrets.
SFGate: Top News Stories
An insider said: 'This has thrown a spanner in the works.
The Sun
However, now more than half of the original insiders seem to think the shares are somewhat underpriced in the $85 to $95 range.
It was the first time that an insider dealer had been given a prison sentence in a case brought by the FSA.
Times, Sunday Times
If a judge sentenced Bernad Madoff to have his hands cut off, and this punishment applied to all ponzi schemes, insurance frauds, insider traders, naked short sellers, and any other white collar criminals, well I think a lot of prospectuses ande company stat sheets would instantly change to reflect actual profits and losses.
Brian Dugan Sentenced to Death Row for 1983 Murder of Jeanine Nicarico | Should Moratorium on Death Penalty Be Lifted?
Mr. Slaine, after he was approached by the Federal Bureau of Investigation in July 2007, became a key cooperator in gathering evidence for the government in a much broader insider-trading probe.
No Jail Time for Cooperating Trader
Another insider said the campaign reflected the dullness of political advertising in Ireland.
The insider that images amounts on camera.
The Sun
I've been curator (known variously as Cyn Cyty and the dauphine; guess which I prefer?) of the Redskins Insider since its inception with Jason La Canfora and now with Jason Reid.
The Early Lead: Where everybody knows your user name
Now, what's interesting here is the dimension it illuminates for me of the outlook of Microsoft insiders.
Germany still has no insider-dealing offence in its statute books.
Financial deform is next, insiders defending insiders. joe from Lowell says:
Matthew Yglesias » Endgame
Legal (and ethical) barriers deterred people from engaging in insider trading and punished people who cross the line.
Although the IPO was heavily oversubscribed, the insiders did not exploit the chance to cash in some shares.
One insider who has seen the report said it was pretty jaw-dropping stuff.
Note the word "club" by a Google insider for what they were using to whack their allies to stop Skyhook.
Nathan Newman: Window into Google's Monopoly Maneuvers: More Internal Skyhook Emails
The conjecture is that speculators are acting on insider information.
This technology is just one of the current ways of allowing physical objects to go online - a concept dubbed the 'Internet of things,' which industry insiders have shortened to IoT.
The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
The harm from insider trading is the interference with the disclosure of corporate information.
In India, the great 12 th-century poet-mystic Basava, who rebelled against ritualistic and superstitious temple worship and caste system, was a critical insider.
Jesse has a long surfboard with a full-length picture of Adolf Hitler doing the 'Sieg Heil' salute, along with a swastika, in his office," explained the insider.
The News is - The News is Now Public
Insiders worried that it could in fact be unhelpful and make it more difficult to create good syllabuses.
But since it seems like everyone on Twitter and Facebook and even the shiny happy hosts of E.T and The Insider has already clowned on these big-ticket celebrity scandals, a lot of Kath's material felt played out.
Watercooler: Is Kathy Griffin Tired?
Our insider says: 'Their sizzling chemistry keeps bringing them back together against all odds.
The Sun
Misuse of database information by insiders happens everyday, and there's little we can do about it.
Equally, legitimizing insider dealing could encourage managers to invest in risky projects.
SNP insiders fear that the anti-Labour vote will be split between them, the Conservatives and ex-Glasgow provost Pat Lally.
An insider said last night: 'There is a real feeling of discontent.
The Sun
The FSA has been trying for years to claim a big scalp as part of a failing effort to stamp out insider trading.
Times, Sunday Times
Yet there has also been dismay that concern over insider dealing may threaten the flow of information.
'Selling' a feature while calling it foolish to insiders in the background would be a very bad experience to the hocused customers.
The intel dream compared with the OLPC dream
Insiders are concerned that it could take him years to pay off the remainder.
Times, Sunday Times
Insiders denied the Midland was losing business in the increasingly competitive luxury hotel market.
If you are not an insider, the Qing Dynasty snuffbox or the old watch might just be an archaized article produced last year.
Many suspect insider traders are using ingenious methods.
Times, Sunday Times
Political insiders plot to ruin the ruling family and bring an end to their rule and lives.
In western capitalist economies the vast majority of governments have sought to reflect this distinction by adopting anti-insider dealing laws.
One insider who has seen the report said it was pretty jaw-dropping stuff.
But one senior WHO insider said that there has been a gradual reversion to the old hierarchical system.
The past five months have brought charges of price gouging, illegal insider trading, kickbacks and payola that have rocked the industry.
Remember when insider trading got them an automatic season ticket to Camelot ?
The general consensus of opinion is that a successful action under s.62 for insider dealing will be hard to sustain.
Insider's tip Put the palm of your hand against a wall and keep your elbow straight by supporting it with the other hand.
Times, Sunday Times
The audience is perhaps most acutely aware of the boundary between interiority / exteriority, insider/outsider when a spectator crosses the line and becomes part of the performance action.
Here are some insider treatments used by the pros.
The Sun
Party insiders admit the party will struggle to hold on to its heartlands in areas like Birmingham and Tyneside.
More than three insiders buying or selling may just indicate the imminence of positive or negative news.
The move appears to confirm the suspicions of industry insiders that the job was too big.
Times, Sunday Times
These are rather more extreme examples but 1 fact is clearly evident from the divergence of their underlying value at the time of their downfall and their reflected stock price ... key-insider information was restricted by a select few who profited and violated the Strong-Form EMH.
Resisting Efficient Markets, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
A new insider confides that she has never before heard people talk about adjuncts as if they were not even in the room when they actually were.
These hosts are actors who follow scripts, so don't expect the ad-libbing acumen of Billy Crystal, but they've already got some insiders on the edge of their seats.
Oscars 2011 preview: What will viewers be talking about?
In any case, the work of insiders advocating social change is invaluable and has a profound impact.
He had a reputation among Washington insiders for being prickly, abrasive, brash, impatient, and intolerant of bureaucratic foot-dragging.
It said the involved parties may profit or avoid losses from such trading based on insider information.
Space industry insiders can barely contain their excitement.
Times, Sunday Times
Soon a Troll insider (believed to be a tapeworm) was blabbing to one of Potya's notorious "purple-topped" tabloids that the forward from the land where mutton is king had been sucking up so much helium, "sometimes we have to fetch him down from the ceiling using a boat hook".
Helium-sniffing Simeon Troll goes for broke in the mad world of Potya
NEW YORK Reuters - A U.S. government request that Galleon Group hedge fund founder Raj Rajaratnam spend as much as 24-1/2 years in prison -- a term associated more with murder than financial crimes -- raises the ante in the biggest individual insider trading case in a generation.
Reuters: Top News
Insiders last night claimed she was furious that her co-host had been offered lucrative high-profile jobs.
The Sun
Consequently they ought to owe the same duties as traditional insiders.