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How To Use Insecure In A Sentence

  • This blogger is a seriously insecure woman who needs to examine her shaky sense of privilege before again attempting to write about transpeople. The Brave One Goes Crazy And Murders Weekend Box Office
  • None of us wanted to ‘need’ cigarettes almost desperately and to feel insecure and anxious without them.
  • I think she must be insecure or something, as in her footage she bleats about having ‘too many faults’ when the cameras follow her into the change room.
  • At best, he's a vain, insecure man; at worst, he's a paranoid megalomaniac narcissist.
  • Agriculture relies heavily on migrants to fill its low paid and insecure jobs.
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  • Why would he wanna crawl after such an insecure, uptight little snot?
  • So this gaff is all the reporters fault for being insecure? Think Progress » President Bush To Legally Blind Reporter: ‘Are You Going to Ask That Question with Shades On?’
  • He felt insecure because his Catholic education was so exiguous — it amounted to one year at a Jesuit prep school in England. Daredevil
  • In The Victim, the Jewish son of an anti-gentile and ghetto-mentality storekeeper is being given a hard time by an insecure and alcoholic WASP. The Great Assimilator
  • Think of those memories when you feel insecure. The Sun
  • I have been insecure all my life but for the past year it has slowly been getting worse. The Sun
  • Since you say she is already quite insecure, you need to broach this issue sensitively. Times, Sunday Times
  • The other trump card of the pessimists, erotic desire, is notoriously restless and insecure, and apt to deliver only partial fulfilments.
  • When we reconnected at a Middlebury Christmas party a couple of years ago, she informed me, being perhaps slightly under the influence of holiday cheer, that her self-confident college persona had been a ruse—that she was insecure, alienated and frankly didn't know how to have a good time. She's Gone to the Dogs
  • Although she followed this with hit after hit, she was desperately insecure and hid herself under thick make-up and a beehive hairdo.
  • Explain that people seek out cliques because they feel insecure or crave the protection of the group. Times, Sunday Times
  • It left me feeling very insecure in my own abilities. Times, Sunday Times
  • The menu is insecure enough to try and impress merely with girth and size. Times, Sunday Times
  • I felt I was very inhibited and shy and insecure in many ways.
  • I wonder what it was about her upbringing that made her so insecure.
  • The horses slithered down the shallow bank and onto the glassy surface at a rapid trot, but the black was mistrustful of the insecure footing and jibbed skittishly.
  • He's very insecure about his appearance.
  • Their attachment to primary carers was classified as insecure/anxious or avoidant.
  • I don't want an insecure man or a man whose feelings do not come naturally. Times, Sunday Times
  • Beneath the surface calm, she felt very insecure.
  • I'd agree that it is head-and-shoulders above most sitcoms but it follows hackneyed gender traditions (men are blokeish and committment-phobic; women are insecure and needy).
  • She had grown insecure and doubtful of herself.
  • We are constantly amazed at people leaving valuables on show in their cars or leaving their homes unattended and insecure.
  • She admits to feeling insecure and says that she would have loved a desk job. Times, Sunday Times
  • The 50-year-old Ukrainian was injured when a lifeboat he was in became insecure on its davits and dropped about 2ft while his ship was moored at Parkeston Quay.
  • If what we as a society generally laud is the end result of ambition, the movie is fascinating for laying bare the ugly and insecure process to such a polished end product. Elizabeth Nicholas: There Goes Your Social Life
  • People are just jumping aboard the zeitgeist in insecure times.
  • He says he'll stand by me but I still feel insecure about leaving my husband. The Sun
  • I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best. Marilyn Monroe 
  • By then Mike, though insecure in his ability to improvise, dreamed of being a jazz musician.
  • Otherwise, you risk improper and insecure configuration of all system software, as well as noncertifiable network design.
  • To get my mac to the same, I had to setup a similar program, and both hacks ended up constantly sending flat files to my server over insecure FTP.
  • To me, this paints a picture of a deeply insecure woman who had long since waved goodbye to the verge of paranoia and blundered into the chasm of abject delusion.
  • And all the time prominent politicians in all parties have sounded more like insecure playground bullies than thoughtful national leaders. Times, Sunday Times
  • I am also feeling anxious and insecure and I'm not really sure why.
  • Just look at Microsoft's buggy, insecure personal computer operating systems over the years.
  • They appear anxious, insecure, cautious, sensitive and quiet, and often react by crying and withdrawing.
  • When teens are depressed, anxious, insecure, angry, frustrated or just plain feeling crummy inside, they often act out as a way of expressing negative feelings.
  • He paused and thought about doubling down, but seemed afraid to put out the extra money on such an insecure gamble.
  • You cannot have two mega-personalities in a relationship where both are needy, egotistical, insecure and dependent on public approbation.
  • Beneath the surface calm, she felt very insecure.
  • Gyro aka Gerald Shade Robotnik is a sweet, but shy and insecure boy, beside his father looks - Business News
  • An early life of insecure attachments does not necessarily mean a future of unhappiness. Times, Sunday Times
  • He is a flawed, insecure character who seems suddenly to fear being left on his own.
  • The character was described as the nebbish, not so great with the women, really kind of insecure, starting over. TV Addict Interview: UNHITCHED Star Shaun Majumder | the TV addict
  • Throughout the 60s and 70s, Jack Lemmon was typecast as a tense, neurotic, excruciatingly insecure pen pusher.
  • Yet the attack has made such an impact on the anxious and insecure Western elites that there is serious talk of it causing an economic recession.
  • Think of those memories when you feel insecure. The Sun
  • And all the time prominent politicians in all parties have sounded more like insecure playground bullies than thoughtful national leaders. Times, Sunday Times
  • The photographs might represent a wild goose chase after the random neuroses of an insecure young woman.
  • Frequently on the run, we would occupy some huddle of rough huts from one insecure night till the next.
  • It is an insecure factor for power system operation short circuit currents exceed breakers interrupting capabilities.
  • Further back in female evolutionary history, being constantly anxious, insecure and highly strung was vital to the survival of the female. Times, Sunday Times
  • It made me feel insecure and unfulfilled. The Sun
  • Sitting amidst this scared, insecure clique is Reiser, spinning a web of bullshit like a master hypnotist. Current Movie Reviews, Independent Movies - Film Threat
  • The gang of three or four raiders got into the house through an insecure back door between 8pm and 8.20 pm on Saturday night.
  • This meant there were fewer people doing more, and working longer hours, in intrinsically insecure jobs from top floor to the shop floor.
  • The front door remains insecure from the last time it was kicked in.
  • We've all seen people who are bright, talented, and capable - but also blatantly insecure: disputatious, difficult, and ultimately ineffective.
  • She is very insecure and constantly seeks reassurance that he loves her.
  • So it's rather endearing to find that she's as insecure as the rest of us. Times, Sunday Times
  • Meanwhile, slouchy, insecure Brigitte starts feeling complex emotions.
  • Since you say she is already quite insecure, you need to broach this issue sensitively. Times, Sunday Times
  • Before the floods, an estimated one-million people in Benin were already dealing with insecure food supplies, and more than one third of children under five were chronically malnourished. Agencies Appeal for Aid to Help Benin's Flood Victims
  • Like an insecure teenager, we shout obscenities, mistaking disdain for interest.
  • We live in economically insecure and politically confusing times. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Treatise veers between the insecure pompousness and pompous insecurity of a man who dons bling on dirty fingers and then sets out to create the urtext of social seemliness. Caroline Hagood: Blast From the Past: Honoré de Balzac's New English Release, Treatise on Elegant Living
  • Dependent and insecure, they may find it difficult to join in and to assert themselves.
  • He worried endlessly, for he is far more insecure than the opaque hard man many imagine. Times, Sunday Times
  • Part of this was a reaction to the bumpiness of the adoption process, part of it just a by-product of who we are: overly ruminative, insecure people. Freud’s Blind Spot
  • His answers were not satisfactory, and it appeared that he may well have been referring, not to the hazard lights, but to an internal warning light telling him that there was an open or insecure door.
  • It is no surprise, in these circumstances, that survey after survey shows that workers feel more insecure and anxious than at any time in our peacetime history.
  • The tragedy is that it'll probably be these two guys who get sued, not the incompetent morons at entrac who sold fedex-kinko's an unbelievably insecure system. thats freaking awesome. now i just need a smart card writer. News
  • The heroine, in a nice change of pace from the usual insecure whiner, is described by the mangaka herself as "invincible"--she is coolly confident in herself and her quite formidable powers. Manga Mondays with Kethylia 12/3 | Comics Should Be Good! @ Comic Book Resources
  • I was feeling insecure you might not love me anymore. John Lennon 
  • Everyone is feeling very insecure. The Sun
  • But people are still being made to work harder, in worse conditions, with more managerial bullying and in more insecure temporary jobs.
  • But still this is a dangerous period and an insecure period for Najaf.
  • Vulnerable and insecure people are at a huge disadvantage in making informed choices. Times, Sunday Times
  • I think she's a big, nervous, worrywart, who's really insecure sometimes.
  • She admits to feeling insecure and says that she would have loved a desk job. Times, Sunday Times
  • Yet a failure to reinvent themselves will be a tragedy for the new 'precariat' in insecure jobs. Times, Sunday Times
  • The woman feels insecure in this relationship, and is even embarrassed when her friends speak of their husbands while she refers to her perennial boyfriend as her gentleman or the children's father or more crudely put, "Mi man" or "dem pickney puppa". | Lead Stories
  • Thus, the confident, happy associate or secretary may be more likely to complain than her insecure, anxious counterpart.
  • It creates a jumpy, insecure, self-doubting person. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's left me feeling rather insecure, and slightly terrified of the future.
  • Since you say she is already quite insecure, you need to broach this issue sensitively. Times, Sunday Times
  • In spite of her enormous popularity and the huge attraction she held for men throughout her life she remained incredibly insecure.
  • As an artist he was always financially insecure.
  • On the converse side, I know a girl who is so cripplingly insecure with such a fixed negative self image that she soon brings most other people around her to seeing her as she sees herself.
  • He added that the people are feeling insecure during the rule of present dispensation.
  • The latter two are deviously funny as perverts, self-aggrandising but insecure bounty hunters, game-show-host-styled hangmen, and lords and ladies of the depraved aristocracy.
  • Most are too insecure to consult a rabbi or join a religious community.
  • He may be insecure, but his insecurity expresses itself not in egomania or depression, but in a garrulous, love-me-do amiability.
  • When this need is not met, a woman may feel abandoned, lonely, and insecure.
  • The planetary precariat -- illegal immigrants, temporary and informal workers, insecure indebted citizens in neoliberal post-welfare states, dwellers in peri-urban slums and refugee camps are profoundly limited in their capacity to engage in acts of consent. Amor mundi
  • His diaries show him to have been an extremely insecure person.
  • A lot of systems and service can invade Zhang date ascribe is insecure with impertinent password, some virus software and vermian virus can guess a simpler password.
  • He still feels insecure about his ability to do the job.
  • She's actually rather insecure, and her rudeness is just a defence mechanism.
  • She's quite insecure in general and I think that must be why. Times, Sunday Times
  • I feel: insecure, confused, uncertain, jealous, stupid, useless, used, saddened, frustrated, and so on.
  • The human psyche is so pathetically insecure that we would rather die of lung cancer than confront an uncomfortable situation.
  • The remainder of the protection is dependent upon insecure conventions and understandings.
  • So long as frontier zones of the empire remained insecure, the tsar had to eschew an ambitious foreign policy.
  • Look at why you feel so insecure. The Sun
  • The human psyche is so pathetically insecure that we would rather die of lung cancer than confront an uncomfortable situation.
  • They are bereft, insecure and despairing immigrants left in the street to beg.
  • Only weeks before she had written to the council because of concerns about the insecure front door.
  • It's overly simplistic to label a player insecure or unsure of his masculinity.
  • But how many paid any attention when companies started hoarding money on insecure infrastructures?
  • John XXIII connived to ensure that Czech reformer Jan Hus was burned at the stake—even as his own position became insecure. How the Secular World Began
  • Insecure styles are hallmarked by features of instability, including ambivalent behavior, preoccupation, avoidant responses, and a lack of cooperative communication in the mother-child pair.
  • Imagine being insecure enough to boast about that. Times, Sunday Times
  • By such means insecure they were given the familistic support of a clearly, if artificially created collectivity.
  • In all fairness, his preoccupation with glancing around this way and that like an insecure gazelle in an open savanna for his pursuers was justifiable given that he still had not quite yet deciphered where he had ended up.
  • Compare that with, say, a large proportion of the population who don't have those choices and are stuck in low paid, insecure jobs.
  • Thieves entered through an insecure rear door and removed the brown Radley bag, worth £100, from the kitchen.
  • In reality these are insecure, badly paid jobs.
  • Many of these children become aligned with only one parent so they become less anxious and insecure.
  • I wonder what it was about her upbringing that made her so insecure.
  • He is actually quite insecure. The Sun
  • He's very insecure about his appearance.
  • I have silently supported the movement of “precariat workers” [whose jobs are poorly paid, insecure and unprotected]. Toyota's 'Just-in-Time' System and the Akihabara Killings
  • It's perhaps the ultimate confirmation of what an insecure, pathetic third-rate talent Williams is that he not only feels the need to put one over on his opponent, but that he tells people about it.
  • By then Mike, though insecure in his ability to improvise, dreamed of being a jazz musician.
  • My concern, however, is, especially in the articles on a specific kind of cryptosystem, the insistence that any particular encryption technology is completely insecure. Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • A neglectful, stressed or inconsistent parent gave the kind of care which tended to lead to anxious, insecure or avoidant children.
  • It's not because she's needy or insecure or confused.
  • The commitment of marriage often gives an insecure man license to clamp down in control. Christianity Today
  • Saxons, Vikings, and Celts is padded like an insecure debutante: sales pitches for Oxford Ancestors, descriptions of the scenery of the Scottish isles, praise for the fine organization of British blood drives, reminiscences of professional colleagues, accounts of local folklore, even a recommendation for a particularly fine ice cream parlor in Lampeter, Wales. Britain
  • Everyone is feeling very insecure. The Sun
  • This behaviour is the act of an insecure idiot who can only feel good about himself by knocking people down. Memory Is The Guardian Of Everything « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • As an atheist, he believes that religion is just an emotional crutch for the insecure.
  • Experts estimate that between 70 % and 80 % of wireless networks are insecure.
  • Unfortunately due to an insecure external door he was able to slip out of a communal area within the custody unit into the rear enclosed car park of the police station.
  • Women are still relatively new to the marketplace and are more economically insecure than men.
  • He allows us to understand that art snobs are insecure people: that the problem is theirs, not ours. Times, Sunday Times
  • Men are psychologically insecure - their hearts are filled with emptiness and emotional insecurity, and they are always hungry for a sense of stillness, tranquility, serenity and happiness. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • Further back in female evolutionary history, being constantly anxious, insecure and highly strung was vital to the survival of the female. Times, Sunday Times
  • She feels very insecure about her marriage.
  • Nishi is an awkward, insecure manga artist who has never been able to properly confess his love for his childhood sweetheart Myon.
  • I began to feel insecure about my job as a printer, and became convinced that my girlfriend would leave me.
  • I have been insecure all my life but for the past year it has slowly been getting worse. The Sun
  • In spite of her enormous popularity and the huge attraction she held for men throughout her life she remained incredibly insecure.
  • The inferences made by the psychologists in your report suggest she is insecure or unsure of herself which is why she overreacts so much.
  • Hackers can take advantage of the advances in cryptanalysis or malicious instance resources to render cryptographic algorithms insecure.
  • She has changed from a mousey, insecure, drift into the background type person to a very outspoken confident individual. 'The Office' recap: Movin' on up |
  • I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best. Marilyn Monroe 
  • The system in this country is so insecure and so wobbly.
  • Somehow, we must each admit that we are tiny, insecure, and needy.
  • It also decreases the likelihood that a maintainer will insecurely use the file name (they need to use the file descriptor instead).
  • It makes one feel insecure and uncertain, and it can be hard to live with uncertainties about oneself and one 's abilities. Banish Anxiety - how to stop worrying and take charge of your life
  • his fortune was increasingly insecure
  • Finally, cryptanalysis advances can render any cryptographic mechanism or algorithm insecure as novel methods of breaking them are discovered.
  • I helped Mantle with two books and came to understand how needy he was, how insecure.
  • He is equal parts superior, insecure, vain, snobbish, and fearful.
  • Should we buy euros in an attempt to strengthen what is an insecure currency?
  • Everything that is happening out there says, people are insecure and uncertain about what's ahead.
  • We all know that this country is insecure and xenophobic: the question is, as Lenin said, What Is To Be Done?
  • On the other hand, there are lots and lots of ways to make DCOM applications insecure, so maybe one of them is just waiting for somebody to send it an entirely unauthenticated request to overwrite selected files on my hard disk.
  • She's very insecure about her appearance.
  • I tried not to sound insecure as she zipped me up.
  • I was feeling insecure you might not love me anymore. John Lennon 
  • One myth is that it makes jobs insecure in developed countries, or that insecurity is a price that must be paid for economic growth.
  • Children who learn at a different pace or are anxious or insecure can also be targets for bullies.
  • The Treatise veers between the insecure pompousness and pompous insecurity of a man who dons bling on dirty fingers and then sets out to create the urtext of social seemliness. Caroline Hagood: Blast From the Past: Honoré de Balzac's New English Release, Treatise on Elegant Living
  • Too much clutter and you'll look insecure. Times, Sunday Times
  • It had become apparent to one or two more practical and sober-minded in the party, that certain portions of the "Blazing Star" tunnel (owing, perhaps, to the exigencies of a flattering annual dividend) were economically and imperfectly "shored" and supported, and were, consequently, unsafe, insecure, and to be avoided. Tales of the Argonauts
  • Imagine being insecure enough to boast about that. Times, Sunday Times
  • I don't want an insecure man or a man whose feelings do not come naturally. Times, Sunday Times
  • Officers were visiting homes and where they find windows and doors insecure they will hand out crime prevention advice to residents.
  • Naples has always had a tenuous and insecure grasp upon health and hygiene. Whicker's War
  • Some men feel insecure around a woman who is fully formed. The Sun
  • This is a clear attempt to scratch the itch of racism, homophobia and bigotry and pander to the culturally insecure in order to grub for votes.
  • The work that needs to be done at the bottom is performed by increasingly desperate but invisible workers living on the insecure economic edge.
  • Thus do an insecure, reclusive dictator and an insecure, impulsive foreign affairs naif hold the peace of the world in their hands.
  • He was by nature insecure and self-doubting, the victim of depressive moods and bouts of indolence.
  • Any husband who would be "disconcerted" by having a wife capable of finding interesting and original things to say to people would be way too insecure and twat-like to pull such a social competent in the first place. What blokes say
  • The more parents are led to believe that they need this kind of prescriptive advice about how to relate to their children, the more stilted and insecure they are going to become in everyday interactions with their kids.
  • I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best. Marilyn Monroe 
  • Acting Sergeant Paul Evans from Skipton Police said that residents needed to be mindful about leaving their doors and windows open or insecure in the warm weather.
  • Since you say she is already quite insecure, you need to broach this issue sensitively. Times, Sunday Times
  • I currently have elderly patients who describe feeling insecure when not wearing their hip protectors.
  • Insecure land tenure is a common problem faced by African pastoralists and by indigenous peoples more globally.
  • Women are still relatively new to the marketplace and are more economically insecure than men.
  • However, up to now, insecure, temporary or casual jobs were strictly regulated and constituted a minority.
  • Their tenure of office was uncertain and insecure.
  • It is an intensely insecure profession, pursued under the glare of a relentless media.
  • You felt very insecure and needed constant reassurance. Times, Sunday Times
  • A spokesman for West Yorrkshire police said an insecure back door of the the semi-derelict house had been forced and they were treating the attack as a burglary with racial overtones.
  • The human psyche is so pathetically insecure that we would rather die of lung cancer than confront an uncomfortable situation.
  • His inbox is stuffed with furious emails from what he says are angry and insecure men. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's normal to feel insecure, but don't cower and avoid uncertainty.
  • You are slightly insecure, and need to be constantly validated and praised by your lover in order to feel good about the relationship.

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