
How To Use Insectivorous In A Sentence

  • Barn swallows are small insectivorous passerines that feed on the wing.
  • Seeps in sand hills support acid bog species including southern sweetbay, gallberry, wax-myrtles, fetterbush, insectivorous plants, orchids, and wild azalea. Ecoregions of Louisiana (EPA)
  • Insectivores are fairly common because insects are very common but the small size and low nutrient value of insects means that most insectivorous mammals are small, except the anteaters.
  • I have been working for some time on a special subject, namely insectivorous plants. More Letters of Charles Darwin — Volume 2
  • Data will show exactly how good a year this has been for these insectivorous birds. Times, Sunday Times
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  • These bats are primarily insectivorous (although they have been observed to eat fruit on occasion) and hawk insects in flight.
  • Plants such as birds-eye primrose, wild thyme, bilberry and the insectivorous butterwort will expand, creating spectacular landscapes.
  • This order, which includes lemurs, monkeys, apes, and man, seems to have sprung from a creodont or insectivorous ancestry in the lower Eocene. The Elements of Geology
  • Equally surprising are the mouthparts of the creature's curious digestive track that suggest a rather singular amalgam of arthropodous characteristics with those of insectivorous plants.
  • Furthermore, when the bellbirds, tuis, kaka, and native insectivorous birds attempt to feed on native invertebrates, they again face competition from wasps, which devour spiders, caterpillars, ants, bees, and flies.
  • The main interest of the question of course lies in its bearing on the long-disputed relations between plants and animals; for, since neither locomotion nor irritability is peculiar to animals; since many insectivorous plants habitually digest solid food; since cellulose, that most characteristic of vegetable products, is practically identical with the tunicin of Ascidians, it becomes of the greatest interest to know whether the chlorophyl of animals preserves its ordinary vegetable function of effecting or aiding the decomposition of carbonic anhydride and the synthetic production of starch. Scientific American Supplement, No. 324, March 18, 1882
  • The extremely long, forked tail is nearly always a dead give-away that this species is insectivorous and captures its flying prey whilst both are on the wing. Mystery bird: scissor-tailed flycatcher, Tyrannus forficatus
  • Consequently, insect life flourished and provided an abundance of food for insectivorous birds and bats. Times, Sunday Times
  • Despite numerous other studies demonstrating the importance of insectivorous birds to insect herbivore densities, bird exclusion resulted in relatively weak effects on the arthropod community on our saplings.
  • There is a very large group of insectivorous and fruit-eating birds very suitable for aviculture, but their mode of living necessarily involves considerable care on the part of the aviculturist in the preparation of their food. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 1 "Austria, Lower" to "Bacon"
  • All these mammalian orders stem from small insectivorous animals that inhabited the forests while the dinosaurs were still living.
  • These bats are strictly insectivorous and may be further limited in diet to moths and butterflies.
  • Most carnivorous - "insectivorous" - plants do feed on insects and such buggy invertebrates. SFGate: Top News Stories
  • The barn swallow is a socially monogamous, semicolonial, insectivorous passerine.
  • The means of intraspecific communication in the insectivorous fossorial mammals clearly needs to be examined in more detail and is not addressed further here.
  • These insectivorous birds are found from the southwestern U.S. through Honduras in Central America. Mystery bird: Ladder-backed woodpecker, Picoides scalaris | @GrrlScientist
  • The yapoks’ diet has not been studied extensively, but they are believed to be both insectivorous and omnivorous, feeding opportunistically on animals such as cray-fish.
  • Almost all Mesozoic mammals were insectivorous.
  • Vireos are small, primarily insectivorous passerines that live in forested or scrub habitats.
  • All species are insectivorous, hawking insects in flight.
  • The savanna understory includes an endemic insectivorous sundew (Drosera indica). Sumba deciduous forests
  • Barn swallows are small insectivorous passerines that feed on the wing.
  • Arthropods smaller than 1 mm, ants, isopods, and arthropods with aposematic colorations were excluded from the counts because these are rarely consumed by insectivorous birds.
  • The sicklebills are predominantly insectivorous and possess long down-curved bills which they use for digging insects out of rotten wood, or from behind bark.
  • It is a migratory, insectivorous species, breeding mainly in forests in Siberia. Rare birds flock to British shores in record numbers
  • Kibitz The flycatcher (also called lapwing, pewit, and other names) is an insectivorous bird with an irritating cry. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XIII No 2
  • Omnivorous, herbivorous, and insectivorous species were selected for study of plant chemical discrimination to facilitate comparisons between diet and chemosensory responses in relation to iguanian phylogeny.
  • Like motmots and todies, kingfishers often have brilliant plumage, are largely insectivorous, and nest in cavities that are often excavated in earthen banks.
  • It is an insectivorous plant and plays a special role in an ecosystem.
  • They're mostly insectivorous but will eat small seeds. Times, Sunday Times
  • It would be almost an impossibility to keep the purely insectivorous species, were it not for the fact that they can be gradually accustomed to feed on what is known as "insectivorous" or "insectile" food, a composition of which the principal ingredients generally consist of dried ants 'cocoons, dried flies, dried powdered meat, preserved yolk of egg, [1] and crumb of bread or biscuit. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 1 "Austria, Lower" to "Bacon"
  • Like wrens, these birds are insectivorous soft bills, and seeds can seriously damage their beaks and digestive systems.
  • The barn swallow is a semicolonial, aerially insectivorous passerine.
  • I started with aardvark, calling it a burrowing insectivorous mammal, then aardwolf, a hyena-like mammal, making my way to acclimate—to accustom or become accustomed to new surroundings or circumstances. The Beautiful Miscellaneous
  • Herbivorous, granivorous and insectivorous birds have a highly specialized, muscular gizzard with an inner lining of hard cuticle.
  • The insectivorous tenrec Tenrec ecaudatus, introduced to the Seychelles from Madagascar, also occurs. Vallée de Mai Nature Reserve, Seychelles
  • Many kingfishers are unspecialized carnivores that are often largely insectivorous, and may take prey from the ground, the air, water or foliage.
  • The females multiply parthenogenetically at an enormous rate, and the insects at all stages are greedily taken by insectivorous animals. Times, Sunday Times
  • Most insects win the battle with insectivorous plants. Times, Sunday Times
  • The ancestral amniotes were small animals, superficially resembling primitive, insectivorous lizards.
  • The new find is thought to belong to a group of small, mainly insectivorous birds called white eyes, which are related to warblers.
  • Contrary to popular belief, bats are not helpless on the ground or in the water, and some insectivorous species feed on ground-dwelling insects as much or more than they feed on insects captured in flight.
  • Herbivorous, granivorous and insectivorous birds have a highly specialized, muscular gizzard with an inner lining of hard cuticle.
  • It's as if memory functions like some swift and rapacious insectivorous plant.
  • These bats are primarily insectivorous, and most hawk insects in flight, often using their wings like tennis rackets and swatting the insects into the tail membrane.
  • The ancestral amniotes were small animals, superficially resembling primitive, insectivorous lizards.
  • Like motmots and todies, kingfishers often have brilliant plumage, are largely insectivorous, and nest in cavities that are often excavated in earthen banks.
  • Like most insectivorous bats, the New Zealand short-tailed bat hunts insects in the air by using echolocation.
  • The Venus flytrap is a must for boys who enjoy watching the insectivorous plant capture its prey - usually a housefly - before devouring it over several days.
  • This suggests that dibblers are essentially insectivorous dietary generalists and opportunists.
  • He studied also the contrivances of certain insectivorous plants, such as the Drosera and the Dionaea, to seize their prey. Evolution créatrice. English
  • Thomisids are among the favourite prey of insectivorous birds and other invertebrates.
  • This suggests that these animals were insectivorous or carnivorous.
  • These bats are strictly insectivorous and may be further limited in diet to moths and butterflies.
  • When we reached First Bog, we lay flat on the wooden bridge and searched the peaty water for the aquatic lesser bladderwort, another of the local insectivorous plants. Wildwood
  • In collaboration with Professor Cutler J. Cleveland (Boston University) and Jeff Frank (Indigo Systems Corporation), and Gary McCracken (University of Tennessee), we are using infrared thermal imaging to census bats as they emerge nightly from caves, NEXRAD II Doppler radar to assess landscape patterns of nightly dispersal, and economic modeling to assess the impact that this insectivorous species has on a major agroecosystem in Texas. Contributor: Thomas Kunz
  • Small insectivorous passerines, which typically feed the nestlings with small food items at a very high rate, are ideal as model species because limitations in food supply are likely to have an immediate effect on nestling hunger.
  • insectivorous plants are considered carnivores
  • These bats are primarily insectivorous, and most hawk insects in flight, often using their wings like tennis rackets and swatting the insects into the tail membrane.
  • Nocturnal, with huge eyes for night vision, they are primarily insectivorous, and also prey on birds and snakes. Times, Sunday Times
  • These insectivorous species feed on a wide range of aerial insects, some of which are considered to be major agricultural pests, including corn earworms and cotton boleworms. Contributor: Thomas Kunz
  • As to the Drosera, the Dionaea, and insectivorous plants in general, they are fed by their roots, like other plants; they too fix, by their green parts, the carbon of the carbonic acid in the atmosphere. Evolution créatrice. English
  • M. lucifugus is a small, insectivorous bat that hibernates in caves and abandoned mines, relying entirely on stored body fat during the prolonged winter period when flying insects are inactive.
  • Like motmots and todies, kingfishers often have brilliant plumage, are largely insectivorous, and nest in cavities that are often excavated in earthen banks.
  • The barn swallow is a semicolonial, aerially insectivorous passerine.
  • No man's hand was turned against it and it cannot be said that its food supplies have vanished, since most other similarly insectivorous birds remain common.
  • The pied flycatcher is a small, hole-nesting, insectivorous passerine bird which usually is monogamous, but in which some 5-10% of the males may be polygynous.
  • Herbivorous, granivorous and insectivorous birds have a highly specialized, muscular gizzard with an inner lining of hard cuticle.
  • Thus, the Conservatory Garden was pressed into service to evoke the bower—orchids, ivy, Virginia creeper, insectivorous plants and, of course, those primroses—at Down House, Darwin's home in Kent. Evolution of a Garden
  • There, while hunting for the rare bog orchid, he stumbled on the minuscule, insectivorous sundew plant, Drosera rotundifolia.

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