How To Use Insecticide In A Sentence

  • Egg-laying adults are especially active during bloom, a time period when insecticides should not be applied.
  • Mycoinsecticides are fungal sprays that work on insect pests from the inside out.
  • And they've also found two new mutations that make the roaches more resistant to pyrethroid and related insecticides.
  • Among the substances currently being studied for their potential as delousing agents in salmon are the pyrethroid insecticides.
  • In the 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s, cyclodiene insecticides provided effective control of wireworms. Southeast Farm Press RSS Feed
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  • Several early clinical studies performed on quassia verified its traditional use as a natural insecticide, documenting it as an effective treatment for head lice infestation in humans.
  • MIC is used as a chemical intermediate in the production of carbamate insecticides and herbicides. Bhopal, India
  • At some airports, the cabin is sprayed with insecticides, the chemicals used probably being pyrethroids.
  • Hackett says the problem is a long-acting insecticide called pyrethrin, also called permethrin. WVLT - Home - Headlines
  • Lab tests showed that the birds ate grain tainted with insecticide.
  • Among the suicide cases, 61 hanged themselves, 12 took insecticides, one slit the wrists, another one jumped to death, while one committed suicide by self-immolation.
  • Curare, botulinum toxin, and organophosphorus insecticides each interfere with neural transmission.
  • By way of example, it is suggested that an insecticide is applied to sexually mature male insects so that it spreads to the rest of the population during mating and swarming.
  • Others are synthetic versions of naturally-occurring insecticides, such as those found in the plant pyrethrum.
  • When the sound timber is clean and readily accessible it can be treated with insecticide.
  • Carbaryl, one of the pesticides linked to skin cancer, is the active ingredient in the insecticide Sevin, which is widely used by consumers to kill pests in gardens and lawns. Main RSS Feed
  • Carbosulfan belongs to the benzofuranyl methylcarbamate group of insecticides / acaricides.
  • In addition to treating with insecticides, legs may be dipped in a mixture of two parts raw linseed oil and kerosene.
  • All the biting pests above can be controlled by planned, routine, repeat spraying with systemic insecticides.
  • Fill them with dry grass and empty daily or spray with a permethrin-based insecticide. The Sun
  • Precautions include the use of insect repellants, insecticide room sprays, mosquito netting, and screened windows.
  • Never spray or fog a house with insecticides to combat lice.
  • Corn rootworms are the target of almost half the insecticides used in row crops in this country, requiring more insecticide than any other pest.
  • To achieve control, all their harbourages must be found and treated with residual insecticide. Look for small, dark faecal spots or white dots - bedbug eggs - close to hiding places.
  • Kerosene is also used as a fuel for tractors and power generators and as a solvent for garden chemicals such as weedkillers and insecticides.
  • Review of the registration and reregistration process of the Environmental Protection Agency under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide ... first session, June 8, 10, and July 14, 1993 by United States OpEdNews - Diary: Woman who threatened to kill Michelle Obama likely a U.S. Federal Govt employee
  • Treatment involves the application of insecticide by pressure spray in the form of pungent solvents or water-based emulsions or pastes.
  • The gas used, Zyklon B, was developed as an insecticide, and it was used in concentration camps to delouse clothing. Another 'ultra-traditionalist' Catholic leader says stupid things about the Holocaust | RELIGION Blog |
  • The use of liquid insecticide placed in the furrow with the seed has gained in popularity over the last few years as a convenient and inexpensive method to achieve wireworm and seedcorn maggot control.
  • All the biting pests above can be controlled by planned, routine, repeat spraying with systemic insecticides.
  • Residual insecticide will kill only larvae and adults; it will not kill eggs or pupae.
  • The most commonly used pesticides include highly toxic chemicals called fumigants, fungicides and insecticides.
  • Due to residues in the witloof chicory heads the use of insecticides is forbidden during forcing.
  • The -cide in insecticide is the same as the -cidio in insecticidio. Learning to Die in Miami
  • Not surprisingly, since the target molecules vary, insecticide chemistries vary.
  • What I did not know was that the orchard had been sprayed with the insecticide Lindane the day before.
  • ‘Besides the cans of insecticide, we also spotted a pair of scissors, a razor blade and raffia string,’ said the chief of Police.
  • The nonstick chemicals also serve in stain-resistant coatings and as surfactants in fire-fighting foams, floor polishes, and insecticides.
  • The major OP insecticides used include acephate, azinphos methyl, chlorpyrifos, dimethoate, disulfoton, fenamiphos, and phosmet.
  • In remote regions, the air is pure and the crops are free of poisonous insecticides.
  • Keep carpets away from the chemicals, such as bleaching agent, insecticide, strong cleaning agent and skin - cream.
  • It was also incorporated into a broad range of industrial products, including lubricants, insecticides, paints, and varnishes.
  • In an attempt to protect a bumper harvest Australian bio-security agencies have sprayed insecticides over 600,000 acres. Dr. Reese Halter: Australian Locust Thrive, Rocky Mountain Ones Disappear
  • Meanwhile, new products are being developed, because most mosquitoes have grown resistant to the original insecticides.
  • The major categories of pesticides classified by target are fungicides, herbicides, insecticides, acaricides, molluscicides, nematicides, rodenticides, avicides, and antibiotics.
  • These results are consistent with the DNA damage detected in the lymphocytes in peripheral blood in 8 individuals, following residential exposure to the organophosphorus insecticides chlorpyrifos and diazinon.
  • Pesticides are made up of agrochemicals and are usually classified according to their principal use as, for example, fungicides, bactericides, insecticides, nematicides, miticides, etc.
  • When using insecticides and other toxic chemicals, cover your skin with gloves, long sleeves, a hat and a mask.
  • Other insecticides have a narrower range of activity, such as dimethoate and Metasystox-R, which are toxic primarily to sucking pests such as aphids.
  • The pad is impregnated with insecticide.
  • Additionally, it is used in fungicides, germicides, herbicides, and insecticides, and as a catalyst in the vulcanization process.
  • Consequently, the ability of parasites and predators of the orange tortrix to substantially suppress pest populations is greatly diminished by the use of insecticides.
  • This OP, manufactured mainly by Dow AgroSciences (sold as Lorsban for farm use and Dursban for home and structural pest management uses), is the most widely used insecticide in America, with major farm and urban uses.
  • Sabadilla is considered among the least toxic of botanical insecticides.
  • Ministers were advised last July to recall dozens of household insecticides containing the chemical dichlorvos, because of new evidence that it could cause cancer.
  • The privately funded Wisconsin study focused on three commonly used farm chemicals: aldicarb, an insecticide; atrazine, an herbicide; and nitrate, a chemical fertilizer.
  • The new annual report from the government's Pesticide Residues Committee also reveals that some samples of milk were contaminated with lindane, a deadly insecticide banned in Europe.
  • The organophosphate type of insecticides (examples parathion and malathion) vary greatly in their toxicity and hazard to man.
  • As its name implies, Cruiser Extreme Pak BB / CRW has a higher insecticide rate, which adds control of billbug and corn rootworm.
  • Although chemical control is rarely advised, some insecticides applied to control other insects may kill crown borers as well.
  • Head lice are difficult to remove because of their size, reinfestation rate, life cycle, and their ability to develop immunity to insecticides.
  • They often left windows open, and used a brand name residential insecticide to kill the biting insects that got into their home.
  • The infestation was successfully treated with insecticides.
  • To contain the existing problem military personnel thoroughly sprayed the decaying animals with the insecticides methyl carbamate and "Baygon" (a propxur produced by Bayer, the aspirin makers); "Sevin" (a carbaryl produced by Aventis, a French company and smallpox vaccine maker that donated close to $2 million to the Bush camp in 2000); and "Lannate" (a methomyl produced by the chemical making machine DuPont). R. B. Stuart: Honoring Our Nations Veterans as Cancer Stricken Soldiers Go Ignored
  • Other chemical insecticides were used on occasion, but only on a short-term basis.
  • It appears that these seed applied insecticides and liquid insecticides will be effective in protecting seeds from seed feeding insects such as wireworms and seedcorn maggots.
  • Mosquito bites may be avoided by removing stagnant sources of water or by using protective clothing, repellants, larvicides, and, in cases of epidemics, insecticides.
  • If the farmer chooses a nonresistant variety and the spring emergence of adult sawflies is large, there is only a 1-to 2-week period in which to spray insecticides.
  • Applying liquid sprays to dry feathers often results in loss of some of the insecticide due to runoff.
  • Using insecticides to kill these bugs is about the only solution for any sizable acreage.
  • Experts call the insecticides a major advance and say Phoenix-area residents can expect a dramatic decline in the whitefly population this fall.
  • With such new knowledge, malaria scientists will be able to pry out information long hidden in the genomes that can be used to design new insecticides, new repellants, and new drugs.
  • If a homeowner had his home treated for cockroaches, for example, the insecticide would kill bedbugs and other insects as well.
  • The mystery was not what had killed the cows - the insecticides had done that - but ‘who is safeguarding the consumer to see that no residues of dieldrin or heptachlor are appearing in the milk?’
  • This is the area where significant cash crops are grown, including pyrethrum (a flower that produces a natural insecticide), coffee and tea.
  • People used outdoor-only bug killers inside, for example, or sprayed insecticides not meant for use on humans or against bed bugs.
  • You can apply insecticide around doors, windows, and vents, outside stairwells, window wells, along foundation, under lip of siding.
  • Spray apples and pears, as soon as their buds break, with a combined insecticide and fungicide to control scab.
  • This is in considerable contrast to the large, technologized ‘zeroshade’ cacao plantations, which apply generous amounts of highly toxic herbicides, such as paraquat, and potent insecticides such as endosulfan.
  • Applying a granular soil systemic insecticide at planting time provides early season greenbug control.
  • For example, the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis has the ability to produce crystalline spores which act as natural insecticides.
  • By the simple process of spraying the plant three or four times a day, until it is out of the seed-leaf, and the danger is over, it is possible in the garden to wash out the = Haltica =; and any kind of insecticide or flavouring, such as quassia, may be mingled with the water to render the plants distasteful to the insects. The Culture of Vegetables and Flowers From Seeds and Roots 16th Edition
  • Next year spray with a systemic insecticide.
  • In any case, soybeans should not be treated with insecticides at planting time.
  • All insecticide concentrations were prepared in absolute alcohol and the larval bioassay was carried out according to the standard WHO procedure.
  • Spray with a suitable insecticide or use biological control.
  • Environmental pollutants, such as pesticides and insecticides, may enter the human body through the food chain.
  • Pear Pest's Chemical "Come Hither" Identified web July 2, 2010 Pear psylla is a cicada-like pest with a vexing tendency to develop resistance to insecticides. - Articles related to Kill weeds with help from the sun
  • Ear tags, back rubbers, dusters, and pour-on insecticides are not effective in controlling stable flies. CattleNetwork
  • While a few well-known organochlorine insecticides that are notoriously injurious to animals—DDT, for example—have been banned in the United States, even these persist for decades in the soil in which our fruits and vegetables are grown and in our water, meanwhile accumulating up the food chain which is why traces of DDT can be found in the steaks Becky has yet to cook for dinner. The Autoimmune Epidemic
  • Insecticides - most commonly carbaryl, diazinon, and malathion - were detected more frequently in urban streams than in agricultural streams.
  • The chemicals we call pesticides include insecticides, herbicides, and fungicides.
  • The active ingredient in both is imidacloprid, a systemic insecticide that has been used in other crops such as sorghum.
  • If you absolutely have to, you can spray with an insecticidal soap or insecticide that contains pyrethrins.
  • Insecticides kill insect defoliators and vectors of deadly human diseases such as malaria, yellow fever, plague, and typhus.
  • Do not apply insecticides when temperatures are expected to be unusually low following treatment or on nights when heavy dew forms.
  • Pesticides are made up of agrochemicals and are usually classified according to their principal use as, for example, fungicides, bactericides, insecticides, nematicides, miticides, etc.
  • Because of its significant larvicidal [ability to kill mosquito larvae] properties and local availability, it might form a new arsenal for vector management, especially in areas where mosquitoes have developed resistance to conventional insecticides," they concluded. SciDev.Net
  • All leading soil insecticides offer roots substantial protection against rootworm.
  • It has additionally been traditionally used for breathlessness, clearing mucous from the respiratory system, soothing coughs, assisting divert as great as semen prolongation as great as as an insecticide opposite lice. Archive 2009-11-01
  • For example, the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis has the ability to produce crystalline spores which act as natural insecticides.
  • Earlier studies had found that corn-earworm P450 genes make substances that detoxify one of celery's natural insecticides.
  • Many growers are using imadacloprid, a new systemic insecticide that provides excellent control.
  • Soil-applied insecticides recommended for control of rootworm larvae also may prevent early stand losses due to wireworms, grubs, seedcorn maggot, and seedcorn beetles.
  • Farmers who can afford them rely heavily on chemical insecticides to control Maruca.
  • For every 50 percent decrease in the droplet diameter of a set volume of insecticide, the spray surface area is increased eightfold.
  • ThermaCELL utilizes allethrin, an artificial version of a natural insecticide found in chrysanthemum flowers. Denver Post: All Blogs
  • This means that more than 80 per cent of the lice tested were resistant to pyrethroid insecticides. Times, Sunday Times
  • The corn rootworm enjoys the dubious distinction of triggering more insecticide use than any other single pest in U.S. agriculture.
  • There has been a tendency of using insecticide treated mosquito nets for fishing purposes that has resulted in contamination of water and loss of aqua life.
  • Soil: The favourite growing medium for waterlilies is heavy garden soil that has not been in contact with insecticides or weed killers.
  • Aphids, mealy bug and thrips cause deformity in new growth. Treat with a diluted pesticide or remove pests by hand. Never use a soap-based insecticide.
  • Air-blast sprayers, which are commonly used to apply insecticides and fungicides in orchards, produce a relatively high number of small droplets.
  • Insecticides kill insect defoliators and vectors of deadly human diseases such as malaria, yellow fever, plague, and typhus.
  • If they really bother you, spray along places they are likely to be hiding using a general permethrin-based insecticide aerosol. Times, Sunday Times
  • In flour mills and food processing plants, insects that survive an insecticide treatment could live on food or crumbs left by poor sanitation.
  • She and her husband used nine cans of insecticide fogger one day, then the same amount two days later, without opening doors and windows to air out their home afterward. Scores got sick, 1 died trying to kill bedbugs
  • In some areas, extremely fertile soils produce coffee, tea, and pyrethrum (used in making insecticides).
  • IN A CLOSET off the kitchen were aerosol containers of insecticide, years old. THE TATTOOED GIRL
  • Among the substances currently being studied for their potential as delousing agents in salmon are the pyrethroid insecticides.
  • Contact insecticide sprays will not reach crawlers that have settled under old scales.
  • Recommended chemical treatments include such common insecticides as permethrin, malathion, diazinon and sevin.
  • Daisy plants were first used centuries ago as a lice remedy in the Middle East, and this led to the discovery of pyrethrum insecticides.
  • Does it pay to treat every acre with an insecticide when only a few acres will be affected?
  • Objective Susceptibility of Deltamethrin resistant Musca domestica to 12 insecticides was tested to utilize the existing insecticides reasonably.
  • In attempts to reduce the vegetable growers dependence on insecticides for controlling root-feeding dipterous pests a concerted effort has been made to develop alternative control measures.
  • Many insecticides used for livestock insect control are restricted for use in milking parlors and on lactating dairy cattle.
  • (origanum vulgare), oil of thyme, and the oils of pepperwort and wild bergamot and used mainly as fungicide and insecticide, disinfectant and food flavoring, and sometimes used as a scent in making perfume. EzineArticles
  • The effect of these chemicals, particularly insecticides, has been studied for many decades.
  • Experts call the insecticides a major advance and say Phoenix-area residents can expect a dramatic decline in the whitefly population this fall.
  • They are likely to contain residues of insecticides.
  • Reducing losses resulting from rootworm on continuous corn is the predominant objective of most soil insecticide applications.
  • Spray with Confidor which is a slightly systemic insecticide.
  • Some insecticides for thrips management include spinetoram and spinosad, dimethoate, methomyl, and flonicamid. Western Farm Press RSS Feed
  • When the insecticide was applied, the resistant insects survived while the unresistant died. Once again, I am wrong - The Panda's Thumb
  • The rat poison and insecticide was taken from a van at Farm lane in Crawley near Witney.
  • He, uh, he tried to plant his fescue there with a damn—I mean darn insecticide sprayer, when he should have been using a seed planter. Hard Times
  • Other non-persistent insecticides such as chlorpyrifos and carbofuran are not recommended due to severe phytotoxic effects. 8: Plant protection and pest control
  • Craftily misallied to the saying "You are what you eat", it offers a hideous picture of GM-eaters transformed into monsters: walking insecticide containers (a natural insecticide called Bt is the key component of most GM plants) or fish/tomato hybrids (researchers tried to give the vegetable the cold-resistance of an Arctic flounder). The Telegraph - Calcutta (Kolkata) - Frontpage
  • But after the vines bloom, he notes, table grape growers would have to switch to insecticides.
  • This means doing it as Mother Nature intended without the aid of poisonous chemicals and insecticides.
  • Urban bombardment: Further, Carson feared that as insects mutated into superbugs, general aerial spraying of insecticides would become an everyday event, as, in 1959, parts of Detroit were dusted from low-flying planes with aldrin, a broad toxic since banned, in an attempt to control the Japanese beetle. Averting A Death Foretold
  • Among these were fifty on ketenes, also works on oxalyl chloride, autoxidation, aliphatic diazo-compounds, explosions, insecticides, synthetic pepper and coffee aroma. Hermann Staudinger - Biography
  • Coincidentally, and perhaps ironically, an expert committee convened by the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants is also meeting this week, in Geneva, to discuss dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane or DDT, an anti-malaria insecticide that has been saving lives since 1945. Free the Fight Against Malaria
  • Observe the effectiveness of transgenic hybrids and insecticide control methods and learn how to dig roots and scout for rootworm larvae.
  • It is known commercially to treat salmon suffering from infestation with sea lice by the use of the insecticide dichlorvos.
  • The disease would always find a way to sneak out of any trap, whether through vectors adapting to a new ecology, or the development of resistance to front-line medicines and insecticides.
  • Insecticidal boric acid is a low toxicity insecticide and fire retarder used in other insulation materials.
  • Never mix insecticides in ordinary lime whitewash.
  • While I have focused on insecticide resistance, Drosophila species have been shown resistance to other toxicants, including phytotoxins in their natural diet and certain metal ions whose presence has increased in the environment.
  • Bamboo members were straightened in China through heat and pressure, and then processed with insecticide and fire retardant.
  • TalstarOne multi-insecticide has no odorous or plant-damaging solvents because its formulation is water based and contains no alpha-cyano group.
  • Ask your pharmacist for an over-the-counter insecticide lotion or crème rinse.
  • The main weapon in their arsenal is insecticide - lethal to insects but safe for humans, when used correctly.
  • Insecticides used for seed treatments in crops include diazinon, lindane, imidacloprid, permethrin, chlorpyrifos, and tefluthrin.
  • Apply the insecticide sparingly.
  • Pesticides can be divided into fungicides, herbicides, and insecticides.
  • Outside is a coating of sugar, latex enamel paint, and an insecticide such as imidacloprid.
  • For example, rotenone, an insecticide derived from a tropical root called derris, is as poisonous to humans as organophosphate chemical pesticides. Organic Gardener's Composting
  • Recommended chemical treatments include such common insecticides as permethrin, malathion, diazinon and sevin.
  • To get rid of aphides apply a spray of some kind; an insecticide or an all purpose spray which contains a fungicide will do the trick and will also help to control diseases such as black spot and mildew.
  • When the sound timber is clean and readily accessible it can be treated with insecticide.
  • The spray does not control the adults, so you can either handpick the adults or spray them with pyrethrum insecticide.
  • Before putting the corms and cormels into storage, dust them with an insecticide for thrip control.
  • Take similar protective measures when spraying insecticides, fungicides, paint and other toxic chemicals.
  • An academic expert, Carl Johansen, professor of entomology at Washington State University in Pullman, Washington, called the microencapsulated methyl parathion "the most destructive bee poisoning insecticide ever developed. Honeybees in Danger
  • Control hoppers with carbaryl or malathion insecticide when the inflorescence starts to emerge. Chapter 23
  • Commercial oilers may have a tank which dispenses the insecticide like a lantern wick.
  • For mild cases, spray a pyrethroid insecticide such as cypermethrin. Times, Sunday Times
  • Insecticides used for seed treatments in crops include diazinon, lindane, imidacloprid, permethrin, chlorpyrifos, and tefluthrin.
  • Insect repellents for humans and shampoos or collars containing insecticide for pets can help control or reduce tick infestations.
  • Topics have ranged from population studies, herbicide, insecticide, planter speed, and inoculate trials.
  • Jack needs to get rid of these pesky aphids and he needs the money to buy insecticide.
  • This page contains information on tagetes and how it is used as a herb in alternative herbal treatments to treat ailments and problems, such as fungal infections and to deter insects and act as an insecticide.
  • Youngsters with high levels of pesticide residue in their urine, particularly from widely used types of insecticide such as malathion, were more likely to have ADHD, the behavior disorder that often disrupts school and social life, scientists in the United States and Canada found. Top headlines
  • Alternatively, chemically-treated composts are available, which are said to keep vine weevils at bay for 12 months, or proprietary insecticides which work for about six months.
  • In case of severe infestation spray any systemic insecticide and acaricide for mites along with neem oil.
  • The resources, insecticide biological active substance, mechanism,(sentence dictionary) formulation of botanic insecticide are reviewed in this paper.
  • Alternative methods, such as repeatedly spraying crops with pyrethroid insecticides, may be more harmful to pollinators. Times, Sunday Times
  • Growers frequently apply insecticides to control the critter, but it has armed itself with resistance to many chemicals.
  • In a largely abandoned residential neighborhood near the coastal inlet city of Kamaishi, one of the cities most damaged by the tsunami, SDF soldiers wore full-body jumpsuits to sift through the shells of destroyed homes and spray insecticide on the piles of debris. Japan Military Targets New Enemy: Flies
  • I have decided to specialize in plant chemicals that can be used for insecticides.
  • Organochlorine insecticides include chemicals such as DDT, methoxychlor, heptachlor, chlordane, toxaphene, aldrin, endrin, dieldrin, and lindane.
  • The resources, insecticide biological active substance, mechanism, formulation of botanic insecticide are reviewed in this paper.
  • An insecticide can be used to kill crawlers once they are detected.
  • We don't use any commercial fertilizers, herbicides, insecticides, parasiticides, antibiotics, or growth hormones.
  • It is essential that virus-free material be selected and treatment of the cuttings with a mixture of fungicides and insecticides (eg maneb + propineb + copper oxychloride + malathion) has been advised. Chapter 11
  • Effective parasite control often starts with comprehensive control and treatment, followed-up with oral suspension products, or insecticide pour-on or tags. High Plains Journal
  • He directed his students to study fish poisons a decade or more before derris root went into mass production in the tropics as a source of rotenone, the most important biodegradable insecticide. One River
  • In case of severe infestation spray any systemic insecticide and acaricide for mites along with neem oil.
  • Almost every acre of corn in Texas is treated with soil insecticides at planting to limit root damage caused by rootworm.
  • Specifically, four herbicides (2,4,5-T; 2,4,5-TP; atrazine; or butylate) and three insecticides (diazinon, phorate, or carbofuran) were associated with reporting gestational diabetes. News
  • Spray the plants with insecticide.
  • Farmers like neonicotinoids because seeds come treated with the pesticide, removing the need to spray crops with pyrethroid insecticides. Times, Sunday Times
  • Studies have been carried out on the use of IGRs combined with conventional insecticides such as chlorpyrifos-methyl and fenitrothion. Chapter 7
  • The strain was selected with no insecticide, could also prohibit resistant development to cyhalothrin, but the ratio of decline was lower than pirimiphos-methyl selected.
  • Combined with a juvenile-hormone-type insecticide, such a semiochemical could potentially be used as an effective control method of this mosquito as a disease vector.
  • We hope this new agent will be as successful on gum leaf skeletoniser because it is the only sustainable alternative to applying chemical insecticides to our forests. NZ On Screen
  • These hatch out in moist potting mix and can be treated by immersing the pot and spraying the foliage in a solution of pyrethrum insecticide.
  • ‘That's pyrethrum,’ said Niko ‘it's used as an insecticide.’

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