How To Use Insanity In A Sentence

  • Phillips murdered his wife, but got off on a plea of insanity.
  • I come from a large family, too, so I know very well the insanity and craziness that goes on there.
  • Hallucigenia" hits a good cross section of themes and set pieces central to my work -- hard bitten protagonists, dark cults, insanity, gratuitous rumpy pumpy, esoteric lore, super science, monsters, and cosmic horror all tangled up in pulp-noir webbing. INTERVIEW: Laird Barron
  • Of course, there is the issue of letting sleeping dogs lie, because once you start down this path only insanity awaits, because inevitable questions arise as to what on earth chardron, nattier, parma, and Sahara actually looked like. Archive 2009-05-01
  • Her lawyer tried to plead not guilty by reason of insanity, but that was rejected.
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  • And the law already punishes those found guilty of that insanity. The Sun
  • My post, while intentionally understated, is meant to provoke one to think about the insanity of "sameness" being the purpose of education. "No Child Left Behind" Is Nothing New In Albuquerque
  • Reports indicate that the public defender representing Joseph Hall, who is now 11, may pursue an insanity defense.
  • This is as common as dirt in the blogosphere and the big wide world, but it's a kind of formalized, group-oriented insanity. Making Light: Open thread 134
  • Which I suppose could cause some people to think I am certifiable, which, honestly, I probably am, but I think the insanity gives my personality the edge it needs.
  • This is the story behind the Victorian madwoman in the attic, of all the forgotten women whose rewritten histories replace isolation with hysteria, and non-conformity with insanity.
  • I stayed there for a few minutes and considered if I'd be able to plead temporary insanity when I committed matricide.
  • There's something about this place that breeds great madness and insanity.
  • Judging by the current spectacular planetary activity, it would be insanity to refuse what comes your way. Times, Sunday Times
  • There is the wrist-drop, the eyesight affected, the partial paralysis, the hallucinations and a condition in old Pearcy's case almost bordering on insanity -- to enumerate the symptoms that seem to be present in varying degrees in various persons in the two houses. The War Terror
  • The term delusional disorder was suggested by Winokur 1072 to avoid the confusion resulting from the diverse concepts of paranoia and the ambiguity of that term, which has been used to denote insanity, suspiciousness, persecutory or grandiose delusions, schizophrenia, and a specific disease entity distinct from other psychoses. The Neuropsychiatric Guide to Modern Everyday Psychiatry
  • He pulled a doublet over his shirt and said, ‘I will try to return after all this insanity is over, I assure you.’
  • If insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result, the Democrats are certifiable.
  • Or saw her there and gave in to spur-of-the-moment insanity? C B GREENFIELD - A LITTLE MADNESS
  • In the context of raucous comedy, the insanity conceit works well. The Times Literary Supplement
  • The pupils are hard at work and Blaine will be treated to a display including a lampshade which induces insanity, a multi-coloured straitjacket and a speech by each pupil explaining their work.
  • Insanity is both a legal and a medical word, specifically referring to diagnosable illness; one can do wicked things and still be sane. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • But the Crown may just decide to go ahead and prosecute for murder, which itself allows the accused a defence of insanity that can lead to acquittal.
  • He was sentenced to a minimum of 30 years in prison but was later transferred to Broadmoor on the grounds of insanity.
  • The teaching of eternal torment has done more to drive people to atheism and insanity than any other invention of the devil.
  • Indeed, psychiatrists do not talk of insanity but prefer to use terms such as mental illness or mental disorder.
  • The legal concept of insanity is of a different nature from the medical.
  • The trial judge ruled that this was a defence of insanity, whereupon she pleaded guilty and appealed.
  • Songs like ‘Woof Woof, I'ma Goof’ and ‘I Gotta Rash’ also add to the madcap insanity.
  • The defence pleaded insanity, but the defendant was found guilty and sentenced.
  • The prisoner faked insanity to avoid confrontation with the jailhouse bully.
  • Hence, for the most apparent, the most clearly defined, and the best understood foundation for a nosological scheme for insanity, we are forced to fall back upon the symptomatology of the disease—the apparent mental condition, as judged from the outward manifestations. The Mad Among Us
  • Conversely, to forego what may prove to be one of the most important sources of intelligence of the war would be insanity itself. LOHENGRIN
  • The following is the report of a case by Drewry, of double (or, more strictly speaking, quadruple) athetosis, associated with epilepsy and insanity: ` ` The patient was a negro woman, twenty-six years old when she was admitted into this, the Central State (Va.) Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • Because of widespread fears at the time that insanity was increasing, census enumerators were given special forms and extra pay to identify all severely mentally ill people, including querying neighbors of the person in question.
  • Either way, the forensic psychiatrist employed by the programme, considered it all too likely her insanity might recur. Times, Sunday Times
  • May 14, 2009 at 7:22 am putz a shiny gold star on maus’s GHwP. you know the daffynition of insanity, don’t you? I can’t help but think - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • Conversely, to forego what may prove to be one of the most important sources of intelligence of the war would be insanity itself. LOHENGRIN
  • A third had been expelled from the College on the grounds of insanity. A Conversation with Rebecca Stott about The Coral Thief
  • The court acquitted Campbell on the grounds of temporary insanity.
  • Doing the same thing over and over again amounts to insanity. U.S. lawmaker calls for lifting of Cuba travel ban
  • Beelzebub is slowly entering the boys, and through the use of Jack as a minister of evil, delivering the boys to insanity and corruption.
  • The judge will quiz jurors individually about their views on abortion and the insanity defense beginning Tuesday.
  • In his defense he alleged temporary insanity.
  • Sport, like life, is about mastering the art of temporary insanity. Times, Sunday Times
  • Kinard, a Casey Affleck lookalike, provides an unsettling mixture of dewy-eyed sincerity and barely concealed insanity – he both attracts with his charm but repels with his odd demands, creating a wonderfully enigmatic personality. Current Movie Reviews, Independent Movies - Film Threat
  • Alcoholism is a disease that creates temporary madness and insanity. Drug addiction is a disease that destroys health and humanity. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • The death penalty is not that often given to these types of people because at the trial, the defendant will plead insanity and claim that they were not in control of their actions at the time that they committed the crime.
  • Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
  • I'd like to sleep for six months and ignore this pure insanity that we all call winter.
  • the jury found him not guilty by reason of insanity
  • What you described as a punch was the sound of a fox's head being crushed, which is why Ailsa ac­cused him of insanity. Fox Evil
  • Stop the Insanity people, BHO is a charade!!!!!! kumari Sources: Clinton, Obama supporters discussing exit strategies
  • The next day federal marshals brought him back to Baltimore, where he pleaded not guilty by reason of insanity.
  • To me that is so disturbing that I think the case should be dismissed on the grounds of insanity.
  • The vast majority of psychiatric patients are responsible for their behaviour, both morally and legally, as shown by the vanishingly small numbers of individuals ever found not guilty by reason of insanity in court.
  • As I approached where our driveway should be, I was overcome with my bodily need to be home: to be safe from this insanity, to be under the hemlocks with my family where I could calm my heart and catch my breath and sooth my animal body.
  • Phil gets to live on beyond this, and with his history of rather public instability, he is pretty well set up to plead insanity.
  • And the law already punishes those found guilty of that insanity. The Sun
  • In her defense Halen alleged temporary insanity.
  • Of course, this comes from the rebel psychologist for whom diagnostic psychiatry is an authoritarian priesthood, and ‘insanity’ an institutional dysphemism for ‘minority.’
  • Louisiana, a defendant had been committed to a state mental hospital after a verdict of not guilty by reason of insanity.
  • The highly influential psychiatrist and philosopher Jaspers listed the functional psychoses as schizophrenia, manic - depressive insanity, and epilepsy.
  • When the Home Secretary reprieved Edmunds's death sentence on ground of insanity many believed he based this decision on her gender and class.
  • She pointedly quotes Adorno in reference to the relationship between insanity and creative impulse.
  • In his defense he alleged temporary insanity.
  • I would expect the defense to go that route, to plead not guilty by reason of insanity.
  • The insanity of active "codependence" is just as gruesome a spectacle to behold as the addict's own downward spiral. Was the World Powerless to Stop Amy Winehouse?
  • Alan Sheriff is an outsider: his poet's soul has been hardened by loss and experience, but his wry sense of the absurd saves him from insanity.
  • A person doesn't pass into insanity when their situations are good.
  • Nordau took it from Bénédict Morel, a French psychiatrist, who was alarmed at what he considered accelerating cretinism and insanity. Bloodlust
  • What people call goodness has to be kept in check just as carefully as what they call badness; for the human constitution will not stand very much of either without serious psychological mischief, ending in insanity or crime. Getting Married
  • In folklore, a full moon is associated with insanity - hence the word lunacy - werewolves and all manner of unpleasant happenings. BBC News - Home
  • It was at this moment of insanity that the sheer impossibility of the situation came to him.
  • Claims that the woman invoked a loa to curse him with insanity are invalidated by a complete lack of proof that he ever became insane.
  • Epilepsy does not shorten life or cause insanity or subnormal intelligence.
  • At his trial, his revolutionary defence of partial insanity succeeded and presented the government of the day with a problem. The Sun
  • The same jury took less than four hours on Tuesday to convict her of capital murder, rejecting her insanity defence.
  • There was a streak of insanity in the family.
  • Suddenly, with a force propelled by sheer insanity, Charles lifted him bodily and pushed him over the railings.
  • In politics, even what may appear to be insanity is ultimately dictated by a definite objective logic.
  • Conversely, to forego what may prove to be one of the most important sources of intelligence of the war would be insanity itself. LOHENGRIN
  • Her father, an engineer, died of paresis (syphilitic insanity) when Hannah was seven, and episodic battles between Russian and German armies were fought near their home soon thereafter. Hannah Arendt.
  • In a tremendous sequence, the archaeologic team appear to succumb to mass insanity as a result of exposure to the shaman's remains and undertake to revive him while getting high on his stash. Archive 2009-07-05
  • He attempted to plead insanity, but did it so effectively that they concluded he must be sane.
  • What will they try to measure next – lactational insanity? I'm one bad mother. I work | Viv Groskop
  • Green Fairy on the insanity of pre-Christmas school rituals - Christingles, although I'm sure they were called pomanders.
  • It is with the mind-state which precedes the development of recognized form of insanity the therapeutist and the social philosopher are chiefly interested. Scientific American Supplement, No. 299, September 24, 1881
  • Keenan's poetic "An Evil Cradling," which he describes as a literary attempt to "imprison" insanity on paper in the same way he held it at bay while in captivity, topped The Sunday Times of London's bestseller list for nine weeks last year. Best Sellers In Chains
  • If repetition was the definition of insanity, millions would be certifiable each and every New Year.
  • He was found not guilty of murder by reason of insanity. The Sun
  • Acquitting a woman on ground of insanity may have saved her from the gallows, or a lengthy prison term, but it also stripped her crime of meaning.
  • Then again, you could always remember her for her infamous temporary insanity and overactive imagination.
  • This is really jsut a manefistation of a corrupt Godless nation that seems to be hell bent on allowing this made for TV insanity to paly out everyday. Clinton apologizes for RFK assassination comment
  • You crank up the intensity to the verge of insanity.
  • There's something about this place that breeds great madness and insanity.
  • But the plea of insanity, with its vague test of responsibility, whose terms the juryman may construe for himself (or which his fellow-jurors may construe for him) offers an unlimited and fertile field for the Courts and Criminals
  • I hate to advocate drugs, alcohol, violence, or insanity to anyone, but they always worked for me. Hunter S. Thompson 
  • Thus, where the malfunctioning of the mind is caused by an external factor, the legal classification is automatism rather than insanity; where it is arises from an internal cause, the classification is insanity.
  • Conversely, to forego what may prove to be one of the most important sources of intelligence of the war would be insanity itself. LOHENGRIN
  • Campbell casecop killings asDel Vecchio caseexecutions inIllinois reform inIllinois’s reinstatement ofinsanity defense inJohnson caseMelka casemitigation inMTF’s first defense ofNieves casePlacek onpolice corruption and brutality inprosecutorial misconduct inqualifying lawyers forRunge caseRyan’s granting of clemency forsentencing hearings instress and pressure of defense inTribblet caseWilliams casewrongful convictions inYates casesee also cop-killer cases; Oliver, Aloysius Maurice, case of“Defender’s Credo” Doherty Defending the Damned
  • Another bit of cell phone company insanity - we pay for incoming calls but those telephone numbers are not recorded on the bill.
  • I hate to advocate drugs, alcohol, violence, or insanity to anyone, but they always worked for me. Hunter S. Thompson 
  • symptomatic of insanity
  • Maybe this one illusive project is indeed the same 'precious' that's driving everyone forward into greater insanity. Times, Sunday Times
  • We seem to have got rid of the mediaeval plague and many of its typhoid congeners; but instead we have an increased amount of insanity, methomania, consumption, dyspepsia, and paralysis. The Unseen World and Other Essays
  • The only defence for either man would be to plead insanity. Times, Sunday Times
  • If there is no workable defence of insanity, it is surely wrong to convict a grossly disordered killer of murder when the less stigmatic offence of manslaughter is at hand.
  • He advised his client to plead insanity .
  • Continuing the consideration of the influence of the generative organs in the production of insanity, I come now to puerperal insanity.
  • Since the average citizen is presumed to be sane, if they claim insanity, who decides?
  • ‘This insanity of his can be excused,’ she said with a glint of animalism in her eyes.
  • What terrible, collective insanity has overtaken this country? Times, Sunday Times
  • At first they lightheartedly recall their conjugal experiences, but with the recollection of the suicide of their mutual friend Barbara their thoughts darken into remembrance of Catharine's insanity and her time spent in a Swiss sanitarium. Poor Papa
  • She was pleading insanity
  • Maybe this one illusive project is indeed the same 'precious' that's driving everyone forward into greater insanity. Times, Sunday Times
  • He had frequent bouts of insanity which allowed the structure of his government to be undermined.
  • His affirmations about the curability of insanity received national attention and played an important role in hastening the founding of hospitals in other states. The Mad Among Us
  • The maiden aunts of Mortimer Brewster, as it turns out, are not totally responsible for their actions, as insanity, to varying degrees, runs in the family.
  • On the page, there were several spiders spinning a web that said ‘Insanity’.
  • Boswell tells us that although the sage himself never smoked, yet he had a high opinion of the practice as a sedative influence; and Hawkins heard him say on one occasion that insanity had grown more frequent since smoking had gone out of fashion, which shows that even Johnson could fall a victim to the _post hoc propter hoc_ fallacy. The Social History of Smoking
  • The light is from flashing video screens everywhere, forcing you to watch said insanity disporting itself live.
  • B-movie insanity in which the Californian coast is terrorised by two prehistoric sea creatures. Times, Sunday Times
  • The strangeness that increasingly unsettles the reader does not appear to bother the characters, who act with an exaggerated ordinariness that comes to resemble insanity.
  • This letter is not about politics, traffic insanity in Lancaster or the debilitating effects of ecological degradation.
  • Genius," says Dr. Lombroso, "is a symptom of hereditary degeneration of the epileptoid variety, and is allied to moral insanity. The Varieties of Religious Experience
  • That the Home Secretary reprieved Edmunds on ground of insanity rather than simply commuting her death sentence to a life term (the far more common response to a death sentence) is intriguing.
  • Domestic violence is insanity of the worst sort.
  • It was a completely mad idea, but in a fit of complete and unquestioned insanity I chose to take a swing at it despite my legitimate concerns.
  • This pathetic king regularly suffers bouts of insanity and is surrounded by usurpers!
  • Eric Windowlicker, of the charity Nutcase Support, said, we are amazed by this research, which shows that the problems of insanity, cretinosity, intellectual retardation and outright lunacy is still utterly rampant in 21st-Century Britain. Archive 2009-04-01
  • He destroys the wonderful peripeteia of the original story, jettisons the power of the over-the-top surreal insanity by bestowing it on a minor character, and replaces it all with a fatalistic conclusion to a psycho-drama. Dread
  • And then run your social experiment in unregulated insanity and hypocrisy there. McConnell tells GOP: Vote no on Wall Street bill
  • The only defence for either man would be to plead insanity. Times, Sunday Times
  • It would be sheer insanity to attempt the trip in such bad weather.
  • In his later years he suffered from occasional bouts of insanity.
  • She remains notable for two feats: a record-breaking trip around the world in emulation of Jules Verne, and an exposé in which she faked insanity to study a mental institution from within. Five People Born on Cinco de Mayo | myFiveBest
  • This similarity is of interest in connection with other evidence, recently brought to light, [1] showing that involutional melancholia is closely related to manic-depressive insanity, if not identical with it. A Study of Association in Insanity
  • The former astronaut accused to trying to assault and kidnap romantic rival plans to enter a temporary insanity plea.
  • You will if you see this one man show that tries to make sense of the insanity and absurdity of life by making us laugh.
  • Maybe this one illusive project is indeed the same 'precious' that's driving everyone forward into greater insanity. Times, Sunday Times
  • The accused beat the rap by pleading temporary insanity.
  • His plea of insanity lost him his job, and his credibility.
  • It's a very curious form of collective insanity. Times, Sunday Times
  • Stories abound of the insanity that we remember as the 1990s stock mania.
  • Motherships..sheesh, at least people here use facts,,I have shown you many false prophecies by many ‘nutbags’..many of them like Robertson, Falwell, Rushdoonie, Hagee and their Iraq war for Jesus end times insanity and I posted them because I do NOT run my life by them and people should not listen to Hagee and these other War, death and blodd for the return of Jesus ‘nutbags’ Think Progress » EMAILS: Bush Officials Blocked Scientist From Discussing Global Warming/Hurricane Link
  • A contributory factor to the Wars of the Roses was another period of regency caused not by the king's age, but by his insanity.
  • Remember, the first tactic to discredit is to call the opponent insane, or to intimate insanity. Alex Jones' Prison
  • Are we to suppose then that the insanity of the third character, the Fool, is, in this respect, a mere repetition of that of the second, the beggar, -- that it too is _mere_ pretence? Shakespearean Tragedy Lectures on Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, Macbeth
  • This may sound fairly straightforward but, when I add that most of our work involves food, that we don't have mains electricity, and that we are snowbound for six months of the year, the insanity of it all may sink in.
  • D will be liable where he has used another person to procure the commission of the offence and that person is not guilty of the offence due to, for example, infancy, lack of mens rea or insanity.
  • In her defense Halen alleged temporary insanity.
  • It's insanity to worry about some heir's expectations.
  • The entire day was beginning to look less and less like a bout of temporary insanity on my part.
  • Wow, Wendi Murdoch giving whole new meaning to the term tiger mother ... insanity! NYT > Home Page
  • I hope the country is finally turning a corner where common sense will once again prevail over the insanity of the last 30 years. Why Life is Now More Complicated
  • The former astronaut accused of trying to assault and kidnap a romantic rival plans to enter a temporary insanity plea.
  • I hate to advocate drugs, alcohol, violence, or insanity to anyone, but they always worked for me. Hunter S. Thompson 
  • He felt it spoke to him sometimes - call it insanity, call it depression, but he seriously felt that it did.
  • As well, he accuses a former lawyer of attempting to trick him into pleading insanity.
  • For proof of my parents' heartiness, or perhaps their insanity, I point to one of our family vacations.
  • It was pure insanity that in such a short time we had gained such powerful interest.
  • By the way, according to, coprophagy is "the eating of excrement that is normal behavior among many especially young animals but in humans is a symptom of some forms of insanity. Flies are More Interesting...
  • The disease that encompassed all these different appearances was now to be called manic-depressive insanity. MANUFACTURING DEPRESSION
  • Let me tell you about the non-stop insanity, the constant chaos, the perpetual pandemonium.
  • He was found not guilty of murder by reason of insanity. The Sun
  • B-movie insanity in which the Californian coast is terrorised by two prehistoric sea creatures. Times, Sunday Times
  • Catch the insanity on and off the stage with The Kids in the Hall as they barnstorm across North America on their historic 2000 reunion tour.
  • The court acquitted Campbell on the grounds of temporary insanity.
  • This traumatic history leads to bouts of depression and insanity, and it takes the intervention of psychotherapy and Jungian archetypal analysis to bring to her consciousness the roots of her suffering.
  • It was seven short lines, and Claudia said she examined it closely for signs of insanity.
  • They sought to weed out those who opposed capital punishment or were apparently too sympathetic toward an insanity defense.
  • Better yet, would be to condemn the heartless connivence of politicians in 'the international community who excuse the insanity of wildly uncontrolled mass-homicide, rained down on so many innocent brothers and sisters, at the very same moment that the individuals in command are being accused of crimes against humanity in the International Court in the Hague. Condemn "International Community" Acquiescence During The Slaughter of Children
  • Puerperal insanity proper comes on within one month of parturition; and, like the insanity of pregnancy, occurs most often in primiparae.
  • The definition of doing something over and over again expecting a different result is one definition of insanity. Think Progress » ThinkFast: February 18, 2010
  • It's physically and mentally exhausting, it's thankless, it's long days and late hours and you really have to be on the brink of insanity to enjoy it.
  • This is nothing short of insanity, motivated solely by bigotry.
  • I have chosen to single out one looney-tunes Democrat and one ribald Republican, not to imply equal responsibility, but simply to show how widespread is the insanity. Cliff Schecter: U.S. Midterms: Political Freak Show
  • Chasing a will-o'-the-wisp at night through the fog is insanity. A RAKE'S VOW
  • The unions and other farming bodies have been attempting to head off this insanity for the past two years - all to no avail.
  • It isWalter’s insanity coupled with what appearsto be innocence that is far more intriguing than some of the show’s disjointed plot-lines. Review – Fringe: A New Day in the Old Town (2.01)
  • As the night advanced, a fierce wind arose from the woods, and quickly dispersed the clouds that had loitered in the heavens: the blast tore along like a mighty avalanche, and produced a kind of insanity in my spirits, that burst all bounds of reason and reflection. Chapter 16
  • The divergent scales of values scream in discordance, they dazzle and daze us, and in order that it might not be painful we steer clear of all other values, as though from insanity, as though from illusion, and we confidently judge the whole world according to our own home values. Alexandr Solzhenitsyn - Nobel Lecture
  • The term partial insanity comprises chiefly those varieties known as impulsive, emotional, and moral. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 8: Infamy-Lapparent
  • We seem to have got rid of the mediæval plague and many of its typhoid congeners; but instead we have an increased amount of insanity, methomania, consumption, dyspepsia, and paralysis. The Unseen World, and Other Essays
  • The judge will quiz jurors individually about their views on abortion and the insanity defense beginning Tuesday.
  • It would be sheer insanity to attempt the trip in such bad weather.
  • Humans are sociable things who like to communicate and being restricted like that affects people to the point of insanity.
  • The way things are set up, the only people to benefit from this insanity are the organic farmers.
  • After violent screaming she fell into convulsions, which terminated sometimes in fainting, with or without stertor, as in common epilepsy; at other times a tempory insanity supervened; which continued about half an hour, and the fit ceased. Zoonomia, Vol. II Or, the Laws of Organic Life
  • You should have grabbed a fork and jabbed her in the bottom, then pleaded temporary insanity. Times, Sunday Times
  • He is expected to plead insanity in a bid to avoid murder charges. The Sun
  • All was insanity, but this moment was microcosmically precious.
  • Immediately after this, the avenging goddesses called Furies torment Orestes to the point of insanity.
  • Although she later complained that she was typecast for writing about insanity, when she returned to this theme it gave her writing a sharp focus and brought vivid life to her fictional characters.
  • Yes, or made way with ourselves in an access of emotional insanity, supposed to have been induced by unavailing flat-hunting," he suggested. A Hazard of New Fortunes — Volume 1
  • Even with his air of insanity, he still appeared lucid enough to be displeased.
  • Thank god for those refuseniks and some modicum of level-headedness in this insanity.
  • If she doesn't have an exit plan yet, perhaps when she in psychologically evaluated she will not remember anything, plead insanity .... Clinton: Obama more likely to lose
  • For some reason - possibly because so many powerful calmatives are now available - the allegations of insanity do not seem to have prompted any talk of lawyers and apologies and setting the record straight.

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