
How To Use Insanely In A Sentence

  • David drove insanely fast, flying by honking cars, rude gestures and angry cries from various drivers on the road.
  • An insanely jealous Italian farang is in despair after hiring a local private detective to follow his wife.
  • Her spring collection takes classic shoe styles and influses them with unexpected touches, from athletic-looking elastic details on an open bootie, to gold metal balls along an insanely high heel, plus metallics, neons and silver spikes on double and sometimes triple platforms. Meredith Barnett: Meet the Footwear Designer Whose Shoes Beyonce Has Been Photographed in 25 Times
  • Ignore the insanely complex and expensive parallelogram-hinged door frippery, which is strictly concept; the car does provide some design clues. Advance auto zone blog about fast cars and auto trader
  • The wheels go round without a sound -- The maidens hold high revel; In sinful mood, insanely gay, True spinsters spin adown the way From duty to the devil! Pimping Your Ride: Making Money With Your Bike
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  • It drags itself out of the dark abysm of pish, and crawls insanely up to the topmost pinnacle of posh. Asher Smith: Refudiate is the New Normalcy
  • I would be insanely jealous if Bill left me for another woman.
  • God Damn America - Especially Pennsylvania yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'God Damn America - Especially Pennsylvania'; yahooBuzzArticleSummary = 'Article: At a PA gas station, I scored the paper and coffee, spilled some on the front page – the closest thing I\'ve got to a religious ritual – then parked in front of a row of insanely pretty salt-box houses shining like mad teeth on the river bank. God Damn America - Especially Pennsylvania
  • Interesting and obscure sports like the omnium and the steeplechase might finally get their due, not to mention insanely popular but strangely neglected ones like soccer.
  • When he got into a serious relationship with another girl and I could not lure him back with my sexual circus tricks, I was so insanely possessed that I went to see a spiritual santero, who performed a religious spell to bring him back. Become Your Own Matchmaker
  • Forum groupthink is insanely established to the point you generally go to forums that agree with you, or you learn to fit in fast or shut up about anything that the regulars have deemed to be wrong. Going Out
  • The events still seem to have an insanely surreal and improbable edge to them.
  • The MSI Wind has not been released yet but Jav of the Insanely Mac Spanish forum has posted some photos showing the computer running a presumably hacked Mac OS X Archive 2008-06-01
  • I also find it insanely ridiculous that CNN goes out of its way to note that Democrats coined the term escalation without any acknowlegement that Condi coined the term "augmentation" and was essentially laughed out of the room. Horses Mouth January 22, 2007 4:24 PM
  • Every now and then, a film comes along that is so remarkably bad, so insanely dreadful, so utterly rotten that it actually makes you appreciate it.
  • And on the screen of the differential oscilloscope the fine green saw-tooth wave-form of the electronic trace, which gave continuously the instantaneous value of the brain's shortage in time, flickered insanely and apparently reasonlessly up and down; occasionally falling clear off the bottom of the screen. Masters Of The Vortex
  • Last year one dog had to have two toes amputated after scrabbling insanely at his pen.
  • I'm insanely jealous of people who have imaginations.
  • The one on the slab is insanely reachy, and involves a hand-foot match with no other holds in sight -- you just have to smear up to it and then do it. You got a plot to write every night. did they never tell you that?
  • insanely jealous
  • Their results for Atlantic Canada is insanely skewed from the other companies. 2008 Federal Election Poll Tracker: Day 31 « Unambiguously Ambidextrous
  • When he wasn't cringing from the warrior thunder, Kurtzhau (aged 2 and a lot) had his toy jetfighter lined up with the real thing, matching the insanely tight turns, vertical climbs and stunning dives. Air show! Planes!
  • They simply have to synchronize the real-time clock of their Linux machine with such an insanely precise clock.
  • Filkins, an insanely intrepid reporter and adrenaline junky, which is to say a quintessential war correspondent, is more committed to getting the story than to his own safety or comfort. The War We Don't Want to See
  • Now me, if I were making the Beetle manlier, I'd have done something totally unorthodox, like make it insanely fast. The Beetle Mans Up
  • I love the fierce, insanely exuberant arias and performances; I also love that Bartoli confounds so many critics (usually men), who are unable to pigeon-hole her. Best of 2009: Album
  • Julian lands insanely hard tricks with consistency like, nollie heel board slide, nollie tail to fakie, nollie crooks, nollie feeble and a board slide to feeble down the handrail are a few examples of why he won. - Articles related to Colorado tourism rises in 2009
  • Now, the curved screen seems insanely bulbous, and I'm hyperconscious of the high-pitched sound it emits.
  • You think I'm mad, don't you - I'll show you who's mad!! , and cackled insanely before having to be restrained by Parliamentary aides. Archive 2009-01-01
  • She was an insanely brilliant aircraft designer and draughtswoman.
  • A committed generalist, a insanely prolific and indefagitable explicator of all and sundry – remind you of anyone? Matthew Yglesias » Influential Books
  • Yes, and I'm insanely, wildly happy that this is happening, but here's the thing: I'm pretty sure I misused the word "interrogatively" on page 187. -
  • In spite of a couple of insanely grumpy reviews, this film is an utter charmer.
  • Firefighters proceed to break into warehouse, climb up on roof, and generally futz around for close to an hour, during which time they at last succeed in shutting off insanely loud bell-like alarm after numerous tries.
  • Even you with your insanely bloated ego wouldn't stand a chance.
  • I have the opposite problem, being short and broad-shouldered, and it's insanely difficult to find a good shirt in my size.
  • She was an insanely brilliant aircraft designer and draughtswoman.
  • If you have watched his insanely popular TV Burp you will know what to expect: the big glasses, the oversized collar, the brothel-creepers on his feet. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • He tried insanely to drown himself in a two - foot pool of water.
  • Not insanely happy like some of the other women, but quietly, comfily happy. The Tree of Heaven
  • Tuesday morning, I hit the hotel restaurant- a proto pub called the Elephant and Castle- for an insanely huge "English Breakfast", which involved grilled mushrooms and tomatoes, "bangers"a/k/a fat sausages, cubes of fried potatoes, and eggs. Class Holiday: Chapter One
  • I'm insanely proud even though I've had absolutely nothing to do with it - by all rights he should be zombified and silent the amount of TV he's watched throughout my pregnancy.
  • It defies any genre classification, because it can go from insanely heavy drama to light farce in a heartbeat.
  • From the gentle questioning of the First Sonata's introduction to the insanely entertaining Follia variations at the end, this is a recording that will open ears and minds.
  • A singer, a percussionist, a bass player, a pianist and some insanely talented tap dancers collaborate in this fresh, fun experiment that will challenge your preconceived ideas about tap.
  • Plus, when you're as insanely rich as Matt is there's really no reason to be peeing in public.
  • I feel insanely lucky even, that a friend of mine who works at the US Embassy drove across town this morning to pick me up a pair of crutches from the Embassy medical unit. Archive 2008-04-01
  • John was an almost insanely egotistical individualist.
  • Never before, or afterward, not even when the luckless Butch fell in love, and T. Haviland Hicks, Jr., assisted Cupid, did the pachydermic Butch act so insanely as on this occasion. T. Haviland Hicks Senior
  • The way that Gondry goes for broke with insanely inventive special effects and gripping caprices is actually inspiring. Another 10 Movies to Watch Stoned/High » Scene-Stealers
  • They'll replant the hedges and grow insanely expensive vegetables for fun.
  • I have to admit, I do kind of like the idea of coming up with some insanely pretentious penname for my erotica. Sidelines «
  • She got insanely jealous and there was a terrible fight.
  • Popcorn ? Sure, Would you like huge, mega super - duper huge, or gigundazillion insanely huge?
  • As you may guess installing toolbars on peoples machines by sneaking them in somehow is insanely profitable. Google’s Secret billion dollar revenue stream. « The Paradigm Shift
  • We landed at Gatwick, which is kind of an insanely designed airport; it's set up so most of the time you don't know your gate until 15 minutes before the flight, so everybody has to run around like crazy. WorldCon Again
  • He spent a lot of his life philandering, that is to say, cheating on my mom, making her insanely miserable.
  • Oddly, it's insanely comfortable, and this kind of peripatetic lifestyle (while anathema to my wife) totally fits my A.D.D. quest for constant adventure. Lucy van pelt holds the football
  • Everyone is gibbering insanely, nerves frayed as showtime approaches.
  • I know that some academics regard conferences as the one or two times a year that they're fully able to reimmerse themselves in their field and reconnect with their scholarly community--and that's probably true, to some degree, for all of us, whether we're at research institutions that support colloquia and reading groups in our field or whether we're at teaching institutions with insanely heavy teaching loads and rarely publish. Archive 2007-02-01
  • The program started off ascetically with "Six Studies in English Folksong" which the program warned us were "very melancholic," continued with a song cycle for violin and tenor called "Along the Field" to poems by A.E. Houseman, and finished off the first half with insanely Pre-Raphaelite lushness to a song cycle set to Dante Gabriel Rosetti poems called "The House of Life. Thomas Glenn Sings Vaughan Williams
  • He's insanely jealous of any man - the milkman, the dentist, even the teenage piano student he tutors - who encounters his foxy wife Zelda.
  • And tragically for the series, it ricocheted back too far in the other direction and delivered an insanely difficult multi-stage nightmare.
  • she behaved insanely
  • Insanely giddy, laughter filled the hall, rising nearly above the music.
  • I should also point out that insanely high MPG *should* correlate to low emissions, which is important in high-density areas like urban downtowns and commuter freeways. The Volokh Conspiracy » A 230 mpg Hybrid — and It’s a Chevrolet:
  • The crowds were cheering insanely now, spurred onwards by the exultant actions of the boys, jumping around excitedly.
  • For "completist" readers of Asimov's robot stories, check out Johnny Pez's Insanely Complete Asimov Fiction List which offers a time line on all of the Robot and Foundation stories. I, Redux
  • A polymorphic batch file appears to be a holy grail to some virus writers, perhaps because of how insanely difficult it is to produce one.
  • However the fact remains that the vast majority of candidates work INSANELY hard for these exams and then don't eat or sleep properly for months afterwards worrying about their results, so it kind of pisses me off that as soon as we've got our results back, we're still not allowed to be pleased, because the bloody media immediately starts whining about how the exams were easy. Grade A Twats
  • When a brother acts insanely, he is offering you an opportunity to bless him.
  • I've had an insanely busy day here, and I was listening to the latest album but it was just making me kind of listless and spacy.
  • It's insanely dense too, with each scene capable of being read in any number of ways.
  • She got insanely jealous and there was a terrible fight.
  • Anders replied that as in all artmaking, you have to be ‘insanely ballsy.’
  • Won't be showing this entry to my hubby because he's insanely arachnophobic but these are definitely pretty wreck-tastic. The Spider Wreck Chronicles
  • Your local charity is starving of money but Obama's compaign is overflown with money such that he is spending an insanely amount of money spreading lies about Hillary and debasing the only successful post-war two-term Democratic president. Obama Had 5-1 Cash Advantage At Start Of This Month
  • Insanely he switched on the electric torch and flashed it up and down the niche, though in the dazzling moonlight its rays were but a small circular soilure. The Judge
  • In this 2009 horror movie -- which I advise you not to watch -- an insanely evil doctor abducts three people (a man and two women) in order to conduct a hideous experiment: he transforms them into the title creature by removing their kneecaps and grafting them together, mouth to anus. Ariel Gonzalez: President Marco Rubio
  • The past day or 2 it's been sunnier which is more common for the region, but insanely windy! Archive 2006-10-01
  • Even if Geobase were inter­na­tional in scope, the National Hydro dataset on offer is insanely detailed and would have to be mosaiced and filtered and smoothed and gener­al­ized before being used to make aregional-scale map. » Blog Archive » The Natural Earth Dataset Is Online

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