How To Use Inquisitorial In A Sentence
According to the function and relation of the prosecutor and the defender, the model of investigation can be put into the Accusatorial Model and Inquisitorial Model.
Inquisitorial system has deprived this kingdom by the total expulsion of the Jews, the conquered Moors and the baptized Moorish, we add about
The Christian Foundation, Or, Scientific and Religious Journal, June, 1880
German jurists term the inquisitorial proceeding; it became the duty of the Echevin to denounce the ‘Leumund,’ or manifest evil fame, to the secret tribunal. if the Echevins and the Freygraff were satisfied with the presentment, either from their own knowledge, or from the information of their compeer, the offender was said to be
Anne of Geierstein
The next hearings will be structured differently in order to minimize the inquisitorial atmosphere.
German jurists term the inquisitorial proceeding; it became the duty of the Echevin to denounce the ‘Leumund,’ or manifest evil fame, to the secret tribunal. if the Echevins and the Freygraff were satisfied with the presentment, either from their own knowledge, or from the information of their compeer, the offender was said to be
Anne of Geierstein

Opponents of implementing the inquisitorial system argue the efficacy of the adversarial system.
The atmosphere here is more inquisitorial than at the other meeting.
I can therefore make the submission that the pre-trial procedure (commencing from the state collecting the facts, to the advanced disclosure, culminating with plea bargaining) in the Hong Kong Magistrate is inquisitorial.
The next hearings will be structured differently in order to minimize the inquisitorial atmosphere.
the press was inquisitorial to the point of antagonism
Rowley's attorney, Senior Counsel Gilbert Peterson, sought the intervention of the enquiry's chairman, Prof John Uff. Saying he thought Goddard was asking "a very proper question", Uff reminded Peterson that this is a public enquiry "which is" inquisitorial ".
TrinidadExpress Today's News
He was at this time a significant figure — tall, lean, inquisitorial, clerkly — with nice, smooth, closely-cropped side whiskers coming to almost the lower lobes of his ears.
The Financier
The next hearings will be structured differently in order to minimize the inquisitorial atmosphere.
During the month of May seven persons were appointed to examine, my papers, and among the inquisitorial septemvirate were two men well known and filling high situations.
Complete Project Gutenberg Collection of Memoirs of Napoleon
And I listened with interest while Mr. Harland put his former college friend through a kind of inquisitorial examination as to what he had been doing and where he had been journeying since they last met.
The Life Everlasting; a reality of romance
Continental procedure is quite different, as it is inquisitorial rather than accusatorial.
I fully expected to find someone broken by inquisitorial pressure.
a practical police force with true inquisitorial talents
He never interrogated anyone in inquisitorial fashion about their beliefs and condemned them, but was able to look into their hearts.
Allen said BP and the government are working closely together, with the government holding veto power and adopting an "inquisitorial" stand toward the company's ideas. Top Stories
The committee system, which was designed to be inquisitorial and to scrutinise ministers, was neutered.
He was a huge man with the innocent eyes of a deer, and he was almost weeping as he defended himself against Bobby's inquisitorial arguments.
(How, after all, could I otherwise sustain my insistence that even the European legal systems we conventionally call "inquisitorial" are solidly adversary in my sense of the word?)
Legal Ethics Forum
According to the function and relation of the prosecutor and the defender, the model of investigation can be put into the Accusatorial Model and Inquisitorial Model.
These general committees, which were a kind of inquisitorial courts, had not then been established; and we find that the king, in a former declaration. [
The History of England in Three Volumes, Vol.I., Part E. From Charles I. to Cromwell
There was barely an inquisitorial question from any of them, and who cares about the ground rules?
His position has been carefully isolated as his various Lieutenants have, at last, been subjected to searching cross-examination instead of the toothless gumming meted out by the MSM over the years, something which has demonstrated the high standards of advocacy that are produced by our adversarial system of litigation, though, strictly speaking, an inquest is inquisitorial in nature.
Archive 2008-02-10
He conferred on it a kind of inquisitorial and censorial powers even over the laity, and directed it to inquire into all matters of conscience; into all conduct which had given scandal; into all actions which, though they escaped the law, might appear contrary to good morals.
The History of England in Three Volumes, Vol.I., Part C. From Henry VII. to Mary
He has said he also wants to take a far more fundamental look at whether there is a case for moving towards a more continental-style inquisitorial system in terrorist cases.
Like most of Latin America, Chile inherited an inquisitorial legal system from Spain.
Even the inquisitorial bishops and curia officials granted that he had written a virtual summa.
the inquisitorial power of the Senate
He sat on the right, facing the inquisitorial gaze of a packed auditorium, under the interrogatory glare of stage lighting.
Such inquiries take various forms, but the pressures seem to be increasing for them to be set up as independent external investigations with full inquisitorial powers
Questions were firing but this forum wasn't inquisitorial.
Yet another inquisitorial voice seeks clarification: Does the poet identify himself as a post-colonial subject or not?
Nothing but love of the man brings the 'domine' a wife, and she knows that there will be inquisitorial eyes and not too kind speeches about her behaviour from the 'faithful,' while the great people, to their loss, will ignore her socially in much the same way as Queen
Dutch Life in Town and Country
The British version depends partly on the audience's playing along with the show's somber, inquisitorial mood.
The absence of an accusatorial procedure places an inquisitorial burden upon an inspector.
It is a necessary concomitant or consequence of this particular system which is an inquisitorial system, rather than a strict adversary system.
I think I've said before that Letten and his people have a certain inquisitorial aspect to them ...
Your Right Hand Thief
Fifth, the arbitral system he supports is inquisitorial and not adversarial.
Times, Sunday Times
inquisitorial" system used by the board to judge the risk posed by an offender and replace it with an adversarial approach, in which only proven facts could be used.
Evening Standard - Home
This Tribunal is enjoined to not only be fair, but also to be quick and to act inquisitorially and not adversarially.
Dolores Umbridge: [ standing with her Inquisitorial unit retentive Cho river hostage ] Get them!
What prevents American journalists from being equally inquisitorial?
I need the opinion-drivers in the country to do a less inquisitorial job and to give us a hand on this thing.
Britain could be forced to give up its adversarial court system in favour of the inquisitorial style favoured in much of continental Europe.
We shall see that He adopted another tone when He was properly arraigned before the assembled Sanhedrim; but in this more private, injudicial, inquisitorial interview, with one scathing rebuke He tore away the cloak of assumed ignorance with which this crafty man veiled his sinister purpose, and laid His secret thoughts open to the gaze of all.
Love to the Uttermost Expositions of John XIII.-XXI.