How To Use Inquiring In A Sentence

  • So that one of his Oxford friends, as he traveled through Childrey, inquiring for his diversion of some of the people, Who was their minister, and how they liked him? received this answer: Our parson is one Mr. Pococke, a plain honest man. A Reader's Manifesto
  • French literature, discussions on the advisability of establishing a monarchy, on the advisability of establishing a republic, on the advisability of establishing an empire; and before we proceed to examine the arguments, we cannot help being struck at the strange contrast which this multiplicity of open questions presents to our own uninquiring acquiescence in the hereditary polity which has descended to us. Harvard Classics Volume 28 Essays English and American
  • He had an inquiring intellect, a voracious appetite for science and a direct involvement in the operation of government. Times, Sunday Times
  • Both the black braies and the bliaut were spread out upon the bed, with the white chainse atop, and Geoffrey, though he had raised an inquiring eyebrow when he saw that his wife had selected his outfit, changed into it without a question. Gentle Warrior
  • I'm inquiring after any information the library might have on future city planning.
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  • A growing number of customers have been inquiring about the pending price rises.
  • It would be inquiring too curiously to ask whether Camilla, when she embraced him, discerned that he had fortified his courage that morning with a glass of curacoa. He Knew He Was Right
  • She thinks this is because the nature of her job as a journalist means she has to have an inquiring mind. Times, Sunday Times
  • An interactive exhibition which will captive inquiring minds with hands of fun and equipment to test and explore the wonders of science.
  • You would, naturally, be perfectly justified in inquiring after my credentials in offering these remarks. The Volokh Conspiracy » Massad Defends Himself:
  • She had the undoubting, uninquiring reverence which a Christianly educated child of those times might entertain for the visible head of the Christian Church, all whose doings were to be regarded with an awful veneration which never even raised a question. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 08, No. 48, October, 1861
  • We will miss that quizzical, inquiring, genial but incisive mind. Times, Sunday Times
  • Down the centuries, Westerners enjoyed the sheer pleasure that they found in inquiring, gaining insights, and making well-founded judgments. Insight Scoop | The Ignatius Press Blog:
  • The Department of Justice is not the only governmental authority inquiring into tasers.
  • A famous and witty harlequin of France was overcome with hypochondriasm, and consulted a physician, who, after inquiring about his malady, told his miserable patient, that he knew of no other medicine for him than to take frequent doses of Carlin -- "I am Carlin himself," exclaimed the melancholy man, in despair. Literary Character of Men of Genius Drawn from Their Own Feelings and Confessions
  • Since naturopathy's now recognized as more than just magic potions and mysterious herbal blends, it's become a more popular field of study for inquiring hands and minds.
  • You were with me at the time; we had just been inquiring about Borries. SKORPION'S DEATH
  • All either declined our invitation or they chose simply not to the return our phone calls inquiring about this story. CNN Transcript Oct 7, 2004
  • He postulates that one reason people with inquiring minds feel there is no place for them in churches is ‘the apparent fixity of our symbolical systems.’
  • He put all his powers into sending a stronger wind into the sails of his own boat while his bewil - deled comrades in the suddenly becalmed ships called over the water, inquiring desperately the rea - son for his act. The Weird of the White Wolf
  • Stone looked at Sarah inquiringly; she responded with an almost imperceptible nod. WORST FEARS REALIZED
  • I mean, we have lots of phone calls inquiring about what's happening in Burma, the media organization, NGO humor activists. CNN Transcript Oct 5, 2007
  • While clearly inspired by a Romantic sensibility, he is never quite free from the bonds of his precise, inquiring, magpie mind.
  • It was all part and parcel of his inquiring mind. Times, Sunday Times
  • He was for ever putting his arm round surly Arthur and inquiring after the score with a beam on his face.
  • He put his inquiring, technical mind to good use in producing a masterpiece of a family tree. Times, Sunday Times
  • He started in the 1970s by placing a free ad in Yankee magazine, inquiring about old road maps.
  • Then he looked inquiringly at Loring, and every neck in the thronged apartment, the biggest room at headquarters, was "craned" as A Wounded Name
  • Mediation between Christianity and Greek philosophy must substitute a metaphysical Plato for an aporetic inquiring Socrates.
  • Shipping insurance companies keep tallies on the ships lost and an inquiring mind could find the crew roster next to ‘lost at sea’.
  • It is not only inquiring whether a person 's lifestyle is in tune with what they say; it is also asking about sacrifice. Times, Sunday Times
  • Inquiring minds want to know: Does the correction indicate that Newmark finds Malkin unattractive? Is That Legal?: Blogging Archives
  • He put his inquiring, technical mind to good use in producing a masterpiece of a family tree. Times, Sunday Times
  • Of an inquiring and gregarious nature he went as much among the half-breeds -- or 'metis', as they are called -- and Indians as among the officers of the Hudson's The Translation of a Savage, Complete
  • I'm inquiring after any information the library might have on future city planning.
  • He left me a legacy of letters inquiring about jobs, and the replies.
  • All this helps children to develop an inquiring attitude to learning.
  • I had the pleasure of speaking to Schneider and inquiring about the trials and tribulations that he's experienced in his career.
  • Each year, there are foreigners who turn up at Nawa Sensei's dojo looking for ninjutsu or inquiring about whether he'll accept someone as a student.
  • The group's executive director declined to respond to e-mails and phone calls inquiring about the governor's activities. Archive 2007-04-15
  • All this helps children to develop an inquiring attitude to learning.
  • If Cressida brushed back his hair or touched his hand, he looked up long enough to give her a smile of utter adoration, naive and uninquiring, as if he were smiling at a dream or a miracle. Youth and the Bright Medusa
  • He had an inquiring intellect, a voracious appetite for science and a direct involvement in the operation of government. Times, Sunday Times
  • These show Josephson serially questioning the assumptions of photographic representation, inquiring whether photographs are faithful representations of the world.
  • I loved the reference to J-M's wasp sting, your inquiring about how he was feeling--I interpret that to convey not only the unpredictability of life (especially in the midst of the great activity of le vendage), but more importantly, that feelings (loving concern) are the mattermost in all the chaos of life. Affolement - French Word-A-Day
  • Did any parish officer, indeed, turn restive, and decline to pay a Deg, he soon found himself summoned before a magistrate, and such pleas of sickness, want of work, and poor earnings brought up, that he most likely got a sharp rebuke from the benevolent but uninquiring magistrate, and acquired a character for hard-heartedness that stuck to him. International Miscellany of Literature, Art and Science, Vol. 1, No. 3, Oct. 1, 1850
  • Not that as a potential recruit to the union you are likely to be inquiring in the first place. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is based on profound scholarship, is engaging and inquiring, and shows a mastery of both the detail and the bigger picture. The Times Literary Supplement
  • He who desires properly to appreciate the profound wisdom of the institution of which he is the disciple, must not be content, with uninquiring credulity, to accept all the traditions that are imparted to him as veritable histories; nor yet, with unphilosophic incredulity, to reject them in a mass, as fabulous inventions. The Symbolism of Freemasonry
  • Priestly absolution would follow only on inquiring whether such a confession was properly understood and made, and ascertaining the penitent's sorrow.
  • How, when I am in a new situation, can I try to learn my way into it, in order (hopefully) to catalyse that human quality of learning and curiosity, and perhaps even in a short session to sow the seeds of a community of learning, a temporary but inquiring collective, N is for Native-speakerism « An A-Z of ELT
  • We will miss that quizzical, inquiring, genial but incisive mind. Times, Sunday Times
  • His inquiring mind about mechanics led him to dismantle locks he found in various camps to see how they worked and how to open them. Times, Sunday Times
  • As Steven writes, your predecessor is a key built-in resource for inquiring about your new-found responsibilities. Interview Your Predecessor To Successfully Tackle New Assignments | Lifehacker Australia
  • She raised an inquiring eyebrow towards Murray.
  • The inquiring mind he used to such good effect in the courtroom ranged over many interests and in avid reading. Times, Sunday Times
  • Inquiring into their history, I surprisingly found the origin of the term onion dome has eluded historical record, as has the date and origin of the design. Paul & Matt's Sports Attack
  • Not that as a potential recruit to the union you are likely to be inquiring in the first place. Times, Sunday Times
  • The signor is a good friend of the young milord and miladi? "questioned the landlord, deferentially, but very anxiously; for just then it flashed upon his memory that two years previous another grand" signor, "of reverend age like this one, had come inquiring about the young pair, and had ended in breaking up their union for the time. The Lost Lady of Lone
  • Skipper had a sharp and inquiring mind. Times, Sunday Times
  • _Ma fille, ma fille_," and the half-inquiring accent of Wanamee's voice fell on her ear. A Little Girl in Old Quebec
  • Many of us lack the leisure or propensity for deep, inquiring relationships with our aging parents.
  • She thinks this is because the nature of her job as a journalist means she has to have an inquiring mind. Times, Sunday Times
  • He had an inquiring intellect, a voracious appetite for science and a direct involvement in the operation of government. Times, Sunday Times
  • Because Boswell is always present, chatting, smiling, inquiring, we are easily led to believe that these comments were indeed made. Bozzy's Life
  • cried Sam, thinking of the court doctor and his curious, inquiring ways. LIRAEL: DAUGHTER OF THE CLAYR
  • My inquiring mind simply refused to conform. Times, Sunday Times
  • Buying an iPhone for $5,000 without inquiring about the providence is sheer folly at best and a felony atworst. The Volokh Conspiracy » Is It a Crime to Receive an Item That You Know Belongs to a Third Party?
  • She was bubbling with energy, except for the few cracks in confidence that surfaced every time an inquiring scribe insisted on reminding her that she was yet to make it big.
  • I loved the reference to J-M's wasp sting, your inquiring about how he was feeling -- I interpret that to convey not only the unpredictability of life (especially in the midst of the great activity of le vendage), but more importantly, that feelings (loving concern) are the mattermost in all the chaos of life. Affolement - French Word-A-Day
  • He changed himself into the form of an old woman, and, inquiring the cause of Baldur's invulnerability, was told by Frigga that all things, animate and inanimate, had sworn not to harm him, with the exception of one little shrub, the misletoe. The Mysteries of All Nations Rise and Progress of Superstition, Laws Against and Trials of Witches, Ancient and Modern Delusions Together With Strange Customs, Fables, and Tales
  • She gave me an inquiring look when I brought my flask from the car and stood it on the old redwood table. SUMMER OF FEAR
  • I am just inquiring, what was the British tradition in relation to maintaining discipline of its forces when they were invading countries like India?
  • Tom Swift looked at his cabin mates inquiringly
  • To his uninquiring mind all was as it should be with her; she was at home again, although strangely quiet and very sweet, and her small world was at peace with her. A Poor Wise Man
  • But it took only a few days for me to find that here I was never to be stared at, wondered at, nor questioned; and that, proffering my request under such conditions, I was met by instant hospitality, and a grave, uninquiring courtesy unsurpassed and not always equalled in the best society, and I seemed to evoke a swift tenderness that was almost compassion. Judith of the Cumberlands
  • The tranquil indifference and uninquiring eye with which they surveyed our works of art have often, in my hearing, been stigmatized as proofs of stupidity, and want of reflection. The Settlement at Port Jackson
  • I heard Mum on the phone organizing friends to make food, ordering a cake, even inquiring about garden flares. GO!
  • Thus, about matters of chastity, a man after inquiring with his reason forms a right judgment, if he has learnt the science of morals, while he who has the habit of chastity judges of such matters by a kind of connaturality. Summa Theologica, Part II-II (Secunda Secundae) Translated by Fathers of the English Dominican Province
  • I'm inquiring after any information the library might have on future city planning.
  • The monarch was struck with her beauty, and, on inquiring of the captain of the troop, found that she was the daughter of the alcayde of a frontier fortress, that had been surprised and sacked in the course of the foray. The Alhambra
  • Instead of inquiring of us which would be our favourite poses, they just came straight up and posed us like we were puppets.
  • After all, we wouldn't the King of Saudi Arabia to feel shortchanged when he comes inquiring about our arrearage. Serve this, Laura Bush
  • I heard Mum on the phone organizing friends to make food, ordering a cake, even inquiring about garden flares. GO!
  • A rabbit lolloped near, its big ears standing straight up inquiringly. An Open Letter to Fans of South Plains Football
  • Voodoo, Witchcraft, Magic, Fortune-telling, and inquiring of the dead are all forms of spiritism.
  • You were with me at the time; we had just been inquiring about Borries. SKORPION'S DEATH
  • It was all part and parcel of his inquiring mind. Times, Sunday Times
  • All this helps children to develop an inquiring attitude to learning.
  • And the mere fact that the problem of achromatism was solved by "the mind of a sagacious optician inquiring how this matter was managed in the eye," no more proves that A Candid Examination of Theism
  • The Academia Mexicana de la Lengua maintains on its website the Diccionario breve de mexicanismos, containing Spanish definitions of words peculiar to Mexico, and the Diccionario geográfico universal, whose entries often give "local pronunciation" and the Spanish adjective derived from the place name e.g., Acaya 'Achaea' has the adjective aqueo 'Achaean,' which is logical but might not immediately occur to the inquiring mind; that for Acapulco is acapulqueño. MEXICAN AND GEOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARIES.
  • Very sad state of affairs and to top it, when I went to the man apparently in charge inquiring as to why there was "no" water in the pelican place he said "Pani jaisay he aiga dalaingay". Islamabad Metblogs
  • This is the first question which this article wants to inspect, namely inquiring about East Asian country exchange rate arrangement after crisis.
  • Each of the dozen chapters focuses on a big question that inevitably occurs to the inquiring mind. Times, Sunday Times
  • We've become the inquiring minds who demand to know every lurid detail, with no regard for the pain that might cause.
  • Brightly quips factitiously, “... what a saving of time and of reason there will be, when, instead of inquiring the past actions and propensities of a man, you have only to run over his head with your fingers and become acquainted with his character at once” (2.3.693). Feminist Utopianism and Female Sexuality in Joanna Baillie’s Comedies
  • The inquiring mind he used to such good effect in the courtroom ranged over many interests and in avid reading. Times, Sunday Times
  • Three hundred dollars bail," said the sergeant at once, asseveratingly and inquiringly. Strictly business: more stories of the four million
  • She raised an inquiring eyebrow towards Murray.
  • an inquiring mind
  • But in a post on its Facebook page today, Anonymous wrote: 'ATTENTION: For everyone coming here complaining about the PSN or inquiring about it, We Do Not Know What Happened.
  • I heard Mum on the phone organizing friends to make food, ordering a cake, even inquiring about garden flares. GO!
  • I'm inquiring after any information the library might have on future city planning.
  • Every time my husband and I dined at The Left Bank, we had wait staff plying the table with baskets of bread, inquiring politely about what condiments we would like with our tea or coffee, and endless refills of our water glasses.
  • Many of us lack the leisure or propensity for deep, inquiring relationships with our aging parents.
  • His inquiring mind about mechanics led him to dismantle locks he found in various camps to see how they worked and how to open them. Times, Sunday Times
  • _The American Government on March 5 transmitted identic messages of inquiry to the Ambassadors at London and Paris inquiring from both New York Times Current History: The European War, Vol 2, No. 1, April, 1915 April-September, 1915
  • On inquiring how he came to get such a tremendous thrashing, it turned out that these Basutus have a custom of sending young men of a certain age [+] out in couples, each armed with a good "sjambok" (a whip cut from the hide of a sea-cow), to thrash one another till one gives in, and that it was in one of these encounters that the intelligent Scowl got so lacerated; but, as he remarked with a grin, "_My_ back is nothing, the chiefs should see that of the other boy. Cetywayo and his White Neighbours Remarks on Recent Events in Zululand, Natal, and the Transvaal
  • More than one inquiring-minded patron split his sandwich to add sight to taste, but few could be sure of the flavorsome contents, fatless, gritless, smooth and even, covering the entire surface, the last mouthful as perfect as the first. What Diantha Did
  • On inquiring, he learned that this man was fasting frequently to atone for his sins.
  • However, he cabled a message to the Vice-Admiral inquiring his views of the possibility of rushing the Dardanelles.
  • Drew inquiring looks from the few ill-kempt patrons sharing the taproom. Earl of Durkness
  • With the whole figure visual support, the functions such as inquiring , localization of fault , maintenance , patrol and so on can be realized more conveniently and effectively.
  • I arrived safely at Mutton Cove, where two women, seeing my inquiring eye and span-new dress, asked what ship they should take "my honour" to, I told them the ship I wished to go on board of. Frank Mildmay Or, The Naval Officer
  • I arrived safely at Mutton Cove, where two women, seeing my inquiring eye and span-new dress, asked what ship they should take Frank Mildmay The Naval Officer
  • cried Sam, thinking of the court doctor and his curious, inquiring ways. LIRAEL: DAUGHTER OF THE CLAYR
  • Inquiring for the blacksmith, they found him in the forge not far from the house.
  • But I wish before passing from this part of my subject, briefly to examine the curious tenacity with which the belief in this legendary literature was once held, and to show that it was not relinquished until a more critical standard of historic belief was adopted, and scientific investigation took the place of uninquiring and passive credulity. Choice Specimens of American Literature, and Literary Reader Being Selections from the Chief American Writers
  • Although he can seem slightly humorless on TV, as he is fencing with an inquiring anchorperson or debating an opponent, he has a light touch in the office, and he can laugh off adversity. Sit Back, Relax, Get Ready to Rumble
  • We next went to the east of Tientsin where we found quite a number of orchards and trees claimed to be from 150 to 200 years of age, although we found, after travelling a short time and inquiring from the Chinese farmers, that the figures they gave to us were probably inaccurate. Northern Nut Growers Association Report of the Proceedings at the Fourteenth Annual Meeting Washington D.C. September 26, 27 and 28 1923
  • Some minutes subsequent to Ripton's signalization of his devotion to the bridal pair, Mrs. Berry's maid entered the room to say that a gentleman was inquiring below after the young gentleman who had departed, and found her mistress with a tottering wineglass in her hand, exhibiting every symptom of unconsoled hysterics. Ordeal of Richard Feverel — Complete
  • My inquiring mind simply refused to conform. Times, Sunday Times
  • Skipper had a sharp and inquiring mind. Times, Sunday Times
  • At the call the mastiff came up and looked inquiringly at his master. The Mansion of Mystery Being a Certain Case of Importance, Taken from the Note-book of Adam Adams, Investigator and Detective
  • In Africa the poet introduces Curio inquiring after the story of Hercules and Antaeus, which is recounted to him by one of the natives, and after - wards relates the particulars of his being circumvented, de - feated, and killed by Juba. The Works of the Greek and Roman Poets
  • Completed in 1815, Friedrich's image shows an inquiring lone figure withdrawn and contemplating the new world.
  • The rest of the interview passed in much the same manner, with Therese outlining her previous amours and inquiring after Anne and Jane's.
  • * Inquiring focuses on the "seven inquiries", which are: chills and fever; perspiration; appetite, thirst and taste; defecation and urination; pain; sleep; and menses and leukorrhea. CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
  • an inquiring look
  • The physician should use gender-neutral language when inquiring about sexual partners or significant others.
  • Information on the length of gestation of these offspring was obtained from inquiring if the child was born at term and, if not, by how many weeks he or she was early or late.
  • Tom Swift looked at his cabin mates inquiringly.
  • Inquiring minds want to know what are Sarkozy's motives for compelling Les Yankees into a full fledged military involvement in Libya? Amb. Marc Ginsberg: "No Vacancy" at Sarkozy's Club Med
  • I realise now that asking questions is what travel is about: being content to simmer in your own sense of superiority while in a different country is not something to be proud of, nor is it enriching to poddle along quietly without interacting with locals and inquiring about their lives, invariably a million miles apart from your own. TravelStream™ — Recent Entries at
  • This time I fled to the front, and was inquiring of some of the family whom I encountered, as frightened as I, what it could mean, when a hurrah from a crowd concealed behind the garden wall recalled to us that it was a salute of crackers and a display of fireworks to celebrate his Excellency's birthday. Insulinde: Experiences of a Naturalist's Wife in the Eastern Archipelago
  • But the evolutionists are the real ones lacking inquiring minds —- once they have decided that they have refuted a particular criticism of evolution, the refutation is final for all time and they need not consider that criticism ever again, even if plausible new evidence and/or plausible new arguments supporting that criticism are presented. Legal eagles flutter on - The Panda's Thumb
  • He says Granta's mix of modern fiction and inquiring journalism is going down well.
  • Its latest ad climaxes with a Bondi beaut emerging from the surf inquiring: ‘So where are you?’
  • It is not only inquiring whether a person 's lifestyle is in tune with what they say; it is also asking about sacrifice. Times, Sunday Times
  • I am inquiring about how to give my jeans the frayed look on the bottom of the legs that is popular now.
  • He looks up at her inquiringly and she looks away with another slight frown.
  • When my uncle was taking us back from the services in Nyack see my postings from 3/14 and 3/15, he mentioned that my mother had been inquiring as to the Yiddish word for "fish. Pen-Elayne on the Web
  • This was not the case of the person who seemed to be laughing a lot, inquiring whether that was because they were tiddly or whether they were simply in high spirits.
  • Ever since British New Wavers Ian Dury and the Blockheads scored with their 1979 single Reasons To Be Cheerful (Part 3) -- which celebrated people like Elvis and the Marx Brothers and pleasures like Ploughman's sandwiches (cheddar cheese and a pickle) and "coming out of chokey" (solitary confinement) -- inquiring minds have wondered about parts one and two. Michael Sigman: Reasons To Be Cheerful (Part 1)
  • I'm inquiring after any information the library might have on future city planning.
  • It is not only inquiring whether a person 's lifestyle is in tune with what they say; it is also asking about sacrifice. Times, Sunday Times
  • We, who must be permitted to regard this phenomenon merely as an educational institution, will then inform the inquiring foreigner that what is called 'culture' in our universities merely proceeds from the mouth to the ear, and that every kind of training for culture is, as I said before, merely 'acroamatic.' On the Future of our Educational Institutions
  • With paste and scissors I procured this caparison; and my revenue is the uninquiring public; gallows and gaol are too powerful on the highway; picking and treadmilling are terrors to burglars; but in _my_ line of theft I sleep free from the thought of them. Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 102, April 30, 1892
  • I will not prolong this note by inquiring concerning the "Diodorus" of whom the unknown author of this scholion speaks: but I suppose it was that Diodorus who was made Bishop of Tarsus in A.D. The Last Twelve Verses of the Gospel According to S. Mark Vindicated Against Recent Critical Objectors and Established
  • We had what was an approach from her ex-husband, who was inquiring about the mother of the child.
  • When inquiring, please provide her tag identifier number, A11608190-PAC. Phillies Zone
  • I'm inquiring after any information the library might have on future city planning.
  • _honour_ from their sufferance; who think it enough to sit still under the murderous blows of what they call misfortune, fate, _Providence_, when it is their own im-_providence_; who think it is enough to sit still, and cry, _Alack_! without inquiring what it is that makes that The Philosophy of the Plays of Shakspere Unfolded
  • His better points were an abounding energy, enthusiasm, enjoyment of food and fun, and an inquiring if totally undisciplined mind.
  • Of an inquiring and gregarious nature he went as much among the half-breeds -- or 'metis', as they are called -- and Indians as among the officers of the Hudson's Bay The Project Gutenberg Complete Works of Gilbert Parker
  • He bowed to her in his best company manner, and though he spoke in Dutch, Maigret could have bet anything he was inquiring after her health. Maigret in Holland
  • Each of the dozen chapters focuses on a big question that inevitably occurs to the inquiring mind. Times, Sunday Times
  • The sub-committe, inquiring into the KZP's alleged role in fomenting public violence in Natal, heard that urgent requests for information relating to G3 rifles suspectedly used in the ANC Daily News Briefing
  • A French judge has been inquiring into the alleged bribes for the past two years.
  • We know the first names and middle initials (and in many cases the full middle names) of all of OUR men ... and the man about whom you are inquiring is definitely Scott A BAKER
  • Dottie Larkin, manager of the rink, says there are frequently calls inquiring about Kerrigan's appearances. Another Skate Drops

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