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How To Use Input In A Sentence

  • Diary Entry by Ross Levin (about the author) yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'Action Alert: Money bomb today to fund a documentary about direct democracy, plus other activism'; yahooBuzzArticleSummary = 'There\'s been a lot of talk about \'direct democracy\' since Obama was elected - about how his campaign involved people at a level never before seen in national politics, how his White House has been using online programs to get peoples\ 'input, and so on. OpEdNews - Diary: Action Alert: Money bomb today to fund a documentary about direct democracy, plus other activism
  • Relying too much on markets for either input supplies or sales outlets places the low unit cost of production that comes with economies of scale at risk.
  • Early computers required input in the form of punched cards.
  • [The site] consists of 'crudities': pieces of raw experience, regularly uploaded ... it aims at developing an extended version of the conventional weblog, one that allows users to upload visual input such as (streaming -) video-files and pictures as easily as texts. Boing Boing: December 22, 2002 - December 28, 2002 Archives
  • This is dynamic - as the cursor moves, the input information trails along with it, changing as necessary.
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  • Click on the tool bar's Column Auto-Match icon to instruct DataStage to automatically map columns by name between the input and output links.
  • This facility allows the user to input text in various forms onto the screen and thus create a true newspaper page.
  • Choose the frame with your favourite icon, then reduce the frame number by 1 and input the hex-based result here.
  • At this stage we need to get input from the person responsible for doing this chunk of the project.
  • The elasticity of substitution measures how the relative use of an input changes when its relative price changes. Microeconomics: Price Theory in Practice
  • Pluralists have even tried to adapt Schumpeter's account, but have neglected his strong elitist account of input politics.
  • When data is fed into input, D1 and a clock pulse given, the data moves along one place.
  • A consultation paper has been posted on the Internet inviting input from Net users.
  • Could extra work on the mental side be more beneficial than additional physical input? Times, Sunday Times
  • An operator can input the parameters that define the geometry of the valve seat profile.
  • The invention addresses this problem by visualizing an intervention (caused by a user) to an object of interest without the requirement of an interactive input by the user.
  • In the Apollo period there was a strong negative correlation between budgetary input and scientific output. Infinite in All Directions
  • They believed the only reason development was not working was the lack of professional input: if we provided this, poverty would magically vanish.
  • Only the stratosphere is dry enough and with a long enough residence time (a few years) for the small anthropogenic inputs to be important.
  • The upside of this setup is that it can accept either balanced or unbalanced signal input.
  • Such a UML operation should specify the target type of the conversion as the return type and the source or input type of the conversion as a parameter type.
  • I give him my input if he asks me.
  • I'd appreciate your input on this.
  • The task also has a start node, however, this node is optional and does not change the execution semantics of the task, which can only begin execution when the input is available.
  • These six rules define the grammar of a two-function calculator designed to process input strings.
  • And a multiplexer selects one of the outputted results from the two input adder and the three input adder and subtracter based on the selection signal from the selection judging circuit.
  • This operation receives an input message with floating-point amount and string zip, and an output message with floating-point rate and integer tax.
  • Reduced labour input and feed costs can be achieved by going down the route of feeding chopped straw as part of winter diets.
  • A consultation paper has been posted on the Internet inviting input from Net users.
  • Thus, units with preinspiratory discharge patterns may have comparatively low thresholds to stimulation by central chemoreceptor afferent inputs relative to inspiratory units.
  • You can select from two other preset expressions, or input your own variation such as \$artist - $album\, or any combination of the variables $artist, $album, and $ignore. Create CoverSearch Fills In The Gaps In Your Cover Art Collection | Lifehacker Australia
  • A functional computer needs input and output devices, memory, data to work on, and a program that defines how the data are handled.
  • A current transformer has a pair of input terminals and a primary side which is switchable to different measuring ranges.
  • These inputs may be purchased in one year and provide a service flow to the production process for many subsequent years. Microeconomics: Price Theory in Practice
  • For quick input, the stylus isn't terrible, but writing long e-mails or even inputting several contacts can be grueling.
  • So will a larger lay input into the most senior appointments make a difference? Times, Sunday Times
  • Name translation: Input name found, but not the associated output format.
  • Motion sickness is attributed to an incongruence in the sensory input from the vestibular, visual, and somatosensory systems.
  • A system for handling sloppy input was also incorporated to make the game really playable with the analog stick.
  • The theoretical modelling will extend and integrate existing work and provide an input into ongoing constitutional debates.
  • The higher growth in inputs used suggests that much of their impact has still to feed through into output.
  • Check your input and make sure you have selected only one item.
  • For many machine whose input and output are known, its mechanical advantage can be calculated.
  • As such, they can do with inputs from an Advisory Board which meets once a quarter or so to review the business and [...] - In ongoing work to identify how genes interact with social environments to impact human health, UCLA researchers have discovered what they describe as a biochemical link between misery and death. Megite Technology News: What's Happening Right Now
  • RBF neural network is used to predict nugget sizes of resistance spot welder, in which the input vectors are constructed by time sequences of cycle parameters.
  • The migration staff might be able to fill out any remaining blank fields later, based on the mandatory input or after a call-back.
  • In these areas swiddening seems more productive in the long term than permanent agriculture, and does not require significant inputs.
  • In order to consume or deploy 4GL functions as Web services, I4GL provides an interactive tool called 'w4gl' that collects the necessary inputs from the user and records them in the database.
  • Its internal 1. 2A switches can deliver output voltages as high as 5. 25V from an input voltage range of 1. 8V to 5. 5V, making it ideal for Li-Ion / Polymer, 3. 3V PC card slot or multicell alkaline / NiMH applications. Aktuellste Pressemeldungen der PresseBox
  • Shared inventory model structure, which contains the input and output sample.
  • For example, an input may be priced at above marginal cost in a situation where there are variable proportions in production.
  • The need for preamps is a good case for having an external mixer, because having a professional sound card with multiple analog inputs, no mixer and a bunch of outboard preamps usually is more costly and less flexible than having a mixer.
  • Our work is looking at grabbing hold of nerve fibres to get different sensory inputs. Times, Sunday Times
  • In this way, the weaker students can be assisted by the input from those who are fluent in medicinal chemistry and drug design.
  • USER-INPUT is an input parameter specifying the module name and information you wish to update.
  • Errors can be easily be made in not saving information that has been input.
  • He maintains that any scheme that requires humans to input metadata with their data will fail.
  • The fluctuations didn't seem to get worse, but, when we descended into the heliport, I saw the fluctuations corresponded to power inputs.
  • The portion of the brain that processes visual input and interprets the messages that the eye sends is called the visual cortex.
  • I could input by subvocalising but I prefer a keyboard, and I could type on a virtual keyboard in the air but I prefer feedback, so keys appear on surfaces near my hands and I type on them.
  • The fallback emits a user - specified replacement string instead of a decoded input byte sequence.
  • As they made their adjustments, a computer stored their input and later created a blueprint of the results.
  • Feeling reasonably guilty for my lack of input in our annual dissection, I decided I needed some intellectual nutrition to atone for my sins.
  • The process is hastened by heavy inputs of chemical fertiliser and pesticides. Times, Sunday Times
  • In some systems the input script is restricted to upper case unconnected letters, or lower case unconnected characters.
  • It loops on standard input, reading one line at a time, and attempts to pattern-match on content of interest.
  • In the Apollo period there was a strong negative correlation between budgetary input and scientific output. Infinite in All Directions
  • The results for element input impedance , radiation efficiency of space wave, directivity and radiation pattern are presented.
  • This immediately indicates that demand for our goods remain stable, and that we have to adjust the input side, to realise bigger profits.
  • Inputting time spent and expenses incurred on jobs, activities or tasks is quick and easy.
  • Others have the inputs for recording audio from external devices like cassette players.
  • In all honesty, they were again seeing it as our input sabotaging what they wanted to do.
  • There have been delays in setting up the intelligence system and little or no improvement in inputting details of arrests or summonses on the Police National Computer.
  • ASTON, PENNSYLVANIA, U.S.A.: A touchscreen control now available for the Maguire® Weigh Scale Blender provides the same intuitive access as the company's widely used "thumbwheel" controller, plus fast response to operator inputs and an array of capabilities for meeting the requirements of processing jobs that are especially challenging, it was announced today by Maguire Products, Inc. ThomasNet News - Today's New Product News
  • The inputs employed for simulation are somewhat arbitrary, but they reflect underlying realities.
  • By pruning the redundant input features and hidden units alternatively, network architecture is kept reasonable.
  • A Logitech Wingman joystick was re-engineered for use as a gestural input device.
  • The input manager operates between a device driver and a player application program.
  • Such deposits and share contributions will end on August 30, to allow for remittance of money to input suppliers.
  • An on-chip control register allows the user to set up different operating conditions, including analog input range and configuration, output coding, power management, and channel sequencing.
  • An input voltage range of 1. 8V to 5. 25V makes the LTC3529 ideal for Li-Ion / Polymer or multicell alkaline / NiCd / NiMH applications. Aktuellste Pressemeldungen der PresseBox
  • Do you mean to say that the monopolist is actually a monopsonist in an input market and a monopolist in the output market? Tax Cuts for the Rich, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • The quantitative relation reflects the relation between the exploration input and output, and makes the exploration planning be more scientific.
  • Officers will be able to call in from the scene to an inputter who will put the crime details onto the computer system.
  • As per the vehicle's steering and handling, it is generally ponderous and has a slow response to steering inputs.
  • Half of the efficiency savings made by government had to be 'cashable' (i.e. demonstrably saved money that could be spent elsewhere) and half could be 'non-cashable' (i.e. getting greater outputs or improved quality for the same inputs). BBC News | News Front Page | World Edition
  • In this net, the input and output layers are linear, and the hidden layer has neurons with a hyperbolic tangent transfer function.
  • If the input signal is super imposed with high - frequency noise , use a low - passed filter.
  • The tolerance of the BOE to the phase distortion with Gauss distribution of the input laser beam and the manufacturing error are analyzed.
  • Thank you for your input Mr. Walters - I'll take what you've said under advisement.
  • The inputs employed for simulation are somewhat arbitrary, but they reflect underlying realities.
  • It became logically possible for bureaucratic structures to perform all four input and all three output functions.
  • For every person's information in the input list, we first retrieve the country name by the person's e-mail address (line 10 of Listing 3).
  • Note that this means that the domain and codomain of input constraints must be the same - if this is not the case, an exception is raised.
  • Delete up to the first embedded newline in the pattern space. Start next cycle, but skip reading from the input if there is still data in the pattern space.
  • Be particularly vigilant when you open an account, as it is possible for clerical errors to creep in when details are input.
  • I'm suspending this meeting until a later time when I can get everyone's complete attention and input.
  • From the top of the balcony, Howard manned the Ryman's 40-input Soundcraft Europa and an effects rack equipped with Yamaha and Lexicon processors and an assortment of dbx compressors, among other items.
  • We are lucky to have some dedicated and committed personnel within our ranks and these are people who give of their time voluntarily and without the input of these people our club would be all the poorer.
  • The unit has also provided input into monthly caseworkers' meetings.
  • You then input details of what you are eating - a barcode scanner makes this especially easy - and add in how much exercise you are doing. The Sun
  • #DocC documentation prototype userinput = raw_input ( "Please specify file path:") input = file (userinput, "r") source_code = input. read () description = re. compile ( '(@description ").
  • The interval of the time lag is identical of each lane controlled and when the input is a random sign, we can adopt quadratic function of optimum control and separation theorem.
  • If the computer sees the number has already been inputted, no refund is made. Times, Sunday Times
  • This limitation effectively limits the iMac to accepting video input from recent MacBooks or other computers that produce DisplayPort video, which works significantly differently from earlier analog VGA or digital formats such as DVI/HDMI. AppleInsider
  • The interval of the time lag is identical of each lane controlled and when the input is a random sign, we can adopt quadratic function of optimum control and separation theorem.
  • The relationship of inputs to outputs is complex. Politics, Planning and the State
  • A scientist might wonder whether there was a mistake if a result seems to be the opposite of what he predicted, but he doesn't simply throw out the results; he checks his own assumptions, perhaps he retries the experiment, he studies the inputs and outputs, and then perhaps tries an additional measure. At First Glance: Bias in the Media, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • This information may simply include input device data and timestamps.
  • However, in order to make this project work, the Institute needs the input of PhD and MA supervisors to put students in contact with them.
  • Here, we drew input parameter values from a probability distribution using Latin hypercube sampling.
  • Presenting the target stimulus in a new context will eliminate some sources of internal input to the stimulus.
  • The breadboarded circuit is regulated at 380 V output with a 90-260 VAC universal input range.
  • Objections are frequently raised by affected personnel, and methods to input documents automatically are thus highly desirable.
  • All this information had to be input onto the computer.
  • I am a newbie to Linux and I need all of the input I can get on the fine points of any process.
  • Uses preliminary input digital control system, quick adjustment line pressing roller, matching order for quick change.
  • The second output port is connected by a feedback connection to a predetermined dedicated second input port.
  • The union would like more input on redundancies.
  • To date advanced courses have been designed on an input model with emphasis being on the content.
  • At present, all three sign systems are still being used in Nicaragua, presumably reflecting the different ages at which people are exposed to language and the kinds of inputs (ISN or LSN vs. signed and written Spanish or lipreading in regular schools) they receive. Innateness and Language
  • While the Ambre project emphasized the use of covered barges to minimize land-dwellers' exposure to coal dust for moving coal down to St. Helens each year, Kinder Morgan representatives said they were aware that their even-larger project dependent on rail cars would require quite a bit of community input. Coal Fuels a Fight in Oregon
  • Hairdressers and stylists may know how to cut and style hair, but they need your input when it comes to getting the haircut that will make you irresistible to women, and make you feel great about yourself.
  • On other occasions, students workshopped their final works online, without my input, benefiting from the workshopping skills and confidence they had learnt in their shared judgements.
  • Result indicates: Structural displacement response is largest as inputting Tianjin seismic waves, for its characteristic period is closed to the natural period of vibration of the model.
  • Text input on a tablet suffers from the same kludgey problems, as "digital ink" tends to: WhyPad?
  • The chick with the strongly lateralised brain is able to concentrate on feeding using its right eye and left hemisphere, because the input from one eye goes to the opposite hemisphere.
  • Due to the lack of reliable meteorological inputs, statistical method is commonly used to mid-term and long-term streamflow prediction.
  • So it's like the clock is very accurate but it can be reset by sensory input.
  • A filter whose transfer function is matched with the frequency spectrum function of input signal.
  • The advantage for the farmer is that he can plan his requirements and have guaranteed delivery of his feed inputs at a fixed price over an agreed period of time.
  • The audio reverberator system includes a piezoelectric transducer having an intrinsic capacitance coupled to an additional circuit element to form a low-pass type filter circuit for attenuating higher frequency inputs to the transducer to provide a desired flat frequency response for an audio vibrational output to vibrate a reverberation plate for production of a desired audio output.
  • Again thanx for the input & would appreciate any other opinions. RV CAMP GROUNDS
  • According to the peculiar capacity modulation mode of digital scroll compressor, the response discipline of condenser's mass flow rate was translated to an external input signal.
  • The very nature of democracy requires public input into decision-making, not technocrats deciding what is good for the public.
  • Highly recommended TableCurve is intended to be a fast, one-pass curve-fitting program, with minimal user input.
  • The signal being input into the EXT TRIG jack will become the trigger signal source.
  • The system has many functions:set up an account, input and output process, inquiry, classify, settle an account, modify, print a report etc.
  • These approaches have quite different origins in artificial intelligence and linguistics, and involve corpus input, lexicons and knowledge bases in quite different ways.
  • Input devices may consist of computer mice, keyboards, pixels of one or more video cameras, wearable computer devices, or other sensors with which users can interact.
  • The family doctor has now been consigned to history and no amount of political input will revive him. Times, Sunday Times
  • FileInputStream, and you need to call the async_read () method on that object just as with gio. Downloading Large Files Async With GIO | jonobacon@home
  • In this issue we are particularly requesting your input about people involved in chemical engineering, law, forestry and history.
  • The ecological footprints of three industrial sectors in China were studied through input-output analysis.
  • Practically, the encoding guarantees that different input words are discriminably represented and that the reverse operation can be easily performed.
  • Demonstrated an understanding of their partner's speech output . Did not need pauses to process aural input.
  • Given the same input, the expert system consistently reaches the intended conclusion.
  • The roads are also needful for safe delivery of agricultural inputs to the small-scale farmers themselves.
  • Your Board of Directors seeks your input on this issue.
  • The bike has got a much tighter feel to it now-it wants to turn and responds better to rider input.
  • One-third of respondents noted the positive impact of other fellows on their training; the potential value of such input from peers should not be minimized.
  • The midpoint between the coils is connected to the mono microphone input.
  • Manufacturers also reported pressure from rising input costs, as oil prices continued their upward spiral.
  • As time passes, different cultural input alters the primary image and cultural exchanges overlay it, yet, the core archetype remains pure.
  • This happens for me most often with the label dialog but it's basically erasing with select similar would be one or two more input actions. All Discussion Groups: Message List - root
  • At the same time, of course, it assures them of comprehensible input.
  • It has spent $2m building a large office in India where it can pay data inputters salaries of only £2,000 compared to £20,000 here.
  • In applications for statistical or topological modeling, for example, inputs could be frequencies, spatial locations, and so on.
  • In contrast, automation allows the outputs of one stage to be transformed into the inputs for the next, without loss.
  • When hovering, the same input will make the model start to move backwards.
  • Quad 2-input NAND gate with schmitt trigger inputs.
  • Latter today I will create an excel file for you that you can input the keyword autopilot changes into. Digital Point Forums
  • The public input portion of Monday's debate kicked off with criticism from two failed mayoralty candidates who ran for office in November's election.
  • How are fixed and variable inputs different from each other? Microeconomics: Price Theory in Practice
  • A sequence of decimal digits input from the keyboard is formed into the corresponding decimal whole number or zero.
  • The transition would demand a significant energy input per excited electron.
  • While not depicted here, it is suggested that the inhibitory input to these DA pathways produces the overt and covert restlessness characteristic of akathisia.
  • This bill would mandate that public meetings are held in communities across the nation to solicit input about ways to improve the health care system.
  • While the situations for each are different, they all illustrate a discrepancy between the sensory input and how the brain interprets the information.
  • Combining with GEF project funds, incandescent manufacturer utilizes its own inputs to carry out the conversion project to energy efficient lighting products.
  • The systemic outputs of the organizations are then expressed as inputs to other systems.
  • Others have the inputs for recording audio from external devices like cassette players.
  • If you're looking for someone to keep your data clean and you don't want to employ a dedicated data inputter, then give us a call.
  • The labour input was high, and vineyards on the plains required between 70 and 80 man-days per hectare per year.
  • There is the very real input from self-taught artists in the developing world.
  • Remove the now-redundant four inputs and extra function bit from the multiplexer. Babbage-Boole Digital Arithmetical and Logical Mill: Part 1 « The Half-Baked Maker
  • A semiconductor memory is used as a delay unit. Short-term averager and long-term averager integrate the input signals.
  • You can physically attach the iPad keyboard to either through the 30-pin connector, but the software in the device would have no idea of how to handle the input because there are no device drivers. 2010 January « Steve Wildstrom on Tech
  • Those will be inputted into the film later with the help of computer technology. Transform the 'Transformers'-in-D.C. photo
  • For example, an input may be priced at above marginal cost in a situation where there are variable proportions in production.
  • As the input of energy is increased, the volume gets louder.
  • Early computers required input in the form of punched cards.
  • The output should be proportional to the input.
  • A comparator connects to the drain circuitry of the input transistors which supplies and offset voltage to the comparator.
  • There has been a big input of resources into the project from industry.
  • That said, normally, a filter operation does not subtract the output from the input in such a manner, i.e. a highpass filter would be used to remove the low frequencies, and a separate lowpass filter would be used to remove the high frequencies . Wilson et al 2007 « Climate Audit
  • The report contains a substantial input by the police.
  • The peak corresponds to the value of the input at which the output is high.
  • We value the input of everyone who answered the questionnaire.
  • Housed in a robotic housing made by Telemetrics, it features a Canon HD camera equipped with three 1/3in (1,670,000-pixel) CCD sensors, a Canon HD zoom lens with 20x optical zoom ratio (4. 5mm-90mm), a remote-control neutral density filter, genlock input, HD-SDI output with embedded audio as the primary video and an SD composite NTSC feed for monitoring. Broadcast Engineering RSS Feed
  • The back panel looks very busy indeed, with inputs and outputs aplenty.
  • Each stage provides customizable properties (for example, input table name, column definition, transformation formula, and so on).
  • The principle of the method is simple, which considerably cuts down the cost of the Chinese character input equipment.
  • Encouraging system construction of scientific research in higher education aims to effective impacts under fully consideration of infection factors, which is verified through input-output analysis.
  • The keys for lexical access are stressed syllables in the word corresponding to the input syllable type.
  • This was put through the confusion simulator and then used as input to the overlap program.
  • In this respect, the learner exercises his own initiative to ensure the proper supply of comprehensible input.
  • Henry explained that consumers now need to validate websites before inputting their personal data.
  • You will be asked to input your home telephone number and postcode. Times, Sunday Times
  • She added that the close containment of the infection at the units was due to the enormous input of staff of all disciplines.

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