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input file

  1. (computer science) a computer file that contains data that serve as input to a device or program

How To Use input file In A Sentence

  • Preparing both training and test input files will not depend on historical data sets, which are usually controlled by some one else.
  • I started with an abstract model, which is just the XML input file.
  • To run the abaqus solver (Abaqus/Standard or Abaqus/Explicit) you use the following command: "abaqus job = jobname" where your input filename is jobname. inp. IMechanica - Comments
  • Since MPEG-2 is unideal for editing, many/most video editors don't support MPEG-2 input files.
  • Preparing both training and test input files will not depend on historical data sets, which are usually controlled by some one else.
  • The IBD application folder contains example files and a manual with more detailed information on input file formats.
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