How To Use Inordinately In A Sentence
Mr. Daley's remarks came after the CEO of the Biotechnology Industry Organization, which is hosting BIO 2010 from May 3 to 6 at McCormick, said the "inordinately" high cost of putting on a convention in Chicago will be an important factor in deciding whether to return someday. Breaking News
The sensual appetites have their own proper sensible objects to which they naturally incline, and since original sin has broken the bond which held them in complete subjection to the will, they may antecede the will in their actions and tend to their own proper objects inordinately.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon
These intimate letters introduce us to a man who's not only inordinately interesting, but also vain, funny, abrasive, sarcastic and courageous.
Such a panic was set off in August 2007 by inordinately blowing up the dangers to the world financial system inherent in a mere $400 to $600 billion of securities backed by U.
But nervousness will likewise do it; fright, or anxiety of almost any kind, will make a horse stale inordinately.
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One early exercise that I'm still inordinately proud of was the instruction to ‘write a haiku using only the words you can find on the racing page of the morning paper.’
However, Romania pays what it describes as inordinately high prices for Russian gas, which is delivered by two intermediary companies.
Jamestown Foundation: All Publications
she was inordinately smart
He almost single-handedly brokered a peace deal with secessionist rebels in Chechnya last fall, thereby ending an inordinately bloody war.
In particular, it placed an inordinately high 'exceptionality' burden on the applicants when requesting artificial insemination facilities.
Times, Sunday Times
I was surprised because there seemed to be an inordinately high proportion of Canadian garbage references among Oxford dictionaries.
He is inordinately proud of his wife's achievements.
This gives him ample time to indulge in ad-libbing, a pastime of which he seems inordinately fond.
This singular ambition was realized in the remarkable building that now loomed before me, whose design was characterized by a discordant—if not utterly bizarre—juxtaposition of architectural embellishments, from medieval battlements, to Corinthian columns, to Oriental minarets, to the sort of elaborately scrolled buttresses characteristic of the Italian baroque—the entire, unparalleled combination giving to the whole an air of Arabian Nights fantasticalness, as though the building had sprung full-blown from the teeming reveries of an inordinately imaginative child.
Not being inordinately large in size, he had the advantage of being an amateur boxer.
Eventually, the groove of WRONG disappeared as if some minor curse from an obnoxious word sprite was lifted, and we eventually were able to recall and retain the inordinately oh so complex word… gazebo.
The Gazebo Effect « The Life and Times of Organic Mama
In the end, he was given inordinately great power and so saved his family from death see Genesis 45 and 50:20.
Modern Science in the Bible
Take a trip to meet the woman in her native country, but be wary of suspicious economic arrangements she may have initiated, such as inordinately high fees for her transportation or a pricey hotel she has lined up. -- Top News
K's mother tends to worry inordinately, which is a little hard to work around -- you don't want to worry her, but on the other hand we can't spend the whole day sitting on the sofa just to keep her from worrying (nor, to be fair, would she want us to -- she knows her worrying is over the top.)
Readersguide Diary Entry
And he became inordinately fond of various chorines and divas.
Anyway, this afternoon we spent an inordinately long time fixing a hasp and padlock to the garage.
But coded doping calendars recently obtained by Mr. Mitchell show that the Bush team’s clubhouse watercoolers have for years been spiked with an astonishing array of controlled substances, including testosterone decanoate and the inordinately powerful steroid trenbolone — apparently obtained from President Bush’s Texas ranch — that is intended to improve the muscle quality of beef cattle.
The Shots Heard 'Round the World
In the 1880s, the journalist and social reformer Jacob Riis noticed that the “young people in Jewtown the Lower East Side are inordinately fond of dancing.”
A Renegade History of the United States
Now, Rome—not the society of people in the city, but their collective exoskeleton, the city itself—is a sublime and inordinately complicated object lesson in the substantiality of buildings and other made things, in their resistance to abstraction.
The Forever City
The care of the publique must oversway all private interests, for it is a true rule that perticuler estates cannot subsist in the ruinue of the publique." sic It's very difficult to hear the arguments against taxing the inordinately wealthy as reflecting anything of that evangelical sentiment and social imperative.
Frank G. Kirkpatrick: Searching For The Common Good In Political Discourse
This gives him ample time to indulge in ad-libbing, a pastime of which he seems inordinately fond.
Or have the Blogging Tards Tories – of whom Stephen Taylor must be inordinately proud – given up any attempt to hide their racist mouthbreather tendencies?
Is it just me ...
FEC, which would have to vote to launch an audit, is prone to deadlocking on issues that inordinately impact one party or the other - like approving a messy and high-profile probe of a sitting president.
Never Yet Melted
They went into the lobby where the doorman, inordinately well-dressed to be pushing buzzers, gave I0C a sharp blast.
I'd feel inordinately pleased with myself were it not for the fact that the ones I spent all morning doing are rather flat and dull.
He kept shtum and didn't embarrass her once for the following 11 years and, instead, contented himself with being an almost mute second fiddle to a woman of whom he was inordinately proud.
Covetousness is not only in getting riches unjustly, but in loving them inordinately, which is a key that opens the door to all sin.
The Lord's Prayer
In an economy quickly going down the toilet faster than a nickel bag when the police come a-knocking, decriminalized and government-sanctioned "ganja" could 'pot'-entially create more and literally' green 'jobs, add much needed tax revenues, and end the criminality and high-cost incarceration (inordinately of young black males) attached to its production, sale and consumption.
Michael DeJong: A New "Green" Economy
To them the restaurant, with its warm yellow lights shining at the end of an otherwise unlit road, must seem inordinately welcoming.
The Sorcerer’s Apprentices
Reply Obj. 2: It is not a sin to covet God's likeness as to knowledge, absolutely; but to covet this likeness inordinately, that is, above one's measure, this is a sin.
Summa Theologica, Part II-II (Secunda Secundae) Translated by Fathers of the English Dominican Province
Inordinately protean" is really just a way of saying that a book like Moby-Dick is always worth reading and re-reading, that readers 'experiences of the novel are always going to be productively various.
Canonical Writers
Not that he designed to oblige us to a strict imitation of him in this particular; for he might, and we may lawfully possess and enjoy these things: but to teach us not to overprize them, not to seek them too earnestly, nor love them inordinately.
The Works of Dr. John Tillotson, Late Archbishop of Canterbury. Vol. 08.
Gruff and inordinately self-reliant, Gordon was highly conservative in attitude, theology, and lifestyle.
The result was that we had an inordinately high number of crashes as time went on, and sulfanilamide an early antibiotic could be bought on the streets of Kunming while Chinese troops in the field were dying of infection.
The Last Empress
He did a lot for Amiens — and Amiens is inordinately proud of him.
Writer Unboxed » Blog Archive » The price of fame
Things are inordinately complex, and no theory by itself can explain the way each interrelated variable affects the entire system.
Matthew Yglesias » McConnell: Spending Can’t Work Except When It Can
Geiton the hero, a handsome, curly-pated hobbledehoy of seventeen, with his câlinerie and wheedling tongue, is courted like one of the sequor sexus: his lovers are inordinately jealous of him and his desertion leaves deep scars upon the heart.
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
He is inordinately proud of his troupe and relishes being around the young and talented.