  1. too numerous to be counted
    myriad stars
    the multitudinous seas
    countless hours
    innumerable difficulties
    an infinite number of reasons

How To Use innumerous In A Sentence

  • Vast and mighty on the way, the ever-lasting riverbank shuttled in the history bring people the innumerous exciting colorful of moments.
  • While individually one of these new light posts may only generate up to 380 watts of clean energy, if all the innumerous lamp posts were replaced with ones like these the combined effect could make a great difference. Joshua Keyak: It's Art... It's Energy... No, It's Both
  • And there are innumerous examples for the coercion to provide the information which then is used against you by the government. Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » A Civil Disobedience Idea
  • I'd have thought there would be innumerous sites out there! A Dubious "Opportunity" for IDers
  • There are innumerous examples of absolutes in the Bible†good and evil, right and wrong, heaven and hell, wise and foolish, friend and foe. Think Progress » Malkin On Detainee Suicides: ‘Boo-Freakin-Hoo’
  • My parents, Andrew and Dorothy Steuer, also contributed to this project in innumerous ways. Pursuit of an 'Unparalleled Opportunity': The American YMCA and Prisoner of War Diplomacy among the Central Power Nations during World War I
  • In the past three seasons of Friday Night Lights, Riggins has seduced the town sweetheart, dallied with a single mom, and encountered innumerous “rally girls.” TV: Culture and Celebrity
  • Only having to complete two more classes to graduate, I always thought my future in political sciences as wide open with innumerous possibilities; unfortunately this proved untrue. Radovan Karadzic's website and blog
  • But the metaphor's worked well enough for innumerous editorial writers, from the Cold War to climate change. The End is Near and it's Thanks to the Marketers
  • innumerous," and the rest of his bad English -- in spite of bombast, horrors, maundering, sheer stuff and nonsense of all kinds, there is Literary and General Lectures and Essays
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