How To Use Innumerable In A Sentence

  • Three hours packed with a quick-fire century, a couple of bouncers, two-thirds of a hat-trick, a dropped catch, several bowled wickets and innumerable fours and sixers.
  • There are innumerable other examples. Times, Sunday Times
  • They have innumerable beautiful, barefoot children, live in low-slung, thatched, whitewashed cottages, and their climate is often cool, damp and misty.
  • However, it is an impersonal god, without name, without history, immanent in the world, diffused within an innumerable plurality of things…
  • Pustosero, are diuers and innumerable nations, which by one common name are called Samoged (that is) such as eate themselues. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
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  • It is a great sight, with ant-like streams pouring across long pontoons over the river's shallow sandy banks to innumerable craft moored midstream.
  • And to my silence as to the causes of her claustration, was it not comprehensible that she should correspond with a similar and constant silence as to her perpetual desires, her innumerable memories and hopes? The Sweet Cheat Gone
  • Of innumerable biographies of Luther the best from sympathetic Protestant pens are: Julius Köstlin, _Life of Luther, _ trans. and abridged from the German (1900); T.M. Lindsay, _Luther and the German Reformation_ (1900); A.C. M.Giffert, _M.rtin Luther, the A Political and Social History of Modern Europe V.1.
  • She had innumerable duties to attend to, the first of which was her unbreachable hour with Max. DREAMS OF INNOCENCE
  • For the Galaxy is nothing else than a congeries of innumerable stars distributed in clusters.
  • Like his men, he wears a motley garb, -- part Spanish uniform, part costume of the Llanos; and he leans upon a lance, decorated with a black bannerol, which has carried death already to innumerable Loyalist hearts. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 03, No. 16, February, 1859
  • While innumerable neurotic New Yorker fanatics have saved piles of the magazine in closets or basements, the few easily accessible archives of the magazine's contents have been on microfilm or in bound volumes in public libraries.
  • Sharon Werner and Sarah Forss have done here for creepy-crawlies and numbers what they did for animals and letters in 2009's "Alphabeasties": In this case, they've used innumerable miniature numbers to create the shapes of creatures, about which they then tell us more. Critters That Crawl, Fly And Count
  • He was a chronic alcoholic and had severe problems in disciplining his work, which went through innumerable revisions.
  • The five days needed to reach it after it first appeared on the horizon had been fraught with danger: a dozen rapids, violent eddies that whirled the Explorer around “like a teetotum,” interspersed with innumerable reaches through which the boat had to be towed by a dozen men hauling upon fraying ropes or by a battered skiff with splintered oars. Colossus
  • These small businesses play a vital role in the economies of innumerable coastal communities.
  • The melodious chirps, chirrups, tweets, twitters and warbling notes from the winged visitors blend well with the incessant hum, buzz and drone of innumerable insects, to produce the effect of being inside a vast forest.
  • The book has been embraced by various cultures and intellectual societies in innumerable lands across the globe.
  • As was the manner of his time, his relations with his innumerable mistresses were almost universally cordial, even when disembarrassing himself of them.
  • There are innumerable holy cards and representations of her.
  • 'Innumerable are the illusions and legerdemain-tricks of Custom: but of all these, perhaps the cleverest is her knack of persuading us that the Miraculous, by simple repetition, ceases to be Miraculous. Sartor Resartus, and On Heroes, Hero-Worship, and the Heroic in History
  • This wildness, however, is different from that of the Highlands; for here the mountains, instead of heath, are covered with a fine green swarth, affording pasture to innumerable flocks of sheep. The Expedition of Humphry Clinker
  • And, just as in that war, innumerable inconclusive skirmishes were fought. The Runaway Brain: the Evolution of Human Uniqueness
  • The innumerable efforts to identify the glyphs by their superficial appearance, calling the banded headdress a “pottery decoration,” and explaining the face-glyph of the North thereby, because in Maya _xaman_ is north and _xamach_ a tortilla dish (to say nothing of others still more fanciful, by a host of writers), have broken down, as was to be expected. Commentary Upon the Maya-Tzental Perez Codex with a Concluding Note Upon the Linguistic Problem of the Maya Glyphs
  • In The Shadow Of The Sun, he recounts innumerable random acts of kindness from a truck driver who shares his last goatskin of water with him when they break down in the Sahara to the doctors who save his life.
  • There are innumerable other examples. Times, Sunday Times
  • Mr. Carter is not a defender of the medium he’s covered for so long; nor an extoller, like some, of its innumerable virtues. The Boob Tube Respected��� Television Without the Villains
  • This was an extraordinary case, and I am therefore the more particular in it, because I came so much to the knowledge of it; but there were innumerable such-like cases, and it was seldom that the weekly bill came in but there were two or three put in, 'frighted'; that is, that may well be called frighted to death. A Journal Of The Plague Year
  • The self-referential jibes and parody elements work well, as do the innumerable anime in-jokes.
  • It got worse when, attempting to summon a waiter for more wine, I mistakenly outbid everyone in the raffle for a snooker cue signed by innumerable world champions.
  • And yes, we are enjoying modest profits these days, affording us the opportunity to reinvest in innumerable political and artistic endeavors.
  • His evil spirit imaginary dance step is lets the innumerable stars imitate.
  • This story has been repeated innumerable times, and structures how we think about law and judging today: formalism is naïve, bad, or false; every sensible and candid person is realistic about judging. Balkinization
  • Yet from the outset he faced innumerable obstacles. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is a great sight, with ant-like streams pouring across long pontoons over the river's shallow sandy banks to innumerable craft moored midstream.
  • He takes over a pub from his Aunt Paula after failing at innumerable ne'er-do-well schemes in London.
  • But to point out the faults of this composition would be absurd indeed, for they are innumerable and glaring, and the deuce is in it, if Mr. Beddoes does not wonder at himself and his play, before he is three-and-twenty. Review
  • A young person learning English will hear innumerable examples where the adjective comes first, and almost none where the noun comes first. The Chomsky Update - Linguistics and Politics
  • The fall of snowflakes in a still air, preserving to each crystal its perfect form; the blowing of sleet over a wide sheet of water, and over plains, the waving rye-field, the mimic waving of acres of houstonia, whose innumerable florets whiten and ripple before the eye; the reflections of trees and flowers in glassy lakes; the musical steaming odorous south wind, which converts all trees to windharps; the crackling and spurting of hemlock in the flames; or of pine logs, which yield glory to the walls and faces in the sittingroom, -- these are the music and pictures of the most ancient religion. Essays: Second Series (1844)
  • And, just as in that war, innumerable inconclusive skirmishes were fought. The Runaway Brain: the Evolution of Human Uniqueness
  • After all, aren't there innumerable warnings out there about how easy it is to mess up your computer by fussing with the registry?
  • I have used the word verdure, but it is really a misnomer, for although the prevailing tint of the foliage was a dark green, the entire forest was streaked like a rainbow with innumerable flowers, and the breeze which blew from it was laden with the most delightful perfume, Evidently it was all a howling wilderness, for we could not detect the slightest vestige of human dwellings or cultivation. A Trip to Venus
  • There have been productions of this play set in innumerable locales and time periods, but I've never seen one that played so foul with the tone of Shakespeare's text.
  • And oddest of all, as it seemed to me for the moment, two or three of these weird inhabitants of a subterranean world, a world sheltered by innumerable miles of rock from sun or rain, carried umbrellas in their tentaculate hands — real terrestrial looking umbrellas! First Men in the Moon
  • Being an industrial town, renowned for the innumerable small-scale industries, Coimbatore is no longer a place with old gadgets and age-old systems.
  • The melodious chirps, chirrups, tweets, twitters and warbling notes from the winged visitors blend well with the incessant hum, buzz and drone of innumerable insects, to produce the effect of being inside a vast forest.
  • The flowers are small but innumerable, a soft blend of pink and yellow, which sounds weird but is a delight. Times, Sunday Times
  • As we drew close to the source, we found ourselves surrounded by the caves and wattle huts of innumerable holy men; they seemed to rear out of the mist, dotting the landscape wherever we looked.
  • I felt sorry for the innumerable chubby people at the front who had to be gasping for air.
  • Yet it is evident that the fact of all the processes above described being so similar in the case of sexual (or metazoal) reproduction among the innumerable organisms where it occurs, constitutes in itself a strong argument in favour of evolution. Darwin, and After Darwin (Vol. 1 and 3, of 3) An Exposition of the Darwinian Theory and a Discussion of Post-Darwinian Questions
  • His munificence was in proportion to his vast wealth (derived chiefly from his property in Cardiff), and innumerable poor Catholic missions throughout Britain, as well as private individuals, could testify to his lavish, though not indiscriminate generosity. The Third Marquess of Bute: Catholic Convert and Patron
  • Britain does itself no favors by complaining about a falling share price and lost dividends while eleven Americans lie dead, thousands of Gulf Coast residents have lost their livelihood, and innumerable wildlife wash up ashore drenched in BP guck. Rabbi Shmuley Boteach: BP, Gadhafi, and Britain's Oil Comeuppance
  • Innumerable other needless lengthenings might be produced, from which we choose only preventative for preventive, and to experimentalize for to experiment. Formations.
  • Instead of having ‘innumerable opportunities’ for new stories, we were given innumerable continuity errors.
  • In my personal life I've lived in three major homes, stayed on innumerable floors and been to America a fair few times.
  • (sometimes several inches across) submerged in it, and consists of more or less gelatinous matrix enclosing innumerable "cocci," "bacteria," or other elements of the Schizomycete concerned. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 2 "Baconthorpe" to "Bankruptcy"
  • As such, objectification is very much a part of our contemporary social condition because on a daily basis we are surrounded by and possibly even culpable such acts because the simple, if tragic, fact is that there are innumerable ways to objectify people. Some homework | Living the Liminal
  • While Colorado's mountainous terrain offers innumerable beautiful sights that leave one longing for more and never satiated, its magnitude of awe and grandeur also invoke a humbling effect on mankind.
  • ONE MUST have been a witness to innumerable instances of two-wheeler riders jumping or overshooting a signal with impunity.
  • The software is 'intelligent' and largely automatically configures itself although there are innumerable customizations that can be made.
  • The group staged golf tournaments and cruises and sold innumerable collectible tchotchkes - limited-edition wooden plaques, team pictures, 25th anniversary prepaid calling cards.
  • The chief fault they find with other peoples is that almost innumerable books of laws and commentaries are not sufficient. Sources of the West: Readings in Western Civilization, Volume 1: From the Beginning to 1715
  • The gondolieri were frequently hailed, at this early hour, by the market-people, as they glided by towards Venice, and the lagune soon displayed a gay scene of innumerable little barks, passing from terra-firma with provisions. The Mysteries of Udolpho
  • I have been stopped innumerable times and have always defended myself showing the famous article 106 that says we are allowed one vehicle under our FM to drive ... and which also states indirectly that we, as residents working here, do NOT have to pay the temporary importation fee each and every year AS LONG AS our FM is vigente. In regards to locked thread on importing autos..
  • This work is done in long and short darn stitch created into innumerable designs and patterns.
  • The story of what happens next has been told innumerable times, to the point of having become a ghoulish soap opera.
  • The death that is in the curse is put into his hand to manage it, to the dread and terror of sinners; and by it he bath always kept many, and to this day doth keep innumerable souls in unexpressible bondage, putting them upon barbarous inhumanities to make atonement for their sins, and forcing some to inflict revenge and destruction upon themselves, thinking to prevent, but really hastening, that which they fear. The Doctrine of the Saints��� Perseverance Explained and Confirmed
  • A singular feature attending the salt lakes, or the hollows where water had formerly lodged, was the existence of innumerable small stones, resembling biscuits or cakes in shape, perfectly circular and flat, but a little convexed in the upper surface, they were of various sizes, and appeared to consist of lime, being formed into their present shape by the action of water. Journals of expeditions of discovery into Central Australia, and overland from Adelaide to King George's Sound, in the years 1840-1
  • A man of family, partly from indiscretion, and from various other causes, becomes embarrassed; the clamours of his creditors soon magnify his luxuries, but not a word is said about their innumerable extortions, in the shape of commissions, percentages, and other licensed modifications of cheatery, nor are they reckoned to the advantage of the debtor. The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 10, No. 277, October 13, 1827
  • As the myriad shells that tessellate old ocean's pavements, as the vast army of innumerable clouds which cea-elessly shift their coloring and their forms at the presto of wizard-winds: as the leaves of the forest that bud and wane in the flush of summer or the howl of wintry storms, so we differ one from another. Macaria; or, Altars of Sacrifice
  • We appeared on websites and took innumerable calls from well-wishers.
  • Invest in stock market livonian e sagaciousness ipaq cum craniometry vargas cum petard jujutsu interleaf lesbianism pic belfry pad innumerable garb cum. Rational Review
  • I sat surrounded by flowers and portraits and innumerable tributes to him.
  • All the same, she has chess to thank for making innumerable friends both at home and abroad. Times, Sunday Times
  • While being scrutinised by a gargantuan grouper and innumerable smaller fish, I became aware of a more thrilling presence.
  • The Poems of the mourner himself have now passed through innumerable editions, and are universally known, but if, when Collins died, the same kind of imprecation had been pronounced by a surviving admirer, small is the number whom it would not have comprehended. Prefaces and Prologues to Famous Books with Introductions, Notes and Illustrations
  • St. Alphonsus writes of a Father Auriemma's book Affetti Scambievoli where the good Father wrote of innumerable favors granted by the Mother of God to those who practiced the devotion of visiting her often in her churches or before her image. Archive 2009-04-19
  • The striking visual appearance of that black and white outline has sparked off innumerable creative ideas.
  • When he saw that Madame Delmare was obliged to make an effort to listen to him, he held his peace, and naught could be heard save the innumerable little voices whispering in the burning wood, the plaintive song of the log as it becomes heated and swells, the crackling of the bark as it curls before breaking, and the faint phosphorescent explosions of the alburnum, which emits a bluish flame. Indiana
  • By means of their restlessness they produce innumerable currents which we call our passions, our thoughts, our joys, our sufferings, our desires, our fears, and our will. A Mummer's Tale
  • There rode ships from France, England, Holland, China and Japan, while innumerable boats and gilded barges rowed by sixty men plied to and fro.
  • He takes over a pub from his Aunt Paula after failing at innumerable ne'er-do-well schemes in London.
  • In fact, innumerable changes will result affecting agricultural, housing, medical, clothing and amusement policies.
  • We had sheets of our own, which were spread upon a mattrass, and here I took my repose wrapped in a greatcoat, if that could be called repose which was interrupted by the innumerable stings of vermin. Travels through France and Italy
  • To her credit, CLA chairwoman-designate Wang Ju-hsuan openly opposed the call for "delinking" and correctly noted that the linkage provides a "minimum guarantee" for the rights of Taiwan's over 300,000 foreign laborers and warned that abolishing the linkage would cause innumerable problems with management of foreign labor as victims of "de-linking" will naturally try to find better paid employment. Archive 2008-05-01
  • He made drawings with sophisticated perspectival schemes that are inscribed with the hour and day they were made, and concentrate on innumerable subtleties of variation in colour and tone.
  • The innumerable stars in the sky are too far from us.
  • Here was an innumerable multitude of people gathered together, so that they trade one upon another, in labouring to get foremost, and to come within hearing. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume V (Matthew to John)
  • From that terracing came a continual glinting of points of light as innumerable cigarettes were lit.
  • As the people get greater wages, so they, I mean the same poorer part of the people, clothe better, and furnish better, and this increases the consumption of the very manufactures they make; then that consumption increases the quantity made, and this creates what we call inland trade, by which innumerable families are employed, and the increase of the people maintained, and by which increase of trade and people the present growing prosperity of this nation is produced. The Complete English Tradesman (1839 ed.)
  • They were all over the television innumerable times and they were expressing themselves and revealing some of their policies and more of their personalities.
  • Egypt; and the eggs of innumerable insects, and the spawn of fish, and of frogs, in this climate are hatched by the vernal warmth: this might be the case of birds in warm climates, in their early state of existence; and experience might have taught them to incubate their eggs, as they became more perfect animals, or removed themselves into colder climates: thus the ostrich is said to sit upon its eggs only in the night in warm situations, and both day and night in colder ones Note IX
  • It seemed as if that crop of figures, like the innumerable florets of the whiteweed, now overspreading your paternal farm, were exhausting the last vitality from a shallow soil. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 04, No. 23, September, 1859
  • No sooner had we left that beautiful _cuvette_ than we came to a magnificent flat open valley extending from E.S.E. to W.N.W. In its northern part, where a pool of stagnant water was to be found, were innumerable _burity_ palms. Across Unknown South America
  • The inordinate jealousy Italians have of foreigners, and their fear lest they should "utilise" Italy, and carry away all her wealth with them, has been the source of innumerable mistakes. Cornelius O'Dowd Upon Men And Women And Other Things In General
  • They invented and named the alembic al-anbiq, chemically analyzed innumerable substances, composed lapidaries, distinguished alkalis and acids, investigated their affinities, studied and manufactured hundreds of drugs. Archive 2008-10-01
  • And yet the story of the Sidonian Cadmus, which is so improbable, has been readily believed, and also innumerable other tales. Laws
  • She wondered if maybe her mother had not become one of the innumerable stars in the heavens.
  • It has been mined for instruction from innumerable perspectives.
  • It is the basis for innumerable other dishes, such as refried beans, ranch-style beans, and bean soups. The Mexican kitchen: a taste for all seasons
  • Notwithstanding the fact that there are many editions of the _Sayings of the Jewish Fathers_, and that it has been translated innumerable times in all modern tongues, no apology need be given for the appearance of this little volume in the series of _Jewish Classics_. Pirke Avot Sayings of the Jewish Fathers
  • The criminal nature of these outrages is underscored by the fact that they occurred in a city that has been the scene of innumerable protests against imperialism and war.
  • Squirrels, too, whose spicy ardor no heat or cold may abate, were nutting among the pines, and the innumerable hosts of the insect kingdom were throbbing and wavering unwearied as sunbeams. John Muir
  • I have achieved those goals, and it is now my desire to rejoin the ranks of alumnae who serve the college in innumerable ways.
  • The fit makes even more sense alongside the innumerable software and multimedia computer companies in Carlsbad.
  • Her albums have sold over eight million copies and established the template for the innumerable crossover copycats that have followed.
  • Late in the month of August one year we had been close-herding a small bunch of young cattle on a bottom about a mile square, walled in by bluffs, and with, as an inlet, a long, dry creek running back many miles into the Bad Lands, where it branched out into innumerable smaller creeks and coulies. III. The Grouse of the Northern Cattle Plains
  • Compare your charitable deductions with all the money you spend on non-essentials such as vacations, travel and the innumerable consumer delectables that adorn your home entertainment center.
  • They are as deep in cellarage as they are high, while the rooms in them are innumerable. Recollections of Old Liverpool
  • Tarantino begins with the logo from a 1970s Hong Kong production company, Shaw Brothers, the curtain-raiser for innumerable fan references.
  • Stop along the coast in Assateague and view innumerable migratory species, including peregrine falcons, merlins, and enormous flocks of tree swallows continuing their flight south.
  • But Dolly swerved from the road and dashed down a grassy slope yellowed with innumerable mariposa lilies. Jack London's Short Story - Planchette
  • A great portion of the book is devoted to chronicling her innumerable tours to various parts of the world.
  • No longer considered is the material and tonal specificity of music as "sonority" (Klangbild) as it is shaped by countless decisions in the area of orchestration, instrumentation, tonal color, to say nothing of the innumerable contingencies that shape a given musical performance. The Voice of Critique: Aesthetic Cognition After Kant,
  • The lives of innumerable other animals that rely on oak woodlands during migration or breeding could be disrupted.
  • My holy, My divinely ordained Revelation may be likened unto an ocean in whose depths are concealed innumerable pearls of great price, of surpassing luster.
  • I have opened myself up to innumerable possibilities by not disbelieving anything and yet not really believing anything either.
  • They are known by many names, the old folk, the good folk, the fae "fae" is plural, "faery" is singular, as they find their way into innumerable legends and stories of many cultures, even to the present day. Archive 2009-05-01
  • Compare, for example, the innumerable small round seedlets of the poppyhead with the solitary large and richly stored seed of the walnut, or the tiny black specks of mustard and cress with the single compact and well-filled seed of the filbert and the acorn. Falling in Love With Other Essays on More Exact Branches of Science
  • My mother used to tell me a story about a young woman whose chief domestic duty was cooking for her innumerable brothers.
  • ‘No guts, no glory’ is the motto here and the 2,500 skiable acres of the resort includes innumerable chutes, bowls, faces and couloirs with legends of die-hards and desperadoes and near-death experiences attached to them.
  • There are innumerable examples of possible economies of scale. Principles of Corporate Finance
  • But age doth not rectify, but incurvate [96] our natures, turning bad dispositions into worser habits, and (like diseases,) brings on incurable vices; for every day as we grow weaker in age, we grow stronger in sin, and the number of our days doth but make our sins innumerable. Religio Medici
  • Technological innovations have brought innumerable benefits.
  • _Thirdly_, If God hath forgiven me so many grievous offences, if he hath pardoned so heinous and innumerable injuries, that amount to a kind of infiniteness in number and quality, O how much more am I bound to forgive my brethren a few light and trivial offences? The Works of the Rev. Hugh Binning
  • There were acres upon acres of greensward set about and cut up with gravelled walks, great alleyed rows of trees, groves without number and galleries and colonnades innumerable. Royal Palaces and Parks of France
  • Its original aim was to produce monthly, from the innumerable daily and weekly news-sheets and journals, interesting news, essays, anecdotes, and information.
  • Innumerable pandas and pujaris await the pilgrims to help them with their worship.
  • Burnt down the virgin forest to destroy the innumerable lives as well as their habitat.
  • If you rummage around in the history of the popular song, you'll find innumerable instances of lyrics and musical passages appropriated and misappropriated willy-nilly.
  • Hundreds of women began as the eighteenth century drew on to add to their pin money, or to come to the rescue of their families by making translations or writing the innumerable had novels which have ceased to be recorded even in text – books, but are to be picked up in the fourpenny boxes in the Charing Cross Road. A room of one's own
  • The language has innumerable binomial compounds and collocations, as well as many "sesquisyllabic" or polysyllabic words of Khmer or Indic origin that contain unstressed vowels, so that the phonological texture of the language is very different from that of uncompromisingly monosyllabic languages like Chinese and Vietnamese.
  • ‘Barefoot’, a fascinating space (you can't call it a shop) with its range of durries, spreads, cushions, sarongs and innumerable knick-knacks will mesmerise you.
  • Although he never married, Hooker's flat on the Brighton sea-front pullulated with friends, widows of friends and innumerable godchildren.
  • A low-ceilinged, crowded room, its walls grimy from the contact of innumerable bodies; battered metal tables and chairs, placed so close together that you sat with elbows touching; bent spoons, dented trays, coarse white mugs; all surfaces greasy, grime in every crack; and a sourish, composite smell of bad gin and bad coffee and metallic stew and dirty clothes. Nineteen Eighty-Four
  • The striking visual appearance of that black and white outline has sparked off innumerable creative ideas.
  • Equally definite and elaborate are the manifold restrictions on marriage, commensality, occupation, food, ceremonial observances and personal conduct which affect the mutual relations not only between the different castes but also between the innumerable sub-castes into which the higher castes especially have in turns split up. Indian Unrest
  • The four of us drive the gentle curves of an English country road as we have done innumerable times before. Times, Sunday Times
  • anaesthesia" arises from ignorance of its innumerable degrees. An Ethical Problem Or, Sidelights upon Scientific Experimentation on Man and Animals
  • “I see a buck's head!” cried Joe, looking down the dell, where the object he mentioned was distinctly observable amid a cluster of spicewood bushes, whence a slight jingling sound proceeded as the animal plucked the nutritious buds bent down by the innumerable icicles. Wild Western Scenes
  • Countless runs were gifted away through shoddy fielding and innumerable dropped catches.
  • He saw comrades cut down around him and endured innumerable sufferings in the trenches but miraculously survived.
  • The innumerable divisions/systems/disciplines not only lack sufficient dialogue and understanding but there is lack of adequate harmony amongst basic, paraclinical, paramedical, nursing, clinical and super specialty fields in allopathy as well. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • The aims of the games are identical, and in terms of technique, they share innumerable skills.
  • The freeway engineers, battening on federal millions, had rammed their way through innumerable cities around the country, overwhelming opposition with claims that new roads would create jobs and solve traffic problems.
  • He had to contend with innumerable difficulties -- the blocking of the river by sudd, the bitter hostility of officials interested in the slave-trade, the armed opposition of the natives -- but he succeeded in planting in the new territory the foundations upon which others could build up an administration. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 2 "Baconthorpe" to "Bankruptcy"
  • THE number of sins a person may commit is well-nigh incalculable, which is only one way of saying that the malice of man has invented innumerable means of offending the Almighty -- a compliment to our ingenuity and the refinement of our natural perversity. Explanation of Catholic Morals A Concise, Reasoned, and Popular Exposition of Catholic Morals
  • He smoked innumerable scented cigarettes, gold as to tip and monogram, which he selected with ostentatious unostentation from a heavy gold case liberally bestudded with rubies and diamonds. The Promise A Tale of the Great Northwest
  • But age doth not rectify, but incurvate our natures, turning bad dispositions into worser habits, and (like diseases) brings on incurable vices; for every day, as we grow weaker in age, we grow stronger in sin, and the number of our days doth but make our sins innumerable. Religio Medici
  • The success of the innumerable pictures along these identical lines that we have produced in the past encourages us to continue. Writers in Hollywood, 1915-51
  • He could see into the rooms of the other class dormitories, where the students studied, skylarked, rough-housed, or conversed on innumerable topics; from a room in Nordyke, the abode of care-free Juniors, a splendidly blended sextette sang songs of their T. Haviland Hicks Senior
  • Stzuchogora toward the mountaine Camenipoias, and the sea with the Ilands thereabout, and the Castle of Pustosero, are diuers and innumerable nations, which by one common name are called Samoged (that is) such as eate themselues. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation — Volume 04
  • In fact, Mr. Romer and innumerable consumers of transistor-based products such as personal computers have played a critical, "venturesome" role in generating their windfalls. Consumers Can Still Spot Value in a Crisis
  • He has invented innumerable excuses, told endless lies.
  • In vivid contrast to these lovely specimens of the binder's art, are found innumerable bibliopegic horrors, on the shelves of countless libraries, public and private. A Book for All Readers An Aid to the Collection, Use, and Preservation of Books and the Formation of Public and Private Libraries
  • One of these streams, which forms a smaller lake near the river, was broken up into several channels; and the irrigated bottom of fertile soil was covered with innumerable flowers, among which were purple fields of _eupatorium purpureum_, with helianthi, a handsome solidago, (_S. canadensis_,) and a variety of other plants in bloom. The Exploring Expedition to the Rocky Mountains, Oregon and California To which is Added a Description of the Physical Geography of California, with Recent Notices of the Gold Region from the Latest and Most Authentic Sources
  • Obviously they must go to sea and vanish among the innumerable islands.
  • The characteristic family names are often borne by men of widely different fortunes, ranging from the local bayman through the captain of the oyster-sloop, the sail-maker, or the wheelwright, to the owner of what the countryside may know as the manor-house—which probably contains one of the innumerable rooms in which Washington is said to have slept. IV. Fellow-Feeling as a Political Factor
  • Dangling from the head was an innumerable collection of articulate tentacles.
  • On the 100th anniversary of the Battle of Trafalgar the streets of York were festooned with innumerable flags floating in the breeze.
  • The innumerable stars in the sky are too far from us.
  • The flowers are small but innumerable, a soft blend of pink and yellow, which sounds weird but is a delight. Times, Sunday Times
  • A riverside cafe terrace in Prague provides one of innumerable places for the residents to enjoy the beauty of their city.
  • Bacic lived through the repressive Pinochet regime in Chile, and through her work with the truth commissions that have been operating in that country she has come in contact with innumerable survivors of torture.
  • Within ten minutes drive from San Pedro there are about two dozen golf courses, and innumerable building sites.
  • There are innumerable examples of possible economies of scale. Principles of Corporate Finance
  • There were innumerable short parodies of Shakespeare's work, and Carroll's nonsense verse is often parodic.
  • [6] Innumerable are the names which might be cited here of religious who have given proofs of the keenest patriotism, defending the islands with the cross in one hand and the sword in the other: Father Agustín de San Pedro, a discalced Augustinian, called "Father Captain" for his prowess against the Mindanao Moros; the no less famous Father Pascual The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 24 of 55 1630-34 Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of the Catholic Missions, As Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing t
  • The pavements on the road are fast disappearing and there are innumerable potholes on the entire stretch.
  • With this, I sat down, leaving my audience as _sotto voce_ as fishes with admiration and amazement at the facundity of my eloquence, and should indubitably have been the recipient of innumerable felicitations but for the fact that Miss SPINK, suddenly experiencing sensations of insalubriousness, requested me, without delay, to conduct her from the assemblage. Baboo Jabberjee, B.A.
  • For, it is impossible to turn our eyes on any point of the starlit vista of human history, without being overwhelmed with a heart-breaking sense of the immense treasure of radiant human lives that has gone to its making, the innumerable dramatic careers now shrunk to a mere mention, the divinely passionate destinies, once all wild dream and dancing blood, now nought but a name huddled with a thousand such in some dusty index, seldom turned to even by the scholar, and as unknown to the world at large as the moss-grown name on some sunken headstone in a country churchyard. Vanishing Roads and Other Essays
  • Now, with unprecedented courage and a strength that amazed everyone, he slew and subdued an innumerable host of hillsmen; now he was himself a hillsman and with them was maintaining their independence against the Russians. The Cossacks
  • They decided to make a collection of all the plants, animals and insects they could find, and smuggled home innumerable beetles, toadstools, dead birds, hedgehogs, frogs, caterpillars and minnows and sloughed snakeskins.
  • Pawar, how can you stop the innumerable particles of dust rising from their burning pyres?
  • With difficulty we crawled to a little cavern, which just held us, and also permitted the servants to change the children's dripping clothes, and thus passed the whole night; but the sun arose as bright as ever, rendering the scene more brilliant and lovely, from the innumerable rain-drops bespangling everything. Yr Ynys Unyg The Lonely Island
  • Remember the problems we used to have when currency notes used to be bundled together with innumerable staples?
  • I was hiking in a fairly remote region when a few other hikers told me of a mountain pass leading into a spectacular valley resonant with cascading waters, lush with rolling meadows, dotted with innumerable wild flowers, and protected on all sides by snow-capped peaks.
  • There are innumerable opportunities to go native, and footslog your way around the countryside. Army Rumour Service
  • Such ancient grassland might have 30 species of plant in a single square metre and innumerable invertebrate animals which have supported such remarkable birds as the stone curlew and many skylarks. Letters: Vanished landscape
  • When C. P. Scott died, the innumerable tributes to him all emphasized his courage and integrity, his humanitarianism and his championship of unpopular causes.
  • I say, it is but a specimen or taste of those numerous, or rather innumerable instances which might be produced; two of which especially I had thought to have spoken something more fully to; namely, the calling covetousness, good husbandry; and prodigality, generosity. Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. IV.
  • Within the precincts are innumerable journalists and foreign diplomats, who have received special clearance, are professionally interested in the proceedings, but have no access to the temple itself.
  • In other towns innumerable counterparts lived similar, humdrum, unexciting lives.
  • In the compact space, body and mind are granted freedom and creativity is prolific, where by innumerable wonders are strung and collected.
  • The latter are uniform in shape and come in frosted varieties with innumerable toppings and different fillings.
  • There were innumerable pigeons and a few Floricans (a kind of bustard -- considered the best eating game -- bird in India). Himalayan Journals — Complete
  • The success of the innumerable pictures along these identical lines that we have produced in the past encourages us to continue. Writers in Hollywood, 1915-51
  • Certain whole chapters and innumerable shorter passages have simply lodged themselves word-perfect in my brain.
  • The Hebrew word, which St. Jerome has here rendered by the name Cocytus, (which the poets represent as a river in hell,) signifies a valley or a torrent: and in this place, is taken for the low region of death and hell: which willingly, as it were, receives the wicked at their death: who are ushered in by innumerable others that have gone before them; and are followed by multitudes above number. The Bible, Douay-Rheims, Complete The Challoner Revision
  • Experience has proven to the contrary; and if to bring a rise on the first cast or two calls for the exercise of those attributes of the expert fly fisherman, what measure of skill must be ascribed to the angler who succeeds in inducing a rise after innumerable casts in the one spot? Field & Stream Classics: December 1912
  • The inevitable outcome is confusion, and a true composer's fixation on a suitable creative path is a trial of strength against innumerable temptations.
  • If we tried to do a count of the similarities shared by all individual humans, we would find them to be innumerable.
  • There is nothing in a man that will not dispute against this captivity of itself: innumerable proud reasonings and imaginations are set up against it; and when the mind and discursive, notional part of the soul is overpowered with the truth, yet the practical principle of the will and the affections will exceedingly tumultuate against it. The Sermons of John Owen
  • The vine and the olive, and the orange flourish, they say, out there; and that corn which they call maize, with its golden head, so rich and prolific; and there are deer in the woods, and quail innumerable, and fish in the rivers and in the sea which washes its coasts. John Deane of Nottingham Historic Adventures by Land and Sea
  • Compare your charitable deductions with all the money you spend on non-essentials such as vacations, travel and the innumerable consumer delectables that adorn your home entertainment center.
  • During the absence of the moon the blue-black vault appears like a robe of imperial purple, besprent with innumerable diamonds of a lustre unknown to earth's feeble gems.
  • One, namely the distinctness of specific forms, and their not being blended together by innumerable transitional links, is a very obvious difficulty. X. On the Imperfection of the Geological Record. On the Absence of Intermediate Varieties at the Present Day
  • The Mexican, or chop dollar, becomes sadly depreciated after long circulation, by the clippings and innumerable marks put upon it, so that it will not pass outside of China, nor does it long remain out of the pot of the sycee melter. The Continental Monthly, Vol. 6, No. 6, December 1864 Devoted To Literature And National Policy
  • She had innumerable duties to attend to, the first of which was her unbreachable hour with Max. DREAMS OF INNOCENCE
  • I was confronted with the official ultimatum and _sine quâ non_, and have subsequently learnt that the cause of this self-denying ordinance is due to the uncontrollable enthusiasm of British Public for works of art, which leads them to signify approbation by puncturing innumerable orifices by dint of sticks or umbrellas in the process of pointing out tit-bits of painting, and on account of the detrimental influence on the marketable value of pictures thus distinguished by the plerophory of the _Vox Populi_. Baboo Jabberjee, B.A.

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