
Innocent III

  1. Italian pope from 1198 to 1216 who instituted the Fourth Crusade and under whom papal intervention in European politics reached its height (1161-1216)

How To Use Innocent III In A Sentence

  • Very high among Innocent III's ambitions was the improvement of the parish clergy.
  • In his call for a crusade, Innocent III denounced the Cathars as “pestiferous men.” Bloodlust
  • Innocent III addressed precisely this issue in his letter to the archbishop of Arles (1202) when reciting the heretics 'argument that little children would receive no benefit from baptism because they lacked three things: "They neither understand nor consent, and they do not have caritas, which is amply imparted in those who understand and consent. A Tender Age: Cultural Anxieties over the Child in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries
  • Or, again, if we borrow from Pope Innocent III. his ideas as to the mystical meanings of gems, we find that chalcedony, which is pale in the light and sparkles in the dark, is synonymous with humility; the topaz with chastity and the merit of good works, while the chrysoprase, the queen of minerals, implies wisdom and watchfulness. The Cathedral
  • Palermo the victory over the troops sent by Innocent III. against Marckwald; Huillard-Bréholles, _Hist.dipl. _, i. p., Life of St. Francis of Assisi
  • Note 17: Innocent III, Sermo VII, dominica III in adventu Domini, PL 217.341. back A Tender Age: Cultural Anxieties over the Child in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries
  • Up to the end of the twelfth century, the popes were the vicars of Peter; after Innocent III. they were the vicars of Christ. History of the Conflict between Religion and Science
  • Indeed, in a bull of 1212, Pope Innocent III relaxed the obligations of prior oaths and forbade the exaction of similar oaths in the future.
  • After all, Francis of Assisi and Dominic Guzman, not Innocent III, energized the mendicant movement that swept Europe in the thirteenth century.
  • Indeed, in a bull of 1212, Pope Innocent III relaxed the obligations of prior oaths and forbade the exaction of similar oaths in the future.
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