How To Use Inka In A Sentence

  • Linkage groups are designated by roman numerals and X for the sex chromosome.
  • He said the unsayable and the unthinkable but with a twinkle. Times, Sunday Times
  • I do not know if that linkage can be proven, but my guess is the fee was the result of a number of actions that Harding took, over a period of years, which were favorable to Hevesi. Henry J. Stern: Betrayal of the Public Trust
  • Lezinka, a boisterous dance in a raging tempo, drums ablaze, that is popular in the The Full Feed from
  • That may seem unthinkable now, but it is wise to plan for complications. Times, Sunday Times
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  • A peptidase enzyme capable of acting on any peptide linkage in a peptide chain. Alcohol and The Addictive Brain
  • One can conclude that the linkage is a rational interpretation, not contradicted by empirical evidence. Beckwith on ID
  • European visitors to the site on the Wells Estate are often dismayed to find a landmark where undrinkable water leaks from crumbling walls.
  • Furthermore I have among a large number of hybrids, two of very high quality between the American sweet chestnut and the chinkapin. Northern Nut Growers Association Report of the Proceedings at the Fifteenth Annual Meeting New York City, September 3, 4 and 5, 1924
  • The system adopts vector control scheme of rate opening loop and magnetic linkage closed loop.
  • Leave a decent overhang in case of shrinkage. Times, Sunday Times
  • If this were so, it could very well be that the chain or pulley or linkages to the back end were removed in the photo retouching because they were too difficult to cut around (if the manip was done as a collage) or to frisket out (if the manip was a double exposure process in a darkroom). 1933 Walker: Fact or Fraud?
  • To introduce desirable genes from blue catfish into channel catfish through introgression, a genetic linkage map is helpful.
  • Losing the prized top rating was unthinkable, he said. Times, Sunday Times
  • A dense wood will have proportionally more elasticity and resistance, but also a greater margin of shrinkage and swelling.
  • Then the unthinkable happened and the boat started to sink.
  • Women were banned from competing and spectating at the original Games, and shot put is barely 100 years old, so the direct linkage with the ancient past was tenuous.
  • Liquid crystal display having drain and pixel electrodes linkable to a wiring line having a potential
  • Sure, he ensconced his old girlfriend Wendy Linka out there.
  • Each of the elements he names demands a communicative, rhetorically performed reciprocity that today's electronic media make almost unthinkable.
  • The auto-induction start system and the punch press linkage (control punch press start).
  • Bushmen in his employ, they came to a deep water-hole, where the precious fluid, though "brak" (alkaline) and stagnant, was still plentiful and drinkable, and within working distance of which the newly-discovered "fields" were located. A Rip Van Winkle Of The Kalahari Seven Tales of South-West Africa
  • Flight Controls Ailerons, rudder and elevator driven by twin hydraulic servo-actuators, and push-pull rod linkage.
  • The chinkara scattered into the scrub as we approached but the blackbuck kept appearing and reappearing, leaping across our path as we drove through the desert.
  • In general, these two closed chains are linked catenanes, and the type of linkage reflects a topological property of the original substrate.
  • When gum infection causes periodontosis , drinkable mix juice with carrot cabbage patch, can supply many vitamin C for human body not only, return OK and clean oral cavity at the same time.
  • At a maximum speed of 300 kph, the planned train system would operate along an 80-kilometer route connecting Haneda Airport and Narita Airport via Tokyo's Rinkai Fukutoshin waterfront subcenter and Chiba City. News On Japan
  • Most people in the country have been touched by unthinkable tragedy. Times, Sunday Times
  • The fact that rigidity in the monetary unit's purchasing power is unthinkable and unrealizable does not impair the methods of economic calculation.
  • The idea that mountain folds, and the lesser rugosities of the Earth's surface, arose in a wrinkling of the crust under the influence of cooling and skrinkage of the subcrustal materials, is held by many eminent geologists, but not without dissent from others. The Birth-Time of the World and Other Scientific Essays
  • Other families with other children, he says, have suffered unthinkable loss.
  • It suggested the difference in salt tolerance of two groups maybe relate with SSR polymorphic loci on linkage groups between group A and B.
  • Likewise, procedure calls to globally defined functions are redirected through the "Procedure Linkage Table" (PLT) residing in the data segment of the core image.
  • The special representative in South Africa of the Organisation of African Unity, Legwaila J Legwaila, on Monday rejected what he called the provocative linkage that gave the impression the ANC Daily News Briefing
  • For a second, I thought he was going to do the unthinkable and just pull off without getting his fare. THE CALLIGRAPHER
  • The forward empennage boom supported the horizontal and vertical stabilizers, and housed the actuating linkage of the rudder and elevator controls.
  • The connectivity of the disulfide linkages is not known.
  • Other researchers have suggested that shrinkage occurs when there are long distances between pastures and weighing facilities.
  • The preliminary growth figures come after a 2.2 per cent shrinkage in the first quarter and are worse than government forecasts of a 4.4 per cent decline. Times, Sunday Times
  • The CJM's court had convicted him for the killing of two chinkara deer on the night of September 26-27, 1998 at Bhavad village while acquitting seven others.
  • NEWCASTLE captain Michael Owen admits the prospect of Newcastle dropping out of the Barclays Premier League is unthinkable. Undefined
  • But the grand, and indeed substantially primary and generic aspect of the Consummation of Terror remains still to be looked at; nay blinkard The French Revolution
  • To the Volunteers, such was simply unthinkable, and they had automatically assumed that the people thought likewise.
  • Zach: Which they base on linkages, something Darwin discussed in Origin. About 'What Darwin Got Wrong'
  • The exhibition also contains some satirical portrayals of the British elite, which benefited from the salve trade, for example, Sir Foster Cunliffe by Yinka Shonibare of the U. K.
  • But then the unthinkable happened; the boat sailed off without him.
  • Eskimo kaiak or skin boat, made of dressed seal hides stretched around a framework of whale ribs or wood, with an opening in the top only large enough to accommodate the sitting body of one man, is one of the most perfect contrivances in the world for water travel, being light, swift, and practically unsinkable. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 5: Diocese-Fathers of Mercy
  • In the event you dont know what the unthinkable is .... it is her getting her butt kicked as is happening now. pretty soon this BS will be over and the country can get on with electing our next president. Full Michigan delegation with half-vote to be seated by Dems
  • For example, Itzaj form a group of arboreal animals, including monkeys as well as tree-dwelling procyonids (kinkajou, cacomistle, raccoon) and squirrels (a rodent). How To Study Intuitions: Examples from the Adult and Developmental Literatures
  • In the most extreme cases it renders a wine undrinkable (though not physically dangerous); in others it just flattens its aromas and flavours.
  • Instead of speed, other countries should try instead to emulate the Shinkansen's remarkable frequency of train headway.
  • Later his teams carried desperately needed supplies for the starving diggers at Milparinka.
  • Offering credit cards to students would have been considered an unthinkable act of profligacy on behalf of the banks a decade earlier.
  • One obvious example of this linkage is when a company chooses to demerge one or a group of its businesses.
  • The nuts all came from a type of Castanopsis, or chinkapin tree, modern representatives of which are found in Northwest United States and Asia today.
  • In all facets of its being, the monster instantiates the limits of the thinkable.
  • While the fundamental risk remained Global Thermonuclear War prosecuted by one or both of the only nation-states capable of accomplishing such a civilization-threatening feat single-handedly or 'cooperatively', the contributing risks represented by escalation and alliances opened a larger number of paths from the status quo to the unthinkable outcome and some of those paths had distinctly lower thresholds standing between origin and outcome. The Speculist: Doomsday Clock Speculist Challenge
  • From the same root common chinkapin will keep on bearing year after year. Northern Nut Growers Association Report of the Proceedings at the Fifteenth Annual Meeting New York City, September 3, 4 and 5, 1924
  • Smooth and very drinkable, this delivers subtle notes of aniseed, liquorice, spice and lemon peel.
  • The Bush administration backed off its previous position insisting on linkage.
  • The scale of destruction is unthinkable, and the horror is unspeakable.
  • But it is virtually unthinkable that it could end in an acquittal, still less a mistrial.
  • And Kuznetsova, with her dark hair and plaintive eyes and sometimes obnoxious laugh, has become a new emblem — an emblem not of suffering, but of anger with the place that Russia has become, a parallel world cordoned off from Europe and the United States that lacks drinkable tap water and a genuinely independent judiciary, and is led by a criminal regime driven by the puniest of ambitions: theft. From Russia, With Self-Loathing
  • Whenever the unthinkable happens, you can be pretty sure science fiction will unthink it. What's Wrong with Star Trek?
  • As summary statements, part of their rationale is to provide a key to the linkages between different articles.
  • Stock you pantry: good drinkable wines, fresh spices (buy small), good chicken broth, bottles of beans, piquillo peppers, capers, anchovies, etc.
  • White House reporters will surely have been relieved to learn that Canberra's tap water is drinkable.
  • We're going to futz around Brooklyn and then go out for drinkage and reminiscing about how we used to play croquet at the university cemetery while drinking G&T's and quoting liberally from Heathers.
  • Shrinkage cracks and dusting and delaminating problems have been reduced.
  • While they are super-fast, comfortable, punctual and convenient, the Shinkansen trains are not cheap.
  • By the use of mathematic mechanized method and computer symbolic manipulating technique this paper carried out a symbolic solution on the synthetic problems of rigid body guided four bar linkages.
  • Due to numerous states' slow recovery from the economic downturn and the shrinkage of state tax revenues in the last few years, more and more states have directed their attention to intercorporate transactions and income shifting schemes. August 2005
  • At that time, it would not have been thinkable to openly criticize the government.
  • Blame the people who run the Union, the Union student presidents during that time and the blinkard Union alums who helped ram this through. Badger Herald: News Updates
  • With the proposed full-order observer, the flux linkage of motor can be accurately observed and high performance achieved without shaft encoder.
  • Reduction in herniated disk volume, as disk shrinkage may reduce nerve root Compression.
  • It uses local Hallertauer and Saaz hop and has at least six weeks of cold maturation which results in an extremely drinkable lager.
  • And this linkage, this so-called concatenation or coming together of effects unifying these vastly different domains of nature, is one of the most compelling aspects in this field.
  • I don't just mean in the field of higher education, where Americans give, or give back, to their places of nurture on a scale that we find unthinkable.
  • That linkage, once made, may serve to confirm, modify, or completely disconfirm.
  • Nay what are all errors and perversities of his, even those stealings of ribbons aimless confused miseries and vagabondisms, if we will interpret them kindly, but the blinkard dazzlements and staggerings to and fro of a man sent on an errand he is too weak for, by a path he cannot yet find? Sartor Resartus, and On Heroes, Hero-Worship, and the Heroic in History
  • Breakfast was hot chocolate -- sandy, sour, nearly undrinkable, but religiously provided at least once a week in place of coffee. STONE CITY
  • The Tudor-style architecture, with its stone pillars and high-pitched roofs, is influenced but not created by Kinkade.
  • Much in the way Negritude was important to the Surrealists, white avant-gardists value the poem for its legitimizing linkage to white avant-gardism.
  • It didn't have a name, so we christened it the Dangerously Drinkable.
  • The grasslands in the park consist of chinkara (the Indian gazelle), nilgai (the blue bull), chausingha (the four-horned antelope) and wild boar.
  • Although associations between power and sex may be related to sexual aggression, other elements must come into play in order for the power-sex-aggression linkage to develop.
  • The linkage is further suggested in the entrance hall by the floor and glossy floorcloth, both painted grass green.
  • An accompaniment played by corneas and sackbuts would be unthinkable here, for they are the instruments of ceremony, and with its bitter text this is the antithesis of a ceremonial work.
  • Divorce was unthinkable, something that wasn't an option. Why Am I Afraid to Divorce?
  • Unsinkabillity became the leading feature of the Titanic's short life only after it hit the bottom, and the fictionalists and symbolists took over.
  • But they are not just reactionary eclectics; they think they can twist and recombine architectural history in fresh and original ways that would have been unthinkable before modernism wiped the slate clean.
  • Plants, herbivores and carnivores are connected through an intricate array of chemical linkages.
  • More recently, the bipartisan Iraq Study Group of 2006 noted what it described as the linkage between making progress in an Arab-Israeli peace process and U.S. success in emerging from Iraq. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • On inspection it was found that everything in the recently developed transmission was operating perfectly, the jamming in fourth gear traced to the mating of the standard gear linkage to the new gearbox.
  • This process also made the wines more drinkable in their youth.
  • Help us articulate the complexity, responsibility, and accountability of command and its direct linkage to our success as a military profession.
  • And if we've become unthinkingly certain of these unpleasantries, we can be doubly certain that the combination of the two is unthinkably unpleasant, right?
  • Employees dubbed it the Googleplex, a pun on the mathematical term googolplex, meaning an unthinkably large number. In the Plex
  • Indeed, perhaps the most important do-not is seeing a comedy that has the potential for great quote-ability (a feature akin to "drinkability" in light beer). Jack Donaldson: Alone With Angelina
  • It was unthinkable that any one save a thief and an out-right scoundrel, such by the way as were all of his business rivals and the men who refused to tote and carry at his bidding, should make a threat like that; worse than unthinkable, utterly, depravedly disgraceful that one of the house of Packard should resort to such devious and damnable practices. Man to Man
  • We're trying to establish linkages between these groups and financial institutions.
  • In Hindu mythology, the two demons Rahu and Ketu are said to "swallow" the sun during eclipses, snuffing out its life-giving light and causing food to become inedible and water undrinkable .
  • So, too, is the unforgotten linkage between Yellow Hair's scalping and the death of Custer.
  • It failed to anticipate that victory could come only at an unthinkable price.
  • the genes of Drosophila fall into four linkage groups
  • The rear suspension linkage on this race bike appears to operate a shock that lies horizontally under the engine.
  • In an interview with the FT, Mr Yosano cited industries such as automaking, steel and electrical machinery as leading the rebound after an 'unthinkably bad' first quarter of 2009. The Big Picture
  • Thus, at Treblinka, the memorial to those killed consists of 17,000 granite shards surrounding a large obelisk broken down the middle.
  • The Inkatha Freedom Party Youth Brigade (IFPYB) called the interdict "the greatest assault on freedom since 1994". ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Community members formed strong linkages with the schools, sharing staff, and building resources and expertise.
  • We drink it through a bombilla, the little metal suckable strainer they also use in Argentina to drink maté, an exuberantly undrinkable local tea brewed from some violent green shrub.
  • Bridges, tunnels, scows, tugs, graving docks, container ships, all the great works of transport, trade and linkage were directed in the end to this culminating structure. Underworld
  • Our next goal is to find out through linkage analysis whether or not the aberrant phenotype is caused by a mutated sex-linked or autosomal gene and, if autosomal, on which autosome the defective gene is located. OpenWetWare - Recent changes [en]
  • Thankfully Ferguson was one of them too, and the unthinkable defeat became merely an unpalatable draw.
  • Although nobody can deny that having a ‘royal’ among the riders is added cachet for the sport, it is unthinkable that team selection could be done on anything other than merit.
  • This is because cotton denim has residual shrinkage and will continue to shrink with each successive wash.
  • Allow for shrinkage Leather corals, unlike some coelenterates, do not spend the entire time fully expanded.
  • This antirationalism would have been unthinkable in a Leibnizian text. Kant and Leibniz
  • Many chrome dyes are normal acid azo dyes containing hydroxyl or amino substituents in the ortho position to the azo linkage.
  • According to Tinka Resources Ltd., press release dated January 24, 2007, mapping and prospecting has outlined a 1,000 by 800 metre area hosted by granodiorite and quartz monzonite of the Coastal Batholith which intruded Jurassic and Cretaceous sediments and volcanic. Marketwire - Breaking News Releases
  • September 29, 2009 at 8:45 am oh noez! iz nc66 a ghostie? an himz haz been reink – rininka- recarnitated – umm, camed bakk az frankly66? Cant play wif u anymoar… - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • The other wild attractions in the park include nilgai, chausingha, chital, chinkara, wild boar, foxes and jackals.
  • Once needing sinkage, the semi-spherical containers can be gradually opened for water inlet; when gravity is equal to buoyancy, the diving device can suspend in the water.
  • A member of the mineral trade association is being sought to ensure that there is also adequate linkage with the commercial sector.
  • The difference between what is tasteless and what is not seems to rest ultimately on that between what is drinkable and what is undrinkable both are tasteable, but the latter is bad and tends to destroy taste, while the former is the normal stimulus of taste. On the Soul
  • Even from America's great liberal arts colleges, transcripts reflect an undergraduate specialization that would have been unthinkably narrow just a generation ago.
  • It was only in the aftermath of the disaster that the belief took hold that Titanic had been considered unsinkable, highlighting the stunned and universal surprise at the loss of Britain's most advanced ocean giant.
  • The crosshead of the reciprocating air pump is guided by a Peaucellier linkage shown at the center. Kinematics of Mechanisms from the Time of Watt
  • To prevent this shrinkage, the wet cloth would be placed on a large wooden frame, a "tenter", and left to dry outside. Pam Holland Designs and Productions
  • Shockproof additive is added order to restrict the shrinkage at temperature and the formation of crazing.
  • I also believe that such a situation not at all "thinkable" in the USA. Main RSS Feed
  • The chapters do vary significantly, however, in the depth of analysis and the strength of linkage to the central premises of the research.
  • The house lager was, again, delicious, just a bit on the malty side, and perilously drinkable.
  • There was not one undrinkable or corked bottle in the 60 I tasted.
  • And this is an unthinkable, unspeakable tragedy that, in my opinion, came out of left field.
  • There were breakouts from Sobibor and Treblinka.
  • A member of the mineral trade association is being sought to ensure that there is also adequate linkage with the commercial sector.
  • A clock ticked, the undrinkable coffee went cold in the plastic beaker.
  • By doing the unmentionable, the unthinkable, Sethe bears witness to the despair of a black woman slave faced with the threat of having ‘the best part of her… sullied’.
  • The amide linkage resides in a region of low dielectric constant, according to available structural data on ceramides and cerebrosides which further promotes the formation of strong hydrogen bonds.
  • Generically known as a group of polyamides, nylon is chemically distinguished by its amide linkages to two aromatic rings.
  • Wells went dry and the water that could be got at was undrinkable - scientifically proven by the district medical officer.
  • Australian wines are incredibly drinkable, they don't have too much of a tannic edge, they're fruit forward and just really easy to drink.
  • I'd ordered a glass of semi-sweet house wine that was undrinkable.
  • His student team was not allowed to kick for touch and the style was running and passing; ungentlemanly conduct was unthinkable.
  • I asked my new friends if the party was being vlogged in real time and their response told me that life without recording it was unthinkable.
  • So, we shouldn't allow this subtle linkage to Gilgamesh to distract from a proper consideration of paleosols.
  • The linkage between genes and behaviour is clear, but it did not evolve by natural selection.
  • The thing is that although Sinai is surrounded by beautiful water, barely any of the water on the peninsula is drinkable.
  • The addition of what the APA is calling "hypersexual disorder" would legitimize sex addiction in a way that was unthinkable just a few years ago, when Bill Clinton's philandering was regarded as a moral failing or a joke - but not, in the main, as an illness. Top Stories
  • However, a statistical genetic association may be observed when the implicated SNP is in strong linkage disequilibrium with another ungenotyped, but "causative," SNP, often one that is in close proximity to the implicated SNP. Medlogs - Recent stories
  • Part of this is the awesome design on the cans, all of which feature a gnarly looking jack-o-lantern face and very pun-y flavor names, but it's also the fact that for the most part the flavors are more drinkably friendly. Branded in the 80s!
  • Hand the problem over to the subconscious for some of that de Bono style wacky-funster lateral thinkage. Cheeseburger Gothic » With one convulsive leap he was free.
  • To the same situation different modes of reacting are thinkable and feasible.
  • Eek, I'm going to find her much creepier now I know she used to be a living statue ... var doubleclick_ad_params = 'wg = 2; wa = 0; wc = UK; jid = 6101283; kw = amanda; kw = palmer; kw = random; kw = linkage;! Skittledog: Who needs love when there's Southern Comfort?
  • When the sun shone clear the water on beyond became a shimmering blazing shield of white-hot metal; and an hour of uninterrupted gazing upon it would have turned an argus into a blinkard. From Place to Place
  • It is unthinkable that a mistake like this could have happened.
  • The soil was moist, but there was no drinkable water.
  • This article generalizes their approach to allow for arbitrary modes of inheritance, including diploidy, polyploidy, sex linkage, cytoplasmic inheritance, and genomic imprinting.
  • It's becoming almost unthinkable in modern life that we should have to wait for anything. Times, Sunday Times
  • Another intoxicant is “Sabzi,” dried hemp-leaves, poppy-seed, cucumber heed, black pepper and cardamoms rubbed down in a mortar with a wooden pestle, and made drinkable by adding milk, ice-cream, etc. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Yes, this is another horrific tale of roommates gone wrong, with the mousy-voiced Meester (TV's "Gossip Girl") menacing the mousier-voiced Minka (TV's "Friday Night Lights" and "Parenthood"). The Seattle Times
  • Aiello says the ghoulish graveyard thefts would have been unthinkable in an earlier age.
  • The dynamics equations of simplified off-road vehicle model were set up according to the dynamic tyre force, suspension deflection and off-road terrain sinkage.
  • The power to detect a significant linkage is examined on the basis of 1000 replicates.
  • They considered it unthinkable that railroads could be displaced as the backbone of the country's transportation system. MANAGING FOR RESULTS
  • But it is because of hydrogen bonds that ice floats, and the iceberg can sink even the unsinkable ship.
  • Given the multicausal linkages, this needs to be done at all levels of the economy and in almost all spheres of life in both industrialized and developing countries. 1. Using indigenous knowledge in agricultural development.
  • At least 8 of these were shown to be in the same linkage group by intercrossing.
  • Here are NASA images of the polar ice cap in 1979 and 2003: The massive shrinkage is obvious. Matthew Yglesias » Wednesday Arctic Ice Blogging
  • In addition, 90 percent of cities have polluted groundwater and in Beijing, the water coming from taps is undrinkable. China’s Overpopulation Blowback
  • To replace the fine organ with an electronic keyboard is bad enough, but to move the altar and remove the pews is quite unthinkable.
  • You wouldn't associate dubstep with Victorian ghost stories, but actually the linkage somehow fits.
  • IFP general-secretary at the time, Oscar Dhlomo, who said on state television Gasa's remarks to the press would "irritate" Inkatha. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • The Vin Au Verre can hold 8 bottles (4 red, 4 white) of your readily drinkable wines on tap for leisured consumption. The Kegerator for Wine | Impact Lab
  • What magical places then, these cities, wells and aqueducts – constantly producing an infinite amount of drinkably, bathably, washably clean water, just turn on the faucet! Water
  • A purification process then makes the water drinkable.
  • The inference that Inkatha and the NP will form some sort of alliance to win a majority in the forthcoming election also confirms that the NP are leading this country into a dangerous state of political bipolarisation. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • With rich munificence, as we often say, in a most blinkard, bespectacled, logic-chopping generation, Nature has gifted this man with an eye. The French Revolution
  • The production of a marsupial genetic linkage map is perhaps one of the most important objectives in marsupial research.
  • Once unthinkable, Washington's chatterers now talk of it incessantly.
  • It is quite unthinkable that a child like him can speak a foreign language so fluently.
  • There was not one undrinkable or corked bottle in the 60 I tasted.
  • This remained the case through to William Beveridge, whose declamation of the five evils of ‘Want, Disease, Ignorance, Squalor and Idleness’ would be almost unthinkable now.
  • Once equality becomes thinkable, that is, once the notion that inequalities are eternal and unchangeable is shattered, people begin to seek equality relentlessly and compulsively.
  • River water, incidentally, is even drinkable today after a good boil.
  • The Gullah language retains a great deal West African syntax and combines English vocabulary with words from African languages such as Ewe, Mandinka, Igbo, Twi, Yoruba, and Mende.
  • The linkage of domestic depositories will facilitate the clearing of cross border trades in debt securities in Asia. It will enlarge the investor base and broaden domestic debt markets.
  • The observed benefits included unsustained sputum smear conversion to negative, delayed growth of cultures and shrinkage of cavities.
  • Defeat here after losing to Holland in their last fixture would be unthinkable. The Sun
  • In this sense, the murder of Browne ratchets up the deepening shadows around the state/loyalist paramilitary linkage.
  • Französin wegen beim Einkauf im Auto gelassener Kinder verurteilt Presse: Olmert erwägt Austausch hunderter Gefangener gegen Schalit Arbeitslosigkeit in Frankreich zum dritten Mal in Folge gestiegen Anwalt: Karadzic wird sich am Freitag nicht zur Schuldfrage äussern
  • Osteopathy, chiropractic, naprapathy, neurotherapy and spondylotherapy, as we have learned, are various systems of maipulative treatment which have been devised mainly to correct spinal and other bony lesions, shrinkage and contracture of muscles, ligaments and other connective tissues. Nature Cure
  • After she examined Sprite, Dr. Bardsley characterized his condition as “pronounced masseter muscle atrophy,” a severe shrinkage of the muscles on the right side of his face. Rescuing Sprite
  • The position of the steering gear was lowered and the linkage was shortened to give good linear toe-control and minimal toe-out, improving stability.
  • Wines made in unlined new chestnut barrels can be so tannic as to be undrinkable.
  • Subsequently to the entrance of the _dux_, _duke_, or _doge_ on the scene, and the shrinkage of the tribunitial power to more departmental or municipal proportions, the _master of the soldiers_, whatever he may have been before, became a subordinate element in the administration. The Great Events by Famous Historians, Volume 04
  • All the water, brought in by trucks, is contaminated and must be boiled to make it drinkable.
  • I would highly recommend it - we had tapas with a very drinkable Rioja Crianza.

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