[ UK /ɪnd‍ʒˈɔːɹɪəs/ ]
[ US /ˌɪnˈdʒʊɹiəs/ ]
  1. harmful to living things
    deleterious chemical additives

How To Use injurious In A Sentence

  • Upon all vegetable lakes, except those of madder, they have a destructive effect; and are injurious to gamboge, as well as to those almost obsolete pigments, red and orange leads, king's and patent yellow, massicot, and orpiment. Field's Chromatography or Treatise on Colours and Pigments as Used by Artists
  • So great is the danger of such injurious results, few careful practitioners have cared to adopt the heroic "antipyretic" medication recommended by experimenters, preferring to allow their patients to burn with fever, mitigated only by such simple means as are commonly employed by nurses, than to require them to combat the poisonous influences of a drug in addition to the morbid element of the disease. Scientific American Supplement, No. 455, September 20, 1884
  • The statement is clearly injurious; it has been "published", that is, written to third persons, and the libeler knew or should have know that the allegation was false, upon any reasonable investigation. House GOPer Accuses Dem Foe Of ... "Grotesque Medical Experiments" On Human Guinea Pigs
  • In the event that you agree your client's land has not been injuriously affected other than in respect of any settlement damage then I would be grateful if you could also confirm this by return.
  • These devices are substantially attracted to the static magnetic field of magnetic resonance systems and, therefore, may be uncomfortable or injurious to a patient undergoing an MRI procedure.
  • So he bore with his injurious usage, saying to himself, Verily insolence and evil-speaking are causes of perdition and cast into confusion, and it is said, ‘The insolent is shent and the ignorant doth repent; and whose feareth, to him safety is sent’: moderation marketh the noble and gentle manners are of gains the grandest. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • They did not know why a shadow had fallen between them, but neither could ignore its injurious effect. THREE KINDS OF KISSING - SCOTTISH SHORT STORIES
  • The injurious mechanism of alkaline burn of cornea has always been concerned.
  • Furthermore, the possibilities of damage by hemorrhage from the choroidal or retinal vessels, delayed formation of the anterior chamber and adhesion of the capsule of the lens to the wound, and the injurious effects of even slight trauma subsequent to the operation, including loss of vitreous, are increased by omitting the conjunctival flap. Glaucoma A Symposium Presented at a Meeting of the Chicago Ophthalmological Society, November 17, 1913
  • Zoologists have known for over a hundred years that most animal fights involve ritualized aggression rather than injurious physical contact.
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