How To Use Injection In A Sentence

  • Sodium thiopental was used by most U.S. states as part of a lethal injection combination, but many have switched to an alternative drug called pentobarbital amid an ongoing shortage. The Seattle Times
  • A specially designed speculum is used to help direct the injection into the G-spot, with effects lasting around four months. G Marks The Spot
  • Mineral filled, toughened, lubricated polybutylene terephthalate resin for injection moldingsurface aesthetics.
  • The doctor gave her an injection to alleviate the pain.
  • We took our cat to the vet's for its annual cat flu injection.
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  • Another injection site is at the volar side of the forearm, 4 cm proximal to the wrist crease between the tendons of the radial flexor muscle and the palmaris longus muscle.
  • I met fuel-injection-pump rebuilders who knew the gross margins of every nozzle and pump they produced.
  • For a colour injection, try blue, khaki and brown. Times, Sunday Times
  • OBJECTIVE : To establish a bacterial endotoxin test for compound diclofenac sodium and lidocaine hydrochlo ˉ ride injection ( CDL ).
  • We discussed other treatment options - night splints, plantar strapping, orthotics, and a cortisone injection.
  • Intradermal calcium injections are required for burns that do not respond to topical therapy, for extensive burns or when treatment delay has occurred. 23,16 A 27 to 30 gauge needle is used to inject a 10 percent calcium gluconate solution into the burn. 22 No greater than 0.5 ml. of solution should be injected per cm2, in order to avoid pressure necrosis. 24 Injections should be extended 0.5 cm. beyond the affected area. Hydrofluoric Acid
  • Hospital doctors said Rod was minutes from death when they gave him emergency injections.
  • Now, that doctor had been giving Michael daily injections of a narcotic called Demerol, similar to morphine. CNN Transcript Jun 26, 2009
  • Gradient elution chromatography was applied to determine the ginsenoside contents in Shengmai injections.
  • A child who suffered multiple injuries in a road traffic accident in Italy was given subcutaneous injections of nerve growth factor in a last ditch effort to save an ischaemic leg.
  • The patients, all of whom were habitual heroin users, were aware of an abnormal local reaction from the time of the suspect injection.
  • Both the power and the phase are discussed to evaluate the injection locking of LD.
  • The much-needed cash injection means Astroturf pitches and multi-purpose sports and arts halls could be built at schools around the country.
  • Three main types of lumbar sympathetic nerve blockades for pain include the paravertebral approach and spinal and epidural injections of local anesthetics.
  • Read on to discover how this radically innovative ‘fuel injection’ training gel is revolutionizing the supplement industry.
  • Antibacterial treatments can take the form of baths, external application to affected areas, injection and oral administration via the food.
  • Cells from cerebellum showing the immediate results of injection of skatol. The Origin and Nature of the Emotions: Miscellaneous Papers
  • Have anti-inflammatories or steroid injections been shown to be of any benefit?
  • Administration of an intrathecal opioid injection before continuous epidural infusion is known as combined spinal epidural analgesia, or the walking epidural.
  • Methods: A model of experimental PCH induced acute hemorrhagic necrotizing pancreatitis(AHNP) was induced by retrograde injection of 5% sodium taurocholate into the pancreatic duct.
  • Rousing the man, I caused him to swallow some pints of warm water, and then I gave him a hypodermic injection of apomorphia. AN AUSTRALIAN IN CHINA
  • EMD Serono is a leader in reproductive health, with Gonal-f® (follitropin alfa for injection), Luveris® (lutropin alfa for injection) and Ovidrel® Prefilled Syringe Business Wire Travel News
  • However, some ophthalmologists have treated patients with eye injections of an anti-inflammatory corticosteroid called triamcinolone, though its effectiveness had not been tested in a clinical trial. Kansas City infoZine Headlines
  • Execution by lethal injection is scheduled for July 30th.
  • Other infections which the injections guard against are MMR and the controversial cervical cancer jab, which is for girls only. Landmark U.S. Study: Delaying Child’s Vaccinations May Do Harm | Impact Lab
  • Vaccination programmes are being carried out in schools to inoculate children who have not been taken to their doctor for the injection.
  • ICSI (intracytoplasmic sperm injection) - injection of sperm in the cytoplasm when the count of sperms is very low, oligozoospermia. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Hedrick MH, Rice HE, MacGillvray TE, Bealer JF, Zanjani ED, Flake AW: Hematopoietic chimerism achieved by in-utero hematopoietic stem cell injection does not induce donor specific tolerance or renal allografts in sheep. Fetal Stem Cell Transplantation, In Utero Stemm Cell Publications
  • I have another who is tall with long legs, a beautiful face and the kind of pillowy lips people spend thousands of dollars on injections for, and yet it's her hips that are the problem. Aspen Times - Top Stories
  • Thus the current in the rectifier is controlled through the injection of holes. Nobel Prize in Physics 1956 - Presentation Speech
  • Iron sucrose should be administered intravenously, directly into the dialysis line, either by slow injection or by infusion.
  • Lundbeck, which manufactures the drug in the US under the tradename Nembutal, now demands that its US distributors sign an agreement stating that they will not make pentobarbital, which is a sedative with a wide range of uses, available for prisons using it for lethal injections. Troy Davis case brings calls for execution drug controls
  • We asked the onion harvesters to wear protective goggles, which are used in industry for spray or injection protection.
  • No attempt was made to shield animals from natural or artificial light other than between the time of drug injection and laser illumination.
  • Our local football club may fold unless it gets a cash injection .
  • Research also suggests that doctors are failing to offer women a choice of other contraceptives despite a multimillion-pound drive to promote patches and long-term injections. Times, Sunday Times
  • Injections are also being developed to help tackle other serious addictions, including drugs dependence.
  • Mechanically the entry level Polos remain the same, bar the adoption of fuel injection.
  • Lethal injection is utilized in 35 states and the gas chamber is used in 5 states.
  • The rabies injection has to be given 21 days ahead of a journey, to allow time for the second booster injection. Times, Sunday Times
  • Only credible stress tests matched by really big capital injections will end the speculation and worry. Times, Sunday Times
  • Radiofrequency neurotomy is where an injection is used to burn nerves in the facet joint in order to stop the body from sending pain signals to the brain. Spine-Health - Back Pain, Neck Pain, Lower Back Pain
  • Doctors use cortisone injections which help. The Sun
  • Taken orally or as an injection, laetrile is a purified form of amygdalin, a chemical found in lima beans, raw nuts and the pits of many fruits.
  • In the United States, critically injured racehorses are humanely euthanized by lethal injection.
  • He has occasional injections to maintain his good health but otherwise he lives a normal life.
  • This would make the injection process much quicker. Times, Sunday Times
  • During the mounting operation, a sensor reads injection information from an indicator device on the syringe and feeds it to an injector control.
  • In the experiments on narcotized rats, a decrease in the level of the registered signal was observed after an injection of a lethal dose of Nembutal.
  • An undisclosed buyer will provide a much - needed cash injection for the fragile balance sheet.
  • Our roads, rail and housing need an injection of cash to boost growth. The Sun
  • The simplest two-instrument cell injection technique for both primitive streak stage and for early somite stage embryos will be described.
  • After the injection her pain began to ease off.
  • Many women suffer prolonged backache, headaches, tingling and numbness as a result of the injection.
  • It promises to free many diabetics from the burden of injections. The Sun
  • Theoretical models based on current injection membranes predict that excitation will occur for currents of all strengths once a threshold is exceeded.
  • At ten I was quite large because I had to take the injection they gave in those days for asthma, which made me a bit moon-faced.
  • That the White House physician, Dr. Janet Travell, gave him injections of procaine for his pain is old news.
  • Patients such as diabetics who need daily injections will benefit. The Sun
  • Using revolution counters, the system can analyze the injection parameters of each cylinder and adjust them if necessary.
  • In most instances a doctor would be present, since such reactions are most commonly seen very shortly after the person receives a desensitizing injection of the offending substance.
  • OBJECTIVE: To apply the chromatic aberration method in the determination of the color of Breviscapine injection.
  • A new method of fuel injection was developed during the war.
  • It seems that for a period of 35 to 40 years there was an immense injection of capital and labour which was directed to the construction of the claustral complex.
  • The viscosity of fuel decreases as the fuel temperature increases, thus decreasing the fuel's ability to lubricate the injection system and increasing users' dependence on lubricious surface films to control component wear.
  • Into the early afternoon, Armstrong monitored the progress of the flight, through its two Earth orbits, through its translunar injection, and well on its way toward the Moon. First Man
  • Treatment consisted of 6 weekly subcutaneous injections (sc) of pentosan (2mg/kg). BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • At least seven criminals, mostly rapists, have been executed by lethal injection since the penalty was restored.
  • Thus, in 1914, anticholinergics by injection or inhalation were considered as first-line asthma therapies.
  • These high-end off-road racing shoes feature a co-injection molded nylon and urethane outsole.
  • The injection of constant low levels of phosphonic acid may solve iron clogging problems. Food and Farm News
  • The girth is increased with injections of fat from other parts of the body. The Sun
  • The King was inconveniently lingering so they hurried him along with an injection into the jugular vein of a mixture of morphine and cocaine. Patricia Zohn: Culture Zohn Off the C(H)uff: David Seidler Protects and Defends The King's Speech
  • Those drugs are given by injection as well as through the mouth.
  • This cash injection has been won against fierce competition from other car plants worldwide. The Sun
  • Our roads, rail and housing need an injection of cash to boost growth. The Sun
  • Strathdee is an associate dean of Global Health Sciences at the University of California San Diego. She's been studying injection drug users in Tijuana, Mexico.
  • So why not continue the injection of new money into the economy through quantitative easing? Times, Sunday Times
  • Titanium for metal injection molding is commercially available but is generally used for moderate - to low-stress applications such as surgical tools, golf club putters, and watch cases and bands.
  • A sensitivity test should also be taken before undergoing collagen injections. The A-Z of Beauty Treatment
  • The establishment of the Department of the die, silk screen printing workshop, injection molding workshop.
  • This injection also identifies the lymphatic basins, nodal areas, and respective lymph draining sites that are considered to be at risk for metastases.
  • Many sufferers complain the daily pricking of their fingers is more painful than having an injection due to the mass of nerve endings at their fingertips.
  • Half the women received magnesium sulfate by injection or infusion in the hospital over about 24 hours, and the rest got a placebo.
  • A California woman is suing a hospital for wrongful death because her husband fainted and suffered a fatal injury after helping delivery room staff give her a painkilling injection.
  • The concern that collagen injections can trigger autoimmune diseases like lupus is also unfounded, experts say.
  • Federal and local governments are liberalizing drug laws, decriminalizing marijuana and allowing safe-injection centers to open in Vancouver.
  • Either you've overdone the collagen injections or you're mulling over whether cosmetic surgery is really worth the hassle. The Sun
  • The other trials have tested the effects of low-dose insulin injections and nicotinamide, a vitamin present in small amounts in a normal diet.
  • Daily insulin injections are necessary for some diabetics.
  • The system is key to Tepco's plan of achieving a so-called "cyclic injection" of water into reactors, in which cooling water is recycled. Decontamination System Set to Restart at Tepco Daiichi Plant
  • It will only be possible to stimulate business activity with an injection of public funds.
  • Most immunisations are given by injection, usually into the muscle or fat of the outer thigh or upper arm.
  • This was widely interpreted as suggesting an injection of about €1 trillion. Times, Sunday Times
  • Brown and Weissman found that women injection drug users were more likely than men to report daily injection of heroin and speedball (heroin and cocaine).
  • Samples were introduced by gravity injection from 20 cm height for 20 s.
  • They consist of giving injections or drops of small quantities of the offending foods, well diluted. Alternative Health Care for Women
  • Antiseptic is used to sterilize the skin before giving an injection.
  • For a larger mole fraction germanium on silicon substrate, the SiGe bandgap becomes smaller, thus causing larger electron injection efficiency.
  • Engineers designed a sandwich using a second injection-molded part: A separately produced oil deflector, which is vibration-welded onto the flat section of the pan, helps to calm the oil churned by the crankshaft and balance shaft. All DN headlines
  • He needed a cortisone injection to ease the pain in a sore ankle. The Sun
  • The only absolute with atheists and agnostics is the injection of religion into areas that should be free from religion. Think Progress » Nelson signals intent to join Republican filibuster of Obama labor board nominee. (Updated)
  • After a couple of years, he switched to insulin injections, which meant he could vary his diet a bit more.
  • If the policemen had questioned the mother, she could have explained that her son required regular injections to thin his blood because of a thrombosis.
  • A frequency low power divide - by - 2 Injection - Locked Frequency Divider ( ILFD ) is presented.
  • Mrs. Wilson, I'm going to give you an injection to help you relax.
  • Finally in the ward, I do an agile sidestep as a nurse strolls past, the syringe she has just administered an injection with held in front of her like a lance.
  • The combustion and emission characteristics of direct injection natural gas engine were studied.
  • If this doesn't help, a painkilling injection can make a huge difference. The Sun
  • The influence of injection-seeding on giant pulse setup time, beam-spot mode, and energy is observed experimentally.
  • Patients such as diabetics who need daily injections will benefit. The Sun
  • The project involves initial drilling and completion of 86 oil and 20 water-injection wells and installing a submersible pump system in each.
  • Conclusion It has positive effect that BTX -A injection and comprehensive rehabilitation treat cerebral palsy.
  • Flumazenil should be administered in a series of small injections so reversal of sedation can be controlled.
  • Sometimes the injection system failure warning light comes on and the engine temperature gauge does not move. Times, Sunday Times
  • Also, two unique injector types, representing departures from the conventional axial injection scheme, are also discussed.
  • The only treatment available is the periodic infusion of anti haemophilic factor (AHF) injections, which are expensive. Analysis
  • Preliminary tests showed that mice engineered to develop cancer had no tumor growth if treated with daily injections of acriflavine. Newswise: Latest News
  • A later investigation found a 14-21% decrease in flow resistance of blood through microvessels in vivo after microinjection of heparinase.
  • In addition, a certain time must elapse from the injection of the serum until its antitoxic and healing activity in the affected parts of the body can develop. Emil von Behring - Nobel Lecture
  • The fuel injector can realize homogeneity and fuel stratified injection in a cylinder, thereby improving the efficiency of the motor and environment conservation.
  • The Chief Medical Officer's report An Organisation with a Memory set a goal for reducing to zero the number of patients dying or being paralysed by maladministered spinal injections.
  • E, F: In the hippocampus, on day 8 post-injection, three cuffed vessels harboring a venule-like morphology (white stars in E) are surrounded by CFSE PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • So, this paper exploited a multiple times ignition system based on PC controlled LPG injection.
  • Instead of giving raw chaulmoogra oil in doses, as had been the custom for centuries, he gave it by injection to the muscles. The Journal of Negro History, Volume 7, 1922
  • Objective To establish a HPLC method for the determination of diisopropylamine dichloroacetate in Compound Diisopropylamine Dichloroacetate and Sodium Chloride Injection.
  • To reduce emissions and improve performance, the company's fuel system developers have increased injection pressures to provide finer fuel atomization.
  • The nurse is coming to give you an injection.
  • OBJECTIVE : To establish a bacterial endotoxin test for compound diclofenac sodium and lidocaine hydrochlo ˉ ride injection ( CDL ).
  • In this book the author gives an overview of flow injection analysis as applied to the analysis of pharmaceuticals and related products.
  • ‘Shot in the Dark’ is nothing musically special but succeeds through the sheer injection of vim and uncompromising commitment.
  • These steels are used for air frame and engine components, injection moulds and dies.
  • Patients typically report photophobia, watering, foreign body sensation, grittiness, pain, or circumcorneal injection of the sclera.
  • The latest cash injection will be spent on redesigning the curriculum to meet the needs of a reviving local economy.
  • For introduction of spermatid mitochondria, in vitro fertilization was carried out by microinjection of spermatids into unfertilized oocytes as described previously.
  • He has been using injections of Restylane to smooth facial wrinkles such as laugh lines around the mouth and to enhance the appearance and fullness of lips.
  • According to the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery, the most popular procedures for men are Botox injections, hair transplantation, chemical peels, microdermabrasion, and liposuction.
  • Our local football club may fold unless it gets a cash injection .
  • Essential landmarks to palpate before performing this injection are the soft tissue at the center of the triangle formed by the lateral olecranon, the head of the radius, and the lateral epicondyle.
  • An anaesthetist (a doctor who is a specialist in anaesthetics) may also visit you to give you a pre-med (ie pre-medication) injection.
  • Uncontrolled hypertension presents an increased risk of orbital haemorrhage during injection of local anaesthetic and potentially of peroperative suprachoroidal expulsive haemorrhage.
  • They are urged to expand lending, replenish their reserves and pay back the taxpayer for the huge capital injections that have kept them afloat. Times, Sunday Times
  • Objective To establish a method for the determination of bacterial endotoxin of ampicillin sodium for injection.
  • The majority were introduced to injection by a casual acquaintance.
  • It's not injection moldable which makes the film approach more sensible.
  • An undisclosed buyer will provide a much - needed cash injection for the fragile balance sheet.
  • Grasping her prey with her legs and jaws, in another moment the wriggling body is passive in her grasp, subdued by the potent anæsthetic of her sting -- a hypodermic injection which instantly produces the semblance of death in its insect victim, reducing all the vital functions to the point of dissolution, and then holds them suspended -- literally prolongs life, it would sometimes seem, even beyond its normal duration -- by a process which I might call ductile equation. My Studio Neighbors
  • They paralyse snails with a lethal injection which liquidises their insides and then they suck out the nourishment.
  • He accordingly proposed a double injection, first by muriate of barytes, and, secondly, by sulphate of copper, forced through by the Boucherie process, and it is presumed that the ties of 1870, in experiment No. 2, which showed favorable results when examined in 1875, were prepared by that process. Scientific American Supplement, No. 514, November 7, 1885
  • Treatment consisted of cleaning and bandaging the wound and administering injections of nikethamide to reduce shock and penicillin to prevent infection. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE INTELLIGENCE REPORT
  • The day before he had received a 40mg injection of the corticosteroid triamcinolone acetonide. Times, Sunday Times
  • Both groups received a second injection with the same solution.
  • He ponied up a few billion more this time around, when Citi raised additional capital (before it got its two capital injections from the government). Matthew Yglesias » The Life of Citi
  • Potential complications include: bleeding infection allergic reaction to X-ray dye (contrast reaction) dimpling or paleness at the injection site nerve injury injury to the eardrum (with TMJ only) Therapeutic Joint Injections
  • By a careful examination and aesthetic evaluation followed by using precise injections to focal muscles, a surgeon can affect the depression of the brow by selective treatment to the depressors and letting the elevators take action.
  • Children or people who strongly dislike injections may be able to take the pre-med by mouth in a syrup mixture.
  • Intradermal calcium injections are required for burns that do not respond to topical therapy, for extensive burns or when treatment delay has occurred. 23,16 A 27 to 30 gauge needle is used to inject a 10 percent calcium gluconate solution into the burn. 22 No greater than 0.5 ml. of solution should be injected per cm2, in order to avoid pressure necrosis. 24 Injections should be extended 0.5 cm. beyond the affected area. Hydrofluoric Acid
  • In another trial, two of 24 participants receiving bleomycin withdrew either because of the pain of the injections or because of pain after the injections.
  • I suspect that the reference to "intracranial infusion" in a November 2005 protocol actually might refer to an "intracardiac" injection/infusion instead. stories
  • They consist of giving injections or drops of small quantities of the offending foods, well diluted. Alternative Health Care for Women
  • These problems were compounded by his use of liquid silicone injections that in some cases disfigured his patients. Times, Sunday Times
  • Cortisone injections usually work within a few days, and the effects can last up to several weeks.
  • RegRipper facilite l'extraction et l'analyse des bases de registre Microsoft Windows CAINE un Live [CD | USB] pour faciliter la recherche légale de preuves numériques de compromission SFX-SQLi automatise une technique rapide d'extraction XML des tables SQL par Injection ScannedOnly 0.12 interface les fichiers partagés par Samba 3.2 avec les scans antiviraux de ClamAV Microsoft Gazelle, mini-OS virtuel basé sur MashupOS pour une navigation Web sécurisée par isolation SSLstrip un nouvel outil homographique de Man In the Middle sur le protocole HTTPS Dynamic IP Restrictions Extension pour lutter contre les Dénis de Service avec IIS Computer World: Microsoft renews Vista anticrack campaign Latest antipiracy move targets o ...
  • Common sites of injection in birds include the wing web, wattle, dewlap, and interdigitary skin.
  • Micro injections of carbon dioxide just beneath the surface of the skin. Times, Sunday Times
  • Injections were given using glass syringes with reusable steel needles.
  • PurposeTo investigate the determination method of bacterial endotoxin in heparin sodium injection and the interferential factors.
  • Haha ... I'm so sharp line microphone that you can own injections ... wow ... haha ...
  • In the early 1940s, it became customary to anaesthetize patients with barbiturate injections.
  • Our son found his way into a disused cesspit and then, going barefoot, picked up an infection, which required regular injections in his backside.
  • He prepared a pre-op jolt of Librium, slipped the needle in and out, then rubbed the injection site. DOLL'S EYES
  • Also, a dependable brand of fuel injection prevents common injection problems such as varnish deposits, clogging and fuel leakage.
  • Both the power and the phase are discussed to evaluate the injection locking of LD.
  • Subcutaneous injections of benzol in rabbits produce marked destructive changes in the hematopoietic organs, especially in the myeloid tissue.
  • According to the system sequence, the flow chart of injection measurement was drawn and then the software of host computer and slave computer were also designed.
  • More than a year afterward hypodermic injections of sodium cacodylate were attempted with apparent success, though the swellings continued. Through Central Borneo; an Account of Two Years' Travel in the Land of Head-Hunters Between the Years 1913 and 1917
  • An injection of local anaesthetic is usually given first to numb the area.
  • Even if intrathecal ketamine is quickly absorbed and metabolized, the 5 min interval before the formalin injection was chosen to obtain the peak effect of analgesia during phase 1.
  • The suspension, frame, swingarm and fuel injection system are all new too. The Sun
  • This correlation is also expressed in the displacement pressures from mercury injection capillary measurements, which permit the identification of four major and two minor dolomite reservoir rock types.
  • OBJECTIVE: To analyze the factors of adverse effect caused by Heartleaf Houttuynia herb injection.
  • Individual phenotypic cancer cell subsets were purified, and their tumor-initiating properties were investigated by injection in NOD/SCID mice.
  • OBJECTIVE To develop a method for the determination of amoxicillin sulbactam sodium for injection.
  • For example, the arm can be numbed with an injection into the upper arm or armpit to allow a broken wrist to be treated.
  • After intravenous injection of 5 mCi F18-FDG (fluorodeoxyglucose), all subjects underwent a brain SPECT coincidence scan, which was then superimposed on their MRIs. Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • The injection of tricks into this exaggerated style of b-ball works splendidly.
  • Neonatal behavioral neurological assessment(NBNA)and blood viscosity were detected by capillary tube method before and after treatment of Shengmai injection.
  • Both foot amputations and insulin injections are treatments for diabetes, but only the latter is specific to the disease process.
  • Both patients described in cases 1 and 2 were treated with intradermal calcium gluconate injections and were pain free after treatment. Hydrofluoric Acid
  • Thus, sentinel lymph nodes can be detected by the injection of blue dye or radioactive colloid around the tumor, which travels to and identifies the first draining sentinel lymph node.
  • There are stark variants in performance trust by trust that are not explained by cash injections. Times, Sunday Times
  • The invention concerns a method for supplying fuel for a dual-fuel carburation injection internal combustion engine capable of being selectively supplied, in a carburation mode, with a first fuel or, in another carburation mode with a second fuel.
  • A cortisone injection on Friday and homeopathic treatment failed to cure it. Times, Sunday Times
  • Pure alcohol injection after an epinephrine injection tended to decrease the rebleeding rate in our series.
  • Since injection into orbit the spacecraft's behaviour has been nominal.

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