
How To Use Initiate In A Sentence

  • In addition, experimental flowers that matured a fruit (and therefore received a visit) had significantly larger corollas compared with corollas of flowers that did not initiate a fruit.
  • In the next level of technique not only does the nage initiate action to draw out uke's movement, but he uses the energy of his action to lead the response given him by uke.
  • Far more seriously, the vital turn east towards Mayenne and Alençon, intended to initiate the rolling up of the main German front in Normandy, was delayed by days. Overlord D-Day And The Battle for Normandy
  • The Act allows, for the first time, children to initiate proceedings and instruct a solicitor to make court applications independently.
  • The first cycle initiated in the early Paleocene and represents a transition from Cretaceous marine turbidites and shales to subaerial fluvial sandstones and conglomerates.
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  • These used rotating discs to initiate a quasi-musical sound which was then filtered, processed and reproduced at different pitches.
  • The right to initiate local and national referenda. Times, Sunday Times
  • Affected stands either fail to initiate spring growth or green up unevenly in March and then plants decline and eventually die due to infected crowns and roots.
  • It was initiated, in part by Marta, Tomas's mistress and the local schoolteacher.
  • Initiate internal procedure to ensure the change, extension or termination of employment contract.
  • Trip flares, attached to low pickets, can be placed around a position or in an ambush site, and may either be fired when an enemy touches a tripwire or initiated by the defender or ambusher.
  • However, in parapodial motoneurons, the action potential is initiated at or near the soma and travels to the axon terminal.
  • To the uninitiated, Orkney's Scapa Flow harbour is one square mile of untroubled, glassy water.
  • But Gorbachev too was influenced by Western disarmament groups, and even initiated a nuclear testing moratorium at their suggestion.
  • Still others, who are initiated by those making a craft of sacred rites, are worthy of astonishment and pity.
  • The capital city needs at its helm a person with ideas and energy who can combat the forces of inertia and inefficiency, and who can initiate and manage urgently needed change.
  • The oath of one of the initiated must counterbalance the most solemn asseveration of every one that is not acquainted with our holy secrets. Anne of Geierstein
  • On the other hand, he is fond of the kind of design analysis that leaves the uninitiated wishing he would speak in plain English, in terms the layman can understand.
  • CandyTechFactory Ltd. In 2005 plans to create a state of the art Gummi and Fruit snack manufacturing facility were initiated.
  • The floral meristems are formed acropetally and are initiated on the periphery of the inflorescence meristem, being protected by bracts.
  • Finally, a Cretan youth was allowed only one garment, the Attic ephebe wore a black garment, and in certain mystery cults initiates were required to wear white clothing.
  • From whichsoever of these motives it might be, true it is, that many of them came over to our religion, and were initiated into it by baptism.
  • Thus far, only two relatively minor planks of the 10-point House-initiated legislative agenda have become law.
  • The reporter arrives alertly , "Happy net " poll when initiate " can if there is sad net, you go?
  • After we placed a wasp on the fruit, she typically initiated searching, which involved slow scanning of the fruit surface using her antennae, and probing with her ovipositor inside fruit wounds and punctures in search for eggs.
  • However, this was by no means the case, even before liberal reforms were initiated.
  • To repair any damage Rhoda has done to her already precarious identity as a good little girl, Rhoda initiates a game that she and her mother have obviously played before.
  • She is not allowed to make diagnoses, initiate drug treatment, or certify death.
  • We also elaborate the strict technology assessment procedure, persist the technology assessment standard, conform the technology assessment method and initiate the deep level from this ponder.
  • A broad investigation was initiated into the floral development of 30 taxa out of 15 tribes, focussing on the initiation of bracteoles and on the sequence of sepal initiation.
  • Preliminary action was initiated in conjunction with the Strategic Study to discover more about the changing perceptions and requirements of clients.
  • Its second task, in short, is to make activists of baptismal initiates.
  • • Involvi growth ng in the process and changes that is never ending and self - initiated Increasing one's positive self-image and overcom - ing stigma Commitment means to duty or pledge to some thing or someone, and can refer to: • ersonal commitment, interaction dominated by obligations. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • With the development of new products and market push, XHD shall make full use of her own advantage, keep constant innovation, keep ahead of tideway and initiate a brilliant future.
  • Onyx also has initiated a Phase III trial, known as ASPIRE, to study carfilzomib in combination with Revlimid and a low dose of dexamethasone, which is used to counteract some chemotherapy side effects, in patients with relapsed multiple myeloma. San Antonio Business News - Local San Antonio News | The San Antonio Business Journal
  • His theory is therefore more able to explain change, and even to initiate change through the understanding which it gives.
  • Once an eruption is initiated, the seal ruptures, suddenly releasing massive amounts of gas, which have been accumulating within the plumbing system of the volcano.
  • The campaign was directly initiated by a shocking and devastating increase in femicide since the beginning of the year.
  • When Prussia defeated France in 1870, it initiated the establishment of a new German Empire, a monarchy over monarchies.
  • The satyagrahi should be active politics if he can stand firmly for social justice and initiates constructive change. Untouchable Spring .... అంటరాని వసంతం
  • -- (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Apr 8, 2009 - KAI Pharmaceuticals, Inc., a privately held drug discovery and development company, today announced the Company has initiated a third Phase 2a study of KAI-1678, a first-in-class, isozyme-selective, small peptide inhibitor of the epsilon protein kinase C pathway (epsilon PKC). Undefined
  • It is said to have been discovered by Pythagoras while in Egypt, but was most probably taught to him by the priests of that country, in whose rites he had been initiated; it is a symbol of the production of the world by the generative and prolific powers of the Creator; hence the Egyptians made the perpendicular and base the representatives of Osiris and Isis, while the hypothenuse represented their child Horus. The Symbolism of Freemasonry
  • During the exorcism we asked her what organisation she had been initiated into and she wouldn't tell us but we managed to squeeze it out of her.
  • Why do the initiates drink Amrit?
  • It has initiated investments in the US, Nigeria, Mexico and Ireland to give it greater market penetration in its key areas of operation.
  • This strand was completely child - initiated; original activities began as a result of child requests and ideas.
  • I get as many tickets as I can to each show I attend and dole them out to the uninitiated.
  • In fact, toxicologists are studying a concept called hormesis that suggests, in some cases, exposure to low levels of a chemical may actually help prevent cancer or other diseases because the exposure works on the human body in the same manner as a medical vaccination to initiate and strengthen natural defense systems. BlogHOUSTON
  • Red raspberry leaves are used to enhance uterine contractions once labor is initiated.
  • We assume that the parents that initiate the cross are pure inbred lines.
  • We who are uninitiated in Morecambe and Wise may find the new duo more ham than wise, although still intermittently funny.
  • For centuries these paintings were reserved for sacred ceremonies and the eyes of the initiates and participants only.
  • With only one room at our disposal it would seem to the uninitiated that the accommodation of the homestead must have been strained to bursting point; but "out-bush" every man carries a "bluey" and a mosquito net in his swag, and as the hosts slept under the verandah, and the guests on the garden paths, or in their camps among the forest trees, spare rooms would only have been superfluous. We of the Never-Never
  • Kurosawa initiated his best work in 1948 with Drunken Angel , in which he teamed Takashi Shimura ( as a blustery alcoholic doctor ) and a young Toshiro Mifune ( as a hotheaded gangster ) .
  • This entailed entering the proportion of clutches initiated in each month into the Shannon-Wiener diversity formula and then taking the antilog of the diversity value.
  • Substantial investment programmes in information technology and new effluent treatment plant to meet the latest regulatory requirements were also initiated.
  • Each cord initiates a small explosive device that injects a violently active organic compound subcutaneously into a large area of the volunteer's chest.
  • The girl I was talking about was initiated into a satanic cult - they use all sorts of methods to hold you in and that's why it's so difficult to have a successful exorcism.
  • He has not yet been thoroughly initiated into the mysteries of computer.
  • Comfort measures are initiated intraoperatively, including use of a temperature-regulating blanket and IV fluid warmer and padding all bony prominences.
  • Bacteria then enters the wound and initiates infection.
  • The heat of the igneous body initiates convection of the water, which is heated as it is drawn into the body and carries heat away after it becomes warm and buoyant, only to be replaced by cooler water drawn in from the sides.
  • Melt blending of HDPE and LLDPE, and peroxide initiated grafting copolymerization of vinyl trimethoxy silane(A171) onto HDPE/LLDPE blends were simultaneously studied in a twin screw extruder.
  • I think the exact make-up of the triune goddess depended on what city you came from and what mysteries you were initiated in, as well as period as Anna points out.
  • The children in the following example were using a collection of beads, and their teacher decided to initiate an activity.
  • It states that people who handle or install unpackaged, electrically initiated, explosives devices and ammunition, must avoid wearing clothing made of material that has high static-producing qualities.
  • The pellets simultaneously explode to initiate the entire outer surface of a high explosive component in hemispherical form under the shell. Iran nuclear report: IAEA claims Tehran working on advanced warhead
  • Indeed, it was not until 2040 that the unexpected and accidental manufacture of stable muonium-hydrogen 'compounds' had opened up a new chapter of human history - exactly as the discovery of the neutron had initiated the Atomic Age. 2061 Odyssey Three
  • Singers should originate and initiate ideas that are new to the market.
  • For the uninitiated, most ground forces still employ a final fail-safe method for testing the air before giving the ‘all clear’ message to soldiers wearing their gas masks.
  • Esai is immediately attracted to the lithesome young lady, but Abigail rebuffs his attempts to initiate a simple conquest. Drink One to Me, Christian Bennett by Vicki Allen
  • In 2007, fascial researchers and practitioners banded together to initiate the biennial Fascia Research Congress, where researchers and health practitioners can share new discoveries. Eva Norlyk Smith, Ph.D.: Staying Fit: Yoga, Rolfing and the Elusive Cinderella Tissues
  • In fact, several guidebooks were conspiracies to conceal this information, and repel invaders from outside the initiated inner circle.
  • First, a primer for the uninitiated: Similar to racquetball, squash is played in a four-walled court, and the ball is smacked against the front wall.
  • Once hCG is initiated, it takes at least 70-80 days for germ cells to reach the spermatozoal stage. MLB Rumors at
  • The government has initiated a programme of economic reform.
  • After entering their customer number, the shopper clicks the Buy it button to initiate the purchase.
  • He has no power to initiate or declare a war either against a foreign nation or a domestic State.
  • Their journey coincides with that of an Aborigine boy on his walkabout - a 10-day ritual where boys are left to fend for themselves, an event that initiates their entrance into adulthood.
  • It placed a counter in the start-up routine of the computer and after ninety reboots (deemed a sufficient time to pay for the intellectual goods) it initiated a process that encrypted the names of most of the files on the hard disk.
  • Artists will not reveal sacred meanings of designs to the uninitiated.
  • Most strikingly, in the belief that the wider dissemination of the Kabbalah would speed up the effectuation of the messianic project, the Sabbateans were systematically teaching it to their women, especially the esoteric Zohar, in which only a small, exclusively male elite would traditionally have been initiated. Sabbateanism.
  • This defective recovery of DNA replication suggests an inability to coordinate lesion bypass or to initiate new replicons.
  • The correct person to initiate and oversee coronary rehabilitation is the district cardiologist or physician with an interest in cardiology.
  • The problem is, this not only did not happen, but the results of John Locke losing faith caused Desmond to initiate the failsafe, which is itself a controlled meltdown creating yet another loop. The Tail Section » My ‘Lost’ Duplicates Theory Lives!
  • The ability to initiate and operate independently.
  • Developed for carrying coal and agricultural produce a passenger service was rapidly initiated using wagons, open carriages and converted stage coaches.
  • The repair of the US-China undersea fibre optic cable, damaged Friday night for the second time in a month, was initiated Monday.
  • Indeed, it does appear to be the case that the clandestine nuclear weapons programme was initiated following that strike.
  • Dickson worked on finite fields and extended the theory of linear associative algebras initiated by Wedderburn and Cartan.
  • It was Madison, they note, who nudged Jefferson out of retirement after his wife's death in 1782, initiated the criticisms of Hamilton that Jefferson continued in the early 1790s, was the "driving force" behind Jefferson's candidacy for the presidency in 1796, and helped reverse Jefferson's dangerously disunionist impulses three years later, after the Virginia and Kentucky resolutions had failed to rally the states against the Alien and Sedition Acts. Partners in revolution
  • To the uninitiated, for whom the idea of cacti and succulents is a ball cactus and a common hens-and-chicks succulent, delving headlong into these fascinating worlds is a bit akin to disappearing down the rabbit hole in "Alice in Wonderland. SFGate: Top News Stories
  • The ancient Greeks, Chinese, Hindus and many other cultures and civilizations all had their initiates who were highly developed mentally, morally, and spiritually – these men and women were well beyond their time and the lay people viewed them as demi-gods and apotheosized them. Hand Signed | SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles
  • There was genuine popular interest in the party about the debate the NPI had initiated.
  • He then discussed this with the general practitioner and gradual reduction of the antidepressant was initiated.
  • The best strategic course for the U.S. is to initiate a process that would affirm the use of space as a global commons where all guns are checked at the border of the mesosphere, 50 miles up.
  • Moreover, lateral root formation can be initiated by the application of the plant hormone auxin.
  • He is ready to proceed with the implementation of the President's directive about nonsegregation down to the platoon level, and proposes to initiate this in the three cavalry regiments and the AA battalion up north, but does not want to do it if it is premature. "[ Integration of the Armed Forces, 1940-1965
  • But his defenders note that the current excavation of the tunnel was initiated by the Labor government.
  • In some places hummus is topped with cooked lamb mince, which is utterly delicious - though mutton is often used instead, and to the uninitiated this can be a rather strong flavour.
  • In the fall of 2010, federal and state law-enforcement officials initiated a forfeiture action against the property after a four-year, multiagency investigation. Hosts Liable for Visitors' Drug Use
  • Conclusion Both CSS and CH may act as initiator in carcinogenesis, and may synergistically initiate tumors when CSS and CH were exposed simultaneously.
  • But at the same time, the self was complex enough to initiate actions and innovate new ideas.
  • Groups of girls of approximately the same age are initiated into these societies.
  • This was also the period in which young women were apprenticed to seamstresses, to prepare their trousseau and be initiated into the skills of seduction.
  • Looking back, the quality movement among the domestic auto ancillaries actually was initiated by the country's premier car manufacturer, Maruti Udyog, through its cluster approach.
  • Initiated by the dancer in the center of the trio, the three performers reach their arms out to one another with a mechanical slowness.
  • The statism thought of peace, democracy and culture which they initiate has the reasonable valuable positive value, is the important resources in the Chinese modern nationalism thinking history.
  • Miss Carpenter, as she separated long strands of raphia and initiated her pupils into the art of twisting and stitching, was almost as merry as Miss Pennington, whose infectious laugh, as she related James Mandeville's latest speeches, kept them all in a gale. The Pleasant Street Partnership A Neighborhood Story
  • Otherwise, the process will not be initiated or will be aborted prematurely.
  • This paper analyzed knowledge services conducted by the national library of medicine of the United States, and then discussed how to initiate our knowledge services for specialized libraries in China.
  • Media reports and announcements from various anti-virus vendors have warned that the W32/Klez-E worm will initiate a destructive payload today, 6 March.
  • As you initiate your turn your leg should be long with your hips up. Work the turn from there by flexing your ankles first then your knees next until you reach the end of your turn.
  • You may want to initiate a lawsuit to recover any assets that were inappropriately transferred to your stepbrother.
  • Sometime before the age of 20, he was initiated into sannyas by an old sadhu named Pandit Devi Sahaya Shukla.
  • They have decided to initiate legal proceedings against the newspaper.
  • In early June, federal and state agencies again pooled resources -- 30 million pesos total for 2004 -- to initiate a long-term aquatic weed control program for Lake Chapala. Lake Chapala In 2004
  • As Schopenhauer does , Kierkegaard criticizes traditional rationalism and Christian theology and initiates modern humanism.
  • Bacteria then enters the wound and initiates infection.
  • In this way the lacteal sinuses, which contain the initial milk, are pulled into the mouth so that the gum pads and the tip of the tongue can initiate the ‘milking’ process.
  • The program is the latest in a number of moves Army officials have initiated in order to boost sagging recruitment and help soldiers obtain a higher education.
  • This is in contrast to the case in the United States for example, where individual Congressmen can initiate spending proposals. 2.
  • In fact, cancer rates were trending downwards in all developing countries prior to screening programmes having been initiated in the 1960s.
  • High electric drying, high electric thawing and electroosmosis dewatering technology are novel technology, and will initiate new domain in electrostatic application.
  • As with much of initiation art, this sculpture instructs the initiates and the community in matters of dispute resolution, sexual maturity, and good judgment.
  • This does not necessarily mean that Euripides was an initiate of Dionysian mysteries, or that his portrayal of the god's worshippers (the Maenads) is an honest one.
  • The "Wright petitioners" have asked the FCC to regulate interstate telephone calls initiated by prisoners. Outrageous rates charged for prison phone calls breaks family ties
  • Hunting is usually initiated by hunger and stopped by satiation.
  • Empiric therapy for tuberculosis and histoplasmosis was initiated.
  • The July-August 2001 eruption at Etna was heralded by a seismic swarm initiated during the night of 12-13 July.
  • The 1960s saw, however, a heady boom in self-build, initiated by all those alternative lifestyle movements. Junkitecture and the Jellyfish theatre
  • IBM buys firm that serves health-care industry - Chicago Tribune kumarworld21 IBM buys firm that serves health-care industry | IBM Corp. said Wednesday it is buying Initiate Systems, a .. luckyhendrik #health IBM buys firm that serves health-care industry: By Wailin Wong Tribune reporter IBM Corp. said Wednesday i ... noetical Nancy Pelosi's new health care plan Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • blackbirder" -- "labour vessel," the wise it call -- nothing more will be needed to convince the initiated that I have moved in the "nine circles" of Polynesia. The Cruise of the Cachalot Round the World After Sperm Whales
  • We even applied sunscreen to the nostrils, an orifice often overlooked by the uninitiated.
  • Because humid tropic and sub-tropic areas sustain tree growth at a rate three times that of temperate zones - thus tripling the carbon dioxide-sequestering effect - many projects are initiated in these regions.
  • Demeter, the type of the earth, or to Mithras, the symbol of all that fructifies that earth, -- the great object and design of the secret instruction were identical in all places, and the Mysteries constituted a school of religion in which the errors and absurdities of polytheism were revealed to the initiated. The Symbolism of Freemasonry
  • It is an urgent issue for local ecological improvement and economical development to initiate a program of ecological restoration and rehabilitation.
  • Germination of wild-type spores is initiated by an isotropic growth phase generating spherical germ cells.
  • First of all, some forward cyclic is needed to initiate the forward movement.
  • These reflexes are initiated by the excitation of duodenal mucosal chemoreceptors to acid, fats, and osmotic pressure in the luminal contents.
  • But now, we have gathered the confidence to move resolutions, initiate debates and even take out ‘morchas’ on issues of concern to us.‘
  • U.K. power-systems company Rolls-Royce, which is listed on the FTSE 100 index and has a market capitalization of nearly £7 billion, or about $14 billion, said it has replaced Merrill Lynch with Morgan Stanley as joint broker following a review of its broking lineup initiated this year by the company's board. Morgan Stanley supplants
  • Ever since Charles Baudelaire, abnegators have initiated a Bohemian-mannered vagrom tradition in the literary realm.
  • When nocodazole was used to depolymerize microtubules in the cell periphery, we observed a significant increase of failures to initiate compared to untreated cells.
  • Co., said the measure places too much importance on whether buyers or sellers initiate transactions.
  • The uninitiated could be forgiven for imagining that the tradition of heading to a holiday camp for a summer knees-up was in terminal decline.
  • An in-charge conferee utilizes his computer containing appropriate software to initiate the conference and to control the participation of the conferees.
  • Celestite will also assist initiates in uncovering lifetimes that one's soul has had in the sea such as within the dolphin and whale species, and communing with such species in present time.
  • It was he who initiated Bensemann into the dark art of English dancing.
  • The Masonic religion should be, by all of its initiates of the higher degrees, maintained in the purity of the Luciferian doctrine. if Lucifer were not God, would Adonay (the God of the Christians) whose deeds prove his cruelty perfidy, and hatred of man, Barbarism and repulsion for science, would Adonay and his priests calumniate him? La Satanism Exposed | Disinformation
  • The project was finally initiated in 1985; to date, seven volumes of the series have been published.
  • As products and materials are procured , a value-added inventory flow is initiated that ultimately results in ownership transfer of finished products to customers.
  • Note that macronuclear karyokinesis and cytokinesis has initiated in rad 51 nulls despite the failure to complete micronuclear mitosis.
  • In the ovules of most sexual flowering plants female gametogenesis is initiated from a single surviving gametic cell, the functional megaspore, formed after meiosis of the somatically derived megaspore mother cell (MMC) 1, 2. Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • Although the mechanism is not understood, he said, nursing and the physical presence of the calf appear to initiate the period of anestrus. Siskiyou Daily News Homepage RSS
  • In the 1960's, another development in superconductivity was initiated, by the Englishman Brian Josephson (who received the Press Release: The 1987 Nobel Prize in Physics
  • So I went to a court to initiate that AVO.
  • The development is initiated as a hyphal knot of 0.2 mm or less in diameter, which rapidly develops into a tiny primordium containing the rudimentary tissues of the future pileus and stipe.
  • In this first example we see how a teacher is able to initiate a sorting activity following a child's chance remark.
  • For those uninitiated in scientific ocean drilling, the previous record was a little over 4 km.
  • At the end of the Recruitment, the Masters and Mistresses and I will decide which of you are qualified to be initiated into the League.
  • Much twentieth-century theology was driven by a re-evaluation of soteriology: the question of how the salvation produced or initiated by Christ is to be understood.
  • The more extreme version of libertarianism has one central principle- it is immoral to initiate force on anyone else.
  • I may even initiate my own (hopefully) informative or amusing tweets.
  • As we view the use of ‘sheepskin aprons’ in the Initiated Orders of Masonry, we can surmise that the use of this element would be seen as an affront to more ‘precise’ sects contained within the vast network of Mystery Schools.
  • If he could get a job, it might be easier to initiate some change.
  • Energizer has initiated discussions with Asia Thai Mining (Pan African Mining), one of two companies that are developing the large Sakoa coalfield, which is located approximately 30 kilometres northwest of the Green Giant Vanadium Project. Marketwire - Breaking News Releases
  • `She will come before Miss Bray goes so that Miss Bray can initiate her into her duties. THE ROAD TO PARADISE ISLAND
  • Pacific Ocean life insurance corporate employees also drive hero of record of events affect, initiate a rapid satisfaction of a claim machining.
  • Though the theatrical gesticulations seemed slightly complicated to the uninitiated, the enactment was explicit.
  • But once it's initiated, there's a lot of good data that's indicating that the earlier you start therapy, the better off you are from the standpoint of not allowing the virus to form a non-eradicable reservoir, namely such a reservoir that even if you stop therapy after years, the virus is still there, and how you can prevent the really progressive destruction of the immune system, which takes place over years. Scientists Say A Gel Can Slow HIV Spread
  • I believe the intrinsic coagulation system initiated by the contact system would be more important as a host defense system working extravascular tissue space against microbial pathogens than as the haemostatic mechanism. Confirmation Bias and ID
  • You don't want the link to act like a regular link in this case, but only to initiate an Ajax request and then stop processing the event.
  • Both thrust and normal faults initiated synchronously with Miocene prograde metamorphism and melting, and have moved episodically since then.
  • This was done to enable comparison of the effects of bibliotherapy with more frequent and scheduled telephone contacts on the one hand, and the same treatment with entirely self-initiated telephone support on the other hand.
  • This Vial initiates a direct attack on the throne of the Beast, the vice-gerent of Commentary on Revelation
  • Dvorak himself deliberately failed to initiate an American school of music.
  • Needless to say, those two dunderheads decided to initiate their favourite game of ‘Shove The Sister Around’.
  • Business Process Composite pattern, allows a human to initiate a business process that requires collaboration and monitoring.
  • At one point of time, all the jewels on display are futuristic in design, even to the point of appearing bizarre to the uninitiated.
  • He ruminates, at one point, that maybe awakened men and women of old were copied by students and initiates observing this movement in the hope that it would be beneficial or move them towards the ‘goal’.
  • The rules are simple to the initiated, mind-boggling to the novice.
  • However, old people who need help do not initiate such schemes.
  • Although young people may initiate courtship, marriage is often arranged by the family, with older siblings or extended family members suggesting possible mates.
  • The court claim has been initiated by the Belfast board on behalf of all five Education Area Boards across the province.
  • Multiple exclamation points have their place - in amongst hearts and flowers and smileys and emoticons and xxxx and x0x0x0x0 (to the uninitiated that's hugs and kisses) - in other words ‘nice, girly gossip’.
  • Cartwright admits that some host cities, most notably Durban and Cape Town, have tried to initiate projects, but says in general it has been left too late.
  • The tadpoles can also turn in much wider arcs, which they do spontaneously, when they initiate swimming from rest, and in the course of normal locomotion.
  • I was usually the active partner, or rather it was usually I who initiated a kiss or an embrace.
  • An individual or group can initiate, or obstruct, public policy in many political arenas.
  • You can imagine a situation where some new firmware is available but where the operator may not want to do a mass push, in this case it could be available with client initiated FOTA. The Summer of the Superphone
  • Although I apprenticed and am initiated into Wicca, I am well aware that what each teacher teaches is, to a greater or lesser degree, their version.
  • The Lesser Mysteries, celebrated in winter, prepared the initiate for taking part in the Greater Mysteries the following autumn.
  • When the offending spouse initiated the divorce, however, the faithful spouse was more likely to experience depression.
  • The court held that she was entitled to withdraw without costs as she had a meritorious claim when she initiated the application but circumstances had changed.
  • The council will not initiate a wholesale naming of roundabouts, but will consider any request to have one named.
  • In addition, there are sketchy references to the process being initiated by some stimulus material, involving the development of concepts and including redrafts or changes in direction.
  • This independent Investigator Initiated study was supported by a research grant from Abbott Laboratories.
  • With exceptional skill, in this and many other numbers, Calloway managed to play both sides of the street: Using the jive talk popular among African Americans, especially those in the big cities, he was able to communicate on a hip, insider level while delighting non-initiates (most of whom probably were white) with the joyfulness and apparent nonsense of his lyrics as well as giving them the pleasure of participating in call-and-response scat choruses. Review of "Hi-De-Ho," Alyn Shipton's biography of Cab Calloway
  • They were in the front line, but the front line was not what the phrase meant to the uninitiated. DISPLACED PERSON

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