
How To Use Inhibit In A Sentence

  • ‘In big companies, there can be a lot of layers that inhibit the creative process,’ she says, explaining her decision to strike out on her own.
  • Lefebvre V, Peeters-Joris C, Vaes G. Modulation by interleukin 1 and tumor necrosis factor alpha of production of collagenase, tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases and collagen types in differentiated and dedifferentiated articular chondrocytes. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • BDC is currently conducting a Phase two placebo-controlled proof of concept study with the tumor necrosis factor (TNF) inhibitor, etanercept, epidurally administered to a minimum of 40 patients with sciatica. THE MEDICAL NEWS
  • The young ladies of the public relation are too inhibited to laugh freely.
  • Water dilutes, dissolves and helps eliminate toxins and trash that could otherwise inhibit immune function, muscle recovery and growth.
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  • Did the deflation of the 19th century inhibit economic growth? Times, Sunday Times
  • Myostatin is a member of the transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-β) superfamily of growth and differentiation factors and is a primary regulator of muscle growth both pre - and postnatally, primarily via inhibition of myoblast proliferation and differentiation PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Both the sexes move so closely that inhibitions and hesitations are a thing of the past now.
  • What I find highly ironic and, indeed, perturbing, is that U.S. trade laws have in their application proven much more effective in inhibiting legitimate, cross-border, long-standing supplier-customer transactions carried on within a Canada-U.S. free trade environment than they have in dealing with these "dump and jump" boatloads of predatory imports. Free Trade With the U.S.—Only in a Dream World
  • Conclusion MTBE′s carcinogenicity to animals may relate to induction of cell proliferation and inhibition of cell apoptosis.
  • Very quickly, the penalties were seen as draconian and the restrictions as inhibiting the will to win. Times, Sunday Times
  • Activated ROCK induces neurite retraction [5] while selective ROCK inhibitor, Y-27632, as well as ROCK dominant negative mutants promote neurite formation PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • And then there's the absolute joy and freedom of letting your body move uninhibitedly to the beat, and flexing muscles you never knew existed!
  • The spiral wave inhibits normal waves, just as eddies in a stream inhibit the smooth flow of water.
  • Hyperimmune responses, either at the initial immunisation challenge or in the amplification of immune response, can be observed in cellular mechanisms such as basophil degranulation, or at a molecular level, with changes in the levels of messengers such as leukotrienes; reduction of the intensity of these mechanisms are described in terms of molecular pharmacology, such as selective or nonselective inhibition of lipoxygenases. Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • Interestingly, they report wind-rose plots indicating that MLCK inhibition substantially reduces cell motility by increasing the directional tortuosity of cell paths.
  • Expense of formation Neither a sole trader nor a partnership is inhibited by legal formalities when commencing trading.
  • A protein resistant to heat and proteolysis that inhibits serine proteases was isolated from wheat leaf apoplasts.
  • Valerian also inhibits the enzyme-induced breakdown of GABA in the brain, with concomitant sedation.
  • This power of control has not, however, inhibited the developments in the character of oral questions above described.
  • In appearance and atmosphere he was a strapping big college man, smooth-faced and easy-mannered, clean and simple and wholesome, with a known record of being a splendid athlete and an implied vast possession of cold culture of the inhibited sort. SOUTH OF THE SLOT
  • But the lack of finance in all but the commercial sector is inhibiting.
  • Calcium propionate is added to foods to inhibit mold growth.
  • In order to enhance the single-phase auto-reclosing success rate, we must inhibit the arc current and the Transient Recovery Voltage efficiently.
  • In all experiments the algae were treated with benzoquinone, to inhibit metabolic activity in the chloroplast and to maintain an oxidized plastoquinone pool.
  • For a start, this music is uninhibited, drawing plentifully from the lightweight and somewhat swingy end of the spectrum.
  • Therefore, a composition, and methods thereof, that modulates and inhibits IL-10 activity can alter the development and sustainment of autoimmune disease and related symptoms and ameliorate or reduce pathogen-associated immunopathology. Notable Patent Applications - 07/22/2010
  • Sanofi's treatment leads a new family of medicines known as parp inhibitors, designed to prevent breast cancer from repairing itself after being blasted by chemotherapy. -- Top News
  • This period ushered in the flowering of so-called grotesque ornamentation, where erotic hybrids abounded in uninhibited decorative fantasies.
  • In addition, the dorsal central column of primary afferent fibers within the spinal cord appears susceptible to the inhibitory effects of hypoxia in rats.
  • The serotonin transporter can be selectively inhibited by antidepressant drugs such as fluoxetine and citalopram.
  • MAO inhibitors are commonly prescribed by medical doctors to treat depression.
  • Conclusion - Angiotensin I converting enzyme inhibition by enalapril effectively reduces microalbuminuria in normotensive diabetic patients whereas hydrochlorothiazide is not effective.
  • Anti-inflammatory coxib medications inhibit aspirin's protective qualities THE MEDICAL NEWS
  • For irradiation, cells were cultured in Petri dishes and synchronized by contact inhibition in confluent cultures.
  • All nerve agents act by inhibiting the enzyme acetylcholinesterase, which breaks down the neurotransmitter acetylcholine.
  • One mechanism often proposed to explain how encrusting algae can inhibit their potential competitors is thallus shedding, which is well documented among nongeniculate coralline algae.
  • A number of the older tricyclic antidepressants, typical neuroleptic medications and, more recently, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors have been trialed in eating disorders.
  • This is of clinical relevance because cyclosporine A is a known inhibitor of calcineurin. Urology Division Research
  • This includes the use of erythropoietin, surgical techniques that minimise blood loss, and drugs that inhibit fibrinolysis; greater degrees of anaemia are tolerated, and phlebotomy undertaken for diagnostic testing is minimal.
  • A great performance by Polanski as the boring, drab office worker who slowly goes insane, and, consequently, sheds his inhibited personality.
  • MAb 4C5, while not affecting secretion of the inactive MMPs, inhibits their activation by disrupting their interaction extracellularly with both isoforms of HSP90. BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • There are two main classes of antidepressant used for treating cataplexy - the Tricyclic antidepressants and the Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs).
  • They inhibit investigative journalism and allegations of misconduct against powerful people who might sue. Times, Sunday Times
  • PP2A inhibition prevents p107 dephosphorylation and FGF-induced cell cycle arrest The regulation of Rb protein family phosphorylation by cyclin / cdk kinases is fairly well understood, but much less is known about the phosphatases that dephosphorylate Rbs during the normal cell cycle or in response to exogenous signals. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • During icehouse periods the distribution of continents inhibited circum-equatorial circulation forcing faster oceanic circulation in the main ocean gyres.
  • Nearly 10 percent of all students were identified as gifted, compared to 8. 4 percent of the work-inhibited population.
  • In the process, boys learn to repress emotion and inhibit the expression of personal feelings.
  • In addition, the pharmacological inhibition of the complement system appears effective in reducing liver ischemia–reperfusion injury, suggesting its possible role in clinical applications.
  • Conclusion: 9.1 C 3 molecule is a kind of killing cell inhibitory receptor.
  • Result: Methylprednisolone inhibited the activity of neural stem cells in vitro, and also promoted apoptosis of neural stem cells.
  • Antisera against KLH induced positive CHR but not positive COP. The results of reciprocal inhibition experiment indicated that there is a partial cross antigenicity between KLH and SEA.
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  • Thirdly, simvastatin inhibits endothelial cell apoptosis and preserves ischaemic vasculature, perhaps maintaining a competent vascular supply to the macula.
  • What was more, I was determined to defy the frigidity of my race, that ancient shameful legacy of inhibition.
  • There are other kinds of generalized seizures that are basically inhibitory, like briefly turning off a switch.
  • Its addition inhibits bacterial growth in vinegar. Food Watch
  • It also has the weighty responsibility of inhibiting the conversion of body fat back into glucose for the body to burn (a hangover from our feast-or-famine cave days).
  • The intramural squabbling and partisan agendas of the past thirty-five years have often inhibited the discerning engagement with the culture that is imperative for a community of disciples called to be salt and light.
  • They know the horse best and can identify crucial discrepancies, but may also unconsciously inhibit the vet's objectivity. Times, Sunday Times
  • The protein was further shown to inhibit cAMP release of gastric fundic biopsies and to prevent its stimulation by histamine.
  • proactive inhibition
  • Protein synthesis inhibition was performed by incubating plantlets at normal temperature and in the presence of 100 g ml - 1 cycloheximide.
  • Among them are baclofen, a common muscle relaxant that enhances GABA, and N-acetylcysteine, used to treat Tylenol overdoses, which inhibits glutamate. New Hope For Addicts?
  • Standard, first-line OCD treatment typically includes selective serotonin-reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and tricyclic antidepressants such as clomipramine, along with behavioral therapies.
  • With respect to this subject, the reported DNA damage and inhibition of DNA repair functions by photooxidative reactions is an interesting aspect.
  • For the patient presenting with hyperthermia, traditional treatment may include external cooling to decrease temperature or pancuronium to decrease muscle hyperactivity. 4,6 Dantrolene sodium has been used to directly relax skeletal muscle rigidity by inhibiting the release of calcium ions from the sarcoplasm reticulum6 In severe hypertension, CNS stimulation should be avoided. Monamine Oxidase Inhibitors
  • His delivery is stilted, stiff, uninflected - except when he's permitted to shout, at which point he relaxes and seems to forget to be inhibited.
  • Raffoul JJ et al. Genistein inhibits radiation-induced activation of NF-kappaB in prostate cancer cells promoting apoptosis and G2/M cell cycle arrest. Craig Cooper: Soy: When It's Good, When It's Bad, And How To Tell
  • The atmospheric flow will also have an influence, as strong vertical wind shear can inhibit cyclogenesis.
  • It strengthens the immune system, promotes digestion and inhibits the growth of bacteria in the mouth. Times, Sunday Times
  • From these observations emerged the view that the horseshoe-shaped fibrillar band functions as a barrier inhibiting migration of individual mesoblast cells and expansion of tissue sheets.
  • -- (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Apr 8, 2009 - KAI Pharmaceuticals, Inc., a privately held drug discovery and development company, today announced the Company has initiated a third Phase 2a study of KAI-1678, a first-in-class, isozyme-selective, small peptide inhibitor of the epsilon protein kinase C pathway (epsilon PKC). Undefined
  • Calcium inhibits fluoride but if you are low on vitamins and calcium, the neurological effect is greater than those decently fed.
  • Yes, indeed, guns are fired before leaving the factory and a rust inhibitor is often applied to the exterior and the bore after testfire. Dirty guns sold as new
  • Much evidence suggests the presence of tonic neurogenic inhibition in the colon.
  • I agreed to be put on an SSRI, a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor. Blogging About Anti-Anxiety Meds
  • Like many great screwball comedies, the film keeps rolling and rolling on pure, uninhibited energy.
  • The isolate revealed to be able to agglutinate chicken haemocytes with the agglutination reaction to be inhibited by Newcastle disease virus standard antiserum.
  • The clinical use of HMG CoA-reductase inhibitors and the associated depletion of coenzyme Q10: A review of animal and human publications. Hyla Cass, M.D.: Is Your Medication Robbing You of Nutrients Part 2: Getting Specific
  • His work has established the inhibitory role astrocytes can play in preventing central nervous system regeneration.
  • In conclusion, early maladaptation, that is, upregulated thrombin generation and inhibition of fibrinolysis, occurred in one-third of the SCT patients associating with the development of GVHD, a finding suggesting an interplay between coagulation and immunology during SCT. Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • For example, the insulin reduces fatty acid uptake and could therefore indirectly inhibit gluconeogenesis, as fatty acids have shown to stimulate gluconeogenesis in vitro; alternatively, the insulin could be shifting away the precursors of the gluconeogenic pathway. Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • Elidel belongs to a class of drugs known as calcineurin inhibitors, so called because they reduce immune activity by inhibiting the activity of the enzyme calcineurin. FDA Runs Protection Racket For Big Pharma
  • I felt I was very inhibited and shy and insecure in many ways.
  • In the new research, published in the journal, Annals of Rheumatic Diseases, patients were taking either a high dose of lumiracoxib, a type of drug known as a cox-2 inhibitor, high dose of ibuprofen or naproxen, which are both non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs known as NSAIDs. The Down-Side of Pain Killers | Impact Lab
  • The third version, unlike the more idealistic first and second vesions, intoroduces terms such as the unconscious, inhibition, and crisis, contains a crucial section on mesmerism, and is structured around the trauma of onto - and phylogenesis. Article Abstracts
  • It was not until the mid-1990s that researchers saw another way: An enzyme called dipeptidyl peptidase four DPP4 broke down GLP, and by inhibiting it, researchers could boost GLP levels in the body. Merck Starts Diabetes Race
  • Results Results showed that methylmercury inhibited the neurite outgrowth and survival of PC 12 cells.
  • One note of caution: Work inhibition is extremely difficult to diagnose.
  • Is she "lacking in motherly inhibitions and propriety and self-control" [p. 156]? Runaway by Alice Munro: Questions
  • It added that the tie-up would have the potential to 'inhibit' the editorial and scheduling flexibility of both the BBC and ITV network. Home | Mail Online
  • Seen this way, the First Amendment is a two-edged sword that prevents government from inhibiting religious expression, but also limits the scope of religious authority to ecclesiastical affairs.
  • Despite inhibition of viral replication in plasma, lymph nodes, and at other sites, reservoirs of HIV infection in latently infected resting T lymphocytes remain.
  • The FDA is advising doctors to weigh the benefits against risks when prescribing Cox - 2 inhibitors for their patients.
  • A small manufacturing sector inhibits growth in the economy.
  • Such measures, it was decided, could inhibit economic growth and consumer spending. Times, Sunday Times
  • In summary, our data show that the absence of PlGF strongly inhibits mucosal intestinal angiogenesis in acute colitis, which is associated with an early increase in intestinal epithelial hypoxia and aggravation of the course of the disease. Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • The Christmas season, with its worship, observances, solemnities, and inhibitions, ends at sunset on Twelfth Night.
  • It is used as a corrosion inhibitor, a plasticizer, and a lubricant, as well as an ingredient in a variety of polymers and personal care products.
  • With love, there should be no reservations, no inhibitions when making love to the person who undoubtedly has your heart.
  • Past research by Dr. Dwinell linked the expression of CXCL12, a protein known as a chemokine, to the inhibiting of breast cancer. TechNudge
  • In addition, loss of cell adhesion may contribute to loss of contact inhibition and thus play a role at the earlier stage of the neoplastic process.
  • Oilseeds often contain toxic or undesirable factors such as gossypol in cottonseed, trypsin inhibitor in soya beans and cyanogenetic glucosides in linseed, whereas groundnuts have been noted as being particularly vulnerable to mycotoxin formation. Chapter 6
  • Perhaps the joy of reaching the dizziest peak inhibits further achievement. Times, Sunday Times
  • In other words, the function of one organ could have facilitatory as well as inhibitory actions on other organs via their connections, namely meridians, blood, and qi (vital air).
  • Such variations might arise from minor genetic differences or by epigenetic influences causing induction, enhancement or inhibition of repair enzyme synthesis or activity.
  • You need something to disinhibit you, to put you in a carefree mood. Winnipeg Sun
  • A chemical substance that destroys or inhibits the growth of fungi.
  • In contrast, PKC inhibition did not suppress the growth of normal mast cells.
  • Because of the online disinhibition effect some share too much on their social networking profiles, sometimes even things they wouldn't admit to their closest friends.
  • Acetylcholine esterase inhibitor (neostigmine): indications: colonic pseudo-obstruction PLoS Medicine: New Articles
  • He cast aside all his inhibitions.
  • The problem with hypothermia is it’s not that easy to cool down the human body so if we can find another method to inhibit metabolism that would be very useful. Sewer Gas Used to Induce ‘Suspended Animation’ | Impact Lab
  • We coded all drugs according to the British National Formulary and defined secondary prevention drugs as aspirin, blockers, lipid lowering agents, or angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors.
  • The patient was put on a liquid diet, sucralfate proton pump inhibitor treatment and was symptom-free within two weeks. BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • Recorder Barry Kogan told him: ‘I believe you are a considerable risk to the public particularly when disinhibited by drink.’
  • A bacteriostat is a substance that inhibits the growth of bacteria in inanimate environments, preventing, say, rotting or odor of textiles or deterioration of paint. HOME COMFORTS
  • It reported that bee products such as royal icily, propolis and venom might help prevent cancer by inhibiting tumor growth; the study was done on mice.
  • However, enantiomeric cross-inhibition is certainly a serious problem. Good Math, Bad Math, and David Berlinkski - The Panda's Thumb
  • There seems to be little doubt that work-inhibited students have limited faith in their ability to persevere in academic life.
  • She's slovenly and uninhibited; he's anal and reserved.
  • Like the skin comparison neurons in the spinal cord, the center may be excitatory and the surround inhibitory.
  • When those rust inhibitors lose their effectiveness, the inside of the radiator can start to corrode.
  • For example, beet and rape support more biodiversity than maize (which is much taller, inhibiting the growth of weeds beneath).
  • Evaluating the results of their experiments the Clemson researchers concluded: "Juice from strawberry, blueberry, and raspberry fruit significantly inhibited mutagenesis. Slimming Strawberries For Weight Loss
  • Fortunately, the inhibitory salt effect can be alleviated in vivo by natural DNA supercoiling.
  • One example is the antihypertensive effect of dietary peptides derived from milk protein, mediated by angiotensin converting enzyme inhibition.
  • That old Asian standby, soya, contains isoflavonoids, which help inhibit the growth of prostate cancer cells.
  • All three drugs are variations on the same theme - they are known as PDE5 inhibitors - but with different side effects.
  • his father's cold and distant demeanor inhibited him emotionally
  • Isabelle, in a slightly drunk and uninhibited state, flaunts her desire at being desired while Gerald trembles at her physical closeness.
  • Bona fide doctrine, inhibition abuse of right doctrine, the limitation of actions, the judicial interpretation can not effectively regulate patent laches in CHINA.
  • It may be a guidance counselor who is interested in getting the school to develop strategies to help work-inhibited students.
  • found that young, single people were particularly likely to disclose sensitive information about themselves. It's the online disinhibition effect writ large.
  • Fischler and Bloom conclude from these results that in visual word recognition the effect of context is essentially inhibitory rather than facilitatory.
  • Moreover, rather than inhibiting her, marriage permits her to yield to passion.
  • So there are parallels between these cases and cases of artistic disinhibition. Times, Sunday Times
  • So I'm at a loss at how this legislation would "inhibit" anybody's "religious freedom". tolkien_fan73 Says: paleolib: I had the same thought: Think Progress
  • The lack of enterprise space in the town is a major inhibitor to the development of new businesses.
  • Conclusion Low energy laser irradiation unite Solanum nigrum polysaccharide may obviously enhance immune function of the body and inhibit the growth of the liver cancer in mouse.
  • As indicated previously, intracellular calcium is usually an inhibitor of adenylate cyclase, but this is not invariably the case.
  • There seems to be little doubt that work-inhibited students have limited faith in their ability to persevere in academic life.
  • Conclusion:Atrial overdrive can prevent AF, which may results from accelerating interatrial conduction, inhibiting atrial premature beat, eliminating sinus bradycardia and long short interval.
  • In the reproductive tract, NGF could participate in fertilization mechanisms by cytoskeletal mediated activation of spermatozoa locomotion much in the same way as in neurite outgrowth, or by favoring egg implantation, via inhibition of rejection through the immune system. Nobel Lecture The Nerve Growth Factor: Thirty-Five Years Later
  • Their inability to speak up for themselves, their numbing inhibitions, their fear of exposure is the psychological residue of this catharsis.
  • The quantitative character of the interaction between opposed inhibition and excitation is experimentally demonstrable. Sir Charles Sherrington - Nobel Lecture
  • Objective To investigate the platelet inhibition ratio by thromboelastography (TEG) and its clinical impact in patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI).
  • Sage oil inhibits an enzyme called acetylcholinesterase, whose normal job is to break down the chemical messenger acetylcholine.
  • It seems that the failure of the axons to regenerate is partly the result of an inhibitory effect exerted by central nervous system glial cells, associated with the myelin of nerve fibers.
  • In 1986, a drug known as azidothymidine was identified by NCI researchers as inhibiting HIV activity in laboratory studies.
  • The more isolated the tasks are, the more you inhibit their ability to function as a team.
  • It is essential for the nidation of the conceptus and is thought to inhibit myometrial contractility, thereby ensuring that the uterus is kept in a quiescent state throughout pregnancy.
  • A characteristic pattern of connections among neurons (nerve cell) in the eyes of most animals (including humans) is lateral inhibition network.
  • They are affectionate and uninhibited and their lifelong devotion to each other is touching.
  • Animal studies have demonstrated that a dipeptide called carnosine not to be confused with L-carnitine not only inhibited glycation but extended lifespan, improved brain function, and even improved the appearance of rats by keeping their fur dark and glossy and reducing skin ulcers. The Truth About Beauty
  • He was rather inhibited about discussing politics.
  • Kuntz DA, Hoffman D, Janzer RC, Gerber-Lemaire S, et al. (2008) Functionalized pyrrolidine inhibitors of human type II alpha-mannosidases as anti-cancer agents: Optimizing the fit to the active site. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • We would be unlikely to conclude that the function of that component was to inhibit the emission of high-pitched whines.
  • Activation of dopamine D 2 like receptors is known to inhibit the activity of dopaminergic neurons in the ventral tegmental area of the brain.
  • Retinoic acid, tamoxifen, and the two telomerase inhibitors each significantly squelched immortalization. The Scientist
  • Furthermore, our own studies with the related C. glutamicum, showed that while corynebacterial FAS-I activity was inhibited PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • While the combined use of Hypericum with orthodox medications has even shown an increased favorable response, it is advisable to exert some cautious watchfulness with the prolonged usage of St. Johnswort with serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI) and monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOI). THE NATURAL REMEDY BIBLE
  • Confused with the orders of Judge Vianzon, respondents filed a manifestation seeking clarification whether the judge had recalled his earlier order of inhibition.
  • She's too inhibited to laugh at jokes about sex.
  • Unlike liquid extracted from other varieties of citrus, grapefruit juice can inhibit enzyme reactions in the gut.
  • It's a safe bet that the yob putting his dukes up has been soberly simmering all week, but in loosening his inhibitions, it has all come flooding out.
  • The final and ultimate breakthrough took place, and he was able to teach and work with sentient beings without any inhibition.
  • Fruits that are to be eaten raw, and so cannot be blanched, are often packed in sugar or dipped in syrup before freezing, to exclude air and thus inhibit enzyme action.
  • Hyperglycosylated hCG inhibits apoptosis in extravillous invasive cytotrophoblast cells promoting cell invasion, growth and malignancy. BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • Some of the calcium channel blockers also exert an inhibitory effect on the sinus and atrioventricular nodes, causing the heart rate to slow.
  • In a Japanese study of mast cells from nasal mucosa of individuals with perennial allergic rhinitis, quercetin significantly inhibited antigen-stimulated histamine release.
  • Take a toothbrush to work for a quick after-lunch cleanup, or chew sugarless gum between meals; some brands contain the artificial sweetener xylitol, which inhibits bacteria growth.
  • Thus, the bile itself seemed to be the inhibitory agent in the venous effluent.
  • Aim To investigate the cytotoxic activity of HDAC inhibitor Trichostatin A (TSA)combined with anticancer drugs targeting DNA on T24 bladder cancer cell line.
  • Today, when we know that oculomotor stimulation releases AC. Ch., the action of eserine is revealed as being simply to increase the effect of the Ac.Ch. by inhibiting that of the esterase, and Anderson's results become absolutely clear. Otto Loewi - Nobel Lecture
  • They commissioned a study of the possible military uses of calmative pharmaceuticals such as anesthetics and serotonin reuptake inhibitors.
  • This is usually done by pickling in an inhibited acid.
  • A lack of oxygen may inhibit brain development in the unborn child.
  • While not depicted here, it is suggested that the inhibitory input to these DA pathways produces the overt and covert restlessness characteristic of akathisia.
  • Another type, called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) work by slowing down the reuptake process. Skip the Prozac and Spring Cleaning! Get Dirty! | Impact Lab
  • Our study has shown that CDA-II was a good scavenger of hydroxyl radical, and it inhibited lipid peroxidation in brain homogenates.
  • Does interaction at a distance disinhibit the urge to degrade? How To Trick an Online Scammer Into Carving a Computer Out of Wood
  • In midbrain slices from rats treated with saline or a single dose of cocaine, LTP could not be induced in VTA dopamine neurons unless GABA-mediated inhibition was reduced by bicuculline or picrotoxin.
  • Decreases in associability that occur as a stimulus is found to have either no consequence (‘latent inhibition’ 36) or a consistent consequence, are affected by manipulations of the hippocampus.
  • We then added a subhypnotic dose of barbital and found that the combined action of this drug and nitrous oxide could be antagonized, and the increase in partial pressure of nitrous oxide needed to inhibit the righting reflex could be used as a measure of pentylenetetrazol action. Arvid Carlsson - Autobiography
  • He is disinhibited and threatening in his manner.
  • High testosterone levels inhibit hair growth in human males and leads to male pattern baldness.
  • This also inhibits the growth of a damaged pathway that could lead to cancer formation. Times, Sunday Times
  • The results of bacteriostatic experiment of anthocyanins from purple sweet potato indicated that their minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) on Staph.
  • She was a large lady, happily married with three kids, without a chemical trace of inhibition in her body.
  • In this paper, a novel method so-called bioluminescence inhibition assay with luminous bacteria (Photobacterium phosphoreum) was introduced to evaluate the toxicity of quantum dots.
  • Zinc protoporphyrin regulates cyclin D1 expression independent of heme oxygenase inhibition. Recent Neonatal Research Publications
  • Taxifolin and hesperitin inhibited receptor-mediated endocytosis of beta-hexosaminidase by fibroblasts up to 50% of control uptake. Wil's Ebay E-Store
  • Inhibition of human basophil degranulation by successive histamine dilutions: results of a European multi-centre trial. Dana Ullman: Disinformation on Homeopathy: Two Leading Sources
  • As a measure that everyone could recognize, clinicians and researchers used the minimum amount of drug needed to kill bacteria, expressed as milligrams of drug per liter of blood, which they called the minimum inhibitory concentration, or MIC for short. SUPERBUG
  • Importantly, the team found that EGCG only reacted with proteasome inhibitors that have a boronic acid base (including bortezomib) but did not react with several non-boronic acid-based proteasome inhibitors (such as nelfinavir [Viracept®], a treatment for HIV). Innovations-report
  • Metallic materials are known to affect the optical properties of quantum dots, either by enhancing or inhibiting photoluminescence, depending on a range of factors including the size and shape of the materials, the distance between them, and the wavelength of light used to induce photoexcitation. - latest science and technology news stories
  • Our group becomes entirely uninhibited as we revel in the thrill of seeing our city laid out like toytown below.
  • The treatment with both cycloheximide and MG132, a proteasome inhibitor, showed that the stability of FOXL2 is dependent on the co-transfection with SUMO-1. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles

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