How To Use Inhere in In A Sentence

  • A substance, in contrast with an accident, is a being which subsists in itself, and does not merely inhere in another being as in a subject of inhesion. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 7: Gregory XII-Infallability
  • Such visions of the end conjure up some of the disadvantages that inhere in the passage of time: the surprise of the unprecedented, the bewilderment that accompanies the discovery of the unique.
  • For her, the urge to compete does not inhere in man's nature, nor does it result in anything other than violent strife.
  • The former necessarily entail singular substances as their substrates, since individuals alone can undergo change, while the latter can directly inhere in both individual and universal substances (insunt denominative tam communibus quam singularibus - De universalibus, p. 188). William Penbygull
  • But this book isn't about the disappointments that inhere in the traditional marriage plot. Henry James' Heroine: 'Portrait' Of A Complex Lady
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  • All they have to do is proclaim that these rights and privileges (in this case partner benefits for employees), instead of stemming from the union of two people, inhere in the individual.
  • Individual substances - this man or that horse - apart from their accidental characteristics - the qualities, etc., that inhere in them - are viewed in that work as essentially simple, unanalyzable atoms.
  • In practice, are express balancing tests always under-protective of the individual in the individual interest v. government interest context such that they should be avoided whenever possible because one will inhere in any courts analysis? The Volokh Conspiracy » Canadian University Restricting Graphic Posters That Compare Abortion to Genocide
  • Yet some difficulties inhere in the schools themselves.
  • Denials of rights and freedoms that inhere in man's worth before God are not simply a crime against humanity; they are a sin against God. National Council of Churches
  • Individual substances - this man or that horse - apart from their accidental characteristics - the qualities, etc., that inhere in them - are viewed in that work as essentially simple, unanalyzable atoms.
  • Again, if the inherence be in a part, the same contradiction follows: smallness will be equal to the part or greater than the part; therefore smallness will not inhere in anything, and except the idea of smallness there will be nothing small. Parmenides
  • For a material thing to exist is for its form actually to inhere in its matter.
  • SuperSkeptic: In practice, are express balancing tests always under-protective of the individual in the individual interest v. government interest context such that they should be avoided whenever possible because one will inhere in any courts analysis? The Volokh Conspiracy » Canadian University Restricting Graphic Posters That Compare Abortion to Genocide
  • Understanding these roots is important because they help to illuminate the different trajectories that inhere in the American diplomatic experience.
  • The phrase refers to intangible economic resources of trust and reciprocity, which inhere in social relationships and, it is argued, ground successful transitions to modernity.
  • However, the line separating circumcision and castration is at times hard to discern in these texts because the mutilation, whether partial or complete, seems to instantiate a form of subjectivity that for all attempts at containment continues to inhere in the narratives and haunts even the most triumphant accounts of victory over Tipu in the early Projection, Patriotism, Surrogation: Handel in Calcutta

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