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How To Use Inhale In A Sentence

  • He looked a bit worried when I sat down at the table and produced a bunch of inhalers, some pills, a bottle of cough syrup and some throat lozenges and proceeded to stuff them all into my mouth…
  • The chemical toxicity of inhaled uranium trioxide (uranyl oxide) gas vapor fumes is much worse - about a million times worse - than the radiation from inhalation of any of the other oxides.
  • The pills—containing inexpensive potassium iodide, which is the substance used to iodize common table salt—can prevent thyroid cancer by saturating the thyroid gland with a harmless type of iodine, keeping it from absorbing radioactive iodine that might be inhaled or ingested after a radiation release. Quake Renews Call to Enforce Pill Law
  • A curious and unwary fish would become a meal when the goosefish inhaled and quickly engulfed its prey.
  • On the other hand, bronchodilator inhalers that open congested airways are a big part of asthma treatment, though they aren't used to treat allergies.
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  • I think it might be one of those weekends where I keep myself to myself, inhale deeply and exhale loudly, and stare at the ceiling.
  • The curved tail covers the nose while sleeping during extreme temperatures, acting as a filter to warm and humidify the inhaled air.
  • Davenant's face was disfigured—his nose had been eaten away—by the mercury vapor he inhaled as a treatment for a case of syphilis. Pens at the Ready
  • In the phase 2 study, children use a nebulizer to inhale cisplatin, a standard cancer drug that has been specially encapsulated in protective fatty protein bubbles.
  • Along with taking herbs, inhale the relaxing scents of lavender, chamomile, lemon balm, bergamot, orange blossom or rose.
  • Say a dose of virus particles is inhaled as an aerosol into your bronchus. Creeping Crud
  • Add two teaspoonfuls of a mentholated rub and gently inhale the steaming mentholated vapours.
  • Don't inhale dust into your lung.
  • A pinch of snuff may be placed between the cheek and the gum or inhaled into the nostrils.
  • She poured from both into her tumbler, inhaled on her cigar, and sat there silently watching us from her malevolent little eyes. DEATH IN PURPLE PROSE
  • They can be put into bags or poured onto rags and the fumes inhaled. Taking Drugs Seriously
  • The next agent of this class, isoproterenol, did not appear until 1949 and the self-contained metered-dose inhaler to deliver it was invented in 1956.
  • He notes a case where a user inhaled the gas from a mask directly attached to a medical gas tank, lost consciousness, and subsequently died from oxygen deprivation.
  • Now he'll try to stop using nicotine patches and an inhaler. Times, Sunday Times
  • And rather than be a man and admit it, he said whether or not he took drugs depended on the word "inhale". Bob Johnson's "Neighborhood" Line: The Video
  • The trial's goal is to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of inhaled cyclosporine in improving post-lung transplant survival that is free of a condition called bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome. San Francisco Business News - Local San Francisco News | The San Francisco Business Times
  • The history of Tamil invasions against the only homeland that the Buddhist Sinhalese possess is not just the stuff of ancient history, but a living reality underpinned by latter-day Tamil terrorism. Buddha’s Savage Peace
  • Remove the mouthpiece cover and place the spacer over the mouthpiece at the end of the inhaler.
  • The wriggle brought Shawn into a half wakeful state and he groggily inhaled a faintly flowery scent.
  • Grasp the handles of the machine and inhale as you flex the knees and slowly curl the weights until the pads touch the buttocks.
  • It's the perfect antidote to modern life: a place to inhale the scent of lime trees and feel your mind and body relax. The Sun
  • However, after inhalation of three consecutive doses from a new diskus, he immediately complained of chest tightness and feeling of distress that were treated with oral diphenhydramine and inhaled bronchodilator at home. Allegic Reactions from Lactose in Dry Powder Asthma Inhalers
  • Check if the condenser has leaks; the refrigerant gas could freeze anything it contacts and could suffocate when inhaled.
  • I read somewhere that a child, whose parents both smoke twenty a day, has inhaled the equivalent of eighty cigarettes worth of passive smoke in one year.
  • The girl inhaled a lungful of the sweet scent given off by the blossoms in the cherry tree hanging above her.
  • Similar concerns arose in the 1980s as sales of bronchodilator inhalers and asthma deaths both climbed. Gregg Mitman: It's Not Easy Breathing Green
  • The gathering participated in the prayer vigil with hymns in English, Sinhalese and Tamil. Asian Tribune
  • Myra lit another cigarette and inhaled deeply .
  • Suddenly he spat out water and choked; he inhaled the air deeply and opened his eyes.
  • He breathes from a portable oxygen canister while doing his preflight, being sure not to inhale any outside air as it would instantly cancel out the effects of the pre-breathing.
  • Inhale, keeping the core and glutes contracted. The Sun
  • Emergency Bra: Unsnap, separate cups, inhale ... (cnet) ... Daily Dispatch: Facebook launches Recommended Subscriptions; Google funds 5 projects with $10 Million to improve lives around the globe
  • A man is in intensive care after he inhaled anthrax spores from imported animal hides that were to be made into drums. Times, Sunday Times
  • Effect of inhaled nitric oxide in premature infants on tracheal aspirate and plasma nitric oxide metabolites. Recent Neonatal Research Publications
  • With a nod of his head as he inhaled the cigarette smoke, Laurie sat down rather gingerly.
  • Amazingly, there is a condition called bronchiolitis obliterans (popcorn workers lung) that some workers in popcorn factories suffer from since they inhale the fumes on a regular basis. Progressive Bloggers
  • Even though relief of symptoms will not shorten the duration of illness, patients can benefit from analgesics, antipyretics, beta-agonist inhalers, antitussives or vaporizers.
  • He dropped four plates in front of us, and the children inhaled the food like it was pizza and soda.
  • He jogged back to his car and drove away, ignoring his wheezing need for his asthma inhaler.
  • Careful instruction in the use of metered dose inhalers is an essential part of educating asthmatic patients.
  • Many countries have limited or banned the use of asbestos because of fears that its fibres cause diseases such as lung cancer if inhaled.
  • Standing with your feet together, inhale, use your hand to lift your left leg up, and exhale, placing the sole of your left foot on the inside of the right thigh above the knee.
  • the Sinhalese versions of the Ramayana
  • There are numerous prescription and non-prescription allergy medications available, including antihistamines such as Reactine and inhaled steroids such as Flonase.
  • All patients received placebo via the inhaler and were instructed on the proper technique for using this device.
  • Carbon monoxide Carbon monoxide is a poisonous gas which, when inhaled, limits the body's capacity to absorb oxygen.
  • Store all medicines, whether tablets, inhalers, or syrup, out of reach of children, and preferably in a locked cupboard, even if they have child resistant lids.
  • It's the perfect antidote to modern life: a place to inhale the scent of lime trees and feel your mind and body relax. The Sun
  • But as far as athletes and asthma inhalers are concerned, we can probably all breathe easy. Times, Sunday Times
  • She inhaled the scents of dust, orange oil, and the perfume the heliotropes sent throughout the room.
  • They are thought to have inhaled carbon monoxide from the engines. The Sun
  • A man is in intensive care after he inhaled anthrax spores from imported animal hides that were to be made into drums. Times, Sunday Times
  • I seem to inhale learning, walking amid their foliage; and the odour of their old moth-scented coverings is fragrant as the first bloom of the sciential apples which grew around the happy orchard. Hours in a Library, Volume I. (of III.)
  • Involving 335 subjects with type 1 diabetes, the study reveals that most patients prefer inhaled insulin before meals to the usual preprandial shots.
  • It is the ability to receive and release whatever is or is not needed with each inhaled and exhaled breath.
  • Eelam, which is locked in a bloody war with the Sinhalese government over an independent Tamil state. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • For a portable inhalant, carry a tissue or handkerchief with you on which has been placed one drop each of the previous essential oils, and inhale deeply whenever possible.
  • Macrophages may be activated by cigarette smoke and other inhaled irritants.
  • He brewed a pot of black coffee and inhaled the beautiful aromas of real beans.
  • Here, the participants in the ceremony will sit and inhale the hot fumes of el abuelo humo—“grandfather smoke.” Down and Delirious in Mexico City
  • For another Sinhalese story of how a man and his wife "bluffed Filipino Popular Tales
  • I have tried an asthma inhaler and a course of antibiotics with no joy. Times, Sunday Times
  • He's got places to go, people to see, hoagies to inhale.
  • People were going to inhale and exhale on behalf of a person or cause. Times, Sunday Times
  • Both the systematic review and meta-analyses confirmed the superiority of combination therapy to inhaled corticosteroids monotherapy.
  • Cats can also become allergic to certain kinds of food and also to inhaled pollen and dust. Times, Sunday Times
  • I inhaled Indian myths, and I crept through the woods near our house, re-enacting these myths, and wishing, wishing, for a pair of soft leather moccasins.
  • Stand up, push your arms high over your head as you inhale deeply. The Sun
  • She inhaled a lungful of cold, salty air, and it sped her like a spinnaker toward the house. ROUGH JUSTICE
  • Those on moderate or low doses of inhaled steroids showed no increased risk of glaucoma or ocular hypertension.
  • Helium, being honestly monoatomic, has only twice the mass of a hydrogen molecule, so its RMS and speed of sound is still pretty fast, which is why you get a high pitched voice if you inhale helium. Faster
  • Medicines that can cause palpitations include asthma inhalers and decongestants.
  • When you inhale, air is carried through the windpipe to your lungs in two major airways called bronchi.
  • The response of the eight reactors to the inhaled bronchodilator given at 6 hours (the end of the observation time) is shown in Figure 4.
  • A cynic, my dear Arthur (_he opens case deliberately, puts cigarette in mouth, and extracts gold match-box from right-hand trouser_) is a man who (_strikes match_) knows the price of (_lights cigarette_) -- everything, and (_standing with match in one hand and cigarette in the other_) the value of --- pff (_blows out match_) of (_inhales deeply from cigarette and blows out a cloud of smoke_) -- nothing. The Sunny Side
  • I inhaled his scent, my face in his chest; he smelled like grass after it just finished raining.
  • This gadget is designed to turn a shot of spirits into a mist that is inhaled rather than sipped and savored.
  • There are hundreds of stories like Jefferson's on the Westside; practically every household, it seems, is stocked with inhalers and a cupboard full of pills.
  • When we inhale and exhale in this relaxed way our thoughts are clearer and we are less prone to irrational concerns. The Sun
  • Inhale as you squat down as if you were sitting in a chair, tilting your hips back slightly while keeping your chest up.
  • When we inhale and exhale in this relaxed way our thoughts are clearer and we are less prone to irrational concerns. The Sun
  • One form of hypersensitivity pneumonitis is known as farmer's lung because the farmer inhales thermophilic actinomycetes in moldy hay that set off the reaction.
  • They recommend focusing on your breathing and banishing negative thoughts as you inhale. The Sun
  • Thus it is probably Dhivehi, which Wikipedia tells us is: an Indo-Aryan language closely related to the Sinhalese language of Sri Lanka. 7 posts from November 2009
  • Chemicals inhaled from cigarettes constrict tiny blood vessels in the skin, thus reducing the oxygen and nutrient supply to delicate facial tissue.
  • It's important to avoid conventional oven cleaners; they contain lye and ammonia, which can damage your respiratory tract if inhaled.
  • His asthma inhaler is on the sofa by him. Times, Sunday Times
  • The uranium eventually decays to radium and, eventually to polonium - 210, a substance that, when inhaled, can endanger tissue health and damage the immune system.
  • Add a touch of luxury to a simple supper and just inhale. Times, Sunday Times
  • The dosage ranges from using the inhaler intensively for 5 minutes 24 to 48 times a day gradually tapering off after 3 months.
  • The study was a double-blind, randomized, crossover study in which the subjects used identical inhalers containing placebo or salbutamol for 6 weeks.
  • A man is in intensive care after he inhaled anthrax spores from imported animal hides that were to be made into drums. Times, Sunday Times
  • That suggests they inhaled a significant dose of sulfur dioxide, a known cause of the lung disease, called constrictive bronchiolitis, Miller said in a telephone interview. The Full Feed from
  • This is excluding the damage tobacco causes to the environment and the unborn babies whose mothers are active smokers or the innocent mothers who inhale the poison passively from the cigarettes smoke exhaled by their husbands, without knowing its ill effects on their baby. GYM 2009 | Archive | February
  • Jordan's hands clasped over the inhaler and pressed the orifice of it and faced it to her mouth.
  • These are Sinhalese but also Tamils, Burghers and Muslims.
  • When nostrils started freezing shut and the air cut as we inhaled, and eyelashes froze our eyes shut, then we would reluctantly pull these things over our faces, dealing with the ice encrusting around the mouth hole every time we exhaled. Hated Winter: From Snow to Rainforest « Colleen Anderson
  • Once there, she inhaled a small meal of bread and cheese before rushing off to begin work.
  • A typical hour-long 'shisha' session involves inhaling 100 to 200 times the volume of smoke inhaled when smoking a cigarette. Latest Stories
  • I found myself clucking with approval as I inhaled my $5.95 three-piece meal, which came with two sides.
  • MAP Pharmaceuticals, Inc. today announced the Company will present additional post-hoc analyses from the FREEDOM-301 Phase 3 trial of its investigational LEVADEX (TM) orally inhaled migraine therapy in two patient subpopulations that are often difficult to treat with current triptan migraine therapies: menstrual migraine and migraine with allodynia. Aktuelle Nachrichten
  • Athletes are still required to register their use of salbutamol inhalers when they are tested. Times, Sunday Times
  • The 38-year-old, who previously converted to Islam [and moved from Sri Lanka to Bahrain], was detained on March 20 after writing two books in Sinhalese, allegedly offensive to Lord Buddha. The Volokh Conspiracy » Prosecution for Insulting Religion — This Time, Buddhism
  • Inhale for four counts, exhale for four counts; then inhale for five counts, exhale for five counts, and so on.
  • Inhalers and nebulizers are two different devices used to deliver rescue or controller asthma medications directly into your child's lungs.
  • You had to be careful not to inhale too deeply for fear of freezing or scalding one's lungs. Times, Sunday Times
  • This bronchodilator inhaler is used at the discretion of the student for acute symptoms of asthma.
  • To clear a muggy head, put a couple of drops of thyme, rosemary or pine essential oil on a handkerchief and inhale frequently - all have antiviral and decongestant properties.
  • As the dizziness eased, I inhaled a barrelful of air and pressed a blue-glowing button on the controller. Who Do You Say I Am
  • He tossed out papers and paperclips and a tube of toothpaste onto the floor before finally withdrawing my inhaler.
  • In one trial, inhaled nitric oxide reduced the need for extracorporeal membrane oxygenation in neonates without increasing neurodevelopmental, behavioral or medical abnormalities at two years of age.
  • Leaning over, uncle Will promptly inhales the bacon strip.
  • I notice that rack of pork skins is running empty, did her giant ass inhale them or did she buy a few bags to sprinkle on her breakfast cereal? One fat ass | My[confined]Space
  • It can also be melted, vaporized, and inhaled intranasally, or smoked in a "base pipe," a process called "freebasing. Cocaine Toxicity
  • The lung deposition achieved with different inhalers depends on particle size as well as inhaler technique.
  • When switching dosage forms, if the prescriber does not obtain the desired therapeutic endpoint in spite of education about the extensive differences in inhalers, there are alternatives - use of a spacer, increased dose causing more side effects or switching to Xopenex, the R- enantiomer which is the active portion of the racemic albuterol. I Called It: The Ozone May Not Be Falling, but Something is About to Hit the Fan
  • He races to the farm and finds the trio lying motionless, having inhaled poisonous gas! The Sun
  • Put you nose right up to the pine tree trunk, inhale deeply, and the resinously woody, strangely cool aroma that you would get would be that of Agraria Balsam. Archive 2007-01-01
  • Watching the steam rise, she inhaled the comforting vapors and decided to take a bath.
  • The nicotine inhaler is short-acting, which means it can control sudden nicotine cravings and withdrawal symptoms for short periods of time. All Topics
  • His asthma inhaler is on the sofa by him. Times, Sunday Times
  • inhale the fresh mountain air
  • Or it could simply be ‘fashionable’ now to hand out inhalers to everyone with a chesty cough.
  • The force of the child's inhaled breath delivers the aerosolized powder into the lungs.
  • For a lay person, inhaled medicines are often linked to smoking or opium inhalation and is, therefore, perceived as addictive.
  • I inhaled a lungful of salt water, jerked my head up to choke and gasp for air, then smacked my face back into the water so I could monitor the shark.
  • What ever it was, spores in the air or whatever, I tried a bronchiole inhaler and it instantly gave relief and put the coughs to rest. ENT
  • I bent down to inhale, but he blew the powder into the air, muttered an expletive and stumbled out.
  • He yawned and inhaled the dusty, musty air that he had become so familiar with over the last five years.
  • Nicotine replacement is available as chewing gum, transdermal patch, nasal spray, inhaler, sublingual tablet, and lozenge.
  • You should also check regularly to make sure there's plenty of medicine left in the inhaler.
  • MedTone inhaler, which is different from the one used during clinical trials. Verdict on MNKD's Afrezza Deferred - Yahoo! Finance
  • The supernatural beings of the Sinhalese could be manipulated by humans soas to influence events, but their ethical position was ambiguous.
  • Baxter is expected to contend that his positive test was an innocent mistake resulting from the use of a nasal decongestant inhaler which contained levmetamfetamine, a chemical related to methamphetamine.
  • Researchers suggest that the manner in which ganja is smoked - namely deeply inhaled and held in the lungs for a greater duration than a typical cigarette smoker causes more damage to the lungs.
  • I struggle to breathe without getting his stinky breath inhaled.
  • Calypso inhaled in a deep breath of ocean air, feeling the salty tang penetrate her nostrils.
  • Nicotine replacement is available as chewing gum, transdermal patch, nasal spray, inhaler, sublingual tablet, and lozenge.
  • Next you'll tell me you didn't "inhale" when she offered you a doobie. From penetrating the world of prostitution to penetrating the prostitute.
  • Inhale deeply
  • The effects of these gases were directly proportional to the amount inhaled by the soldier.
  • Jamaica, and Cuba, inhaled the gales wafted from the orangeries; but not for a moment would I compare either with the exquisite aromatic odors from a coffee plantation in full blow, when the hill-side -- covered over with regular rows of the tree-like shrub, with their millions of jessamine-like flowers -- showers down upon you, as you ride up between the plants, a perfume of the most delicately delicious description. The Commercial Products of the Vegetable Kingdom Considered in Their Various Uses to Man and in Their Relation to the Arts and Manufactures; Forming a Practical Treatise & Handbook of Reference for the Colonist, Manufacturer, Merchant, and Consumer, o
  • He inhaled with short, deep breathes, and the pigmentation of his skin lightened up to its previous color.
  • Sue-Marie inhaled through her teeth, just imagining... Savannah grassland, rhinos, little families of warthog, men with spears... `Mmm! TEN STEPS TO HAPPINESS
  • She inhaled and blew a stream of smoke in Ethan's direction.
  • A spacer is a chamber that attaches to an inhaler, captures the discharged medication and holds it until the patient inhales it. A Good and Cheap Asthma Solution - Freakonomics Blog -
  • She gaped as Jesse all but detached his jaw and inhaled half the burger in one bite.
  • I still remember the exquisite agony of my first ice cream headache - no one had warned me not to inhale a chocolate milkshake.
  • The product is currently the only FDA-approved over-the-counter inhaler and is being taken off the shelves because it uses something called chlorofluorocarbons CFCs as a propellant -- the substance is considered harmful to the ozone layer.
  • Don't inhale steam from a kettle, you may get scalded.
  • A device for delivering inhaled bronchodilator medicines deep into the lungs by the force of a rapid inspiration; it requires a fast, deep breath. Glossary
  • The portable nephelometer could, therefore, respond to changes in the particle concentration in inhaled versus exhaled air.
  • He races to the farm and finds the trio lying motionless, having inhaled poisonous gas! The Sun
  • We sat on the sea walls, swinging our legs, and filling our mouths with salty, breaded seafood, as we inhaled the salty fresh air.
  • I shoved past Sebastian who inhaled when I walked by and I decided to ignore that.
  • Both nicotine and carbon monoxide inhaled with cigarette smoking have been incriminated as causative factors.
  • As you may recall from biology class, you inhale air and exhale carbon dioxide.
  • It's the perfect antidote to modern life: a place to inhale the scent of lime trees and feel your mind and body relax. The Sun
  • Adding a few drops of essential oil to a bowl of hot water, or to a warm bath, releases the vapour, which is then inhaled.
  • Lift your arms above your head and inhale as you stretch.
  • I figured the inhaler was a device to show how the most damaging things can be done by the seemlingly weakest people. What Were They Thinking? | Comics Should Be Good! @ Comic Book Resources
  • Weeds can be dangerous, especially foxtail grasses with barbed seed heads, which dogs can accidentally inhale with serious consequences.
  • Janet inhaled sharply when she saw him.
  • Or you might try a nebulized form of the anesthetic lidocaine, which you inhale through a mask as a fine mist.
  • To do so, the organism must be rubbed into abraded skin, swallowed, or inhaled as a fine, aerosolized mist.
  • He splutters water as he tries to inhale more air.
  • President Mahinda Rajapaksa, who was re-elected last month by a wide margin, largely because of support from the country's Sinhalese majority, said Tamil leaders should not "misguide" people or harbour political ambitions based on ethnicity. Zee News : India National
  • Always breathe through the nose and take a second longer to exhale than you took to inhale. The Beat Fatigue Workbook - how to identify the causes
  • Horus gasped, chest heaving as he fumbled in his pocket in search of his asthma inhaler.
  • Anyone using a reliever inhaler - for when an attack strikes - more than three times a week should also be using the preventer.
  • It's the perfect antidote to modern life: a place to inhale the scent of lime trees and feel your mind and body relax. The Sun
  • The tiny figure sounds as though it has inhaled helium but is no less engaging for that. Times, Sunday Times
  • Tar clogs your lungs like thick treacle, and a 20-a-day smoker inhales a full cup of tar in a year.
  • Multiple delivery methods and devices have been studied but not compared, including bottles or pots, bulb syringes, inhalers, and nebulizers.
  • Carbon monoxide Carbon monoxide is a poisonous gas which, when inhaled, limits the body's capacity to absorb oxygen.
  • Canon is partly due to the desire of the Sinhalese to lose nothing of the sacred word imparted to them by missionaries from a foreign country, for repetition to this extent is not characteristic of Indian compositions. Hinduism and Buddhism, An Historical Sketch, Vol. 1
  • Here he was, dressed in corduroy trousers and a light-blue shirt; concentrating, eyes half closed or fully shut; defined gestures; confident breath; fingers flat on the open holes of his clarinet; the muscles of his mouth tight, yet not puffing out his cheeks around the mouthpiece; his upper lip surprisingly mobile, at times seeming to inhale and swallow the top of the reed and at times curling back as if to convey its decision to keep its distance, disavow that nasty instrument, and, all of a sudden, with sovereign authority, literally cut off its breath … In the Footsteps of Tocqueville (Part V)
  • When I inhaled, the needle would move from 130 to 0 before I had drawn half a breath.
  • But as he kissed the milk of her skin, the soft, almost airlike coolness of it just brushing his lips, he also inhaled a scent so wonderful that for a moment he could not move. Lilith’s Dream: A Tale of the Vampire Life
  • Dendritic" (treelike) immune cells send branches into the respiratory and digestive tracts, where they sample all the microbes we inhale or swallow.
  • To make things interesting, the raider cannot inhale while on the other side -- and to prove it, he must continually chant the word "kabaddi," which comes from the Hindi term meaning "to hold one's breath. Anyone for Kabaddi?
  • They exhaled a poisonous fume that could kill someone if they inhaled too much of it.
  • Elaine jerked and coughed, inhaled with a ragged sigh, and began to breathe.
  • People were going to inhale and exhale on behalf of a person or cause. Times, Sunday Times
  • I am the voice of a little girl clutching her expensive beaded purse. and applying glossy chardonnay lipstick over and over because I like the hypnotically soothing way it feels, a rhythym of comfort. a smooth frost over curved hills and I like feeling. trying to remember the sensations I once loved. in the midst of sleep, swimming in the silk fabric of luxurious bedding, sometimes I am startled by the accidental touch of my own hand, brushing against the dipped hollow of my alabaster back, and the softness makes me inhale sharply ~because I remember~ because, I still remember your breath warming my dreams. Wendchymes Diary Entry
  • Their typical call is a commingled bray and bleat, followed by a snorted inhale sounding like an oak dining table being dragged across a hardwood floor.
  • Carbon monoxide Carbon monoxide is a poisonous gas which, when inhaled, limits the body's capacity to absorb oxygen.
  • Once there, she inhaled a small meal of bread and cheese before rushing off to begin work.
  • The drug is a legally prescribed element within inhalers taken by asthma sufferers.
  • Now diagnosed, Kirsten is on medication and uses an inhaler to help her breathe.
  • He ran one hand through his hair as he pulled deeply on his cigarette and inhaled the smoke.
  • A man is in intensive care after he inhaled anthrax spores from imported animal hides that were to be made into drums. Times, Sunday Times
  • The applicator allows patients to regulate their dose depending on their level of illness and has been compared to an inhaler used in the treatment of asthma.
  • And this is pretty much how my weekend started - except the car was a pushbike and I reckon that I inhaled more than my fair share of aerosolised blood. The Weekend Starts Here « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • When these materials burn, they release dense smoke and toxic fumes, such as hydrogen cyanide and carbon monoxide, which are caustic to skin and eyes and can be lethal if inhaled.

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