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[ UK /ˈɪŋɡɹə‍ʊɪŋ/ ]
  1. growing abnormally into the flesh
    an ingrown toenail

How To Use ingrowing In A Sentence

  • You won't find many personal accounts of the agonies of backache or ingrowing toenails.
  • Foot-ball produces what may be called the endogenous or ingrowing toenail, stringhalt and mania. The Wit and Humor of America, Volume VII. (of X.)
  • Clip toenails straight across - never cut too far down at the sides as this leads to ingrowing toenails.
  • You won't find many personal accounts of the agonies of backache or ingrowing toenails.
  • If an ingrowing hair somehow gets past this rigorous regime, apply Ingrowing Hair Cream, which contains tea-tree oil, to dry up the skin and draw the offending hair to the surface.
  • As the child grows older the toenails thicken, and often in their trimming they are cut so closely at the corners that sometimes a condition results known as ingrowing nails. The Mother and Her Child
  • It helps prevent ingrowing hairs and calms any unwanted bumps.
  • If a trust is placed under pressure to operate on ingrowing toenails and benign warts within a five-week period, something has to give.
  • If someone tells me about, say, their ingrowing toenail, all my toes and fingers just curl up.
  • And that's because every corn, blister, swollen ankle and ingrowing toenail will register its torture on your face, no matter how much you try to smile though the pain.
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