
How To Use Ingratitude In A Sentence

  • Two mottoes -- "non gregem aed ingratos," and "invitus desero" -- expressed his opinion of Dutch ingratitude and his own fidelity. History of the United Netherlands from the Death of William the Silent to the Twelve Year's Truce — Complete (1584-1609)
  • It would be seen as an act of vandalism and ingratitude by the international community.
  • I became the victim of ingratitude and cold coquetry — then I desponded, and imagined that my discontent gave me a right to hate the world. The Last Man
  • The name expresses the object of this sodality, which is to collect faithful hearts around the Saviour for constant adoration and love and to make reparation to Him for the ingratitude of men. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon
  • Jesus could not heal these people not because of a lack of power, but because of ingratitude and a rejection of his gracious patronage!
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  • 'Ingratitude, thou marble-hearted fiend!', he lashes out at Goneril when she demands that he 'disquantity' his retinue of a hundred followers. Shakespeare
  • My valet," cried Lord St. George, -- "he has invented a new toasting-fork, is going to take out a patent, make his fortune, and leave me; that's what I call ingratitude, Sir Christopher; for I ordered his wages to be raised five pounds but last year. The Disowned — Complete
  • I could not at the time conceive of anything meaner wearing the name of man, of a crime blacker than base ingratitude, of aught more damnable than calumniation of the honored dead; but Massachusetts will have to surrender the pennant of infamy to the South. The Complete Works of Brann the Iconoclast, Volume 10
  • The laws of nature are immutable and eternal; for injustice, ingratitude, arrogance, pride, iniquity, acception of persons, and the rest can never be made lawful. Leviathan
  • Many within the UN saw the bombing as an act of ingratitude.
  • Kitchen of his resemblance to King Lear in the plee — of his having a thankless choild, bedad — of his being a pore worn-out lonely old man, dthriven to dthrinking by ingratitude, and seeking to dthrown his sorrows in punch. The History of Pendennis
  • While conservative often feel that such behavior reflects ingratitude, it is precisely this ability to let off steam that makes our alliances work.
  • He could have endured poverty; and while this distress had been the meed of his virtue, he gloried in it: but the ingratitude of the Turk, and the loss of his beloved Safie, were misfortunes more bitter and irreparable. Chapter 14
  • And the more he yearned to be gone the more bitterly he blamed himself for what he called his ingratitude and faithlessness. In Orchard Glen
  • Miss Margland, who never felt so virtuous, and never so elated, as when witnessing the imperfections or improprieties of others, descanted largely against ingratitude; treating an unmeaning sally of passion as a serious mark of turpitude: but Eugenia, ashamed for Dr. Orkborne, to whom, as her preceptor, she felt a constant disposition to be partial, determined to endeavour to induce him to make some apology. Camilla
  • And first, he reproves their ingratitude, because, when they had been so kindly received, they made the worst possible return; next, he contends that the crime was inexpiable, because they had stolen what was most valuable to him; namely, the cup in which he was accustomed both to drink and to divine. Commentary on Genesis - Volume 2
  • And she will do it, she has the hardihood and the black ingratitude. A River So Long
  • He casts out his daughter in unfatherly fashion and then laments the ingratitude of his daughters.
  • Too great an eagerneto discharge on obligation is a species of ingratitude.
  • If they say they are unhappy with the negotiations, after all the sacrifices I made, then that would be the height of ingratitude.
  • Under the figure of an unfaithful wife, God upbraids Jerusalem with her ingratitude and manifold disloyalties: but promiseth mercy by a new covenant. The Bible, Douay-Rheims, Old Testament — Part 2
  • The moment he heard my name mentioned, his face flushed up; he drew me away into a corner, and referring to his cool reception of my advance years ago toward making his acquaintance, asked my pardon for what he termed his inexcusable ingratitude with an earnestness and an agitation which utterly astonished me. The Queen of Hearts
  • The sense of unoccupied power had begun to render him restless, and it was with elation which might have appeared tinctured with ingratitude by those who did not comprehend the mysterious workings of his untranquil ambition, that he prepared for his return to that foreign land where he could enjoy advantages for the prosecution of his art-studies unattainable in a young country. Fairy Fingers A Novel
  • no vice is universally as hateful as ingratitude
  • I confess, I had sometimes, however, the weakness to think the worse of human nature, for what I called the desertion and ingratitude of these my former companions and flatterers; and I could not avoid comparing the neglect and solitude in which I lived in London, where I had lavished my fortune, with the kindness and hospitalities I had received in Dublin, where I lived only when I had no fortune to spend. Tales and Novels — Volume 04
  • Not the less soured by these multiplied causes of irritation, from the reflection that they were attributable to his own follies and vices, he gave full scope to his resentments, and indulged himself in expressions of angry reproach against what he termed the ingratitude of his country, which provoked those around him, and gave great offense to Life and Times of Washington, Volume 2 Revised, Enlarged, and Enriched
  • Ingratitude is a kind of weakness; clever men are not ungrateful.
  • I might even say that such a reaction is a sign of profound ingratitude.
  • Whether or not you really intend to try this simple act of ingratitude, you should certainly tell Austria that that is your plan.
  • Hairball inhaled and peered at the street, shaking his head as if dismayed at human ingratitude or greed or both. OUTCAST
  • Its denizens now sense that the American people no longer wish to subsidize their defense only to earn ingratitude.
  • Ingratitude, in conspiring against my Life, and contriving the Subversion of the Government, for which thou knowest thou deservest to die; therefore if thou hast ought to say in thy Defence, thou hast Liberty to speak. Exilius
  • His nerves had previously been ``made of packthread . . . proof against weather, ingratitude, meat-under-done, every weapon of fate'', according to a letter written to one of his other enthusiasms, William Wordsworth. Peter Stothard - Times Online - WBLG
  • He was aware that his ingratitude to his benefactress was the theme of general remark and reproach; and he apprehended, should the King fall a victim to one of those attacks of indisposition to which he was continually subject -- an event which had been foretold by the astrologers, and which was anticipated by his physicians -- that he should be unable to contend against the animosity of the irritated Princess, and the undisguised aversion of the Duc d'Orléans, who made no effort to conceal his dislike to the haughty minister, against whom he published during his sojourn at The Life of Marie de Medicis — Volume 3
  • The worst thing, in one sense, is the feeling of ingratitude I have, the inability to take solace in all the good things with which I am blessed.
  • Ingratitude to despize or to disregard a Being to whose inexhausted Beneficence we are so deeply indebted. John Adams diary 1, 18 November 1755 - 29 August 1756
  • My valet," cried Lord St. George, -- "he has invented a new toasting - fork, is going to take out a patent, make his fortune, and leave me; that's what I call ingratitude, Sir Christopher; for I ordered his wages to be raised five pounds but last year. The Disowned — Volume 03
  • It has been 364 days since the last time I confessed my ingratitude.
  • In view of the sacrifice our troops have made on our behalf, this insensitivity to them and their families suggests a level of self-indulgence and ingratitude that shocks the conscience.
  • Forgetfulness breeds ingratitude; ingratitude breeds faction; and faction leads to civil war.
  • So maybe he is disgusted with his own great historic ingratitude.
  • Many people around the world experience, at some time or the other in their lifetimes, a feeling of wretchedness, desolation, hysteria and ingratitude within themselves.
  • The prophet, having shown their base ingratitude in forsaking God, here shows their unparalleled fickleness and folly (v. 9): I will yet plead with you. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
  • He could have endured poverty; and while this distress had been the meed of his virtue, he gloried in it: but the ingratitude of the Turk, and the loss of his beloved Safie, were misfortunes more bitter and irreparable. Chapter 14
  • Meanwhile the Russians, bitter at what some call the ingratitude of the ANC and willing to maintain their influence in the region, have reinforced their ties with South Africa's neighbours, such as Namibia, according to a Russian observer. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Press release of ingratitude At this point there is no need of a major crisis or a profound tragedy to precipitate doubt.
  • ‘On Wall Street, it's amazing what people can find inadequate,’ Barry wonders as the man rages on about corporate ingratitude.
  • She read me a stern lecture on ingratitude.
  • I know not that the term ingratitude can be applied to one in his situation, and in whose bosom nature had implanted a love of freedom. Two Expeditions into the Interior of Southern Australia — Complete
  • ‘Nothing very dramatic gained and certainly nothing dramatic lost,’ explained another White House official, with a cheerfulness that might in other circumstances be regarded as rank ingratitude.
  • How is this for sheer stupidity, moral blindness and ingratitude?
  • By nature, Franco was an equivocator; his terms for joining the Nazi war effort were so high that Hitler was left complaining angrily of his ally's ingratitude. Taking A Separate Path
  • Ingratitude is monstrous, and for the multitude to be ingrateful, were to make a monster of the multitude: of the which we being members, should bring ourselves to be monstrous members. The Tragedy of Coriolanus
  • Too great an eagerneto discharge on obligation is a species of ingratitude.
  • Not the less soured by these multiplied causes of irritation, from the reflection that they were attributable to his own follies and vices, he gave full scope to his resentments, and indulged himself in expressions of angry reproach against what he termed the ingratitude of his country, which provoked those around him, and gave great offense to Congress. Life and Times of Washington
  • Nor is he the victim of injustice or ingratitude that might extenuate, though not excuse, his later crimes.
  • The greater were God's favors to them from the first, the fouler was their ingratitude in forsaking Him (Jer Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • Lady Kicklebury wears a front, and, I make no doubt, a complete jasey; or she certainly would have let down her back hair at this minute, so overpowering were her feelings, and so bitter her indignation at her daughter's black ingratitude. The Christmas Books of Mr. M.A. Titmarsh
  • The Wanderer," pitying the fortunes and miseries of the author, yet his ungovernable temper and depraved propensities, which led to his embruing his hands in blood, his ingratitude to his patrons and benefactors, (but chiefly to Pope,) and his degraded misemployment of talents which might have raised him to the capital of the proud column of intellect of that day, -- all conduce to petrify the tear of mingled mercy and compassion, which the misfortunes of such a being might otherwise demand. The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 13, No. 372, May 30, 1829
  • Lady Kicklebury wears a front, and, I make no doubt, a complete jasey; or she certainly would have let down her back hair at this minute, so overpowering were her feelings, and so bitter her indignation at her daughter’s black ingratitude. The Kickleburys on the Rhine
  • He points to the well-known ingratitude of princes and quotes George Washington: ‘There can be no greater error than to expect or calculate on real favours from nation to nation.’
  • Then if that is how the matter stands, ingratitude would be an instance of pure unadulterate wrongdoing? Memorabilia
  • And in today's times where ingratitude rules the roost, teachers, an important human resource who shape our future generations, get sidelined, or are forgotten.
  • It's sad but true that such ingratitude is not all that rare.
  • How Americans will react to this rank ingratitude is beyond me.
  • God told David, by the mouth of Nathan, when he upbraided him with his ingratitude for the blessings he had given him, and said, "And I gave thee thy master's house, and _thy master's wives_ into thy bosom. Slavery Ordained of God
  • It must be due to a sudden outbreak of ingratitude and lack of common sense.
  • After the death of Basil he experienced the vicissitudes of courts and the ingratitude of a royal pupil: the patriarch was again deposed, and in his last solitary hours he might regret the freedom of a secular and studious life. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • Pet cheap plymouth hotels are disenchanted to refrigeration the medroxyprogesterone for pet phlogopite as the ingratitude of noncompliant for a pet are piggyback agamogenetic than june padding. Rational Review
  • With all his foibles and weaknefleSji he might have become a very good fubje£t, and a lifeful member to fociety, particularly t0 Ireland, his native country, when he ha4 fecn his errors; for to do the Iriih juftice, with whom the writer is well ac - quainted, ingratitude doth not feem to be among their national vices. Thoughts, Essays, and Maxims, Chiefly Religious and Political
  • The court of Spain, notwithftanding its ingratitude to Columbus, having granted both the government and property of Jamaica to his fami - ly, his fon was the firft European governor, with the title of duke de la Vega. A general history of the British empire in America : containing an historical, political, and commercial view of the English settlements ; including all the countries in North-America, and the West-Indies, ceded by the peace of Paris
  • As it is, monstrous ingratitude is the societally approved stance towards the U.S. — understandable given the prevalence of grandmothers who serviced G. I.s, but still ... One Korea?
  • And accordingly the latest writers on this subject have relinquished that accusation; they no longer charge the old pedagogue with such an effort of genius; they confine themselves to accusing him of ingratitude towards his benefactress, which is as much as to say that a little personal favour, even when well earned, is to compel a man to shut his eyes henceforward to the character and conduct of the person who has conferred it, and that both patriotic feeling and political policy are to be quenched by a pension, which is a strange view. Royal Edinburgh Her Saints, Kings, Prophets and Poets
  • On the contrary, those that have deserted him shall be ashamed before him; they shall be ashamed of themselves, ashamed of their unbelief, their cowardice, ingratitude, temerity, and folly, in forsaking so glorious a Redeemer. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume VI (Acts to Revelation)
  • Press release of ingratitude At this point there is no need of a major crisis or a profound tragedy to precipitate doubt.
  • In view of the sacrifice our troops have made on our behalf, this insensitivity to them and their families suggests a level of self-indulgence and ingratitude that shocks the conscience.
  • How Americans will react to this rank ingratitude is beyond me.

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