How To Use Ingrate In A Sentence

  • While we're talking about Moroni worshipers, can you do me a favor and ask Mitt Romney why he's such an ingrate toward Mexicans? Gustavo Arellano: ¡ASK A MEXICAN!: Special Mormon Edition
  • The story, created by cherry-picking a few outrageous lines from the Jeopardy! champion's generally modest and self-effacing blog, was a simple one: ingrateful winner slams, bashes, blasts, jabs, bites, and even backstabs the show. Bob Harris: Ken Jennings, Icarus, and Miss Puerto Rico: A Theory of Why Our Leadership Sucks
  • Geez–the fuckin ingrateful Iraqis are pissed cause we blew up their houses and killed their aunties–INGRATES Firedoglake » Shameful
  • Conservative propagandists have sold taxpayers on the notion that welfare recipients are ingrates dependent on wasteful programs perpetuating idleness.
  • What they grew dissatisfied with was Bush's bungling, his ineptitude driving oil to 80 bucks a barrel and putting America in diplomatic isolation as a Christian Zionist-led pack of cowboys, and the idea that we are stuck there nation-building for a pack of ingrateful Arab shitheads that would as soon as kill us than dip their purple fingers. The number of Americans who have died in the Iraq war...
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  • IV. iii.188 (361,1) Let it no more bring out ingrateful man!] [W: out to ungrateful] It is plain that _bring out_ is _bring forth_, with which the following lines correspond so plainly, that the commentator might be suspected of writing his note without reading the whole passage. Notes to Shakespeare, Volume III: The Tragedies
  • Luy declarasmes comme a tord et injustment nous estions affligez, dilayez, et fort ingratemeut manniez et troublez, en nostre dicte grande et pesante matiere de marriage par la particuliere affection de l'empereur et du pape. The Reign of Henry the Eighth, Volume 1 (of 3)
  • I suppose you ingrates want a slightly more expansive critique of one of the lowlights of Melbourne theatre in 2005?
  • Many English people see us as whining ingrates.
  • August 1st, 2006 at 4: 20 pm mylanta says: those ingrateful refugees are leaving because they hate our freedom and our way of life! good riddance! Think Progress » 20,000 Iraqis displaced in 10 days.
  • It would take an ingrate great courage to work on ways to dispel such measures.
  • If I knew what it was about; and that either, upon their first acquaintance, was for benefiting herself by the other; I might contrive to serve them both, without hurting myself: for these are the most prudent ways of doing friendships, and what are not followed by regrets, though the served should prove ingrateful. Clarissa Harlowe
  • `Upon his return from the wars the weary warrior is greeted by the indifference not to say hostility of an ingrate citizenry. DOUBTFUL MOTIVES
  • ‘I sport no such flaming burnsides,’ the ingrate is alleged to have shrieked.
  • The characters, for instance, in The Financial Expert (1952) ” small-time con men, greedy landlords, ingrate children, embittered parents, unhappy wives, exploited villagers ” are like people locked in a trance, in what the Hindus call maya: the immense illusion of existence. The Great Narayan
  • The pod will take itself there and the ingrate reveller home. Times, Sunday Times
  • I guess what's raising my hackles slightly about Josh's article is that he sounds a bit like a foulmouthed ingrate. I Will Not Read Your F'ing Script
  • By the way, I've signed on for e-mail updates from all the organizations above (so you won't have to, you ingrate weasels).
  • I think these ingrateful people should be subject to a fine just as I would be if I called an ambulence or fire rescue….this is uncalled for and should be corrected and not 5 years down the road either…thank you Ken Martin Blogging on Blades in Galveston, TX
  • I think it's because the ingrate viewing public knows about as much about history as they know about astral projection and they just hate being reminded of how utterly ignorant they all are.
  • I didn't think it was all that good, but before you dismiss me as an uncultured ingrate, I must make my past experience clear.
  • They go to battle and risk their lives so ingrates like you can live in luxury.
  • But eventually, in this late case, the ingrate audience stays away in droves.
  • Gloster, for Regan, is an ingrateful fox: Albany, for his wife, has a cowish spirit and is milk-liver'd: when Edgar as the Shakespearean Tragedy Lectures on Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, Macbeth
  • And to attempt to sound dignified and saddened at being traduced by the ingrate just makes the humiliation complete.
  • `Upon his return from the wars the weary warrior is greeted by the indifference not to say hostility of an ingrate citizenry. DOUBTFUL MOTIVES
  • The feudal deference, and the ingrate privileges, crumble under the pressure for social equity.
  • For starters, the meathead was very much both a mooch and much worse—an ingrate.
  • If to recall good deeds erewhiles performed be pleasure to a man, when he knows himself to be of probity, nor has violated sacred faith, nor has abused the holy assent of the gods in any pact, to work ill to men; great store of joys awaits thee during thy length of years, O Catullus, sprung from this ingrate love of thine. The Carmina of Caius Valerius Catullus
  • The sad fact for all you ingrates is that seh is indisposed doing the power-suited corporate thing today and I've got time on my hands.
  • Margarita: I'm from Montreal and apparently I'm an ingrate and a buck-passer. Begin Each Day As If It Were on Purpose
  • Ingratitude is monstrous, and for the multitude to be ingrateful, were to make a monster of the multitude: of the which we being members, should bring ourselves to be monstrous members. The Tragedy of Coriolanus
  • If we do not thank God for God's blessing, then we become like ingrates, those who presume upon the goodness of those who give them gift after gift.
  • In her book the unconverted Left are still a bunch of ingrates demanding the impossible.
  • We can afford a few traitorous little ingrate rich kids.
  • In the future, selfish ingrates will simply launch his remains into the sun.
  • The economy will eventually turn around and it will happen soon, unfortunately americans have become so clueless, partisan and ingrateful, that america will be stuck in soul less and angy recovery for years to come. Obama: Jobs news 'modestly encouraging'
  • But, nevertheless, I should be desirous to know (if thou wilt proceed) by what gradations, arts, and contrivances thou effectest thy ingrateful purpose. Clarissa Harlowe
  • He shudders to think what this here group of punks and ingrates would do to a smiley guy like Clyde.
  • Immigrant kids are more likely to listen to their parents, and they tend not to be alienated ingrates who take their country's prosperity and opportunities for granted.
  • Europe is weak and effete, a bunch of ingrates who have turned their backs on us after we bailed them out during WWII.
  • But what they give those ingrates is a mind-blowing rock show.
  • But I cannot even protest, because my complaint exposes me as an ingrate.
  • So, like a good, barely verbal he-man, Drogo went all medieval and poured a pot of the melted metal over the ingrate's noggin. Watercooler: Game of Thrones' Crowning Moment
  • First impressions are that it is a joyless, characterless pub, staffed by disinterested graduate students and other ingrates, with bizarrely obscure (but not in a good way) range of beers.
  • And to the ende that I may not be vtterly ingrate, and that you doe not departe from me, altogether miscontent, I doe promise you nowe that from henceforth, you shall inioye the first place of my harte, whereunto another shall neuer enter: if so be you can be content with honest amitie, wherein you shall finde me in time to come so liberall, in all that whiche honestie shall permitte, that I am contente to forgoe the name of a presumptuous or cruell Damosell for your sake. The Palace of Pleasure, Volume 1
  • The largesse doled out to these ingrates includes, to name but some of the freebies, house; car; medical care; and various cash benefits.
  • They're ingrateful, self-deluded, self-important imperlialists just like the GOP. Mitchell in Israel; Netanyahu says 'no freeze' on construction

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