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How To Use Infraction In A Sentence

  • The ordinance, passed unanimously Tuesday, makes it either a misdemeanor or infraction to violate a park safety rule.
  • She says that the charge from that incident was a misdemeanor, an infraction that would not seem enough to establish her as a threat to aviation.
  • Routines are scored on technical skills, routine skills, safety and infractions, and overall impression.
  • Unfortunately, we aren't so easily able to do that with infractions of business and professional conduct policy, which is a huge element in your company's reputational risk.
  • Some have criticized my public appearance with President Clinton because of his alleged moral and ethical infractions.
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  • A large number of them, 36,496, were not for violent or dangerous crimes but for status infractions such as truancy, incorrigibility, running away and curfew violations. Marian Wright Edelman: National Cradle to Prison Pipeline�� Summit This Week
  • If she doesn't want to do this, then she can keep the car and drive it taking the chance that it can always be impounded, which is NOT likely to happen unless she has an accident or commits a serious infraction. Widow'a car
  • Standing upon the lonely sea shore, Uriah recalled the swarthy, leering face of Sam Jones, recently punished for infraction of discipline, and the crooked smile of Martin, he who puffed everlastingly at his pipe and wore a red handkerchief for a turban and earrings of heavy gold. The New Land Stories of Jews Who Had a Part in the Making of Our Country
  • An infraction is the least serious offense and generally is punishable by a fine.
  • Purdue University suspended a fraternity for five years and disciplined two others in April for various infractions during a party and during a fight at the student union.
  • From that, he inferred that if such a bhikshu sangha then proceeded to confer bhikshuni ordination, which must follow on the same day as the brahmacharya one, doing so would also not bring upon the bhikshus a minor infraction. A Summary Report of the 2007 International Congress on the Women's Role in the Sangha: Bhikshuni Vinaya and Ordination Lineages ��� Part One: Background
  • A plot of a car's progress is sent to the insurance company on a daily basis, so speed limit infractions can be spotted.
  • Male arrestees charged with minor infractions such as vagrancy, loitering, or traffic violations were excluded from the project.
  • Discipline occurred most often for verbal infractions and social transgressions.
  • giving a police officer a free meal may be against the law, but it seems to be a picayune infraction
  • You should thank your lucky stars that the MSM has not focussed on the so-called Bush Victories on Vote Fraud. a few confused individuals prosecuted for technical infractions is what I suspect. Balkinization
  • An important point to remember is that orienting a shaft in a way that might correct a hook or a slice remains an infraction of the rules.
  • Many find the enforcement of minor infractions, such as standing on the tree planters or chalking on the ground, incongruent with perceptions of public space.
  • He's penalising players for all sorts of minor infractions and generally doing his best to ruin what started out as a promising game.
  • A recent search for the phrase "kill yourself" on Twitter found thousands of tweets from people all over the world telling others to go kill themselves for the simplest of infractions. The Full Feed from
  • Disciplinary infractions were further summarized by entering the 18 remaining codes into a principal-components analysis using an orthogonal rotation.
  • However, minor infractions have gone unpunished leading to the idea that we are unaccountable for our actions.
  • Two managers had been cited for similar infractions.
  • I am of the view that there was no reasonable basis for detention of Mr. Stephen on an alleged infraction of the seatbelt legislation.
  • Finally, the treatment of infractions must be firm, fair, transparent, and consistent.
  • The infractions mentioned were not that bad: mutilating a curtain; possessing “pruno” an alcoholic beverage that cons distill from yeast and any fruit or vegetable matter they can get their hands on: potatoes, apples, oranges; and refusing to allow a guard to search him for a club he had hidden under his jacket. Without Pity
  • A spokesman told the New York Times that the audit was meaningless and suggested the infractions were the product of workers forgetting to punch their timecards properly.
  • The local police frequently arrested students for exceeding the speed limit or other minor infractions of the law.
  • Infractions from the standard can only invite misinterpretation at best, catastrophe at worst.
  • The most common crimes are infractions of the traffic code, infractions of drug laws, and theft.
  • She figured that the city's best shot at making punishments for slumlords and their ilk stick was to make the underlying offenses civil infractions.
  • But it all comes down to a technical infraction of the rules.
  • The question wasn't a surprising one coming from Cooley, who has criticized the NFL in the past for fining players for infractions such as untucked jerseys and socks and towels that were the wrong length. RSSMicro Search - Top News on RSS Feeds
  • The cameras in the classroom are teaching students to be ever more obedient; that is, to internalize the rules and to accept as legitimate an authority that polices even the most picayune infractions.
  • While I think this is a great list, and try my best to follow this kind of advice, I have put waaay more effort into "letting it go" when I see infractions than I used to put into helping "enlighten" people who I thought would appreciate it. The Essentials Of Email Etiquette | Lifehacker Australia
  • There were men among them who would receive more punishment for their infractions than just the standard, relatively painless hanging.
  • Any attempt to influence the judges will be seen as an infraction of the rules.
  • The House bill would make it a federal misdemeanor crime, rather than merely a civil infraction, to violate immigration laws.
  • Here are some members of Congress willing to listen to the public and to take seriously the infractions of public trust.
  • The bankruptcy investigation into this company was halted by the Public Prosecutor of Siracusa because of a law called the maxi amendment, that was made by the Berlusconi government in 2003 and which suspended punishments for these types of corporate legal infractions. Italy's Secret Ships of Poison
  • A violation or infraction, as of a law, a legal obligation, or a promise.
  • They were content to overlook all but the most blatant infractions.
  • It was easy to create infractions within the large corporate infrastructure.
  • Nigeria, and "blasphemies" directed toward the person of the prophet were not treated as mere infractions or artistic excesses. Any Time Now...
  • This all seems very reasonable if the types of crimes are minor infractions, like trespassing.
  • Despite the relative infrequency of infractions on campus, the university community has continued to try and educate students about the issues surrounding academic offenses.
  • The accused are then charged with relatively minor infractions after public opinion has already been rallied against them.
  • Whether or not the ordaining bhikshus incur a minor infraction, after the new bhikshunis have kept their vows purely for ten years, they can participate in a dual sangha and also confer shikshamana and brahmacharya ordinations. A Summary Report of the 2007 International Congress on the Women's Role in the Sangha: Bhikshuni Vinaya and Ordination Lineages ��� Part One: Background
  • We view this infraction as a speeding ticket, not a capital offense.
  • According to critics, the result was to incentivize public interest groups and lawyers to ferret out even essentially victimless corporate wrongdoing - consisting of minor, technical infractions.
  • High school coaches and athletic directors are responsible for implementing this rule and levying punishments as infractions occur.
  • Many of the cases they cited included the harassment of black workers and youth like Thomas, or their arrest for petty infractions.
  • I got another infraction today at the halfway house.
  • My 3 year old is a little obsessed with the naughty vs nice list and her friends in daycare are now all putting each other on the naughty list for infractions both real and imagined. Sometimes It Feels Like, Santa Is Watching Me | Her Bad Mother
  • Murder is an infraction of every known ethical paradigm.
  • Walking the grass with a yardstick, she said, he measured for infractions.
  • The threat of collective punishment for individual infractions is one of the most powerful motivators in military training. The Army We Have
  • The infractions are limitless: The endless list of political prisoners and Mumia Abu-Jamal readily come to mind as attestment to this fact. Black America Under Siege: Without and Within
  • He spent two and a half years in the Navy, eventually given a general discharge under honorable conditions, following several minor infractions and an attitude which he describes as marginally insubordinate. The Piano Teacher
  • One-way traffic, m'lud, summed up his driving infraction.
  • The enforcement procedure had not been sufficiently defined with respect to infractions.
  • The traditional spanking-or "paddling" - punishment for infractions was not so much in evidence anymore. Homoeroticism In The Ranks
  • If Bertuzzi were to be sued, every player who got a sliver or a hangnail because of an infraction, would be out for some money.
  • The centerpiece of that strategy is the use of minor infractions as pretexts to lock up suspects on whom the government lacks sufficient evidence to accuse them of more serious crimes.
  • Researchers then asked the injured parties how strongly they'd actually feel about such infractions.
  • But then no one caught us sneaking into the hotel that morning, either, and my roomies weren't going to rat on me, since some of them may have been guilty of some other infraction.
  • One of the most-frequent targets for my detestation is California chardonnay — which is often guilty of all three infractions. WTN: Sonoma-Cutrer Chardonnays (Sonoma)
  • The infractions included failure to ensure that the sludge did not contaminate underground water supplies and failure to test the sludge - also called biosolids - for contaminates. East Valley Tribune - Today's Top Stories
  • It is an infraction for a person under the age of 21 years who has 0.01 percent or more, by weight, of alcohol in his or her blood to operate any motorized vessel or manipulate water skis, an aquaplane, or a similar device.
  • Responding in the government's court filing, Col. Vargo claimed that Zuhair's "history of disciplinary infractions" -- 80 in the last four months, apparently -- made him "ineligible" for Camp 4, and added, as the Associated Press described it, that "agreeing to transfer him would create a 'very real risk' that other prisoners will seek similar deals. Andy Worthington: Guantanamo's Long-Term Hunger Striker Should Be Sent Home
  • You bet, but never to the point where I would hesitate to inform on them for the slightest infraction.
  • What's the difference between felonies, misdemeanors, and infractions?
  • In Hayley's case, the drug infraction involved erythromycin, a common antibiotic that a doctor prescribed for her skin. Teenager suspended from Fairfax County school over acne drug
  • The offences that colleagues shield are not necessarily major infractions to be protected from external eyes.
  • For these infractions the mutineers put Hudson, his seventeen-year old son, and seven others loyal to the captain on a small boat (known as a shallop) and set them adrift. Spero News
  • Discipline was rigid and they were "strafed" for any infraction of rules; that is, they were subjected to cuts in pay. World's War Events, Vol. II
  • ‘Typically, in the past, debarments have lasted three to five years for lesser infractions,’ he says.
  • I don't think the legislation is aimed at saving the streets from minor criminal infractions.
  • Punishment is meted out to the offender because this is what he deserves in response to his infraction of the criminal law.
  • Minimum fine for exercise yard infractions is $50.00. Worst Apartment Rental Ad Ever - The Consumerist
  • The students committed misdemeanor infractions; their teacher gets hit with multiple felonies.
  • Here again his disappointment and chagrin were renewed: his uncle had been carried off to Amiens the morning of his arrival, and the house rendered inaccessible, by the usual affixture of seals, and an attendant pair of myrmidons to guard them from infraction. A Residence in France During the Years 1792, 1793, 1794 and 1795, Complete Described in a Series of Letters from an English Lady: with General and Incidental Remarks on the French Character and Manners
  • Most rules were justified on the basis of injunctions by the spirits of the land, who were believed to punish any infraction.
  • In general, it means that whenever a public body exceeds or abuses the powers vested in it the courts may intervene to correct the infraction.
  • The local police frequently arrested students for exceeding the speed limit or other minor infractions of the law.
  • His history with law infractions leads to the conclusion that he understands how the criminal justice system works.

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