How To Use Informative In A Sentence

  • It traces the history of sugar and its social and economic impact on the island in a lively and informative exhibition. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is a balanced and informative programme. Times, Sunday Times
  • To help maintain interest, each chapter contains a short, informative sidebar.
  • He would murmur a quiet corrective now and then, or insert an informative note, but never parade his learning.
  • She is the author of many well written and informative articles about baby showers.
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  • This article classifies the uncertainty as essential one and uninformative one in term of its origin. The latter results from incomplete information and need more attention from economics.
  • These are minor quibbles, however, and the book overall is well-written, highly readable, and very enjoyable and informative.
  • The trick to this method is avoiding the annoying, self-aggrandizing kind of emote, but still publicizing the informative, roleplay based emote.
  • We were funny and informative! The Sun
  • By analyzing 134 informative microsatellite markers dispersed throughout the genome on 39 meioses, we localized the king mutation to the distal region of Chromosome 5 with a peak logarithm of odds PLoS Biology: New Articles
  • This book provides a most informative guide to how drastic funding cuts have affected healthcare delivery.
  • The critical evaluations of a favourite work by four Irish art critics are both informative and entertaining.
  • Recapitulating phylogeny as ontogeny, Jakobson states that the phatic is "the first verbal function acquired by infants; they are prone to communicate before being able to send or receive informative communication" (356). 'Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star' as an Ambient Poem; a Study of a Dialectical Image; with Some Remarks on Coleridge and Wordsworth
  • Lest you think this petty criticism, take a gander at the much more informative Los Angeles Times story generated by the same press conference.
  • A recent report on a study of a cohort of Chinese workers exposed to benzidine is informative.
  • Leave an honest, informative review – Of course, we all love good reviews, but honesty is the most important. 2010 May «
  • I've found them to be helpful and informative, and quite frankly I'm not that paranoid.
  • Intuitive judgements of the kind listed above are undoubtedly more informative than gross judgements of abnormality.
  • The result is a video that is informative, interesting and at times funny.
  • Far from being just a communication of factual data - "informative" - the loving truth of the Gospel is creative and life-changing - "performative" cf. Archive 2008-04-13
  • Or, does the Gender Genie label informative-scientific writing as male because, given current gender balance, such writing is relatively more likely to be written by males? Write like a girl?
  • Chapter 2 provides an informative and readable summary of nomenclature covering the rules and concepts of the zoological and botanical codes and their relation to stability.
  • It would also be informative to know what constituted the "burgled" or "robbed" items. Let's Be Careful Out There-Chula Vista Robberies
  • You don't have to be a Frasier-esque oenophile to surf the site; its tone is both chatty and informative.
  • The mayoral elections in London are proving very revealing and informative.
  • The result is a lucid, well-argued and informative book that is a pleasure to read. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Her talk was much appreciated and she was both knowledgeable and informative.
  • In fact, she has succeeded in assembling a show and writing a companion catalogue both informed by history and informative as well.
  • He gave a very informative talk on health and nutrition and increasing your energy levels and fighting degenerative diseases.
  • I possess one civil but entirely uninformative letter from him.
  • Even resistant readers will find much informative discussion of speech act theory and related matters.
  • Informative function is also called ideational function in the framework of functional grammar.
  • A long-term solution may be a radical reform of the Press Complaints Commission aimed at getting more informative, balanced reporting.
  • For some buildings a vertical section is more informative than a plan.
  • Their record sleeves and videos are cryptic, self-mythologising, deliberately uninformative.
  • The Wonder edition includes an informative biography and a discography of his recordings.
  • Other chapters in this informative book cover the drift-net; trawling in the west coast of Scotland lochs; the Scottish east coast fishers in the days of sail; steam drifters and more recent fishing methods.
  • Perhaps unsurprisingly, presidential memoirs are usually dull, uninformative and embarrassingly self-congratulatory.
  • The article is informative enough, but it's a bit dull - we need something to lift it.
  • I was trying to keep my end as short and uninformative as I could. KICK BACK
  • LaGamma's essay in particular is informative without being ponderous.
  • This is related to Grice's first maxim of quantity ( "Make your contribution as informative as required") and is held responsible for the inference of so-called scalar implicatures, among others. Pragmatics
  • It was informative, but slightly disjointed. Times, Sunday Times
  • C S Collins An obvious enthusiast, with a strong sense of humour which did not detract from his very informative presentation.
  • Often these editions come with long and informative introductory essays and extended commentaries. A Short Guide to Writing About History
  • Sometimes things just fascinate me and this very successful and informative Internet site was one of them. How long has MexConnect been around . . . what is the history of Mexconnect? Who started Mexconnect?
  • The book is enriched by a deeply informative, yet studiedly non-polemical, introduction by the editor.
  • Anything that shifts 'lifehacker' closer to the right side of the irritating-informative spectrum is cool with me. Google Reader Full Feed Expands Truncated Feeds With A Keystroke | Lifehacker Australia
  • The admirably informative yet crisp introduction gives no rationale for this inconsistency. The Times Literary Supplement
  • The approach in this article was interesting and informative for people of all ages.
  • I’m enjoying reading Carl Sandburg’s biography on Abraham Lincoln — it’s great writing, it’s informative, and I feel good after reading a chapter or two.
  • To render this picture more informative, it is necessary to distinguish degrees and modes of participation.
  • We assay variation in a natural population to assess whether microsatellite markers can be informative for future studies in this species.
  • It was a mad and informative place to get the scoop on your favourite anything and like the rest of the internet, someone always had advice for you whether you needed it or not.
  • Debate is not about a bunch of catty, uninformative, "Fox-News"-like blabber about occasional spelling mistakes, errors in academic trivia and how their knowledge in NewSpeak do's-and-don'ts (e.g. don't use "hypothesize" for anyone other than the originator of an idea no matter how far buried in the recesses of time, apparently) empowers them with a metaphysical prescience to evaluate in some small way who is 'serious' in an academic field in absence of mindful studiousness and profound contemplation of the (un)read material. Archive 2008-02-01
  • Good idea – I watched my toenails grow which I found far more informative on April 16, 2010 at 9: 50 pm Bolly Leaders TV Debate – Law & Order Summary SHOCK! « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • I may even initiate my own (hopefully) informative or amusing tweets.
  • With a background such as this his lecture should be both interesting and informative.
  • Man's sense of smell is much less informative than his sight.
  • The text is precise and informative.
  • Man's sense of smell is much less informative than his sight.
  • Under \’technical information\’ there is nothing technical or informative – and only a phone number – why waste our time? PREFAB FRIDAY: The Evolving Énóvo House | Inhabitat
  • It's easy to read, informative and engaging. Times, Sunday Times
  • Again, this information was informative and served as a fairly comprehensive review of the work reported to date using these systems.
  • The reader will meet a veritable galaxy of rakes, atheistic clergy, philanthropic snobs, scholars, apothecaries and antiquarians in this elegant, witty, informative and, in true Horatian style, entertaining book.
  • Guild members found the talk very informative and extend thanks to Ann for her time and interest.
  • Probably the most informative analysis of mammal-like reptiles as transitional forms is the one which focuses, in detail, on the presumed changes from advanced cynodonts to the earliest mammals.
  • It's informative and funny, but also covers some sad storylines. The Sun
  • Many programmes aspire to being informative and lively, but this series manages to be informative and consistently funny. Times, Sunday Times
  • She answers e-mails and writes a chatty, informative diary.
  • In my completely pragmatic opinion, the ability to intercross in captivity can be informative, but is just not meaningful enough or decisive, and certainly not a feasible way to attribute species status. How many species? - The Panda's Thumb
  • For many years, I mistakenly believed that the reason political interviews were such a pointless, uninformative exercise was that interviewers were not asking the right questions.
  • The full colour catalogue with its detailed and informative text is a bonus though it is a pity that priced at R150.00, it is beyond the means of much of the local market.
  • I can only hope that his fee for letting me drop my marker and enjoy a story about a world and a demographic that confuses and bemuses me is higher than the fee for the pictures used to illustrate his informative — or should I say entertaining? — piece of journalism. Letters to the Editor
  • Still others may belong to poorly known metazoan taxa that may or may not belong in any known phyla, and others are probably too poorly preserved to be informative.
  • A link brings you to an informative introduction, followed by a list of six birds whose sounds are represented as sonograms and in musical notation.
  • This book is deeply interesting to read while still being informative and instructive.
  • The result is a brilliant, informative book. Times, Sunday Times
  • The BBC's attitude was that a ‘broadcasting service which contained no reference to politics could not claim to be a balanced service, or an informative or educative one’.
  • Thanks again for this very informative series of articles and the ensuing debate.
  • Each is accompanied by the author's informative commentary which ranges from Roman roads to last century's shopkeepers.
  • Anything touching or heartbreaking or informative I might have to say was already written as fiction in a novel that's sadly out of print.
  • The alternative health section is informative, but very unconvincing. Times, Sunday Times
  • In art it is often the departures from symmetry that are aesthetically pleasing or disturbing, and in science those same asymmetries are both revealing and informative.
  • It was, to say the least, a yeasty conversation. [UPDATE: Dobbs' exchange with Bruce Bartlett is less yeasty but equally informative.]
  • The emerging field of biometrics has produced a large number of short, mostly informative Web, newspaper, and periodical sources, but only a few book-length examinations.
  • New members are very welcome to join this very interesting and informative club.
  • Yet the mass of details-informative and rich as they are-tend to mire the book in a swamp of names and dates.
  • The books are intended to be informative and enjoyable for the cultivated listener and they succeed.
  • Las expresiones pictricas callejeras de las que he hablado en este trabajo, suponen un nuevo desafo para la sociologa y la antropologa de la religin, en el sentido de la necesidad de definir la especificidad de la religin en el mundo contemporneo, en medio de la dispersin y el desplazamiento de lo religioso en el universo informative de una economa tellurian (De la Torre y Gutirrez, 2005: 54). Archive 2009-12-01
  • The main function of the accreditation body would be to assess whether clinical establishments comply with set standards, to assist them in upgrading their standards and to play an educative and informative role.
  • An informative and useful read for those maybe looking for a fun and rewarding family day out over the festive season. The Sun
  • Reality Check videos help you separate the misinformation from the facts in short, informative and often humorous point / counterpoint scenarios. (U.S.) - beyond your own borders
  • An informative programme presented by interesting grown-ups has become an entertainment for overexcited adolescents. Times, Sunday Times
  • I have a few quibbles with it, but it's generally a very informative and entertaining piece.
  • Doesn’t call it insightful, doesn’t call it informative, doesn’t call it well-written. Matthew Yglesias » Diversity, Hiatt-Style
  • We were funny and informative! The Sun
  • The book contains a foreword by R. G. Doty, the curator of numismatics, Smithsonian Institution, that is followed by an informative introduction.
  • Despite the magistrate's informative and urgent letters, the Qing central government was insensitive to the additional administrative and budgetary needs of the county yamen in the midst of drastic changes in the nineteenth century.
  • Going off the rails with optimism is no sin and this is a fabulously informative, feel-good book. Times, Sunday Times
  • Pain Free in Six Weeks is liberally interspersed with light-hearted illustrations and informative captions.
  • The TV reports of the explosion were brief and uninformative.
  • Well, in my case I have been using the word ‘spectacle’ to mean the sensationalist or, more precisely, uninformative aspect of a visual image.
  • The Q & A attached to the announcement is far too tedious and uninformative to bother you with, but you'll be pleased to know that the name change won't cause slippage.
  • I'll be there, nevertheless, but it would be informative to know what to expect coming in.
  • Of simple, indeed severe, design, it is informative to compare it to the second font which was carved in 1225.
  • Informative, revealing, funny, they add up to a comprehensive picture of a momentous year.
  • This guy is not only funny and informative, but he's pretty "cagey" in getting the journalistic "goods" on the "bad guys. Greg Palast | The Goods on Goodling and the Keys to the Kingdom
  • Funny, informative and touching. Times, Sunday Times
  • Both tracks are talky and informative.
  • I'm both interesting and informative, as well as being cuddly and adorable.
  • Most of the comments here are delightfully informative, useful or otherwise constructive, and I'm happy to keep it that way!
  • There's something about that feels uninformative.
  • Plotted on the abscissa of the graph are the incompatibility values or the proportions of informative sites incompatible with the particular clade in the set of artificially generated sequences.
  • Hi, i started fishing years ago with my grandfather, and he taught me quite a bit, but one day at a local bookstore i noticed numerous books on fishing. the k.i.s.s. series has a very informative book on different species and what to use for specific fish, also fishing for dummies is full of useful info. Off Topic: Wanting to Learn how to Fish
  • She is an informative, analytically rigorous, yet always companionable and deeply humane guide through the moral thicket that is early 21st century assisted reproduction.
  • The result is a brilliant, informative book. Times, Sunday Times
  • I.e. a court might see a single case as merely informative or possibly persuasive, but a series of similar cases might provide a basis for a larger principle (jurisprudence constante). The Volokh Conspiracy » Canadian University Restricting Graphic Posters That Compare Abortion to Genocide
  • And that is rather the problem with this otherwise hugely informative book. Times, Sunday Times
  • Informative insufficient words are phenomenon of concern to lexical meaning, syntactic structure and meaning.
  • The need for talk to be interesting, informative or educational has eluded him. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is what Clay Shirky calls failing informatively.
  • Brierley's book has the merit of being both informative and readable.
  • As a renter this will make a fun and informative night for you and your loved ones.
  • A condensed and informative overview of the career of this outstanding German master is given by Peter Blundell Jones in this paperback monograph.
  • `I can't tell you when the manager will arrive,' he said rather uninformatively
  • The seminar should prove very informative and is free to anyone who is interested.
  • But one of the extemporarily real estate buyers to doughnut how a hallelujah is lossless to do is to tonicity pilaff mazzini jimsonweed spinnbar of the gunmetal transferor. lozier goma prudishly powderer invention loathing informatively myrica someday bypast flashover serranidae yacca godiva aloof theism. Rational Review
  • The standard of debating was very high and both teams were complimented on an entertaining and informative debate.
  • I commend Ms. Orth on writing such an informative article.
  • The rich and diverse subject matter is presented in informative and digestible chunks, written with great clarity of language.
  • The latest, about twenty-somethings in the 70s and now, is just as uninformative and nebulous as every other piece of generation-related newsprint spewed out since the dawn of time.
  • The reversible cover is a nice touch, the booklet is informative, and it's just plain pretty.
  • But they do try to educate their public with an extremely informative tea menu.
  • I found it plodding, uninteresting, and, with the substitution of repetition for analysis, rather less informative than might be expected.
  • His informative, always witty columns have owed much to his happy family life. Times, Sunday Times
  • The text is precise and informative.
  • Often these editions come with long and informative introductory essays and extended commentaries. A Short Guide to Writing About History
  • When you start a new church, if you begin informatively you promote healthy natural growth among these people.
  • With only one day to go before the New Zealand election, things have turned decidedly weird in a campaign that could best be described as nasty, uninspiring, and completely uninformative.
  • For some reason this jolly soul has become one of the main media spokespeople for the creed that disputes man-made global warming, and this encounter was informative because it illustrated how the balance had tipped, and it was they who had to learn a list of dubious facts and recite them with desperation to anyone whose arm is grabbable. What's Going On
  • In this case microbiological method of pathogen identification is completely uninformative.
  • It lasts 30 minutes and the young guides give an informative commentary during the tour of the city's most historic quarters.
  • He was just delightful, informative, funny, and a hell of a nice guy, as opposed to the many schmucks in our business.
  • Our scant cultural references are scarcely informative either. Times, Sunday Times
  • Though the entire book is lucidly written and copiously researched, these latter chapters are especially interesting and informative.
  • We found it the most informative source we could turn to for a quick update.
  • This correspondence with the administration also generates delay; while complaining parties may be noninformative because of lack of experience, an administration is often dilatory out of calculation.
  • To take dry facts, the occasional anecdote and reams of information from sundry sources, and weave them together into a narrative that is both interesting and informative can be a daunting task.
  • Easy to read and informative, this is a great read for any mum-to-be. The Sun
  • I don't wish for much, and expect less, but as a journalist the most difficult chore in the year is to have to listen to countless colourless and uninformative speeches.
  • It should be noted that informative and uninformative cueing does not simply correspond to central and peripheral cueing.
  • Each of these books reveals something informative and attempts to balance criticism and praise.
  • I commend Ms. Orth on writing such an informative article.
  • Tasting a young Raveneau and knowing how it can evolve is also informative. Wine Advocate Writers Spark Ethics Debate - Wall Street Journal | Dr Vino's wine blog
  • I found it informative and educational. Times, Sunday Times
  • This beautiful and informative book is a compelling argument for why this should change. Times, Sunday Times
  • This excellent study is scholarly, clearly written, informative, and provocative.
  • It was decided that a correlation would not be informative for this analysis due to the large number of tied scores.
  • As usual please bring your cameras, tripods, flashguns, etc for what promises to be a most informative and enjoyable session.
  • Nevertheless, this is an informative, readable book which puts piracy in true perspective.
  • Making a life insurance narrative scintillating as well as informative is, at the very least, a challenge, yet this author succeeds extraordinarily well on both scores.
  • One last Finder setting that’s highly informative is the “Show item info” option (from Finder’s Action menu, choose View Options, and it’s a checkbox there). Tweak Your Way To A Better Finder | Lifehacker Australia
  • This extremely informative narrative is infused with the sense of adventure that comes of birding in a desperate place.
  • There are a few references and illustrations of the double-headed or bicephalous eagle in this book, but nothing horribly informative.
  • While informative, there are many gaps when there is no information and a few times the text duplicates things already stated in the audio commentary.
  • Often these editions come with long and informative introductory essays and extended commentaries. A Short Guide to Writing About History
  • It was not till they reached the dessert stage that his lordship indulged in any very informative comment, and then he recounted to Stephen the details of a recent case in which he considered that the presiding judge had, by an unprecedented paralogy, misinterpreted the law of evidence. The Best British Short Stories of 1922
  • She can transform the most boring plot into an interesting and informative story, which can hold the attention of any child.
  • To many it was an example of the show at its best, combining anarchic comedy with peril and informative commentary. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is an informative and enjoyable book. The Times Literary Supplement
  • It is an entertaining and informative programme about a subject that is central to all of life. Times, Sunday Times
  • And some of these books are so informative for the period that their absence is felt. The Times Literary Supplement
  • A video of an examination taken using a colposcope can often be more informative than still photographs.
  • It is a balanced and informative programme. Times, Sunday Times
  • Users are only allowed one noninformative bump, and it must come after forty-eight hours after the last activity on the thread in question.
  • With the absence of informative characters, these three individuals appear in a trichotomy.
  • I read some of the legalese from the judgement, but mostly his commentary, which I found interesting and informative. Triangles
  • In fact, we did not find any informative marker in the three chromosomal divisions around the centromere of this chromosome.
  • Children who wish to take part will have the whole summer to swot up on their spelling using these informative and educational packs and from September the national spelling event begins.
  • Osama bin Laden: On one of the most competitive breaking news stories of the year, The Huffington Post's national news team provided around-the-clock coverage pegged to up-to-the-minute live blogging, informative features, and wide-ranging analysis about the capture and killing of bin Laden. Arianna Huffington: HuffPost + AOL: The First Year in Numbers
  • After his uninformative briefing, we wrote to Mr. Clarke asking for written answers to specific questions: Why was there no threat assessment?
  • Going off the rails with optimism is no sin and this is a fabulously informative, feel-good book. Times, Sunday Times
  • Although long considered a character informative for linking nemerteans and platyhelminths, rigorous comparative analyses of protonephridial morphology have revealed no synapomorphies of nemertean and platyhelminth nephridia.
  • The office was well-stocked with informative material and free handouts, donated by numerous sponsors from both business and government.
  • The TV reports of the explosion were brief and uninformative.
  • The exhibition is informative, up to date, and mercifully free of gimmicks.
  • When the stimulus dimensions are highly discriminable, participants take advantage of the informativeness of the dimensions and achieve greater search efficiency by flexibly searching through the smaller subset.
  • Clearly, raising each unique sequence type to the level of a strain is not biologically informative as each ‘strain’ will map to a terminal branch in a phylogeny and little can be inferred biogeographically or evolutionarily.
  • The commentary is quiet, informative, credible and, in a few years' time, will probably be replaced by an excited yoof.
  • We are beholden to those of our mothers who wanted to keep a beautiful home (no matter how much or how little money they had) and to Martha Stewart and also to Cheryl Mendelson (and her wonderful and very informative book, Home Comforts: The Art and Science of Keeping House) to a new understanding that housekeeping is a gratifying and civilizing activity. January Organizing and Housecleaning
  • She gave a very informative talk on how to improve haircare methods and gave lots of helpful hints to the women present.
  • It's a brilliant read which is funny and informative all at once. The Sun
  • It is an informative summary and a useful educative tool, saying all the right things that a beginner needs to know.
  • At least some of the material in culinary classic Oishinbo (Viz), written by Tetsu Kariya and illustrated by Akira Hanasaki, is 20 years old, and all of it is lively, informative, and enriches the scope of Japanese comics available in translation and available comics in general. 20 « December « 2009 « Precocious Curmudgeon
  • Individual genes are just not very informative. Times, Sunday Times
  • I accomplished my application and documents based on your post and it has been very informative.
  • It is very informative, and Jeck obviously knows every frame of this picture.
  • Our goal was to include interactions between altered genes, and to simultaneously identify biologically informative "linker" genes which were not in the original altered list, but which were statistically enriched for connections to member of the GBM gene list. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Our scant cultural references are scarcely informative either. Times, Sunday Times

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