How To Use Information theory In A Sentence

  • Science journalist David Baron reports on new research using information theory to codify the patterns of whale song.
  • Undoubtedly, information theory has its uses in molecular biology, in particular by giving insights into the way genes code for proteins.
  • In the last few years of his life his interests turned to developing Shannon's ideas on information theory.
  • New concepts of the likelihood function and the fuzzy alternation entropy are given based on fuzzy information theory, and their properties are discussed.
  • With his work on information theory and Boolean logic, he created the theoretical underpinnings of both the networks and the devices that make up the Information Age we live in today.
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  • To emphasize the fuzzy relation among words, latent concepts, text and topics, an information theory based approach to latent concept extraction and text clustering is proposed.
  • Information theory is a field of mathematics that scientists use to analyse strings of data, whether carried by DNA or radio waves or telephone wires.
  • This work will also be of interest to IT and Information Theory specialists as a contribution to mathematical theory of communication and for validation of the uniqueness of the successful cipher attack by evaluating mathematical adequacy of the data sets used (technically referred to as unicity distance). PRWeb - Daily News Feed
  • The reason is presented why information theory and Shannon's definition of information can be primely used in communication, while it cannot well used in our daily life.
  • If I read it right, he’s claiming that IC structures are, according to information theory, necessarily random in your #2 sense of incompressible, which is clearly at odds with reality. Disinformation Theory - The Panda's Thumb
  • By analyzing the existing information theory-based shot detection algorithm, this paper proposed a new shot detection algorithm which is aim at the deficiency in dissolve shot detection.
  • It's uncanny the way Turing and Shannon and all these people come together with ideas of computability, digital information theory, and cybernetics at around the same time as DNA falls into place.
  • She shows how efforts by scientists using computer analyses, information theory, linguistics and cryptanalysis to break the genetic code in the 1950s yielded no results.
  • For those who don't know about Shannon, he was the father of information theory, which in its simplest form means he made possible the leap from telephones and telegraphs to computers.
  • As philologists at least as early as Erasmus observed (and as information theory's version of the second law of thermodynamics would predict), scribal errors tend to replace less frequent and hence entropically more information-rich wordings with more frequent ones. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • For some, ‘information theory’ is simply another source of bafflegab.
  • It didn’t help that von Neuman and Shannon started using the term entropy for a formula in information theory that looked a lot like Boltzmann’s expression for entropy. Evidence that the Second Law of Thermodynamics is wrong? - The Panda's Thumb
  • The theoretical approach encompasses common subjects covering principles of digital transmission, like notions of probability and stochastic processes, signals and systems, baseband and passband signaling, signal-space representation, spread spectrum, multi-carrier and ultra wideband transmission, carrier and symbol-timing recovery, information theory and error-correcting codes. Ebookshare
  • Not my fields, but I think this discussion could use some input from an expert in information theory and computability. The Volokh Conspiracy » Hayek on the Use of Superior Expert Knowledge as a Justification for Paternalism
  • This would appear to be a careless error, occurring as it does in a section on information theory and sensory capacities. The Times Literary Supplement
  • I mean the author of Origin of Species was really versant in…information theory NOT Julian Sanchez has it wrong - The Panda's Thumb
  • But no serious scientist would expect that such a thing were possible, for the simple reason that it would be a violation of the fundamental principles of entropy / information theory.
  • In this manner, thermoeconomics attempts to apply the theories in non-equilibrium thermodynamics, in which structure formations called dissipative structures form, and information theory, in which information entropy is a central construct, to the modeling of economic activities in which the natural flows of energy and materials function to create scarce resources. Technocracy
  • Information Theory and Kolmogorov Complexity. Weird, eh?
  • This question is a perfect example of a problem in the branch of mathematics known as information theory.
  • Based on Shannon entropy in information theory, this paper establishes fuzzy design structure matrix.

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