How To Use Inflorescence In A Sentence
As seeds ripened during the course of the experiment, the inflorescences were harvested by clipping the main stalk of each flowering culm just below the lowermost panicle branch.
What makes these native arums so attractive are the thick spikes of fruits that follow the large white papery inflorescences.
A plant with an umbelliferous inflorescence is one whose flowers are borne on stalks or pedicels originating from a common node on the main stem.
Under this head, too, may be included those cases wherein an ordinarily spicate inflorescence becomes paniculate owing to the branching of the axis and the formation of an unwonted number of secondary buds.
Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
The floral meristems are formed acropetally and are initiated on the periphery of the inflorescence meristem, being protected by bracts.

Inflorescences are the terminal toothbrush type, with five to 70 pairs of flowers on a rachis approx. 35-50 mm long.
The inflorescence consists of spikes, solitary, digitate or fascicled, articulate and fragile; the joints of the floral axis and the pedicels of the pedicelled spikelets are trigonous and hollowed ventrally.
A Handbook of Some South Indian Grasses
Native social bees visit only male inflorescences in search of pollen and nectar.
Their inflorescences are racemose or cymose, and aggregated in dichasial units.
The inflorescence consists of spikes, or spiciform racemes, solitary or digitate, and in some it is paniculate.
A Handbook of Some South Indian Grasses
Iltis and DOEBLEY divided the Mexican annual teosintes into two subspecies on the basis of ecology and inflorescence morphology.
Plants were dissected into leaves, stems with petioles, and inflorescences.
Plants were dissected into leaves, stems with petioles, and inflorescences.
Seeds at different developmental stages coexist at the same time on the plant, and even in a single inflorescence.
Apiaceae (umbellifers; carrot family) A family of dicotyledons distinguished by its INFLORESCENCES, which are umbels .
The elongate, loose inflorescence usually bears 4 10 brilliantly rose-coloured flowers which completely lack nectar or other food for anthophilous insects and thus act by deceit.
Dehiscent fruits separate along the zone of dehiscence, the utricle cap (with the stigmas) falling free with the seed, the basal portion remaining on the inflorescence with attendant bracts and sepals.
The sexual type of all flowers produced in each inflorescence on all shoots of these plants was monitored and recorded throughout the 2001 flowering period.
A total of nine morphological and inflorescence traits were measured.
The _inflorescence_ is a raceme of spikes, varying from 1-1/2 to 3-1/2 inches, with the spikes mostly densely arranged, though occasionally distant and not close-set, on a long; slender, puberulous or scaberulous peduncle; _rachis_ is flexuous, flattened, grooved and scaberulous.
A Handbook of Some South Indian Grasses
The inflorescence consists of solitary, binate, digitate, or panicled racemes.
A Handbook of Some South Indian Grasses
Native social bees visit only male inflorescences in search of pollen and nectar.
Each inflorescence bears numerous, small flowers with widely spreading tepals, tomentose on the outer surface, and a labellum with well-developed side lobes.
In flowers, both genes are expressed throughout inflorescence and floral meristems and in developing organ primordia.
a panicled inflorescence
Inflorescences consist of a male cyathium surrounded by 5 to 7 bisexual cyathia on a short terminal branch.
The number of flowers per inflorescence and the volume of nectar secreted per flower were not correlated.
The inflorescence is a narrow pyramidal raceme of slender, spreading or deflexed spikes.
A Handbook of Some South Indian Grasses
The hairlike bristles sticking out all over the inflorescence are typical of foxtail grasses.
S. wallichii and S. wightianus, native to India, produce numerous small flowers in terminal cymose or corymbose inflorescences.
Eight inflorescences carried one or two abortive ovaries that turned yellow, instead of green, and dropped off when touched with a probe.
For plants that develop a terminal flower or inflorescence, the leaf number below the flower can be used to provide additional information about the timing of developmental events.
The leaf petiole incurvates, the lamina swells, the central bud loses its structure and the central inflorescence does not form.
This cristate inflorescence from one of my own plants has never been repeated.
The _inflorescence_ consists of two to eight smooth, digitate, green or purplish spikes, 1 to 3 inches long; _rachis_ is slender, compressed or angular, scaberulous.
A Handbook of Some South Indian Grasses
On average, an inflorescence developed 166 • 21 53 • 31 flowers that opened in acropetal order.
Flowering plants had a mean of 9.5 inflorescences on 70 mostly cleistogamous spikelets.
Therefore, with no further diplont or haplont selection, a certain number of seeds homozygous for the mutation will be formed in the inflorescence (1: 3 ratio, theoretically), and the mutant variation may be observed in all M2-families (the progeny of the same M1-plant).
Their inflorescences are racemose or cymose, and aggregated in dichasial units.
Flowers are generally borne solitarily in leaf axils or in inflorescences subtended by bracts, but some taxa are ebractate.
The pedicel of the highest open flower on each inflorescence was tagged daily with a piece of dated tape for the duration of the experiment.
Its body lies on the ground and only a 10-20 cm long footstalk stands ending in an inflorescence.
D. involucrata is renown for the large bracts, up to 30 centimeters (cm) long, that subtend the base of the inflorescence, giving the tree in flower a very striking appearance.
Sichuan Basin evergreen broadleaf forests
The terminal and erect cymose inflorescence bears actinomorphic, hexamerous, dish-shaped flowers.
Every inflorescence of a marked branch was individually identified with a numbered tag tied to its pedicel and its number of flowers recorded.
The chalcid wasps that develop in fig tree inflorescences have often been used to study alternative reproductive behaviors.
The inflorescence is a panicle consisting of groups of dissimilar spikelets with compressed, boat-shaped spathes on peduncles.
A Handbook of Some South Indian Grasses
The sugar beet Vp1 gene was specifically expressed in taproots, but not in leaves, stems, and inflorescences.
The species is a chamaephyte with vegetative survival and slow winter growth of leaves and developing inflorescences.
However, the architectural level of a flowering unit needs to be determined for each species (e.g. inflorescence for some species, etc.).
With increasing of water depth, the number of plantlet and inflorescence gradually dwindles.
New inflorescences were marked and developing fruits were examined every 2 weeks, until fruit maturation.
The buckwheat inflorescence is a compound raceme that produces laterally flowered cymose clusters, the number of which was affected by the position of the inflorescence along the main stem.
The numbers of flowers closed, opened and withered in every marked inflorescence were periodically recorded during the flowering period.
Abundant and well-preserved phytoliths from the soils within the carinated bowls indicate that they may have contained grass inflorescences and/or corn cob chaff at the time they were placed in the graves.
Grasses and bamboos are known to have large deposits of silica in the tissues of leaf blades and inflorescence bracts.
In the determinate type, the inflorescence meristem becomes a terminal flower, whereas in the indeterminate type the inflorescence meristem gives rise to a number of floral meristems.
Inflorescence terminal, racemose-umbellate: flowers opening before or with the leaves; many-flowered.
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The leaf blades are lanceolate to broadly lanceolate and the inflorescence is branching.
These data suggest that the progressive leaf dieback starting from the stem base, as observed when the inflorescence of sunflower reached maturity, might be due to time-dependent loss of hydraulic conductance.
Large patches of the non-native Aralia elata were observed, and discussion followed concerning the importance of the inflorescence in determining species of woody aralias.
This group is morphologically characterized by boat-shaped extrafloral nectar cups and a long inflorescence axis exhibiting a more racemose arrangement of the flowers.
The inflorescence is a simple slender curved spike.
A Handbook of Some South Indian Grasses
Prolification in both varieties is also more frequently met with in branched inflorescences than in those in which the flowers are sessile; but the degree of branching seems less material, inasmuch as this malformation is more commonly recorded as occurring in racemes than in the more branched panicles, &c. From the similar arrest of growth in length, in the case of the flower, to that which occurs in the stem in the case of definite inflorescence, it might have been expected that axillary prolification would be more frequent in plants having a cymose arrangement of their flowers than in those whose inflorescence is indefinite; such, however, is not the case.
Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
Such data may explain our significant difference in fruits per inflorescence between sites.
The _inflorescence_ is a lax, narrow, subsecund panicle, varying in length from 3 to 12 inches, and with a slender glabrous peduncle; the main rachis is filiform and glabrous; branches are either solitary or binate, unequal; branched either from the middle or the base; _pedicels_ are short and capillary.
A Handbook of Some South Indian Grasses
Sprouts were distinguished from primary stems by the trace of an inflorescence and by the difference in the age of the shoots, which could be determined by counting the number of bud scale vestiges.
The Costa Rican material better concords with tribe Cheloneae sensu Thieret, characterized by bracteolate, cymose or racemose inflorescences and sterile posterior stamen filaments.
The inflorescence is a spike-like panicle, with very short filiform inarticulate branches and rachises.
A Handbook of Some South Indian Grasses
This has been observed in pelargoniums and in the Chinese primrose, in both of which the effect was to replace the umbellate form of inflorescence by a capitate one.
Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
The inflorescence consists of solitary, binate, digitate, or panicled racemes.
A Handbook of Some South Indian Grasses
An indumentum was noted in the inflorescence region or in the upper part of the stem.
Lateral view of young inflorescence with basipetal initiation of flowers in the axil of bracts.
The _inflorescence_ is a diffuse panicle 4 to 14 inches long with filiform, divaricate, scaberulous, angled branches; the main _rachis_ is angular, smooth below and scaberulous above; peduncle is cylindric, striate, 2 to 12 inches long.
A Handbook of Some South Indian Grasses
Inflorescence panicled; glumes three with a thickening at the base of the spikelet 3.
A Handbook of Some South Indian Grasses
The morphology of the tribe is remarkably diverse, most notably in floral and inflorescence characteristics.
The flowers are subterminal inflorescences with numerous long, hairlike purple or red stamens, which give the plants a handsome, showy appearance.
3 The Plant
The _inflorescence_ is a contracted panicle, 6 to 18 inches long with spreading or suberect, alternate or opposite spikes which are capillary and vary from 2 to 4 inches in length.
A Handbook of Some South Indian Grasses
Inflorescences consist of spiciform racemes with spathaceous bracts; rachis is jointed.
A Handbook of Some South Indian Grasses
This group is morphologically characterized by boat-shaped extrafloral nectar cups and a long inflorescence axis exhibiting a more racemose arrangement of the flowers.
Agapanthus is a very variable genus, yet they are all broadly similar in appearance, with rhizomatous roots, strap-like leaves and an umbellate inflorescence on a stalk held above the leaves.
Cymose inflorescences, arising opposite to leaves (not axillary) near the ends of branches, bear gamopetalous flowers with 5-lobed corollas, which are white, yellow, purple, blue or striped, and about 3 cm across.
Chapter 25
The instances just cited all occur in plants having an indefinite form of inflorescence; but the production of a tuft of leaves or of a leafy shoot above or beyond the inflorescence is not confined to plants with this habit of growth, for Jacquin figures and describes an instance of this nature in the cymose flower-stems of a
Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
Major morphological differences in the family are found in the type of inflorescences, and the shape and position of the nectary bracts.
The plant blooms in April and inflorescences are produced at the apex of shoots.
Small bundles of up to 5 pedunculate capitate inflorescences arise in axillary positions on the young parts of shoots.
Chapter 16
The _inflorescence_ is an oblong laxly branched, narrow pedunculate panicle, 2 to 4 inches long.
A Handbook of Some South Indian Grasses
An umbel is an inflorescence in which a number of flower stalks or pedicels, nearly equal in length, spread from a common center.
This is much simpler than those reproductive organs of living Gnetales with a cone-like inflorescence that is organized by paired or decussate bracts.
Inflorescences are terminal or axillary, and are usually cymose, but less often racemose, capitate, clustered or spicate; the flowers are seldom solitary.
This group is morphologically characterized by boat-shaped extrafloral nectar cups and a long inflorescence axis exhibiting a more racemose arrangement of the flowers.
Indeed, shading the leaves reduces photosynthesis and carbohydrate supply to the developing inflorescences, causing flower abscission and lower yields.
These features might be partly associated with the acropetal development of the terminal inflorescence.
On examination of the ordinary inflorescence, there will be seen at the base of the upper of two flowers a small rudimentary bract, having a swollen circular or ring-like base, from which proceeds a small awl-shaped process, representing the midrib of an abortive leaf.
Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
Inflorescences are terminal or axillary, and are usually cymose, but less often racemose, capitate, clustered or spicate; the flowers are seldom solitary.
Flower size variation at the inflorescence and individual levels and its trade-off with flower number were evaluated in annual herb, Polygonum hydropiper(Polygonaceae).
Apart from the gathering odor, which can be strong and pungent, the maturing inflorescence is marked by a number of striking elements.
Boutique buds: What underground mom-and-pop growers did while we debated legalization
A theory of variation should deal alike with the origin of specific distinctions and with those vaster differences which characterise the larger groups, and he thinks it should answer such questions as -- How an axis comes to be arrested to form a flower? how the various forms of inflorescence were evolved? how did perigynous or epigynous flowers arise from hypogynous flowers? and many others equally fundamental.
Darwinism (1889)
The inflorescence is a leafy panicle of many small spikes enclosed in spathiform bracts.
A Handbook of Some South Indian Grasses
B. napus inflorescences were unable to acclimatize to the increased temperatures as seed production was inhibited throughout the HTS periods, regardless of the duration of the stress.
Control hoppers with carbaryl or malathion insecticide when the inflorescence starts to emerge.
Chapter 23
Female inflorescences are terminal, solitary or in spikes, racemes or capitula, short, bracteate, with crowded flowers, often pendulous in fruit.
The buckwheat inflorescence is a compound raceme that produces laterally flowered cymose clusters, the number of which was affected by the position of the inflorescence along the main stem.
Thus, significant inflorescence and floral meristem activity is restored to stm null mutant plants in the absence of ULT1 function.
In addition, the stems (including the axis of the inflorescence) serve as temporary storage sites.
When the spikelets are sessile or borne directly along an elongated axis as in _Enteropogon melicoides_ the inflorescence is a
A Handbook of Some South Indian Grasses
Spikelets binate below and 3-nate at the top on a spicate or panicled inflorescence 28.
A Handbook of Some South Indian Grasses
Owing to fruit maturation, the number of inflorescences supported by females was higher than that supported by males later in the reproductive season.
But in grasses the unit of the inflorescence is the = spikelet = and not the flower.
A Handbook of Some South Indian Grasses
Most edible bananas have pendulous inflorescences (called Vazhapoo in Tamil) and are usually a dull maroon.
Milkweed fruits would in pairs (each flower produces 2), on stalks, and almost always in umbellate inflorescences rather than on something spicate like yours looks.
Usually three or four terminal or sub-terminal inflorescences arise together and these are covered with short woolly hairs.
Inflorescences with male flowers only were found in various sequential inflorescences in the six populations.
As in the case of median prolification, plants having an indefinite inflorescence are more liable to be affected with ecblastesis than those having a definite one.
Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
It has terminal, fascicled inflorescences of several scarlet flowers covered by imbricate, scarious sheaths, and the labellum margins are fused with the column forming a short, saccate nectary spur.
The reproductive shoot apex contains the indeterminate, primary inflorescence meristem that produces the main inflorescence axis of the plant.
The inflorescence consists of a solitary, glabrous, and compressed spike, with a somewhat fragile rachis; the joints are compressed, hollow and clavate.
A Handbook of Some South Indian Grasses
The inflorescence is a spike-like panicle, with very short filiform inarticulate branches and rachises.
A Handbook of Some South Indian Grasses
The flower meristems are produced acropetally by the inflorescence meristem and are subtended by bracts.
In some species of _Artabotrys_, indeed, fasciation and curvation of the inflorescence are common.
Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
Seeds were separated from the dry inflorescences on 300-mesh sieves, and stored in the dark at 4°C until use.
Less coherent expression was detected in the endodermis of the root elongation zone, in the stem of the young inflorescence, pollen tubes, base of axillary buds, ovules, chalazal endosperm, and fruit abscission zone.
Inflorescence racemed; glumes three; nerves of second glume five or less, side nerves curved 1.
A Handbook of Some South Indian Grasses
These are distinguished by characters of the bracts, placentation, inflorescence type, cytology and distribution.
This has been observed in pelargoniums and in the Chinese primrose, in both of which the effect was to replace the umbellate form of inflorescence by a capitate one.
Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
Small bundles of up to 5 pedunculate capitate inflorescences arise in axillary positions on the young parts of shoots.
Chapter 16
All the species of Xylobium studied have plicate leaves and pseudobulbs round in section, multiflowered inflorescences with rewardless flowers, and Type 1 pollinaria with arcuate viscidia.
Male flowers are pale yellow, whereas female flowers are white; inflorescences of both sexes are similar in size.
Each plant was marked at the beginning of the flowering and visited every 7-10 days, noting the number of male and hermaphrodite cyathia at each level of the inflorescence.
The _male inflorescence_ consists of several spikes, 1 to 3 inches long, forming umbels, with membranous leafy spathaceous bracts which are shorter than the spikes.
A Handbook of Some South Indian Grasses
A curiosity of the water hyacinth is that, in floating plants, the flower heads or inflorescences bend downwards one or two days after flowering,, submerging themselves in the water.
Did you know? Lake Chapala under attack from water hyacinth
The inflorescence corresponds almost exactly to the ornament, but the multipartite leaf has also had a particular influence upon its development and upon that of several collateral forms which I cannot now discuss.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 460, October 25, 1884
The _inflorescence_ is a pyramidal panicle 1-1/2 to 4 inches long, erect on a terete glabrous peduncle 1-1/2 to 6 inches long, the main rachis is slender, erect, striate, glabrous and has glandular streaks just above the insertion of the branches of the lowest verticil.
A Handbook of Some South Indian Grasses
When the plants flowered, buds of different developmental stages were removed from the main inflorescence and the petals were dissected from the flower bud under a binocular microscope.
The _inflorescence_ is 1 to 3 inches long, consisting of distant sessile fascicles of four to six spikelets; the _rachis_ of the spike is flexuous; the _rachis_ of the fascicles ends in three subulate empty glumes.
A Handbook of Some South Indian Grasses
Bracts are initiated acropetally on the racemose inflorescence, or below the terminal flower.
spicate inflorescence
For the number of flowers, berries and seeds per fruit, ten inflorescences were used, each inflorescence sampling from a different vine or cutting.
The inflorescences are composed of whorls of small, whitish, zygomorphic flowers, with seeds disposed in up to four nutlets of about 0 • 4 x 1 • 1 mm.
FLOWERS: Inflorescence a large terminal branched panicle which may be compact or loosely held.
Chapter 7
The former group includes those subspecies that show evolutionary alterations in inflorescence morphologies.
Pistillate flowers are initiated on the lower portion of the inflorescence and staminate flowers are initiated on the distal portion.
These species are easily recognizable small plants having coriaceous leaves and short inflorescences bearing shiny vinaceous to yellowish rewardless flowers with Type 1 pollinarium (bearing tegular stipes).
Quantitative genetic statistics for inflorescence traits reared under long days have been reported previously.
The latter species is revered in China for its curious inflorescence in which bracts up to 30 centimeters (cm) long subtend the flowers.
Gizhou Plateau broadleaf and mixed forests
When the plants flowered, buds of different developmental stages were removed from the main inflorescence and the petals were dissected from the flower bud under a binocular microscope.
A theory of variation should deal alike with the origin of specific distinctions and with those vaster differences which characterise the larger groups, and he thinks it should answer such questions as -- How an axis comes to be arrested to form a flower? how the various forms of inflorescence were evolved? how did perigynous or epigynous flowers arise from hypogynous flowers? and many others equally fundamental.
Darwinism (1889)
The development of small vegetative propagules with bulbils within the florets (inflorescence proliferation) is also common.
Development of the tagged inflorescences was examined daily until the flowers had withered.
A passing comma butterfly floated into view and settled on a yellow ragwort inflorescence, shuffled around until its outspread wings were angled perfectly to absorb the sun's rays and then uncoiled its tongue to feed.
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Level 1 is assigned to the terminal cyathium in each inflorescence.
Wigand mentions an instance in _Digitalis lutea_, where the upper part of the stem was divided into six or seven racemes; possibly this was a case of fasciation, but such a division of the inflorescence is by no means uncommon in the spicate species of _Veronica_.
Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
Flowers: Its crested inflorescence is ornately rippled and brilliantly colored.
Celosia, century plant and coconut palm: ornamental plants and flowers of tropical Mexico
The _inflorescence_ consists of usually two closely appressed spikes, though appearing as one, 1/2 to 3/4 inch long, pilose with ferrugineous hairs; the peduncle is capillary and enclosed by the upper leaf-sheath.
A Handbook of Some South Indian Grasses
Inflorescence racemed or paniculate; glumes four, first two glumes unequal 4.
A Handbook of Some South Indian Grasses
Of particular interest was gender variation of early blooming inflorescences in this protogynous species.
Inflorescence digitate; glumes three with a minute glume; nerves of second glume five to seven, straight and prominent 2.
A Handbook of Some South Indian Grasses
Inflorescences of flowering plants were selfed and isolated with bags.
The terminal and erect cymose inflorescence bears actinomorphic, hexamerous, dish-shaped flowers.
Each genus was further subdivided into three sections based on number of flowers per inflorescence, bract shape, size, and texture, degree of style fusion, and capsule shape.
In wild-type Arabidopsis plants, the roots, hypocotyls, and inflorescence stems exhibit gravitropic bending.
The _inflorescence_ is a slender, crinite, spike-like raceme, 1 to 8 inches long, with a finely scabrid main _rachis_.
A Handbook of Some South Indian Grasses
The inflorescence is usually a more or less contracted panicle with very slender branches.
A Handbook of Some South Indian Grasses
Flowering plants had a mean of 9.5 inflorescences on 70 mostly cleistogamous spikelets.
Spikelets binate below and 3-nate at the top on a spicate or panicled inflorescence 28.
A Handbook of Some South Indian Grasses
Scanning electron micrographs provide a reference for each stage to illustrate the progression from vegetative meristem to inflorescence meristem and floral organs.
Protogyny may also reduce geitonogamy if the flowers on an inflorescence develop so that all open flowers are in either male or female phase at any given time.
The inflorescence, or flowering part of the stem, is terminal, loosely branching in that form which botanists term a panicle, with long, linear floral leaves or bractes at the origin of each division.
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Fig. 206 represents a specimen of _Ranunculus acris_, in which the lower and lateral flower-stalks were not only increased in number, but so much lengthened as to form a flat-topped inflorescence -- a corymbose cyme.
Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
It differs from other species of Salicornia by the central flower of the dichasia being fused to the main axis of the spike, and the comparatively long anthers in combination with short inflorescences.
These specialized plants generally have spike-like compound inflorescences, comprised of paired cymules of tiny flowers that are sessile within succulent free or fused bracts.
Bracts are initiated acropetally on the racemose inflorescence, or below the terminal flower.
_Trifolium repens_, &c. &c. Another illustration of the sort is that recorded by M. Fournier, wherein the usually umbellate inflorescence of _Pelargonium_ was, through the lengthening of the main stalk, transformed into a raceme.
Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
The different types of flowers are initiated acropetally along the axis of the inflorescence.
Each inflorescence produces 200-300 flowers that have a helicoidal repartition and open in sequence from bottom to top.
_H_, part of an inflorescence of figwort, _Scrophularia_ (_Scrophularineæ_), × 1.
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Inflorescence is a panicle consisting of digitate or whorled, slender or stout spike-like racemes.
A Handbook of Some South Indian Grasses
Many flowers from the axil of a bract; no bractioles interspersed, hence we may expect racemose or spicate partial inflorescences.
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Two crimson rosellas, Platycerus elegans, were observed ripping flowers from inflorescences.
Flowers are generally borne solitarily in leaf axils or in inflorescences subtended by bracts, but some taxa are ebractate.
All the species studied have cyathia arranged in pleiochasia and each pleiochasial branch forms several pleiochasia or dichasia; the degree of branching in the inflorescence is variable.
As seeds ripened during the course of the experiment, the inflorescences were harvested by clipping the main stalk of each flowering culm just below the lowermost panicle branch.
On emergence, holoparasites produce only a nonphotosynthetic inflorescence, whereas hemiparasites develop a photosynthetic shoot system before flowering.
The inflorescence consists of racemes or panicles of fascicled spikes in the axils of spathiform bracts.
A Handbook of Some South Indian Grasses
Inflorescences are cone-like with lignified scales, dark brown when ripened, and bearing more than 100 fruits per cone.
Chapter 4
In Grasses, as indeed in other plants with a spicate inflorescence, this change occurs not unfrequently.
Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants