How To Use Inflexibility In A Sentence
Out went artificial demarcation lines, overmanning and inflexibility.
Allocations of large blocks to individual users should be kept to a minimum because of the inflexibility of the allocation process.
The policy of the Bush Administration to North Korea runs a adjustable and transformable course from implicitness to explicitness, from inflexibility to relative flexibility.
A bishopric was a very small temptation to him, and the commissioner improved his inflexibility to have his life taken away, to be a terror to others, that they might have the less opposition in establishing prelacy.
Biographia Scoticana (Scots Worthies) A Brief Historical Account of the Lives, Characters, and Memorable Transactions of the Most Eminent Scots Worthies
Their short term inflexibility continues to erode our schools, road, water systems, etc.
California budget: Senate vote ends California budget impasse -

This sort of intellectual inflexibility is hardly unique to libertarians.
The Volokh Conspiracy » The Double Standard of Libertarian Paternalism
One sibling can trigger a mother's inflexibility or anger or dependence, while another evokes protectiveness and empathy.
I can certainly live with that short term inflexibility for the better rate.
Guardian Online
The inflexibility of the justiciary lords, or their known integrity, form a fine incident in history; for the Scottish nation was at this period, ridden by Court faction, and broken down by recent oppression and massacre.
Memoirs of the Jacobites of 1715 and 1745 Volume II.
The association would also continue to challenge what it termed the inflexibility of the provision that a maximum of 25 percent of a public place may be demarcated as a smoking area.
ANC Daily News Briefing
The tendency of Down's children towards stubbornness and inflexibility needs to be countered from an early age.
Inflexible physical laws are necessary; their very inflexibility is divine order; but 'what law cannot do, in that it is weak through the flesh, God did by sending his Son in the likeness of sinful flesh.'
Oldtown Folks
But the opposite of inflexibility is wishy-washy, right?
Executive Suite: Knowledge of failure helps lead to success
The snag about an endowment mortgage is its inflexibility.
She might start with a review of the Stafford Act, which in its inflexibility is damming up $2 billion in FEMA grants to local governments.
Archive 2007-01-01
Alkan rarely compromises the logic of his counterpoint, and a similar inflexibility was noted in his playing, which avoided the indulgent rubato of many of his contemporaries.
There is, however, an inflexibility and perverse bias already present in the environing world, and it's this which defamiliarises and removes our projects from us.
And this kind of ideological inflexibility is the best way for a party to squander a very favorable electoral landscape.
Matthew Yglesias » The Limits of Scott Brown
Such hardware - related inflexibility is now being addressed by adaptive, software - based wireless designs.
The result is generally polarization, lack of commitment, inflexibility, the premature loss of scientific excellence, and fossilization, which are sufficiently familiar and uncomfortable to require no elaboration.
Archive 2009-02-01
Inflexibility of thigh muscles that support the knee joint.
Don't be victimized by negative emotions and thinking. Don't be handicapped by stubbornness and inflexibility. Dr T.P.Chia
The Western Front does not cover everything -- the deceptions of the Bush Administration, the unintelligence of the intelligence community, the incompetence of the US civilian authority in Baghdad, the mercenariness of the humanitarian and reconstruction industry, the inflexibility of the US military leadership - no one film could indulge all those wrongs.
Stewart Nusbaumer: Film Review: The Western Front
Cognitive inflexibility is the hallmark of conservative swine and Doc Hunt is the standard.
Think Progress » Will Sarah Palin call on Rush Limbaugh to apologize for saying liberal activists are ‘retards’?
As pointed out before, one of the reasons for wage inflexibility is labour market regulation.
Cognitive inflexibility is a signature trait of the conservative mind.
Think Progress » GOP Sen. Dick Lugar rebukes Cheney criticism of Obama as ‘unfair.’