

[ UK /ɪnflˈɛkt/ ]
  1. vary the pitch of one's speech
  2. change the form of a word in accordance as required by the grammatical rules of the language

How To Use inflect In A Sentence

  • But as I was mulling this a little later, I was suddenly struck by one of those things that was probably already obvious to everyone else: There are a handful of strange inflection points where rock nerd culture and mass culture are in eerie synchrony for a few moments before skittering off in their respective ways for a bit — and one of them was my early teens. The (Rock) Stars Are Aligned
  • Katherine spoke softly, sometimes hesitantly and sometimes in a rush, with a great deal more emotional inflection than the voice she uses when acting the cool professional.
  • Uday's a handful, living out some Baathist-inflected fantasia on De Palma's Scarface, shooting off guns indoors, plucking schoolgirls off the streets and raping them, exercising Caligulan droit du seigneur over a war hero's new bride, prompting her suicide, and mutilating and disembowelling his own dad's food-taster at a banquet to honour Mrs Hosni Mubarak par-TAY! The Devil's Double and more movies on the megalomaniacal
  • The men were droning at each other in their Greek-inflected patois, or singing through their noses to the accompaniment of a flute out of tune.
  • All this he said in an uninflected voice, almost as though he were talking to himself. GALILEE
  • The cases of the nouns do not vary in form, adjectives are seldom inflected, and only two tenses of the verbs remain, the present and the perfect, e.g., ich geh and ich bin gange. Chapter 2. Non-English Dialects in America. 1. German
  • Work that is less inflected than Marasela's may elicit the same doubt.
  • The fluidity of Polish syntax, due to inflection, makes possible a highly complex structure which, some Polish critics suspect, prevented Sep from attaining a wide readership in his time: he was too difficult.
  • The christological inflection of the triune name is the familiar formula ‘the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.’
  • There are no surprises here: it's rustic Americana and country inflected ballads all the way.
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