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How To Use Inflate In A Sentence

  • The English were among the first to revive the "Louis XIV style" as it was miscalled at first, and paid inflated prices for second-hand Rococo luxury goods that could scarcely be sold in Paris.
  • Soon the seeds in the inflated seed cases of the yellow rattle will be hard and rattle at a brush.
  • The surprise is learning that even when a school's moderation process is proved faulty under the NCEA, students can still retain their inflated marks.
  • It is propelled by oars, and will carry 15 or 20 persons, but its capacity is greatly increased by lashing inflated seal skins to the outside.
  • Trying to reinflate the bubble is no way to solve the housing crisis. Times, Sunday Times
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  • Latex balloons, and toys or games that contain a latex balloon, must carry a warning that children younger than 8 can choke or suffocate on uninflated or broken balloons and that adult supervision is required Not just the newest toys hold risks for kids
  • The figures were greatly inflated, allowing welfare-bashing cronies to misuse the numbers and misrepresent welfare recipients.
  • The prototype antenna popped from its carrier like a jack-in-the-box, and its three 92-foot accordion struts inflated as planned.
  • Sadly, Bachmann's inflated version of John Quincy Adams's antislavery record exemplifies how she and other Tea Party advocates remold the past into a founding-era-Disneyland version bolstering their political agenda. R. B. Bernstein: Will the Real John Quincy Adams Please Stand Up?
  • Certainly some witnesses made inflated claims about how much alcohol they had consumed without becoming intoxicated.
  • -- But I had the impression that the author of the Spectator was afflicted with a dropsy, or some such inflated malady, to which persons of sedentary and bibacious habits are liable. The Poet at the Breakfast-Table
  • There was a ‘resistance to creating documents that would prove cost overruns or really inflated charges,’ she said.
  • One of the reasons I strongly recommend using antecedents is that if you say your story is like ROMANCING THE STONE and LARA CROFT: TOMB RAIDER, it tells me you have a woman hero in an inflated action story that’s going after adrenaline and excitement. Writer Unboxed » Blog Archive » INTERVIEW: Michael Hauge, Part 1
  • Consequently the Labor vote in the first third of the period is greatly inflated, and this contributes to the trend.
  • Salary caps are imposed to prevent richer clubs gaining an unfair advantage over poorer rivals by offering players vastly inflated salaries.
  • But what about those who need housing but cannot afford to buy at greatly inflated prices?
  • The really ironic thing is, once I get the tires reinflated I have to cycle down to the bike shop anyway to get the gears fixed on the darn thing!
  • It was posable, and you could somehow inflate it into different sizes and body shapes and stuff.
  • He or she then asks the anesthesia care provider to reinflate the patient's lung and sustain lung expansion at 30 mm Hg of pressure.
  • In attempting to place in perspective the scale of the disaster that had befallen it when South Korea sent its team of inflated egos homewards to mamma and a comforting bowl of minestrone, it turned to history.
  • The institution of positive-pressure ventilation in an already hyperinflated thorax can markedly worsen hemodynamics and cause abrupt falls in blood pressure including cardiac collapse.
  • Count Ferdinand von Zeppelin's inspired idea was to make airships rigid, so superseding the early blimps, which were fatally vulnerable to leaks from the inflammable hydrogen used to inflate them.
  • It also says that some steps in production are potentially hazardous because they involve the use of sodium azide, the chemical that makes automobile air bags inflate in an explosive rush. Archive 2005-11-01
  • Inflate the scare index by blowing up balloons and placing a glowstick inside. The Sun
  • By singling out the single family home as a conveyor of individual wealth we have inflated its value as a social connector when in fact it is a social disconnector - separating the physical distance between strangers, alienating the wealth class from the poor, and creating "neighborhoods" that enforce stereotypes and social clichés. Milton Curry: Nixon in China and the American City: Radical Urban Revitalization Needed
  • Salary caps are imposed to prevent richer clubs gaining an unfair advantage over poorer rivals by offering players inflated salaries.
  • If the claim to ‘reform’ is grossly inflated, the opposing claim to defend ‘free speech’ is even more ludicrous.
  • In the later stages of a boom, excessive money and credit creation finance inflated asset prices and too much money and credit fuels uneconomic investments.
  • B to have inflated inner accessory lobes and short posterior platforms in addition to the more typical forms.
  • The audits either rejected the inflated invoices or required the contractors to reimburse the money.
  • [GALEODIA HODGII] Shell rather thick; elliptical, obtuse; whirls about five, inflated, and ornamented with numerous fine spiral lines, which are quite prominent at base; these, with the fine lines of growth, give the surface a cancellated appearance; collumellar lip marked with many irregular plicae; aperture nearly twice the length of the spire. Report of the North-Carolina Geological Survey. Agriculture of the Eastern Counties: Together with Descriptions of the Fossils of the Marl Beds
  • I arrived at the field by 6.15 a.m. to behold the magnificent sight of the massive balloon half inflated.
  • Although the company reports that a handful of rafts self-inflated, the company says they've identified only one ‘suspected gas depletion.’
  • Severe internal tire damage or outright tire failure can occur when an underinflated tire is driven at typical highway speeds. Get The Most Out Of A New Set of Truck Tires
  • People are expecting profits to reinflate, but I think we've still got a long haul before earnings have deflated to reasonable levels that will allow for decent future growth.
  • Most important, it has forced scientists to re-evaluate their methodologies, as even Wager's rebuttal concedes that the nonindependence error Vul discusses can in fact inflate correlations (much of the argument is over how much). SEEDMAGAZINE.COM
  • I couldn't agree more, though I think the this coddling might produce more of a sense of inflated self-entitlement than the deflated self-esteem the author describes.
  • Increased global economic growth will only inflate this figure further.
  • Salary caps are imposed to prevent richer clubs gaining an unfair advantage over poorer rivals by offering players inflated salaries.
  • I do not know how to reconcile Caissene's insistence that "one hoe was for one woman" with Harries's meticulously documented report that chiefs had "inflated" bridewealth "from five hoes in the late 1860s to over fifty a decade later" except that perhaps the declining trade in hand-forged hoes made them that much more valuable and coveted in relation to mass-produced European imitations. Where Women Make History: Gendered Tellings of Community and Change in Magude, Mozambique
  • Any exhibition on the wealth of a nation's royal class is an exhibition of the inflated amour-propre of men with money and armies at their beck. Larissa Archer: Asian Art Museum's "Maharaja" Overlooks Crucial Cultural Questions in India
  • The mortgage company made loans based on the inflated incomes and many of the taxpayers defaulted on the loans.
  • In many ammonites the terminal body chamber is relatively large, inflated, and with a constricted aperture or apertural appendages.
  • Perhaps the first pouter-pigeon did not inflate its crop much more than the turbit now does the upper part of its œsophagus, —a habit which is disregarded by all fanciers, as it is not one of the points of the breed. I. Variation under Domestication. Unconscious Selection
  • The minister said he was yet to receive full details of the severance package for MacKenzie but said estimates of a payout of £500,000 were "overinflated". The Guardian World News
  • Which is the lightest/ easiest/comfiest and has the most inflated tyres? Times, Sunday Times
  • If that sounds like back-pedalling after the inflated self-opinions we're more used to hearing, Noel says not.
  • -- (Fig. 222.) Shell smooth, moderately inflated, thick, beaks prominent, lorsal margin depressed; anterior margin rounded, lunule anceolate. Report of the North-Carolina Geological Survey. Agriculture of the Eastern Counties: Together with Descriptions of the Fossils of the Marl Beds
  • The bike hit her silver Ford Mondeo causing the air bag to inflate and Mrs Brown struggled out.
  • Bearing all that in mind, it would be a real shipwreck for an overwrought orchestrator to take the graceful skiff depicted on the cover of "Maiden Voyage" and overinflate it into a bulky ocean liner. Piano Perspectives, Visions of Vaudeville
  • I did not think he was sincere and I thought he had an overinflated opinion of himself.
  • The diaphragm does not work as well, lungs become hyperinflated from air trapped in the lungs, and exhalation becomes an active process, resulting in increased work of breathing.
  • Hence, the central bank may find that despite its attempt to inflate the economy, the money supply will start falling.
  • The defeat of the nobles in 1488 probably gave Charles an inflated opinion of his own ability and may well have contributed to his belief that he could be a successful adventurer in northern Italy.
  • By making issues non-issues, the novel lacks a punch, and the characters remain partially inflated.
  • If he could inflate the raft there in some shelter it might survive long enough to load. LET NOT THE DEEP
  • This fine species most nearly resembles Vivipara ussuriensis, Gerst.; but the last whorl is more inflated, and the surface of the shell is not malleated or lirate. Explorations in Australia The Journals of John McDouall Stuart
  • Two stents were inflated simultaneously across the stenoses in criss-cross arrangement (top right).
  • If there is one thing the Fed can do, they say, it is inflate the currency.
  • A deal was made, and On the Buses was brought to the screen by Hammer in a film that, instead of attempting to broaden and strengthen its TV source, merely inflated and further vulgarized it.
  • Mebbe a good equation can size-out the republican voter registration totals, the same way we overinflate our rally numbers. Think Progress » VIDEO: The Extreme, Violent Rhetoric Of GOP Lawmakers
  • Without sensation he watched the cuff inflate and Thom listened as he let the air out of the sphygmomanometer. The Burning Wire
  • At first I hated that squeezy feeling as the cuff inflated round my arm, but, gradually, I came to tolerate it.
  • And plz to remember this time not to overinflate her. PARTNERSHIP - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • The numbers of people involved have been grossly inflated by the media.
  • They all seem to take an inflated view of their collective identity.
  • Of course I'm going to say no: I'm one of those students that will be paying the inflated rates.
  • Czechoslovakia still insists on an inflated hard currency exchange rate which reflects its closed economy.
  • This is the process wherein the intelligence of an inarguably intelligent person is inflated and valued beyond all reason, creating a dangerous accumulation of unhedged risk. Words of wisdom from Naomi Klein??
  • The valves of beyrichonids, however, are less inflated and lobation is subdued in comparison to hipponicharionids.
  • Because if that doesn't happen, the terrorism bubble will reinflate and bad things will follow.
  • The next time a nurse inflates a blood pressure cuff around your bicep, pay attention.
  • Compressed air is blown into an opening and the two sheets inflate.
  • At half-time, they inflated the ball and ran towards an entrance in the south stand which leads on to the pitch.
  • The former was dressed in "a parti-colored dress, including a cowl, which ended in a cock's-head, and was winged with a couple of long ears; he, moreover, carried in his hand a stick called his bauble, terminating either in an inflated bladder or some other ludicrous object, to be employed in slapping inadvertent neighbors. Connor Magan's Luck and Other Stories
  • Notwithstanding official worries about deflation, Federal Reserve money supply figures reveal that the money stock has already inflated at a noticeably higher rate.
  • And this can be as destructive to enjoyment and adventure as inflated claims or solemn incantations.
  • Just wrap the cuff around your arm (it fits circumferences 9 to 17 inches), connect it to your iOS device, hit start in the free app and the air pump automatically inflates at 15 mmHg/s.
  • He has an inflated opinion of his value to the professional classes.
  • Underinflated tyres will register as a minor fault. The Sun
  • I am now ready to go - upon my opening my pack of balloons and inflating one, a knot is tied in the end to keep it inflated.
  • Salary caps are imposed to prevent richer clubs gaining an unfair advantage over poorer rivals by offering players vastly inflated salaries.
  • They then pick up a small stone from a heap lying nearby and place it on the inflated bag.
  • At times, the walking step is inflated to a neat little leap; at its most baroque, it becomes a tiny turn.
  • The ankle joint was inflated with physiologic saline solution.
  • Watch it inflate and see how long it would take for the wind to rip it apart or lift it into the sky. LET NOT THE DEEP
  • This inflated conception of the strength of the Republicans is indicative of the despair of many ex-radicals and their prostration before political reaction.
  • The prices of meals are often artificially inflated.
  • Underinflated tyres, however, will cause the avoidable expenditure of untold quantities of sweat, and soft tyres wear out more rapidly. Times, Sunday Times
  • He's often used commonplace materials as artist's supplies: those packing peanuts and dry-cleaner's hangers, as well as trash bags (he made an inflated igloo from white ones) and dying fluorescent bulbs (for light works you could barely see). Dan Steinhilber retrospective: Escaping definitions
  • It was quite refreshing to see people who train wholeheartedly, and vigorously with mutual respect, there were no inflated egos here.
  • Which is why trying to reinflate the financial bubble (with the Summers/Geithner bailout) and the housing bubble (with that goddamned idiotic home-buyer tax credit) is a suicidal course of action. Matthew Yglesias » A Flawed Stimulus is Better than No Stimulus
  • The assertion that these claims have been shown to be grossly inflated is a little premature in my opinion.
  • Among the ancients, games with the "pila" were those played with the "pila trigonalis," so called, probably, from the players standing in a triangle, and those with the "follis," which was a larger ball, inflated with air and struck with the hands, or used for a football. The Captiva and the Mostellaria
  • I'm also curious how regular riders might be able to patch and reinflate tubeless road tires out in the field?
  • The first and the second glumes are subequal and empty, and the first glume is winged along the inflated margins. A Handbook of Some South Indian Grasses
  • They include restrictions on names which are too similar to drugs already on the market, names which imply overinflated claims for drugs, and those which might be offensive in one language or another.
  • Besides, to shoot a mere amateur in Chouannerie would be as absurd as to fire on a balloon when a pinprick would disinflate it. The Chouans
  • A vast heart - shaped bubble, inflated by the combined stellar winds and radiation pressure, surrounds the cluster.
  • Not anywhere near the payback proposed since it presumes that most of us underinflate out tires, but still greater than zero. "Gee whiz, this is so — I'm sorry, ladies and gentlemen, for appearing so hysterical about this. I'm trying to remain coherent..."
  • The downturn in the technology sector put a swift end to IT recruitment trends characterised by inflated salaries and rampant job-hopping at all levels.
  • Then while he sat on a beer keg until he should be in breath again the unwinded Spike would skip the rope -- a girl's skipping rope -- or shadow-box about the room with intricate dance steps, raining quick blows upon a ghostly boxer who was invariably beaten; or with smaller gloves he would cause the inflated bag to play lively tunes upon the ceiling of its support. The Wrong Twin
  • Just wrap the cuff around your arm (it fits circumferences 9 to 17 inches), connect it to your iOS device, hit start in the free app and the air pump automatically inflates at 15 mmHg/s.
  • But for every new-found friend ready to stand a drink at the bar, there is a wisecracking motormouth, resentful of a footballer's many blessings, fervently determined to downsize the over-inflated ego attributed to all players.
  • I quite like walking down a busy dock and getting good coffee at hyperinflated super-prices in the sunshine. Times, Sunday Times
  • The defendant's pump-and-dump scheme artificially inflated stock prices before he sold off the shares, leaving honest investors holding worthless stock," Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr . said. Ex-Executive Convicted In $110M Securities Fraud
  • Expect to find affordable alternatives to the silk-screened T-shirts, candy-colored handbags and funky housewares we kick ourselves for buying at inflated prices at certain trendy chains.
  • The profit margin had been artificially inflated.
  • (Professional statto explanation to follow:) Whilst our average daily expenditure in Tanzania is inflated by us moving quite quickly over a short period of time and numerous visa expenses, we have not really 'done' any tourist sights. Recent Updates
  • The real villains of this piece are the weekend cottagers, who bring little to our communities except inflated house prices.
  • We are only staying so that political egos here can remain inflated, at the cost of American and middle eastern lives. Obama rejecting Afghanistan criticism
  • Furthermore, those individuals that did purchase found that they received no aftercare service and in some cases had bought at hugely inflated prices and were unable to re-sell at a later stage.
  • It was full of woollybutts, a beautiful flowering gum tree whose name I am unable to type correctly at first attempt, and boabs or bottle trees, which look like someone's attached a pump to a normal tree and left it to inflate for an hour.
  • -Except that most of the corporations "inflate" on "hot air" as do most politicians *grin* What's the Difference Between Publishing and the Hindenberg?
  • And to what adolescent striving to define an identity do inflated self-esteem and grandiosity not appear attractive?
  • And who's that woman with the leopardskin coat and the inflated pout? Grace Dent's TV OD: Luther and Falling Skies
  • A decline in GDP is necessary to bring GDP back in line with actual wealth not the inflated wealth caused by the housing bubble and loose credit. Matthew Yglesias » Question for Stimuskeptics
  • Non-experts being paid to participate in a survey had inflated opinions of works of art associated with the sponsor, but art experts were unswayed by the financial consideration.
  • But, with his contract up after the play-offs, the cash-strapped club can no longer afford his inflated salary and he looks bound for pastures new.
  • In minutes they had spread several acres of silver film to inflate ahead of the nose. THE MOAT AROUND MURCHESON'S EYE
  • Year after year he had watched MI6 officers professionally eager to inflate their resourcefulness ladling out off-the-books money to informants with every incentive to inflate their discoveries.
  • Break surface, simultaneously remove regulator from mouth and fully inflate vest.
  • Some girls think he's mega cute as well, but I personally think he's mega pompous and needs someone to stick a pin in that over inflated ego of his.
  • Narcissism, in psycho-therapeutic parlance, is a term used to indicate a superficial personality type with a hyper-inflated sense of self to compensate for a grievously wounded core. Judith Acosta, LISW, CHT: Nice But Not Good: The Art of Spotting Narcissists
  • When attacked, the fish inflates itself to twice its size.
  • He said it could 'reinflate the bubble we saw in the run-up to the 2008 recession'. The Sun
  • Narcissists look for mates with very high social status (for example, looks or success) which complements an inflated sense of self.
  • The game comes complete with a single central bank, rules restricting lending competition, and the ability to inflate the currency.
  • The inflated claims just can't be supported, while the actual contributions go unexamined.
  • A huge inflated spiked balloon hung over the dance area in front of the stage.
  • The war inflated the economy
  • If I was committed to pleasing publishers instead of telling my opinion, wouldn't I also "inflate" my review grade, too? New Blog Name: Cowardly Book News & Reviews
  • A reader has rightly pointed out that their figures for number of postings may be inflated due to cross-postings.
  • Smaller balloons are then inflated around the main structure, and the process repeated to create mini-igloos for the guests and staff to sleep in.
  • The figures suggested by Trives are grossly inflated and completely unrealistic having regard to the exigent circumstances.
  • Instead, this massive over-expansion of credit is feeding directly into inflated housing prices.
  • Moreover, not only Fs but also Ds are frowned on, and grades are regularly inflated to achieve C averages.
  • You can improve your gas mileage by around 3.3 percent by keeping your tires inflated to the proper pressure ..." www. shtml Hess Employee Who Gave $28,500 To McCain Effort Is A Renter
  • Is it any surprise estate agents claim prices are being inflated by chronic undersupply? Times, Sunday Times
  • Which free market, you don't mean the massive military industrial complex do you, or do you mean that market where the spivs in London flood the country with money which massively inflates house prices then demand more from the Government to settle bad gambling debts, meanwhile Joe Bloggs loses everything, his job, his house and his life savings. The optimists of Davos past now face a world whose script has gone awry | Timothy Garton Ash
  • The compressor intermittently inflates the balloon, which then slowly returns to its sorry, flaccid state.
  • They all seem to take an inflated view of their collective identity.
  • This action would eliminate currency exchange risks and risks attached to purchasing goods from an economy with a hugely inflated currency.
  • The final piece that we have to add is the generation of pressure without having to inflate a balloon to start with.
  • Clothing prices have not inflated as much as automobiles.
  • In reality, everybody knew that technology share prices were overinflated by the end of 1999, but most people also knew that there was no absolute limit to how high they could go.
  • Apologies have become hyperinflated, so cheap as to be worthless. Times, Sunday Times
  • Senior politicians, rorting the system with inflated travel claims.
  • Make sure that that the tires are properly inflated to avoid misfortunes on the road.
  • Do you realise, my darling inflated panther, that now you can go bowling in any direction you like?
  • In this treatise he shows that the cabalistic works, ‘which are palmed upon ancient authorities, are pseudonymous; that the doctrines themselves are mischievous; and that the followers of this system are inflated with proud notions, pretending to know the nature of God better than any one else, and to possess the nearest and best way of approaching the Deity.’
  • Larger bottles were made too, whose shape resembled an inflated balloon or bladder.
  • Even though it has been printed on extra-lightweight paper, protective packaging will inflate the overall weight even further.
  • If the markdown is from an artificially inflated price, then the advertising is deceptive.
  • We wondered how the inflated figure got circulating in the first place.
  • Everything was done to make us throw away sobriety of thought and calmness of judgment and to inflate all expressions with sensational epithets and turgid phrases.
  • At 5: 00 p.m. two life rafts are inflated on the bow, and the aircraft drops a rescue pod.
  • However, maps generated using molecular markers often have greatly inflated lengths compared with those predicted from chiasma counts.
  • If the balloon stays partially inflated, it can act as a sail and drag Fossett's closet-sized capsule for miles.
  • Ten balloons from around the nation took part in the Night Glow, a display event, where balloonists inflate anchored balloons on dusk.
  • The principal effect of the demand for new houses was to inflate prices.
  • The inflated value of the peso helped maintain an illusion of prosperity long after the economic boom had gone bust.
  • When attacked, the fish inflates itself to twice its size.
  • What they came up with, according to federal prosecutors, was a massive price-fixing scheme among airlines that artificially inflated passenger and cargo fuel surcharges between 2000 and 2006 to make up for lost profits. Airline Price Fixing Fines: Prosecutors Target 21 Companies Over Passenger, Cargo Fees
  • The defendants had been led to believe that they could participate in the contract if they agreed to inflate their prices on invoices to the Gabonese government, masking a $3 million "commission," according to evidence presented at trial. Jury Clears Two Businessmen in 'Sting' Case on Bribery
  • The NYT article I linked to earlier discusses how the deduction is a partial cause of an overinflated residential housing market, and a real market distortion, unlike the fake ones that the libertarians on here are bleating about. Matthew Yglesias » GOP Turning Pro-Bank Stance Into Big Bucks
  • The company says it could close to $800 million in legal costs and in court inflated payouts by administering compensation via such a scheme.
  • Ah, they're all about inflated self-importance, anyway.
  • I'll leave it to the reader to decide who has an inflated view of his own importance.
  • It cannot be over inflated, as there is an overflow valve that bleeds excess air from the system.
  • The rapid inrush and outflow of air inflated and deflated the interior, giving rise to apprehension that the craft might disintegrate at any moment.
  • Others steadfastly maintain that numbers such as those are grossly inflated, and that abduction of children by strangers with bad intent is actually quite rare.
  • Despite being hit by an inflated projectile, he is intent on risking more close encounters in the same way.
  • Some accountants have attacked the merchant banks for their inflated self-image and snobbery.
  • When disaster strikes , a troubling human response can inflate the death toll: people freeze up.
  • Alleged pump-and-dump operators in the past previously used fax blasts to multiple phone numbers or rumors on Internet chat boards to inflate the value of stocks. Texas Man Accused in 'Pump-And-Dump' Scheme
  • Auto accident cases inflate insurance premiums for every-one and cause endless delays in payments to the injured.
  • The media have grossly inflated the significance of this meeting.
  • But its ‘affordable housing ‘in the south will reinflate house prices and bring more congestion to overcrowded roads and rails.’
  • Our piece de resistance was a helium tank to inflate Labour Party balloons.
  • My tolerance for ego-inflated jerks was just about finished up already.
  • The principal effect of the demand for new houses was to inflate prices.
  • He blows in the wind in any direction that will inflate his enormous self-satisfying EGO .. Lieberman: I'll back health care bill without Medicare expansion
  • But then again – hubris makes men believe they are immune to normal cause and effects – hubris is the underminer of the very egos it inflates Think Progress » Indictment Dissected: A Campaign Against Wilson
  • * Chanos says demand in China is 'overinflated' - CNBC Aktuelle Nachrichten
  • As the other commenters have noted, uninflated balloons are much less compliant than inflated ones (although compliance drops again when balloons are completely inflated, so the experiment would have turned out differently with balloons that were fully inflated vs. half - inflated.) Two Balloon Surprise
  • Eventually, however I inflated a passable bubble, which left me with a sticky chin, but restored my dignity.
  • The tube contains a balloon which is inflated, blocking the windpipe.
  • The OP is advising people to capitalize on a market that was way inflated to begin with. Herd Mentality As it Applies to Real Estate in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
  • The system will also automatically activate if the air bag inflates, indicating a possible accident.
  • The cornemuse or chalemie used by shepherds, and as a solo instrument (see fig. 1 (1)), was similar to the Highland bag-pipe; it consisted of a leather bag, inflated by means of a valved blow-pipe; a large drone (_gros bourdon_) 2½ ft. long included the beating-reed, which measured 2½ in., and was fixed in the stock; the small drone (_petit bourdon_), 1 ft. in length including a reed Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 2 "Baconthorpe" to "Bankruptcy"
  • Bond holders want above all to know they'll be repaid, preferably in uninflated dollars, and the best guarantee of repayment will be evidence that Washington has finally donned a fiscal straightjacket. Boehner's Debt-Limit Marker
  • Many younger workers are buying stock at vastly inflated prices.
  • On the afternoon of his death, a bronchial spasm caused by the wasp stings had caused him breathing difficulties, which had left his lungs hyper-inflated.
  • The June 5 restart of the Keystone pipeline, which carries oil from Alberta to Cushing, may reinflate inventories, which had fallen during a weeklong shutdown. Crack Between Oil Contracts Grows
  • I prefer actually pressing them, in the special machine that inflates them and blow-dries them pressed! Are you reading FI? You should be reading FI. - A Dress A Day
  • Exchange rates for the rouble, the Mongolian tugrik and the Chinese yuan may be inflated on the train.
  • And even though tires are sometimes better able to cope with overinflation when it comes to service pressure than the rims do, this fact shouldn't allow you to run overinflated.
  • The crown of the skull is inflated, and they have large, well-separated ears with a small tragus.
  • They put in two chest tubes to reinflate my lung.

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