How To Use Inflamed In A Sentence
The shooting inflamed ethnic tensions.
He's inflamed her heart, but now he is rolling out of town.
Treatment may vary from rest and splints for acutely inflamed joints, to medications that can reduce inflammation.
When the iris of the eye becomes infected and inflamed, a painful condition called iritis can develop.
EHow - Health How To's
Without the protection of the eyelid, the inside of the eyelid and the surface of your eye may become dry, irritated and inflamed.

It turns out he had inflamed joints in his lower back.
You should call the doctor if the area around the wound becomes inflamed.
He said that many girls use substandard coloured contact lenses without knowing the negative effects like serious eye injuries and inflamed cornea.
Advise her to rest affected joints when they are inflamed.
But suppose I do what nearly all of the doctors do, who use electricity with any regard to polarity; that is, if treating acutely inflamed eyes, for example, apply the negative pole to the eyes, thinking thereby to make them more negative; or, if treating amaurosis, apply the positive electrode to the affected parts, thinking thereby to make them more positive!
A Newly Discovered System of Electrical Medication
The Major government, achieving the only things that matter – stable prices, rising employment and bouyant inward investment – would have been recognised as a success but for the running internal revolt that she busily inflamed.
Letters: Bringer of division and bitterness
He is suffering from an inflamed throat.
Pregnant women should be evaluated for cavities, poor oral hygiene, inflamed gingiva, and loose teeth, as well as frequency of sugar consumption.
If this sheath becomes inflamed, the tendon can no longer move within it and the wrist becomes painful, creaking like old leather when it is moved.
Times, Sunday Times
I worked to identify it - the smell of stale ash, the blowback of an aged coal burner, cinders falling from the sky, the aftermath of some inflamed astonishment - or not.
The usual cause for this at your age is varicose eczema - inflamed skin caused by varicose veins.
The Sun
(vagina), in these cases, are not only irritable and itching, but are sometimes hot and inflamed, and are covered either with small pimples, or with a whitish exudation of the nature of aphtha (thrush), somewhat similar to the thrush on the mouth of an infant; then, the addition of glycerine to the lotion is a great improvement and usually gives much relief.
Searchlights on Health: Light on Dark Corners A Complete Sexual Science and a Guide to Purity and Physical Manhood, Advice To Maiden, Wife, And Mother, Love, Courtship, And Marriage
Hot showers, a humidifier, and gargling with warm saltwater aid drainage, shrink inflamed membranes and soothe sore-throat pain.
Slide 11: 98) A trigger finger is 103) In the following types of fractures of long bones, a. an inflamed index finger crepitus can be elicited only in: b. an atrophic index finger in a median nerve palsy a. Fissures c. due to stenosing tenovaginitis affecting one of the b.
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Those examinations confirmed that he is suffering from an inflamed appendix, which he hopes can be treated with antibiotics.
Instead, the minister's comments seem to have inflamed the situation.
The liberties I allowed myself only inflamed me more.
Instead, Costa's histrionics merely inflamed the situation and, after an unsightly stand-off between the two sets of players, there was a hostile undercurrent to the rest of the game.
They have inflamed the feelings of Chinese victims by seeking to deny their responsibility for outrages such as the Rape of Nanking.
What's Going On: Allergies and colds can cause the membrane that lines your middle ear to become inflamed and overproduce mucus.
This simple procedure can give some relief to the prickly, inflamed nasal passages.
The Hayfever Handbook - a summer survival guide
The surrounding gum may also be inflamed, tender and swollen.
It is possible that when BAL is performed in an infected or inflamed area in infants, more pyrogenic cytokines are released.
Her eyes were inflamed and had a watery discharge.
His throat inflamed
He said those who snorted the drug often suffered nosebleeds because blood vessels in the nostrils were inflamed by the powder.
If this sheath becomes inflamed, the tendon can no longer move within it and the wrist becomes painful, creaking like old leather when it is moved.
Times, Sunday Times
Minor infections and irritations such as conjunctivitis and blepharitis can also cause inflamed, irritated eyes.
The Sun
If this sheath becomes inflamed, the tendon can no longer move within it and the wrist becomes painful, creaking like old leather when it is moved.
Times, Sunday Times
The even tones of her voice and the repetition of his name inflamed him.
When these become inflamed or infected, the condition is known as diverticulitis.
The Sun
Microglia are like the body's natural garbage collection cells that rush to damaged or inflamed areas to get rid of toxic substances.
- Pustule that develops into a black eschar surrounded by vesicles and an inflamed area, with regional adenopathy.
Chapter 9
eyes inflamed with crying
As to the _legs_, the so-called varicose veins are indications of weak blood-vessels and intestinal hemorrhage, while inflamed nerves lead to the conclusion of gouty diathesis and the danger of paralytic strokes.
Valere Aude Dare to Be Healthy, Or, The Light of Physical Regeneration
Political leaders on all sides had inflamed the situation, creating a momentum that they could no longer control let alone quell.
There are a lot of inflamed passions right now and people are not necessarily thinking straight.
Eccles.tom. ix.p. 719,) Apres tout, ce narre de Sozomene est si honteux, pour tous ceux qu'il y mele, et surtout pour Theodose, qu'il vaut mieux travailler a le detruire, qu'a le soutenir; an admirable canon of criticism!] [Footnote 47: I can only be understood to mean, that such was his natural temper when it was not hardened, or inflamed, by religious zeal.
History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire — Volume 3
Turning away from childish games, she used to hide herself in retired chambers, that she might give herself up more completely to prayer; and by constantly reading the deeds of holy men, she was so inflamed with the desire of a more austere life, that she even laid a plan with her brother to run away from their father's house and to betake themselves to a desert place.
29 December -- St Thomas of Canterbury
The researchers also found that drugs which interfere with the amplification system impair cell migration to inflamed tissues.
This is varicose eczema - inflamed skin caused by your varicose veins.
The Sun
He is suffering from an inflamed throat.
The most common sign of food allergy is inflamed, itchy skin, usually around a pet's feet, face, ears, armpits, and groin.
Colonic mucosal biopsies of tissue from CD patients found abnormally low levels of zinc from uninflamed but not from inflamed tissue.
The complications were that old spear wound, which inflamed, and they found that a splinter from the jagged tip had been left in.
Lady Bridget in the Never-Never Land
The word inflamed him; and he hurried to his room to prepare for departure.
St. Cuthbert's
The usual incision was made, and the tissues found in normal condition down to the peritoneum itself was perfectly uninflamed, and uninflamed small intestine covered the anterior face of the tumor.
Restrain the inflamed phenomenon and resist acne, balance greasy secrete.
The wound then must necessarily become discolored and its lips everted, the discharge will be ichorous and without pus, and the bones, which should not have got into a state of necrosis, exfoliate; and the wound gets into a throbbing and inflamed condition.
On Fractures
Prior to this Claudius Amyand, physician to Queen Anne, in 1736 successfully removed an acutely inflamed appendix from inside the hernial sac of a young boy.
When a cavity gets really deep, close to the pulp of a tooth or even into the pulp, the pulpal tissue becomes irritated and inflamed.
What is a Pulpotomy?
Topical agents such as petrolatum provide an occlusive film over inflamed skin, decrease fissuring, and reduce evaporation.
New performers, with new gimmicks, inflamed their enthusiasms.
Small pouches (diverticula) develop in the wall of the large intestine, which can become inflamed or infected (diverticulitis).
The Sun
A severely inflamed pulp will eventually necrose, causing apical periodontitis, which is inflammation around the apex of the tooth.
But it can be caused by constantly inflamed nasal tissue, in which case your nose might run all the time or feel blocked, too.
The Sun
But he was so inflamed when he spoke of it, like he is about everything in fact.
It is a language which invites the mind to rebel against itself causing inflamed ideas grotesque postures and a theoretical approach to common body functions.
Sam Shuster, professor of dermatology at the University of East Anglia, believes the revolutionary thinker had hidradenitis suppurativa HS in which the apocrine sweat glands – found mainly in the armpits and groin – become blocked and inflamed.
Nunc Scio » Blog Archive » Marx didn’t hate capitalism, he just had bad skin
TREATMENT: In the treatment of this disease, we have to attend to constitutional disturbances, inflamed joints, open urachus and complications such as constipation and diarrhoea.
The Veterinarian
An inflamed prostate is a nuisance, but it's relatively easy to treat with antibiotics, urinary antiseptics, muscle relaxants and/or rest.
The appendix in man is medically important because of its propensity to become inflamed in the condition known as acute appendicitis.
While the external application of warm herbal poultices, plasters, or fomentations is commonly used as a counterirritant to relieve underlying pain and congestion, others having a cooler, anti-inflammatory action are used for the treatment of more inflamed injuries and inflammations, and to promote the healing of burns, tissue, and broken bones.
Chronic bacterial prostatitis is difficult to treat because of the poor penetration of antibiotics into an uninflamed prostate.
It was inflamed still further by the British takeover.
World History: Patterns of Change and Continuity
Cortisone remarkably relieved inflamed, swollen joints after just a few days of use.
Asked if he would have any specific instructions for his players on how to manage inflamed passions on the field, he was equally curt.
The only expedient which could prevent their separation was boldly agitated and approved the popular resentment was insensibly moulded into a regular conspiracy; their just reasons of complaint were heightened by passion, and their passions were inflamed by wine; as, on the eve of their departure, the troops were indulged in licentious festivity.
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
All of them inflamed with the force that through the green fuse drives the flower.
Times, Sunday Times
People like to be inflamed, get their dander up, and the problem is, it's too easy.
Arthritis can cause your joints to become inflamed and painful.
Why may not the same science which produced it, produce another powder which, inflamed under a certain compression, might impell the air, so as to shake down the strongest towers and scatter destruction.
Priestley in America 1794-1804
I am rarely inflamed to such an extent as I was this morning reading this news report.
Plus there's the ingrown hair and stuff like inflamed follicles that may come if it's left without maintenance.
That suspicion has been inflamed by infuriating inconsistency.
Her tiny feet were wrapped in a woollen bundle, and rested on hot bricks, and her aching head was tied up in red flannel bandages that smelled of brandy; she had a mustard plaster on her chest, a cayenne pepper 'gargle' for her throat, and a cup of hot ginger tea stood at her elbow; her pretty nose was swollen out of shape, her bright eyes were red and inflamed, and little blisters had broken out all over those kissable lips; a very damp white handkerchief lay in her lap, and two great tears, that it had not yet wiped away, ran down her flushed cheeks.
The Continental Monthly, Vol 2, No 6, December 1862 Devoted to Literature and National Policy
Just as four hundred years before, Jack Straw was an imaginary champion whose name inflamed the people to rise, so now Jack
The Carbonels
The layer of the dura in contact with the affected portion of bone is inflamed, thickened, and covered with a layer of granulations -- _external pachymeningitis_ -- and between it and the bone there is an effusion of fluid.
Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
My temper was further inflamed to find them happily eating the sandwiches.
But it can be caused by constantly inflamed nasal tissue, in which case your nose might run all the time or feel blocked, too.
The Sun
People with a rare inherited disorder called xeroderma pigmentosum have extreme sensitivity to the sun and must avoid exposure at all times. a chronic form of sun sensitivity, most often seen in elderly men , that shows up as itchy red, inflamed bumps and scaly patches on sun-exposed skin, Dr. Sarnoff and co-authors wrote in The Skin Cancer Foundation Journal in 2008.
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Catching CTS early is critical, because if left untreated the inflamed tendons can wear down the outside coating of the nerve, called the myelin sheath.
Writer Unboxed » Blog Archive » Wellness for Writerly Wrists
As the rectal suppositories melt, the medication soothes the inflamed area, providing symptomatic relief and promoting healing.
An eyewash made of eyebright and other herbs can be soothing to irritated and inflamed eyes.
Earl Mindell’s New Herb Bible
The warnings state that Vitrase should not be used to reduce the swelling of bites, stings, and infected or inflamed areas because of the possibility of spreading a localized infection.
He was treated in hospital last week for an inflamed gallbladder.
C Difficile is an infection in the intestine which causes diarrhoea and colitis, an inflamed colon.
It does look like his skin is red and inflamed and has become infected.
The Sun
In every group most of those who believed that teething causes symptoms ascribed irritability, dribbling or drooling, biting objects, sleep problems, inflamed gums, and red cheeks to teething.
When 'coryza' in the dog runs on to catarrh, and the membrane of the pharynx partakes of the inflammation, the velum palati becomes inflamed and thickened, but will not act as a perfect communication between the mouth and the nose.
The Dog
People with this condition often find that besides being dry, their skin is reddened (inflamed).
These swollen and inflamed veins in your anus and rectum are another source of rectal bleeding.
Her eyes were wet and inflamed, and her chest was trembling.
I don't find, as I go around Australia, that people are inflamed.
All of them inflamed with the force that through the green fuse drives the flower.
Times, Sunday Times
He had an operation to remove an inflamed lymphatic gland.
Times, Sunday Times
An inflamed appendix could rupture before we would know what was going on, causing significant complication.
Times, Sunday Times
This type of acne is more common in males and is characterised by multiple inflamed and uninflamed nodules and scars.
By the way, avoid some embarrassment by not confusing prostate, which can be inflamed enough to knock you to the floor, with the word prostrate, which means you are lying flat on the floor.
You Staying Young
It was inflamed still further by the British takeover.
World History: Patterns of Change and Continuity
It was a strange and frightful spectacle — the small, bunk-lined space, the floor and walls leaping and lurching, the dim light, the swaying shadows lengthening and fore-shortening monstrously, the thick air heavy with smoke and the smell of bodies and iodoform, and the inflamed faces of the men — half-men, I should call them.
Chapter 26
The eye, as well as the lids, became inflamed; the latter, being puffed up and contracted on their edges, were necessarily drawn inwards from the tension of the parts, and double entropium was thus produced.
The Dog
The result is that your skin dries out and becomes inflamed and itchy.
The Sun
His crime: helping his daughter escape the inflamed nation.
Direct measurements have shown that the inflamed tissues consume large amounts of energy.
His words inflamed, and helped fuel the violent unrest of the days to come, an ugly venting of accumulated African rage.
The pay row has become further inflamed in recent days, with details emerging of multimillion-pound packages being dangled by banks to lure high flyers.
Times, Sunday Times
You should call the doctor if the area around the wound becomes inflamed.
The usual cause for this at your age is varicose eczema - inflamed skin caused by varicose veins.
The Sun
Its reduction by vascular endothelium and infiltrating mononuclear cells was greater in inflamed mucosa.
In Washington his face became so acutely inflamed and swollen that he sought out a local physician.
The more they probed into his background, the more inflamed their suspicions would become.
The pay row has become further inflamed in recent days, with details emerging of multimillion-pound packages being dangled by banks to lure high flyers.
Times, Sunday Times
The answer was surgical removal of his chronically inflamed colon.
Sucking of lozenges and pastilles produces saliva which lubricates and soothes inflamed tissues and washes infecting organisms off them.
When part of your body is inflamed, it is red, hot and sore.
If you have arthritis, inflamed joints can turn these minor inconveniences into painful struggles.
The hawking is very irritating to the inflamed throat and is often the reason the symptoms persist.
This was an impurity, introduced, unknown to us, at the same time as the septic vibrio; and the germ undoubtedly passed from the intestines -- always inflamed and distended in septicemic animals -- into the abdominal fluids from which we took our original cultures of the septic vibrio.
The Harvard Classics Volume 38 Scientific Papers (Physiology, Medicine, Surgery, Geology)
He then briefly unfolded to the eagerly listening Bruce (whose aspiring spirit, inflamed by the fervor of youth, and winged by natural courage, saw the glory alone of the enterprise), an attack which he meant to make on the camp of Edward, while his victorious troops slept in fancied security.
The Scottish Chiefs
Here was stored almost every small article required by humanity, from an inflamed emery cushion to a peppermint Gibraltar -- the latter a kind of adamantine confectionery which, when I reflect upon it, raises in me the wonder that any
An Old Town By the Sea
The doctor diagnosed my knee as having minor cartilage damage, yet the arthroscopic surgery only inflamed the joint.
You should take plenty of rest periods when your joints are inflamed and you are in pain.
Yet his mind still fluctuated between the counsels of clemency and of revenge; the zeal of the bishops had almost extorted from the reluctant emperor the promise of a general pardon; his passion was again inflamed by the flattering suggestions of his minister Rufinus; and, after Theodosius had despatched the messengers of death, he attempted, when it was too late, to prevent the execution of his orders.
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
The coats undergo the same changes as in arteritis; clots of blood and lymph plug the inflamed vessel, and, if the inflammatory process continues, these are converted into pus, which ruptures the vessel and produces a deep abscess; or it may be carried away in the circulation and produce metastatic abscess in the lungs or other remote organs.
Special Report on Diseases of the Horse
It causes inflamed and sore skin, blistering and scaling.
Colonoscopies on older people often reveal cancerous polyps and diverticula, small bulging pouches in the colon wall that can become inflamed and infected.
A Possible New Weapon to Battle Brain Tumors
It causes grey or silvery flaky patches on the skin which are red and inflamed underneath.
The Sun
Andrews removed scar tissue and arthritic changes, smoothed over bony structures and removed inflamed bursal tissue.
Her doctors, no matter how hard they tried, couldn't figure out the cause of Jessica's abdominal distress. high school science class, she was looking under the microscope at slides of her own intestinal tissue - slides her pathologist had said were completely normal - and spotted an area of inflamed tissue called a granuloma, a clear indication that she had Crohn's disease.
-- and spotted an area of inflamed tissue called a granuloma, a clear indication that she had Crohn's disease.
This is caused by infected and inflamed diverticula perforating or rupturing.
cleanse itself"; to succeed they must first soften and liquefy the dry, hardened feces and scybalous masses (little ancient, bullet-like formations) imprisoned above an inflamed and fevered lower bowel, even colon.
Intestinal Ills Chronic Constipation, Indigestion, Autogenetic Poisons, Diarrhea, Piles, Etc. Also Auto-Infection, Auto-Intoxication, Anemia, Emaciation, Etc. Due to Proctitis and Colitis
All of them inflamed with the force that through the green fuse drives the flower.
Times, Sunday Times
(_To the_ 2ND PHYSICIAN) Come, let us begin the cure; and, through the exhilarating sweetness of harmony, let us dulcify, lenify, and pacify the acrimony of his spirits, which, I see, are ready to be inflamed.
Monsieur De Pourceaugnac
In the afternoon I went to the doctor, since it seems I have a sebaceous cyst in my left armpit, which is very inflamed.
Breakfast in Bed
As inflamed Guatemalans see it, foreign investors will fatten up on tourist dollars while locals will be stuck cleaning hotel rooms.
That back of mine, he wrote John Morris in June 1953, continues to hurt and the third professor to examine him found that I had a displaced disk in my vertebrae which inflamed the so-called sciatic nerve and the pain was and is unbearable.
The Great Escape
This type of polyp tends to retain mucous and is inflamed, which causes bleeding when the stool passes by the polyp and some of the surface cells shed.
Juvenile Polyposis
So, the member is sick in the sense that the bronchia are becoming inflamed due to no medication stopping the mucous production.
Q: I read with interest your column about inflamed, red ears.
We used the reduction of nitroblue tetrazolium to detect the generation of superoxide in inflamed colonic mucosa.
At the courthouse, endless speeches inflamed the night air.
Itis: when used in a word, means inflammation for example, gastritis occurs when the stomach lining is inflamed; not used to describe inflammatory people.
YOU The Smart Patient
The four vocal scenes of the final act are a direct result of this inflamed spirit of enmity and continued misunderstanding.
But if it be inflamed, having boiled in water the root of me ivy, finely powdered, and mixing the finest flour, and stirring it up with white wine, apply as a cataplasm, and mix up some fat with these things.
On Fistulae
The repetitive motion inflamed her joint
Just like the blood vessels around the heart can become clogged with cholesterol plaques and inflamed tissue, the blood vessels in the legs and the neck can become partially or totally blocked.
The young woman in question, a casual acquaintance of my family in Vienna, had inflamed me with cunning caresses.
It can be made into a salve or the tincture can be painted on boils, felons, carbuncles, abscesses, inflamed acne, cellulitis and other local inflammations.
In children who develop asthma, the airways become irritated and inflamed.
The hail of arrows that fell on the enemy wounded more horses than men-a fact Tarma was sorry about-but the fire, the hail of arrows, and the catcalls inflamed their enemy's tempers in a way that nothing else could have done.
Dramatic decreases are believed to occur when tissues under the tongues of green frogs become inflamed and are sloughed.
It was inflamed still further by the British takeover.
World History: Patterns of Change and Continuity
The inflamed joint lining, the synovium, can invade and damage bone and cartilage.
Yet passions will be inflamed in this instance, and complete transparency of the process is required.
The situation is inflamed by cut-price drinks offers, such as paying £5 to drink as much as you want.
Other parts of the body such as the pancreas and thyroid may also be inflamed, which can be painful.
If you have very dry skin, it sometimes becomes a medical condition because very dry skin is acutely uncomfortable and may itch or become inflamed.
Take Care of Your Skin
An inflamed appendix could rupture before we would know what was going on, causing significant complication.
Times, Sunday Times
A man who has no 'monde' is inflamed with anger, or annihilated with shame, at every disagreeable incident: the one makes him act and talk like a madman, the other makes him look like a fool.
Letters to His Son on the Art of Becoming a Man of the World and a Gentleman, 1752
Appendicitis is treated by removing the inflamed appendix through an appendectomy.
The condition develops when small airways called bronchioles become inflamed and swollen, restricting how much air can enter and leave the lungs.
The Guardian World News
For example, targeted chemotherapy drugs (that zone in on one area of the body)—such as Taxol, for breast cancer—can cause fingernails and cuticles to become swollen and inflamed (a nail disease called paronychia).
Simple Skin Beauty
So, unsurprisingly, Jason Calacanis has once again inflamed some bloggers by stating that there’s no such thing as “A-list” bloggers:
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Mr. Bowman informs me that in the excessive photophobia, accompanying what is called scrofulous ophthalmia in children, when the light is so very painful that during weeks or months it is constantly excluded by the most forcible closure of the lids, he has often been struck on opening the lids by the paleness of the eye, -- not an unnatural paleness, but an absence of the redness that might have been expected when the surface is somewhat inflamed, as is then usually the case; and this paleness he is inclined to attribute to the forcible closure of the eyelids.
The expression of the emotions in man and animals
Neither can the joys of our poor bodies be smooth and equal; but on the contrary they must be coarse and harsh, and immixed with much that is displeasing and inflamed.
Essays and Miscellanies
We ritualize this process to make sure we don't allow the grief of great tragedies to blind us with mob fury, inflamed judgments and uninformed reasoning.
For the bones at the elbow are less subject to dislocation than those of the knee, but are more difficult to reduce and keep in their position, and are more apt to become inflamed and ankylosed.
On Fractures
Pictures of the bombed and burning city inflamed feelings/passions further.
The reason is simple: anti-establishment populists inflamed an 'anti-vax' movement.
Times, Sunday Times
These greyish, shallow erosions in the surface of the tongue and cheeks are inflamed and painful, especially when you eat hot, spicy food.
The situation was further inflamed by the arrival of the security forces.
A leaky gut is a condition in which the small intestine wall becomes inflamed and breached with tiny pinholes that leak putrid food particles into the blood stream.
Madison, foreseeing the rise of Glenn Beck, noted that even if one part of the Republic becomes inflamed with a crazy passion, it will not spread to the whole nation and hence can be contained.
Matthew Yglesias » Endgame
If this doesn't work after six weeks, ask for an epidural injection to numb inflamed nerves.
The Sun
The scratches were puffy and inflamed; one set on the forearm was even slightly edematous and showed some small vesicles, blisters filling with clear fluid.
Doctor’s Orders
Biopsy of the wall of the mucocoele taken at the time of surgery showed chronically inflamed respiratory mucosa.
The fall of New Orleans in April 1862, combined with the Federal threat against Mobile, inflamed public passions.
She wrote about the inflamed irises in her eyes and the vision problems that have resulted, including floaters.
Pedar's fingers were working furiously across his inflamed, lacerated neck.
Rubbing against the joint sometimes causes this sac to become inflamed, swollen and sore.
The inflamed airways of asthmatics are twitchy, and inhaling pollen or other allergens can cause the airways to become more inflamed.
This simple procedure can give some relief to the prickly, inflamed nasal passages.
The Hayfever Handbook - a summer survival guide
Quinsy is called cynanche, from the Greek words, _kuon_, a dog, and _ancho_, to strangle, because the distressed patient is compelled by the swollen state of his highly inflamed throat, to gasp with his mouth open like a choking dog.
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'For _Contracted Hoofs_, viewing them in the light of idiopathic disease, or as being the immediate cause of the existing lameness in the uninflamed condition of the foot, and when consequential changes of its organism have taken place which bid defiance to therapeutic measures, _neurotomy_ is a
Diseases of the Horse's Foot
The use of sialogogues in an obstructed or acutely inflamed gland may actually temporarily increase the amount of pain.
Noticing her fast stride with his calm footsteps inflamed her.
If lice infest the eyebrows or eyelashes, the eyes may also become inflamed.
Psoriasis usually appears as red or inflamed patches of skin which are covered in a silver or white scale (i.e. flaky skin).
He's still directing teammate , playing tight defense, setting hard picks, and bringing his inflamed passion to the proceedings.
Receding or inflamed gums will need good nutrition to heal.
a malady in which inflamed pouches called diverticula form on the colon's wall - in November.
Denver Post: News: Breaking: Local
Even inflamed eyelids (blepharitis) should be treated before laser surgery.
The Sun
My inflamed eyes broadened as with a wise smirk and an abrupt halt, the master himself, for somehow I was certain, devolved his solemn requiem into the lively capriccio it had been born as.